1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,800 Welcome to office hours. We're gonna go ahead and get started. This is the weekly air-mayor section where I ask questions about Nios 2 00:00:06,800 --> 00:00:09,980 So if you have any questions about Nios, please drop them in the office hours text chat 3 00:00:09,980 --> 00:00:12,380 And I will go ahead and get them answered 4 00:00:12,380 --> 00:00:17,240 I'm just gonna go ahead and ping the office hours roll again so people know that we're here 5 00:00:17,240 --> 00:00:21,380 It does take people like I don't know ten minutes to arrive. It's like seven people right now 6 00:00:21,380 --> 00:00:27,280 Thank you so much those seven people for being here. We get to like 20 past. It's like 20 people. It's strange 7 00:00:27,280 --> 00:00:29,840 But there we go 8 00:00:30,120 --> 00:00:34,560 Try to keep this at the same time every single week for as long as possible 9 00:00:34,560 --> 00:00:39,860 Just so people think of it like a TV show. So we have one question right now from specs this question 10 00:00:39,860 --> 00:00:44,080 I'm going to delay reading just for a little bit whilst I open up the code base 11 00:00:44,080 --> 00:00:49,320 Excuse me. Oh, it's because I checked out a branch yesterday 12 00:00:49,320 --> 00:00:56,120 I tried to open Visual Studio Visual Studio and can't find that solution file. It's like oh, yeah, I'm on a branch one second 13 00:00:56,120 --> 00:01:00,960 I'll read the question whilst the code base is loading that takes a while anyone who's opened a Visual Studio project, you know 14 00:01:00,960 --> 00:01:01,840 It's just like oh, yes 15 00:01:01,840 --> 00:01:08,600 I'm gonna spin your computer fans up as loud as they will go just to read some text files because that's Visual Studio for you 16 00:01:08,600 --> 00:01:10,440 So specs this question is 17 00:01:10,440 --> 00:01:16,740 Do wigglers or and wobblers and other components that run on T incur much in the way of network traffic or do they basically run locally? 18 00:01:16,740 --> 00:01:23,720 Masking from matter how much how many might be too many in a world surprised to find how many we could sit you without seeing 19 00:01:23,720 --> 00:01:28,080 Which impact so I know that spinner for example runs locally and that's why 20 00:01:28,080 --> 00:01:30,960 Spinners can actually desync for various people 21 00:01:30,960 --> 00:01:37,720 So spinners are really only good for what I call sort of visual animations rather than sort of functional animations 22 00:01:37,720 --> 00:01:43,580 What I mean by that is let's say you're in a wizard study as a part of an RPG game 23 00:01:43,580 --> 00:01:47,400 And there's one of those like mobile, you know small planetariums in the corner 24 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:51,780 If those planets on that planetarium are running on a spinner, that's probably okay, right? 25 00:01:51,780 --> 00:01:55,760 Because it's just there to add ambience to the to the scene. It's not there to 26 00:01:55,760 --> 00:02:03,560 Do anything functional so you people being desync is totally fine with that. It's just a you know background piece of art 27 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:11,920 If however that wasn't a planetarium and instead it was actually like a solar system and you're making a space game where you fly between 28 00:02:11,920 --> 00:02:17,240 Planets using a spaceship you wouldn't be able to use spinner in that case because the planet might be in a completely different 29 00:02:17,540 --> 00:02:21,520 Location for half the crew of your ship which would kind of be a deal breaker 30 00:02:21,520 --> 00:02:28,820 So there you go. There's the difference on spinner at least now the code base is open and responding to control T requests 31 00:02:28,820 --> 00:02:30,820 I can go ahead and look at wobbler 32 00:02:30,820 --> 00:02:35,920 Yeah, so wobble is also local so local drive 33 00:02:35,920 --> 00:02:40,400 And the same with wiggler. We'll go wiggle and wobble 34 00:02:40,400 --> 00:02:46,720 Almost said what what what would too many w words wobble and wiggle do not sync any data 35 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:51,460 Other than their settings if you change the speed the magnitude etc those will sync 36 00:02:51,460 --> 00:02:54,240 The actual state does not sync so again 37 00:02:54,240 --> 00:02:59,980 they are used for local effects like I mentioned the difference between the model planetarium and a wizard's office and the 38 00:02:59,980 --> 00:03:04,540 Space game where you're flying between planets, and that's why you can get away with quite a lot of them 39 00:03:04,540 --> 00:03:06,160 But do you remember that they don't sync? 40 00:03:06,160 --> 00:03:12,220 Moving forwards to the next question has been difficult to manage the development of multiple versions of Nia since you've said in the past you 41 00:03:12,220 --> 00:03:18,000 Have quite a few things were pretty much ready for an update and there's also small update required like the one we had 42 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:22,560 But they score is it difficult to track all that considering how large the project is it get get is very good at that 43 00:03:22,560 --> 00:03:25,180 In some cases get isn't like I just had 44 00:03:25,180 --> 00:03:30,560 I don't know why but because I had a branch checked out the shortcut file 45 00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:33,760 I usually used to launch the solution didn't work for some reason 46 00:03:33,760 --> 00:03:37,800 Occasionally I have to remake that shortcut file. I don't really understand why but whatever 47 00:03:38,440 --> 00:03:45,620 Other than that it's good. There are some cases where like mergers are problematic a good example of this that has been in public before so 48 00:03:45,620 --> 00:03:46,900 It's you know 49 00:03:46,900 --> 00:03:50,200 Do you know about it already is color management in color management? 