1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,660 Welcome to Office Hours, it is 4pm so I'll go ahead and get started. 2 00:00:03,660 --> 00:00:07,680 This is a half hour to hour segment, depends how much I waffle about cheese, where I answer 3 00:00:07,680 --> 00:00:09,040 your questions about Neos. 4 00:00:09,040 --> 00:00:11,880 If you want to ask a question, please drop it in the Office Hours text chat, that's 5 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:13,640 a couple of channels above this one. 6 00:00:13,640 --> 00:00:17,840 We've been absent for a couple of weeks, I was on vacation, and by vacation I mean 7 00:00:17,840 --> 00:00:22,680 I stay at home and people come and stay with me, and then we do vacationy things. 8 00:00:22,680 --> 00:00:25,280 It's like, cool, I actually visited the town I live in. 9 00:00:25,280 --> 00:00:26,280 Excellent. 10 00:00:26,280 --> 00:00:31,560 Anyway, moving on with Office Hours, let's go ahead and get those questions that are 11 00:00:31,560 --> 00:00:36,720 waiting, read and answered before I go off on a random tangent about life. 12 00:00:36,720 --> 00:00:40,640 So Tiki asks, "Joining my headless of hundreds of megabytes of project pictures taken so 13 00:00:40,640 --> 00:00:49,760 long to load, it often times out and just stops loading any further from new users. 14 00:00:49,760 --> 00:00:55,360 I tried moving to 2 gigabit internet connection, and with 8 new users loading, it doesn't 15 00:00:55,360 --> 00:01:00,800 even approach 1 gigabit throughput. 16 00:01:00,800 --> 00:01:02,640 Is there any optimization I'm missing?" 17 00:01:02,640 --> 00:01:06,180 That's probably the asset variance system trying to help you out there, and me being 18 00:01:06,180 --> 00:01:09,620 a bit slow I'm not entirely certain. 19 00:01:09,620 --> 00:01:13,320 I'd have to look into the world itself and some of the late loading stuff there. 20 00:01:13,320 --> 00:01:18,280 There are a bunch of issues open on GitHub for assets loading slowly and gather jobs 21 00:01:18,280 --> 00:01:19,280 getting stuck. 22 00:01:19,280 --> 00:01:25,560 Both of those issues boggle my mind and drive me completely mad, they affect friends of 23 00:01:25,560 --> 00:01:29,440 mine, and all sorts of things make me not fun to play. 24 00:01:29,440 --> 00:01:34,360 So we'll look into that under those two issues. 25 00:01:34,360 --> 00:01:41,560 As for optimizations, don't have hundreds of megabytes of project pictures in your world. 26 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:46,560 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know that's weird, but that is one of the ways to prevent that 27 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:48,400 from being a problem. 28 00:01:48,400 --> 00:01:51,680 Moving onwards, Tiki has a second question which says "On the same chain of thought, 29 00:01:51,680 --> 00:01:54,380 is there any reason why exporting a picture disk takes multiple seconds instead of maybe 30 00:01:54,380 --> 00:01:57,400 a second or less than I'd expect for a megabyte?" 31 00:01:57,400 --> 00:02:01,880 I have noticed import taking a long time, particularly like normal maps, sometimes they'll 32 00:02:01,880 --> 00:02:03,840 import a normal map and it'll take like a minute to show up. 33 00:02:03,840 --> 00:02:06,240 I haven't noticed export taking a long time. 34 00:02:06,240 --> 00:02:11,300 I have with like a complex mesh, but I'm talking like millions of triangles so I kind of just 35 00:02:11,300 --> 00:02:18,360 give it like a free pass and hope it doesn't crash when I'm exporting a mesh like that. 36 00:02:18,360 --> 00:02:23,080 Make sure there's a GitHub issue launched for that, and I'll take a look at it when 37 00:02:23,080 --> 00:02:26,000 I can get to it. 38 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:30,600 Lex asks "Any updates on making the native build of Neo's work again?" 39 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:32,200 There are no updates on that front. 