1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,720 It is 4pm, so we're going to get that started. 2 00:00:02,720 --> 00:00:08,200 Let's jump straight into the questions that we have in the thread. 3 00:00:08,200 --> 00:00:10,200 So Lex says "What are the plans for Neocene again?" 4 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:15,280 So Neocene was like, it's unfair to call that like a backup, but it's like an addition 5 00:00:15,280 --> 00:00:20,080 to the big chunky launcher, right? 6 00:00:20,080 --> 00:00:25,740 We would be remaking the big chunky launcher and making that into like our own launcher. 7 00:00:25,740 --> 00:00:33,020 So that would also allow us to have more of a backup in case the things like the steam 8 00:00:33,020 --> 00:00:36,000 removal happened again, whatever, we'd have our own launcher, etc. 9 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:40,180 But it would also allow us to sort of more simultaneously manage builds. 10 00:00:40,180 --> 00:00:46,000 So if there was any testing needed, or people wanted to jump between the headless or the 11 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:52,120 quest build, or the android build, etc. they'd be able to do it a lot easier. 12 00:00:52,120 --> 00:00:56,720 We'd also be able to serve builds there for different establishments, such as businesses, 13 00:00:56,720 --> 00:00:58,840 education, learning, etc. 14 00:00:58,840 --> 00:01:02,180 Yeah, that was what Neocene was meant to be. 15 00:01:02,180 --> 00:01:04,960 Next up we have hentai games who says "What's the status of the lawsuit and when are we 16 00:01:04,960 --> 00:01:05,960 getting an update?" 17 00:01:05,960 --> 00:01:06,960 I don't know what that is. 18 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:10,640 I mean, my suit's in the cupboard, but like, I don't know what that is. 19 00:01:10,640 --> 00:01:12,520 So I don't know. 20 00:01:12,520 --> 00:01:14,760 And with that, we're out of questions. 21 00:01:14,760 --> 00:01:19,200 So Jack asks "Is Neocene accompanied by a change in the build/deploy pipeline too?" 22 00:01:19,200 --> 00:01:27,040 Yeah, the idea there was to update how the build pipeline and the deployment pipeline 23 00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:28,040 works. 24 00:01:28,040 --> 00:01:38,760 It would have been a great actual hero scenario for the recent Cloudflare, YouTube download, 25 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:43,760 MMC 2023 issues where we had builds being unsynchronized. 26 00:01:43,760 --> 00:01:48,520 Right now, builds that are generated are like three different pipelines, and so it's really 27 00:01:48,520 --> 00:01:51,680 difficult sometimes to manage them. 28 00:01:51,680 --> 00:01:55,560 Neocene would completely streamline that, and we'd be able to do that a lot easier. 29 00:01:55,560 --> 00:01:58,360 Lou says "What tips practices would you recommend for inventory management?" 30 00:01:58,360 --> 00:02:00,480 I actually have a video on this one as far as I'm aware. 31 00:02:00,480 --> 00:02:03,420 Let me go ahead and double check if I can find it. 32 00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:08,740 It's been working really well outside of Neos as well, it does require diligence, and sometimes 33 00:02:08,740 --> 00:02:11,680 you'll end up clicking a lot of folders. 34 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:17,520 But if you start doing it, it really does prevent many issues. 35 00:02:17,520 --> 00:02:21,720 People go "There is no inventory management in Neos, so I won't inventory manage." 36 00:02:21,720 --> 00:02:24,240 And I go "Okay, cool. 37 00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:25,760 You could do a little bit of it." 38 00:02:25,760 --> 00:02:28,320 So yeah, but then all the stuff I hadn't managed would still be there. 39 00:02:28,320 --> 00:02:32,680 I was like "Well, yeah, but you can do the new stuff." 40 00:02:32,680 --> 00:02:33,680 When did I upload that video? 41 00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:37,480 I've not got a staff badge there, I've only got one row, and I'm wearing a center hat. 42 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:41,440 That's gonna be well dated, let me see. 43 00:02:41,440 --> 00:02:46,280 Strangely the date isn't displayed in YouTube Studio, I have to go to the actual video. 44 00:02:46,280 --> 00:02:47,280 Two years ago! 45 00:02:47,280 --> 00:02:48,840 15 December 2020, fantastic. 46 00:02:48,840 --> 00:02:56,000 I didn't answer the question, because it assumes things that don't exist, or might not exist. 