50 00:03:50,200 --> 00:03:55,400 We introduced a new data type color X which I believe you can still see inside Neos right now. It's just not finished 51 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:57,400 Don't use it. Don't use it 52 00:03:57,400 --> 00:04:00,440 But it's there inside the code base 53 00:04:00,440 --> 00:04:08,280 When we are trying to make the full cut over to color management every version of color in our code base 54 00:04:08,320 --> 00:04:10,320 needs to turn to color X 55 00:04:10,320 --> 00:04:15,000 And so while that is only a one character change just imagine everywhere 56 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:20,920 Why color is used as a good example there the delete button the default inspector is red and the reason why it's red is 57 00:04:20,920 --> 00:04:26,500 Because someone has typed the word color dot red at some point in the code base that needs to be color X dot red 58 00:04:26,500 --> 00:04:30,820 And so what that leads to sometimes is a lot of merge conflicts particularly when? 59 00:04:30,820 --> 00:04:38,180 You know the color management build is is you know trying to desperately stay up to date with anything else for the video 60 00:04:38,180 --> 00:04:42,640 It's that question, but get pick is designed to be there. I'm still trying to teach members of the team 61 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:44,640 How get works etc for example? 62 00:04:44,640 --> 00:04:51,020 If you are one of the people who commits to get with the git commit message of update I will 63 00:04:51,020 --> 00:04:54,260 Do the leader Liam? 64 00:04:54,260 --> 00:04:57,140 Who's the guy that plays the wanted guy? 65 00:04:57,140 --> 00:05:04,360 No, no that's wanted the movie of bending bullets 66 00:05:04,360 --> 00:05:09,660 I want the one I was a new one he played memory Liam Neeson. Yeah, Liam Neeson 67 00:05:09,660 --> 00:05:15,780 You know he plays the same person in every single film. He's the guy who gets stuff done 68 00:05:15,780 --> 00:05:18,300 Taken is the film that I was 69 00:05:18,300 --> 00:05:21,020 Referring to that's the mean 70 00:05:21,020 --> 00:05:24,640 Yeah, so if you 71 00:05:24,640 --> 00:05:29,940 Get commits that was it yeah, if you use git commits with just a simple of like update 72 00:05:29,940 --> 00:05:32,480 I will find you and I will kill you 73 00:05:33,220 --> 00:05:37,080 Git commit should describe the change there is no such thing as a 74 00:05:37,080 --> 00:05:42,900 Too long and get commit you should keep the first line of the git commit very short 75 00:05:42,900 --> 00:05:47,820 But you can push enter and then type an essay and git will just handle it 76 00:05:47,820 --> 00:05:52,600 It's beautiful when you do that because people have context about why you made that change 77 00:05:52,600 --> 00:05:56,560 And then you don't do something like at 3 a.m.. Go why did 78 00:05:56,560 --> 00:06:00,000 Bob who isn't at work today because they're on vacation 79 00:06:00,460 --> 00:06:07,000 Why did he make this change because it just broke everything sure you doing that and then secondarily don't commit commented out code 80 00:06:07,000 --> 00:06:09,960 You need to comment something out, and you think you might use it later 81 00:06:09,960 --> 00:06:15,820 you should wrap it in a configuration block or a build flag or you should delete it and 82 00:06:15,820 --> 00:06:22,940 Leave a reference somewhere in your own personal notes about where you can find it in the git tree if you don't have personal notes 83 00:06:22,940 --> 00:06:25,380 Without your code then I don't know what you doing 84 00:06:25,380 --> 00:06:31,140 I just like keep notes for everything like I was setting up the MMC voting server for this year 85 00:06:31,140 --> 00:06:32,900 And I had no idea how it worked 86 00:06:32,900 --> 00:06:37,220 I completely forgot everything because I didn't make notes so I have made notes and I know how it works 87 00:06:37,220 --> 00:06:40,420 And I'll know how it works next year. Oh, it's an interesting question 88 00:06:40,420 --> 00:06:43,020 They say what is a part of Neos that you wish you understood better? 89 00:06:43,020 --> 00:06:50,040 I understood the actual like lower level data stuff the synchronization for anyone who's written a plug-in or a mod 90 00:06:50,040 --> 00:06:56,720 Maybe you'll understand that the majority of fields that do synchronize in Neos are just called what are called sinks 91 00:06:56,720 --> 00:07:02,140 Sink and then not sink the kitchen sink sinkers in to sink synchronize 92 00:07:02,140 --> 00:07:05,880 if you make something a sink it will just 93 00:07:05,880 --> 00:07:12,380 Magically appear on everyone's computer, and I have no real idea how or why because I don't really need to touch it 94 00:07:12,380 --> 00:07:15,640 I wish understood that more simply because if there are problems of it 95 00:07:15,640 --> 00:07:21,160 Which there are I could go ahead and fix them if that questions answered moving forwards