1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:04.200 Okie dokie welcome to prime time this is the half hour segment where I answer 2 0:00:04.200 --> 0:00:07.560 questions from you guys so drop questions in the questions and help 3 0:00:07.560 --> 0:00:11.080 channel. Go ahead and just ping the role again just let people know that we are 4 0:00:11.080 --> 0:00:15.520 getting started and then I'll get started with the first question which 5 0:00:15.520 --> 0:00:19.680 has been queued up here by Zetaphor. Thank you for that question. They are 6 0:00:19.680 --> 0:00:23.160 asking hey prime we're all noticing some interesting arrow logs showing up in our 7 0:00:23.160 --> 0:00:28.280 temp folder indicating the use of caffe2, a machine learning library these 8 0:00:28.280 --> 0:00:31.360 spaces to be correlated with us running our Neos clients and only started 9 0:00:31.360 --> 0:00:36.120 around a week ago. Do you have any insight on this discussion here? Are you 10 0:00:36.120 --> 0:00:40.640 sure you can't find that like anywhere else? We haven't updated any of our like 11 0:00:40.640 --> 0:00:44.400 libraries or anything. Alright let me go to my temp folder like it's not that I 12 0:00:44.400 --> 0:00:46.840 don't believe you guys it's just that I'm trying to find the fastest way to 13 0:00:46.840 --> 0:00:56.400 get an answer here and so if I have files as well data doesn't exist for 14 0:00:56.400 --> 0:01:02.760 some reason. Local temp just in local temp like no other folder or anything 15 0:01:02.760 --> 0:01:07.760 like in the root of local temp yeah I got them. Weird. Alright I'll have to dig 16 0:01:07.760 --> 0:01:12.320 into that one some more it's a good on the ping there I did see the ping come 17 0:01:12.320 --> 0:01:17.880 in before but we'll start it with like I'll dig into this after after this 18 0:01:17.880 --> 0:01:21.120 office hours segment we'll move on to questions if they are there if they're 19 0:01:21.120 --> 0:01:25.000 not I'll just mute and dig into this way let's take a look there are no 20 0:01:25.000 --> 0:01:28.200 additional questions right now so please get some questions into the questions 21 0:01:28.200 --> 0:01:32.520 and helps channel not the questions help channel sorry the questions prime time 22 0:01:32.520 --> 0:01:35.000 thread within the office hours text channel I'll get to them as soon as I 23 0:01:35.000 --> 0:01:39.400 can whilst we wait for questions I'll be looking into this log awareness I thank 24 0:01:39.400 --> 0:01:43.640 you I don't answer questions about food it's just questions about Neos so one of 25 0:01:43.640 --> 0:01:46.920 things about these log files is that is the temp directory and that the temp 26 0:01:46.920 --> 0:01:56.080 directory is bombarded with just absolute bullshit 24-7 so yeah no it's 27 0:01:56.080 --> 0:02:00.040 not so the next question we have from Zetta is it's possible to drive 28 0:02:00.040 --> 0:02:04.160 rotation from a pan of 3d or other 3d components no quaternions are 29 0:02:04.160 --> 0:02:09.880 four-dimensional vectors that are like they have different rules completely 30 0:02:09.880 --> 0:02:13.520 different rules to regular mathematics because of what they need to do and how 31 0:02:13.520 --> 0:02:18.120 they need to work wiggly would be the any way that you could do that honestly 32 0:02:18.120 --> 0:02:24.200 like some form of other components would be better at that point it is float to 33 0:02:24.200 --> 0:02:30.980 Q not float 3 we render it as float Q and sorry we render it as float 3 in the 34 0:02:30.980 --> 0:02:36.640 inspectors because float Q's don't make sense to the average user so we do 35 0:02:36.640 --> 0:02:41.720 Euler Euler and interpolation in the in the inspector so that's just a display 36 0:02:41.720 --> 0:02:45.800 thing it's not something that you can like use so just like find a component 37 0:02:45.800 --> 0:02:50.080 that works if look you maybe value gradient drive will be a good way to do 38 0:02:50.080 --> 0:02:55.280 Pana or just use logics the you know the amazing feature that we added to Neos 39 0:02:55.280 --> 0:02:59.360 for you to use that it also says that they