1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,480 All right everyone, welcome to prime time. Again, it's a half hour AMA where you can ask any questions about Neos. 2 00:00:04,480 --> 00:00:08,560 We don't have any questions today, we just actually have people complaining about my microphone, 3 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,000 which is perfectly natural and please thank you for continuing doing so. If there are any issues, 4 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:19,280 please do let me know. Microphone's a difficult year. But yeah, we have no questions, so I don't 5 00:00:19,280 --> 00:00:22,960 need to use the microphone. If you have questions, please put them in the thread and I'll get them as 6 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:26,640 I can, otherwise I'm going to go ahead and mute and we're going to sit here for the entire office 7 00:00:26,640 --> 00:00:31,600 house segment. We have nothing to talk about. Grace says, can I ask something not to do with 8 00:00:31,600 --> 00:00:36,960 Neos? Usually it depends on sort of how busy we are. I usually skip personal questions because 9 00:00:36,960 --> 00:00:42,160 we're busy, but if there are no questions here, go for it. Do whatever you want. I may reject the 10 00:00:42,160 --> 00:00:46,160 question depending on what it is. I am only sort of guaranteed to answer Neos questions. 11 00:00:47,040 --> 00:00:52,160 That kind of controls a little bit of the sort of off the track, off the beaten path stuff that we 12 00:00:52,160 --> 00:00:57,760 have got going sometimes, but doesn't usually control it. Maybe we're talking about jelly 13 00:00:57,760 --> 00:01:03,120 sandwiches before we know about it. Okay, so our first actual question from Lex who says, 14 00:01:03,120 --> 00:01:06,560 apart from settings menu, what would be one of the first things in the UI to redesign that would 15 00:01:06,560 --> 00:01:12,480 change? Not quite sure we got any further than talking about the settings menu. I know that the 16 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:16,160 settings menu was going to happen because it would allow us to do a whole lot of other stuff. 17 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:20,560 Basically, we'd be able to throw check boxes, sliders, drop downs and input boxes for basically 18 00:01:20,560 --> 00:01:26,080 everything that people don't like. That's why we wanted to do it because right now we're sort of 19 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:32,480 limited in that. For those who are unsure what that means, I would like you to go Google images 20 00:01:32,480 --> 00:01:37,440 of an airplane cockpit and imagine that you were designing that for the first time and needed a 21 00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:41,680 switch for literally everything that the plane could do and how you would design that. That's 22 00:01:41,680 --> 00:01:48,800 what the settings UI redesign does. You want to make sure that everything can fit. But no, after 23 00:01:48,800 --> 00:01:54,320 that we were looking into user blocking, which of course would have UI, but it wouldn't be UI 24 00:01:54,320 --> 00:02:00,480 redesign. It would be like new UI. However, with that might have come, I don't know, this is just 25 00:02:00,480 --> 00:02:05,920 me speaking hypothetically, might have come some edits to the contact screen because of course the 26 00:02:06,720 --> 00:02:12,720 contact screen would have needed new buttons for blocking if we were to do user blocking. 27 00:02:12,720 --> 00:02:17,040 For those in the modding community, I'm sure you're aware of the contact screen needing more 28 00:02:17,040 --> 00:02:24,000 space to put buttons. For those unaware of the modding scene, Neos mods in the Neos modding group, 29 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:28,240 not moderators mods, it's really difficult. The two things have the same phrase, but whatever. 30 00:02:30,320 --> 00:02:35,120 They kept adding new buttons to the buttons that appear when you select someone in your contact 31 00:02:35,120 --> 00:02:40,960 screen and eventually it got to the point where like people's Neos contact buttons were overflowing 32 00:02:40,960 --> 00:02:46,080 and people were like, hey, can we stop adding context buttons? That was a good discussion that 33 00:02:46,080 --> 00:02:50,560 occurred over in the modding community. For those who are unaware, modding is perfectly fine and 34 00:02:51,440 --> 00:02:55,040 not against our terms of service. You can just go do it. Provided it's not malicious or breaks 35 00:02:55,040 --> 00:03:02,240 any of the other guidelines, go do it. You don't need mods for a lot of things. Some people come 36 00:03:02,240 --> 00:03:08,560 into our Discord or come into the modding Discord and be like, where's the flying mod? That's a 37 00:03:08,560 --> 00:03:17,600 native feature, guys. You don't need a mod for that. Gray has a question here. Are you going to 38 00:03:17,600 --> 00:03:24,160 MFF? I didn't know Canadian was going. That's interesting. I was in him at a convention before. 39 00:03:25,840 --> 00:03:30,480 Yeah, so MFF is Midwest fur fest. I knew it was fur fest. I just didn't know what it was. 40 00:03:30,480 --> 00:03:34,240 That's a furry convention that's in the Midwest. I don't know anything about it. 41 00:03:34,240 --> 00:03:38,560 No, I won't be going. I currently don't have a job for those who don't know. 42 00:03:38,560 --> 00:03:45,600 And so I can't fly random places on a whim because it's expensive. I'd actually cancel a visit to 43 00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:50,240 a friend's wedding. I had a really good friend, but I just couldn't justify the cost. So I had 44 00:03:50,240 --> 00:03:54,560 to cancel the visit to their wedding. That made me sad. And yeah, I can't attend conventions. 