to Riggs question 96 00:07:21,160 --> 00:07:23,700 Riggs says well the new Neos have 97 00:07:23,700 --> 00:07:28,700 Different collision physics than the current build asks because I'm trying to make a pool of table 98 00:07:28,700 --> 00:07:33,260 I don't know what you mean by a new Neos, so we do have an item on our roadmap 99 00:07:33,260 --> 00:07:37,060 rigid body physics and rigid body physics will enable you to 100 00:07:37,060 --> 00:07:45,380 Make things like a pool table that isn't spotted right now. It's not like a physics system or anything to do with collisions 101 00:07:45,380 --> 00:07:47,320 It's just an unsupported feature. Yes 102 00:07:47,320 --> 00:07:52,280 You'll be able to do stuff like that in fact a pool table is actually like a really good example of the difference between 103 00:07:52,280 --> 00:07:56,920 Rigid body physics and what we currently have what we currently have is character physics 104 00:07:56,920 --> 00:07:59,400 Which is hey I can jump in the world and I don't fall through the floor 105 00:07:59,400 --> 00:08:05,040 Which you can sort of coerce into making balls and stuff that you can throw around 106 00:08:05,040 --> 00:08:11,640 But it's difficult laggy etc. And there's a huge warning when you do that like literally built into the inspector 107 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:16,560 That won't be the case when we have rigid body physics if you like more information on rigid body physics 108 00:08:16,560 --> 00:08:19,440 Take a look at the character controller component inside the game 109 00:08:19,440 --> 00:08:22,760 Which has a list of you know talks all about it or take a look at the issue 110 00:08:22,760 --> 00:08:28,380 Which is reference from that character controller component or just search for rigid body physics 111 00:08:28,380 --> 00:08:34,480 Okay, moving forwards to Lex's question. What is the timeout for certain network related actions for example? 112 00:08:34,480 --> 00:08:39,860 How long it takes to automatically get set offline when you crash or how long it takes for a session to disappear off the session 113 00:08:39,860 --> 00:08:43,120 This one you crash. I'd have to look up each of those in turn 114 00:08:43,120 --> 00:08:45,680 Because they're they're probably different 115 00:08:45,680 --> 00:08:50,980 Some of them might just be sort of a function of other matters as well. For example the session lister 116 00:08:50,980 --> 00:08:54,620 I know that that has a couple of update mechanisms 117 00:08:54,620 --> 00:09:00,140 So there's the update mechanism that occurs on our end as in the cloud and then there's the update mechanism that happens 118 00:09:00,140 --> 00:09:04,360 on your end, which is periodically your world browser will 119 00:09:04,880 --> 00:09:12,540 Ask the server for new sessions, and so if those don't sync up exactly like a sort of weird orchestra 120 00:09:12,540 --> 00:09:16,860 Then things that aren't valid might be there. The breaking questions 121 00:09:16,860 --> 00:09:21,620 I'm going to mute and slurp and humongous amount of coffee. Okay, that was half a pint of coffee 122 00:09:21,620 --> 00:09:27,100 I should be good to go now. Why are there two threads? Oh someone speaking the thread from February 123 00:09:27,100 --> 00:09:33,520 Let's go ahead and lock that thread. I will answer the question. It's our fault if it's confusing, but I'll go ahead and lock that one 124 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:40,500 So Rico says will near support non humanoid avatars from the VR chat depends what you mean by non humanoid 125 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:46,420 I think that due to a certain population on our platform will probably look into 126 00:09:46,420 --> 00:09:49,120 different leg types at some point 127 00:09:49,120 --> 00:09:52,300 If you mean things like spiders quadrupeds 128 00:09:52,300 --> 00:09:56,820 Any millipedes probably not millipedes, but you know well 129 00:09:56,820 --> 00:10:01,660 I think you're probably asking there for is more generic IK which is a feature that we're interested in 130 00:10:02,260 --> 00:10:08,980 So for those who aren't aware IK and also FK aren't just things are used for avatars or 131 00:10:08,980 --> 00:10:12,200 You know moving arms or whatever inside of 132 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:18,880 In you know inside video games they're used for the actual fully definite process of those 133 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:23,700 Which is inverse kinematics or forward kinematics if you don't understand what kinematics are 134 00:10:23,700 --> 00:10:29,500 I want you to think about the cup of water glass soda, whatever it is on your desk that you're drinking 135 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:35,540 Hopefully you've got a drink on your desk and what you think about you picking up and drinking them the fact that your body 136 00:10:35,540 --> 00:10:41,060 Knows the sequence of muscles to pull and push to make that happen 137 00:10:41,060 --> 00:10:44,180 automatically is 138 00:10:44,180 --> 00:10:51,180 Forward kinematics that's like where you you know where stuff needs to be and so you you know 139 00:10:51,180 --> 00:10:55,380 Just you adjust stuff until it works that way so it comes up in a lot of stuff 140 00:10:56,100 --> 00:11:00,060 It comes up in a good example being of like generic IK would be like a robot arm 141 00:11:00,060 --> 00:11:02,520 So you think about a