didn't using logics in the end for 40 0:02:59.360 --> 0:03:02.160 their rotational issues just great they want to make sure that they weren't 41 0:03:02.160 --> 0:03:05.960 reinventing a component yeah um there are a few like mapper components that 42 0:03:05.960 --> 0:03:10.120 might do it for you but don't worry about like reinventing a component just 43 0:03:10.120 --> 0:03:14.040 just do it whatever way works for you obviously if you need to optimize later 44 0:03:14.040 --> 0:03:18.240 do it but for the most part it'll be okay just reminder for those who are 45 0:03:18.240 --> 0:03:22.440 just joining or have not heard before this is office hours if your questions 46 0:03:22.440 --> 0:03:25.760 please drop them in the office hours text chats thread for this particular 47 0:03:25.760 --> 0:03:29.040 session that's a few channels about the one that you're currently in I'll ask 48 0:03:29.040 --> 0:03:32.400 them in the order that they appear any questions will do thank you so no 49 0:03:32.400 --> 0:03:35.520 question here from Zari who asks is there a way to load assets when joining 50 0:03:35.520 --> 0:03:39.360 a world before one actually spawns into it for the chugging lagging when one 51 0:03:39.360 --> 0:03:43.040 joints more properly session yes you need to customize it yourself though or 52 0:03:43.040 --> 0:03:48.120 build a tool to do it there is a functionality in the open world logics 53 0:03:48.120 --> 0:03:52.200 node which will prevent loading into like switching until the world is ready 54 0:03:52.200 --> 0:03:57.480 I have heard it can be flaky but people use a lot for portals and well 55 0:03:57.480 --> 0:04:01.120 transition systems to take a look at that there we get Lex has made a world 56 0:04:01.120 --> 0:04:05.040 preloader which is the the tool that I was referring to moving almost stars as 57 0:04:05.040 --> 0:04:07.920 a question is there any way to get a single float value to drive let's say 58 0:04:07.920 --> 0:04:13.120 just a Y value in a float to with just components of needs to be done in logic 59 0:04:13.120 --> 0:04:18.080 that's fun too well in logic you would just do a pack XYZ or a pack XY to get 60 0:04:18.080 --> 0:04:22.960 it into the appropriate data type that you wish to get into for non logics 61 0:04:22.960 --> 0:04:27.520 methodologies look at the mapper component so there's a transform drivers 62 0:04:27.520 --> 0:04:31.280 mapper something there those do very specific things which are often not 63 0:04:31.280 --> 0:04:36.280 usable for this situation but like sometimes are if those don't work try 64 0:04:36.280 --> 0:04:40.400 the swizzle drivers which are in relation swizzle drivers or I think 65 0:04:40.400 --> 0:04:44.920 relations yeah the swizzle drivers kind of snuck in mostly because people don't 66 0:04:44.920 --> 0:04:48.360 know what swizzling means it kind of sounds weird 67 0:04:48.360 --> 0:04:54.840 swizzling is really much what you're after though it just means rearranging 68 0:04:54.840 --> 0:04:58.600 like a vector a little bit don't answer questions about cheese in the prime time 69 0:04:58.600 --> 0:05:02.800 office hours I ask questions about Neos what is your favorite type of cheese is 70 0:05:02.800 --> 0:05:06.240 rejected you can search the previous notes for answers to that particular 71 0:05:06.240 --> 0:05:10.960 question for example that's a new cheese question so Fuzzy Fox you'll manage to 72 0:05:10.960 --> 0:05:15.520 get that new cheese question that I haven't had before but we'll go to 73 0:05:15.520 --> 0:05:19.000 pandas question first which is what you like to do on your spare time lost or 74 0:05:19.000 --> 0:05:24.160 Neos I have no spare time on Neos like if I'm not testing random bugs or 75 0:05:24.160 --> 0:05:28.640 helping out people then I'm just trying to chill in the world but often when I'm 76 0:05:28.640 --> 0:05:32.560 trying to chill in a to a world it turns into someone will come in and start 77 0:05:32.560 --> 0:05:36.280 talking about mods or plugins someone will start coming in and talking about 78 0:05:36.280 --> 0:05:40.240 how so-and-so feature of Neos needs to be written because they poked around in 