1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,500 Hello everyone, welcome to prime time. We're going to be answering questions in the order that they arrive in the questions for prime time threads. 2 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:09,140 So grab the questions, drop them in and I'll get to them as soon as I can. 3 00:00:09,720 --> 00:00:15,720 If you don't know what's going on, I'm going to answer questions about Neos. If you have them, drop them in the thread. We'll go through them in turn. 4 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:28,660 So starting off today, we have a question from Specs who says I'm not sure where the Unity SDK fits into the future if at all, but I have talked to users that greatly desire desktop editing building experience closer to a more typical game engine. 5 00:00:28,660 --> 00:00:38,660 They find it clunky to juggle camera control for viewing inspectors and logics while building. Are there any future plans to add such an interface or make UI except easier to build for creating our own? 6 00:00:38,660 --> 00:00:46,660 Unity SDK is quite low on our priorities right now, particularly seeing as we're moving away from Unity, it makes things like that a little bit more difficult. 7 00:00:46,660 --> 00:00:55,660 So that's kind of low on the priority. You can also take a look at the project board, which I think it has listed. 8 00:00:55,660 --> 00:01:00,660 By the way, low doesn't mean never, it just means low, so keep that in mind. 9 00:01:00,660 --> 00:01:13,660 As for additional UI and interfaces, I don't think so right now. Our biggest push there was on the small standardized newer desktop mode. 10 00:01:13,660 --> 00:01:23,660 That does have a lot better features for desktop users, some which I don't see many users use, such as the control click to focus, which lets you program logics on a 2D plane. 11 00:01:23,660 --> 00:01:32,660 No need for a blueprint there, just go ahead and program it on a 2D plane, just spawn a node, control click it with your camera if you're on a desktop and you'll focus to that one. 12 00:01:32,660 --> 00:01:35,660 And then you can kind of just like scrub around, it makes things tidier in desktop. 13 00:01:35,660 --> 00:01:42,660 Other than that, it sort of falls into the same category as like, hey, people wanting text based because they don't like building in VR. 14 00:01:42,660 --> 00:01:54,660 There will be enhancements to everything you do building in VR, but nothing I'm aware of on the planets that sort of matches Unity style workplace where you are not in the game while you're editing. 15 00:01:54,660 --> 00:01:57,660 It's kind of the whole point of Neos currently, at least. 16 00:01:57,660 --> 00:02:13,660 Scary guy says why do I use Q icon instead of question icon and tick instead of some other Neos related. The icons we use don't matter, they're just so that I don't miss questions. Whoever is adding them, thank you very much. Someone does it every week, thank you so much. 17 00:02:13,660 --> 00:02:22,660 We could use potatoes and oranges, I really don't care. Moving on. Icons not important. 18 00:02:22,660 --> 00:02:33,660 When teaching a user how to build, use the dev tools, what are the most important areas to start with? Please make sure that you're starting with basic tools, not multi tools. 19 00:02:33,660 --> 00:02:39,660 They should understand the functions and the processes for each individual tool before you get the multi tool. 20 00:02:39,660 --> 00:02:46,660 I've seen some users who are unaware of the difference between a dev tool and a logic tool. They just know that they need the tool, the multi tool to do everything. 21 00:02:46,660 --> 00:02:54,660 Therefore, they continue to get confused, particularly when they go into logics and they don't know that they need another tool. Sometimes it gets confusing. 22 00:02:54,660 --> 00:03:03,660 As for the dev tools, teach them all the usual standard processes with the dev tip. Don't forget gizmos. 23 00:03:03,660 --> 00:03:09,660 Also, strangely, and I'll be doing a tutorial on this soon, don't forget telling people how the tool shelves work. I've seen some people just assume they do nothing. 