1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,960 All right, and we start the recording because we're late. 2 00:00:02,960 --> 00:00:04,640 Sorry for being late, everyone. 3 00:00:04,640 --> 00:00:05,880 Welcome to Office Hours. 4 00:00:05,880 --> 00:00:10,740 I was cognizant of the time up until 10 to, 5 00:00:10,740 --> 00:00:13,620 and then I don't know what happened, and it was 16:01. 6 00:00:13,620 --> 00:00:17,080 So I just didn't get everything done. 7 00:00:17,080 --> 00:00:18,100 But we're live now. 8 00:00:18,100 --> 00:00:19,240 I created the thread. 9 00:00:19,240 --> 00:00:20,440 Welcome to Office Hours. 10 00:00:20,440 --> 00:00:22,280 If you have any questions, please drop them 11 00:00:22,280 --> 00:00:25,880 in the Office Hours text chat thread, which I just made. 12 00:00:25,880 --> 00:00:29,040 Once again, apologies for the confusion. 13 00:00:29,040 --> 00:00:30,120 I see people flooding in. 14 00:00:30,120 --> 00:00:30,880 That's fantastic. 15 00:00:30,880 --> 00:00:32,160 We'll give them a few minutes to flood in, 16 00:00:32,160 --> 00:00:33,600 and we'll keep going a few minutes 17 00:00:33,600 --> 00:00:36,480 after due to my tardiness. 18 00:00:36,480 --> 00:00:39,600 Remember at school, some teachers would use, 19 00:00:39,600 --> 00:00:41,280 like, you're late, and other teachers 20 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:42,560 would use, like, you're tardy. 21 00:00:42,560 --> 00:00:46,640 And I always felt like tardy or tardiness was more 22 00:00:46,640 --> 00:00:48,960 insultive than saying that I was late, 23 00:00:48,960 --> 00:00:50,840 and I don't really know why. 24 00:00:50,840 --> 00:00:54,680 It was like, somehow, more insultive. 25 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:56,140 So I have a question from Lex, who 26 00:00:56,140 --> 00:00:57,720 says, how's the run up to the MMC deadline 27 00:00:57,720 --> 00:00:58,920 as an organizer been? 28 00:00:58,920 --> 00:01:04,640 It's usually quite OK for me, as Medra usually handles 29 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:06,760 most of the complexities there. 30 00:01:06,760 --> 00:01:10,360 We do get a lot of questions which just repeat every year, 31 00:01:10,360 --> 00:01:12,880 and they kind of amaze me, really, 32 00:01:12,880 --> 00:01:15,920 because we haven't changed anything in quite a long time 33 00:01:15,920 --> 00:01:16,920 now. 34 00:01:16,920 --> 00:01:19,400 Sometimes we change the categories or the prize amounts, 35 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:22,840 but the general core principles of the rules haven't changed, 36 00:01:22,840 --> 00:01:26,080 yet people still seem to be very surprised by them. 37 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:30,160 We often get questions about licenses and things like that. 38 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:32,800 I guess this is an opportunity to sort of clear some of that 39 00:01:32,800 --> 00:01:33,880 up a little bit. 40 00:01:33,880 --> 00:01:38,320 We don't decide what can and cannot be used in the MMC. 41 00:01:38,320 --> 00:01:41,880 What we decide is only appropriate licensed assets 42 00:01:41,880 --> 00:01:43,400 can be used in the MMC. 43 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:44,960 So when you come to us with an asset, 44 00:01:44,960 --> 00:01:46,880 and you're like, can we use this? 45 00:01:46,880 --> 00:01:49,000 We don't make the determination. 46 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:52,040 We read the license which makes that determination. 47 00:01:52,040 --> 00:01:55,240 You basically have to learn how to read licenses, which 48 00:01:55,240 --> 00:01:57,160 you should be doing all of the time, 49 00:01:57,160 --> 00:01:58,680 but you really only do for the MMC 50 00:01:58,680 --> 00:02:00,680 if you're not really exposed to them every day. 51 00:02:00,680 --> 00:02:02,080 But if you take a look at a license, 52 00:02:02,080 --> 00:02:04,840 it very clearly will state if you can use it inside the MMC. 53 00:02:04,840 --> 00:02:08,120 It doesn't use the words, can be used inside the MMC. 54 00:02:08,120 --> 00:02:10,560 What it uses is words such as, you 55 00:02:10,560 --> 00:02:12,040 can redistribute these assets. 56 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:14,120 You can use these assets commercially. 57 00:02:14,120 --> 00:02:17,120 You can use these assets if you credit me, things like that. 58 00:02:17,120 --> 00:02:19,800 Those are the words that you need to be looking for. 59 00:02:19,800 --> 00:02:24,160 If you read a license and it says, can't be used by Prime, 60 00:02:24,160 --> 00:02:26,480 then it's quite clearly that not only can I not 61 00:02:26,480 --> 00:02:31,560 use that asset in the MMC, I can't use that asset anywhere. 62 00:02:31,560 --> 00:02:32,960 And so that's the distinction. 63 00:02:32,960 --> 00:02:35,720 We get a lot of people who think that we are the deciders. 64 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:36,280 We're not. 65 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:39,360 We just read the license, which then informs us 66 00:02:39,360 --> 00:02:40,760 of what the decision is. 67 00:02:40,760 --> 00:02:44,160 The decision existed before we took a look. 68 00:02:44,160 --> 00:02:46,640 So if you can read licenses, you don't need to ask us. 69 00:02:46,640 --> 00:02:51,480 It's kind of crazy that that keeps coming up. 70 00:02:51,480 --> 00:02:53,880 The license says you can use it, provided 71 00:02:53,880 --> 00:02:54,880 you can credit people. 72 00:02:54,880 --> 00:02:57,400 And then people still say, but can we use it in the MMC? 73 00:02:57,400 --> 00:02:59,440 And it's like, well, what does the license say? 74 00:02:59,440 --> 00:03:02,320 And people go, don't know, because they don't read them. 75 00:03:02,320 --> 00:03:04,400 Or sometimes they're very long and complicated. 76 00:03:04,400 --> 00:03:05,840 And we all understand that. 77 00:03:05,840 --> 00:03:07,440 And so we'll always answer for you. 78 00:03:07,440 --> 00:03:10,080 But I want to, again, make that distinction clear. 79 00:03:10,080 --> 00:03:11,840 We don't make the decision. 80 00:03:11,840 --> 00:03:13,440 The license makes the decision. 81 00:03:13,440 --> 00:03:15,720 And that's why it's so important to not use any assets 82 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:18,560 that you don't have licenses to, or if it's unclear, 83 00:03:18,560 --> 00:03:21,000 and the safest option being, don't use it. 84 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:21,720 I guess we'll keep going. 85 00:03:21,720 --> 00:03:23,220 If there's any other questions, though, 86 00:03:23,220 --> 00:03:25,640 I'd love to go through them. 87 00:03:25,640 --> 00:03:26,140 Oh, yeah. 88 00:03:26,140 --> 00:03:27,280 This is another one from MMC. 89 00:03:27,280 --> 00:03:28,680 Is there anything new you've learned from the MMC 90 00:03:28,680 --> 00:03:30,420 submissions so far, assuming you've seen some? 91 00:03:30,420 --> 00:03:32,260 I actually haven't had a chance to see some. 92 00:03:32,260 --> 00:03:35,280 I've been a bit busy over the past couple of days, 93 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:39,600 mostly with headaches and weird medical-related issues. 94 00:03:39,600 --> 00:03:40,840 I had a blood draw yesterday. 95 00:03:40,840 --> 00:03:43,260 It had to be a fasting one, which is why you can't eat. 96 00:03:43,260 --> 00:03:45,180 And it wiped me out for the entire day. 97 00:03:45,180 --> 00:03:46,240 And I don't know why. 98 00:03:46,240 --> 00:03:47,320 It was only three vials. 99 00:03:47,320 --> 00:03:48,580 I have no idea why. 100 00:03:48,580 --> 00:03:52,280 I've had six, seven, eight vials sometimes taken. 101 00:03:52,280 --> 00:03:55,340 But these three vials, and I had to not eat before them. 102 00:03:55,340 --> 00:03:57,120 And I immediately found food afterwards. 103 00:03:57,120 --> 00:03:59,920 I got straight back on the bus home, got into the kitchen, 104 00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:02,680 and devoured anything I could find. 105 00:04:02,680 --> 00:04:04,060 But still, I was tired. 106 00:04:04,060 --> 00:04:06,820 And the only thing I can think of is a whole combination 107 00:04:06,820 --> 00:04:07,500 of events-- 108 00:04:07,500 --> 00:04:11,260 don't eat, take blood, travel, whatever, wipe me out. 109 00:04:11,260 --> 00:04:14,360 And then I had a headache for the entire night as well. 110 00:04:14,360 --> 00:04:16,120 And the blood work came back. 111 00:04:16,120 --> 00:04:18,760 And I'm not allowed to take any painkillers for a month 112 00:04:18,760 --> 00:04:21,260 to test some results of that blood work. 113 00:04:21,260 --> 00:04:23,360 And so I'm like, cool, guess I'll die. 114 00:04:23,360 --> 00:04:24,740 So I just rolled around in bed. 115 00:04:24,740 --> 00:04:26,760 Hey, there's these amazing-- 116 00:04:26,760 --> 00:04:28,620 I'm going to get everyone the link to them. 117 00:04:28,620 --> 00:04:30,860 If you get bad headaches sometimes, 118 00:04:30,860 --> 00:04:33,020 you need to get these. 119 00:04:33,020 --> 00:04:34,820 Let's see if I can find them. 120 00:04:34,820 --> 00:04:36,440 There's a particular brand I use. 121 00:04:36,440 --> 00:04:37,280 Yeah, here they are. 122 00:04:37,280 --> 00:04:42,320 They've got a cool 1990s name. 123 00:04:42,320 --> 00:04:42,900 Here they are. 124 00:04:42,900 --> 00:04:44,880 I've dropped them in the thread. 