47 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:57,640 It's a very strange question. 48 00:02:57,640 --> 00:03:01,400 I guess the second half, yes, the second half, that's a better answer for the second half, 49 00:03:01,400 --> 00:03:05,200 which is "Any updates will be in the announcements channel." 50 00:03:05,200 --> 00:03:08,600 And before you say there are no updates in the announcements channel, yes, any future 51 00:03:08,600 --> 00:03:10,720 updates will be in the announcements channel. 52 00:03:10,720 --> 00:03:16,300 You can compare it to that one thing that you pre-ordered on the internet two years 53 00:03:16,300 --> 00:03:20,880 ago and it never shipped and then suddenly randomly arrived today. 54 00:03:20,880 --> 00:03:24,520 I've got edi controllers sat next to me charging. 55 00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:36,320 If you find checking the announcements channel problematic, you can always go to this amazing 56 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:38,760 URL. 57 00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:41,200 Jack has an overarching question. 58 00:03:41,200 --> 00:03:44,240 What things are planned, considered for future improvements to new users' audio systems, 59 00:03:44,240 --> 00:03:46,640 and better reverb zones, deafening zones, etc. 60 00:03:46,640 --> 00:03:52,360 I would like to, firstly, in my opinion, I guess, and then for what we're actually doing, 61 00:03:52,360 --> 00:03:57,280 you can go ahead and check the roadmap, but I would like to see, we were looking into 62 00:03:57,280 --> 00:04:02,100 it, I can't remember why we stopped, but we were looking into a different audio system 63 00:04:02,100 --> 00:04:08,860 that would allow the structure of the area that you're in to affect the audio in some 64 00:04:08,860 --> 00:04:13,280 way, like walls and doorways and stuff like that would have affected the audio. 65 00:04:13,280 --> 00:04:19,260 I'd have to go double check what the name of that library that we were looking at is, 66 00:04:19,260 --> 00:04:23,900 but that doesn't, I can't remember the name of it, etc. 67 00:04:23,900 --> 00:04:28,900 We are using Steam audio right now for some things, I think we want to upgrade that. 68 00:04:28,900 --> 00:04:36,240 I would like to see more tweaks to the logarithmic falloff, I would also like to see better tooling 69 00:04:36,240 --> 00:04:38,700 to visualize that as well. 70 00:04:38,700 --> 00:04:43,540 It would be great if we had similar debug visuals to things like the reflection probe 71 00:04:43,540 --> 00:04:49,300 and the default cube editing for the falloff of audio, because I know most people just 72 00:04:49,300 --> 00:04:55,400 don't care, and they leave the falloff on logarithmic, they leave the sound at 100%, 73 00:04:55,400 --> 00:04:59,540 and then everyone just complains because audio is always too loud, no one balances their 74 00:04:59,540 --> 00:05:00,540 audio. 75 00:05:00,540 --> 00:05:02,140 Quick reminder there, balance your audio. 76 00:05:02,140 --> 00:05:03,740 Here's how to balance your audio. 77 00:05:03,740 --> 00:05:08,180 Set all of your audio bars to 100%, and then walk through your experience, your world, 78 00:05:08,180 --> 00:05:14,060 your tool, etc., and figure out what needs to be quieter, what needs to be louder, what 79 00:05:14,060 --> 00:05:17,720 you shouldn't hear from across the map, what you should hear across from the map, and then 80 00:05:17,720 --> 00:05:19,660 you can normalize it there. 81 00:05:19,660 --> 00:05:23,300 For anyone who doesn't agree with setting their audio levels to 100%, remember that 82 00:05:23,300 --> 00:05:29,240 the word 100% in the audio level means 100% of normal, or as in the intended way that 83 00:05:29,240 --> 00:05:32,460 the author wants this experience to be established with you. 84 00:05:32,460 --> 00:05:36,360 So if you're running at like 2% audio, like I know most people are, then you're missing 85 00:05:36,360 --> 00:05:38,760 out on a lot of range that you can have there. 86 00:05:38,760 --> 00:05:44,320 Let's say you're making a horror map, you know, maybe footstep sounds, sorry excuse 87 00:05:44,320 --> 00:05:50,200 me, are very quiet, but like the monster screaming and tearing you into pieces, that should be 88 00:05:50,200 --> 00:05:51,200 a bit louder. 89 00:05:51,200 --> 00:05:55,780 You get more range there if you use the entire audio bar, rather than just the bit that occurs 90 00:05:55,780 --> 00:05:57,420 between 2% and 0%. 91 00:05:57,420 --> 00:06:00,300 Lexis, the ETE controllers don't work with Neos anymore? 