1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.660 All right, so we'll get started it is primetime the office hours AMA segment where I answer your questions and 2 0:00:06.440 --> 0:00:09.580 We'll get started do any questions that appear last questions are 3 0:00:10.300 --> 0:00:18.700 Not here. I will just sit in unimaginable endless silence whilst I check tracking for a parcel that is going all the way to Tasmania. 4 0:00:19.560 --> 0:00:25.080 Really? I got that check information off to the Lord bucket head says how has my day been so far? 5 0:00:25.080 --> 0:00:29.560 I really also like personal questions, but since questions are kind of dry. I'll go for it. Oh, yeah good 6 0:00:29.560 --> 0:00:35.040 I have a giant mug of tea, but I'm gonna go ahead and and chug and 7 0:00:36.160 --> 0:00:38.880 On the rest of my day. I guess anyway um 8 0:00:40.040 --> 0:00:42.040 after office hours at least 9 0:00:42.060 --> 0:00:47.700 Moving forwards to unnamed cyborg cat who says is Neos ever going to be finished yet 10 0:00:47.700 --> 0:00:51.640 I don't think Neos will ever ever be finished 11 0:00:52.280 --> 0:00:54.280 unlike games which are 12 0:00:54.280 --> 0:00:58.920 Like real games like Neos is is always going to be ever-growing 13 0:01:00.160 --> 0:01:02.160 Once we get through all this stuff 14 0:01:03.000 --> 0:01:04.520 Let's think of an example here 15 0:01:04.520 --> 0:01:10.280 I take the the latest Legend of Zelda game right that has a defined start point and end point and yeah 16 0:01:10.280 --> 0:01:13.420 There could be DLC of course that could be DLC 17 0:01:13.680 --> 0:01:21.800 But there is a defined start and end point where that game will just not require any additional work whereas we have a metaverse 18 0:01:21.800 --> 0:01:28.560 that's going to need additional work until the end of its existence as a reminder for those who have just joined or run away please drop 19 0:01:28.560 --> 0:01:29.800 questions in the 20 0:01:29.800 --> 0:01:33.640 Thread that we have up in the office hours text chat. I'll answer them in the order that they appear 21 0:01:34.160 --> 0:01:37.040 If there are no questions, I will sit here in silence until 22 0:01:37.600 --> 0:01:40.000 Questions appear just the nature of office hours 23 0:01:40.520 --> 0:01:45.080 Whilst I wait for questions. I'm gonna go ahead and push another couple of buttons to make sure that a 24 0:01:45.800 --> 0:01:47.800 parcel appears at 25 0:01:47.800 --> 0:01:49.120 my house 26 0:01:49.120 --> 0:01:52.520 Scheduled package, please arrive today. Excellent. Oh 27 0:01:53.200 --> 0:01:57.480 We have a question from Risa. Thank you Risa says another cjism 28 0:01:57.480 --> 0:02:00.280 We've been having more world performance issues namely the lockups 29 0:02:00.280 --> 0:02:06.480 We feel when avatars load in what we've noticed is that saving allowing the world to reload often clears this up when the same number 30 0:02:06.480 --> 0:02:09.960 Of users are present in the world as typically buyers a few hours 31 0:02:10.200 --> 0:02:15.080 Before we need to save and reload again any thoughts on what we could be causing the performance to degrade over time until they restart 32 0:02:15.080 --> 0:02:17.080 Um 33 0:02:17.280 --> 0:02:25.480 Potentially unused assets have you like does the cg worlds have the cleanup unused assets checkbox enabled on their sessions? 34 0:02:27.800 --> 0:02:33.040 That that might help that's really the only thing I can think of that would be like people loading in and loading out 35 0:02:33.920 --> 0:02:35.920 They do. Okay. Yeah 36 0:02:36.120 --> 0:02:38.480 interesting to sort of monitor that I guess 37 0:02:39.440 --> 0:02:42.640 My public folder somewhere. There's like the world health thing 38 0:02:42.640 --> 0:02:46.320 I wanted to make it like a huge thing in the end. I just had two accounts the 39 0:02:47.080 --> 0:02:52.760 Direct children of the roots law and the direct children of the assets law and and seeing if that goes 40 0:02:54.560 --> 0:03:00.040 Up and down throughout the session might be a sort of indicator if cleanup unused assets is working 41 0:03:00.800 --> 0:03:07.800 And then I don't really have any other ideas unfortunately right now. We have two additional questions here from Marcus 42 0:03:07.800 --> 0:03:11.100 Thank you for this first question. Why do you like news? I don't actually know 43 0:03:11.100 --> 0:03:15.400 I know that like, you know a team member should have like a really good answer here. That's like 44 0:03:16.320 --> 0:03:20.040 Businessy and like, you know, if it's the like energy of the company 45 0:03:20.680 --> 0:03:22.680 but I don't I 46 0:03:23.040 --> 0:03:25.040 Like it. I don't know why 47 0:03:27.520 --> 0:03:29.520 Yeah 48 0:03:29.520 --> 0:03:31.560 Sorry, I'll get a words on that one. Oh 49 0:03:32.640 --> 0:03:38.360 Then the second question is what would be some things to say to someone to try to get them to check out 50 0:03:38.360 --> 0:03:40.360 Neos with me 51 0:03:42.400 --> 0:03:44.240 Firstly make sure you're not 52 0:03:44.240 --> 0:03:47.560 Guess like bullying is the wrong word nagging nagging would be a good word 