1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,800 Welcome to Office Hours, it's now 4pm so we're going to go ahead and get started. 2 00:00:03,800 --> 00:00:10,840 Right on cue, my living room lights just turned on because I got them set to turn on at 4pm. 3 00:00:10,840 --> 00:00:14,920 And we're going to go ahead and get started by scrolling through the list of questions. 4 00:00:14,920 --> 00:00:19,200 So Lou Zanth says, "Is there a list of slot names for temporary badges, fruits, account 5 00:00:19,200 --> 00:00:20,200 creation, bread, etc?" 6 00:00:20,200 --> 00:00:26,080 There is not, it particularly doesn't help that a lot of those are, what we do is we 7 00:00:26,080 --> 00:00:29,680 copy the previous slot when we're generating them so the name gets longer and longer. 8 00:00:29,680 --> 00:00:36,200 You also shouldn't, like, what's the word, you shouldn't make your system with those 9 00:00:36,200 --> 00:00:40,600 slot names as guarantees because they may change at any time. 10 00:00:40,600 --> 00:00:46,680 Depending on what you want to do with your badges, you have a few options, one is the 11 00:00:46,680 --> 00:00:51,000 various aligner components or just doing it numerically, like stepping through each element 12 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:53,480 in the list etc. 13 00:00:53,480 --> 00:00:58,600 Or you could just make your own icon to-ble-do, you know, whatever sort of scheme you want. 14 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:02,120 There's a lot of people doing that recently, they don't show their actual badges, they've 15 00:01:02,120 --> 00:01:04,160 got like a custom list of badges. 16 00:01:04,160 --> 00:01:08,760 Not to call anyone out here, but I believe that Shifty for example, she went down to 17 00:01:08,760 --> 00:01:12,400 just the Neos team badge. 18 00:01:12,400 --> 00:01:16,340 I think she was just done with badges and I perfectly understand that as the person 19 00:01:16,340 --> 00:01:17,340 with the most. 20 00:01:17,340 --> 00:01:19,760 So yeah, try that out. 21 00:01:19,760 --> 00:01:23,800 Moving forwards, like, "Is there any updates on the fix for the native build of Neos being 22 00:01:23,800 --> 00:01:25,140 unusable?" 23 00:01:25,140 --> 00:01:28,900 We are taking a look at that and we'll get to it as soon as we can. 24 00:01:28,900 --> 00:01:31,940 Grey says, "Is there a way to stop getting office hours pings?" 25 00:01:31,940 --> 00:01:32,940 Yes. 26 00:01:32,940 --> 00:01:38,940 So, the problem with that one is, it's not the office hours role isn't anything to do 27 00:01:38,940 --> 00:01:39,940 with that one. 28 00:01:39,940 --> 00:01:44,860 The problem is that stages like to add everyone even though they shouldn't. 29 00:01:44,860 --> 00:01:49,020 When you start a stage, there's like a button for it, but like I continually forget that 30 00:01:49,020 --> 00:01:54,140 that button is there, it's just like notify the server or something like that. 31 00:01:54,140 --> 00:01:59,180 I will go ahead and remember to use that setting next time I start a stage. 32 00:01:59,180 --> 00:02:02,840 But if you do what the slinker posted, then you'll be able to mute that stage. 33 00:02:02,840 --> 00:02:05,960 It's actually nothing to do with the office hours role, the office hours role is just 34 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:07,820 when I hang at office hours. 35 00:02:07,820 --> 00:02:11,460 When I start a stage though, it's like at everyone pretty much. 36 00:02:11,460 --> 00:02:14,380 Moving forwards to the next question here. 37 00:02:14,380 --> 00:02:17,220 Fuzzy says, "Can you speak faster by watching your YouTube videos at 1.5 speed?" 38 00:02:17,220 --> 00:02:18,740 No, you sound oddly slow. 39 00:02:18,740 --> 00:02:19,740 Interesting. 40 00:02:19,740 --> 00:02:22,820 I've always said to people, you can slow my videos down and I know a lot of people do 41 00:02:22,820 --> 00:02:26,100 do that because apparently I'm too fast. 42 00:02:26,100 --> 00:02:30,700 As I've said a few times before, I'm running at probably like 50% speed during a recording 43 00:02:30,700 --> 00:02:35,220 of a tutorial because I need to explain things. 44 00:02:35,220 --> 00:02:38,260 Whereas when I'm building, I can sort of barely explain anything. 45 00:02:38,260 --> 00:02:40,300 Someone will watch me build and be like, "What are you doing now?" 46 00:02:40,300 --> 00:02:42,740 And I'll just be like, "I don't know. 47 00:02:42,740 --> 00:02:44,820 I don't know. 48 00:02:44,820 --> 00:02:47,980 Just let me do it, please." 49 00:02:47,980 --> 00:02:52,940 Ray asks, "Are we required to have internal organs to use NeoSwati? 50 00:02:52,940 --> 00:02:55,120 We have external organs." 51 00:02:55,120 --> 00:03:02,080 The state of your organs is not a topic that is covered by the Neos usage guidelines. 52 00:03:02,080 --> 00:03:05,300 If it would be, there would be an update to the Neos usage guidelines. 53 00:03:05,300 --> 00:03:08,700 I don't think your organs have anything to do with that. 54 00:03:08,700 --> 00:03:11,740 Next question is, "Linka asks, "Any comment on the active sessions bot being down? 55 00:03:11,740 --> 00:03:13,820 It kind of died when the SSL cert on the old API." 56 00:03:13,820 --> 00:03:18,340 So I assume it's polling the old API in an ever-ending loop, most likely no idea who 57 00:03:18,340 --> 00:03:19,780 hosts it. 58 00:03:19,780 --> 00:03:21,460 That one I had not realized. 59 00:03:21,460 --> 00:03:23,700 I will raise that with the team when I can. 60 00:03:23,700 --> 00:03:25,940 Let me just make a note of that one. 61 00:03:25,940 --> 00:03:28,260 And with that, we are currently out of questions. 62 00:03:28,260 --> 00:03:30,660 If you would go ahead and come up with more questions. 63 00:03:30,660 --> 00:03:33,060 Or don't, it's completely up to you. 64 00:03:33,060 --> 00:03:36,980 Ray asks, "Does the drive node constantly update whenever it's driving, or only when 65 00:03:36,980 --> 00:03:39,100 the input value updates?" 66 00:03:39,100 --> 00:03:46,100 That is -- do you mean the drive drive node, the one that's in actions? 67 00:03:46,100 --> 00:03:49,380 Or do you mean just the arrow, like a regular drive? 68 00:03:49,380 --> 00:03:51,140 Okay, you mean the drive drive node. 69 00:03:51,140 --> 00:03:57,860 So the drive drive node is effectively equivalent to the drive arrow, for those who are unaware. 70 00:03:57,860 --> 00:04:01,740 If you see an arrow that's sort of got rounded corners in logic, that's a drive. 71 00:04:01,740 --> 00:04:06,660 If you see a pointy sharp arrow, which is more transparent in the center of it, that's 72 00:04:06,660 --> 00:04:07,660 a reference arrow. 73 00:04:07,660 --> 00:04:10,340 So there's a good sort of rule of thumb to identify the difference. 