factory where robot arms may be? 142 00:11:02,520 --> 00:11:06,500 Lifting a piece into place someone I always think about as a car manufacturing line 143 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,860 You know when they take like half the car and this robot arm goes like 144 00:11:09,860 --> 00:11:15,340 Like sucks it to the other side of the car yeah that needs kinematics 145 00:11:15,340 --> 00:11:20,080 So you know where the robot arm is in space that the human body just knows that is is amazing 146 00:11:20,080 --> 00:11:22,080 We don't really understand how it works 147 00:11:22,660 --> 00:11:27,540 Everyone's now sort of waving their arms around and thinking about it next question here from Ozi who says 148 00:11:27,540 --> 00:11:32,620 Not sure how to phrase this right, but how odd is the facial tracking implementation for Nia's? 149 00:11:32,620 --> 00:11:36,700 It seems like the facial tracking software is well buggy horrible and annoying so imagine for Nia's is trying its best 150 00:11:36,700 --> 00:11:38,900 You have to remember that do everything through a layer 151 00:11:38,900 --> 00:11:41,420 so we do 152 00:11:41,420 --> 00:11:44,660 Device integration, and then we do what we sort of like 153 00:11:44,660 --> 00:11:49,080 I don't know if it's literally called this but in my head like sanitization and conversion 154 00:11:49,080 --> 00:11:54,540 So we take the data that the device gives us we sanitize it and we convert it into data which Nia's 155 00:11:54,540 --> 00:11:58,300 Understands and then we blast it out there in Nia's functionality 156 00:11:58,300 --> 00:12:02,400 And that's the biggest example of this that doesn't actually make sense to be integrated 157 00:12:02,400 --> 00:12:05,460 But is integrated right now is that for haptic systems? 158 00:12:05,460 --> 00:12:12,200 We support both the be haptic suit and the oboe suit if anyone who doesn't know what the o suit is good 159 00:12:13,100 --> 00:12:19,360 It's a alternative haptic base suit which requires sticky gel to be affixed to your skin via a tight jacket 160 00:12:19,360 --> 00:12:21,260 It looks interesting 161 00:12:21,260 --> 00:12:25,940 But I don't know if I want to get naked and sticky with the lads just to have some haptic feedback 162 00:12:25,940 --> 00:12:31,200 The point there being both of those systems work and have vastly different API's 163 00:12:31,200 --> 00:12:35,620 But they come out the same as the haptic components inside of Nia's 164 00:12:35,620 --> 00:12:40,300 We want to make that sort of first part like the device integration layer 165 00:12:40,300 --> 00:12:45,880 We want to make that open to you guys to write plugins is the wrong word because everyone goes like but then I can't join other 166 00:12:45,880 --> 00:12:51,100 People we want to make it so you can join other people and you'll be able to write your own device integrators 167 00:12:51,100 --> 00:12:53,100 So if you make a headset in your bedroom 168 00:12:53,100 --> 00:12:58,560 using a workbench and you know an Arduino ever you'd be able to 169 00:12:58,560 --> 00:13:06,760 Integrate it into our systems and it would pretend from the view of other people in the session that you are just wearing a regular 170 00:13:06,880 --> 00:13:11,400 Headset because that would stop the sort of arms race. It's not arms race is the wrong word 171 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:13,720 But you know, I mean like we have when a new device comes out 172 00:13:13,720 --> 00:13:17,780 Well, I mean my arms race which is the wrong word, but I'll run with it is that you know 173 00:13:17,780 --> 00:13:21,440 New headset comes out does VR chat support it does 174 00:13:21,440 --> 00:13:29,400 Rec room support it does roblox support it does meta horizon support it does neo support it and the answer to those questions is 175 00:13:29,400 --> 00:13:32,960 the first person to support it usually gets like a 176 00:13:32,960 --> 00:13:36,440 Boost because they're like, yeah, we support it blah blah blah 177 00:13:36,920 --> 00:13:38,920 moving on to additional questions 178 00:13:38,920 --> 00:13:42,280 Alex says what did I miss what you can do the recording? 179 00:13:42,280 --> 00:13:47,920 There's also a transcription available which does stress out my computer, which is why it sometimes takes a while 180 00:13:47,920 --> 00:13:52,960 It's like ah VR platform developer is slow on AI thing. Yay 181 00:13:52,960 --> 00:13:55,480 I need like more computers 182 00:13:55,480 --> 00:14:01,500 I know that it's the stereotypical thing for people who work in the tech sector like me in this area to have like server racks in 183 00:14:01,500 --> 00:14:05,480 Their houses or something so many people I know have just got like a full server rack in their house 184 00:14:05,480 --> 00:14:11,600 And they're just like, oh, yes, I could process this transcription through my server rack. I don't I used to it's off 185 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:15,600 It's the tree. It's been I shipped it from the UK where I lived 186 00:14:15,600 --> 00:14:18,080 To Germany where I live for 18 months 187 00:14:18,080 --> 00:14:21,600 I didn't turn it on and then I shipped it to America and I still haven't got it turned on 188 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:25,000 There's actually still packing tape on it from when I moved in here five years ago 189 00:14:25,000 --> 00:14:28,960 It's not even really a server. It's just a tiny box that can do what