53 0:03:47.600 --> 0:03:51.520 Make sure that nagging them like some people are just happy what they're what they're doing 54 0:03:51.520 --> 0:03:54.520 You know, they're happy in there. There are applications and they're happy 55 0:03:55.000 --> 0:04:00.000 Not having a you know, boiling screen strapped to their face. So do keep that in mind 56 0:04:00.000 --> 0:04:02.760 Don't don't pester people if they've said no a few times anyway, um 57 0:04:03.800 --> 0:04:05.800 without the way 58 0:04:05.800 --> 0:04:12.040 The focus on what you can do but also what you can experience a lot of times 59 0:04:12.040 --> 0:04:17.760 I see players focusing on what you can do and that's where a session might turn into sort of like Gary's mod style session 60 0:04:18.440 --> 0:04:22.520 And to that point you can do Gary's mod style stuff on Gary's mod 61 0:04:22.520 --> 0:04:29.480 You can also do Gary's mod style stuff on many many games. For example, if just playing around with guns go play h3vr 62 0:04:30.720 --> 0:04:32.720 if it's just 63 0:04:32.720 --> 0:04:38.840 Goofing off then Gary's mod, even VRChat covers that rate show them what is unique about Neos 64 0:04:38.840 --> 0:04:42.720 Take them on a world tour show them the community and how helpful they are 65 0:04:43.360 --> 0:04:49.760 Also, try not to make their first session as about avatars as like it needs to be 66 0:04:50.240 --> 0:04:52.360 Because they want to feel comfortable in their avatar 67 0:04:52.360 --> 0:04:53.720 But like maybe suggest 68 0:04:53.720 --> 0:04:59.840 Using one of the already uploaded avatars so they can get a feel of the game before they spend like four hours uploading their avatar 69 0:04:59.840 --> 0:05:04.640 The first time because it will take them a while. Um, that's worked quite well for some people 70 0:05:04.640 --> 0:05:07.400 I think it was like a friend once who resolved 71 0:05:08.240 --> 0:05:08.920 I don't know 72 0:05:08.920 --> 0:05:12.680 They were the first person I saw that idea from they came in to sort of see what Neos is about 73 0:05:12.800 --> 0:05:16.760 And I sort of asked them if I wanted, you know, they wanted help him point in their VRChat avatar 74 0:05:16.760 --> 0:05:19.000 And they went you know what? No, just just give me an avatar 75 0:05:19.000 --> 0:05:22.340 That's like close enough to the avatar and show me what this can do 76 0:05:22.340 --> 0:05:28.020 I'll worry about my avatar later and I really appreciated that sort of perspective on how they wanted to play the 77 0:05:28.020 --> 0:05:30.460 Play Neos because it means that they didn't 78 0:05:31.060 --> 0:05:35.540 They didn't spend their first session like EDP and inspectors. They fit the first session 79 0:05:36.380 --> 0:05:42.620 Learning what we had to offer in the event that they have their avatar created and updated and stuff like that 80 0:05:42.620 --> 0:05:45.260 It gave them more reason than later to get their avatar in 81 0:05:46.180 --> 0:05:49.300 Lex's question here, which is I've noticed more frequently in the past months 82 0:05:49.300 --> 0:05:53.260 The S variant servers either get stuck or stop entirely with no indication of uses 83 0:05:53.260 --> 0:05:58.740 Except for broken textures and shaders. What would be a good way to find these specific users to notify the team? 84 0:05:58.740 --> 0:06:02.620 Um, we have pretty good notification on that one from the QC team 85 0:06:04.300 --> 0:06:11.460 More is always welcome. Of course. I am actually starting to mean that a little bit with a days since asset server 86 0:06:12.020 --> 0:06:13.380 whole 87 0:06:13.380 --> 0:06:15.700 Image, which I'm gonna get set up somewhere 88 0:06:16.700 --> 0:06:18.300 but 89 0:06:18.300 --> 0:06:20.300 You can usually see it in 90 0:06:20.300 --> 0:06:25.220 in the logs as a failure on a particular like 91 0:06:25.740 --> 0:06:31.540 On a particular gather job usually for like new shader files or something like that if they can't be got 92 0:06:31.980 --> 0:06:38.580 Then then that's usually the problem if you see an increase in things turning pink randomly. That's also an indicator for 93 0:06:39.820 --> 0:06:41.700 That happening as well 94 0:06:41.700 --> 0:06:46.500 Yeah, C's link has got it. I get kind of annoyed about that one. Obviously we're a little bit stuck because we can't you know 95 0:06:47.300 --> 0:06:49.300 do much about that, but 96 0:06:49.300 --> 0:06:50.700 I 97 0:06:50.700 --> 0:06:52.700 want to like 98 0:06:52.900 --> 0:06:54.580 There's like 99 0:06:54.580 --> 0:07:00.060 There's a whole class of like computing and engineering that happens at like big companies called observability 100 0:07:01.180 --> 0:07:07.140 So observability is a little bit different than development observability just means sort of like what is happening? 101 0:07:08.540 --> 0:07:10.540 What is happening? 102 0:07:10.660 --> 0:07:13.940 And so large companies large corporations 103 0:07:13.940 --> 0:07:19.740 They invest a lot in observability just so that they can see stuff and this actually goes like sort of beyond or tangential to data 104 0:07:19.740 --> 0:07:25.500 Science where it's like, okay what data insights can we get about our users? This is basically just like what is happening? 