74 00:04:10,340 --> 00:04:12,740 If it's rounded, it's a drive. 75 00:04:12,740 --> 00:04:19,020 But the drive drive node basically sets up one of those drive arrows, but programmatically 76 00:04:19,020 --> 00:04:22,420 allowing you to sort of start and stop it with that node. 77 00:04:22,420 --> 00:04:28,540 So it functions identically to an actual drive, it just has more controls, and you can start 78 00:04:28,540 --> 00:04:30,740 and stop that drive. 79 00:04:30,740 --> 00:04:33,860 So therefore it has the same rules as a regular drive. 80 00:04:33,860 --> 00:04:40,900 And the regular drive is based on a sort of notification system that sort of floods through 81 00:04:40,900 --> 00:04:44,400 the wires a little bit, like electricity would. 82 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:50,120 So if we think about the simplest logic circuit that you can think of, which is adding two 83 00:04:50,120 --> 00:04:56,860 numbers together and then driving the result of how big a sphere is with the result. 84 00:04:56,860 --> 00:05:01,060 Let's say you put 1+1, you add it together, you get 2, and then you drive the size of 85 00:05:01,060 --> 00:05:02,260 the sphere with that. 86 00:05:02,260 --> 00:05:07,420 At that state, nothing is changing, nothing is updating, because the value of 1+1 equaling 87 00:05:07,420 --> 00:05:11,020 2 is constant, and Neos knows that. 88 00:05:11,020 --> 00:05:14,940 If you then edit one of those input nodes to maybe change that 1 to a 2 or whatever 89 00:05:14,940 --> 00:05:19,900 number it is, you cause an update, both on the network to sort of say to anyone else 90 00:05:19,900 --> 00:05:24,660 in the session, "hey, this value is now 3" or whatever you put in, but also in terms 91 00:05:24,660 --> 00:05:27,820 of logic where it will re-evaluate that chain. 92 00:05:27,820 --> 00:05:33,700 It will flow out of the input node into the plus node and tell the plus node "yo man, 93 00:05:33,700 --> 00:05:38,460 update your value" and then the plus node goes "got it bro, updating my value" and 94 00:05:38,460 --> 00:05:40,700 then it passes that on to the drive system. 95 00:05:40,700 --> 00:05:41,700 So that's how it works. 96 00:05:41,700 --> 00:05:45,900 There are of course exceptions, things like updating relay which will force stuff to continually 97 00:05:45,900 --> 00:05:53,180 evaluate and various nodes which just by their nature force stuff to continually evaluate. 98 00:05:53,180 --> 00:05:54,860 So it does depend. 99 00:05:54,860 --> 00:05:59,580 The goal is basically to not do mathematics twice, we don't need to. 100 00:05:59,580 --> 00:06:01,260 1+1 is always 2. 101 00:06:01,260 --> 00:06:06,140 Although I did watch a long time ago, someone linked me this video of this, it was either 102 00:06:06,140 --> 00:06:12,260 a retired military person or it was like a retired teacher, professor, scientist or something 103 00:06:12,260 --> 00:06:18,060 like that, and they were just rambling in front of a whiteboard about how they'd invented 104 00:06:18,060 --> 00:06:24,260 a new form of power based on the principle that 1+1 equaled 1 and it went on forever 105 00:06:24,260 --> 00:06:27,980 and it was like a fever dream, it was amazing. 106 00:06:27,980 --> 00:06:31,820 They were talking about the east and west magnetic poles as well and it was just like 107 00:06:31,820 --> 00:06:32,820 "what?" 108 00:06:32,820 --> 00:06:37,260 It was very confusing, but there we go. 109 00:06:37,260 --> 00:06:39,260 The CloutPanda says "how's my week been? 110 00:06:39,260 --> 00:06:44,980 Also we had a comment on hope you have a headache-free day from Jackal at the start of office hours" 111 00:06:44,980 --> 00:06:45,980 yeah, pretty good day. 112 00:06:45,980 --> 00:06:48,940 I'm probably going to TMI for a moment here. 113 00:06:48,940 --> 00:06:52,460 I was cleaning my bathroom yesterday right, and I needed to replace the toilet seat because 114 00:06:52,460 --> 00:06:57,340 it's old and it was cracking and I wanted to replace it, so I bought what I thought 115 00:06:57,340 --> 00:06:58,580 was an identical toilet seat. 116 00:06:58,580 --> 00:07:00,660 It turns out it was the wrong size. 117 00:07:00,660 --> 00:07:05,260 So just imagine me holding this new toilet seat triumphantly over my toilet, trying to 118 00:07:05,260 --> 00:07:10,380 affix it, screwing it all down, looking at it and being like "that looks stupid" because 119 00:07:10,380 --> 00:07:16,740 it was the wrong shape, and then having to unscrew it gently with much aggression, throw 120 00:07:16,740 --> 00:07:21,980 place gently the new toilet seat to the side and then re-affix the old one, grumpily. 121 00:07:21,980 --> 00:07:26,480 Well it was gently, because if I throw it I'd probably damage a wall and it's a rental, 122 00:07:26,480 --> 00:07:31,860 so it was as aggressive as gentle can be to not damage anything. 123 00:07:31,860 --> 00:07:36,420 I do wish I owned my own place outright, because then I could do what my dad does when stuff 124 00:07:36,420 --> 00:07:40,460 annoys him, he just says "that's going up the garden" and he means it. 125 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:44,680 So there was this one time where there was a party, and he was using a blender to make 126 00:07:44,680 --> 00:07:50,180 a sauce or something, I don't remember, but the blender just stopped working, and 127 00:07:50,180 --> 00:07:56,180 he just opened the back door and just yeeted it into the garden, because that's where it 128 00:07:56,180 --> 00:07:57,900 belonged apparently. 129 00:07:57,900 --> 00:08:06,300 Moving forwards to Fuzzy's question, which says "been having trouble" exactly like that 130 00:08:06,300 --> 00:08:08,300 gif, that's from the office isn't it? 131 00:08:08,300 --> 00:08:09,300 I don't know. 132 00:08:09,300 --> 00:08:13,780 Fuzzy's question "been having trouble working out the various inn, user inn headset, 133 00:08:13,780 --> 00:08:17,740 etc. knows this, they don't appear to work agree with each other, trying to take AFK 134 00:08:17,740 --> 00:08:24,260 type situations, things seem inconsistent" You need an updating relay for those, and 135 00:08:24,260 --> 00:08:28,180 then you should be able to work out the difference, just make sure you've got an updating relay 136 00:08:28,180 --> 00:08:29,180 for those. 137 00:08:29,180 --> 00:08:33,460 I think Is User Present is like an "and" between the other ones. 138 00:08:33,460 --> 00:08:38,500 I can open up Is User Present now, just go to the tab to the correct Visual Studio project, 139 00:08:38,500 --> 00:08:42,260 seeing as I have 1, 2, 3, 4 open today, I don't know why. 140 00:08:42,260 --> 00:08:45,340 Is User Present. 141 00:08:45,340 --> 00:08:53,740 Is User Present will swap itself with Is User Present in World when it loads. 