I want to 190 00:14:28,960 --> 00:14:32,720 But yeah, there will be a transcription and there will be a recording 191 00:14:34,240 --> 00:14:39,020 Alex then extends this question with talked about Nia's future. We have not talked about Nia's future 192 00:14:39,020 --> 00:14:43,380 If you like to ask a question, please go ahead and do so moving on to the next question 193 00:14:43,380 --> 00:14:49,000 Riggs says full body locking to hip or head feature possibly on the horizon. I'm used this might be a thing 194 00:14:49,000 --> 00:14:50,280 I seem to be hip-locked 195 00:14:50,280 --> 00:14:50,760 Ah, yeah 196 00:14:50,760 --> 00:14:55,960 So there is a large collection of issues to do with IK particularly when it comes to full body tracking 197 00:14:55,960 --> 00:15:01,220 That we want to look at and improve. Frix is quite sure of what he needs to do there, though 198 00:15:01,220 --> 00:15:06,020 He just needs to you know, have the time and capability to do it. He spends a lot of time in full body understanding 199 00:15:06,020 --> 00:15:07,600 What's going on there? 200 00:15:07,600 --> 00:15:12,660 We get it's problematic. We're just there's nothing we can do about it right now. There's a bunch of changes there 201 00:15:12,660 --> 00:15:15,640 Erin asked what's the difference between forward and inverse kinematics? 202 00:15:15,640 --> 00:15:22,600 I've had a forward kinematics before so inverse is you take the end position and you figure out the joints going backwards 203 00:15:22,600 --> 00:15:26,980 So in the case of a robot arm, you would take the position of the clasper 204 00:15:26,980 --> 00:15:31,380 You know the grabby bit at the end of the arm and you would work backwards from the grabber to figure out 205 00:15:31,380 --> 00:15:36,120 Where the joints of the arm need to be to make sure that that grabber is there? 206 00:15:36,120 --> 00:15:40,840 Whereas forward kinematics is the other way around you start at the top and you are down 207 00:15:40,840 --> 00:15:44,620 I don't know much about it, but I presume like inverse is more 208 00:15:44,620 --> 00:15:47,500 Easy to wrap your head around because you're like, yeah 209 00:15:47,500 --> 00:15:50,840 I want I want the grasp or of my arm to be here 210 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:54,480 Work out where the elbow needs to be work out where the shoulder needs to be 211 00:15:54,520 --> 00:15:58,360 And that is I don't know because we don't know what mathematics our brains are running 212 00:15:58,360 --> 00:16:01,160 But I believe that's kind of sort of how our brains interpret it as well 213 00:16:01,160 --> 00:16:06,240 Like I don't ever think about my shoulder or my elbow and I reach out and grab my giant mug of coffee 214 00:16:06,240 --> 00:16:09,660 I just grab my giant mug of coffee because that's where I want my hand to be 215 00:16:09,660 --> 00:16:11,760 So I believe that's that question 216 00:16:11,760 --> 00:16:17,920 Moving forwards to Rico's question Rico says will there be more features to make easier to create things for desktop users? 217 00:16:17,920 --> 00:16:22,460 Depends what you mean there if you could elaborate on what difficulties were having as a desktop user 218 00:16:22,460 --> 00:16:26,480 I might be able to answer you more effectively Aaron asks. Is there a question you're surprised? 219 00:16:26,480 --> 00:16:28,480 Nobody has been asking an office hours yet 220 00:16:28,480 --> 00:16:33,260 I'm always curious about sort of like some of the weirder parts of news that no one seems to use 221 00:16:33,260 --> 00:16:37,120 I would love to answer questions about the areas which I use 222 00:16:37,120 --> 00:16:42,020 every day that no one else uses like let's get some more questions about the 223 00:16:42,020 --> 00:16:45,380 3d volumes 224 00:16:45,380 --> 00:16:50,500 Slices the measure tip the meter tip the distance meter component 225 00:16:51,740 --> 00:16:56,760 You know more questions like that like if I haven't heard of the component and you ask about it 226 00:16:56,760 --> 00:17:01,220 You should get like a badge you get like oh my god prime hasn't heard of this component badge 227 00:17:01,220 --> 00:17:04,500 Alex you can watch the recording. I 228 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:09,100 Can't continually repeat myself. It's it's like we run on into the future 229 00:17:09,100 --> 00:17:13,640 Ozzy says there was a new tip added to initial tools recently. What's that intended? It was intended 230 00:17:13,640 --> 00:17:19,680 I did it and I don't really like I don't care what anyone thinks what I did was I took the mesh visibility 231 00:17:20,060 --> 00:17:26,840 Tooltip and I made it visible inside essential tools. It was completely invisible. I also updated the 232 00:17:26,840 --> 00:17:30,440 this visual for the 233 00:17:30,440 --> 00:17:37,140 component clone tip so that you can actually see it's the yellow one because again like the picture like I basically just 234 00:17:37,140 --> 00:17:40,880 updated the pictures because it was bothering me the 235 00:17:40,880 --> 00:17:47,520 Three people in that week had asked about the mesh visibility tip and I'm like, it's there 236 00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:52,600 It's just the invisible one and I'm like hang on a minute. Why can't I just update this and I'm like I can so I did 237 00:17:52,600 --> 00:17:56,000 I understand that that breaks muscle memory. There's nothing I can do about that 238 00:17:56,000 --> 00:18:01,200 I think it's better in the long run that the mesh visibility tip is now actually visible 239 00:18:01,200 --> 00:18:02,720 I just found it ridiculous 240 00:18:02,720 --> 00:18:08,020 like and then someone needed the component clone tip and they didn't realize that that was the component clone tip because again it was you 241 00:18:08,020 --> 00:18:11,360 Know the picture was very small. What I'd love us to do is get 242 00:18:11,360 --> 00:18:15,380 You know probably get some like good UI 243 00:18:15,960 --> 00:18:20,760 not designers illustrators would be the appropriate term for this particular task to make 244 00:18:20,760 --> 00:18:25,440 Diagrams and pictures for each tool that we would then replace in the inventory 245 00:18:25,440 --> 00:18:27,720 Rather than a picture of the tool tip 246 00:18:27,720 --> 00:18:32,560 It would be like a square with the word developer tip and then a picture of the developer tip 247 00:18:32,560 --> 00:18:37,120 you know like a billboard ad sort of I just think that'd be a lot clearer and better than 248 00:18:37,120 --> 00:18:44,960 An often weirdly stretched blurry photo that you can only really tell which tip it is by the color. So 249 00:18:45,560 --> 00:18:49,640 To summarize I guess it is not a new tip. I just updated it so you can see it 250 00:18:49,640 --> 00:18:51,640 If anyone has a problem with that 251 00:18:51,640 --> 00:18:54,920 I will turn invisible and you won't be able to find me 252 00:18:54,920 --> 00:19:03,160 Just like the mesh visibility tip which is designed to make stuff invisible, but itself was invisible very confusing 253 00:19:03,160 --> 00:19:10,360 Alex's where is the recording the recording will be up between one and seven days from the time of this 254 00:19:10,960 --> 00:19:15,880 Session it really does depend on what I need to do immediately following this if I get distracted 255 00:19:15,880 --> 00:19:19,960 It's suddenly midnight and I haven't done it which then means it's Wednesday and I haven't done it 256 00:19:19,960 --> 00:19:23,960 And then if I have way too much like 3d graphic stuff to do on Wednesday 257 00:19:23,960 --> 00:19:29,840 I just can't I can't run the eye. Rusio says has prime heard of the linear map of 3d or 258 00:19:29,840 --> 00:19:34,280 We're just gonna like test me out. Like do I know these components? 259 00:19:34,280 --> 00:19:39,080 The reason why I'm delaying is because I'm actually going to my youtube channel because I think I have a video on the linear mappers 260 00:19:40,480 --> 00:19:45,520 Yeah, I do 31st October 2019, yeah, I know about the linear mappers 261 00:19:45,520 --> 00:19:52,720 Moving forwards to stifle says I wonder if prime has heard of the lapping multi clip player before. Yes 262 00:19:52,720 --> 00:19:58,960 I have someone was asking about that misunderstanding what was going on. There's one of those that is broken 263 00:19:58,960 --> 00:20:03,560 One of the clip players is broken. I can't remember which one is broken. I need to look at both of their names 264 00:20:03,560 --> 00:20:07,840 I'm in Neo, so I'll just empty object attach component media and see if I can find it 265 00:20:09,120 --> 00:20:15,260 It's in players. It's an audio then. Yeah, there's the lapping multi clip player and the multi audio clip player 266 00:20:15,260 --> 00:20:18,480 And one of those is broken. There was an issue I was reading about moving forwards 267 00:20:18,480 --> 00:20:25,460 Rusio said that they assumed it would be invisible like an in joke. I don't agree of in jokes the hamper 268 00:20:25,460 --> 00:20:30,380 Uses freedom like an in joke is totally fine. For example 269 00:20:30,380 --> 00:20:33,520 Really don't know of a good example 270 00:20:33,520 --> 00:20:35,360 I guess the example is when you like, you know 271 00:20:35,360 --> 00:20:41,500 I mean in the bottom left of discord when you click like the area that's got your your doobly-doo your numbers on it 272 00:20:41,500 --> 00:20:46,460 You can copy actually that's changed recently because now it just brings up that used to be that when you click that it would copy 273 00:20:46,460 --> 00:20:50,900 It to clipboard and if you clicked it like a few times like there'd be a little white to die like the elephant 274 00:20:50,900 --> 00:20:58,240 Logo person would not the logo one but the one that they animate sometimes would come up and go to die or something 275 00:20:58,240 --> 00:21:00,240 That's that's a fun joke 276 00:21:01,200 --> 00:21:05,240 Something that like is a detriment to uses is not a fun joke though. Oh, yeah, Sasha 277 00:21:05,240 --> 00:21:12,140 I do want to ask why is the clear logics interface but icon in there called clear logics which ends born actually called clear 278 00:21:12,140 --> 00:21:17,360 Interfaces no actual confused problem. Just confused me and how that desync. I don't know how that desync either 279 00:21:17,360 --> 00:21:21,860 I'd have to look into it. Maybe they did the picture thing 280 00:21:21,860 --> 00:21:26,180 You can customize inventory thumbnails and maybe they customize the inventory thumbnail for it 281 00:21:26,200 --> 00:21:33,000 But just didn't update the thumbnail being forwards Tiki says there's the new neat say the MMC 23 map 282 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:37,280 When I play it, I find myself missing blocks if I never actually see the saber inside the block 283 00:21:37,280 --> 00:21:41,760 Especially when the framerate is low. Do you think it'd be possible to make more efficient block hit detection using logics? 