24 00:03:09,660 --> 00:03:18,660 The tool shelves are so cool and so fast for any tool-based development, and I don't see anyone using them, so make sure you use them. They're cool. 25 00:03:18,660 --> 00:03:24,660 Scary guy says, actual question, not a suggestion. Disguised as a question. 26 00:03:24,660 --> 00:03:31,660 If you move away from Unity, where are you moving to? See the previous answers to that in the office hour notes and various other conversations. 27 00:03:31,660 --> 00:03:36,660 I don't really want to rehash them here, but we're looking into various engine types to move away from. 28 00:03:36,660 --> 00:03:44,660 I don't really remember what the current plan is. That will be source currently, which I believe uses, like, forges. I don't remember. 29 00:03:44,660 --> 00:03:54,660 It's not Unity, though. Yeah, forge branch known as source. It's like a branch that has a name and it kind of jumps around a little bit. 30 00:03:54,660 --> 00:04:00,660 Yeah, forge is an engine and then branching it with source and adding stuff to it. 31 00:04:00,660 --> 00:04:06,660 The goal being Unity is holding us back in more ways than I can count, so we need something better. 32 00:04:06,660 --> 00:04:19,660 Yeah, be very careful about customized tools. Like I said, I don't want to keep hampering on multi-tools and custom inspectors, but you should know how to use the basic tools because they will teach you how to do stuff. 33 00:04:19,660 --> 00:04:28,660 Whereas if you start throwing customized tooling and very complicated tools at them, sometimes it's more difficult to learn the right way. 34 00:04:28,660 --> 00:04:35,660 For example, when people learn logics, they often start with, I want to make a gun. That's a common one. I want to make a gun in logics. 35 00:04:35,660 --> 00:04:41,660 I would like you to start with, I want to add two numbers together in logics. That's how you learn logics, right? I want to add two numbers together. Let's start with that. 36 00:04:41,660 --> 00:04:48,660 Make sure they can spawn the nodes. It shouldn't be at the point where if I'm helping a user and I'm like, oh, yeah, we'll need that node for it. 37 00:04:48,660 --> 00:04:54,660 And they find the node, but they don't know how to spawn the node. Like, there isn't a point where we should get to. 38 00:04:54,660 --> 00:05:01,660 Okay. We'll wait for additional questions. Specs as if you want to use a multi-tool, make sure you're using a minimal one. I do agree as well. 39 00:05:01,660 --> 00:05:08,660 There are some multi-tools which add every single goddamn tool to them, and I literally only use two these days. 40 00:05:08,660 --> 00:05:16,660 I use the dev tip and the logics tip. Even for materials, I hardly ever use the material tool tip these days because I want more control over it. 41 00:05:16,660 --> 00:05:26,660 It's, again, the similar problem to the, like, showing new users too many things. You know, you're just like, hey, look, new user, there's, like, stuff everywhere. 42 00:05:26,660 --> 00:05:35,660 There's the TikTok made by Kenatron, which is just, like, chill out. Let new users chill a little bit. 43 00:05:35,660 --> 00:05:42,660 Always remember that new users, particularly those new users who are coming from VRChat, are used to sitting in front of a mirror all night. 44 00:05:42,660 --> 00:05:50,660 And if you're suddenly throwing the entire world at them, it's going to be overwhelming. Yeah, that TikTok. That TikTok's amazing. 45 00:05:50,660 --> 00:06:03,660 Also, double check that they know the various control names. We can't get to the point of teaching someone logics or development if they don't know the words primary, secondary, context, menu, and grab. 46 00:06:03,660 --> 00:06:11,660 I've seen this, right? You know, I'm like, oh, yeah, to spawn the logics interface for that, you need to push secondary and they don't know what secondary is. 47 00:06:11,660 --> 00:06:16,660 By default, it's on the home page of your dash and it's talked about in the tutorials. 