105 0:07:26.460 --> 0:07:30.760 Show me what's happening. And so getting more observability on the asset process 106 0:07:31.260 --> 0:07:36.520 Processing for the team will allow us to do stuff like that. Now. I have worked for many corporations 107 0:07:37.100 --> 0:07:41.220 Where you know if stuff goes wrong someone gets a phone call. I don't think we need that 108 0:07:41.220 --> 0:07:45.140 Um, but we do need somewhere that like alerts us to it. I 109 0:07:45.700 --> 0:07:47.700 mean probably a 110 0:07:48.140 --> 0:07:50.860 But you know, like we'll see what we can do. Um 111 0:07:52.380 --> 0:07:59.220 I'm not quite sure why that keeps happening, but it's about once a month and it bothers me. It bothers me. Um 112 0:08:01.420 --> 0:08:03.420 Let's move onwards 113 0:08:03.420 --> 0:08:10.860 A follow-up is a plan to move asset variation generation and uploads back to the client at some point. Clients do do some of it 114 0:08:13.060 --> 0:08:15.940 But that's certainly an option that we wanted to look at 115 0:08:15.940 --> 0:08:21.780 We also want to look at sort of more peer-to-peer style things and people get sort of like worried or concerned when I say that 116 0:08:21.780 --> 0:08:23.500 but it's basically just like 117 0:08:23.500 --> 0:08:25.140 hmm a 118 0:08:25.140 --> 0:08:31.700 Friend of yours which happens to live like the next town over has the assets for this particular session 119 0:08:31.700 --> 0:08:38.180 Maybe they can give them to you rather than you going to a server that's on the other side of the country. Maybe 120 0:08:38.700 --> 0:08:40.620 just say 121 0:08:40.620 --> 0:08:45.100 So that would also help in that regard because what that would mean is like hey 122 0:08:45.100 --> 0:08:51.820 Maybe the asset variant like server doesn't have that particular thing all up-to-date, but hey, maybe someone in the world does 123 0:08:52.620 --> 0:08:57.580 Windows Defender took action on threats. What's good on Windows Defender? What did you find? 124 0:08:57.580 --> 0:09:03.660 Oh, Windows Defender is telling me that my hosts file has a lot of entries in it that it finds suspicious 125 0:09:03.980 --> 0:09:08.300 Yeah, I think so and does be blocking all the track as you have is is that's totally sus 126 0:09:08.860 --> 0:09:10.780 Thanks for letting me know windows 127 0:09:10.780 --> 0:09:14.460 It's like you put stuff on your host file of my yeah, that's what it's for 128 0:09:15.340 --> 0:09:18.020 All right. I'm not seeing any more questions 129 0:09:19.900 --> 0:09:22.900 Ozi asks, what is a funny near Smith you see going around recently? 130 0:09:22.900 --> 0:09:28.420 I think I actually edited the myth page out of sort of like anger the other day. Let me go see what I what? 131 0:09:28.420 --> 0:09:30.420 I added but look at the history 132 0:09:31.460 --> 0:09:33.460 Yes, yes 133 0:09:33.500 --> 0:09:39.180 Apparently Neos is an airline in Italy. Yeah, I don't remember making that issue 134 0:09:39.780 --> 0:09:41.780 This one is referring to 135 0:09:41.940 --> 0:09:46.900 So like there are a couple that keep that keep coming up recently one is that Neos isn't multi-threaded to that 136 0:09:46.900 --> 0:09:52.220 I say go to your debug screen and just play Neos without open. You'll see background worker threads. You'll see background threads 137 0:09:52.220 --> 0:09:55.540 You'll see all sorts. Lots of stuff is multi-threaded. Another one is the 138 0:09:56.420 --> 0:10:00.660 If you're in a session Neos users can access your hard drive. The answer is no they can't 139 0:10:02.140 --> 0:10:05.620 So great, thank you for spreading that rumor 140 0:10:07.940 --> 0:10:09.940 We keep getting 141 0:10:10.900 --> 0:10:15.180 Let's just say the you know, the crypto community keep coming in and they keep saying is this project dead 142 0:10:15.180 --> 0:10:16.340 It's like ha well 143 0:10:16.340 --> 0:10:23.260 like one of the team member is like here every single week for half an hour talking to you guys and then on 144 0:10:23.540 --> 0:10:30.580 Wednesdays and on Fridays we have the streams and then like hey those moderators that we've got 145 0:10:30.580 --> 0:10:32.500 They've been burning those capture bots all the time 146 0:10:32.500 --> 0:10:33.140 If it was dead 147 0:10:33.140 --> 0:10:38.260 this place would just be a wasteland would be covered in capture bots and family servers and 148 0:10:38.540 --> 0:10:42.700 weird OnlyFans advertisements and fake Elon Musk's I 149 0:10:42.700 --> 0:10:48.780 I have seen so many fake Elon Musk's like they're all over like YouTube shorts tik-tok YouTube reddit 150 0:10:48.780 --> 0:10:52.900 It's basically just like them deep faking sometimes good sometimes bad 151 0:10:53.500 --> 0:10:57.100 deep fakes of Elon going like buy this crypto currency 152 0:10:58.700 --> 0:11:03.700 Crazy anyway, yeah, so if it was dead, I wouldn't be here talking about Elon Musk deep fakes 153 0:11:04.380 --> 0:11:06.460 other ones that come with like the sort of like 154 0:11:06.460 --> 0:11:13.420 Weirdness in some of our features being similar to features