284 00:21:41,760 --> 00:21:45,280 Just to know if colliders the most efficient solution to the already 285 00:21:45,280 --> 00:21:49,120 Colliders should be the most efficient solution. I've had people before 286 00:21:49,920 --> 00:21:56,920 That have said something on the lines of like but my logic's collision code is better and I've come like do you have any idea? 287 00:21:56,920 --> 00:21:58,800 What you're saying? 288 00:21:58,800 --> 00:22:02,280 Inside the physics engine that we use to do collisions is 289 00:22:02,280 --> 00:22:06,720 Awesome. Awesome code that you just can't do like overlaps 290 00:22:06,720 --> 00:22:14,960 Intersections all that sort of like terminology for the physics and that's how it works out whether to colliders are colliding and that's how it works 291 00:22:14,960 --> 00:22:22,760 Out if mesh colliders are colliding it's like it's insane. It's examining each individual triangle and seeing if it overlaps of another triangle 292 00:22:22,760 --> 00:22:26,440 It's crazy. You can't do some of that in logic, but not all of it 293 00:22:26,440 --> 00:22:31,200 I've had someone literally say that they were going to take their object and sort of surround it in 294 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:36,880 Ray cast a little bit like pinhead from Hellraiser to try and see if it's colliding in anything and I'm like 295 00:22:36,880 --> 00:22:39,160 Could you not just put an active collider on it? 296 00:22:39,160 --> 00:22:43,520 And I heard active colliders were bad and I said yeah, but what you're suggesting is much worse 297 00:22:44,040 --> 00:22:46,120 Active colliders are not bad by the way 298 00:22:46,120 --> 00:22:49,380 You just need to use them carefully spec says on that note if you're working with a team 299 00:22:49,380 --> 00:22:53,640 Please don't name your slots after memes instead of meaningful descriptions working with a team is an interesting 300 00:22:53,640 --> 00:23:00,060 Exploration and I'm happy to see that there are you know some standard teams that always come out MSC and do a really good job 301 00:23:00,060 --> 00:23:05,340 but I'm also happy to see as well that there are a lot of people who maybe haven't worked in a team before and are 302 00:23:05,340 --> 00:23:06,760 learning the 303 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:11,680 quirks of doing that there is a lot of stuff that goes into there for anyone who doesn't know by 304 00:23:12,720 --> 00:23:15,920 By trade is wrong because I don't actually do it right now, but I spent 305 00:23:15,920 --> 00:23:20,840 Five six years as an engineer, and I've spent five or six years as a product manager 306 00:23:20,840 --> 00:23:24,440 I didn't understand what a product manager did but now I do 307 00:23:24,440 --> 00:23:28,240 People often get that role confused as well because a couple word manager and 308 00:23:28,240 --> 00:23:35,400 Manager has sort of connotations of being sort of like a leader or in charge or a boss in quotes 309 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:40,600 When it comes to product manager, it's anything but our job is basically to orchestrate chaos 310 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:47,680 And and that's what we do if you're a people manager. That's the traditional management thing that guys are 311 00:23:47,680 --> 00:23:54,300 Afraid of or apprehensive about if you're a product manager your job is to manage the product don't manage people so it's different 312 00:23:54,300 --> 00:23:56,640 Lex looked up. Yep. It's a custom thumbnail 313 00:23:56,640 --> 00:24:03,560 Item texture thumbnail source, I don't think has been renamed I can check for you. I go here 314 00:24:03,560 --> 00:24:06,420 I can go to item texture thumbnail source 315 00:24:07,680 --> 00:24:12,360 Looks like it used to be called texture thumbnail source. I don't know if that was before or after I made a video on it 316 00:24:12,360 --> 00:24:14,820 So I will check my channel make sure that's up to date item 317 00:24:14,820 --> 00:24:16,880 customize 318 00:24:16,880 --> 00:24:18,100 inventory 319 00:24:18,100 --> 00:24:20,360 Customize inventory thumbnails, let's see what I call it 320 00:24:20,360 --> 00:24:21,480 Oh 321 00:24:21,480 --> 00:24:26,960 Dear this is a three minute video run this at five times speed. I am running it faster than YouTube can keep up 322 00:24:26,960 --> 00:24:30,440 Give me a second here YouTube buffer the video 323 00:24:30,440 --> 00:24:34,460 Okay, I'll leave that buffering for a bit. I'll see if my tutorials up to that 324 00:24:34,960 --> 00:24:41,680 There are some frame synchronization issues for physics, which I think we're planning on looking at later. Thanks. Hey, look 325 00:24:41,680 --> 00:24:44,920 so the update was 326 00:24:44,920 --> 00:24:47,960 September 20th, and I did this 327 00:24:47,960 --> 00:24:53,080 Wish here September 20th 2021. Yeah, my videos are date. That's fine 328 00:24:53,080 --> 00:24:56,400 When we when we get going again with updates, I'll 329 00:24:56,400 --> 00:25:00,380 Start having some sort of policy on how I update videos and stuff 330 00:25:00,380 --> 00:25:03,920 I have a lot of people that comment on my world creation video and they're like this is all day 331 00:25:03,920 --> 00:25:09,480 I understand that the - is different but like if you just ignored the - everything's still valid 332 00:25:09,480 --> 00:25:15,680 Think says now that's