125 00:04:44,880 --> 00:04:48,060 I have four boxes of these, so I never run out. 126 00:04:48,060 --> 00:04:50,580 And they're worth every penny. 127 00:04:50,580 --> 00:04:52,260 That's a pack of nine for $30. 128 00:04:52,260 --> 00:04:53,180 That's good. 129 00:04:53,180 --> 00:04:55,520 I usually just buy one. 130 00:04:55,520 --> 00:04:58,180 They're just cooling gel patches. 131 00:04:58,180 --> 00:04:59,800 You can do the same really with ice. 132 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:01,760 But the problem I have with ice is I never 133 00:05:01,760 --> 00:05:02,720 remember to freeze it. 134 00:05:02,720 --> 00:05:06,700 I've got a reasonable quality ice pack that's basically 135 00:05:06,700 --> 00:05:10,320 what looks like Orbeez in a plastic bag, 136 00:05:10,320 --> 00:05:11,880 and even a Valkyrie thing. 137 00:05:11,880 --> 00:05:13,680 I got that when I went to the dentist once. 138 00:05:13,680 --> 00:05:15,640 I just never remember to put it in the freezer. 139 00:05:15,640 --> 00:05:17,300 Whereas those are ready to go anytime, 140 00:05:17,300 --> 00:05:18,660 and they're quite portable. 141 00:05:18,660 --> 00:05:22,640 I got a set in my travel bag as well. 142 00:05:22,640 --> 00:05:27,300 So wherever I am in the world, I've got a set of those handy. 143 00:05:27,300 --> 00:05:30,240 There's always gel and stuff like that. 144 00:05:30,240 --> 00:05:31,960 Lots of times it looks like a sort 145 00:05:31,960 --> 00:05:33,520 of deodorant with a rollerball. 146 00:05:33,520 --> 00:05:37,280 But I don't think they work as well as those gel sheets. 147 00:05:37,280 --> 00:05:38,600 I don't particularly know why. 148 00:05:38,600 --> 00:05:40,020 Gross thing about those gel sheets 149 00:05:40,020 --> 00:05:42,760 is you roll over in the middle of the night, 150 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:44,120 and it falls off. 151 00:05:44,120 --> 00:05:46,680 And then you wake up, and it's stuck to the side of your face 152 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:49,100 because it's moved from your forehead, and you're just like, 153 00:05:49,100 --> 00:05:50,060 ew. 154 00:05:50,060 --> 00:05:52,240 But hey, it did its job. 155 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:56,360 Moving forwards, is this to-do going to be fulfilled? 156 00:05:56,360 --> 00:05:58,780 So this is a to-do based on the Nenas voting server. 157 00:05:58,780 --> 00:06:02,600 Yeah, so lots of people have said, yo, 158 00:06:02,600 --> 00:06:05,880 I'm going to use mods and save the voting server 159 00:06:05,880 --> 00:06:07,180 so I can see how it works. 160 00:06:07,180 --> 00:06:10,680 And I'm like, you know the voting server's open source, 161 00:06:10,680 --> 00:06:13,920 and I'm happy that you're interested in it, 162 00:06:13,920 --> 00:06:16,760 but maybe be interested in it not in the official voting 163 00:06:16,760 --> 00:06:18,760 world, maybe ask about it otherwise, 164 00:06:18,760 --> 00:06:21,900 and I can just give you a look or give you a tour. 165 00:06:21,900 --> 00:06:24,360 Don't mess with the actual vote. 166 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:26,680 So the to-do that Lex is pointing to 167 00:06:26,680 --> 00:06:32,320 is a to-do in a new system I added for 2022 168 00:06:32,320 --> 00:06:35,680 where I stored the entry name. 169 00:06:35,680 --> 00:06:37,600 So when the result sheet is generated 170 00:06:37,600 --> 00:06:39,920 using some of the parts of that GitHub repo, 171 00:06:39,920 --> 00:06:43,760 it used to be generated with just the record ID, which 172 00:06:43,760 --> 00:06:46,200 got really confusing when people did more than one entries, 173 00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:48,160 and we kind of had to do it manually. 174 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:50,400 And we got tired of doing that, so I 175 00:06:50,400 --> 00:06:55,400 wrote a system that would look at doing it for storing 176 00:06:55,400 --> 00:06:56,640 the actual entry name. 177 00:06:56,640 --> 00:07:00,080 But then lots of entries decided they wanted to use RTF tags, 178 00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:02,000 so that each letter in their entry, 179 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:03,400 it was like a different color. 180 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:05,440 I'm reminded of the early days of MSN 181 00:07:05,440 --> 00:07:08,280 where you installed so many custom emojis that the sentence 182 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:12,960 hello, how are you turned into like a Marvel film length 183 00:07:12,960 --> 00:07:15,840 sequence of animated emojis. 184 00:07:15,840 --> 00:07:17,920 Those were the days of MSN. 185 00:07:17,920 --> 00:07:20,680 So that's why that to-do is there. 186 00:07:20,680 --> 00:07:22,840 I don't know if it will be resolved. 187 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:25,560 I kind of wait until the MMC is over 188 00:07:25,560 --> 00:07:29,480 before I get the voting going, because voting is like-- 189 00:07:29,480 --> 00:07:31,600 it's not immediately afterwards. 190 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:34,840 It's not immediately afterwards, so there is some time. 191 00:07:34,840 --> 00:07:36,600 That lets me set everything up. 192 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:38,160 It's also easier to set everything up 193 00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:40,480 once we have a list of entries. 194 00:07:40,480 --> 00:07:42,780 So we can take a look at all the categories working 195 00:07:42,780 --> 00:07:43,620 and everything. 196 00:07:43,620 --> 00:07:44,440 So I don't know. 197 00:07:44,440 --> 00:07:48,600 It didn't affect us that much, because only one or two entries 198 00:07:48,600 --> 00:07:50,760 had the RTF tags. 199 00:07:50,760 --> 00:07:54,640 And so we just was like, oh, it's the RTF tag entry 200 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:55,500 by this person. 201 00:07:55,500 --> 00:07:56,800 And then we knew what it was. 202 00:07:56,800 --> 00:07:59,100 But if every entry had RTF tags, it 203 00:07:59,100 --> 00:08:01,040 would be a nightmare to go through the results sheet. 204 00:08:01,040 --> 00:08:03,240 Ozzy asks, has the GitHub bot been down for a fair bit? 205 00:08:03,240 --> 00:08:04,640 It has been down for a fair bit. 206 00:08:04,640 --> 00:08:08,580 It's low priority, because we're not really doing that much. 207 00:08:08,580 --> 00:08:11,840 It's also weird, because every time we do something minor, 208 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:15,800 people go like, oh, oh, oh, oh, is this Big Update Marketplace? 209 00:08:15,800 --> 00:08:18,320 It's like, no, I merged a locale PR, 210 00:08:18,320 --> 00:08:20,420 because I felt bad about the people that 211 00:08:20,420 --> 00:08:25,540 have translated the entire game into a different language 212 00:08:25,540 --> 00:08:26,880 that we don't support yet. 213 00:08:26,880 --> 00:08:28,560 And they haven't seen anything for two years, 214 00:08:28,560 --> 00:08:30,660 and there's absolutely nothing wrong with their PR. 215 00:08:30,660 --> 00:08:32,200 And if we leave it open, we'll just forget. 216 00:08:32,200 --> 00:08:33,400 So I might as well merge it. 217 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:35,460 And that way, when we do resume updates, 218 00:08:35,460 --> 00:08:37,160 we'll get that translation in. 219 00:08:37,160 --> 00:08:39,620 And people are like, does this mean Big Update Marketplace? 220 00:08:39,620 --> 00:08:43,700 I'm like, it just means that I am just merging a PR. 221 00:08:43,700 --> 00:08:45,380 It doesn't mean anything. 222 00:08:45,380 --> 00:08:48,920 People are way too quick to put intention and behavior 223 00:08:48,920 --> 00:08:50,500 around small activities. 224 00:08:50,500 --> 00:08:54,760 I feel like if people desired, I mean, 225 00:08:54,760 --> 00:08:56,800 we'd probably see if we could get a restraining order 226 00:08:56,800 --> 00:08:57,620 or something. 227 00:08:57,620 --> 00:09:00,720 But they'll be camping outside our houses 228 00:09:00,720 --> 00:09:02,540 and with telescopes into our window. 229 00:09:02,540 --> 00:09:05,260 And they'll be like, [GASP] Prime touched his keyboard. 230 00:09:05,260 --> 00:09:07,020 Does that mean Big Update Marketplace? 231 00:09:07,020 --> 00:09:08,120 It's like, nah, man. 232 00:09:08,120 --> 00:09:10,560 That's just me ordering another cheese pizza. 233 00:09:10,560 --> 00:09:12,880 Which reminds me, I want cheesy garlic bread. 234 00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:14,600 And I want the biggest cheesy garlic bread 235 00:09:14,600 --> 00:09:16,760 that can be given to me. 236 00:09:16,760 --> 00:09:18,640 My local grocery store is a Trader Joe's, 237 00:09:18,640 --> 00:09:22,160 which is renowned for hipster-style food. 238 00:09:22,160 --> 00:09:25,240 And their selection is always less than a larger grocery 239 00:09:25,240 --> 00:09:26,600 store because of that. 240 00:09:26,600 --> 00:09:29,200 There is a larger grocery store a little bit further away 241 00:09:29,200 --> 00:09:30,680 from me, but I can never be bothered 242 00:09:30,680 --> 00:09:33,080 to walk that extra 10 minutes to get there. 