and other platforms 155 0:11:13.420 --> 0:11:17.820 For example, people assume dynamic bones on Neos is the same as dynamic bones elsewhere. It is not 156 0:11:18.540 --> 0:11:20.540 It's our own 157 0:11:20.740 --> 0:11:25.660 Own implementation, which means that for Neos, it's it's better 158 0:11:25.660 --> 0:11:30.580 Like I'm not gonna say it's like better than fizz bones or better than the original dynamic bones. That's not for me to qualify 159 0:11:31.620 --> 0:11:35.860 It's better for Neos because we own it. We don't have to pay anyone for it 160 0:11:35.860 --> 0:11:41.460 It is compatible with all our stuff and it will get any improvements that we make to Neos because of that 161 0:11:42.860 --> 0:11:45.300 Additionally like nothing else on Neos 162 0:11:46.540 --> 0:11:49.940 That you use as a feature needs to be paid for like you only pay for storage 163 0:11:50.940 --> 0:11:53.300 And yeah, there's the end this client and stuff like that 164 0:11:53.300 --> 0:11:59.340 But like you want to build like an you want to build the next Legend of Zelda and Neos there is nothing 165 0:11:59.860 --> 0:12:03.140 But like there is nothing you need to pay for 166 0:12:03.140 --> 0:12:08.700 Provided it stays under one gigabyte. Yeah, you know, I mean there are no features 167 0:12:09.940 --> 0:12:12.020 moving forwards to 168 0:12:13.220 --> 0:12:18.840 Exos what's the recommended amount of dedicated WAM I have the server we have 169 0:12:20.020 --> 0:12:25.860 recommended system specs listed on the steam page for the steam for like the the head head full 170 0:12:25.860 --> 0:12:32.980 I'll see opposite of headless heady the one with the head non headless 171 0:12:32.980 --> 0:12:34.980 What is the opposite of headless 172 0:12:35.740 --> 0:12:37.060 head 173 0:12:37.060 --> 0:12:41.460 containing a head anyway for that we have that on the steam store page and 174 0:12:42.300 --> 0:12:44.300 for 175 0:12:44.740 --> 0:12:47.580 For headless there's lots of conversation in the headless client 176 0:12:47.580 --> 0:12:54.420 I don't think we provided any official recommendations there simply because the headless client is still in air quotes 177 0:12:54.420 --> 0:12:55.380 in 178 0:12:55.380 --> 0:13:00.880 Testing you're sitting on an early access game in beta. So like, you know, everything's in testing. But yeah 179 0:13:01.860 --> 0:13:07.400 Foxbox asks when is a good time to clear your cash other than windows thing if you're out of storage because Neos has 150 gigabyte 180 0:13:07.400 --> 0:13:09.400 Yeah, that just happened today for me 181 0:13:09.700 --> 0:13:11.380 unlike I 182 0:13:11.380 --> 0:13:13.540 Mean some of you might be like this. I'm like you though 183 0:13:13.540 --> 0:13:18.620 I've got like four versions of Neos that run on my computer. So they've all got varying degrees of 184 0:13:18.620 --> 0:13:24.940 Cash stored on them, which is is cool. So I need to go through and do that. Um, 185 0:13:26.780 --> 0:13:29.860 A schedule might make sense, which is what the V T 186 0:13:30.900 --> 0:13:34.300 Oxalis says, um, I don't think a schedule makes sense 187 0:13:34.940 --> 0:13:38.380 Maybe another does I kind of do it based on? 188 0:13:39.420 --> 0:13:44.380 Sort of like who I'm interacting with as an example. I haven't been to create a jams in a couple of weeks 189 0:13:44.380 --> 0:13:48.660 That's not because I don't want to go to create a jams. I just haven't had the chance 190 0:13:48.660 --> 0:13:54.180 So I probably have a lot of creative jammy stuff in my cache that I can clean out. That's it like 191 0:13:55.180 --> 0:14:01.140 Small example, but it might be like a you know, a bigger example that might be useful. I guess might be 192 0:14:01.940 --> 0:14:07.740 Let's say VBL FC happens again, right? So you go to VBL FC that means that you've got the entirety of the VBL FC 193 0:14:08.260 --> 0:14:10.260 convention center hotel 194 0:14:10.260 --> 0:14:16.460 Rooms in your cache and then anyone that attends you've got in your cache and then after VBL FC 195 0:14:16.460 --> 0:14:21.340 You go back to your private world to work on your custom inspector or multi-tool. You don't need 196 0:14:22.300 --> 0:14:25.180 VBL FC in your cache anymore. So you might want to clear out at that point 197 0:14:26.020 --> 0:14:30.260 Git asks or inspired using threads for office hours and do you find that helped out? 198 0:14:32.020 --> 0:14:34.020 That would be 199 0:14:34.140 --> 0:14:36.780 Eastern came up with the idea and I think it helps simply because when I'm 200 0:14:36.780 --> 0:14:41.420 Updating notes or taking a look at what I did for the episode description over on sounder 201 0:14:42.580 --> 0:14:50.020 Sometimes I am delayed on that simply through having a busy life and then I have to scroll up through Canadian Git's office hours 202 0:14:50.020 --> 0:14:55.540 Or moderation's office hours or scroll around a little bit with it being in a thread. It just keeps everything contained 203 0:14:55.540 --> 0:15:00.740 I also find that it prevents spam in some cases because it's like focused 204 0:15:00.740 --> 0:15:04.860 I think it's working for like containerizing