where you trust on users to understand the names of the UI same but different UI homeless 333 00:25:15,680 --> 00:25:20,400 Wanna step by step holding the hand the exact same, you know, yeah, you are right and I've always said this 334 00:25:20,400 --> 00:25:23,200 I'm just you know reset it we are at time, but I'll restate it 335 00:25:23,200 --> 00:25:30,200 Anyone is free to make Neos tutorial videos and at some point I do hope that the Neos team themselves 336 00:25:30,200 --> 00:25:32,920 make 337 00:25:32,920 --> 00:25:38,520 Their own tutorials at which point they will be much better orchestrated planned and scripted 338 00:25:38,520 --> 00:25:41,140 You know, I'll probably be involved in those etc 339 00:25:41,140 --> 00:25:48,120 The the reason why my channel exists is to do tutorials in my style and my brand which is just like I hit go and I 340 00:25:48,120 --> 00:25:51,280 Record none of my videos are planned actually a couple of them are planned 341 00:25:51,280 --> 00:25:53,820 But like they still aren't planned when I hit there's no script 342 00:25:53,820 --> 00:25:57,420 The one where I did mineable or for example, that one was planned 343 00:25:57,420 --> 00:25:59,440 I had to go get some assets for that one, etc 344 00:25:59,440 --> 00:26:05,800 But I hit go and I just started talking I didn't have any script in mind. It's working out great 345 00:26:05,800 --> 00:26:10,640 Hence why everyone likes them, but there is a point in 346 00:26:10,640 --> 00:26:15,600 Neos's future I hope where my tutorials are sin as 347 00:26:15,600 --> 00:26:19,560 Less good because they are not scripted and that's absolutely fine 348 00:26:19,560 --> 00:26:21,880 And I like that day whenever that day happens 349 00:26:21,880 --> 00:26:26,800 I can we take a look at just a popular tutorial channel for a very popular topic, you know 350 00:26:26,800 --> 00:26:33,640 Maybe web development or something those people they plan and script so so so much 351 00:26:33,640 --> 00:26:42,580 To get the best quality video and then I'm just there like record giggle. Stop recording start recording again giggle 352 00:26:42,580 --> 00:26:47,640 Yeah, I don't like editing if I have to edit it would take me longer to learn to edit than it would to 353 00:26:47,640 --> 00:26:53,260 Just rerecord it. Well, there's been a couple of times where I've accidentally leaked like personal information or something 354 00:26:53,280 --> 00:26:57,420 You know what happens with OBS and I've gone I'll have to edit that out and blur it 355 00:26:57,420 --> 00:26:59,840 I've gone or I could just rerecord it and that'll take me ten minutes 356 00:26:59,840 --> 00:27:04,020 But I just rerecord it take a look at the outtakes video if you'd like to see some of those outtakes 357 00:27:04,020 --> 00:27:09,560 there are hundreds of exactly the same thing there Jackal says that the tutorials appealed to them because 358 00:27:09,560 --> 00:27:14,000 They're not polished. Yeah, I know it's exactly why I keep doing them 359 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:18,320 I do need to I've got this idea for a meme video where I do a mock 360 00:27:18,760 --> 00:27:23,440 Video in the star everyone else does tutorials. We're gonna have dubstep. We're gonna have intros 361 00:27:23,440 --> 00:27:26,960 We have like a subscriber met thing would have the bell up here 362 00:27:26,960 --> 00:27:31,640 We're gonna have a raid shadow legend sponsor and it's gonna be a very simple tutorial 363 00:27:31,640 --> 00:27:35,000 It's gonna be like how to click a button in Neos like 364 00:27:35,000 --> 00:27:41,400 20 minutes with just like a single like second of left click. I should also you're right 365 00:27:41,400 --> 00:27:45,680 I should also do a hyper cam video. That would be great. I couldn't actually do raid shadow legends 366 00:27:45,680 --> 00:27:50,760 I I put ready to add a legend through the thesaurus and I came up with a very close title 367 00:27:50,760 --> 00:27:56,260 Which I'll make up and trust me that the sponsorship segment will have like a dragon downloaded from sketch fair 368 00:27:56,260 --> 00:28:00,120 But like reading and stuff, it'll be awesome. Okay, we have one final question 369 00:28:00,120 --> 00:28:04,480 I was just about to end but Zach did ask a question says how do I set up a dove dev tooltip again? 370 00:28:04,480 --> 00:28:06,820 You attach the dev to totally 371 00:28:06,820 --> 00:28:11,680 You attach the dev 372 00:28:12,040 --> 00:28:17,440 Tooltip component and everything will just work I can get you the name of that that component. Give me a second 373 00:28:17,440 --> 00:28:24,840 No, that's the logic step dev tooltip. There you go. Yeah, the actual whole part of the video will take 374 00:28:24,840 --> 00:28:31,000 300 times longer than the actual tutorial content of the video, which is just how to click a button 375 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:33,040 So but that's the kind of the point 376 00:28:33,040 --> 00:28:36,800 Anyway with that we are at time we've been at time for like 10 minutes 377 00:28:38,240 --> 00:28:42,840 I will go ahead and leave us off here if you have any additional questions in the tight in the meantime 378 00:28:42,840 --> 00:28:46,280 Drop them questions and help channel DM me. Send me a carrier pigeon 379 00:28:46,280 --> 00:28:53,080 Whatever you want to do. I will get back to you with another office hours in a week. I will speak to them 380 00:28:53,080 --> 00:28:53,580 Bye bye.