92 00:06:00,300 --> 00:06:01,300 They do. 93 00:06:01,300 --> 00:06:05,380 I think the path for using them is a bit different, but I've been collaborating with some of the 94 00:06:05,380 --> 00:06:08,620 people in the ETE Discord about that. 95 00:06:08,620 --> 00:06:17,660 We have Silver, they are probably in this Discord, but Silver here is doing some logics 96 00:06:17,660 --> 00:06:19,160 with the ETE controllers. 97 00:06:19,160 --> 00:06:24,860 It might be some facilities or gestures etc that don't work. 98 00:06:24,860 --> 00:06:25,860 I don't know. 99 00:06:25,860 --> 00:06:29,680 Mine arrived, and one was charged to full, and one wasn't charged to full, so I just 100 00:06:29,680 --> 00:06:31,020 put them all on charge. 101 00:06:31,020 --> 00:06:36,600 I actually sent, I could find this library again, because I sent an email to the library 102 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:40,660 creator, because it's not licensed. 103 00:06:40,660 --> 00:06:45,500 Unfortunately like Gmail searching is just terrible. 104 00:06:45,500 --> 00:06:47,460 Maybe it wasn't on that account. 105 00:06:47,460 --> 00:06:50,600 I might have sent it from, it would make sense if I sent it from this account. 106 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:52,600 Yes, here it is. 107 00:06:52,600 --> 00:06:55,000 Yeah, it's here. 108 00:06:55,000 --> 00:06:57,880 There's literally no license, no information about it. 109 00:06:57,880 --> 00:07:02,000 Acoustic echo cancelling, voice suppression, voice activity detection. 110 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:03,300 Very good module. 111 00:07:03,300 --> 00:07:07,800 I asked for a license, they said no. 112 00:07:07,800 --> 00:07:11,440 They said that it's open source, I don't want to give it a license, so I just said okay, 113 00:07:11,440 --> 00:07:12,440 and we didn't use it. 114 00:07:12,440 --> 00:07:14,720 I don't even remember why we did it. 115 00:07:14,720 --> 00:07:19,900 Frix asked me to look into seeing if I could get them to clarify the license, so I was 116 00:07:19,900 --> 00:07:21,900 doing the email back and forth there. 117 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:25,220 Okay, jumping back up to questions, because I forgot them. 118 00:07:25,220 --> 00:07:29,800 Glavin says are there plans to have a native built-in user calling system? 119 00:07:29,800 --> 00:07:34,380 I would love for the halls like that to kind of be drop-in and easy to use. 120 00:07:34,380 --> 00:07:39,680 We would of course make it so that you can disable them or build your own, because we 121 00:07:39,680 --> 00:07:45,700 don't want our tools to supersede or block the custom creation of additional tools. 122 00:07:45,700 --> 00:07:48,960 But I would love for more logical systems to exist. 123 00:07:48,960 --> 00:07:56,680 I know that VRChat has done some amazing stuff with culling, both audio and avatar related, 124 00:07:56,680 --> 00:08:00,640 which we should absolutely emulate, and then someone starts saying, "No, you're going to 125 00:08:00,640 --> 00:08:02,200 steal it or copy it from VR." 126 00:08:02,200 --> 00:08:03,600 It's like, come on, guys. 127 00:08:03,600 --> 00:08:09,560 I am complimenting VRChat on a pre-feature, well-created, and saying that we could emulate 128 00:08:09,560 --> 00:08:12,520 similar features on our platform, that's totally fine. 129 00:08:12,520 --> 00:08:15,680 Jack comments that there's stuff that Logics can't do, like reduce update rates and stuff 130 00:08:15,680 --> 00:08:16,680 like that. 131 00:08:16,680 --> 00:08:22,400 Yes, if we made a system, it would have a lot more capabilities than Logics. 132 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:28,620 However, we could take a look at providing additional components, nodes, etc., that would 133 00:08:28,620 --> 00:08:33,040 allow that additional functionality to be established. 134 00:08:33,040 --> 00:08:35,600 Something like that, when we're giving you more control over the world, might have to 135 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:39,120 wait for hard permissions, though, because at that point we are enabling you to kind 136 00:08:39,120 --> 00:08:40,120 of damage the world. 137 00:08:40,120 --> 00:08:45,820 A bit like the knockback gun problem, we gave people the functionality to accelerate people 138 00:08:45,820 --> 00:08:50,440 at the speed of light, and that's cool, because you can make guns and stuff that knock people 139 00:08:50,440 --> 00:08:54,880 back, but if you crank those numbers up all the way, then weird stuff happens. 140 00:08:54,880 --> 00:08:59,940 So if you did that, the same with IK or culling and stuff like that, there might be some worse 141 00:08:59,940 --> 00:09:03,560 consequences for that that we'd have to sort of handle. 