243 00:09:33,080 --> 00:09:34,920 But I went to that Trader Joe's yesterday, 244 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:37,920 and I was looking for the biggest garlic cheese mess. 245 00:09:37,920 --> 00:09:40,520 I didn't care how big it was, how fattening it was. 246 00:09:40,520 --> 00:09:43,480 I just wanted garlic and cheese and carbohydrates. 247 00:09:43,480 --> 00:09:45,320 And I couldn't find any, so I was very sad. 248 00:09:45,320 --> 00:09:47,560 For those who are like, you can order online, it's like, 249 00:09:47,560 --> 00:09:51,160 have you seen the prices for online ordering of pizza-related 250 00:09:51,160 --> 00:09:52,080 goods these days? 251 00:09:52,080 --> 00:09:55,120 I'm like, I would like a single large garlic bread thing. 252 00:09:55,120 --> 00:09:56,880 And they're like, please give us $30. 253 00:09:56,880 --> 00:09:58,040 I'm like, what? 254 00:09:58,040 --> 00:10:00,000 That doesn't make any sense. 255 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:02,560 I was filling in some, I think it was tax forms the other day. 256 00:10:02,560 --> 00:10:06,160 And I needed an address from when I lived in the UK. 257 00:10:06,160 --> 00:10:07,320 So I knew the street name. 258 00:10:07,320 --> 00:10:09,520 So I just typed the street name into my email. 259 00:10:09,520 --> 00:10:12,400 And I found the full address by looking for a delivery food 260 00:10:12,400 --> 00:10:14,160 order from the UK. 261 00:10:14,160 --> 00:10:15,400 And it was ridiculous. 262 00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:18,400 It was something like two pizzas, blah, blah, blah, blah, 263 00:10:18,400 --> 00:10:19,120 all this stuff. 264 00:10:19,120 --> 00:10:20,880 And it was like less than $30. 265 00:10:20,880 --> 00:10:23,200 And I'm like, how? 266 00:10:23,200 --> 00:10:25,840 It was a lot of food, and it was very cheap. 267 00:10:25,840 --> 00:10:27,320 And I'm just like, how? 268 00:10:27,320 --> 00:10:28,520 Like, what planet was that? 269 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:30,120 And then I looked at the year, and it was like, 270 00:10:30,120 --> 00:10:31,920 I don't think like 2013 or something. 271 00:10:31,920 --> 00:10:35,440 And I'm just like, ah, that's why. 272 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:39,400 Ozzy asks about if there are any headsets I'm looking forward 273 00:10:39,400 --> 00:10:39,920 to. 274 00:10:39,920 --> 00:10:43,520 I am actually looking forward to that big screen headset. 275 00:10:43,520 --> 00:10:45,960 The reason is just like, the more I think about it, 276 00:10:45,960 --> 00:10:48,920 the more I realize it is the weight that is bothering me. 277 00:10:48,920 --> 00:10:50,920 It is, of course, the lack of features as well. 278 00:10:50,920 --> 00:10:53,080 The lack of face tracking, the lack of eye tracking 279 00:10:53,080 --> 00:10:54,840 does bother me sometimes. 280 00:10:54,840 --> 00:10:58,720 But mostly what I want is a lightweight headset 281 00:10:58,720 --> 00:10:59,960 that doesn't fall apart. 282 00:10:59,960 --> 00:11:01,680 And that also includes the controllers, 283 00:11:01,680 --> 00:11:03,640 because you know what index controllers are like. 284 00:11:03,640 --> 00:11:05,520 The current ones I'm using are battered. 285 00:11:05,520 --> 00:11:06,680 They are very battered. 286 00:11:06,680 --> 00:11:08,960 I think the capacitive touch on the joystick is going, 287 00:11:08,960 --> 00:11:10,160 but they're not drifting yet. 288 00:11:10,160 --> 00:11:13,360 So I still use them, because the joystick drift 289 00:11:13,360 --> 00:11:14,280 hasn't happened yet. 290 00:11:14,280 --> 00:11:16,880 So there's no reason to sort of change them over. 291 00:11:16,880 --> 00:11:21,080 The capacitive is done on the joystick, though. 292 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:22,880 I do have a fresh set that are unused. 293 00:11:22,880 --> 00:11:24,440 I think I used them for like an hour, 294 00:11:24,440 --> 00:11:25,720 just to make sure they work. 295 00:11:25,720 --> 00:11:28,120 They're in my cupboard. 296 00:11:28,120 --> 00:11:30,960 And I will switch to those at the moment, 297 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:34,480 like really bad joystick drifts sets in on those. 298 00:11:34,480 --> 00:11:35,920 When I say battered, like you know 299 00:11:35,920 --> 00:11:39,360 the curve of the outside of the top? 300 00:11:39,360 --> 00:11:40,720 There's like a curve there. 301 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:41,840 It's quite a sharp curve. 302 00:11:41,840 --> 00:11:43,240 That's been like rubbed away. 303 00:11:43,240 --> 00:11:44,280 And I can see like-- 304 00:11:44,280 --> 00:11:45,640 it's just-- it looks like someone's 305 00:11:45,640 --> 00:11:47,400 taking sandpaper around all of the edges 306 00:11:47,400 --> 00:11:48,800 of the current controllers. 307 00:11:48,800 --> 00:11:50,840 I don't remember how much the big screen weighs, 308 00:11:50,840 --> 00:11:53,720 but I think it's like a third less or something like that, 309 00:11:53,720 --> 00:11:54,640 or 2/3 less. 310 00:11:54,640 --> 00:11:58,040 It's a big, big, big decrease in weight. 311 00:11:58,040 --> 00:12:00,160 You don't realize how much weight is the problem, 312 00:12:00,160 --> 00:12:01,040 but it is there. 313 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:03,040 I've always wondered why they're so weighty. 314 00:12:03,040 --> 00:12:05,360 Like I don't know why more of the processing 315 00:12:05,360 --> 00:12:07,640 isn't at the other end of the cable. 316 00:12:07,640 --> 00:12:11,000 When you remember the original Vive had that link box. 317 00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:12,280 It's like, why? 318 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:13,880 Why? 319 00:12:13,880 --> 00:12:15,760 Look at any other system. 320 00:12:15,760 --> 00:12:17,960 A monitor, for example. 321 00:12:17,960 --> 00:12:19,920 Monitors are quite thin these days. 322 00:12:19,920 --> 00:12:22,080 They're connected to a beast of a computer, 323 00:12:22,080 --> 00:12:23,640 but the monitor is quite thin. 324 00:12:23,640 --> 00:12:26,560 So why is the thing that I strap to my face like really chunky 325 00:12:26,560 --> 00:12:27,080 and heavy? 326 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:28,560 I don't understand. 327 00:12:28,560 --> 00:12:30,600 Yeah, there's position tracking and stuff like that, 328 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:31,600 but why is that chunky? 329 00:12:31,600 --> 00:12:32,240 I don't understand. 330 00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:36,960 Anyway, so we'll see how that controller works. 331 00:12:36,960 --> 00:12:38,960 Charlie-san, you're in the wrong thread. 332 00:12:38,960 --> 00:12:40,920 I will go into the old thread and take a look, 333 00:12:40,920 --> 00:12:45,240 but you are in the moderation office thread. 334 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:48,960 Link asks, did I order the ITI controllers a long time ago? 335 00:12:48,960 --> 00:12:49,440 Yes. 336 00:12:49,440 --> 00:12:50,560 I'm actually going to go look that up. 337 00:12:50,560 --> 00:12:51,280 We've got time. 338 00:12:51,280 --> 00:12:53,480 Questions levels are a little bit lower. 339 00:12:53,480 --> 00:12:56,520 I want to just find out when I ordered those controllers, 340 00:12:56,520 --> 00:12:59,080 because it's getting ridiculous. 341 00:12:59,080 --> 00:13:01,320 Although, once I find that day, I 342 00:13:01,320 --> 00:13:03,880 do admire what the community manager just did. 343 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:05,600 I'll talk about that once I get the date. 344 00:13:05,600 --> 00:13:08,120 Gmail has logged me out for the 20th time this week. 345 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:10,720 And to log in, I need to pretty much sacrifice a goat. 346 00:13:10,720 --> 00:13:17,200 Yeah, the order was 2021. 347 00:13:17,200 --> 00:13:20,560 March 2021 was when I ordered the ITI controllers. 348 00:13:20,560 --> 00:13:23,000 So what's happening there is they've repeatedly 349 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:24,000 said that they were-- 350 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:25,000 sorry, excuse me-- that they were 351 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:26,200 going to be delivering those. 352 00:13:26,200 --> 00:13:29,240 And then sort of accidentally fallen back on their promises. 353 00:13:29,240 --> 00:13:31,240 So it was going to be before the end of the year, 354 00:13:31,240 --> 00:13:33,120 or the community manager said that they were 355 00:13:33,120 --> 00:13:35,600 going to eat an ITI controller. 356 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:37,440 They didn't actually eat an ITI controller. 357 00:13:37,440 --> 00:13:38,520 I even gave them outs. 358 00:13:38,520 --> 00:13:40,760 Like, I DM'd them, and I was like, 359 00:13:40,760 --> 00:13:43,520 you could just contact one of those realistic cake makers 360 00:13:43,520 --> 00:13:45,040 to make you an ITI controller. 361 00:13:45,040 --> 00:13:46,680 It'd be a great marketing beat. 362 00:13:46,680 --> 00:13:48,120 And then you eat it on stream. 