142 00:08:53,740 --> 00:08:58,700 Is User Present is not a node that we have, it will just swap around. 143 00:08:58,700 --> 00:09:01,060 Looks like we didn't remove it from the list, which is weird. 144 00:09:01,060 --> 00:09:04,800 No no no no no, hold on, hold on, I read that wrong. 145 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:06,300 One moment here. 146 00:09:06,300 --> 00:09:14,340 If your Is User Present node existed before a certain date, when you load it will be swapped 147 00:09:14,340 --> 00:09:16,300 with Is User Present in World. 148 00:09:16,300 --> 00:09:20,180 After that fact, it will still work as Is Present. 149 00:09:20,180 --> 00:09:22,100 Is Present. 150 00:09:22,100 --> 00:09:35,420 Is Present is present in headset, or not VR active and is present in world. 151 00:09:35,420 --> 00:09:39,860 So are they in the headset and are they in the session? 152 00:09:39,860 --> 00:09:44,420 Is Present inside the world, are they in this world? 153 00:09:44,420 --> 00:09:47,880 No man, they're totally out of this world. 154 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:52,060 Is Present in headset, is their headset working? 155 00:09:52,060 --> 00:09:55,020 Sorry, is their headset on? 156 00:09:55,020 --> 00:10:02,580 Yeah, our version management systems are fantastic. 157 00:10:02,580 --> 00:10:06,940 I've been trying to encourage us to do as a team, is to when we do that stuff, leave 158 00:10:06,940 --> 00:10:10,060 a comment saying why. 159 00:10:10,060 --> 00:10:16,500 There's a lot in programming and opinions about how useful comments are, etc. 160 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:21,580 Some people say that the code should explain the why, and I'm just like nope. 161 00:10:21,580 --> 00:10:24,620 Code sometimes cannot explain why. 162 00:10:24,620 --> 00:10:27,040 So comments are needed to explain why. 163 00:10:27,040 --> 00:10:32,140 And then code purists will come after me and they'll say "oh but if you update the code 164 00:10:32,140 --> 00:10:36,320 then the comments are out of date" and I say well then your pull request or your code 165 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:41,220 review process should include an item saying "I have updated comments around this area 166 00:10:41,220 --> 00:10:44,820 to make it make sense" and if it doesn't then that's a bad engineer. 167 00:10:44,820 --> 00:10:47,160 You know, it should just be no excuse for it. 168 00:10:47,160 --> 00:10:54,140 So if it's unclear why, or you think "hey 3am prime won't understand what I was doing 169 00:10:54,140 --> 00:10:58,020 here later" then I add a comment. 170 00:10:58,020 --> 00:11:01,160 There are actually some times where I add a comment with a link to the Stack Overflow 171 00:11:01,160 --> 00:11:02,960 question where I got the stuff from. 172 00:11:02,960 --> 00:11:04,740 That's good because it provides credit. 173 00:11:04,740 --> 00:11:09,440 But it's also good because I go back to it and I'm like "what is this eldritch chicken 174 00:11:09,440 --> 00:11:10,440 scratch here? 175 00:11:10,440 --> 00:11:12,320 Why have you done it this way?" 176 00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:16,260 And the answer is "because you spent 3 hours and here was the answer you found on Stack 177 00:11:16,260 --> 00:11:21,660 Overflow after 3 hours" so I've even said "hey we can even reference issues, for example 178 00:11:21,660 --> 00:11:26,440 if something weird happened we can just put a comment saying 'this is why we did it' 179 00:11:26,440 --> 00:11:30,140 and then we can literally reference the github issue because it'll be there as long as github 180 00:11:30,140 --> 00:11:33,680 is up" which I don't imagine it going down any time soon. 181 00:11:33,680 --> 00:11:40,560 That's that question, I want to scroll through and make sure we got... okay that's that done. 182 00:11:40,560 --> 00:11:45,940 I think we're out of questions now. 183 00:11:45,940 --> 00:11:50,800 Fuzzy is asking a cloud variable question which is why I'm giggling because cloud variables 184 00:11:50,800 --> 00:11:55,980 are... cloud variables are unfinished which is why they're so confusing. 185 00:11:55,980 --> 00:12:00,240 I'm so sorry that cloud variables are so confusing. 186 00:12:00,240 --> 00:12:01,560 I have to consult the oracle. 187 00:12:01,560 --> 00:12:02,560 Give me a second. 188 00:12:02,560 --> 00:12:07,640 By the oracle I mean my documentation on the wiki which is sometimes wrong. 189 00:12:07,640 --> 00:12:13,000 It was wrong, I updated a bunch of it but like it's always wrong. 190 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:17,960 You're asking about definition only... definition owner only unsafe. 191 00:12:17,960 --> 00:12:22,300 Okay definition own own... do you... can't even say it. 192 00:12:22,300 --> 00:12:24,820 Definition owner... no. 193 00:12:24,820 --> 00:12:29,560 Definition owner only unsafe can be used by users and groups. 194 00:12:29,560 --> 00:12:38,600 Definition owner only unsafe is only used for a singular value and it's in read write 195 00:12:38,600 --> 00:12:41,840 permissions though so it's useful for version control systems. 196 00:12:41,840 --> 00:12:51,760 I don't know if you uclops here but like definition owner only unsafe would be what I might use 197 00:12:51,760 --> 00:12:57,200 if the wiki is correct which it might not be for the version detection system which 198 00:12:57,200 --> 00:12:59,320 redprint has for example. 199 00:12:59,320 --> 00:13:04,020 I would probably use definition owner only there which means I could set the version 200 00:13:04,020 --> 00:13:09,840 number inside the dash because I didn't want someone doing some hacky logics to do it in 201 00:13:09,840 --> 00:13:14,640 an unsafe way with like "you guys there's a new version of redprint and it's called 202 00:13:14,640 --> 00:13:23,360 version 17400 and cheese" which could theoretically happen if you use definition owner only unsafe 203 00:13:23,360 --> 00:13:27,680 because it can be set in an unsafe context. 204 00:13:27,680 --> 00:13:35,520 You set that for a read permission on a variable and it's still readable in world using a user 205 00:13:35,520 --> 00:13:39,880 from username node unless read by... you set it for... 206 00:13:39,880 --> 00:13:44,120 I'd have to look at like the setup and the configuration and which logics nodes you're 207 00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:48,120 doing so if you can share that we can look at it more. 208 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:53,080 Great like it's not like there is no node by that name. 209 00:13:53,080 --> 00:13:58,640 Can we like yeah can we can we just you know tone that down I'm looking at the full node 210 00:13:58,640 --> 00:13:59,640 list here. 211 00:13:59,640 --> 00:14:01,800 Yep I know that name. 212 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:07,440 Oh confusing the stage also has a chat channel oh my god we should probably like switch to 213 00:14:07,440 --> 00:14:08,880 that at some point yeah. 214 00:14:08,880 --> 00:14:12,520 Anyway moving on to questions. 