45 00:03:54,560 --> 00:03:59,760 When I had a job like I had before, I could totally just randomly fly around to wherever 46 00:03:59,760 --> 00:04:04,480 the hell I wanted to because I had a salary, but I don't currently. So I have to avoid travel. 47 00:04:05,040 --> 00:04:10,560 I'm trying to navigate and negotiate holiday travel plans, which my family are making endlessly 48 00:04:10,560 --> 00:04:14,480 complicated and I don't want it to be complicated. I just want to hop on a plane and get off and no 49 00:04:14,480 --> 00:04:18,720 one to yell at me. That's actually always the plan for the holiday period is like, no one to yell at 50 00:04:18,720 --> 00:04:25,920 me. That's all I want. If it were up to me, I'd probably just shut my door and do what I wanted 51 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:30,720 over the holiday period. But hey, holidays are about family obligations. On a side note, 52 00:04:30,720 --> 00:04:35,520 whilst I wait for additional questions, I kind of like I do and don't understand fairy conventions. 53 00:04:35,520 --> 00:04:42,320 So let me just imagine a scenario. OK, so most people at fairy conventions just want to see 54 00:04:42,320 --> 00:04:47,120 people that they know or friends of theirs that they know to see people. And so what they do is 55 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:52,160 they pay thousands of dollars to travel halfway around the world or whatever to essentially be 56 00:04:52,160 --> 00:04:57,600 in the most cramped space possible. Instead, what you could just do is say, 57 00:04:59,120 --> 00:05:03,760 this month, this date, where there's no fairy convention happening, this group of people can 58 00:05:03,760 --> 00:05:08,400 go to this town and hang out. And it costs so much less because you don't need fairy convention 59 00:05:08,400 --> 00:05:12,560 tickets. The hotels aren't ram packed because of all the other people that you'll never interact 60 00:05:12,560 --> 00:05:19,200 with. It's just pick a random time, go to a random town. You'll save so much more money 61 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:24,320 and you basically make your own convention when that happens, of course. But it's easier to 62 00:05:24,320 --> 00:05:28,960 control than I'm going to go to this place where everyone else is going, these hotels, 63 00:05:28,960 --> 00:05:35,920 which are already rammed full of people to see a great group of people that I do want to speak, 64 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:40,800 but also hang out with a bunch of people that I don't know that are basically raising the prices 65 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:47,280 of everything. Lex says, wouldn't conventions be more about booths and discover a wider community? 66 00:05:47,280 --> 00:05:54,080 Yes, there is also that. But if that's what you're going for, that's great. From experience, 67 00:05:54,080 --> 00:05:57,520 a lot of people are going just to see each other. And if that's the case, then don't go to a 68 00:05:57,520 --> 00:06:03,840 convention. It's much cheaper to just visit each other. But yeah, no, booths and stuff like that. 69 00:06:03,840 --> 00:06:07,600 A lot of the convention though is just wandering around and speaking to people. While I haven't 70 00:06:07,600 --> 00:06:12,160 been to any specifically fairy conventions, I have been to various other types of conventions, 71 00:06:12,160 --> 00:06:20,800 including ones where I have been working there as a person of worky. I actually have in my bedroom 72 00:06:20,800 --> 00:06:26,160 hung around a large teddy bear is my collection of event passes. Every time you go to an event, 73 00:06:26,160 --> 00:06:35,120 you get like a lanyard. And I've collected all of them. And it is crazy because I had, 74 00:06:35,120 --> 00:06:41,680 as an example, I have an exhibitor badge for E3 a few years back. An exhibitor badge for E3, yes. 75 00:06:41,680 --> 00:06:46,320 It's one of my proudest moments. That is, I have an exhibitor E3 badge. 76 00:06:51,360 --> 00:06:54,800 Let's take a look. Oh, we have an actual Neos question. That's great. Let's get off the 77 00:06:54,800 --> 00:07:00,800 convention track. So Ozi asks, I noticed volume unlit materials are not super popular due to 3D 78 00:07:00,800 --> 00:07:05,040 textures being hard to understand outside of medical scans. Have you seen them used in Neos? 79 00:07:05,040 --> 00:07:09,280 If so, how? Well, outside of medical scans, no, I haven't seen them. Although there is this 80 00:07:09,280 --> 00:07:14,560 tutorial where I talk about making a GIF. And I think I make one as a joke. I import all the 81 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:19,760 frames of a GIF as a 3D texture. And it's kind of creepy. I think it's in my public folder somewhere. 82 00:07:20,560 --> 00:07:26,160 It's a Doctor Who GIF of David Tennant as a doctor saying, oh, yes. And you kind of sort 83 00:07:26,160 --> 00:07:31,280 of scroll through it with the slicer. I don't know what you would use a 3D thingy for. 84 00:07:31,280 --> 00:07:38,320 I don't really know, like, when it comes to Neos features, you always need to start with, 85 00:07:38,320 --> 00:07:41,760 what are you trying to do? Otherwise, you'll just be lost. Like, what are you trying to do? 86 00:07:42,960 --> 00:07:48,240 I'm trying to build a boat. OK, then you need prims. You need a design for the boat. You can't 87 00:07:48,240 --> 00:07:54,000 just build a boat. But I want to build a boat. You know, you need to figure out what you want 88 00:07:54,000 --> 00:08:01,200 to do before you build a boat. For anyone who got that meme, congratulations. For anyone who did not 89 00:08:01,200 --> 00:08:07,440 get that meme, I'll link a video in a moment. So I don't really know what you'd use them for. 90 00:08:07,440 --> 00:08:13,520 Theoretically, you could use them for things like fog. But then a fog material would be better for 91 00:08:13,520 --> 00:08:22,480 that. The 3D texture stuff inside volume unlit is really stressful on your resources. 