40 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:36,280 Please continue to read announcements, and be patient on that one. 41 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:40,840 Next is Unnamed Cyborg Cat says "Is text-based programming a feature yet?" 42 00:02:40,840 --> 00:02:43,920 It is not a feature yet, it's a feature request you can take a look at. 43 00:02:43,920 --> 00:02:46,920 I think there's a couple of GitHub issues for it, but take a look at those, thumbs them 44 00:02:46,920 --> 00:02:48,960 up, and we'll get to them when we are able to. 45 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:54,440 For the past, I don't know, like four or five questions, it might have seemed like those 46 00:02:54,440 --> 00:02:56,160 are sort of hand-wavy answers. 47 00:02:56,160 --> 00:03:04,320 Do remember the "I can't live debug" because I can't live debug with you guys, it's not 48 00:03:04,320 --> 00:03:09,720 something I'm capable of doing whilst I'm on air, so to speak, in inverted commas. 49 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:14,000 So do you guys call it like inverted commas or quote marks? 50 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:17,680 Back in the UK we call them inverted commas, because that's what they are, they're two 51 00:03:17,680 --> 00:03:21,240 sets of inverted commas, they're like upside down commas, but whatever, quote marks. 52 00:03:21,240 --> 00:03:27,280 Anyway, so make sure there are GitHub issues open for them, and we'll look at them when 53 00:03:27,280 --> 00:03:28,280 we can. 54 00:03:28,280 --> 00:03:32,160 I get it's a problem, I just sometimes can't just dive into code. 55 00:03:32,160 --> 00:03:36,520 I do have it open, so sometimes I'll dive in to answer a question, but if it's a bug 56 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:39,520 that's going to take me longer than a few minutes to look at, it's just not suitable 57 00:03:39,520 --> 00:03:41,240 for this particular environment. 58 00:03:41,240 --> 00:03:52,120 M3-opera-e-m-machine3, I wondered if you were the person who made the machine3 blender add-on, 59 00:03:52,120 --> 00:03:53,680 but probably not. 60 00:03:53,680 --> 00:03:55,480 Maybe, of course though. 61 00:03:55,480 --> 00:03:59,800 Is it possible to use Neos for business applications like an art gallery? 62 00:03:59,800 --> 00:04:01,960 Yeah, you could totally do that. 63 00:04:01,960 --> 00:04:07,760 Do remember that for certain business applications you may need Neos Pro, the best way is to 64 00:04:07,760 --> 00:04:14,120 read the Neos Pro wiki page to understand what that is, and before purchasing Neos Pro, 65 00:04:14,120 --> 00:04:17,680 email hello@neos.com with your request for Neos Pro and see if they get back to you about 66 00:04:17,680 --> 00:04:19,720 their use. 67 00:04:19,720 --> 00:04:26,060 Art gallery, as an example, would not require Neos Pro, and actually would be quite nice 68 00:04:26,060 --> 00:04:30,680 to see, you probably have to have like lockdown permissions, and therefore not many people 69 00:04:30,680 --> 00:04:35,440 would visit it from our community, they would want to have permissions in there, but if 70 00:04:35,440 --> 00:04:39,600 you had an audience they would be able to visit it quite fine there. 71 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:45,120 Headless server, as Linker says, can handle quite a bit based on performance. 72 00:04:45,120 --> 00:04:52,560 I usually like to say 20 or so is where you start seeing issues, people go up to 30, but 73 00:04:52,560 --> 00:04:54,160 then issues really start to appear. 74 00:04:54,160 --> 00:05:01,280 It also depends on if you're having a full iCade avatar or just a head and hands avatar. 75 00:05:01,280 --> 00:05:06,320 I know that number is quite low, you can push it depending on the specifics without knowing 76 00:05:06,320 --> 00:05:10,680 where you're hosting your headless or what specs of the headless machine you're having. 77 00:05:10,680 --> 00:05:15,120 20 is the number I would start with, and then I would experiment at going higher than 20. 78 00:05:15,120 --> 00:05:20,400 So we have a follow up question from m3rpmmachine who says "Is it possible to automatically 79 00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:24,600 push someone to a specific server for the world?" 