363 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:51,320 It would be hilarious, but they didn't actually do that. 364 00:13:51,320 --> 00:13:54,280 They did write a support article on the official ITI support 365 00:13:54,280 --> 00:13:57,360 system, which talks about the safety of eating a controller 366 00:13:57,360 --> 00:14:01,000 and goes through all the chemicals and materials that 367 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:03,440 make up an ITI controller, which again, I thought was great. 368 00:14:03,440 --> 00:14:05,280 Again, another sort of good marketing thing. 369 00:14:05,280 --> 00:14:07,280 But seriously, guys, just make an ITI cake 370 00:14:07,280 --> 00:14:09,080 and eat it on stream. 371 00:14:09,080 --> 00:14:11,200 All of the late they're taking a long time to ship 372 00:14:11,200 --> 00:14:13,000 will be forgiven if you do that. 373 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:15,880 Just eat a cake on stream that looks like your controllers. 374 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:18,840 But anyway, what I mean by the community manager doing good 375 00:14:18,840 --> 00:14:21,600 is they've actually updated the shipping estimate to be 376 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:23,840 approximately February and March. 377 00:14:23,840 --> 00:14:25,160 They didn't give an exact date. 378 00:14:25,160 --> 00:14:27,560 So instead of saying, by the end of the year, 379 00:14:27,560 --> 00:14:28,880 they said approximately again. 380 00:14:28,880 --> 00:14:30,280 So they didn't give an exact date. 381 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:31,080 I love that. 382 00:14:31,080 --> 00:14:32,080 It's good. 383 00:14:32,080 --> 00:14:34,840 It means that they've recognized that there is a problem 384 00:14:34,840 --> 00:14:37,400 and they need to address that problem by continuing 385 00:14:37,400 --> 00:14:41,680 to not make assurances and instead give vague stuff. 386 00:14:41,680 --> 00:14:43,440 It's weird that I'm happy with vague, 387 00:14:43,440 --> 00:14:46,040 but it basically means I'm not waiting. 388 00:14:46,040 --> 00:14:47,320 I'm not clock watching. 389 00:14:47,320 --> 00:14:49,080 Because before Christmas, I was clock 390 00:14:49,080 --> 00:14:50,480 watching all the way through Christmas. 391 00:14:50,480 --> 00:14:52,080 I'm like, the shipping in December, 392 00:14:52,080 --> 00:14:53,440 so I was checking my emails. 393 00:14:53,440 --> 00:14:56,560 I mean, not actively, but I mean, it was in my brain. 394 00:14:56,560 --> 00:14:59,080 The thought piece of maybe the empty controllers 395 00:14:59,080 --> 00:15:00,320 will be shipping to me. 396 00:15:00,320 --> 00:15:02,440 But now it's like approximately February, March. 397 00:15:02,440 --> 00:15:05,520 I don't need to-- it's not part of my brain right now. 398 00:15:05,520 --> 00:15:08,440 Moving on, Rapper says, do I have a fruity phone? 399 00:15:08,440 --> 00:15:10,840 Apparently, I need a fruity phone for the big screen thing. 400 00:15:10,840 --> 00:15:13,920 I would just find someone that's got a big chunky phone 401 00:15:13,920 --> 00:15:15,080 if mine's not supported. 402 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:19,560 I do have a Pixel 7 Pro that has got more lenses on the back 403 00:15:19,560 --> 00:15:21,720 of it than I know what they are. 404 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:23,440 But I don't think that's a word. 405 00:15:23,440 --> 00:15:25,440 I think it needs to be an Apple iPhone. 406 00:15:25,440 --> 00:15:27,480 It needs to be a particular type of-- it's 407 00:15:27,480 --> 00:15:29,040 one of the LIDAR phones. 408 00:15:29,040 --> 00:15:31,520 It's fine. 409 00:15:31,520 --> 00:15:32,480 I'll figure it out. 410 00:15:32,480 --> 00:15:34,640 I'll just be like, yo, friend, you got an iPhone? 411 00:15:34,640 --> 00:15:35,320 Cool. 412 00:15:35,320 --> 00:15:36,840 Yo, foe, yeah, you got an iPhone? 413 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:37,840 Great, thank you. 414 00:15:37,840 --> 00:15:40,920 I believe we're at the end of questions there. 415 00:15:40,920 --> 00:15:42,120 I don't think I've missed any. 416 00:15:42,120 --> 00:15:42,920 I will scroll up. 417 00:15:42,920 --> 00:15:46,120 Oh, no, I'll have to look in the moderation thread for do you 418 00:15:46,120 --> 00:15:47,120 believe you. 419 00:15:47,120 --> 00:15:48,480 So Charlie sent in the wrong thread, 420 00:15:48,480 --> 00:15:50,120 but I let them know previously. 421 00:15:50,120 --> 00:15:52,320 If you want a good lightweight pair of headphones, 422 00:15:52,320 --> 00:15:53,880 try the still serious Arctis 3s. 423 00:15:53,880 --> 00:15:55,720 I actually don't have a problem with headphones. 424 00:15:55,720 --> 00:15:59,800 I've had a Bose QC35 since roughly 2016. 425 00:15:59,800 --> 00:16:00,920 I love them. 426 00:16:00,920 --> 00:16:02,720 With the idea that they die, I will immediately 427 00:16:02,720 --> 00:16:05,160 purchase another pair of Bose QC35s, 428 00:16:05,160 --> 00:16:08,120 because they are amazing headphones. 429 00:16:08,120 --> 00:16:11,400 I don't use the index's on-ear headphones. 430 00:16:11,400 --> 00:16:13,400 I immediately unscrewed those. 431 00:16:13,400 --> 00:16:15,680 For those who don't know, it's just a small screw, 432 00:16:15,680 --> 00:16:17,720 and then they pop off. 433 00:16:17,720 --> 00:16:19,720 And then I use QC35s. 434 00:16:19,720 --> 00:16:22,520 I found that the on-ear headphones leaked audio 435 00:16:22,520 --> 00:16:23,920 into the microphone for the index, 436 00:16:23,920 --> 00:16:25,720 whereas using the QC35s doesn't. 437 00:16:25,720 --> 00:16:27,400 And I just can't stand leaked audio. 438 00:16:27,400 --> 00:16:29,520 If I notice leaked audio from myself, 439 00:16:29,520 --> 00:16:32,760 I will mute myself immediately in whatever voice channel it is, 440 00:16:32,760 --> 00:16:34,680 and then spend the next 20 hours fixing it, 441 00:16:34,680 --> 00:16:38,200 because it's just personal gripe of mine. 442 00:16:38,200 --> 00:16:40,960 Sorta's talking about the edible stuff 443 00:16:40,960 --> 00:16:43,000 they use to make things look realistic. 444 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:45,440 And they said that Raval almost need natural controller. 445 00:16:45,440 --> 00:16:46,000 You're right. 446 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:48,520 They usually use fondant for those cakes. 447 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:50,920 And it's gross. 448 00:16:50,920 --> 00:16:54,240 Fondant is-- in large quantities, it's gross. 449 00:16:54,240 --> 00:16:56,960 The problem with those realistic cakes is a lot of times, 450 00:16:56,960 --> 00:17:01,840 they have to make up a bulk, or some of the sculptures, 451 00:17:01,840 --> 00:17:04,120 or some edges, or something with fondant, which 452 00:17:04,120 --> 00:17:06,440 is basically like sugar clay. 453 00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:08,880 And it doesn't taste very nice. 454 00:17:08,880 --> 00:17:11,400 But the point about a cake, for me at least, 455 00:17:11,400 --> 00:17:13,600 is that it has to actually be cake in it. 456 00:17:13,600 --> 00:17:15,120 But with those realistic cakes, it's 457 00:17:15,120 --> 00:17:16,960 a lot of just fondant painting. 458 00:17:16,960 --> 00:17:19,040 It's still a skill, and they're still great, 459 00:17:19,040 --> 00:17:20,360 but you don't want to eat them. 460 00:17:20,360 --> 00:17:21,360 I guess it's also like-- 461 00:17:21,360 --> 00:17:25,360 I don't know if people will have this sort of memory. 462 00:17:25,360 --> 00:17:27,640 But growing up when you had birthday cakes, 463 00:17:27,640 --> 00:17:29,520 you might have had one of those ones that had-- 464 00:17:29,520 --> 00:17:31,840 it's just a generic white cake that's been iced. 465 00:17:31,840 --> 00:17:34,560 But it had balloons that were put on top of it. 466 00:17:34,560 --> 00:17:36,680 Those balloons were usually fondant. 467 00:17:36,680 --> 00:17:39,280 And I would always, as a kid, I was like, cool. 468 00:17:39,280 --> 00:17:42,120 I want a piece that's got one of the balloons on it. 469 00:17:42,120 --> 00:17:44,440 But the balloon was basically just taking the icing 470 00:17:44,440 --> 00:17:46,120 and doubling the thickness of the icing, 471 00:17:46,120 --> 00:17:48,240 because it was on top of the regular icing, which 472 00:17:48,240 --> 00:17:49,960 meant the fondant layer was double. 473 00:17:49,960 --> 00:17:52,760 And as a kid, I quickly realized that wasn't a good idea. 474 00:17:52,760 --> 00:17:56,240 I'm like, I want a middle piece as far away from the balloons 475 00:17:56,240 --> 00:17:57,280 as possible. 476 00:17:57,280 --> 00:17:59,280 I just searched like, "perfect cake" on Google Images, 477 00:17:59,280 --> 00:18:01,160 and I can't find the stereotypical balloons 478 00:18:01,160 --> 00:18:02,000 I'm talking about. 479 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:03,720 There's also ones where the balloons are printed, 480 00:18:03,720 --> 00:18:06,540 but the ones I used to get from the bakery by my family 481 00:18:06,540 --> 00:18:09,640 were always fondant balloons in the corners and stuff 482 00:18:09,640 --> 00:18:11,000 like that. 483 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:13,320 Sort of was trying to forget the fondant balloons. 