48 00:06:16,660 --> 00:06:22,660 Like, if they don't know those controls, they shouldn't be learning logics, sit with them and teach them the controls. 49 00:06:22,660 --> 00:06:31,660 I will await additional questions. Scary guy asks, where have I been lately? Haven't seen you in any public worlds. Elsewhere. Full stop. 50 00:06:31,660 --> 00:06:41,660 Question from Tiki who says, I've been playing with moving my gravity yesterday. When it's parented to my foot, it makes me respond to load an avatar. Would that be expected? 51 00:06:41,660 --> 00:06:48,660 Not sure. It's not skipped. It's just if you post a giant image, it makes it difficult for me to immediately see a question. 52 00:06:48,660 --> 00:06:54,660 I scroll up and down when I don't see any questions at the bottom and I get to them. All people remind me. 53 00:06:54,660 --> 00:07:03,660 I have a giant monitor, yeah, but I don't have Discord maximized because Discord maximized is a great way to not do any work. 54 00:07:03,660 --> 00:07:09,660 I don't know what that would be. Make sure you're parenting the entire grabber hierarchy. 55 00:07:09,660 --> 00:07:18,660 Ideally, I would parent everything up to the actual anchor to your foot and then you make sure you get the whole object. 56 00:07:18,660 --> 00:07:29,660 Also make sure that when you're parenting it, at no point does the grabber component leave your user root. 57 00:07:29,660 --> 00:07:36,660 I've seen a few people that will parent it to other places via the root slot or something and that's just not necessary. 58 00:07:36,660 --> 00:07:46,660 Parent it from one place directly to the other and you'll have less issues. If a grabber leaves your user root, it will disable itself. 59 00:07:46,660 --> 00:07:54,660 And now we'll go to Russia's question, which I did miss. 60 00:07:54,660 --> 00:08:06,660 Has there been any other projects similar to the Sydney... 61 00:08:06,660 --> 00:08:14,660 Sorry, I reminded you of something. I'll post it in a second. 62 00:08:14,660 --> 00:08:20,660 Has there been any other projects similar to the Sydney presentation you've been working on and talk about? 63 00:08:20,660 --> 00:08:26,660 Constantly. There's about 400 of them. Which ones would you like to hear about? 64 00:08:26,660 --> 00:08:28,660 Just constantly. 65 00:08:28,660 --> 00:08:34,660 For those unaware, they're talking about the Sydney project, which I posted on my YouTube. I'll get you that link. 66 00:08:34,660 --> 00:08:40,660 As well as the video I had immediately popped into my brain when I was thinking about my inability to speak. 67 00:08:40,660 --> 00:08:44,660 Which made me giggle too much. Let's see. 68 00:08:44,660 --> 00:08:48,660 So I should leave this link. 69 00:08:48,660 --> 00:08:50,660 So here's the presentation. 70 00:08:50,660 --> 00:08:54,660 And then this one. Yes, it's this one. 71 00:08:54,660 --> 00:08:58,660 This one here is what I was thinking of when I couldn't speak English. 72 00:08:58,660 --> 00:09:02,660 The various misspellings of pregnant. 73 00:09:02,660 --> 00:09:06,660 Have I encountered the Dutch university people? No. 74 00:09:06,660 --> 00:09:10,660 Occasionally I do. We used to have education and science meetings. 75 00:09:10,660 --> 00:09:14,660 But we kind of ran out of stuff to talk about, basically. 76 00:09:14,660 --> 00:09:18,660 And there was a lot of times where we would just talk about doing stuff, but not actually do stuff. 77 00:09:18,660 --> 00:09:26,660 I kind of wanted to reintroduce those, but kind of make them a more show and tell style meeting. 78 00:09:26,660 --> 00:09:30,660 Where it would be like, if you've got something to show, you can show it. 79 00:09:30,660 --> 00:09:34,660 Otherwise, let's not have a meeting, because otherwise it's just talking. 80 00:09:34,660 --> 00:09:38,660 I think there was one of them where it was an hour long. 81 00:09:38,660 --> 00:09:42,660 And it was basically the equivalent of science is cool, yo. 82 00:09:42,660 --> 00:09:46,660 For an hour. Moving on to Specs's question. 83 00:09:46,660 --> 00:09:50,660 I was making a raw data tool tip object the other day and noticed the primary ball doesn't seem to toggle 84 00:09:50,660 --> 00:09:54,660 if I press my trigger while holding the object with a laser. 