142 00:09:03,560 --> 00:09:07,900 Jack mentions the IK culling mod, yeah, I've looked into that one. 143 00:09:07,900 --> 00:09:14,080 Every mod I look into the source code of, I'm like, I'm sorry, guys, I'm so sorry, because 144 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:20,260 it's like one line of code to change something that annoyed people. 145 00:09:20,260 --> 00:09:24,320 Jack asks, did you ever find your personalized easter egg in our MMC entry? 146 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:28,880 You'll have to unfortunately remind me of which gear and which entry. 147 00:09:28,880 --> 00:09:34,960 I looked at far too many, and oftentimes it was not clear who worked on the list, or if 148 00:09:34,960 --> 00:09:38,360 it was, it was just a big list that sort of merged into one. 149 00:09:38,360 --> 00:09:41,200 No, in which case I did not notice it on dashcam. 150 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:44,960 There was actually, that was like, I know it's like, you know, months away from MMC 151 00:09:44,960 --> 00:09:48,920 2024, but that is something to note as well. 152 00:09:48,920 --> 00:09:52,620 I don't want to pick on, you know, anyone individual, but I've got to to provide my 153 00:09:52,620 --> 00:09:54,060 example and talking point. 154 00:09:54,060 --> 00:09:57,800 So Rukio, good map, fantastic work team. 155 00:09:57,800 --> 00:10:04,320 However, they put a lot of secrets and easter eggs into their map, and they were quite hidden, 156 00:10:04,320 --> 00:10:08,960 like more hidden than I think was reasonable, and therefore we didn't notice that they 157 00:10:08,960 --> 00:10:11,320 existed and found them confusing. 158 00:10:11,320 --> 00:10:14,360 There were a couple of bugs that prevented us from looking at those, but it was like, 159 00:10:14,360 --> 00:10:19,580 cool, there are easter eggs in here, but they weren't easy enough to find. 160 00:10:19,580 --> 00:10:24,440 Now I know mainstream games sometimes do that, like there's a side quest in Final Fantasy 161 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:26,560 IX that took ten years to find. 162 00:10:26,560 --> 00:10:31,240 That's okay, because it's like a mainstream game, but when it comes to just a world or 163 00:10:31,240 --> 00:10:37,000 a session as a part of MMC, if you want those easter eggs to be part of your judging, please 164 00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:38,320 make them more obvious. 165 00:10:38,320 --> 00:10:43,000 We have so many entries to look at, and not enough time to look at all of them. 166 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:47,240 So at a certain point, what I had to do in Rukio's entry was go, I know that there is 167 00:10:47,240 --> 00:10:51,800 more here, like I can see that something is meant to happen here, but I just unfortunately 168 00:10:51,800 --> 00:10:53,360 don't have time to discover it. 169 00:10:53,360 --> 00:10:57,360 There's something about like, if you made a certain drink, then something would appear, 170 00:10:57,360 --> 00:11:01,100 and if that thing appeared, you can then collect them, and then if you collected them, a new 171 00:11:01,100 --> 00:11:02,100 duck appeared. 172 00:11:02,100 --> 00:11:04,560 And the only reason I knew that, oh not duck, floaty appeared. 173 00:11:04,560 --> 00:11:09,480 And the only reason I knew that is because I saw something weird, and then I inspected 174 00:11:09,480 --> 00:11:13,640 it, and I was like "oh I see this", because I was then technically analysing the system. 175 00:11:13,640 --> 00:11:17,080 Oh, Jackal, thought, do you... 176 00:11:17,080 --> 00:11:20,120 So Jackal asks "how's the move, are other efforts going, do you think you'll be starting 177 00:11:20,120 --> 00:11:21,320 out tutorials again at some point?" 178 00:11:21,320 --> 00:11:26,360 I'm still incredibly busy with a variety of things that are non-neos related before 179 00:11:26,360 --> 00:11:28,640 anyone starts like Moveroo the rumour mill. 180 00:11:28,640 --> 00:11:33,160 I'm trying to get the move sorted, I have now applied for the apartment building, which 181 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:35,560 is next to my apartment building. 182 00:11:35,560 --> 00:11:39,960 They needed income verification, which I provided, and for some reason that's gone all the way 183 00:11:39,960 --> 00:11:44,000 up to the regional manager of the company that owns the building, and she is not responding 184 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:47,040 to her email, so that's fun. 185 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:50,280 She needs to respond in the next couple of days or she'll lose a customer. 