92 00:08:22,480 --> 00:08:29,520 I don't know enough about shader language to say this for certain. So if you quote me, 93 00:08:29,520 --> 00:08:33,200 quote me with this disclaimer, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not a shader expert. 94 00:08:34,960 --> 00:08:41,600 When I read the shader code for volume unlit, it appears to be remarched. So just be careful with 95 00:08:41,600 --> 00:08:47,040 that shader. It is very intense. Particularly if you drop what's called the step size property 96 00:08:47,040 --> 00:08:52,480 down to zero, you can lower someone's frames. If you drop their step size down to zero and put their 97 00:08:52,480 --> 00:08:58,320 head inside it, you can lower their frames incredibly quickly. I don't know what you'd use it 98 00:08:58,320 --> 00:09:04,800 for other than, of course, medical scans. We've also used it for basically anything that can get 99 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:12,000 like an image of slices work. Sometimes there are other data sources that can do this. I want to say 100 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:17,120 something like a radar scan might be possible. I'm not sure. I'm sort of thinking about those 101 00:09:18,080 --> 00:09:23,920 shockwave things they do to survey ground. You know, there's usually a man. It basically looks 102 00:09:23,920 --> 00:09:27,360 like they're shotgunning the floor. They're not. They're sending a shockwave through the floor so 103 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:31,920 they can measure the sort of density of the rocks beneath them. I wonder if that sort of data would 104 00:09:31,920 --> 00:09:36,080 be able to sort of be 3D visualized. I don't know what sort of format it comes back in. Anyway, 105 00:09:36,080 --> 00:09:42,000 we'll move on. They go to show off their bespoke carpet suit. That is another thing. The sort of 106 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:48,160 publicity of your character and all of the pictures and stuff like that. Yeah, that's 107 00:09:48,160 --> 00:09:54,080 always good. Moving on to Lex's question who said, so you know how people go to Wikipedia and browse 108 00:09:54,080 --> 00:09:57,520 for ages clicking a bunch of links. It's near so large. Would you happen to do that for the code? 109 00:09:58,400 --> 00:10:04,560 Yeah, that happens a lot. I have a renewed interest in this thing which I don't think 110 00:10:04,560 --> 00:10:11,920 it ever got finished or it's not up to date. It's called Code Bubbles. See if I can... 111 00:10:11,920 --> 00:10:17,520 I just searched that on Instagram. Curse my shortcuts. Code Bubbles. I have the DuckDuckGo 112 00:10:18,640 --> 00:10:24,080 browser doodads. If you do exclamation mark gi space, it will search Google Images. If you 113 00:10:24,080 --> 00:10:29,440 do exclamation mark i space, it will search Instagram. I just dropped the g. It's really 114 00:10:29,440 --> 00:10:36,320 old but I have a renewed interest in maybe making it figure out maybe if it's suitable. 115 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:41,040 So there's a picture of it. So instead of navigating code via files, you navigate them 116 00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:47,040 via bubbles. The reason why that's great is because I can control click about 20 times before 117 00:10:47,040 --> 00:10:51,920 I actually get to the code I need inside the Neos codebase because I'm not familiar with all aspects 118 00:10:51,920 --> 00:11:00,000 of it. As an example, the other day I needed to figure out why... like the context menu code I 119 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:05,920 needed to figure out the other day and it was just very thick. I don't mean thick as in silly, 120 00:11:05,920 --> 00:11:12,640 it's quite well written, but it was very thick as in I was in the input drivers and all sorts 121 00:11:12,640 --> 00:11:17,760 before I found out exactly what I needed to do. There was also a problem I was having with the 122 00:11:17,760 --> 00:11:24,640 world browser another day where I'd added a bunch of log statements to half of Neos to figure out 123 00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:29,120 something that was going wrong and then I figured out I just made an oopsie and it was a single line 124 00:11:29,120 --> 00:11:33,200 change. I'd actually then go like pull out all those log statements. It took like half an hour 125 00:11:33,200 --> 00:11:38,560 to pull out all those logs and get rid of them. That is kind of a meme though, removing log 126 00:11:38,560 --> 00:11:42,240 statements once you've fixed a bug. It's kind of sort of a thing that you'll know if you're a 127 00:11:42,240 --> 00:11:46,720 programmer. Arguably you should leave those log statements in there and then just sort of flag 128 00:11:46,720 --> 00:11:51,600 them off, but flag logging isn't something we have currently. I'll probably sort of try and get that 129 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:58,320 in when I can. So moving on to Ozzy's question who says, related to Lexi's question, what's a funny 130 00:11:58,320 --> 00:12:03,040 Easter egg in the Neos code base? There's a bunch. You'll see actually one of them that exists in the 131 00:12:03,040 --> 00:12:07,040 latest tutorial I did which is in desktop mode. In desktop mode my cursor