79 0:05:40.240 --> 0:05:43.160 the source code and they found out that they didn't like the way it is written 80 0:05:43.160 --> 0:05:46.800 and I'm right there with you I just can't really do anything about it right 81 0:05:46.800 --> 0:05:52.920 now so maybe don't do that to a Neos team member thanks or someone will come in and 82 0:05:52.920 --> 0:05:56.280 complain about something which is understandable given the current climate 83 0:05:56.280 --> 0:05:59.600 those are kind of like bad interactions but then if people come in and ask 84 0:05:59.600 --> 0:06:02.280 questions that's usually the best interactions right they come in and 85 0:06:02.280 --> 0:06:07.680 they're just like I'm trying to learn how to do X I'm you know I'm trying to 86 0:06:07.680 --> 0:06:11.320 build this avatar make this thing I love those questions right because we're not 87 0:06:11.320 --> 0:06:16.000 like it it's almost like meta conversations about Neos are thrown in 88 0:06:16.000 --> 0:06:18.460 the same bucket as like crypto conversations you know how I'm like no 89 0:06:18.460 --> 0:06:21.720 one wants to talk about crypto and Neos this like signs and various worlds 90 0:06:21.720 --> 0:06:26.560 crypto conversation users will be shot or whatever I want like meta-Neos 91 0:06:26.560 --> 0:06:30.040 discussions to also be in that bucket what do I mean by meta-Neos discussions 92 0:06:30.040 --> 0:06:34.880 I mean discussions about the current situation about the code base about the 93 0:06:34.880 --> 0:06:41.320 lack of certain features about the roadmap about like plans like accepting 94 0:06:41.320 --> 0:06:45.440 Neos at face value and moving forwards with that to build something is my 95 0:06:45.440 --> 0:06:50.200 favorite interaction with other users rather than being in a corner talking 96 0:06:50.200 --> 0:06:53.680 about mods plugins or which part of the code base they'd like to read right if 97 0:06:53.680 --> 0:06:57.440 they could it's all good like I get why you're doing it I'm not faulting you for 98 0:06:57.440 --> 0:07:02.280 it it's just you know I've been working for like 12 hours today and trying to 99 0:07:02.280 --> 0:07:06.600 hit chill out and someone's like this so-and-so thing makes no sense and I'm 100 0:07:06.600 --> 0:07:13.880 like yeah I agree so now jumping down to what's your favorite cheese model that 101 0:07:13.880 --> 0:07:18.040 you've come across so that's actually a cheese sandwich made by sloppy 102 0:07:18.040 --> 0:07:21.800 mcfloppy using the ring of the neolander they just pulled out then area in the 103 0:07:21.800 --> 0:07:24.540 lander they made a cheese sandwich it is in the cheese folder which is in my 104 0:07:24.540 --> 0:07:29.220 public folder art and then cheese that is full of like basically everything 105 0:07:29.220 --> 0:07:35.520 there including cheese wisdom which is a series of audio clips which apanda not 106 0:07:35.520 --> 0:07:40.560 cloud panda recorded with my permission I didn't realize the recording I gave 107 0:07:40.560 --> 0:07:45.000 them permission post afterwards and then I misspelled cheese wisdom very badly in 108 0:07:45.000 --> 0:07:48.080 the folder name so I need to remit the folder by keep forgetting to anyway 109 0:07:48.080 --> 0:07:53.240 there's some funny sound effects in there including explanation of why 110 0:07:53.240 --> 0:07:59.120 platypuses do not have udders or nipples I promise you that audio is in there and 111 0:07:59.120 --> 0:08:02.720 it's interesting because platypuses are mammals which is very confusing when you 112 0:08:02.720 --> 0:08:07.920 look at a platypus it's like that's a duck or a beaver I'm very confused sir 113 0:08:07.920 --> 0:08:10.480 asks have you ever thought about an alt if you haven't trouble in game 114 0:08:10.480 --> 0:08:14.480 recognition I've never used an alt it's just like bad like I understand why 115 0:08:14.480 --> 0:08:21.440 people do it I just like it's it's it's not my my dealio the the gains that you 116 0:08:21.440 --> 0:08:26.640 get are not that much as well because like even though now people don't know 117 0:08:26.640 --> 0:08:30.200 that you're a Neos team member some people