186 00:11:50,280 --> 00:11:56,100 She'll lose a customer with a very good credit score as well, so you know, she's losing out. 187 00:11:56,100 --> 00:11:59,440 Once that's sorted, then I can do things like arrange movers. 188 00:11:59,440 --> 00:12:05,380 I haven't got that much to move, but I am feeble and weak, I can't move a bed and a 189 00:12:05,380 --> 00:12:08,120 bookshelf by myself. 190 00:12:08,120 --> 00:12:12,000 And then I'll probably get a cleaner to do it once over here, because they charge you 191 00:12:12,000 --> 00:12:15,440 anyway, but if you get a cleaner to do it, then they don't have to do it. 192 00:12:15,440 --> 00:12:18,640 And they won't charge you, but you'll charge - it works out cheaper. 193 00:12:18,640 --> 00:12:22,680 "But you have requested a tutorial about the multi-UV material and what it's good for." 194 00:12:22,680 --> 00:12:25,000 I can give you an example straight off the top of my head. 195 00:12:25,000 --> 00:12:28,400 It really comes up a lot in avatar management and stuff like that. 196 00:12:28,400 --> 00:12:32,780 So let's imagine you have an avatar that has a scrolling emissive effect. 197 00:12:32,780 --> 00:12:36,500 I mean sometimes it's stars or sparkles or stuff like that. 198 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:44,340 In some cases, you want elements to scroll differently over the UV than other elements. 199 00:12:44,340 --> 00:12:49,180 Like for example, you might want the star or the sparkle shape that's on your emissive 200 00:12:49,180 --> 00:12:53,100 map to scroll at a higher rate than something else. 201 00:12:53,100 --> 00:12:57,400 And the only real way to do that is to scroll those at different rates, which means different 202 00:12:57,400 --> 00:12:59,680 properties, which usually means different UVs. 203 00:12:59,680 --> 00:13:03,620 If you think about the UV for a face, that's sort of where you take the skin off someone's 204 00:13:03,620 --> 00:13:08,420 avatar and lay it down flat like some sort of weird mass murderer. 205 00:13:08,420 --> 00:13:14,300 That is one set of UVs, but then maybe another set of UVs is the stars or the twinkles that 206 00:13:14,300 --> 00:13:15,680 you need to scroll across their face. 207 00:13:15,680 --> 00:13:17,880 And that's why you'd use more UVs. 208 00:13:17,880 --> 00:13:18,880 Separate those up. 209 00:13:18,880 --> 00:13:20,520 Yeah, good idea to use that. 210 00:13:20,520 --> 00:13:24,160 I have to look at my avatar and take a look at that. 211 00:13:24,160 --> 00:13:27,840 Inside of Blender, you can use as many UV maps as you want. 212 00:13:27,840 --> 00:13:32,520 And I know that a lot of people use those for things like baking and shadows and stuff 213 00:13:32,520 --> 00:13:33,720 like that. 214 00:13:33,720 --> 00:13:39,800 Lots of prep that I see for Substance Painter uses multi UV maps. 215 00:13:39,800 --> 00:13:42,540 There's stuff in Blender that I still don't know what it's for. 216 00:13:42,540 --> 00:13:45,780 And I'm just like, this looks cool, but I don't know what it's for. 217 00:13:45,780 --> 00:13:48,500 And the whole reason behind that is I don't do renders in Blender. 218 00:13:48,500 --> 00:13:51,380 I don't do any of the sort of animation in Blender. 219 00:13:51,380 --> 00:13:54,820 I don't even do particle systems or geometry. 220 00:13:54,820 --> 00:13:56,380 No, I haven't looked into that yet. 221 00:13:56,380 --> 00:14:02,380 I just like I have a character ID to like, you know, reweight paint their arm or something. 222 00:14:02,380 --> 00:14:07,460 Just I use it for like probably like a small part of its capabilities. 223 00:14:07,460 --> 00:14:10,500 Jack is commenting on the fact that they are starting up work on a new version of their 224 00:14:10,500 --> 00:14:13,020 MMC project, which is fantastic. 225 00:14:13,020 --> 00:14:15,420 They do comment that they were burnt out by MMC. 226 00:14:15,420 --> 00:14:19,260 The goal of MMC isn't to isn't to burn you out. 227 00:14:19,260 --> 00:14:23,100 So make sure that you are approaching it with your health in mind. 228 00:14:23,100 --> 00:14:26,900 Lex says one thing for them is that they're not going to work on multiple entries. 229 00:14:26,900 --> 00:14:27,900 That's a very good idea. 230 00:14:27,900 --> 00:14:33,060 For those who remember the NCC, which is the Neos contest, I made three entries. 231 00:14:33,060 --> 00:14:37,220 And the reason was because back then Neos was so small, I wanted there to be a wealth 232 00:14:37,220 --> 00:14:38,460 of entries. 