is a piece of cheese, 132 00:12:07,040 --> 00:12:15,200 it isn't the usual desktop cursor. That's because when Frix was creating the desktop mode he needed 133 00:12:15,200 --> 00:12:20,160 to make a cursor image and I don't know why it came up but I was just like maybe custom cursor 134 00:12:20,160 --> 00:12:24,240 images in the future? Mine would be cheese and then he just added it to the code base. 135 00:12:25,520 --> 00:12:30,160 We are removing some of the sort of old memes, particularly ones that have caused some confusion 136 00:12:30,160 --> 00:12:37,600 in the past. For example there is a joke screen which can be added to your assets, your dash. 137 00:12:37,600 --> 00:12:40,960 I don't remember the circumstances in which it was added but it adds a screenshot of discord because 138 00:12:40,960 --> 00:12:48,000 someone asked for a discord like tab on the dash and so we added a screenshot as a joke but then 139 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:54,560 someone wrote a mod to re-enable that dash facet screen and then a lot of people got confused in 140 00:12:54,560 --> 00:12:59,440 the modding community and thought that we'd somehow got a discord client into Neos which is incorrect 141 00:12:59,440 --> 00:13:05,920 because that is against the discord terms of service so thumbs up. So yeah there's stuff like 142 00:13:05,920 --> 00:13:11,840 that that we're kind of removing. Sometimes it's just the comments that are funny though. 143 00:13:12,560 --> 00:13:16,240 When code doesn't make sense you know there's all the memes about sort of comments that say things 144 00:13:16,240 --> 00:13:20,640 like don't edit this code you'll die if you edit this code or this code is really difficult to 145 00:13:20,640 --> 00:13:26,320 understand but sometimes there's just like funny stuff that exists there and you can kind of feel 146 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:31,040 and see their pain but in a more comical way than the standard sort of like this code is bad it's 147 00:13:31,040 --> 00:13:36,720 sort of you know I don't know why this works but it does and those are those are some funny easter 148 00:13:36,720 --> 00:13:40,560 eggs. With that we're out of questions so if anyone has any additional questions do let me know 149 00:13:40,560 --> 00:13:46,080 let somebody go look up that build a boat meme. Oh I got an email that's cool I'll have to deal with 150 00:13:46,080 --> 00:13:52,160 that later. There we go there's the build a boat meme it comes from Second Life. I don't answer 151 00:13:52,160 --> 00:13:57,200 cheese questions Gray Foxen. Cheese questions have all been answered in prior office hours please 152 00:13:57,200 --> 00:14:01,920 check the notes. Okay looking through oh we have another question fantastic thank you for the 153 00:14:01,920 --> 00:14:06,880 additional question. When working on the spirit sweepers game we found almost every action 154 00:14:06,880 --> 00:14:10,160 involving the player equipping, dequipping, avatars, moving the character, installing 155 00:14:10,160 --> 00:14:16,000 locomotions was best performed by the user versus another user or host. I understand networking is 156 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:23,360 typically the go-to thing to blame but I'm wondering why that is. I think that's probably 157 00:14:23,360 --> 00:14:29,440 a function of synchronization so as a good analogy here when you think about a first-person 158 00:14:29,440 --> 00:14:35,200 shooter game two things happen when you shoot a gun in a first-person shooter game and this is 159 00:14:35,200 --> 00:14:41,280 like maybe older information from my brain I haven't looked at how new FPSs work but there are 160 00:14:41,280 --> 00:14:45,920 two things that happen and they are separate. Number one is animations happen so you shoot a 161 00:14:45,920 --> 00:14:50,480 game in an FPS animations happen you see the bullet leave the gun you see noise you see the 162 00:14:50,480 --> 00:14:55,760 muzzle flash you see whatever it hits you see particles from whatever it hits that is separate 163 00:14:56,640 --> 00:15:02,000 from what is actually happening to figure out if you actually hit them which is usually what's 164 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:06,960 called a hit scan which is basically just a physics raycast right that is a separate operation 165 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:13,680 now sometimes that physics hit scan is performed locally which gets a result but that is also then 166 00:15:13,680 --> 00:15:17,600 sent to the server to perform a server-side calculation to see if that actually happened 167 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:23,760 from an authoritative point of view and depending on the synchronization of those events you can get 168 00:15:23,760 --> 00:15:29,600 sort of the gun doesn't fire but you kill someone the gun does fire but you don't kill someone 169 00:15:29,600 --> 00:15:33,440 and then you know the actual one that you want which is the gun does fire visually and you 170 00:15:33,440 --> 00:15:38,800 actually kill someone and you get the points and if all of those aren't synced up then you end up 171 00:15:38,800 --> 00:15:45,040 with a game which is not satisfying excuse me there I almost died for a second words are 172 00:15:45,040 --> 00:15:53,280 difficult sometimes for neos that's sort of the same thing kind of happens there are nodes and 173 00:15:53,280 --> 00:16:00,240 operations which are validated by the host but the trigger of that event should be as close to 174 00:16:00,240 --> 00:16:04,960 the event as possible so you're right in saying it should be the user carrying out the interaction 175 00:16:04,960 --> 00:16:09,040 and that is because they will