will then know that you're a 118 0:08:30.200 --> 0:08:34.400 Neos team member and then you've been decloaked and then even if no one knows 119 0:08:34.400 --> 0:08:38.120 that you're a Neos team member you know you don't speak like for example has 120 0:08:38.120 --> 0:08:42.960 anyone thought maybe froppy is actually frugs they both start with F and froppy 121 0:08:42.960 --> 0:08:47.320 is mute and they never speak and they're really cool and frugs is really cool so 122 0:08:47.320 --> 0:08:53.120 like is froppy frugs or vice versa like who knows anyway that is you know one 123 0:08:53.120 --> 0:08:59.760 way of doing it is being mute but so like even with that right if no one 124 0:08:59.760 --> 0:09:05.200 knows who you are you still have that burden there right so if you're inside a 125 0:09:05.200 --> 0:09:09.840 session and people are complaining then you can still hear that feedback and 126 0:09:09.840 --> 0:09:13.520 internalize that feedback even though you're on your own so it just wouldn't 127 0:09:13.520 --> 0:09:17.720 work out froppy you're cool I've seen froppy and frugs in the same 128 0:09:17.720 --> 0:09:21.280 session so that they're fine unless they're like multi boxing and like you 129 0:09:21.280 --> 0:09:25.840 know splicing their VR into multiple computers at once you know yeah they do 130 0:09:25.840 --> 0:09:32.080 both have two O's let's move forwards on some additional questions sorry says 131 0:09:32.080 --> 0:09:34.400 have you felt that the videos about reading the room have had a tangible 132 0:09:34.400 --> 0:09:36.920 impact on the behavior in Neos or do you wish people would point people more to 133 0:09:36.920 --> 0:09:41.920 them in game I wish people would point people to whatever resource helps them 134 0:09:41.920 --> 0:09:47.200 understand how that sort of avenue of stuff needs to work maybe my video 135 0:09:47.200 --> 0:09:52.200 doesn't work for you for whatever reason and you need some other sort of resource 136 0:09:52.200 --> 0:09:58.640 or mechanism for that I wish we had more I wish had faster ways of doing it as 137 0:09:58.640 --> 0:10:03.040 well a good example of that would be over on VR chat where in the loading 138 0:10:03.040 --> 0:10:06.800 screen they'll put up random messages I'm one of the like your best messages 139 0:10:06.800 --> 0:10:12.160 there is like don't do shit without people's consent or well banya but like 140 0:10:12.160 --> 0:10:16.640 really worthy nicely worded I'd car with exact wording so I was like paraphrasing 141 0:10:16.640 --> 0:10:20.840 there it's a good message right and yeah people don't read it because it's a 142 0:10:20.840 --> 0:10:24.600 loading screen and they kind of just zone out but it's about like making that 143 0:10:24.600 --> 0:10:29.600 information available to people and available in a way that can be consumed 144 0:10:29.600 --> 0:10:33.640 that video might not be like the best way to do that I don't know what the 145 0:10:33.640 --> 0:10:38.160 best way is what I do know though is that that video has led to a lot of 146 0:10:38.160 --> 0:10:40.960 people give me feedback that they have enjoyed it and I also know that has 147 0:10:40.960 --> 0:10:46.240 shaped a lot of people's way of you know interacting with people on Neos which 148 0:10:46.240 --> 0:10:51.400 evidently you know will rub off on some other parts of the population as it sort 149 0:10:51.400 --> 0:10:56.480 of spreads culturally in a sort of tribal way right so it has done good I 150 0:10:56.480 --> 0:11:00.600 just wish there was some mechanism we could do to sort of like you know swoop 151 0:11:00.600 --> 0:11:04.440 down into your brain you put a headset right we could add some like surgical 152 0:11:04.440 --> 0:11:08.240 instruments to your VR headset and just let you know slot it directly into your 153 0:11:08.240 --> 0:11:11.800 brain with some drills and stuff it's really the only way we'd get everyone 154 0:11:11.800 --> 0:11:16.420 like on that information and hey my my videos terrible on all of the social 155 0:11:16.420 --> 0:11:22.040 videos I'm like disclaimer I might be poo-poo poo-poo pee-peeing this up I 156 0:11:22.040 --> 0:11:25.320 might be like literally being hypocritical and sometimes I am and 157 0:11:25.320 --> 0:11:28.520 that's because we're all not perfect right sometimes I might fail to read 158 0:11:28.520 --> 0:11:32.280 the room sometimes I might but in an accident they take over when someone's 159 0:11:32.280 --> 0:11:36.200 helping someone like we're not perfect and so I keep that disclaimer there 160 0:11:36.200 --> 0:11:39.840 because like hey you want to call me out on something go for it if we learn and 161 0:11:39.840 --> 0:11:42.760 grow together we'll learn and grow together or as if we just like I don't 162 0:11:42.760 --> 0:11:45.720 know get scared about and hide in the corner we'll get scared about it and hide 163 0:11:45.720 --> 0:11:49.560 in the corner Zachary has a question here which is if I built a world and I'm 164 0:11:49.560 --> 0:11:52.240 not sure if I did something an efficient way could I ping you and let you swing 165 0:11:52.240 --> 0:11:56.240 by to take a look I do not have time to do that best bet is to ask in the 166 0:11:56.240 --> 0:11:59.840 discord for a mentor specifically a mentor that is suitable for world 167 0:11:59.840 --> 0:12:05.360 building the efficient in air quotes ways of building a world do spread 168 0:12:05.360 --> 0:12:08.480 around a little bit again like that tribal knowledge we do want to write 169 0:12:08.480 --> 0:12:12.820 them up on the wiki given the current climate wiki editing is is less of a 170 0:12:12.820 --> 0:12:16.520 priority for me right now but we do want to write that up on the wiki 171 0:12:16.520 --> 0:12:19.480 particularly dispelling any myths about stuff which does not improve world 172 0:12:19.480 --> 0:12:24.320 performance such as the video I did on asset the asset the duplication system 173 0:12:24.320 --> 0:12:30.240 and how that is frequently bypassed almost accidentally dorky confirms that 174 0:12:30.240 --> 0:12:34.480 as an Australian who has studied wildlife that they are still confused by 175 0:12:34.480 --> 0:12:38.360 the platypus fantastic thank you for being confused by the panelists also get 176 0:12:38.360 --> 0:12:41.660 confused by the pangolin which I believe is also like a rodent or maybe they're 177 0:12:41.660 --> 0:12:44.200 a mammal I can't remember pangolins are interesting moving towards two 178 0:12:44.200 --> 0:12:48.560 additional questions Ruscio says for the delay or delay with value node when used 179 0:12:48.560 --> 0:12:51.360 with no input can you blame the default behavior it seems like it's performing 180 0:12:51.360 --> 0:12:55.040 some kind of delay based on its ability to prevent some loops going red is it 181 0:12:55.040 --> 0:12:59.280 equivalent to a single update delay you mean the delay one with time I mean I 182 0:12:59.280 --> 0:13:04.120 guess you can just look at both let me take a look delay no this is a base 183 0:13:04.120 --> 0:13:11.080 class interesting delay the dot evaluate cool start with that so start delay 184 0:13:11.080 --> 0:13:17.880 gets a second it looks like it'll do whatever the default value for a float 185 0:13:17.880 --> 0:13:23.240 is but by its nature if you know anything about C sharp you can just go 186 0:13:23.240 --> 0:13:28.760 figure out right it does task dot delay and then whatever the default value for 187 0:13:28.760 --> 0:13:36.240 a float is and so I believe if you do like the equivalent of a weight a weight 188 0:13:36.240 --> 0:13:43.280 task delay zero you still bump execution out of the synchronous you bump it you 189 0:13:43.280 --> 0:13:46.660 still bump it to an asynchronous location even though there is a zero 190 0:13:46.660 --> 0:13:50.380 second delay so that might be the update cycle that you're saying basically it's 191 0:13:50.380 --> 0:13:54.800 like diverting to the next update loop because you basically said hey break 192 0:13:54.800 --> 0:13:59.740 here we're going into async land and then come back literally less than a 193 0:13:59.740 --> 0:14:03.600 second exactly zero seconds after that so yeah even if it was zero you'd get 194 0:14:03.600 --> 0:14:10.360 that basically one update cycle delay I would much rather you use