233 00:14:38,460 --> 00:14:41,460 And I had a lot more time there because I wasn't on the team. 234 00:14:41,460 --> 00:14:43,220 So I made three entries. 235 00:14:43,220 --> 00:14:45,540 I wouldn't suggest doing that. 236 00:14:45,540 --> 00:14:46,540 There are no additional questions. 237 00:14:46,540 --> 00:14:49,340 I will scroll up the list, double check and I haven't missed any. 238 00:14:49,340 --> 00:14:51,620 I haven't missed any that I can see. 239 00:14:51,620 --> 00:14:53,980 How many additional questions do you let me know? 240 00:14:53,980 --> 00:14:58,980 I put them in that thread and I'll get them in the order that they have here. 241 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:02,780 Lex asks would you know why accepting a contact request takes an indeterminate amount of time 242 00:15:02,780 --> 00:15:06,120 extra time for the person who's getting accepted? 243 00:15:06,120 --> 00:15:08,820 It's something to do with polling and caching as far as I'm aware. 244 00:15:08,820 --> 00:15:13,740 I know that's like a sort of like, what's the word I'm looking for? 245 00:15:13,740 --> 00:15:15,220 Lacklustre I guess we'll do for now. 246 00:15:15,220 --> 00:15:18,460 I know it's a lacklustre answer, but it's always that particular thing. 247 00:15:18,460 --> 00:15:22,520 I know that we want to expand our SignalR offerings such that that's faster and more 248 00:15:22,520 --> 00:15:24,540 immediate in the future. 249 00:15:24,540 --> 00:15:27,420 But you know, it is 4.24pm. 250 00:15:27,420 --> 00:15:28,780 We'll keep going for a little bit longer. 251 00:15:28,780 --> 00:15:29,780 But if you don't have any... 252 00:15:29,780 --> 00:15:31,700 Oh my god, that's a big question. 253 00:15:31,700 --> 00:15:33,660 So go ahead and get that done. 254 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:34,660 Okay, cool. 255 00:15:34,660 --> 00:15:40,420 I've got some reading to do. 256 00:15:40,420 --> 00:15:43,700 So Jackal has a gigantic question which we're going to read. 257 00:15:43,700 --> 00:15:46,620 Vakrin, I have set up a simple round frame. 258 00:15:46,620 --> 00:15:48,620 I have to read it because otherwise it doesn't appear on the recording. 259 00:15:48,620 --> 00:15:51,780 I have set up a simple round frame that I'd like to be linked to my context menu. 260 00:15:51,780 --> 00:15:55,580 I've set up with the virtual parent component, an additional value copy board component so 261 00:15:55,580 --> 00:15:58,740 that I can drive its active state using the active state of the visual chart of the context 262 00:15:58,740 --> 00:16:01,220 menu slot attached to me and the player. 263 00:16:01,220 --> 00:16:04,820 Likewise, the override parent field is set to said visual slot. 264 00:16:04,820 --> 00:16:09,180 Let's set my frame's rotation scale and position using targets, virtual parent, and local settings 265 00:16:09,180 --> 00:16:10,180 to make it pretty. 266 00:16:10,180 --> 00:16:15,540 This works great, but only if every time I spawn I drag the visual slot into the override 267 00:16:15,540 --> 00:16:20,420 parent field of the virtual parent and the active i field name of the visual slot into 268 00:16:20,420 --> 00:16:23,020 the source of the value copy manually. 269 00:16:23,020 --> 00:16:25,460 I try to replicate these actions and logics if any miserably. 270 00:16:25,460 --> 00:16:29,380 The object has dark grey invalid markers all over when I respawn, and lately when I try 271 00:16:29,380 --> 00:16:34,020 to drive the active field, my object nears crashes entirely with an n-e-a-splosion in 272 00:16:34,020 --> 00:16:35,020 its locks. 273 00:16:35,020 --> 00:16:38,220 I'm having a difficult time getting consistent series of events though, so thank you for 274 00:16:38,220 --> 00:16:39,220 reading my book. 275 00:16:39,220 --> 00:16:40,220 I'll get to the question. 276 00:16:40,220 --> 00:16:43,580 How can I recreate those actions that I have to do manually using logics or components 277 00:16:43,580 --> 00:16:46,700 or some combination thereof so the frame object automatically sets itself up? 278 00:16:46,700 --> 00:16:51,860 If it's a timing issue where I have to put in some kind of delay, don't the rest of me 279 00:16:51,860 --> 00:16:54,380 load or any sub-hardwired or something zero? 280 00:16:54,380 --> 00:16:55,380 Okay, right. 