484 00:18:13,320 --> 00:18:14,800 Yep. 485 00:18:14,800 --> 00:18:16,080 No, I remember them. 486 00:18:16,080 --> 00:18:18,080 I remember one time I had a chocolate cake. 487 00:18:18,080 --> 00:18:20,160 People are saying they don't like chocolate cake. 488 00:18:20,160 --> 00:18:22,120 It's like they wanted carrot cake for their birthdays. 489 00:18:22,120 --> 00:18:23,520 They can't stand chocolate. 490 00:18:23,520 --> 00:18:29,160 Yeah, I like cakes that are not as iced as they need to be. 491 00:18:29,160 --> 00:18:30,320 Or different types of icing. 492 00:18:30,320 --> 00:18:32,560 There are multiple different types of icing. 493 00:18:32,560 --> 00:18:33,080 Here you go. 494 00:18:33,080 --> 00:18:34,600 It's like this sort of thing. 495 00:18:34,600 --> 00:18:38,720 It's like the balloons are just like triple or double 496 00:18:38,720 --> 00:18:41,000 the thickness of the regular icing. 497 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:42,480 Got any more near-us questions? 498 00:18:42,480 --> 00:18:43,760 Or we're just going to end up talking about cake 499 00:18:43,760 --> 00:18:45,820 for another five minutes? 500 00:18:45,820 --> 00:18:47,160 I just missed a call. 501 00:18:47,160 --> 00:18:48,400 I don't know who that is. 502 00:18:48,400 --> 00:18:49,660 If I don't know the number, I literally 503 00:18:49,660 --> 00:18:51,080 won't answer the phone these days. 504 00:18:51,080 --> 00:18:52,920 It's just like, cool. 505 00:18:52,920 --> 00:18:54,080 There's one above I missed. 506 00:18:54,080 --> 00:18:54,960 Oh, I got it. 507 00:18:54,960 --> 00:18:55,640 Yes, thank you. 508 00:18:55,640 --> 00:18:56,500 Thank you for pointing that out. 509 00:18:56,500 --> 00:18:59,240 Specs, I'm sorry I missed your question. 510 00:18:59,240 --> 00:19:01,320 Specs says, our MMC entry is going to be submitted. 511 00:19:01,320 --> 00:19:03,660 We're going to work on a dev branch copy for future updates 512 00:19:03,660 --> 00:19:04,480 after judgment. 513 00:19:04,480 --> 00:19:06,060 How can one overwrite a published world 514 00:19:06,060 --> 00:19:07,560 with a different separate version for the future? 515 00:19:07,560 --> 00:19:09,100 You shouldn't do that. 516 00:19:09,100 --> 00:19:11,800 You should leave the MMC one as the MMC one 517 00:19:11,800 --> 00:19:13,680 and then produce a version two. 518 00:19:13,680 --> 00:19:17,140 Or at least that's the preference that we have. 519 00:19:17,140 --> 00:19:20,300 The goal is to sort of preserve a moment in time 520 00:19:20,300 --> 00:19:22,140 of what you achieved in a month. 521 00:19:22,140 --> 00:19:24,100 And then if you need to expand on that work, 522 00:19:24,100 --> 00:19:25,540 make it a separate copy. 523 00:19:25,540 --> 00:19:27,480 They also do that with the credit jam worlds. 524 00:19:27,480 --> 00:19:28,960 They will save the credit jam world 525 00:19:28,960 --> 00:19:29,940 at the end of the credit jam. 526 00:19:29,940 --> 00:19:31,980 That is what they achieved in that weekend. 527 00:19:31,980 --> 00:19:34,900 And then they'll create like a remix world, which is 528 00:19:34,900 --> 00:19:36,900 where they then expand on that. 529 00:19:36,900 --> 00:19:38,500 Mamie asks, how many MMC submissions 530 00:19:38,500 --> 00:19:39,620 have been published so far? 531 00:19:39,620 --> 00:19:41,640 Lex answers with 101. 532 00:19:41,640 --> 00:19:44,740 We know that there isn't the like facet 533 00:19:44,740 --> 00:19:47,500 on the side of the world browser updated yet. 534 00:19:47,500 --> 00:19:49,940 But if you go ahead and you just search for-- 535 00:19:49,940 --> 00:19:52,860 no, wait, that's last year. 536 00:19:52,860 --> 00:19:56,880 If you put plus MMC 23 into your world browser search bar, 537 00:19:56,880 --> 00:19:58,940 it will restrict your entries to anything 538 00:19:58,940 --> 00:20:00,620 which is appropriately tagged. 539 00:20:00,620 --> 00:20:02,980 By the way, that's the whole reason that the MMC tag needs 540 00:20:02,980 --> 00:20:04,820 to be in there exactly as we specify it. 541 00:20:04,820 --> 00:20:07,300 It's so that that particular search works. 542 00:20:07,300 --> 00:20:10,020 Because that's the search that the judges use and also 543 00:20:10,020 --> 00:20:13,180 that the voting system uses to find your entry. 544 00:20:13,180 --> 00:20:16,660 And so if you put, I don't know, MMC 28, 545 00:20:16,660 --> 00:20:20,540 we're not going to be able to find it until 2028. 546 00:20:20,540 --> 00:20:22,720 Rade says, I saw a couple of worlds that had quotations 547 00:20:22,720 --> 00:20:23,720 like MMC 23. 548 00:20:23,720 --> 00:20:26,220 Yeah, Medra needs to do that. 549 00:20:26,220 --> 00:20:29,580 They need to remove the quotations from the tags. 550 00:20:29,580 --> 00:20:31,360 They should still show up correctly 551 00:20:31,360 --> 00:20:35,860 because we strip punctuation in some places. 552 00:20:35,860 --> 00:20:37,900 But it needs to be plus MMC 23. 553 00:20:37,900 --> 00:20:41,440 What that means when you do plus MMC 23 is the search result 554 00:20:41,440 --> 00:20:43,340 must contain the tag MMC 23. 555 00:20:43,340 --> 00:20:45,620 That's what the plus means. 556 00:20:45,620 --> 00:20:46,900 And that's just how we do it. 557 00:20:46,900 --> 00:20:50,200 And then the tags there are used for bucketing entries 558 00:20:50,200 --> 00:20:51,620 into the various categories we've got 559 00:20:51,620 --> 00:20:54,260 and also for bucketing them into the list. 560 00:20:54,260 --> 00:20:55,420 So make sure they're correct. 561 00:20:55,420 --> 00:20:58,780 If you're not sure, you'll be able to check the voting 562 00:20:58,780 --> 00:20:59,900 system once it's live. 563 00:20:59,900 --> 00:21:01,620 Which, of course, it'll be too late then. 564 00:21:01,620 --> 00:21:03,660 So maybe check the world browser before that. 565 00:21:03,660 --> 00:21:05,260 But yeah. 566 00:21:05,260 --> 00:21:07,580 Rampa says, can't we just run a script that force fix 567 00:21:07,580 --> 00:21:09,260 his tags on the backend? 568 00:21:09,260 --> 00:21:10,140 No. 569 00:21:10,140 --> 00:21:13,940 Because the MMC is not a Neos competition. 570 00:21:13,940 --> 00:21:17,300 The MMC is made by a third party company called CreatorJam. 571 00:21:17,300 --> 00:21:20,640 And so while Neos the team does a lot of stuff 572 00:21:20,640 --> 00:21:24,780 to help out the MMC, we have to put a limit on that. 573 00:21:24,780 --> 00:21:27,740 And so the limit that we kind of put is, 574 00:21:27,740 --> 00:21:30,060 let's not do anything special for the MMC. 575 00:21:30,060 --> 00:21:33,420 Let's not do anything in addition for that. 576 00:21:33,420 --> 00:21:36,940 Of course, the world browser button is an exception, 577 00:21:36,940 --> 00:21:37,460 of course. 578 00:21:37,460 --> 00:21:40,180 But what we don't want to get into the habit of 579 00:21:40,180 --> 00:21:43,340 is for this company or this third party event, 580 00:21:43,340 --> 00:21:44,660 we do special stuff. 581 00:21:44,660 --> 00:21:46,860 And then for this third party company or thing, 582 00:21:46,860 --> 00:21:49,140 we don't do special stuff. 583 00:21:49,140 --> 00:21:51,740 Because that just gets problematic. 584 00:21:51,740 --> 00:21:56,100 That's why other platforms will, in some cases, 585 00:21:56,100 --> 00:21:57,780 like charge for additional features. 586 00:21:57,780 --> 00:22:00,620 So they're trying to sort of make it a level playing field. 587 00:22:00,620 --> 00:22:01,660 It's weird. 588 00:22:01,660 --> 00:22:04,420 It basically just sort of sets up expectations. 589 00:22:04,420 --> 00:22:08,380 If we did a bunch of custom work for the MMC, 590 00:22:08,380 --> 00:22:10,700 then we should also do that bunch of custom work 591 00:22:10,700 --> 00:22:12,900 for any other event that exists. 592 00:22:12,900 --> 00:22:14,300 Yeah, and if your tags are wrong, 593 00:22:14,300 --> 00:22:15,180 it's actually on you. 594 00:22:15,180 --> 00:22:16,220 It's not on us. 595 00:22:16,220 --> 00:22:18,740 It's entirely your fault. You have a month 596 00:22:18,740 --> 00:22:22,220 to submit your entry and to double check it 597 00:22:22,220 --> 00:22:24,020 and to ask us if you're unsure. 598 00:22:24,020 --> 00:22:26,140 Moving forward to additional questions that we have, 599 00:22:26,140 --> 00:22:28,220 Riggs says, will they be dragging into folders 600 00:22:28,220 --> 00:22:28,580 in the future? 601 00:22:28,580 --> 00:22:29,460 I think yes. 602 00:22:29,460 --> 00:22:30,940 You can take a look at our roadmap boards. 603 00:22:30,940 --> 00:22:33,380 I don't remember which roadmap board it's on. 604 00:22:33,380 --> 00:22:34,860 But one of the roadmap boards there 605 00:22:34,860 --> 00:22:38,780 will have better-- 606 00:22:38,780 --> 00:22:41,660 Neos Public Crunchings. 607 00:22:41,660 --> 00:22:42,980 Crunchings Classic. 608 00:22:42,980 --> 00:22:44,100 There we go. 609 00:22:44,100 --> 00:22:48,100 One of those has an item for updating the file browser. 610 00:22:48,100 --> 00:22:49,460 It also has things for dark mode. 611 00:22:49,460 --> 00:22:53,420 It also has things for better UI, more tutorials, 612 00:22:53,420 --> 00:22:54,860 more documentation, et cetera. 