85 00:09:54,660 --> 00:09:58,660 Other values such as primary strength seem to update fine. Is this intended behavior? 86 00:09:58,660 --> 00:10:02,660 Primary doesn't update if you hold your trigger while holding an object with the laser. 87 00:10:02,660 --> 00:10:12,660 Well, I have the code base open, so let me just jump over to raw data tool tip and see what the hell drives primary. 88 00:10:12,660 --> 00:10:18,660 All right. I'd have to look at the logic there. There's what's called a blocking mechanism, 89 00:10:18,660 --> 00:10:26,660 which is where you can block if a primary goes through. 90 00:10:26,660 --> 00:10:30,660 That's usually if you're holding something or things like that. 91 00:10:30,660 --> 00:10:36,660 So primary's value is not primary blocked. 92 00:10:36,660 --> 00:10:44,660 So primary is not blocked. Anded with the primary trigger value. 93 00:10:44,660 --> 00:10:48,660 Doesn't make sense to me. I'd have to take a look at it. 94 00:10:48,660 --> 00:10:52,660 Just reading this, it doesn't make sense. 95 00:10:52,660 --> 00:10:58,660 If primary isn't reporting, then primary strength shouldn't be reporting. 96 00:10:58,660 --> 00:11:04,660 Any future plans or ways someone might push the token gate component? 97 00:11:04,660 --> 00:11:07,660 I think it only works on two tokens currently. 98 00:11:07,660 --> 00:11:10,660 I don't know what you're referring to, the token gate component. 99 00:11:10,660 --> 00:11:13,660 If you have the exact component name, that would help. 100 00:11:13,660 --> 00:11:18,660 Because I don't know what that component is. We don't have a component by that name. 101 00:11:18,660 --> 00:11:22,660 Moving forwards to fox box question. Hi there. 102 00:11:22,660 --> 00:11:29,660 Last week my ESDB corrupted. I didn't recover it. 103 00:11:29,660 --> 00:11:33,660 A few things was missing from my inventory. 104 00:11:33,660 --> 00:11:39,660 I could not locate it. Also changed my favorite data. 105 00:11:39,660 --> 00:11:44,660 Similar thing happened to my who lost a few avatar updates. 106 00:11:44,660 --> 00:11:49,660 My question is if we are fully synced to the cloud, why were these assets lost? 107 00:11:49,660 --> 00:11:54,660 I don't know without logs and individual circumstances there. 108 00:11:54,660 --> 00:11:58,660 Unfortunately, wish I could answer better there. 109 00:11:58,660 --> 00:12:04,660 But when it comes to database corruption and stuff like that, I need to look at logs and stuff. 110 00:12:04,660 --> 00:12:07,660 That wasn't tagged to a question, scary, eh? 111 00:12:07,660 --> 00:12:12,660 So I didn't look at it. Yes, it is a question. 112 00:12:12,660 --> 00:12:15,660 Moving up. 113 00:12:15,660 --> 00:12:22,660 Zari asks for any funny moments in code recently. 114 00:12:22,660 --> 00:12:27,660 There was something. I'm just trying to remember what it was. 115 00:12:27,660 --> 00:12:32,660 Not that I can remember funny enough to remember promptly. 116 00:12:32,660 --> 00:12:37,660 Appearances. Oh, the token enabled component. 117 00:12:37,660 --> 00:12:42,660 The token enabled component just sees if it's a token enabled build. 118 00:12:42,660 --> 00:12:47,660 It cannot enable token related functionality on the steam build. 119 00:12:47,660 --> 00:12:52,660 So the token enabled facet lets you know if tokens are enabled or not. 120 00:12:52,660 --> 00:12:57,660 It wouldn't suit integration with other tokens because it is a yes or no. 121 00:12:57,660 --> 00:13:02,660 It is are we allowed to use tokens on the steam build? Nope. 122 00:13:02,660 --> 00:13:07,660 So I don't think adding additional tokens to that makes sense. 123 00:13:07,660 --> 00:13:12,660 I think adding that component, are we on steam? 124 00:13:12,660 --> 00:13:17,660 And it would be true, like, most of the time? 125 00:13:17,660 --> 00:13:19,660 Like, are we on steam component? 126 00:13:19,660 --> 00:13:25,660 Actually, because it's token enabled, it would be are we not on steam? 127 00:13:25,660 --> 00:13:27,660 Yeah, yeah. 128 00:13:27,660 --> 00:13:30,660 Ramp says do you have any favorite custom inspectors? 