them 205 0:15:05.780 --> 0:15:08.740 Probably not needed but it works 206 0:15:09.300 --> 0:15:14.260 Like says how would you be able to tell what was right for cash? Would you just leave stuff based on time? Yeah stuff based on time 207 0:15:15.980 --> 0:15:20.140 Good example might again be you know, or parallel might be the junk drawer in your house 208 0:15:20.700 --> 0:15:24.180 You know, if you haven't sorted out your junk drawer in about five years, you have no idea what's in it 209 0:15:24.180 --> 0:15:26.180 Okay, so I think that's a good example 210 0:15:26.180 --> 0:15:31.420 You know, if you haven't sorted out your junk drawer in about five years, you have no idea what's in it. Okay, so out your junk drawer 211 0:15:31.940 --> 0:15:34.700 so when I get this like 212 0:15:36.420 --> 0:15:41.740 Jaw surgery project finally finished I'll be clearing out my cash because it will have basically 213 0:15:42.300 --> 0:15:47.100 Way more models of teeth and bones and jaws and skulls in it than I need 214 0:15:47.860 --> 0:15:52.780 And I want to spend as little time as possible thinking about my teeth is you know 215 0:15:52.780 --> 0:16:00.340 For those who are not practicing good dental hygiene, I'm not judging here. I'm just saying like you should brush twice a day 216 0:16:02.340 --> 0:16:06.340 Juries out on flossing from my point. I actually ended up reading scientific papers on flossing 217 0:16:06.940 --> 0:16:11.620 You know flossing is kind of a little bit silly when you go to the dentist or the dentist is like wow 218 0:16:11.620 --> 0:16:13.780 I could tell you've been flossing and I'm like, yep 219 0:16:14.700 --> 0:16:19.060 Yeah, totally in the back of my head. I'm like I have a single time at all 220 0:16:19.060 --> 0:16:26.140 No, but you mileage me very because I have literally the world's most expensive toothbrush. I have the most expensive Phillips toothbrush 221 0:16:28.580 --> 0:16:29.940 Yeah 222 0:16:29.940 --> 0:16:34.740 Remember when I bought it, but I do I don't know how we got to teeth. Oh, yeah the dental stuff 223 0:16:34.740 --> 0:16:38.180 Yeah, I don't really want like think about my teeth teeth were expensive, etc. Etc 224 0:16:39.140 --> 0:16:42.780 Preference like what teeth are expensive. Yeah, if you start having dental issues then 225 0:16:42.780 --> 0:16:48.980 You'll find out how expensive teeth are the best way to delete your cash, which is a question from fox box 226 0:16:48.980 --> 0:16:52.060 Which is you know, is there a best way to go about clearing your cash is to follow the guide? 227 0:16:52.060 --> 0:16:53.500 I wrote that says how to clear your cash 228 0:16:53.500 --> 0:16:58.820 Uh moving back up to Marco's question. He says do you have any favorite worlds or worlds? 229 0:16:58.820 --> 0:17:06.140 I really like the time and gears. I've been to time and gears like randomly some because it's like it's it's cool. They're 230 0:17:06.140 --> 0:17:13.460 It's cool. They're all in the wall is like usually my go-to well to just like sit when I'm like half paying attention 231 0:17:15.180 --> 0:17:21.580 To existing I really do like sort of experience your art worlds. I'm less 232 0:17:22.900 --> 0:17:26.020 it's not to say that these are good, but like I'm less bothered by 233 0:17:27.460 --> 0:17:32.140 Like the chill out was that you see basically if your world has string lights and lots of cushions 234 0:17:32.140 --> 0:17:40.060 Then your world is probably fantastic and very beautiful. But like it just has nothing for me. It's like, you know the 12th or 13th 235 0:17:41.260 --> 0:17:44.260 string light and cushy cushion world that I've seen so 236 0:17:45.180 --> 0:17:46.540 You know 237 0:17:46.540 --> 0:17:51.060 That's why our hole in the wall gets like that. They're also like 72 grooved late, right? 238 0:17:51.060 --> 0:17:55.020 It's it's it's still a hangout world, but it's not got string lights or cushions 239 0:17:55.020 --> 0:17:58.860 So we both actually do have cushions, but like it's a it's a theming thing. I 240 0:17:58.860 --> 0:18:04.820 Don't know like the words for architecture. The one I do know is brutalism, which I quite like 241 0:18:05.820 --> 0:18:07.820 for my own weird taste, but 242 0:18:08.540 --> 0:18:15.260 The all of the chat was in the archer and being brought over they all are the similar architecture 243 0:18:15.260 --> 0:18:20.740 I don't know the name for that, but they all are that exact architecture. There's this really word 244 0:18:20.740 --> 0:18:26.340 Well, I can't remember the name of actually I'm gonna go find the name. So those that play yeah, I can go find it 245 0:18:26.340 --> 0:18:31.860 I know the weirdest like you have any favorite worlds away. Here's a VR channel. This is just an example right of 246 0:18:33.780 --> 0:18:38.700 Where our tastes might differ very favorite worlds 247 0:18:40.180 --> 0:18:42.180 Trying to find it 248 0:18:42.700 --> 0:18:45.340 Favorite world. Yeah. No 249 0:18:46.060 --> 0:18:53.140 Okay, the the thumb the fails are loading on the on the website and it says like world is currently available 250 0:18:53.140 --> 0:18:59.820 Unavailable on like basically