613 00:22:54,860 --> 00:22:56,300 Whilst you're waiting for that, I 614 00:22:56,300 --> 00:22:58,180 do want you to take just a little bit of time, 615 00:22:58,180 --> 00:22:59,820 especially if you're a Logix developer 616 00:22:59,820 --> 00:23:01,500 or you make anything inside of Neos, 617 00:23:01,500 --> 00:23:04,820 just imagine how difficult it is to make an inventory system 618 00:23:04,820 --> 00:23:06,660 where you are able to do that. 619 00:23:06,660 --> 00:23:09,180 Take for granted the fact that it even works on Windows. 620 00:23:09,180 --> 00:23:11,180 It is a very complicated problem. 621 00:23:11,180 --> 00:23:14,500 I want to eventually get the world browser to a state 622 00:23:14,500 --> 00:23:18,140 where it's similar and not identical to-- so just 623 00:23:18,140 --> 00:23:19,060 hear the word similar. 624 00:23:19,060 --> 00:23:20,980 Don't quote me as being identical to-- 625 00:23:20,980 --> 00:23:25,500 similar to things like the Twitch front page or the Steam 626 00:23:25,500 --> 00:23:29,420 store front page, where it's not really even up 627 00:23:29,420 --> 00:23:30,980 to engineering what goes on there. 628 00:23:30,980 --> 00:23:34,140 Engineering, of course, have made sort of squares. 629 00:23:34,140 --> 00:23:36,340 And the squares have different functionality, 630 00:23:36,340 --> 00:23:40,260 but it's up to sort of like a marketing team or a marketing 631 00:23:40,260 --> 00:23:42,380 person to decide what goes on there. 632 00:23:42,380 --> 00:23:44,020 I know that's how it works, because I 633 00:23:44,020 --> 00:23:45,420 used to work for Mixer, and that's 634 00:23:45,420 --> 00:23:47,220 how we made the front page on Mixer works. 635 00:23:47,220 --> 00:23:50,900 Basically, we were like, cool, you want a featured category. 636 00:23:50,900 --> 00:23:52,580 It's in a featured game box. 637 00:23:52,580 --> 00:23:53,060 Cool. 638 00:23:53,060 --> 00:23:54,540 We have made that box for you. 639 00:23:54,540 --> 00:23:55,740 What is in that box? 640 00:23:55,740 --> 00:23:58,300 When that box appears, when that box disappears, 641 00:23:58,300 --> 00:23:59,820 it is entirely up to you. 642 00:23:59,820 --> 00:24:01,140 Don't ask us about it. 643 00:24:01,140 --> 00:24:02,220 Here's how you do it. 644 00:24:02,220 --> 00:24:04,700 If you have any difficulty using the tooling, we can help you. 645 00:24:04,700 --> 00:24:06,860 But it's not up to us which games get featured. 646 00:24:06,860 --> 00:24:08,300 And that's what I wanted to do. 647 00:24:08,300 --> 00:24:09,820 I also want to get to the point where 648 00:24:09,820 --> 00:24:12,100 we don't have to do an update to update that. 649 00:24:12,100 --> 00:24:14,580 Say we wanted to do Thursdays at 3 o'clock, 650 00:24:14,580 --> 00:24:17,980 we showcase cheese worlds with a cheese world banner. 651 00:24:17,980 --> 00:24:20,420 Then great, that just happens. 652 00:24:20,420 --> 00:24:22,300 We don't need to do a code update for that. 653 00:24:22,300 --> 00:24:23,980 I don't know how world overwrites works, 654 00:24:23,980 --> 00:24:26,140 actually, unfortunately. 655 00:24:26,140 --> 00:24:28,900 There is a bug open that says that world overwrites don't 656 00:24:28,900 --> 00:24:31,220 work, but they do. 657 00:24:31,220 --> 00:24:33,540 I think I made an update on that when I figured out 658 00:24:33,540 --> 00:24:34,460 how it worked. 659 00:24:34,460 --> 00:24:36,020 But then I still think that was a bug. 660 00:24:36,020 --> 00:24:37,900 And so I haven't actually used it successfully, 661 00:24:37,900 --> 00:24:38,820 so I don't know. 662 00:24:38,820 --> 00:24:39,340 There we go. 663 00:24:39,340 --> 00:24:40,700 So Ozzy can tell you how. 664 00:24:40,700 --> 00:24:41,540 It's all on you. 665 00:24:41,540 --> 00:24:43,820 All the fingers now point to Ozzy. 666 00:24:43,820 --> 00:24:44,420 All of them. 667 00:24:44,420 --> 00:24:49,020 I was thinking for world paths, I 668 00:24:49,020 --> 00:24:51,700 went on a three hour expedition into the source code 669 00:24:51,700 --> 00:24:52,740 to figure out world paths. 670 00:24:52,740 --> 00:24:54,100 Couldn't figure it out. 671 00:24:54,100 --> 00:24:57,380 Asked Fruks, he gave me an answer that I didn't understand. 672 00:24:57,380 --> 00:24:59,060 And so I need to go back to Fruks and ask, 673 00:24:59,060 --> 00:25:00,540 but I haven't done that yet. 674 00:25:00,540 --> 00:25:02,540 Yeah, that's pretty much what's going on. 675 00:25:02,540 --> 00:25:03,620 Same with cloud variables. 676 00:25:03,620 --> 00:25:05,340 You'll notice on the cloud variable documentation, 677 00:25:05,340 --> 00:25:06,660 there's a bunch of sort of like-- 678 00:25:06,660 --> 00:25:08,700 Prime doesn't know what's going on here, 679 00:25:08,700 --> 00:25:10,140 because Prime kept making mistakes 680 00:25:10,140 --> 00:25:11,260 in the documentation there. 681 00:25:11,260 --> 00:25:12,820 Speaking about myself and third person's weird, 682 00:25:12,820 --> 00:25:13,900 but you know what I mean. 683 00:25:13,900 --> 00:25:17,900 I kept making mistakes on how cloud variables worked. 684 00:25:17,900 --> 00:25:19,540 And so I just blanked out some of them. 685 00:25:19,540 --> 00:25:21,300 And I'm like, look, I've got to look at these later. 686 00:25:21,300 --> 00:25:22,860 If people want to look at them and figure them out, 687 00:25:22,860 --> 00:25:24,540 they're free to update the documentation. 688 00:25:24,540 --> 00:25:25,420 But there we go. 689 00:25:25,420 --> 00:25:27,380 Also, that reminds me, for anyone here, 690 00:25:27,380 --> 00:25:29,220 cloud variables are fine. 691 00:25:29,220 --> 00:25:31,260 We had someone in another one of the Discords 692 00:25:31,260 --> 00:25:34,060 here that said they were told to avoid cloud variables 693 00:25:34,060 --> 00:25:37,140 for some reason because they were quote "bad" or something. 694 00:25:37,140 --> 00:25:38,060 They're fine. 695 00:25:38,060 --> 00:25:39,140 Use them. 696 00:25:39,140 --> 00:25:41,300 And for anyone here that has been telling other people 697 00:25:41,300 --> 00:25:44,660 that various features are bad for some reason, stop it. 698 00:25:44,660 --> 00:25:46,300 Stop. 699 00:25:46,300 --> 00:25:47,580 People are like, logics is bad. 700 00:25:47,580 --> 00:25:48,260 Stop. 701 00:25:48,260 --> 00:25:49,900 Components are-- stop. 702 00:25:49,900 --> 00:25:51,220 Yeah, it's really weird. 703 00:25:51,220 --> 00:25:53,300 It's like-- a lot of people say-- 704 00:25:53,300 --> 00:25:56,260 like I said, a lot of people say use components, not logic. 705 00:25:56,260 --> 00:25:58,180 But then, I'm like, logic is components. 706 00:25:58,180 --> 00:25:59,820 And then the whole reality is shattered. 707 00:25:59,820 --> 00:26:02,100 Just use whatever works for you. 708 00:26:02,100 --> 00:26:04,500 I'm tired of reading, like, is there a component 709 00:26:04,500 --> 00:26:05,700 to add two numbers together? 710 00:26:05,700 --> 00:26:07,780 Yes, the plus node in logics. 711 00:26:07,780 --> 00:26:10,380 Also, use the sort of principle of pack often, pack early, 712 00:26:10,380 --> 00:26:12,020 when it comes to that, stuff like that. 713 00:26:12,020 --> 00:26:13,060 People go like, but they're not have 714 00:26:13,060 --> 00:26:14,580 to get logic, sir, and stuff like that 715 00:26:14,580 --> 00:26:15,740 to add two numbers together. 716 00:26:15,740 --> 00:26:16,300 Yeah, do it. 717 00:26:16,300 --> 00:26:19,260 Make a two node chain that adds two numbers together. 718 00:26:19,260 --> 00:26:21,700 Pack it into the same slot those components are on. 719 00:26:21,700 --> 00:26:22,200 You're done. 720 00:26:22,200 --> 00:26:24,060 You never have to unpack that logic again. 721 00:26:24,060 --> 00:26:24,940 I do it all the time. 722 00:26:24,940 --> 00:26:27,820 I even have logics that purely updates properties 723 00:26:27,820 --> 00:26:29,780 on components because I'm lazy. 724 00:26:29,780 --> 00:26:33,140 One that I'll often do is something 725 00:26:33,140 --> 00:26:38,660 along the lines of the slot name drives the variable 726 00:26:38,660 --> 00:26:41,940 name of a dynamic variable. 727 00:26:41,940 --> 00:26:45,380 So let's say you had a dynamic variable prefix of world, 728 00:26:45,380 --> 00:26:47,580 because you're using the world dynamic variable space 729 00:26:47,580 --> 00:26:48,100 like that. 730 00:26:48,100 --> 00:26:50,620 And then you make a slot called cheese. 731 00:26:50,620 --> 00:26:53,620 I then sometimes have on that cheese slot, 732 00:26:53,620 --> 00:26:56,540 I've got like a dynamic variable value. 733 00:26:56,540 --> 00:26:58,220 And for the variable name, I just 734 00:26:58,220 --> 00:27:02,500 do world plus slot name in logics. 735 00:27:02,500 --> 00:27:03,860 And then it's like, cool. 736 00:27:03,860 --> 00:27:07,580 Now, whatever I name this slot, wherever I put this slot, 737 00:27:07,580 --> 00:27:09,020 it just works. 738 00:27:09,020 --> 00:27:11,300 Anyway, I'm tired of ranting about that one, 739 00:27:11,300 --> 00:27:14,740 but basically, just stop telling people not to use features. 740 00:27:14,740 --> 00:27:17,100 Like if there is a feature that we shouldn't be using, 741 00:27:17,100 --> 00:27:18,260 put it in the announcements. 742 00:27:18,260 --> 00:27:19,780 There is the things to avoid list, 743 00:27:19,780 --> 00:27:21,020 but that's things to avoid. 