129 00:13:30,660 --> 00:13:32,660 Oh, I do. I have my favorite. 130 00:13:32,660 --> 00:13:36,660 My favorite custom inspector is the default inspector. 131 00:13:36,660 --> 00:13:38,660 My favorite inspector. 132 00:13:38,660 --> 00:13:42,660 I'll just scroll around, make sure I'm not forgetting anything. 133 00:13:42,660 --> 00:13:50,660 Yeah, I've already changed one thing on the inspector so far, which is I lined up the fields. 134 00:13:50,660 --> 00:13:55,660 That was a mod by RT, I believe, and I just implemented the mod directly into the game. 135 00:13:55,660 --> 00:13:58,660 Which I plan to do with a lot of mods. 136 00:13:58,660 --> 00:14:00,660 So that's cool. 137 00:14:00,660 --> 00:14:06,660 I think it references the currency conversion node, which can only do NCR and USD currently. 138 00:14:06,660 --> 00:14:09,660 Yeah, that one is probably never going to get more currency conversions. 139 00:14:09,660 --> 00:14:16,660 Because strangely enough, the currency conversion rates of many things are tied behind really complicated APIs. 140 00:14:16,660 --> 00:14:19,660 And a lot of those are like, hey, pay us money. 141 00:14:19,660 --> 00:14:23,660 And I think it's a silly thing to pay money for, so no. 142 00:14:23,660 --> 00:14:30,660 I know a couple of people have introduced UI that they've made themselves that does requests to external APIs to do that. 143 00:14:30,660 --> 00:14:35,660 I think that's a much better use of that node than the currency conversion one. 144 00:14:35,660 --> 00:14:37,660 It's just a bit problematic. 145 00:14:37,660 --> 00:14:40,660 Lex asks for pet peeves ofNeos functionality. 146 00:14:40,660 --> 00:14:42,660 Let's see, do you want to list? I'm going to list. 147 00:14:42,660 --> 00:14:44,660 It will be a funny conversation. 148 00:14:44,660 --> 00:14:49,660 I don't like how the input system isn't defined by standard key codes. 149 00:14:49,660 --> 00:14:53,660 It's something weird in the middle of that, which means that my remap keyboard has a lot of issues. 150 00:14:53,660 --> 00:15:00,660 So if you ever notice me on desktop deleting Bodgix nodes slowly, it's because my delete key literally will not be recognized by Neos, 151 00:15:00,660 --> 00:15:05,660 but will be by 99% of the other applications that exist on my computer. 152 00:15:05,660 --> 00:15:08,660 My delete key is actually pagedown. 153 00:15:08,660 --> 00:15:10,660 That's what it's labeled on the keyboard. 154 00:15:10,660 --> 00:15:16,660 But I have remapped it using the official Windows remapping functionality to delete Neosignals. 155 00:15:16,660 --> 00:15:18,660 So that really annoys me. 156 00:15:18,660 --> 00:15:27,660 The fact that for some reasons, something along the lines of, it's either Neos, asset imp, which is our asset importer, 157 00:15:27,660 --> 00:15:35,660 or something in the middle there will turn my models inside out and flip them by 180 degrees when I import them for no reason. 158 00:15:35,660 --> 00:15:39,660 I don't understand. That annoys me. 159 00:15:39,660 --> 00:15:43,660 MRI and medical scan data has to be a unit cube. 160 00:15:43,660 --> 00:15:47,660 It cannot be, you can of course make the unit cube bigger by scaling it, right? 161 00:15:47,660 --> 00:15:54,660 What I mean is you cannot make a rectangular image, an MRI scan, which is problematic for anything other than head, 162 00:15:54,660 --> 00:16:01,660 because every other body part pretty much is a rectangle, not a square. 163 00:16:01,660 --> 00:16:03,660 That needs to be fixed for many reasons. 164 00:16:03,660 --> 00:16:09,660 We got around with maths previously, but it was not pretty. 165 00:16:09,660 --> 00:16:12,660 Let's see, what else have we got? 166 00:16:12,660 --> 00:16:19,660 The value graph recorder will disable itself if you accidentally enter zero in some fields, which is really annoying. 167 00:16:19,660 --> 00:16:25,660 It should just filter invalid values and default to like one instead of zero and breaking. 168 00:16:25,660 --> 00:16:27,660 That's that. 169 00:16:27,660 --> 00:16:31,660 Logics interface bug, but that annoys everyone. 