half of them. So I'll give up on that list. Oh, no. No, I found it. I found it 251 0:19:01.620 --> 0:19:09.660 So there's a world here called FF CR which is like again by a hangout world over there but 252 0:19:10.340 --> 0:19:12.340 It's really weird 253 0:19:12.700 --> 0:19:18.260 And I feel like there's a story to it. So there's art to it as well. So like I like that 254 0:19:18.260 --> 0:19:23.260 no one will hang out with me it so sometimes I'm just there by myself, but I 255 0:19:23.260 --> 0:19:26.580 Guess that was sort of a play on I like walls which I'll hang out 256 0:19:26.580 --> 0:19:33.060 But but but maybe consider being a bit different than than the usual one. I'll move on to questions before I continue to ramble 257 0:19:34.940 --> 0:19:36.260 Yeah 258 0:19:36.260 --> 0:19:41.740 Alexa I'm surprised anyone's in it. Yeah, I was like there's a story here. Like there's there's like a narrative 259 0:19:42.740 --> 0:19:47.580 I'm gonna spoil too much but like explore and you'll see lots of stuff. That doesn't make sense 260 0:19:47.580 --> 0:19:49.580 there's also lots of 261 0:19:51.100 --> 0:19:53.620 Buttons and stuff that I can't really like figure out and 262 0:19:55.820 --> 0:19:57.820 Sort of like weird 263 0:19:58.820 --> 0:20:03.600 Anyway for example of brutalism by the way desert meeting space which now is a 2021 version 264 0:20:03.860 --> 0:20:09.900 Thanks to soap who found out that there was actually a skyline geometry for that world. I just lost 265 0:20:12.100 --> 0:20:14.460 So do check out desert meeting space 2021 266 0:20:14.460 --> 0:20:18.100 I up the brightening the lighting so it's not just yellow now and looks better 267 0:20:20.500 --> 0:20:22.780 Marco has a question here, which is do you have any tips? 268 0:20:22.780 --> 0:20:27.220 So people just can't find motivation to brush their teeth or really do any hygiene stuff. Oh, okay 269 0:20:29.380 --> 0:20:32.280 Daddy daddy prime is now giving people life tips 270 0:20:33.740 --> 0:20:37.140 The strange one for brushing your teeth that I have is get out of the bathroom, right? 271 0:20:37.140 --> 0:20:40.500 Of course, I like I leave my toothbrush in the bathroom, but I don't brush my teeth in the bathroom 272 0:20:40.500 --> 0:20:44.740 ah, that's already a title that many people have given me and I don't want it but 273 0:20:47.220 --> 0:20:49.220 Most people have issues with 274 0:20:49.420 --> 0:20:54.220 Brushing their teeth because of the sort of loss of time of doing other stuff and I'm like cool 275 0:20:54.220 --> 0:20:56.220 Well get yourself some wireless headphones 276 0:20:56.820 --> 0:20:58.820 Go in the bathroom grab a toothbrush 277 0:20:59.180 --> 0:21:04.900 Grab the toothpaste shove it on the brush start brushing come back to your computer and watch your funny cat memes on 278 0:21:05.380 --> 0:21:09.340 On your TV or whatever. You don't need to be in the bathroom to brush your teeth 279 0:21:09.340 --> 0:21:13.420 You just need to be in the bathroom to I guess spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth out 280 0:21:13.420 --> 0:21:15.420 That's all you really need 281 0:21:17.940 --> 0:21:24.300 Also for inexplicable reasons due to that my toothbrush often ends up on my computer desk, so that's it 282 0:21:24.300 --> 0:21:25.660 That's a good reminder 283 0:21:25.660 --> 0:21:27.660 Then there's habits as well 284 0:21:28.060 --> 0:21:34.060 Like here's what I'm trying to break right now, which is kind of difficult which is when you're alone when your alarm goes off 285 0:21:34.060 --> 0:21:37.020 What's the first thing you do? Do you grab your phone because that's like 286 0:21:37.020 --> 0:21:44.060 Literally what most people do they wake up and before even leaving their bed, but they're checking their phone 287 0:21:44.340 --> 0:21:50.020 The thing you should do when your alarm goes off particularly if it's an alarm and you need to get up is without even thinking 288 0:21:50.020 --> 0:21:51.500 About it stand up 289 0:21:51.500 --> 0:21:56.780 I don't care if you stand up like a zombie and then check your phone standing by the side of your bed 290 0:21:56.900 --> 0:22:00.140 You just need to get out of the bed right get upright 291 0:22:00.140 --> 0:22:07.700 That was advice given to me by some random life coach on YouTube. Usually I hate life coaches on YouTube 292 0:22:07.700 --> 0:22:11.320 They're like I wake up every day at 3 a.m. And do like 293 0:22:12.180 --> 0:22:19.220 Deadlifts of horses until 5 a.m. And then I eat 17 breakfasts before I deadlift some more horses and then at 9 294 0:22:19.220 --> 0:22:24.100 I'm ready to start my day job. I'm just like that that isn't life coaching. That's just insanity. Thank you 295 0:22:24.100 --> 0:22:30.940 Okay, so we do have a question here apologies I'm talking about deadlifting courses and missing the fact that there's still a question 296 0:22:31.620 --> 0:22:35.880 Lex says what defines the order of items in the inventory there? 