80 00:05:24,600 --> 00:05:33,680 As weirdly overloaded term for Neos, it is possible to host a headless session that exists 81 00:05:33,680 --> 00:05:38,120 and is always up, or is up as long as your headless host is up, and make that available 82 00:05:38,120 --> 00:05:43,320 to be easily joined in a variety of mechanisms, yes, it just depends on the exact specifics 83 00:05:43,320 --> 00:05:45,240 of your circumstances. 84 00:05:45,240 --> 00:05:50,620 For example, it's possible to make a headless world and then give everyone that you want 85 00:05:50,620 --> 00:05:57,080 to join a shortcut or batch file for Windows which launches them straight into that world. 86 00:05:57,080 --> 00:06:01,560 You can also use various invite links and things like that to get them in there. 87 00:06:01,560 --> 00:06:06,900 When doing that, make sure that you're utilising custom session IDs, because that way you don't 88 00:06:06,900 --> 00:06:10,040 have to change the session ID in the link that the linker just posted. 89 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:18,000 As a good example here, the MMC voting system uses the same custom session ID each year, 90 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:21,580 which means that gadgets or widgets that take you to the voting world that worked last year 91 00:06:21,580 --> 00:06:23,580 will work next year. 92 00:06:23,580 --> 00:06:28,340 But there are no remaining questions in the list, so we can sit here and chill out for 93 00:06:28,340 --> 00:06:31,020 a minute if additional questions come in, that's absolutely fine. 94 00:06:31,020 --> 00:06:32,020 Hope everyone's doing well. 95 00:06:32,020 --> 00:06:34,460 Does anyone know what a foot hammock is? 96 00:06:34,460 --> 00:06:36,140 Because I have a foot hammock and I just repaired it. 97 00:06:36,140 --> 00:06:37,380 I had to buy rope. 98 00:06:37,380 --> 00:06:44,600 Because a foot hammock is like $12 to $15 on Amazon, but I'd ordered two and I broke 99 00:06:44,600 --> 00:06:45,600 both of them. 100 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:47,960 And then the rope got frayed and then snapped. 101 00:06:47,960 --> 00:06:51,660 So I was like, I'm going to order rope and repair it using rope this time, because that 102 00:06:51,660 --> 00:06:56,100 seems cheaper, because I can just keep repairing it when the rope frays. 103 00:06:56,100 --> 00:07:02,340 So I ordered rope and I thought I got the right size, but the rope's too small, so it's 104 00:07:02,340 --> 00:07:03,340 going to break more frequently. 105 00:07:03,340 --> 00:07:08,740 So now I have to make the choice of, do I want to repair it more frequently with additional 106 00:07:08,740 --> 00:07:14,420 rope, or do I want to get a better foot hammock that's not going to have the fraying problems? 107 00:07:14,420 --> 00:07:16,560 So that's my predicament. 108 00:07:16,560 --> 00:07:20,680 The reason why that's front of mind is because the spool of rope I bought is next to me. 109 00:07:20,680 --> 00:07:24,580 I could have ordered, I don't know, like a small amount of rope, but this large amount 110 00:07:24,580 --> 00:07:26,560 of rope which I ordered was cheaper. 111 00:07:26,560 --> 00:07:28,980 It was like double the rope for a dollar. 112 00:07:28,980 --> 00:07:31,500 Like I'm looking at that spool and I just know that spool's going to be with me for 113 00:07:31,500 --> 00:07:32,500 like five years. 114 00:07:32,500 --> 00:07:36,820 I'd be like a strange sort of pet in the closet somewhere. 115 00:07:36,820 --> 00:07:41,020 It's just a two millimeter diameter natural rope, that's it. 116 00:07:41,020 --> 00:07:42,660 I should have got four millimeter diameter. 117 00:07:42,660 --> 00:07:44,380 Oh well, what are you going to do? 118 00:07:44,380 --> 00:07:48,260 I should always like change up the rigging of the foot hammock as well, like do my own 119 00:07:48,260 --> 00:07:50,820 sort of knots and that way it would last longer. 120 00:07:50,820 --> 00:07:53,180 So I'll do that if the current roping I've got fails. 