744 00:27:21,020 --> 00:27:22,700 And the way you need to think about that 745 00:27:22,700 --> 00:27:25,540 is doctors will tell you to avoid alcohol, 746 00:27:25,540 --> 00:27:28,540 to avoid eating giant cheese garlic breads that I'm still 747 00:27:28,540 --> 00:27:29,980 going to try and find today. 748 00:27:29,980 --> 00:27:32,420 They'll tell you to avoid too much caffeine, 749 00:27:32,420 --> 00:27:36,300 avoid too much sugar, but you're still going to eat the cake. 750 00:27:36,300 --> 00:27:40,460 So it's things to avoid because it's like, hey, I'm Dr. Prime. 751 00:27:40,460 --> 00:27:43,220 And I say, for your health, you should avoid these things. 752 00:27:43,220 --> 00:27:44,740 But they do taste good. 753 00:27:44,740 --> 00:27:46,100 They do taste good. 754 00:27:46,100 --> 00:27:47,540 Rick says, what foods do I avoid? 755 00:27:47,540 --> 00:27:49,300 Bread, strangely. 756 00:27:49,300 --> 00:27:50,980 There's this video and principle-- 757 00:27:50,980 --> 00:27:52,380 this is getting way off the weeds. 758 00:27:52,380 --> 00:27:54,700 We'll close in just a moment. 759 00:27:54,700 --> 00:27:59,820 But there's this thing called changing your behavior 760 00:27:59,820 --> 00:28:01,540 by changing your environment. 761 00:28:01,540 --> 00:28:04,700 And it's more effective than just changing your behavior. 762 00:28:04,700 --> 00:28:06,500 For example, if you need to go to the gym 763 00:28:06,500 --> 00:28:08,860 but you keep not being able to go to the gym, 764 00:28:08,860 --> 00:28:12,020 you put your alarm clock on top of your gym bag, which 765 00:28:12,020 --> 00:28:13,580 is packed and ready to go. 766 00:28:13,580 --> 00:28:15,500 And then to turn off your alarm, you 767 00:28:15,500 --> 00:28:16,900 have to touch your gym bag. 768 00:28:16,900 --> 00:28:20,300 And then you've already got your gym bag in your hands. 769 00:28:20,300 --> 00:28:21,780 And so you've changed your behavior 770 00:28:21,780 --> 00:28:23,140 by changing your environment. 771 00:28:23,140 --> 00:28:24,760 You've got everything ready, and you've 772 00:28:24,760 --> 00:28:26,180 given yourself an environment that 773 00:28:26,180 --> 00:28:27,980 condenses going to the gym. 774 00:28:27,980 --> 00:28:29,300 I do that a lot with food. 775 00:28:29,300 --> 00:28:31,140 So if I buy a loaf of bread, I know 776 00:28:31,140 --> 00:28:33,140 I'm going to find excuses to eat it. 777 00:28:33,140 --> 00:28:36,180 It will go as far as I will just eat bread plain. 778 00:28:36,180 --> 00:28:37,800 There doesn't need to be anything on it. 779 00:28:37,800 --> 00:28:40,460 I will just eat it so I don't buy bread. 780 00:28:40,460 --> 00:28:43,080 And therefore, I can't eat it because it's not in the house. 781 00:28:43,080 --> 00:28:44,740 I did an experiment because it's been a few years 782 00:28:44,740 --> 00:28:46,020 since I bought a loaf of bread. 783 00:28:46,020 --> 00:28:47,180 I bought a loaf of bread. 784 00:28:47,180 --> 00:28:48,040 I bought it home. 785 00:28:48,040 --> 00:28:50,900 It lasted half a day, an entire loaf. 786 00:28:50,900 --> 00:28:52,860 I would smear things on it. 787 00:28:52,860 --> 00:28:56,140 I ran out of butter, and so I went to mayonnaise. 788 00:28:56,140 --> 00:28:58,620 I ran out of mayonnaise, and so I just smeared ketchup on it 789 00:28:58,620 --> 00:28:59,860 and ate it. 790 00:28:59,860 --> 00:29:01,940 Whatever is there, I will put it on the bread. 791 00:29:01,940 --> 00:29:03,580 And if there's nothing on the bread available, 792 00:29:03,580 --> 00:29:04,700 I'll just eat the bread. 793 00:29:04,700 --> 00:29:06,020 Sort of just talking about alarms 794 00:29:06,020 --> 00:29:07,520 and how that doesn't work in theory. 795 00:29:07,520 --> 00:29:12,100 I now have this amazing thing where 796 00:29:12,100 --> 00:29:17,660 I have to scan NFC tags for my alarm to stop, 797 00:29:17,660 --> 00:29:21,920 and I can't stop it until these NFC tags are stopped. 798 00:29:21,920 --> 00:29:23,780 Now, one of them is in the bathroom, 799 00:29:23,780 --> 00:29:25,780 and one of them is on top of my water jug, which 800 00:29:25,780 --> 00:29:26,440 is in the fridge. 801 00:29:26,440 --> 00:29:27,900 It's a Brita water filter. 802 00:29:27,900 --> 00:29:31,860 And so until I scan both of those, 803 00:29:31,860 --> 00:29:33,980 the alarm just will not turn off. 804 00:29:33,980 --> 00:29:35,740 The bathroom one was to sort of encourage 805 00:29:35,740 --> 00:29:39,620 me to get out of the bedroom. 806 00:29:39,620 --> 00:29:42,620 But the water one is like, hey, you've 807 00:29:42,620 --> 00:29:44,020 got your hand on the water jug. 808 00:29:44,020 --> 00:29:45,660 You might as well pour a glass. 809 00:29:45,660 --> 00:29:48,560 And sometimes I'll leave a fresh glass next to the fridge 810 00:29:48,560 --> 00:29:49,220 as well. 811 00:29:49,220 --> 00:29:52,860 And then I have zero excuse to not just pound a pint of water. 812 00:29:52,860 --> 00:29:54,180 But there we go. 813 00:29:54,180 --> 00:29:56,220 Try that if you've got NFC chips lying around. 814 00:29:56,220 --> 00:29:57,920 I used to do programming with NFC chips. 815 00:29:57,920 --> 00:29:59,660 Long story. 816 00:29:59,660 --> 00:30:01,360 Something to do with motors-- fine. 817 00:30:01,360 --> 00:30:03,020 I'll just carry on. 818 00:30:03,020 --> 00:30:04,740 I used to work for a motorsports company. 819 00:30:04,740 --> 00:30:07,900 We wanted to do technical screening of motorcycles, 820 00:30:07,900 --> 00:30:09,780 but people kept pulling fast ones on us 821 00:30:09,780 --> 00:30:12,820 where they would change which motorcycle was being presented 822 00:30:12,820 --> 00:30:14,540 for their inspection. 823 00:30:14,540 --> 00:30:16,420 And because it's a race bike, we can't even 824 00:30:16,420 --> 00:30:20,300 do things like plates, like number plates, 825 00:30:20,300 --> 00:30:22,020 because number plates. 826 00:30:22,020 --> 00:30:23,980 I will go through the questions in just a moment, 827 00:30:23,980 --> 00:30:25,700 but I'm halfway through the story. 828 00:30:25,700 --> 00:30:28,180 And then we said, well, we could do VIN numbers. 829 00:30:28,180 --> 00:30:31,140 I hate when people say VIN numbers, because they're saying 830 00:30:31,140 --> 00:30:31,740 number number. 831 00:30:31,740 --> 00:30:33,500 But anyway, we could do VIN numbers, 832 00:30:33,500 --> 00:30:35,740 but VIN numbers are usually really small and difficult 833 00:30:35,740 --> 00:30:36,620 to read. 834 00:30:36,620 --> 00:30:38,580 So the way that we did it is we just 835 00:30:38,580 --> 00:30:41,920 bought NFC chips that destroyed themselves 836 00:30:41,920 --> 00:30:42,940 when they were removed. 837 00:30:42,940 --> 00:30:45,500 And they got stuck to a part of the bike. 838 00:30:45,500 --> 00:30:48,780 They were branded to the motorsports organization. 839 00:30:48,780 --> 00:30:51,660 I wrote code for an Android smartphone application, which 840 00:30:51,660 --> 00:30:55,460 would write the vehicle's identification number to it 841 00:30:55,460 --> 00:30:59,220 and then lock the tag so it couldn't be manipulated. 842 00:30:59,220 --> 00:31:00,460 And there we go. 843 00:31:00,460 --> 00:31:01,300 And it was great. 844 00:31:01,300 --> 00:31:06,080 So in developing that, I have like 100 or so NFC tags left. 845 00:31:06,080 --> 00:31:08,540 I think there's a bag somewhere with like 500 in them, 846 00:31:08,540 --> 00:31:09,780 but I don't know where that is. 847 00:31:09,780 --> 00:31:11,220 I've got 100 of easy access ones. 848 00:31:11,220 --> 00:31:13,820 So that's why they're just like all around my apartment. 849 00:31:13,820 --> 00:31:15,060 Anyway, I'm going to go back to questions, 850 00:31:15,060 --> 00:31:16,220 and then we will leave off. 851 00:31:16,220 --> 00:31:18,060 We'll try and stay on topic. 852 00:31:18,060 --> 00:31:21,460 No more cakes, no more motorcycles, no more bread. 853 00:31:21,460 --> 00:31:23,620 So just scrolling up to make sure I'm not 854 00:31:23,620 --> 00:31:26,100 missing any questions. 855 00:31:26,100 --> 00:31:29,080 Lex says, is anything going to happen with Neos' 856 00:31:29,080 --> 00:31:31,140 coffee in the future? 857 00:31:31,140 --> 00:31:32,540 Or coffee, as I sometimes say it, 858 00:31:32,540 --> 00:31:34,300 so people don't get confused. 859 00:31:34,300 --> 00:31:36,300 Coffee is another funding source that we have where 860 00:31:36,300 --> 00:31:38,000 you can do a one-time donation. 861 00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:40,920 We were going to hook it up so that it made sugar cubes. 862 00:31:40,920 --> 00:31:42,700 I don't remember-- the sugar cube thing 863 00:31:42,700 --> 00:31:43,860 is the whole before my time. 864 00:31:43,860 --> 00:31:46,380 But it was meant to be that if you did a coffee donation, 865 00:31:46,380 --> 00:31:48,780 you would then get some sugar cubes. 866 00:31:48,780 --> 00:31:50,320 When I was new to Neos, I thought 867 00:31:50,320 --> 00:31:52,280 that donating via coffee was the thing that 868 00:31:52,280 --> 00:31:53,940 got you the coffee badge. 869 00:31:53,940 --> 00:31:57,080 And so I donated using coffee to Neos 870 00:31:57,080 --> 00:31:59,380 to see if it would give me the coffee badge, and it doesn't. 871 00:31:59,380 --> 00:32:01,660 But I only gave them like $5, so it's fine. 872 00:32:01,660 --> 00:32:02,980 And back then, it was-- 873 00:32:02,980 --> 00:32:05,300 I wasn't even on the team, so that's fine. 874 00:32:05,300 --> 00:32:09,740 So yes, in the future, pending stuff and announcements. 