297 0:22:36.580 --> 0:22:42.800 That broke recently actually and kind of scared me. I jumbled the order of a folder and I thought I'd lost something 298 0:22:44.380 --> 0:22:49.380 But I'm not quite sure I think it's like the date I'd have to look I haven't opened the codebase today 299 0:22:49.380 --> 0:22:52.420 I can open it. I don't know how much longer I'll be here. I'll go ahead and open it 300 0:22:52.420 --> 0:22:55.940 There's a defined order. I can just like control T around and find it 301 0:22:56.460 --> 0:22:59.220 All right. Codebase is loading. IntelliSense is just like 302 0:23:01.460 --> 0:23:07.820 My RAM is just skyrocketing. I see other questions feel free to do feel free to keep them coming 303 0:23:07.820 --> 0:23:12.120 I will be answering this question from Lex by just control T around for a little bit 304 0:23:12.120 --> 0:23:14.980 So if you got any other questions, please drop them in there 305 0:23:15.540 --> 0:23:20.460 Yeah, I don't actually have the source of architects. I don't think so. At least I remember what was in there 306 0:23:20.460 --> 0:23:22.420 Am I one of the empty ones? 307 0:23:22.420 --> 0:23:23.460 engine 308 0:23:23.460 --> 0:23:25.460 control T 309 0:23:26.340 --> 0:23:27.860 inventory 310 0:23:27.860 --> 0:23:29.260 browser 311 0:23:29.260 --> 0:23:32.500 Active avatar color is color dot magenta 312 0:23:33.700 --> 0:23:36.780 Yay, and that's sort of like mixed down a little bit 313 0:23:38.060 --> 0:23:41.660 Do you try initialize? Here it is. Start task root 314 0:23:42.380 --> 0:23:43.940 open 315 0:23:43.940 --> 0:23:48.660 Open begin generating update directory items. There we go. That'll do it 316 0:23:48.660 --> 0:23:53.140 Yeah, this will probably take a little bit longer than I have time to like dig into it 317 0:23:55.020 --> 0:23:57.740 Let me see if the private variable has more on it 318 0:24:01.980 --> 0:24:05.020 Okay, it looks like whatever order the API returns it in 319 0:24:07.380 --> 0:24:09.900 That's a sort of question I guess I can answer like so 320 0:24:11.060 --> 0:24:14.620 it used to be the every single part of 321 0:24:15.140 --> 0:24:17.140 Neos that 322 0:24:17.140 --> 0:24:23.940 Fruix created was sort of automatically ended up in the same Visual Studio solution and 323 0:24:24.540 --> 0:24:26.540 then part of that Visual Studio 324 0:24:28.500 --> 0:24:32.940 Part of that Visual Studio solutions post build script will 325 0:24:33.940 --> 0:24:38.340 Copy it to the the unity side of things such that they were all synced up 326 0:24:38.860 --> 0:24:41.460 So what I predict happened was at one point 327 0:24:42.100 --> 0:24:46.380 architects and Gen X and stuff like that were part of the 328 0:24:46.380 --> 0:24:52.660 the Neos solution and were copied to the unity directory and the unity directory is 329 0:24:53.660 --> 0:24:58.700 Just sort of built on top of like every time we need to rebuild unity project we rebuild unity project 330 0:24:58.700 --> 0:25:04.380 And then that will update the DLLs that do update but the ones that don't update just kind of live there 331 0:25:05.860 --> 0:25:07.860 It is something that I want to clean up 332 0:25:08.100 --> 0:25:11.060 As well as any dead code that we have we have a bunch of stuff 333 0:25:11.060 --> 0:25:14.140 That's just like completely commented out on the code base. I'm getting rid of 334 0:25:14.140 --> 0:25:17.180 Strange stuff where I'm just like, oh, that's cool 335 0:25:18.220 --> 0:25:20.540 Then like weird components that don't make any sense 336 0:25:21.420 --> 0:25:23.180 Shout out to 337 0:25:23.180 --> 0:25:25.180 Where is it up down? 338 0:25:25.580 --> 0:25:27.740 I need to switch branches to find this 339 0:25:30.220 --> 0:25:33.420 If Syro is here or a panda's here 340 0:25:35.340 --> 0:25:39.420 He's like up down control, I can't remember the name of it it's in uncategorized 341 0:25:39.420 --> 0:25:42.780 It is a very very weird component 342 0:25:42.780 --> 0:25:46.700 That is just designed to make something go up and down 343 0:25:46.700 --> 0:25:51.900 And it's beautiful and we have a lot of fun with it like that though. That's sort of like weird stuff. I'm trying to clean up 344 0:25:51.900 --> 0:25:57.980 I think it's part of Classroom. That's probably why I don't see it anymore. We split classroom off to its own repository 345 0:25:58.540 --> 0:26:00.540 Yeah 346 0:26:00.540 --> 0:26:02.700 Architects was probably I don't know I would have to ask freaks 347 0:26:02.700 --> 0:26:07.820 But like if I could guess based on just their naming scheme, it would probably be sort of like architectural tools 348 0:26:07.820 --> 0:26:14.540 A good example of that might actually be stuff that is in my public folder under tools architecture tools 349 0:26:14.940 --> 0:26:19.200 So I have a staircase generator in there. I have an archway generator 350 0:26:20.140 --> 0:26:24.380 I had sort of grand visions for additional generators, but then the 351 0:26:26.220 --> 0:26:31.420 Japanese community made the builder tip and that's much superior so I stopped working on that builder tip much more superior 352 0:26:31.420 --> 0:26:37.020 like mathematically it should be possible if you're using primitives to 353 0:26:37.740 --> 0:26:38.620 say 354 0:26:38.620 --> 0:26:40.620 Give me a four by four room 355 0:26:41.100 --> 0:26:43.100 