the updates 195 0:14:10.360 --> 0:14:14.480 delay for those who are aware the delay and delay with value nodes take a time 196 0:14:14.480 --> 0:14:18.720 so that's good if you want sort of like cooldowns or a time sequence or 197 0:14:18.720 --> 0:14:23.800 something like that the updates delay node will delay events by a number of 198 0:14:23.800 --> 0:14:27.880 updates which is basically just sort of everything updating in the world that's 199 0:14:27.880 --> 0:14:31.920 sometimes needed you'll frequently come across it with dynamic variables and 200 0:14:31.920 --> 0:14:36.040 reparenting sort of creating dynamic variables dynamic variable spaces you'll 201 0:14:36.040 --> 0:14:42.880 know when you need an update delay node eventually again I'd love to wrap some 202 0:14:42.880 --> 0:14:45.760 guidelines on those but like sometimes I literally just throw them in there 203 0:14:45.760 --> 0:14:48.680 because stuff isn't working like if you've ever like got logics and you're 204 0:14:48.680 --> 0:14:52.520 like I really really think that this should work and it doesn't work and it's 205 0:14:52.520 --> 0:14:56.560 like 5 a.m. and I haven't had any sleep and I need it to work try throwing in 206 0:14:56.560 --> 0:15:02.640 some updating relays try floring in some to update delay nodes two is usually a 207 0:15:02.640 --> 0:15:06.440 good number and see if it works and then slowly start removing those elements 208 0:15:06.440 --> 0:15:09.480 until it you know stops working again and then you'll figure out where you 209 0:15:09.480 --> 0:15:14.040 need those particular items all right I didn't realize that I needed to scroll 210 0:15:14.040 --> 0:15:16.680 down so if I was just sitting there in silence just cuz I didn't realize I 211 0:15:16.680 --> 0:15:20.580 needed to scroll down so give me a second once I catch up just make sure I 212 0:15:20.580 --> 0:15:26.080 haven't delayed any questions here so Zetta says during performance penalty to 213 0:15:26.080 --> 0:15:29.020 the initial load of an avatar for slot strict assets that are marked as 214 0:15:29.020 --> 0:15:32.680 inactive are they loaded and left inactive yes that exactly actually comes 215 0:15:32.680 --> 0:15:36.200 up good way of thinking about that one is the good old sort of like drummed in 216 0:15:36.200 --> 0:15:40.800 via moderation thing about do not have appendages on your avatar right even if 217 0:15:40.800 --> 0:15:46.160 the mesh loader the mesh is right even if the slot is disabled the mesh renderer 218 0:15:46.160 --> 0:15:49.520 is disabled I'm still going to end up with an appendage on my computer in my 219 0:15:49.520 --> 0:15:54.920 cache so don't put appendages on your avatars by default and you load cloud 220 0:15:54.920 --> 0:16:00.300 avatars instead if you need your appendage load into the avatar that has 221 0:16:00.300 --> 0:16:05.400 the appendage or spawn the appendage and attach it to yourself don't keep it 222 0:16:05.400 --> 0:16:10.200 there same thing goes with Zetta's question there which is if you don't 223 0:16:10.200 --> 0:16:14.800 need the object in this case it could be something more innocuous than an 224 0:16:14.800 --> 0:16:20.520 appendage don't have it on the avatar good example being like guns right so I 225 0:16:20.520 --> 0:16:24.280 see a lot of people will have like a holstered gun on their avatar which they 226 0:16:24.280 --> 0:16:29.400 shoot I don't know like once a week you don't need that on your avatar or maybe 227 0:16:29.400 --> 0:16:34.200 you need one that is inactive and doesn't have logic on it if it's part of 228 0:16:34.200 --> 0:16:37.880 the character that you want part of it to be you know it's there then they're 229 0:16:37.880 --> 0:16:42.360 just it's an inactive gun then you'd have less of a cost there because you 230 0:16:42.360 --> 0:16:45.600 won't be loading the logics on the gun and then hey if you need the gun you can 231 0:16:45.600 --> 0:16:51.120 support it in or update it or cloud spawn it or do all sorts of stuff like 232 0:16:51.120 --> 0:16:55.480 that socks I don't respond well to dots you'll please need to enunciate and 233 0:16:55.480 --> 0:17:02.040 elaborate