215 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:17,940 Fuzzy wants a variable only they could okay so if you want it only that you can read it 216 00:14:17,940 --> 00:14:22,280 definition owner only without the unsafe would be the way that you do it because with the 217 00:14:22,280 --> 00:14:28,280 unsafe it means that people can read it if you're in the session and they know their 218 00:14:28,280 --> 00:14:29,800 way around logics. 219 00:14:29,800 --> 00:14:35,680 The oo node is a joke node you're not meant to use it for anything concrete it's just 220 00:14:35,680 --> 00:14:43,000 outputs what's this much like the b0 3 all node which is just a typo that for example 221 00:14:43,000 --> 00:14:44,800 funny so put it into the code. 222 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:48,600 I was actually thinking about this the other day and hey this is this is my space to talk 223 00:14:48,600 --> 00:14:56,440 about random stuff including toilet seats so Microsoft has a policy where we don't do 224 00:14:56,440 --> 00:15:03,080 April Fools jokes and because of my time at that company I agree I completely agree that 225 00:15:03,080 --> 00:15:11,520 companies should not do April Fools jokes and what happened is that order or like directive 226 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:15,360 or I guess policy but the right word since we're not talking about military came directly 227 00:15:15,360 --> 00:15:23,180 from like the chief legal officer of Microsoft and the reason behind that is like they calculated 228 00:15:23,180 --> 00:15:29,720 the like cost in terms of sort of marketing legal financial etc about putting out something 229 00:15:29,720 --> 00:15:35,680 that was confusing and it was large like say for example you put out like you know today 230 00:15:35,680 --> 00:15:43,480 Microsoft is releasing Microsoft cheese because it's April Fools or Microsoft Pi 3.1.4 etc 231 00:15:43,480 --> 00:15:50,080 some person somewhere is going to be confused by that and they're going to have some action 232 00:15:50,080 --> 00:15:57,080 that may lead to a decline in reputation revenue legal standing stock price whatever so they 233 00:15:57,080 --> 00:16:02,080 were just like nope we don't do it anymore and I just completely agree with that so I 234 00:16:02,080 --> 00:16:06,000 want more companies to sort of do that measurement if they're like really small it's probably 235 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:09,320 not going to matter but like when it comes to like a gigantic company like Microsoft 236 00:16:09,320 --> 00:16:10,840 it just like makes sense. 237 00:16:10,840 --> 00:16:16,240 Zari says it always backfires it's not like it always backfires it's like the potential 238 00:16:16,240 --> 00:16:23,120 for backfiring is higher than the reward right if you want to be funny be funny 365 days 239 00:16:23,120 --> 00:16:27,360 a year you can see that with the social media accounts for brands where they're trying to 240 00:16:27,360 --> 00:16:33,360 be funny sometimes they aren't funny sometimes they are but they are consistently trying 241 00:16:33,360 --> 00:16:38,600 if the brand is only quote funny on April 1st then it's just it's really weird like 242 00:16:38,600 --> 00:16:44,080 I kind of like for example I like Discord's brand Discord's brand is it feels quite young 243 00:16:44,080 --> 00:16:49,680 it doesn't feel stuffy it doesn't feel you know too corporate like and that's because 244 00:16:49,680 --> 00:16:53,600 they work on that brand every single time they do an announcement every single time 245 00:16:53,600 --> 00:16:59,080 they do a release there's a frog on my head for example. 246 00:16:59,080 --> 00:17:05,040 I don't answer cheese questions here yes questions or questions about toilet seats those are 247 00:17:05,040 --> 00:17:09,280 mine today all right I don't see any other questions although fuzzy does say sorry for 248 00:17:09,280 --> 00:17:15,000 all the dumb questions there is no such thing as a dumb question if you don't understand 249 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:19,520 something you have two choices in the world and that is to try and understand it or to 250 00:17:19,520 --> 00:17:24,240 give up and trying to understand it is always the best option so please ask questions there 251 00:17:24,240 --> 00:17:30,500 are like dumbly worded questions I guess would be the sort of term to use it you can read 252 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:37,760 all of that that at a page called asking good questions you could just Google I can't remember 253 00:17:37,760 --> 00:17:41,420 the exact one I was looking for but yeah just how to ask good questions that's also the 254 00:17:41,420 --> 00:17:48,260 XY problem etc let's take a look I have questions Tiki says to save something like a personal 255 00:17:48,260 --> 00:17:53,880 playlist what kind of storage should I use playlist of videos I wouldn't recommend cloud 256 00:17:53,880 --> 00:18:01,260 variables for that because lists are of course difficult you could comma separate value or 257 00:18:01,260 --> 00:18:06,120 tab separated value or whatever the hell you want separated value a list of videos into 258 00:18:06,120 --> 00:18:11,880 a cloud variable definition owner again is the sort of variant of permissions that you 259 00:18:11,880 --> 00:18:15,740 need as as fuzzy as struggling with those you'll probably have to do some experimentation 260 00:18:15,740 --> 00:18:20,500 but I wouldn't recommend cloud variables for a personal playlist when it comes to music 261 00:18:20,500 --> 00:18:24,860 and playlists I actually recommend especially if it's a YouTube playlist make a YouTube 262 00:18:24,860 --> 00:18:29,180 playlist and then you can like put that YouTube playlist into some of the players we have 263 00:18:29,180 --> 00:18:34,460 in game and it will play that playlist and in some cases and I apologize for bringing 264 00:18:34,460 --> 00:18:38,100 this up in some cases consider whether you need to play your music to everyone else in 265 00:18:38,100 --> 00:18:43,140 the world gray says just check I think the user mesh hide component is broken yeah I 266 00:18:43,140 --> 00:18:46,840 don't know what that one is either like this is another sort of like we need we need comments 267 00:18:46,840 --> 00:18:53,260 and it's like avatar user mesh hider what do you think it does because I've just read 268 00:18:53,260 --> 00:18:57,940 what it does and to answer your question I need to know what you think it does I've just 269 00:18:57,940 --> 00:19:02,420 been through the entire node list gray like there's not a node by that name like I did 270 00:19:02,420 --> 00:19:07,480 control T typed in that and then I scroll through the entire list and I need to scroll 271 00:19:07,480 --> 00:19:12,420 down I'm sorry I don't realize I was gonna scroll down apologies for that I'll take a 272 00:19:12,420 --> 00:19:17,940 look now sometimes I just forget a scroll bar exists I blame it being like almost the 273 00:19:17,940 --> 00:19:22,080 same color as the background angry pilot says is it technically possible for users in the 274 00:19:22,080 --> 00:19:25,800 US to load a resource pics videos etc from other user host if it's only available on 275 00:19:25,800 --> 00:19:33,440 a local server for that host I don't know what you're asking let me read it again is 276 00:19:33,440 --> 00:19:38,240 it any possible for users in news to load a resource from other users or the host if 277 00:19:38,240 --> 00:19:42,440 it's only available on a local server for that host no the load would have to be triggered 278 00:19:42,440 --> 00:19:48,080 by the person who owns it a good example for that would be let's say you have the latest 279 00:19:48,080 --> 00:19:54,000 funny meme tik tok video on your hard drive you would have to import it for people to 280 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:58,880 be able to see it okay so catching up on the composition but use a mesh hider yeah it's 281 00:19:58,880 --> 00:20:07,160 for like hair and stuff like that it should work I'm reading the code for it now basically 282 00:20:07,160 --> 00:20:15,520 on equip it says yeah whoever's wearing the avatar we go through all the mesh renderers 283 00:20:15,520 --> 00:20:20,240 are the ones that aren't on the exclude list it will just hide which which sounds backwards 284 00:20:20,240 --> 00:20:30,160 I feel it should be like an include not an exclude list like hide the hair hide the hat 285 00:20:30,160 --> 00:20:35,120 linker says that it does work people just think it hides the other yeah yeah people 286 00:20:35,120 --> 00:20:41,920 I remember also thinking that the avatar mesh avatar user mesh hider was also some sort 287 00:20:41,920 --> 00:20:47,280 of like safety feature right it sounds like user blocking it is not all of that will be 288 00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:53,840 fixed by you know documentation it also be fixed in some cases by just having those features 289 00:20:53,840 --> 00:20:59,880 generically yeah it just like it does a value user override for the for the hair etc it 290 00:20:59,880 --> 00:21:06,960 will include mirrors it will include cameras anything rendered from the point of view of 291 00:21:06,960 --> 00:21:13,200 the user who has it equipped camera avatar mirror whatever will have the effect like 292 00:21:13,200 --> 00:21:16,200 if you wanted to do it if I don't know a photo shoot let's say you're dancing or whatever 293 00:21:16,200 --> 00:21:21,600 you would have to get a camera person that didn't do that yeah it probably I mean I don't 294 00:21:21,600 --> 00:21:25,720 know there's no comments in the code base around why it was added but it probably existed 295 00:21:25,720 --> 00:21:30,440 before we had the net the near clip adjustments and it was probably something for excited 296 00:21:30,440 --> 00:21:36,840 to give people additional options that weren't hey just do it do it vrchat does guys just 297 00:21:36,840 --> 00:21:42,400 just do it just do what vrchat does which is where they like shrink your head to zero 298 00:21:42,400 --> 00:21:48,880 from your head camera only right let's move forwards fuzzy says had some witness today 299 00:21:48,880 --> 00:21:52,440 running headless or custom URL one person couldn't join through a button facet I made 300 00:21:52,440 --> 00:21:55,920 although it's been working for weeks and work for me after giving them a regular invite 301 00:21:55,920 --> 00:22:00,840 they were able to join the world and come back again using the facet not really a question 302 00:22:00,840 --> 00:22:06,160 but moreover that was an odd moment if I was gonna manage try to report it yeah depending 303 00:22:06,160 --> 00:22:13,400 on like the invite settings and the privacy settings even if you have a custom URL you 304 00:22:13,400 --> 00:22:17,800 sometimes can't join it without an invite like the fact that you gave them an invite 305 00:22:17,800 --> 00:22:22,400 and then the facet works makes me think it was like a permission II thing like if you 306 00:22:22,400 --> 00:22:27,240 did like I don't know I'd have to I'd have to do an entire test matrix on it and I haven't 307 00:22:27,240 --> 00:22:31,760 done that but like you could totally do that and figure out what the options are there 308 00:22:31,760 --> 00:22:35,600 switch this is just out of curiosity any info what the universe ID is for what does for 309 00:22:35,600 --> 00:22:40,720 I don't know if it works I don't think anyone's used it but universe ID is to segregate parts 310 00:22:40,720 --> 00:22:45,160 of the Neos community this sounds so like the touristic is to segregate parts of the 311 00:22:45,160 --> 00:22:49,560 Neos community into separate universes you can think of it a little bit like subreddits 312 00:22:49,560 --> 00:22:54,320 so there's an example here a school my enter universe ID of hopefully something that isn't 313 00:22:54,320 --> 00:22:58,240 just the name of the school but they're an entire universe ID and all the computers that 314 00:22:58,240 --> 00:23:02,440 run Neos and then they wouldn't be able to see us us fairies hanging out in the corner 315 00:23:02,440 --> 00:23:07,200 you know making fairy noises because they're a school they'll be on the school universe 316 00:23:07,200 --> 00:23:11,380 I've not seen anyone use it successfully I've had many occurrence where we should be using 317 00:23:11,380 --> 00:23:15,120 it but it's just not being used I don't know if that's because it doesn't work or because 318 00:23:15,120 --> 00:23:22,240 people aren't aware of it but there we go as an example the user Peck is a professor 319 00:23:22,240 --> 00:23:28,160 at the University of somewhere in Prague sometimes his students come in and they flood the active 320 00:23:28,160 --> 00:23:34,360 session list with a bunch of sort of new users who are also your students and so that's always 321 00:23:34,360 --> 00:23:39,320 fun to see that should probably be on its own universe like says what you think of this 322 00:23:39,320 --> 