170 00:16:31,660 --> 00:16:34,660 Yeah, basically lots of that stuff. 171 00:16:34,660 --> 00:16:37,660 Let's take a look. 172 00:16:37,660 --> 00:16:45,660 You're more than welcome to do that. 173 00:16:45,660 --> 00:16:48,660 I just don't think it's that useful. 174 00:16:48,660 --> 00:16:53,660 Also ain't any first party support for crypto pending to be mute. 175 00:16:53,660 --> 00:17:00,660 That depends on the ongoing issues, which I'm not going to discuss, because it brings down the whole mood of the place. 176 00:17:00,660 --> 00:17:07,660 Speaking of API, there's only a future where Neos might be able to interact with Discord's API. 177 00:17:07,660 --> 00:17:10,660 Beautiful question. I love this one, because it's often misunderstood. 178 00:17:10,660 --> 00:17:13,660 Discord's API is only for bots. 179 00:17:13,660 --> 00:17:16,660 They're restricting it further and further to bots. 180 00:17:16,660 --> 00:17:23,660 Custom clients, as in clients which change how you receive Discord messages are not allowed by Discord's terms of service. 181 00:17:23,660 --> 00:17:28,660 So at no point will Neos be making a Discord client inside of Neos. 182 00:17:28,660 --> 00:17:30,660 That is not allowed. 183 00:17:30,660 --> 00:17:34,660 We can make bots inside Neos, or we can make Logics nodes to allow you to make Discord bots. 184 00:17:34,660 --> 00:17:40,660 But we can't display your messages inside Neos without breaking the terms of service of Discord. 185 00:17:40,660 --> 00:17:42,660 So no, that's not going to happen. 186 00:17:42,660 --> 00:17:46,660 I full on support Discord's terms of service in that regard. 187 00:17:46,660 --> 00:17:51,660 I love it. I think it's great. 188 00:17:51,660 --> 00:17:57,660 Custom clients are cool in some places, but if they make that, fantastic. 189 00:17:57,660 --> 00:18:03,660 Sorry, but what if a bot reads the message and then duplicates itself into Neos? 190 00:18:03,660 --> 00:18:15,660 That's possible, except reading the contents of a Discord message requires a specific permission, 191 00:18:15,660 --> 00:18:20,660 which is being revoked from bots once they reach a certain level of service that they're in. 192 00:18:20,660 --> 00:18:22,660 I believe it's 100 or 1000. 193 00:18:22,660 --> 00:18:28,660 If you wish to read the message contents of any message on Discord, you need to apply for additional validation, 194 00:18:28,660 --> 00:18:31,660 and that sometimes comes with a monetary cost. 195 00:18:31,660 --> 00:18:36,660 This is because wherever possible, they're trying to move Discord over bots, at least, 196 00:18:36,660 --> 00:18:39,660 to using the slash command rather than exclamation marks. 197 00:18:39,660 --> 00:18:44,660 If your bot on your Discord server right now uses exclamation mark potato or whatever for your commands, 198 00:18:44,660 --> 00:18:48,660 they want you to move over to slash-based commands, because on slash-based commands, 199 00:18:48,660 --> 00:18:55,660 they are officially registered with Discord, and they don't require the bot to receive all of the text message that appears. 200 00:18:55,660 --> 00:19:00,660 They only require the bot to receive the message when a slash command is used, 201 00:19:00,660 --> 00:19:02,660 and I agree again with their policy there. 202 00:19:02,660 --> 00:19:07,660 You could argue either way, but I agree with their way of doing it. 203 00:19:07,660 --> 00:19:13,660 In fact, I once interviewed for the role at Discord that would be handling how those slash commands work for clients. 204 00:19:13,660 --> 00:19:20,660 So, yeah. They also have auto-complete. They're also secure. They can also launch custom UI, all sorts of cool stuff. 205 00:19:20,660 --> 00:19:29,660 Specs linked a bad Halo Ninja modification to headless, which has a Discord bot in it, which is cool. 206 00:19:29,660 --> 00:19:35,660 Shadow says, with Discord now natively being integrated into Xbox, is there a chance that Discord will be integrated intoNeos? 