875 00:32:09,740 --> 00:32:10,700 La-tida. 876 00:32:10,700 --> 00:32:13,940 Greg says, is there a public repository of things 877 00:32:13,940 --> 00:32:16,140 that people have already made, like quality of life things? 878 00:32:16,140 --> 00:32:17,820 There isn't a public repository. 879 00:32:17,820 --> 00:32:20,300 You can get a way of just asking people, 880 00:32:20,300 --> 00:32:22,500 or you can get away with a tool called 881 00:32:22,500 --> 00:32:25,420 RedX, which allows you to search through things 882 00:32:25,420 --> 00:32:26,140 that people made. 883 00:32:26,140 --> 00:32:27,900 Like, if you load RedX and you put in, I don't know, 884 00:32:27,900 --> 00:32:29,540 multi-tool, you'll probably just die, 885 00:32:29,540 --> 00:32:31,780 because it's going to be like four pages or something. 886 00:32:31,780 --> 00:32:34,940 But that's all we've really got. 887 00:32:34,940 --> 00:32:37,700 Eventually, we'll sort of get an inkling for it. 888 00:32:37,700 --> 00:32:39,180 We do want to make that better. 889 00:32:39,180 --> 00:32:44,300 That will be in the Marketplace sort of tools update thing, 890 00:32:44,300 --> 00:32:45,900 where you can kind of see, and we'll 891 00:32:45,900 --> 00:32:47,820 be able to categorize items down a little bit, 892 00:32:47,820 --> 00:32:49,020 so you'll be able to see there. 893 00:32:49,020 --> 00:32:50,980 And again, the front page of that Marketplace, 894 00:32:50,980 --> 00:32:52,780 I want to be entirely marketing driven. 895 00:32:52,780 --> 00:32:54,460 So if they want to have-- 896 00:32:54,460 --> 00:32:56,940 this week, we're going to do a special on featuring hats. 897 00:32:56,940 --> 00:32:58,820 And the entire front page of the Marketplace 898 00:32:58,820 --> 00:33:01,540 is just like a feature of hats in a square. 899 00:33:01,540 --> 00:33:06,100 Again, just offload that kind of stuff from engineering. 900 00:33:06,100 --> 00:33:08,500 Make it so that someone who isn't engineering 901 00:33:08,500 --> 00:33:09,460 has a button to push. 902 00:33:09,460 --> 00:33:11,340 They're like, I'd like to feature hats today, 903 00:33:11,340 --> 00:33:12,540 and it just appears. 904 00:33:12,540 --> 00:33:16,780 I think I blocked sending sugar cubes, simply because it's not 905 00:33:16,780 --> 00:33:17,900 that it's a problem. 906 00:33:17,900 --> 00:33:20,140 It's that it's an unfinished feature. 907 00:33:20,140 --> 00:33:23,740 And so if you guys keep sending them, and then we finish it 908 00:33:23,740 --> 00:33:26,660 or remove it, it creates a dependence on something 909 00:33:26,660 --> 00:33:27,660 that we might remove. 910 00:33:27,660 --> 00:33:29,220 And so we don't want to do that. 911 00:33:29,220 --> 00:33:31,020 With that, I think we're done on questions. 912 00:33:31,020 --> 00:33:35,620 So avoid talking about other random stuff. 913 00:33:35,620 --> 00:33:36,460 Oh, there we go. 914 00:33:36,460 --> 00:33:37,060 There's a question. 915 00:33:37,060 --> 00:33:38,860 Aaron asked, what the fuck are sugar cubes? 916 00:33:38,860 --> 00:33:42,540 So sugar cubes were meant to be a unique thing, 917 00:33:42,540 --> 00:33:44,780 a physical object that was sent to you when 918 00:33:44,780 --> 00:33:47,700 you made a Ko-fi donation. 919 00:33:47,700 --> 00:33:50,780 I don't particularly know why that was a good idea or even 920 00:33:50,780 --> 00:33:54,340 an idea, but it never got implemented. 921 00:33:54,340 --> 00:33:56,980 There are bits of it still lying around, 922 00:33:56,980 --> 00:34:00,180 and hell knows why it's there. 923 00:34:00,180 --> 00:34:02,180 I found in the code base the other day-- 924 00:34:02,180 --> 00:34:03,540 apparently it's public knowledge, 925 00:34:03,540 --> 00:34:04,620 so I don't mind saying it-- 926 00:34:04,620 --> 00:34:08,020 we were going to have stickers in contact messages, 927 00:34:08,020 --> 00:34:10,660 like stickers in Telegram and in Discord now. 928 00:34:10,660 --> 00:34:12,540 We were going to have stickers inside messaging 929 00:34:12,540 --> 00:34:13,500 with inside Neos. 930 00:34:13,500 --> 00:34:16,020 And there wasn't code added for them, 931 00:34:16,020 --> 00:34:17,900 but there were graphics added for them. 932 00:34:17,900 --> 00:34:20,860 And they are basically larger versions of the Neos emojis 933 00:34:20,860 --> 00:34:22,900 there. 934 00:34:22,900 --> 00:34:23,860 Got more questions. 935 00:34:23,860 --> 00:34:26,620 So specs and rampa, you are the last two questions 936 00:34:26,620 --> 00:34:27,660 I'll accept, OK? 937 00:34:27,660 --> 00:34:28,620 I've got to get going. 938 00:34:28,620 --> 00:34:31,340 I've got to do other stuff, things. 939 00:34:31,340 --> 00:34:32,060 Yeah, OK? 940 00:34:32,060 --> 00:34:32,980 Nami, no. 941 00:34:32,980 --> 00:34:34,020 No question. 942 00:34:34,020 --> 00:34:35,380 You can still type, though, Nami. 943 00:34:35,380 --> 00:34:37,220 I'm not preventing you from typing. 944 00:34:37,220 --> 00:34:38,700 Just no question. 945 00:34:38,700 --> 00:34:40,860 OK, so Terra says, I noticed that there 946 00:34:40,860 --> 00:34:43,020 was a tool for making curves in the Scratch space world, 947 00:34:43,020 --> 00:34:44,100 but it's not in the essential tools folder. 948 00:34:44,100 --> 00:34:44,380 Why not? 949 00:34:44,380 --> 00:34:45,020 It's broken. 950 00:34:45,020 --> 00:34:47,220 We're probably going to remove it or fix it. 951 00:34:47,220 --> 00:34:48,460 It's very broken. 952 00:34:48,460 --> 00:34:50,460 It's a tool from 2013. 953 00:34:50,460 --> 00:34:52,620 It's very, very broken. 954 00:34:52,620 --> 00:34:55,820 Rig says, I was looking at the Patreon, 955 00:34:55,820 --> 00:34:57,580 and I saw that there was one mention that 956 00:34:57,580 --> 00:34:58,260 was being on the board. 957 00:34:58,260 --> 00:34:59,580 Is there a board on who is on it? 958 00:34:59,580 --> 00:35:03,140 That is a misleading statement, which I have asked 959 00:35:03,140 --> 00:35:05,060 to be removed multiple times. 960 00:35:05,060 --> 00:35:07,940 That Patreon tier will give you access 961 00:35:07,940 --> 00:35:11,300 to a once a month meeting, which is currently not being held, 962 00:35:11,300 --> 00:35:12,580 where you can speak to all of us. 963 00:35:12,580 --> 00:35:13,100 That's it. 964 00:35:13,100 --> 00:35:14,220 It's not being on the board. 965 00:35:14,220 --> 00:35:15,740 There is no paperwork. 966 00:35:15,740 --> 00:35:18,780 As for who is on the board, there is no board. 967 00:35:18,780 --> 00:35:21,060 I mean, sure, there kind of is. 968 00:35:21,060 --> 00:35:23,780 Like, technically-- well, actually, not technically, 969 00:35:23,780 --> 00:35:27,580 because it's long story read announcements. 970 00:35:27,580 --> 00:35:29,900 Hypothetically, there are three people 971 00:35:29,900 --> 00:35:34,020 on the board, which are all the people with C-level suite 972 00:35:34,020 --> 00:35:35,060 titles. 973 00:35:35,060 --> 00:35:36,900 Hypothetically is all they'll say. 974 00:35:36,900 --> 00:35:38,340 Hypothetically. 975 00:35:38,340 --> 00:35:41,820 Hand waving, jazz hands, moving onwards. 976 00:35:41,820 --> 00:35:43,260 Aaron says, why were they removed? 977 00:35:43,260 --> 00:35:44,340 If you're referring to the stickers, 978 00:35:44,340 --> 00:35:45,300 they were never implemented. 979 00:35:45,300 --> 00:35:46,900 You're referring to the sugar cubes, 980 00:35:46,900 --> 00:35:48,980 they were also never implemented. 981 00:35:48,980 --> 00:35:50,300 And that's it. 982 00:35:50,300 --> 00:35:51,820 Yeah, last week-- OK, so the problem 983 00:35:51,820 --> 00:35:53,340 with generating transcripts is I've 984 00:35:53,340 --> 00:35:54,860 noticed my CPU said spiking. 985 00:35:54,860 --> 00:35:57,900 And so if I'm doing anything active on my computer, 986 00:35:57,900 --> 00:36:00,380 I can't generate the transcript. 987 00:36:00,380 --> 00:36:02,860 And so I was just busy for the entire week. 988 00:36:02,860 --> 00:36:04,740 So I didn't have a chance to run it. 989 00:36:04,740 --> 00:36:07,300 I did run it when I fell asleep yesterday, though. 990 00:36:07,300 --> 00:36:09,420 I was like, well, my computer's on. 991 00:36:09,420 --> 00:36:12,940 So my computer's on, so I might as well run it. 992 00:36:12,940 --> 00:36:14,500 But I will run this one straight after, 993 00:36:14,500 --> 00:36:20,100 because I should just be doing low CPU activities after this, 994 00:36:20,100 --> 00:36:21,860 like getting a giant glass of water, 995 00:36:21,860 --> 00:36:23,780 because I've been talking a lot about stuff that 996 00:36:23,780 --> 00:36:24,860 isn't Neos related. 997 00:36:24,860 --> 00:36:27,500 We're going to leave off there and not take any more questions. 998 00:36:27,500 --> 00:36:29,740 If you have any additional questions past this, 999 00:36:29,740 --> 00:36:32,460 please drop them in the Questions Help channel, 1000 00:36:32,460 --> 00:36:35,460 DM me, open GitHub issues, open moderation tickets 1001 00:36:35,460 --> 00:36:36,300 if you have an issue. 1002 00:36:36,300 --> 00:36:37,740 I will see you again next week. 1003 00:36:37,740 --> 00:36:40,060 Maybe we need to start a second prime time where 1004 00:36:40,060 --> 00:36:41,740 I don't talk about Neos, and that way I 1005 00:36:41,740 --> 00:36:43,660 can tell you all the random stories I have. 1006 00:36:43,660 --> 00:36:44,940 I will speak to you guys later.