00:23:45,720 show 256 it's impressive I hope you had fun I won't be reading it further because it makes 323 00:23:45,720 --> 00:23:50,880 my head spin I am impressed that you got it done though picture says Aggie parts question 324 00:23:50,880 --> 00:23:54,860 was more related to network and powers if it was linked to local server on another user 325 00:23:54,860 --> 00:23:58,880 could it be opened on another user through the hose sort of similar to relaying RPCs 326 00:23:58,880 --> 00:24:06,100 from loading no that can't be done the avatar use a mesh 327 00:24:06,100 --> 00:24:13,840 is broken there's a difference between broken and not designed well it's working I guarantee 328 00:24:13,840 --> 00:24:19,240 that reading the code it's really really simple guarantee it works it's just not designed 329 00:24:19,240 --> 00:24:23,940 for the way that you want to use it so the avatar user mesh is broken it's just not designed 330 00:24:23,940 --> 00:24:27,000 the way that you want to use it there's a there's a difference there that's also why 331 00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:32,520 we have the bug issue type on GitHub and the tweak issue type on GitHub like that isn't 332 00:24:32,520 --> 00:24:36,740 a bug that's it that's a tweak you are requesting additional functionality to be added to the 333 00:24:36,740 --> 00:24:43,400 component thank you parlor elaborates and talks about them having a local FTP server 334 00:24:43,400 --> 00:24:47,740 and asking if news users could go through that and talk to them no that would be would 335 00:24:47,740 --> 00:24:53,040 have to bring would have to bring the external news user into your network which just doesn't 336 00:24:53,040 --> 00:24:57,480 exist could we ferry packets somehow there's probably some sort of protocol where we can 337 00:24:57,480 --> 00:25:03,560 sort of proxy or something yes so like ultimately that's possible but no you can't right now 338 00:25:03,560 --> 00:25:10,440 gray asks so you can make an adult universe maybe gray needs a cold shower theoretically 339 00:25:10,440 --> 00:25:17,680 yes but you'd have to abide by all nearest usage guidelines even on that universe so 340 00:25:17,680 --> 00:25:23,500 nothing in public sessions etc etc go read the guidelines there would be not much reason 341 00:25:23,500 --> 00:25:27,040 to do it is what I'm saying because you would still be breaking the guidelines if anything 342 00:25:27,040 --> 00:25:35,200 was public in the future perhaps eventually not now not now you might be able to do and 343 00:25:35,200 --> 00:25:41,120 have public adult sessions Yuki asks so question though would would wouldn't even with separate 344 00:25:41,120 --> 00:25:45,640 university you'd have access to both essential photos I think you would yeah I don't know 345 00:25:45,640 --> 00:25:50,440 how much the universe system has been implemented I just haven't had a chance to try it zinc 346 00:25:50,440 --> 00:25:54,920 has followed up with some information that says you can send it to anything really and 347 00:25:54,920 --> 00:25:58,880 then only works the world browser and you can still join in contacts it's literally 348 00:25:58,880 --> 00:26:03,600 hidden but allowed in contacts page it does nothing to folders see it's purely session 349 00:26:03,600 --> 00:26:07,720 listing gray is still claiming it's broken yeah it only does it when you equip it so 350 00:26:07,720 --> 00:26:11,320 you need to once you've set it up you need to re-equip the avatar Lex is seeing how to 351 00:26:11,320 --> 00:26:16,320 break the guidelines if someone else uses your universe ID then the universe sessions 352 00:26:16,320 --> 00:26:21,860 would show up publicly in the session browser of that content so it would still be public 353 00:26:21,860 --> 00:26:27,840 because it's still viewable to the public and yeah you might make a universe ID like 354 00:26:27,840 --> 00:26:36,120 a random alphanumeric string that is like very long but someone could still guess it 355 00:26:36,120 --> 00:26:42,700 gray says please don't put whatever my sorry it wasn't intention I will go ahead and make 356 00:26:42,700 --> 00:26:48,920 a tutorial on it for you and that way we'll see if it works Yuki says a school setting 357 00:26:48,920 --> 00:26:53,180 universe ID isn't enough they would have to delete those fault yeah I'm trying to sort 358 00:26:53,180 --> 00:26:57,460 of figure out and have a conversation with the team about what we do about near essentials 359 00:26:57,460 --> 00:27:01,440 and central tools I want to combine them together essential tools should just be near essentials 360 00:27:01,440 --> 00:27:10,000 tools and I also want to sort of come up with a way where we don't have as many orange folders 361 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:20,200 inside news essentials as we do like I don't I don't like how there are team folders in 362 00:27:20,200 --> 00:27:24,880 multiple locations like I would love if it was just like in those actually a folder for 363 00:27:24,880 --> 00:27:29,040 a community folders and then inside the community folders we put all the team folders in there 364 00:27:29,040 --> 00:27:33,360 because then it would be it just like it's clear that you're entering an area that is 365 00:27:33,360 --> 00:27:37,440 not near essentials because right now they're just everywhere I also think as a team we 366 00:27:37,440 --> 00:27:40,740 need to come up with a policy of what goes in near essentials and what doesn't because 367 00:27:40,740 --> 00:27:45,200 it's very clear that some team members put useful items in there whilst those items are 368 00:27:45,200 --> 00:27:49,400 useful it's sort of like do we have a policy and what should be included and what shouldn't 369 00:27:49,400 --> 00:27:55,200 be included I don't so we need one those sorts of things are things that you only think about 370 00:27:55,200 --> 00:27:58,980 when you start getting into like a larger company when you're like oh you know it's 371 00:27:58,980 --> 00:28:03,440 beyond sort of like a few hundred people playing now it's a few thousand people playing now 372 00:28:03,440 --> 00:28:07,240 it's ten thousand people playing and you're like okay we need to make sure nothing goes 373 00:28:07,240 --> 00:28:12,960 wrong we also need a policy for what gets featured how stuff gets featured etc word 374 00:28:12,960 --> 00:28:16,760 policy might sound scary to some people but it's basically just like let's discuss it 375 00:28:16,760 --> 00:28:22,200 and then record that we've discussed it so that we're not confused later tiki says it 376 00:28:22,200 --> 00:28:27,420 often happens in desktop mode the world goes fully white on a session switching session 377 00:28:27,420 --> 00:28:31,480 