121 00:07:53,180 --> 00:07:58,180 I know this is random, this is what happens when we have no questions, we talk about rope. 122 00:07:58,180 --> 00:08:00,460 Tabbing back over to take a look at questions. 123 00:08:00,460 --> 00:08:04,860 So we have a non-neos question, I reserve that because we have neos questions coming 124 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:05,860 in. 125 00:08:05,860 --> 00:08:08,860 As Lincoln says, 21 people in on the office hour, but so little in here. 126 00:08:08,860 --> 00:08:11,780 Do you think I have a general "hey the thread exists", everyone just listening in? 127 00:08:11,780 --> 00:08:18,660 Yeah, if you want to ask questions, go in the thread, ask questions in the thread. 128 00:08:18,660 --> 00:08:22,700 Now an interesting question which is philosophical in nature from Dove here who says "would you 129 00:08:22,700 --> 00:08:27,880 say that VR as a whole is a form of escapism or more a form of a new social interaction 130 00:08:27,880 --> 00:08:28,880 or both?" 131 00:08:28,880 --> 00:08:31,260 It's true, neither. 132 00:08:31,260 --> 00:08:38,380 It can be used for escapism, due to current circumstances it has become less of an escapism 133 00:08:38,380 --> 00:08:44,900 for myself personally, but I get the whole escapism angle, I would encourage people that 134 00:08:44,900 --> 00:08:47,780 are using it in that way to ensure they're doing that healthily. 135 00:08:47,780 --> 00:08:53,180 You can get addicted to basically anything, so try not to get addicted to the escapism 136 00:08:53,180 --> 00:08:55,660 of VR. 137 00:08:55,660 --> 00:09:00,180 A new social interaction is also true, yes, so I'd probably say both. 138 00:09:00,180 --> 00:09:01,840 I think about it this way, right? 139 00:09:01,840 --> 00:09:06,040 So I live in a rental, and in a rental, as I'm sure you're aware, you're limited 140 00:09:06,040 --> 00:09:11,220 in what you can do to decorate, and so most of the time you're gonna find that it's 141 00:09:11,220 --> 00:09:16,620 like, hard wood furniture that you take to each rental that you live in, not much stuff 142 00:09:16,620 --> 00:09:21,040 on the walls, and white walls or beige walls or that horrible grey colour they sometimes 143 00:09:21,040 --> 00:09:22,540 paint apartments, right? 144 00:09:22,540 --> 00:09:28,140 But if I put on a headset, no matter which rental I live in, I can be on the moon, I 145 00:09:28,140 --> 00:09:34,940 can walk along the Great Wall of China, I can go to a nice field, I can touch grass. 146 00:09:34,940 --> 00:09:36,480 That's escapism. 147 00:09:36,480 --> 00:09:39,880 But I can also put on my headset and speak to people from all across the world. 148 00:09:39,880 --> 00:09:45,720 I don't know if, yep, they're here listening, so I see Soap, Admiral Soap, moderator from 149 00:09:45,720 --> 00:09:48,060 our community here, they're in Finland, right? 150 00:09:48,060 --> 00:09:52,800 I don't know anyone in Finland until I walked VR, now I know someone in Finland! 151 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:53,800 It's cool. 152 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:55,800 Sorry to call you out, Soap. 153 00:09:55,800 --> 00:09:57,980 Yeah, moving onwards. 154 00:09:57,980 --> 00:10:03,820 Lax says "I found that the OnStartLogix node doesn't fire when I'd like it to when 155 00:10:03,820 --> 00:10:06,900 loading the worldstroke object that it's in. 156 00:10:06,900 --> 00:10:08,980 It fired before the logic's fully loaded, breaking the chain. 157 00:10:08,980 --> 00:10:13,840 Would you know a way to make the logics, to make a logic's pulse, pulses whenever a user 158 00:10:13,840 --> 00:10:17,420 is loaded into the world, just the data without the assets?" 159 00:10:17,420 --> 00:10:18,420 Have you tried OnLoaded? 160 00:10:18,420 --> 00:10:19,420 Is it onloaded? 161 00:10:19,420 --> 00:10:22,000 Am I just forgetting now? 162 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:27,020 You know how you navigate it to every logic's folder on the planet multiple times, but you 163 00:10:27,020 --> 00:10:29,180 just forget? 