With a door here and here and here and here 356 0:26:43.900 --> 0:26:49.500 And then it should be able to like mathematically figure out using a metric type of logic, but you should be able to figure out 357 0:26:50.300 --> 0:26:52.620 Wait logic. This is so dlc that is 358 0:26:52.620 --> 0:26:58.940 Yeah, we'll clean that stuff up as soon as we can um, let's take a look 359 0:26:59.820 --> 0:27:03.740 Make sure i'm not missing any questions, and then we'll leave off. Okay, so that's done. That's done. That's done. That's done. That's done 360 0:27:04.300 --> 0:27:10.220 Scroll down to oh marcus. Is it spelt colour or color depends where you are. Um, there's this interesting channel 361 0:27:10.220 --> 0:27:12.940 Which I can't find right now because it will probably take too long 362 0:27:12.940 --> 0:27:18.380 I will find it and then i'll drop it in the office hours text chair. Um, which goes over sort of the 363 0:27:18.380 --> 0:27:24.780 Origins of words and um, an interesting one. I watched it's actually a youtube short channel 364 0:27:24.780 --> 0:27:27.660 So, you know, you watch like 20 and you're just like where is my life gone? 365 0:27:27.980 --> 0:27:33.020 Uh was about the difference between the pronunciation of herb and and how you americans say it which is herb 366 0:27:33.660 --> 0:27:34.380 um 367 0:27:34.380 --> 0:27:36.380 In some parts of america, of course 368 0:27:36.380 --> 0:27:42.140 Well, you just don't pronounce the h for some reason and you really over stress the b and all sorts of weird stuff like that 369 0:27:42.300 --> 0:27:44.460 But that was all explained and I found that kind of interesting 370 0:27:44.460 --> 0:27:47.760 Um, a lot of the sort of differences in spelling and also pronunciation 371 0:27:48.300 --> 0:27:54.060 Come from the distances that existed between america and the uk when it was like, you know 372 0:27:54.060 --> 0:27:58.140 First in existence and developing and and you know using language. It's like cool 373 0:27:58.540 --> 0:28:03.100 Remember it used to be like I don't know like a two-week boat ride to get between there and we didn't have the internet 374 0:28:03.100 --> 0:28:05.100 So that's cool 375 0:28:05.100 --> 0:28:08.460 I always think about that like, you know, I fly back and forth from america quite often 376 0:28:09.020 --> 0:28:13.100 And it's like I don't know what to do with my life. I don't know what to do with my life 377 0:28:13.100 --> 0:28:16.700 And it's like, you know, that doesn't you know, seven hours eight hours 378 0:28:16.780 --> 0:28:19.980 Isn't that long compared to a two-week boat ride is what it used to be? 379 0:28:20.460 --> 0:28:25.020 And this is a two-week boat ride without any electronics remember like I don't know what they did 380 0:28:26.060 --> 0:28:27.820 like 381 0:28:27.820 --> 0:28:29.820 What would you do for two weeks on a boat? 382 0:28:30.780 --> 0:28:35.660 It's not like a particularly nice boat as well because it's like it's just like a transport boat. It's not a cruise 383 0:28:36.540 --> 0:28:39.520 Same thing goes with uh, the titanic, um, when you watch the titanic 384 0:28:39.520 --> 0:28:42.720 Pay more attention to the the lower class decks 385 0:28:43.360 --> 0:28:46.640 Because those are basically sort of university dorms or in some cases 386 0:28:46.640 --> 0:28:51.600 They look like prison cells where people were just there for however long the titanic was meant to you know 387 0:28:52.160 --> 0:28:54.160 Um journey, which is a long time 388 0:28:54.720 --> 0:29:02.160 Anyway, if we're talking about the titanic, I believe that we have gone off track enough to cancel, uh, cancel end office hours. However, um 389 0:29:02.160 --> 0:29:09.200 Um, speaking as I mentioned the titanic if anyone would like to um play a video game, which is amazing 390 0:29:09.680 --> 0:29:11.680 You should play titanic adventure out of time 391 0:29:12.320 --> 0:29:13.520 um 392 0:29:13.520 --> 0:29:15.040 it is just like 393 0:29:15.040 --> 0:29:19.360 One of the like best pieces of of 90s video gaming I have ever seen 394 0:29:20.560 --> 0:29:25.920 Please play it don't question it if you don't know anything about it and you're you know, you've never played it 395 0:29:26.080 --> 0:29:28.080 don't question anything just 396 0:29:28.400 --> 0:29:30.560 Just please just go play it 397 0:29:30.560 --> 0:29:36.080 Uh, marco says that there's a question actually. Thank you. Lex for pointing out. What happens if you delete empty dlls, uh 398 0:29:36.160 --> 0:29:42.000 Uh, if they're not referenced anywhere, it should be fine. But ideally don't do that. Don't give me as a reason to hate you 399 0:29:42.560 --> 0:29:46.400 and with that we'll leave off play titanic adventure out of time and uh 400 0:29:47.360 --> 0:29:50.400 I will uh, see you guys next week ping me, uh questions help 401 0:29:50.400 --> 0:29:54.160 If you've got other questions and uh notes and stuff will be up when we get to them. All right 402 0:29:54.640 --> 0:29:58.880 I will see you guys later. I gotta push like five buttons because they change the way that you end stages 403 0:29:58.880 --> 0:30:00.880 So here we go. Bye. Bye