everything's okay coming back it's still white until I respawn and ideas how this happens 378 00:28:31,480 --> 00:28:37,160 I had that for months literally months and then it just randomly stops so I never looked 379 00:28:37,160 --> 00:28:42,000 into it I apologize I don't have much more information on that one that literally happened 380 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:47,360 for months and I've only really just now remind remembered it I could look the flashbang right 381 00:28:47,360 --> 00:28:51,760 sometimes it would happen and used to go like what's up and I like I don't mind me the flashbangs 382 00:28:51,760 --> 00:28:56,780 got off I'm gonna respond sorry says the new shield has always struck me as not being well 383 00:28:56,780 --> 00:29:01,080 placed in the official news folder yeah I don't like the new shield I don't think it 384 00:29:01,080 --> 00:29:05,120 should be there now to be clear because I know we have this issue and then in this community 385 00:29:05,120 --> 00:29:09,400 that doesn't mean I dislike the owner or the author it just means I don't personally like 386 00:29:09,400 --> 00:29:14,680 that particular item and I don't think it should be exactly writers jackal says very 387 00:29:14,680 --> 00:29:17,760 good point about nice essentials I mean there's interesting stuff in news essentials but as 388 00:29:17,760 --> 00:29:23,700 a relative newbie a lot of things have for me meaningless names because they are named 389 00:29:23,700 --> 00:29:29,440 for the people who built them and such and such so-and-so is creative stuff yeah there's 390 00:29:29,440 --> 00:29:34,760 also a problem where some of the items are named like you'd name a book or a film not 391 00:29:34,760 --> 00:29:39,080 how you'd name a tool like for example a screwdriver is called a screwdriver because it drives 392 00:29:39,080 --> 00:29:46,080 screws but in neo sland a screwdriver might be called like primes super fantastic ultimate 393 00:29:46,080 --> 00:29:54,920 RGB tag special ultimate RGB tag version 17 thing and you're like yeah I have no idea 394 00:29:54,920 --> 00:29:58,880 what that does and then you spawn it and there's no instructions it's just like a tool you 395 00:29:58,880 --> 00:30:04,320 hook up but you don't know what it does some people do have like ways around that the basic 396 00:30:04,320 --> 00:30:08,720 is one I say movies where a gearball will like parent a piece of text to the object 397 00:30:08,720 --> 00:30:13,100 which is set to non persistent when it loads so it's sort of like spawns in the text but 398 00:30:13,100 --> 00:30:19,500 won't hang around and it says like equip this and push left trigger to fly or whatever if 399 00:30:19,500 --> 00:30:24,480 you look inside the examples folder inside news essentials that's kind of sort of my 400 00:30:24,480 --> 00:30:28,360 playing ground is a little bit more organized there and sort of functional units although 401 00:30:28,360 --> 00:30:33,160 of course there's always more work to do on that line gray says why don't you like the 402 00:30:33,160 --> 00:30:38,240 shield the shield teaches the wrong solution to a problem so the solution to the problem 403 00:30:38,240 --> 00:30:44,060 is to combat the culture that you're experiencing which requires you to have the shield now 404 00:30:44,060 --> 00:30:48,440 of course you'll say yeah but so many new people come in and then they get our hands 405 00:30:48,440 --> 00:30:54,680 on stuff the you know do does stuff that the shield protects against which like okay can 406 00:30:54,680 --> 00:31:00,440 a people stop making that stuff be can we stop handing out to new users see can we start 407 00:31:00,440 --> 00:31:06,600 educating new users on our rules and guidelines and then like D E F and G and H is like please 408 00:31:06,600 --> 00:31:11,840 report people who are consistently harassing you to moderation they need to know it's bad 409 00:31:11,840 --> 00:31:15,560 we are running over time here but I'll give you a quick example of the story I was in 410 00:31:15,560 --> 00:31:21,360 a world there was some unoccupied avatars in the corner a brand new user who was young 411 00:31:21,360 --> 00:31:26,620 but old enough to play the game so 13 or above came into the session and started verbally 412 00:31:26,620 --> 00:31:31,720 abusing an unoccupied avatar in the corner now of course this unoccupied avatar was unoccupied 413 00:31:31,720 --> 00:31:37,000 so they weren't verbally abusing some actual person but I went over and I told them off 414 00:31:37,000 --> 00:31:42,600 and I said hey this behavior isn't appropriate on this platform we don't insult each other 415 00:31:42,600 --> 00:31:46,240 we you know we have fun we hang out and they didn't really get the message for a little 416 00:31:46,240 --> 00:31:49,680 bit but a bit later they did get the message and they actually went back over to this under 417 00:31:49,680 --> 00:31:54,080 completed avatar and apologized to it and I thought that was kind of sweet I have never 418 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:58,400 seen that user ever again I presume they went on to go play gorilla tag or something but 419 00:31:58,400 --> 00:32:04,920 it was just like a perfect example of I taught them the culture that I wish that the entirety 420 00:32:04,920 --> 00:32:09,440 of Neos had which is we see an issue we talk to them about the issue until they understand 421 00:32:09,440 --> 00:32:13,680 it and if they don't understand it we continue to talk to them about the consequences of 422 00:32:13,680 --> 00:32:18,880 them not understanding that issue which is the consequences are you will be kicked like 423 00:32:18,880 --> 00:32:22,960 here are the consequences of your action Lexus how do we currently change the culture without 424 00:32:22,960 --> 00:32:27,840 changes to soften it Neos essentials and updates of the platform to make it easier one way 425 00:32:27,840 --> 00:32:34,280 would be to I guess a few ways would be first of all recognized as a session host you do 426 00:32:34,280 --> 00:32:38,520 actually unfortunately have to go into teacher mode sometimes and do what I was just describing 427 00:32:38,520 --> 00:32:42,080 which is you explain to someone why their behavior is inappropriate you talk about the 428 00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:46,680 consequences for if they continue the behavior and then you you you kick them I've seen a 429 00:32:46,680 --> 00:32:50,800 lot of users who sort of come forward or talk about it where they are the session host but 430 00:32:50,800 --> 00:32:55,760 they feel bad about maybe kicking or banning people because they don't want to cause strife 431 00:32:55,760 --> 00:33:00,760 or upset etc