164 00:10:29,180 --> 00:10:32,140 You forget what's in each one. 165 00:10:32,140 --> 00:10:38,340 I'd have to look into how OnStart works, and those event nodes in more detail. 166 00:10:38,340 --> 00:10:44,460 I know I always confuse OnStart with OnLoad, which is why I think it exists. 167 00:10:44,460 --> 00:10:50,220 Sometimes I also have fun when I use OnDuplicate, and then I forget, and I duplicate the grab 168 00:10:50,220 --> 00:10:52,620 instancer thingamabobby. 169 00:10:52,620 --> 00:10:55,700 To explain that better without using the phrase "thingamabobby", because that doesn't 170 00:10:55,700 --> 00:10:59,980 make any sense, let's say you have a grab instancer, which is where you grab something 171 00:10:59,980 --> 00:11:06,860 and it makes a clone of something, and then you have an OnDuplicate node on that template, 172 00:11:06,860 --> 00:11:10,140 then it'll run some logic when you grab instancer. 173 00:11:10,140 --> 00:11:15,140 But it'll also run that if you happen to duplicate the template holder. 174 00:11:15,140 --> 00:11:19,940 So let's say you have a bowl of cookies, where the cookie graphic is a baked mesh, 175 00:11:19,940 --> 00:11:23,540 and when you grab on the bowl of cookies it spawns a single cookie, and that's what 176 00:11:23,540 --> 00:11:27,140 you grab with the grab instancer, and I don't know, the cookie makes an explosion noise 177 00:11:27,140 --> 00:11:31,860 when you grab it because of OnDuplicate, if you duplicate the table that the cookies are 178 00:11:31,860 --> 00:11:36,860 on, you'll get an explosion noise, which is often fun. 179 00:11:36,860 --> 00:11:37,860 Try OnStart. 180 00:11:37,860 --> 00:11:40,460 Wait, not OnStart, OnLoaded. 181 00:11:40,460 --> 00:11:47,260 There's also the hacky thing that the playerlist module thing in the mystic-ford, no not mystic-ford, 182 00:11:47,260 --> 00:11:55,580 the polylogics folder does, they see if a localised boolean is true, and use that to 183 00:11:55,580 --> 00:11:57,300 do their playerlist, that might work. 184 00:11:57,300 --> 00:11:59,460 Alright we have a question, good. 185 00:11:59,460 --> 00:12:04,460 Playercovey says "Semi-blender to Neo's question, I made a 3D model of a text and 186 00:12:04,460 --> 00:12:08,820 it was made in a special font where it is more complicated than Times New Roman, but 187 00:12:08,820 --> 00:12:12,700 important to Neo some letters, p's and o's and sometimes a is important to any words 188 00:12:12,700 --> 00:12:15,020 in concave or not to keep the arches. 189 00:12:15,020 --> 00:12:17,820 I can continue to find a way to solve this problem via the question channel but not show 190 00:12:17,820 --> 00:12:21,100 this common issue for Neo's invention where it prefers more flat surface rather than complex 191 00:12:21,100 --> 00:12:22,100 holes in 3D models. 192 00:12:22,100 --> 00:12:24,500 I can absolutely help you out there. 193 00:12:24,500 --> 00:12:28,900 Before you export that piece of text you need to triangulate it. 194 00:12:28,900 --> 00:12:33,620 I predict this is what's happening, I don't know for certain, but try this. 195 00:12:33,620 --> 00:12:39,960 There is an operation you can do in edit mode, or you can use it as a modifier in the modifier 196 00:12:39,960 --> 00:12:47,040 stack of Blender, where it will convert any weird geometry down to triangles before export, 197 00:12:47,040 --> 00:12:51,260 and that will generically help with that kind of thing. 198 00:12:51,260 --> 00:13:00,380 The importer that we use for models and meshes etc doesn't like weird vertex stuff. 199 00:13:00,380 --> 00:13:07,080 I'd love to state that quads are the way of the future, because of course they are, but 200 00:13:07,080 --> 00:13:10,540 in some cases you just need triangles, man. 201 00:13:10,540 --> 00:13:15,860 Some of the export options on Blender will also do an auto-triangulate before export, 202 00:13:15,860 --> 00:13:18,740 I can't remember which ones will do that though. 203 00:13:18,740 --> 00:13:19,740 Triangulation is the problem. 204 00:13:19,740 --> 00:13:24,660 Yeah, try triangulation, and then from there we can try some other stuff. 