start to see the results of that interaction first and it'll be 176 00:16:09,040 --> 00:16:15,920 snappy additionally if you trigger an event for a user from another user then that other user has 177 00:16:15,920 --> 00:16:19,120 to send that message to the host and then the host has to send that message to the user that 178 00:16:19,120 --> 00:16:24,800 actually the event is for so just try and keep that smaller right so if you're equipping an 179 00:16:24,800 --> 00:16:29,360 avatar you want that to come from the person which is equipping the avatar you don't want 180 00:16:29,360 --> 00:16:37,280 that coming from OZ or Lex you know on other sides of the planet like let's say you know Lex 181 00:16:37,280 --> 00:16:43,280 is over in Australia I'm over in America and Lex equips an avatar for me that's like okay cool 182 00:16:43,840 --> 00:16:49,440 Lex sends a message to the host let's say the host is in Europe it says equip an avatar for Prime and 183 00:16:49,440 --> 00:16:53,760 then the host has to send that message to me and it says yo you've equipped another avatar there's 184 00:16:53,760 --> 00:17:00,080 latency there yeah things things can get really really strange and like the most annoying thing 185 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:06,160 as well like desync is one of the most annoying things you just don't feel like a human great 186 00:17:06,160 --> 00:17:12,800 asks a metaphysical question which is always interesting what kind of life form would you be 187 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:17,200 if you couldn't be a carbon-based one I have like a interesting answer on that one which is like 188 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:25,120 I don't particularly enjoy biological life if that makes sense we're gross like humans are gross 189 00:17:25,120 --> 00:17:33,440 right we constantly need to like shove crap in our face and every like every pore in your skin 190 00:17:33,440 --> 00:17:38,080 is currently producing like goop that you don't want and so periodically you have to go wash it 191 00:17:38,080 --> 00:17:46,480 off it's gross so I think like the idea of identity being just floating there is good 192 00:17:47,200 --> 00:17:50,480 there are lots of films which try to do that but they usually do it as like 193 00:17:50,480 --> 00:17:55,520 oh it's a floating cloud of like glowy mist or glowy light and I'm just like 194 00:17:55,520 --> 00:18:05,200 oh yeah look into that non-corporeal I guess would be the thing right I don't 195 00:18:05,200 --> 00:18:11,440 I don't I don't want to leak goop everywhere but I do leak goop everywhere like right now I'm warm 196 00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:16,400 right so I'm leaking more goop than I should be doing I should take off my sweater anyway 197 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:22,800 let's move on and stop talking about goop who's he asked do you have a strategy with best 198 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:26,960 combating corrections and sessions or what to exactly look for sometimes it can be massively 199 00:18:26,960 --> 00:18:30,240 annoying trying to understand what could be causing them like apparently world intensity 200 00:18:30,240 --> 00:18:38,640 world color systems being driven which is saddening that like could be a bunch of problems 201 00:18:38,640 --> 00:18:44,960 all in one and I think the best answer there would be of course in terms of features to wait 202 00:18:44,960 --> 00:18:49,360 for hard permissions at that point we can sort of say hey you can't drive this particular system 203 00:18:49,360 --> 00:18:59,760 because it's it's not yours to drive but whilst that doesn't occur I always like to 204 00:18:59,760 --> 00:19:05,840 sort of restart the world with no one in it and see what the problems and then journey around the 205 00:19:05,840 --> 00:19:12,560 world looking for those problems it's it's always difficult to figure out what's going on there 206 00:19:12,560 --> 00:19:21,040 lots of stuff which people do can be undesirable but they don't know it's undesirable or 207 00:19:21,040 --> 00:19:25,280 they've put something on the avatar and they don't even know how it works and it's undesirable 208 00:19:25,280 --> 00:19:29,440 I'm looking at you with the bells on your collars please configure your bells such that they have 209 00:19:29,440 --> 00:19:34,880 a localized volume and not global volume and maybe use your own sound effect not the common 210 00:19:34,880 --> 00:19:40,000 sound effect which is used on 99% of bells now I have seen some good bells out there like I'm 211 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:44,960 seeing a change there are some good bells out there but the majority of bells are exactly the 212 00:19:44,960 --> 00:19:50,320 same as I've been seeing for years and they are incredibly loud incredibly annoying in global 213 00:19:50,320 --> 00:19:58,880 audio space and I can't like they're so shrill as well I know that kind of went to like my common 214 00:19:58,880 --> 00:20:06,240 rant about bells but you know um if you have like a specific circumstance let me know it's 215 00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:10,080 difficult to answer sort of generically about saying like hard permissions would probably help 216 00:20:10,080 --> 00:20:16,480 with that no no bells bells aren't bad it's the way that they're configured I've changed my 217 00:20:16,480 --> 00:20:22,560 opinion on bells recently to be 99% of bells are bad because I have seen a few that are okay 218 00:20:23,440 --> 00:20:30,560 maybe I should go to MFF I'll take like a church bell with me and just constantly ring it I'll put 219 00:20:30,560 --> 00:20:35,120 it like on a dolly and just