on your your thought Lux asks what kind of world building tools that 234 0:17:02.040 --> 0:17:04.920 don't exist ready do you think people who are more artistically orientated 235 0:17:04.920 --> 0:17:08.160 appreciate to help their creative flow I haven't seen some people get hung up 236 0:17:08.160 --> 0:17:11.000 making stuff because they don't want to bother with delving deep into inspectors 237 0:17:11.000 --> 0:17:14.560 or the gizmos and kind of wonky doing architecturally precise things 238 0:17:14.560 --> 0:17:17.880 architectural tools are certainly something that we need a really good 239 0:17:17.880 --> 0:17:22.480 example being the builder tip by Gehepe which is one of the amazing Japanese 240 0:17:22.480 --> 0:17:26.640 creators that we have that lets you snap together various tile sets to really 241 0:17:26.640 --> 0:17:30.360 really quickly make buildings and objects a little known fact about the 242 0:17:30.360 --> 0:17:33.680 builder tip is that you can make your own sets so let's say that you just got 243 0:17:33.680 --> 0:17:39.400 an amazing I don't know let's say city pack on the sketch fab and you know it's 244 0:17:39.400 --> 0:17:43.600 got snappable stuff like a park and then like a bank or whatever you could load 245 0:17:43.600 --> 0:17:46.960 that into the builder tip like it doesn't have to be walls it doesn't have 246 0:17:46.960 --> 0:17:51.680 to be doors it could be like road pieces for a racetrack it could be stairs it 247 0:17:51.680 --> 0:17:55.900 could be you know it could be fruit that you want to like tessellate for some 248 0:17:55.900 --> 0:18:00.960 reason like it could be hexagons that you want to tessellate on a floor like it 249 0:18:00.960 --> 0:18:05.840 doesn't need to be the default pack you can just add stuff to it 250 0:18:05.840 --> 0:18:09.520 additionally sort of architecturally speaking it's just sort of like more 251 0:18:09.520 --> 0:18:15.400 tools that like feel good to use a good example which I use a lot right now but 252 0:18:15.400 --> 0:18:18.220 not a lot of people realize exist is if you go to essential tools and you look 253 0:18:18.220 --> 0:18:21.340 around there there's the meter tool tip the meter tool tip allows you to measure 254 0:18:21.340 --> 0:18:26.320 stuff in the world and not a lot of people need to measure stuff I do because 255 0:18:26.320 --> 0:18:30.640 I do a lot of science it's important to make things off to scale but once you 256 0:18:30.640 --> 0:18:34.600 start using the meter tip you feel like it feels good right there's no 257 0:18:34.600 --> 0:18:39.820 inspectors to it you're like I want to know how big this appendage is I can 258 0:18:39.820 --> 0:18:44.200 measure it using the meter tip I don't need to get an inspector it was too good 259 0:18:44.200 --> 0:18:51.080 not to carrying on peach says do mirrors have an option to not show other 260 0:18:51.080 --> 0:18:55.560 mirrors reflections if so please do a video I don't believe that is a thing 261 0:18:55.560 --> 0:19:00.080 right now that would be more of a gains question I do believe we have a github 262 0:19:00.080 --> 0:19:05.680 issue open about it where there's talk of mirrors and stuff like that my advice 263 0:19:05.680 --> 0:19:09.860 there is just don't show a mirror to another mirror which I know is like sort 264 0:19:09.860 --> 0:19:15.600 of a cop-out but like it depends on your scenario there was that MMC entry forget 265 0:19:15.600 --> 0:19:20.340 what it was called but it had lots of reflection based mechanics as a puzzle 266 0:19:20.340 --> 0:19:23.960 game so sorry I forgot its name but they must have done some tricks there to 267 0:19:23.960 --> 0:19:26.720 figure that out with that I don't believe we got any additional questions 268 0:19:26.720 --> 0:19:29.520 I'm gonna go ahead and cool things here if you have any additional questions 269 0:19:29.520 --> 0:19:33.360 please drop them in questions and help DM me or anything like that and I will 270 0:19:33.360 --> 0:19:37.800 get back to you as soon as I can thank you for sitting here with me today to 271 0:19:37.800 --> 0:19:50.600 talk about tools and I will see you again next week