207 00:19:35,660 --> 00:19:46,660 No. No. So Xbox is humongous, and they've been working on the integration with Discord for months, 208 00:19:46,660 --> 00:19:52,660 and they have special partnerships with them. There's probably paperwork set up. There might be money set up. 209 00:19:52,660 --> 00:19:55,660 Some of the engineers working on the integration are friends of mine. 210 00:19:55,660 --> 00:20:00,660 They obviously can't tell me all the details, because they're not allowed to, 211 00:20:00,660 --> 00:20:03,660 but I do know that they've been working on it for quite a long time, and I know that they're proud of it. 212 00:20:03,660 --> 00:20:10,660 I have friends that are on both sides of that as well. But essentially, no. 213 00:20:10,660 --> 00:20:16,660 Mr. asks, is there going to be first party support for screen share? Yes, there is a GitHub issue open for that. 214 00:20:16,660 --> 00:20:22,660 For those who are wondering why that's complicated, you need to remember that screen sharing is basically video, 215 00:20:22,660 --> 00:20:28,660 and so sharing video is effectively streaming video, which I happen to be an expert on, and that is tricky. 216 00:20:28,660 --> 00:20:35,660 You'll even see that Zari says, doesn't the desktop menu technically record that? No, it's not video. 217 00:20:35,660 --> 00:20:44,660 It uses a desktop duplication API thingy, which is part of the Windows spec. It doesn't do video. 218 00:20:44,660 --> 00:20:52,660 That's another common point. Even if that did do video, it's still not the big issue. 219 00:20:52,660 --> 00:20:58,660 The big issue is getting that video and escorting it across the Internet. 220 00:20:58,660 --> 00:21:05,660 When I said the word big issue, anyone who lives in the UK might have also giggled, but that's okay. 221 00:21:05,660 --> 00:21:08,660 That's a bit of a UK meme for you. 222 00:21:08,660 --> 00:21:13,660 Slinker, I worked for Beam, so I'm going to tell you a really big secret here. 223 00:21:13,660 --> 00:21:22,660 FTL wasn't actually cool at all. FTL was just WebRTC over Nginx. 224 00:21:22,660 --> 00:21:30,660 We had to brand it, of course, but it's basic technology now. 225 00:21:30,660 --> 00:21:37,660 Loads of people do FTL right now. 226 00:21:37,660 --> 00:21:44,660 It's good, but most of the FTL stack was just straight WebRTC code. 227 00:21:44,660 --> 00:21:51,660 The entire team at Vixxer were dealing with WebRTC. 228 00:21:51,660 --> 00:21:56,660 On a lot of streaming platforms now, you'll get speeds close or similar to FTL. 229 00:21:56,660 --> 00:21:59,660 They're just not labeled as FTL. 230 00:21:59,660 --> 00:22:06,660 There's no further questions. I'm going to go ahead and close it off now. 231 00:22:06,660 --> 00:22:09,660 Okay, you've got precisely a minute. 232 00:22:09,660 --> 00:22:13,660 You've got one minute, Slinker. You better type faster. 233 00:22:13,660 --> 00:22:19,660 Prime, what is your favorite Ben & Jerry's? Don't know. 234 00:22:19,660 --> 00:22:22,660 Ben & Jerry's is also incredibly overpriced. 235 00:22:22,660 --> 00:22:29,660 You might as well just go buy a bag of candy and buy a box of vanilla ice cream. 236 00:22:29,660 --> 00:22:34,660 Mix the two together and you've saved yourself a lot of money. 237 00:22:34,660 --> 00:22:37,660 I'll go ahead and leave things off here and I will speak to you later. 238 00:22:37,660 --> 00:22:41,660 If you have any further questions, please drop them in. 239 00:22:41,660 --> 00:22:44,660 There is a missed question. Okay, cool, we'll get it. 240 00:22:44,660 --> 00:22:47,660 I'm sorry, we'll get it. Sorry, it wasn't tagged. 241 00:22:47,660 --> 00:22:53,660 Maybe it was and I missed it. I'm sorry, Lucas, I'm sorry. 242 00:22:53,660 --> 00:23:01,660 Lucas, is there going to be any new features, updates on the Unity engine version of Neos? 243 00:23:01,660 --> 00:23:08,660 Yeah, we intend to update as many things as we can, but we are still trying to move off Unity. 244 00:23:08,660 --> 00:23:11,660 It's not that we are waiting to move off Unity before we do updates. 245 00:23:11,660 --> 00:23:15,660 Those things are totally separate. I went Scottish for a second. 246 00:23:15,660 --> 00:23:31,660 Okay, I will see you guys later. Bye bye.