like push it around the convention and just be like ringing it 220 00:20:35,120 --> 00:20:39,520 continually I'm also waiting for additional questions Lex is that interstellar does it well 221 00:20:39,520 --> 00:20:46,480 with a fourth dimensional being that does it well yep I agree um star trek discovery one of the 222 00:20:46,480 --> 00:20:50,960 later seasons does it well I can't really say much without doing spoilers but there is a creature in 223 00:20:50,960 --> 00:21:00,000 there which which is great um if I said like cosmic horror you'd see like you know the additional 224 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:07,120 forms of life that aren't goop bags are interesting to me I think although the aliens in arrival are 225 00:21:07,120 --> 00:21:16,240 good and are very strange they still are goop bags so no goop speaking of goop after this 226 00:21:16,240 --> 00:21:24,160 office hours I'm gonna go get another another mug of coffee which is just goop I'm gonna go drink 227 00:21:24,160 --> 00:21:32,880 some goop I see what you mean Ozi so Ozi says um that they were trying to optimize uh some session 228 00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:36,480 performance issues and they found some funny systems such as a fire on change of no user 229 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:41,760 attached a localized dine bar that did a loop through of hundred slots to turn off lights 230 00:21:41,760 --> 00:21:46,160 all sorts of stuff like that if using dynamic variables why do you need to loop to turn off 231 00:21:46,160 --> 00:21:50,000 lights just use a dynamic variable driver and a world scoped variable and you can turn off all 232 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:56,480 the lights without a loop what the hell maybe I should do a tutorial on that just turning off 233 00:21:56,480 --> 00:22:01,840 a hundred lights with a dynamic variable because like without dynamic variables I can agree that 234 00:22:01,840 --> 00:22:08,000 would probably be difficult but with dynamic variables holy crap that's like most great 235 00:22:08,000 --> 00:22:14,480 thing ever I know that there is a little bit of a stigma around using the world dynamic variable 236 00:22:14,480 --> 00:22:19,920 space but if the lights and the objects are part of the world which you own which you are building 237 00:22:21,360 --> 00:22:27,840 use the world dynamic variable space exclusively it's great I use it a lot for the science that 238 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:31,920 I'm doing because I'm like this isn't a world for socialness this is a world for science so I can 239 00:22:31,920 --> 00:22:37,440 just shove stuff in the world dynamic variable space all day it's great like if you go into a 240 00:22:37,440 --> 00:22:44,720 world of mine where we're doing science it's eye movements eye rotation the secret to the life 241 00:22:44,720 --> 00:22:49,600 that you diverse and everything it's all in the wild the world uh the variable space but if I'm 242 00:22:49,600 --> 00:22:54,000 building like an avatar or I'm building an object which is designed to go into other people's worlds 243 00:22:54,000 --> 00:22:58,880 then it doesn't use world because that is kind of rude. Grace says if you go to mmf would you 244 00:22:58,880 --> 00:23:03,920 consider wearing a tf2 spy costume with a paper furry mask as a disguise no there's a 3d printer 245 00:23:03,920 --> 00:23:08,240 in my bedroom which I packed up because I was going to move apartments then didn't I would 246 00:23:08,240 --> 00:23:14,800 unpack that up I would print off my mask I have links saved in my browser for everything I would 247 00:23:14,800 --> 00:23:22,080 need to authentically recreate my avatar irl and that is what you would see I would even take a 248 00:23:22,080 --> 00:23:27,440 drill and drill like a hole into the mouth hole so I can like put a straw in there and drink from it 249 00:23:27,440 --> 00:23:34,000 because I think a that would be funny and b it would be ironic people like ah it's lunchtime 250 00:23:34,000 --> 00:23:39,120 Prime's finally going to remove his mask of like nope as I just like cram goop in my mouth hole 251 00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:44,800 okay we're at 28 so if there are no more questions we'll be closing down shortly I see 252 00:23:44,800 --> 00:23:48,560 Ruscio's typing if you have a question please go ahead Lex if you're typing you can get a question 253 00:23:48,560 --> 00:23:55,520 as well otherwise we'll be ending after these questions are sorted out. Lex asks how do you 254 00:23:55,520 --> 00:23:58,480 feel about sounder shutting down its podcast hosting service are you going to migrate to 255 00:23:58,480 --> 00:24:08,560 another podcast hosting service or just use the wiki um I don't know right now it kind of 256 00:24:08,560 --> 00:24:12,480 agitates me that the reason why I picked sounder in the first place is because they had automatic 257 00:24:12,480 --> 00:24:17,360 transcription and then they turned off automatic transcription and now they're shutting down so 258 00:24:17,360 --> 00:24:22,640 it's really annoying I'll look around and see what like stuff is there I just want it to be like 259 00:24:22,640 --> 00:24:27,680 automatic I kind of know that Lex does a bunch of work after office hours to to process the audio 260 00:24:27,680 --> 00:24:32,000 and then put it on the wiki I want it to be automatic and that's my like goal so that's why 261 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:39,920 I started with sounder and then just went downhill I will do what I can I don't really know what I'm 262 00:24:39,920 --> 00:24:44,080 going to do though it is on my to-do list to look at it's just not very high enough