205 00:13:24,660 --> 00:13:30,820 The other thing you have to check is to make sure that it's not generating any upside down 206 00:13:30,820 --> 00:13:31,820 normals. 207 00:13:31,820 --> 00:13:35,060 If it's doing that, then you might see some oddities as well. 208 00:13:35,060 --> 00:13:38,940 So once you've generated the text you could look at sort of recalculating the normals 209 00:13:38,940 --> 00:13:39,940 as well. 210 00:13:39,940 --> 00:13:43,660 With that, I don't see many additional questions coming in, so do remember if you are listening 211 00:13:43,660 --> 00:13:46,660 and want to ask a question about NES, please drop it in the Office Hours text chat, there's 212 00:13:46,660 --> 00:13:50,380 a few channels about the one you're currently staring at. 213 00:13:50,380 --> 00:13:55,260 I keep forgetting that stages now have chat, so maybe at some point we'll swap to using 214 00:13:55,260 --> 00:14:00,780 the stage chat, because that actually would help the whole "where do we ask questions" 215 00:14:00,780 --> 00:14:01,780 thing. 216 00:14:01,780 --> 00:14:04,940 Thank you for those who are redirecting those things. 217 00:14:04,940 --> 00:14:10,460 Yeah, soap says "don't know if we can archive stage chats the same way" I'm not sure either. 218 00:14:10,460 --> 00:14:17,900 It's really weird how with a handful of additional features or tweaks, Discord could be a really 219 00:14:17,900 --> 00:14:22,220 good app for this sort of things. 220 00:14:22,220 --> 00:14:23,780 For this sort of things, you know what I mean. 221 00:14:23,780 --> 00:14:25,500 For these sort of things. 222 00:14:25,500 --> 00:14:27,340 But it kind of misses it. 223 00:14:27,340 --> 00:14:33,820 Moving forward, we have a question from Lex, who says "how does the world relation enum 224 00:14:33,820 --> 00:14:40,260 on the open world logics node and link component work?" 225 00:14:40,260 --> 00:14:45,540 So that is a holdover from some of the old stuff that we don't really use anymore. 226 00:14:45,540 --> 00:14:51,540 I'm not quite sure we haven't removed that, because it's almost almost better to use independent 227 00:14:51,540 --> 00:14:53,700 these days. 228 00:14:53,700 --> 00:15:03,780 So if you remember the balls in your hand that you would use to switch worlds, if anyone 229 00:15:03,780 --> 00:15:08,940 is new to NES, I apologise, this next like five minutes is going to sound like a fever 230 00:15:08,940 --> 00:15:09,940 dream. 231 00:15:09,940 --> 00:15:11,180 Legacy World Switcher, there you go. 232 00:15:11,180 --> 00:15:13,020 I just called it like the balls in my hands. 233 00:15:13,020 --> 00:15:18,100 I called it much more offensive names occasionally. 234 00:15:18,100 --> 00:15:21,040 Lollipop Menu is something else that people called it. 235 00:15:21,040 --> 00:15:22,580 It's called the Legacy World Switcher. 236 00:15:22,580 --> 00:15:27,980 The Legacy World Switcher formed a sort of branching tree pattern based on the worlds 237 00:15:27,980 --> 00:15:34,100 that you opened, and it was sort of like where they came from, how you linked into them, 238 00:15:34,100 --> 00:15:35,540 and things like that. 239 00:15:35,540 --> 00:15:39,900 Those are what those enums usually control. 240 00:15:39,900 --> 00:15:44,460 So the first one, where were the values? 241 00:15:44,460 --> 00:15:48,100 Whoever deleted the values, I'm going to like shake your fist, because I was going to run 242 00:15:48,100 --> 00:15:54,620 through them in a list, so put the values back, and I'll go through them in a list! 243 00:15:54,620 --> 00:15:57,860 I didn't have them to hand! 244 00:15:57,860 --> 00:15:59,540 Independent Nest and Replace, I think. 245 00:15:59,540 --> 00:16:01,900 There we go, thank you so much, Linker. 246 00:16:01,900 --> 00:16:08,100 So Independent makes an independent branch on that World Switcher, so it'll just be a 247 00:16:08,100 --> 00:16:13,220 new branch that occurs, like a new branch. 