281 00:16:55,380 --> 00:17:00,500 So in summary, they're trying to get a frame or a ring to appear in the same place as their 282 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:02,460 context menu when they open it. 283 00:17:02,460 --> 00:17:06,380 Lots of people do that for visual aesthetics etc. 284 00:17:06,380 --> 00:17:09,020 Better not have a loud sound effect associated with it. 285 00:17:09,020 --> 00:17:11,820 It's just a visual, we're good. 286 00:17:11,820 --> 00:17:18,340 And they need to orchestrate a virtual parent component and a value copy component to copy 287 00:17:18,340 --> 00:17:21,100 those values around to make that work. 288 00:17:21,100 --> 00:17:22,980 You can absolutely do that. 289 00:17:22,980 --> 00:17:26,580 Good, good, no sound, no flashy lies to say. 290 00:17:26,580 --> 00:17:27,660 You can absolutely do that with logics. 291 00:17:27,660 --> 00:17:32,380 I would probably say, okay, Jack said that they suggested a solution to the problem, 292 00:17:32,380 --> 00:17:35,500 if you need help you can contact me in game, great, so that's the solution. 293 00:17:35,500 --> 00:17:38,020 You can absolutely do that with logic. 294 00:17:38,020 --> 00:17:43,940 You'll probably have to use things like the slot finding nodes or the slot descending 295 00:17:43,940 --> 00:17:48,440 nodes, you know, like get child, get child, etc. to descend down to find the slot that 296 00:17:48,440 --> 00:17:49,940 you're after. 297 00:17:49,940 --> 00:17:54,600 Once you have a slot reference, you can get that active property from that slot with get 298 00:17:54,600 --> 00:17:57,940 slot is active, etc. inside logics. 299 00:17:57,940 --> 00:18:00,980 You can also write slot references to virtual parent, etc. 300 00:18:00,980 --> 00:18:02,620 That should all work fine. 301 00:18:02,620 --> 00:18:05,740 You may need a delay though. 302 00:18:05,740 --> 00:18:12,380 Here's the sort of rule of thumb that usually works is stick an update delay of two in there. 303 00:18:12,380 --> 00:18:15,660 I don't know why two works well, I just always use two. 304 00:18:15,660 --> 00:18:16,660 Sometimes two doesn't work. 305 00:18:16,660 --> 00:18:22,260 I know if you could say something about dynamic variables and that requires six, but yeah, 306 00:18:22,260 --> 00:18:24,820 stick an update delay of two and it should work. 307 00:18:24,820 --> 00:18:31,300 It should totally be available to do using a variety of logics. 308 00:18:31,300 --> 00:18:33,820 Update delay is a node. 309 00:18:33,820 --> 00:18:34,820 Update delay is a node. 310 00:18:34,820 --> 00:18:39,300 Update order you shouldn't really need to touch. 311 00:18:39,300 --> 00:18:44,740 There's lots of things where I add the two, update delay two, that I don't really know 312 00:18:44,740 --> 00:18:46,780 why I just have to. 313 00:18:46,780 --> 00:18:50,900 As with the updating relay and similar things like that, try adding those things and then 314 00:18:50,900 --> 00:18:52,860 if it does work, great. 315 00:18:52,860 --> 00:18:56,660 But if it doesn't work, do you remember to re-remove those because then you're not consistently 316 00:18:56,660 --> 00:18:58,780 adding bloat that you don't know why it's there. 317 00:18:58,780 --> 00:18:59,780 I do that every time. 318 00:18:59,780 --> 00:19:01,300 Like I get some like logic just won't work. 319 00:19:01,300 --> 00:19:03,380 I start adding random update delays, it works. 320 00:19:03,380 --> 00:19:07,100 I start removing update delays until it doesn't work again and I know exactly where the problem 321 00:19:07,100 --> 00:19:08,100 is occurring. 322 00:19:08,100 --> 00:19:09,940 It's basically like an order of operations thing. 323 00:19:09,940 --> 00:19:15,420 Like if logics is faster than some non-logics process or vice versa, then stuff won't line 324 00:19:15,420 --> 00:19:16,420 up sometimes. 325 00:19:16,420 --> 00:19:20,100 Particularly in avatar spawning, which sounds like the problem that you're describing. 326 00:19:20,100 --> 00:19:23,260 Jack says, "Would you be interested in perhaps throwing together an official NES calendar 327 00:19:23,260 --> 00:19:26,020 once I have the thing improved?" 328 00:19:26,020 --> 00:19:27,020 You mean an in-game calendar? 329 00:19:27,020 --> 00:19:28,020 Yeah, sure. 330 00:19:28,020 --> 00:19:30,540 And we want to get the event system set up on this Discord here. 331 00:19:30,540 --> 00:19:33,540 I don't remember the exact reason why we don't have it here. 332 00:19:33,540 --> 00:19:34,820 We want to get that sorted. 333 00:19:34,820 --> 00:19:39,260 I also want to get a calendar sorted that is on our website ideally. 334 00:19:39,260 --> 00:19:43,940 I would love if we could have like more social style stuff on our website. 335 00:19:43,940 --> 00:19:47,980 I always talk about it, but it kind of doesn't make sense anymore. 336 00:19:47,980 --> 00:19:51,500 Like the AltSpaceVR event calendar was amazing. 