to do this right 263 00:24:44,080 --> 00:24:49,600 now okay um cutting off questions after Ramper because because Stifle you snuck one in there 264 00:24:49,600 --> 00:24:55,040 that's absolutely fine but but Ramper if you've got a question perfect otherwise no more questions 265 00:24:56,640 --> 00:25:02,160 you know when like an umpire declares safe on umpires that the baseball I don't know baseball 266 00:25:02,160 --> 00:25:06,400 terms the guy wearing all the armor he's like they're they're saying that that that's the 267 00:25:06,400 --> 00:25:10,880 motion I'm doing right now if you know baseball let me know what I'm saying yeah cool 268 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:17,520 Rusev says I've been hearing more and more users coming into worlds for starting point in logic so 269 00:25:17,520 --> 00:25:22,240 particularly I would typically take the time to start showing them but unfortunately been too 270 00:25:22,240 --> 00:25:25,280 busy to provide building stuff to provide assistance you know any good starting points 271 00:25:25,280 --> 00:25:32,320 to recommend when you can't provide direct help um I you know in the military where people do drills 272 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:38,480 and part of the reason there is that they want they want users of of you know weapons or equipment 273 00:25:38,480 --> 00:25:42,800 or orders like half the point for you know militaries so that people follow orders of that 274 00:25:42,800 --> 00:25:48,800 question to just do what they're told without thinking about it and that's why you know you 275 00:25:48,800 --> 00:25:53,840 clean your gun you just you you know you dismantle the gun you put it back together you load it you 276 00:25:53,840 --> 00:25:58,960 unload it you check the chain you do all that stuff so you know when it's drummed into you 277 00:25:58,960 --> 00:26:04,000 I want people to do that when they learn logics with the logics tip I see so many people struggle 278 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:10,080 because they don't take the time to understand the like the terminology and the mechanics of just 279 00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:16,160 using the logics tip um so a good example there that I have I don't know where I put it in my 280 00:26:16,160 --> 00:26:23,120 public folder um someone knows because it's in the um the mentor workshop world so glad to see that 281 00:26:23,120 --> 00:26:30,240 I edited a logics tip to um have a node menu attached to it which just has maths nodes 282 00:26:30,240 --> 00:26:34,480 and I think I removed some of the sort of options on the context menu somehow or maybe I didn't I 283 00:26:34,480 --> 00:26:39,120 can't remember um that's good though because what that does is it's purely there to teach you 284 00:26:39,120 --> 00:26:43,520 spawning nodes and linking two nodes together and that's what I want people to start with I don't 285 00:26:43,520 --> 00:26:47,600 want people to start with I want to build a boat or on a boat again I want people to start with 286 00:26:47,600 --> 00:26:52,400 spawning a node connecting a node to another node disconnecting a node from another node 287 00:26:52,400 --> 00:26:59,120 packing and unpacking and so when we get into complex tutorials and I say and then spawn this 288 00:26:59,120 --> 00:27:03,840 node I don't get wait how do I do that again like I want that to be like memory and for those of you 289 00:27:03,840 --> 00:27:08,000 who have been doing logics for a while you know that that's memory you know if I say to you oh 290 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:13,360 yeah you'll need a four node for that you like automatically half the people in this office hours 291 00:27:13,360 --> 00:27:19,600 are like oh yeah flow loop right you know like you did it in your head really quickly and it was 292 00:27:19,600 --> 00:27:23,600 almost subconscious right I want that to happen for people who are learning logics so many people 293 00:27:23,600 --> 00:27:29,040 get like down in the depths of logics and then I don't understand how anything works it's like 294 00:27:29,040 --> 00:27:35,600 okay do you know how to spawn a node well I keep forgetting that okay cool welcome to boot camp 295 00:27:35,600 --> 00:27:41,280 today we'll be sporting a node 400 times and then you'll know how to do it additionally a good 296 00:27:41,280 --> 00:27:46,080 tip as well is for that that mathematical logics node browser I talked about the reason why I did 297 00:27:46,080 --> 00:27:52,080 that is because the logic nodes for maths don't have any confusion they all spawn with float the 298 00:27:52,080 --> 00:27:56,080 data types by default which means you don't have to worry about data types none of them have 299 00:27:56,080 --> 00:28:01,440 impulse lines because impulse lines are confusing when you start none of them have reference lines 300 00:28:01,440 --> 00:28:05,120 which are confusing when you start by references I mean things like slots and users and then 301 00:28:05,120 --> 00:28:10,960 it's just mathematics and you connect them two together I remember Zane I haven't really seen 302 00:28:10,960 --> 00:28:15,760 Zane on Neos that much but for those who know Zane I saw Zane and he didn't know logics and I gave him 303 00:28:15,760 --> 00:28:20,480 like I didn't have that an logic node browser at the time but I drew like a box like a rectangle 304 00:28:20,480 --> 00:28:25,600 around a grouping of nodes and it was just plus minus divided in times and I said just link these 305 00:28:25,600 --> 00:28:30,800 together those are the only nodes that you can you can use you can't use any other folders you can't 306 00:28:30,800 --> 00:28:36,320 use any nodes that have white ribbons you can just