that's the sort of thing that we need to change like it also happens in 432 00:33:00,760 --> 00:33:04,760 in the real world there's whole sort of I think it's called like bystander training 433 00:33:04,760 --> 00:33:08,240 or something there's a whole name for it like green green dot or something I can't remember 434 00:33:08,240 --> 00:33:12,880 what it is it's basically like if and this is a horrible topic but let's say I don't 435 00:33:12,880 --> 00:33:20,500 know you're on a subway train and you see I don't know let's say someone being harassed 436 00:33:20,500 --> 00:33:26,240 in the corner like are you going to intervene with that and if you are going to intervene 437 00:33:26,240 --> 00:33:31,040 do you know how to intervene appropriately would other people on the train back you up 438 00:33:31,040 --> 00:33:34,180 not in a way where they're going to throw fists or anything but like would they back 439 00:33:34,180 --> 00:33:40,440 you up in the ways of sort of correctly de-escalating the situation and you know getting the person 440 00:33:40,440 --> 00:33:45,080 to safety etc would they and the answer is probably no and bystander training is the 441 00:33:45,080 --> 00:33:49,720 idea of trying to improve that situation there are a couple of updates that can be made to 442 00:33:49,720 --> 00:33:55,300 worlds to help things as well if you go into the permission system you can set the max 443 00:33:55,300 --> 00:33:59,680 scale and min scale they're currently set to a little bit of a weird number if you just 444 00:33:59,680 --> 00:34:06,320 raise those up and down a little bit that will help you can also set the full respawn 445 00:34:06,320 --> 00:34:10,160 position to a little bit higher that will also help because that means that when people 446 00:34:10,160 --> 00:34:14,720 do fall off terrain they won't spend forever falling they'll just fall for a little bit 447 00:34:14,720 --> 00:34:19,520 and then immediately respawn so it minimizes them for time where they're disturbed there's 448 00:34:19,520 --> 00:34:23,880 probably like other stuff you can do in the character controller to like limit the velocity 449 00:34:23,880 --> 00:34:30,800 of people like globally I know that you'll be able to do it with the the locomotion modifiers 450 00:34:30,800 --> 00:34:36,480 that I've seen that I did that big world on it is a difficult problem and like it's it's 451 00:34:36,480 --> 00:34:40,600 not like I'm asking you guys to solve it and we won't like trust me like I want to solve 452 00:34:40,600 --> 00:34:44,600 it I want to like provide as many tools as possible to solve it it's just we are currently 453 00:34:44,600 --> 00:34:49,400 stuck in that situation where we can't there's a particular variant of the bystander training 454 00:34:49,400 --> 00:34:54,040 I just can't like it's something like green green light green dot it was all sort of like 455 00:34:54,040 --> 00:34:58,720 trying to sort of like change the mindset from sort of like that isn't happening I should 456 00:34:58,720 --> 00:35:04,240 ignore it into I am an active participant in this event and it's on me to try and do 457 00:35:04,240 --> 00:35:09,340 something or something like that green dot find standard intervention training that's 458 00:35:09,340 --> 00:35:14,020 the one yeah there we go Specs has an amazing statement which I'll read we are leaving off 459 00:35:14,020 --> 00:35:18,920 so please drop down the level of questions I'm trying to wrap things up here now but 460 00:35:18,920 --> 00:35:22,520 Specs says confrontation can be scary most time people will listen I've had people quite 461 00:35:22,520 --> 00:35:28,080 firmly hey please don't keep sporting noise color vomit 5000 or I'll have to kick you 462 00:35:28,080 --> 00:35:32,920 and they stop doing it do you remember when it turns when it comes to loading stuff as 463 00:35:32,920 --> 00:35:37,240 as grace's collide initialization route it was literally the first tutorial I did please 464 00:35:37,240 --> 00:35:41,200 go watch it you'll learn a lot about like paroms first tutorial and it tells you how 465 00:35:41,200 --> 00:35:46,420 to fix up your collisions so that you don't fall through the ground on load whilst I'm 466 00:35:46,420 --> 00:35:52,360 here because I came up in conversation at some point as well consider not spawning the 467 00:35:52,360 --> 00:35:58,080 hermit meter by the way the hermit meter for those who are not aware is a meter which gets 468 00:35:58,080 --> 00:36:01,880 the percentage of people in private worlds and it's an unhealthy metric that I don't 469 00:36:01,880 --> 00:36:06,380 think you should do what it does is it points a massive big finger at those people hiding 470 00:36:06,380 --> 00:36:14,180 in private worlds and says haha you're a problem and that isn't a healthy way to get them out 471 00:36:14,180 --> 00:36:18,400 of private sessions like if you want to get people out of private sessions you need to 472 00:36:18,400 --> 00:36:22,560 give them a reason to come out of private sessions and if the first thing they see when 473 00:36:22,560 --> 00:36:27,680 they come out of private sessions is people discussing people in private sessions it doesn't 474 00:36:27,680 --> 00:36:32,840 encourage them like it's basically just going like these people are a problem and when they 475 00:36:32,840 --> 00:36:36,120 come out of private sessions we're going to talk about them even though they've they've 476 00:36:36,120 --> 00:36:41,300 braved a public session it's it's just like it's it's the wrong way to do it like give 477 00:36:41,300 --> 00:36:47,200 them a reason encourage them and invite them very good specs you've won the sort of analogy 478 00:36:47,200 --> 00:36:53,120 award for today specs is if you've ever been told by parents or family oh so you've come 479 00:36:53,120 --> 00:36:57,880 out of your cave as an introvert you know how much that sucks good good good analogy 480 00:36:57,880 --> 00:37:02,160 uh yeah i'll speak to major about i didn't realize it was in the creator jam uh template 481 00:37:02,160 --> 00:37:05,960 like if you want a hermit meter flip it upside down have the non-hermit meter and then try 482 00:37:05,960 --> 00:37:10,640 and increase that it but like the number of people in public sessions right now the social 483 00:37:10,640 --> 00:37:16,720 meter the potential friends meter i'll go ahead and leave off there if you have any 484 00:37:16,720 --> 00:37:20,080 additional questions please feel free to dm me tag me send me pigeons whatever you want 485 00:37:20,080 --> 00:37:24,000 to do i will go ahead and answer them to the best of my ability i am starving i'm gonna 486 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:26,880 go feed myself cheese will be involved