248 00:16:13,220 --> 00:16:18,140 Nest will usually make it an extension of an existing branch, so the branch will extend 249 00:16:18,140 --> 00:16:26,420 by one length, and then Replace, I believe Replace will close the session that you're 250 00:16:26,420 --> 00:16:32,860 currently in, and load you into the new session of the OpenWorld Logics node in the same place 251 00:16:32,860 --> 00:16:34,460 in the tree as that one. 252 00:16:34,460 --> 00:16:37,060 Like I said, I don't know why that still exists. 253 00:16:37,060 --> 00:16:39,900 There may be some additional behaviour that happens there, because I do know there is 254 00:16:39,900 --> 00:16:41,940 still an order to sessions. 255 00:16:41,940 --> 00:16:53,020 Even with sessions now being either in the World 256 00:16:53,020 --> 00:17:19,980 or in the 257 00:17:19,980 --> 00:17:27,580 links from messages and contacts and invites and stuff like that, it just -- I'd love to 258 00:17:27,580 --> 00:17:30,340 standardize that down a little bit further so it makes sense. 259 00:17:30,340 --> 00:17:36,540 In fact, you know after a hard night of Neos partying on your legacy World Switcher, it 260 00:17:36,540 --> 00:17:37,740 looks like a complete mess? 261 00:17:37,740 --> 00:17:42,740 In some cases, that's what the World Manager code looks like when you're starting sessions. 262 00:17:42,740 --> 00:17:43,740 Just like, wait, where are we? 263 00:17:43,740 --> 00:17:45,860 Oh yeah, I'm in the code which does it from the website. 264 00:17:45,860 --> 00:17:47,980 I should be in the code that does it from the World Link component. 265 00:17:47,980 --> 00:17:49,700 Okay, here we go, let's go over here. 266 00:17:49,700 --> 00:17:53,900 Ooh, that's a good question there from Player Cody, who says "Is there a component on a 267 00:17:53,900 --> 00:17:58,900 3D model where any all applied materials will fix the stretch size, you need a rectangle 268 00:17:58,900 --> 00:18:00,220 shape to look like a wall? 269 00:18:00,220 --> 00:18:03,580 I see that two out of the four sides will look natural when applying materials with 270 00:18:03,580 --> 00:18:05,860 siding, when the other two sides will look stretched." 271 00:18:05,860 --> 00:18:08,980 That is UV mapping. 272 00:18:08,980 --> 00:18:13,660 We're unfortunately limited in the support that we can provide in-game to edit those 273 00:18:13,660 --> 00:18:17,540 UV mappings of those primitives right now. 274 00:18:17,540 --> 00:18:20,820 So that's what you're experiencing there. 275 00:18:20,820 --> 00:18:26,020 You can mess with on the primitives, usually there's a UV scale input box for UV scale, 276 00:18:26,020 --> 00:18:27,020 so you can try that. 277 00:18:27,020 --> 00:18:31,780 There is also UV scale on, it's usually called texture scale though, on the materials, you 278 00:18:31,780 --> 00:18:33,220 can try that. 279 00:18:33,220 --> 00:18:36,100 If all else fails, you can try a triplanar material. 280 00:18:36,100 --> 00:18:44,060 When it comes to triplanar, I use that as sort of like the last vestige of sanity, because 281 00:18:44,060 --> 00:18:47,520 I believe there is a performance cost to the triplanar one. 282 00:18:47,520 --> 00:18:51,220 There is also the problem with the triplanar, which is if you move the object you'll start 283 00:18:51,220 --> 00:18:53,340 to see the triplanar scrolling. 284 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:57,860 You can fix that by checking the object space checkbox in the material for that though. 285 00:18:57,860 --> 00:19:01,600 When checking object space into it, it messes up all the scale components because it recalculates 286 00:19:01,600 --> 00:19:04,940 like all the maths and you're like "Ah, my texture scale is wrong now, I need to replace 287 00:19:04,940 --> 00:19:07,220 it with more numbers!" 288 00:19:07,220 --> 00:19:08,580 So I've come across that a lot. 289 00:19:08,580 --> 00:19:13,460 A good example for triplanar that occurs is the convex hole rock brushes, I believe those 290 00:19:13,460 --> 00:19:18,380 use triplanar by default, because they're sort of undefined objects until the convex 291 00:19:18,380 --> 00:19:19,380 hole is drawn. 