use these nodes and he put them together and he 307 00:28:36,320 --> 00:28:41,600 was doing mathematics and learning how the you know the techniques of that worked and he said 308 00:28:41,600 --> 00:28:46,080 well what can I do I'm kind of comfortable with that and so I gave him the t node the t node that 309 00:28:46,080 --> 00:28:51,600 just counts up and he plugged that into all of his maths and he's like well t isn't round over here 310 00:28:51,600 --> 00:28:57,840 but over here I have a round number and it's like cool that that's that's great you appear to have 311 00:28:57,840 --> 00:29:03,600 rounded a number accidentally by using a bunch of mathematics that's cool and they were enjoying it 312 00:29:04,480 --> 00:29:08,400 and then I think I plugged their random mathematics into the shape of a sphere or 313 00:29:08,400 --> 00:29:14,640 something and it was like jumping around and then they got the picture I don't I don't like how you 314 00:29:14,640 --> 00:29:18,400 know we start with like I want to make a gun or I want to make a custom multi-tool or a custom 315 00:29:18,400 --> 00:29:23,920 inspector start with can you spawn a node and can you link them together okay moving down to 316 00:29:23,920 --> 00:29:27,760 stifle who says when a user is under a slot with a tag and I think created not spawned from the 317 00:29:27,760 --> 00:29:31,440 inventory will have that tag that is created including object logic's important assets what 318 00:29:31,440 --> 00:29:37,680 are some good use cases for it I don't know that can be useful for like tags are meant to sort of 319 00:29:37,680 --> 00:29:43,200 be like categorization of objects so I don't really know why that functionality was originally 320 00:29:43,200 --> 00:29:51,200 added I would ask freaks freaks is kind of busy right now so I don't really know what might be 321 00:29:51,200 --> 00:29:59,440 uses for that kind of have an example I guess from a world I'm building where I need I need 322 00:29:59,440 --> 00:30:05,120 every object that has a certain tag to be parented under at least some other object right it can't 323 00:30:05,120 --> 00:30:10,560 go to root so many things in news that are either written by users or not written by users sometimes 324 00:30:10,560 --> 00:30:14,880 it's you know nodes or components or just accidentally parent stuff to root and that 325 00:30:14,880 --> 00:30:19,840 cannot happen for this world and so I start attacking stuff that needed to not be under root 326 00:30:19,840 --> 00:30:25,280 as a certain tag and then I could I could pick that up and repairing it to where it needed to 327 00:30:25,280 --> 00:30:30,960 go that was useful yes that's a use remember guys though tags aren't evil I made a whole tutorial 328 00:30:30,960 --> 00:30:35,360 on that because tags used to be used for data storage and people are like tags are bad no tags 329 00:30:35,360 --> 00:30:41,360 are fantastic you just need to use them correctly braces this is a podcast no not really but I was 330 00:30:41,360 --> 00:30:46,800 struggling to get it up on the wiki because the wiki is you know kind of unreliable sometimes 331 00:30:46,800 --> 00:30:50,560 and I found this service called sounder and I put it on sounder and it turns out you know 332 00:30:50,560 --> 00:30:57,840 sounder is a podcast platform and it automatically dumps my episodes into spotify so I'm podcast now 333 00:30:57,840 --> 00:31:08,000 hi all right then the last question that we have is from ramp who says I mean the transcriber could 334 00:31:08,000 --> 00:31:12,640 be made for you by community with some good ml people otherwise I heard my question just answered 335 00:31:12,640 --> 00:31:17,680 not to ask if there any form of I'll figure something out like I'll probably move it to 336 00:31:17,680 --> 00:31:24,240 another podcasting platform I just don't know which one it would need I guess better transcription 337 00:31:24,240 --> 00:31:28,800 like I would love if like if it did whisper api just like just by itself that would be great 338 00:31:28,800 --> 00:31:32,800 because it means that that Lex wouldn't have to do it not that I don't want him to do it it's just 339 00:31:32,800 --> 00:31:38,640 I want it to be as automatic as possible as automatic as possible you know it's up to me 340 00:31:38,640 --> 00:31:43,280 every time I made a tutorial I make a page of notes about it that includes everything you see 341 00:31:43,280 --> 00:31:48,400 in the description field I would love it if I could basically hand the video file and the 342 00:31:48,400 --> 00:31:55,680 description text file to some program and be like do it right and it would like I don't know make a 343 00:31:55,680 --> 00:32:01,520 thumbnail upload it post it on twitter post it in discord and I wouldn't have to deal with it because 344 00:32:01,520 --> 00:32:09,760 automation is cool as linker says tags as in tags on the item inspector yeah in slot tags tags are 345 00:32:09,760 --> 00:32:15,440 used like everywhere like there's tags on records there's tags on assets there's tags on contacts 346 00:32:15,440 --> 00:32:21,120 there's tags on users tags on slots within a world with that I believe we're done so I'm gonna go 347 00:32:21,120 --> 00:32:24,640 ahead and end off here if you guys have any additional questions please do direct message 348 00:32:24,640 --> 00:32:29,120 me post them in questions and help or speak to anyone else that might be able to help you out 349 00:32:29,120 --> 00:32:35,200 I will see you again next week do you remember that you can submit questions before the session 350 00:32:35,200 --> 00:32:38,720 as well you can find that form on the office hours wiki pages along with 351 00:32:38,720 --> 00:32:59,440 prior notes from all the other sessions I hope you all have a fantastic day