337 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:55,540 It was basically, you know, you want to host an event where it's just you playing a guitar 338 00:19:55,540 --> 00:19:58,540 in a fire, like a round of fire based map. 339 00:19:58,540 --> 00:19:59,540 You know what I mean? 340 00:19:59,540 --> 00:20:00,860 Campfire, that's the word I was looking for. 341 00:20:00,860 --> 00:20:04,960 Round of campfire on a map like that, you can just post that to the AltSpaceVR webpage 342 00:20:04,960 --> 00:20:06,200 and people can come. 343 00:20:06,200 --> 00:20:07,620 You want to do a special interest group? 344 00:20:07,620 --> 00:20:15,620 We saw everything on that list from religion to politics to support groups, etc. 345 00:20:15,620 --> 00:20:16,620 It was great. 346 00:20:16,620 --> 00:20:19,060 Unfortunately, Microsoft has pulled the plug on AltSpaceVR. 347 00:20:19,060 --> 00:20:23,100 I don't know how far along they are in pulling the plugs, it might exist, but I'd love to 348 00:20:23,100 --> 00:20:24,360 get that on the website at some point. 349 00:20:24,360 --> 00:20:25,360 And in game. 350 00:20:25,360 --> 00:20:29,740 We have like a community tab on the dash, that would be amazing. 351 00:20:29,740 --> 00:20:33,580 But starting in five minutes, Jack plays the trombone. 352 00:20:33,580 --> 00:20:37,260 I don't know if he can play the trombone, I just thought the first instrument that popped 353 00:20:37,260 --> 00:20:38,500 into my head. 354 00:20:38,500 --> 00:20:40,500 Next question. 355 00:20:40,500 --> 00:20:47,420 Second, says "Do you know of any changes that may have happened to make LNL more unreliable, 356 00:20:47,420 --> 00:20:48,420 more desynchial of later? 357 00:20:48,420 --> 00:20:52,540 Is it like an external factor like international peering that's just going downhill?" 358 00:20:52,540 --> 00:20:56,220 There have been no changes to those things as of late. 359 00:20:56,220 --> 00:20:59,060 Cloudflare would have not affected those, because that's a socket channel which would 360 00:20:59,060 --> 00:21:01,060 not go via Cloudflare. 361 00:21:01,060 --> 00:21:04,140 No changes I can think of. 362 00:21:04,140 --> 00:21:06,840 International peering might be a culprit. 363 00:21:06,840 --> 00:21:12,360 I am so happy that someone so far away knows what international peering is, thank you so 364 00:21:12,360 --> 00:21:14,180 much for knowing that phrasing. 365 00:21:14,180 --> 00:21:18,660 So many people don't understand how crazy the internet is, so I'm glad you know that 366 00:21:18,660 --> 00:21:19,660 term. 367 00:21:19,660 --> 00:21:23,100 Raid, I can never pronounce your name, I'm sorry, I've seen your pronunciation guide, 368 00:21:23,100 --> 00:21:25,180 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 369 00:21:25,180 --> 00:21:28,860 Do slots load in a consistent order at all is the way to manipulate order slots load 370 00:21:28,860 --> 00:21:29,860 in. 371 00:21:29,860 --> 00:21:32,480 Not that I'm aware of, although try the update order. 372 00:21:32,480 --> 00:21:36,900 That does affect things like aligners, UIX, and things like that, so it might affect load, 373 00:21:36,900 --> 00:21:37,900 I'm not certain. 374 00:21:37,900 --> 00:21:41,620 Yeah, the internet is just crazy. 375 00:21:41,620 --> 00:21:45,660 Stop using super reactions, guys, don't those cost like, you can only do like five of those 376 00:21:45,660 --> 00:21:47,220 a month or something. 377 00:21:47,220 --> 00:21:50,980 Five a day, oh that's fine, yeah, five a day, I thought it was five a month, I've never 378 00:21:50,980 --> 00:21:52,580 used them because I thought it was five a month. 379 00:21:52,580 --> 00:21:56,980 It's like when you play a video game and like, you know, some quest giver will be like "thank 380 00:21:56,980 --> 00:22:01,700 you for savoring the forest, here's this like potion that will make you super awesome", 381 00:22:01,700 --> 00:22:05,300 but you never drink it, because you're never like "oh I might need it for like, I might 382 00:22:05,300 --> 00:22:07,860 need it for like", you get to the credits and you're just like "never drank that super 383 00:22:07,860 --> 00:22:11,620 awesome potion, never drank that super awesome potion". 384 00:22:11,620 --> 00:22:17,860 Per week, it's per week, that's still bad, okay, thank you, I go. 385 00:22:17,860 --> 00:22:21,020 Anyway, we will leave off there, if you have any additional questions please feel free to 386 00:22:21,020 --> 00:22:24,800 direct message me, please feel free to also check the questionsnail.com channel or the 387 00:22:24,800 --> 00:22:29,640 announcements channel out, or wherever else you get your news from, and remember, fight 388 00:22:29,640 --> 00:22:31,840 the rumour now and stay awesome.