292 00:19:19,380 --> 00:19:22,820 You can see an in-game UV editor in the future, that would be great, you'd be able to fix 293 00:19:22,820 --> 00:19:23,820 up stuff like that. 294 00:19:23,820 --> 00:19:33,140 I know that's part of the logic from the Ringen and the Nylander that Sloppy made, they made 295 00:19:33,140 --> 00:19:38,460 a lot of custom geometry for that tool, where the UVs were set up in a particular way to 296 00:19:38,460 --> 00:19:44,420 make that sort of problem less prevalent. 297 00:19:44,420 --> 00:19:46,780 Trizes and triangles, yes, playcoding. 298 00:19:46,780 --> 00:19:47,780 That might work. 299 00:19:47,780 --> 00:19:51,160 I haven't personally seen that fix it, but if it works, then it works. 300 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:54,460 With that, I don't see any additional questions, and we are at the limit. 301 00:19:54,460 --> 00:20:00,280 Well, one of the possible limits that occurs depends on the conversation currently happening. 302 00:20:00,280 --> 00:20:02,740 So any last call for questions? 303 00:20:02,740 --> 00:20:05,620 Anyone got any additional questions? 304 00:20:05,620 --> 00:20:08,500 Thanks, Duff. 305 00:20:08,500 --> 00:20:10,740 Did I miss 4.11? 306 00:20:10,740 --> 00:20:16,620 I'll double check that, because I thought I did 4.11 before I went over to vacation. 307 00:20:16,620 --> 00:20:17,620 I'll get them fixed up and linked. 308 00:20:17,620 --> 00:20:23,140 I know it takes a while, it's just because sometimes I need my computer's resources, 309 00:20:23,140 --> 00:20:26,540 and running the text through transcription is taking a lot. 310 00:20:26,540 --> 00:20:34,820 I do need to do the whole "I'm a nerdy male who lives alone in their apartment, let me 311 00:20:34,820 --> 00:20:39,540 put a server rack in the corner" I need to do that, but I've got time for that, and then 312 00:20:39,540 --> 00:20:43,820 I'll be able to run it on that, but I need PC resources to do stuff sometimes. 313 00:20:43,820 --> 00:20:46,020 So I'll try and get that up to date. 314 00:20:46,020 --> 00:20:48,460 Angry says "Why are Qods better than Trize?" 315 00:20:48,460 --> 00:20:56,980 Qods are easily manipulatable in Blender, using quad-based operations, things like edge rings, 316 00:20:56,980 --> 00:21:01,220 edge loops, various other terminologies for that. 317 00:21:01,220 --> 00:21:06,980 If you just imagine an elastic band around your arm, and you slide that elastic band 318 00:21:06,980 --> 00:21:13,260 up and down your arm, that is what the topology of an arm on an avatar should look like in 319 00:21:13,260 --> 00:21:14,260 Qods, right? 320 00:21:14,260 --> 00:21:20,760 It should look like that, and each time you move that elastic band, that would be a loop 321 00:21:20,760 --> 00:21:25,440 of Qods that are linked together, and you can subdivide those Qods really easily by 322 00:21:25,440 --> 00:21:31,380 just splitting them in half down the midpoint, and then you have two Qods on either side. 323 00:21:31,380 --> 00:21:39,320 The problems that occur with those is that some engine, some importing thing, some shaders, 324 00:21:39,320 --> 00:21:44,540 some textures, some stuff like that, can't deal with them as well. 325 00:21:44,540 --> 00:21:49,540 They need the extra information that occurs from the extra triangles in triangles. 326 00:21:49,540 --> 00:21:54,540 So a Quad is four points, and to represent a Quad in triangles, you usually will double 327 00:21:54,540 --> 00:22:00,200 up each of those points, because then you have a triangle where two of the points overlap 328 00:22:00,200 --> 00:22:02,120 between the two triangles. 329 00:22:02,120 --> 00:22:04,560 With that, I'm going to go ahead and leave off there. 330 00:22:04,560 --> 00:22:08,180 I'll get the notes updated as soon as I can, like I said, and if you have any additional 331 00:22:08,180 --> 00:22:12,820 questions, please drop them in the Questions at Help channel, or direct message me directly. 332 00:22:12,820 --> 00:22:14,820 That's a redundant statement. 333 00:22:14,820 --> 00:22:17,140 And I will see you again next week for more Office Hours. 334 00:22:17,140 --> 00:22:18,860 Make sure to bring your best questions. 335 00:22:18,860 --> 00:22:19,860 Speak to you soon.