1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:03.640 So, welcome to Office Hours, it is 4pm now, so we're going to go ahead and get started. 2 0:00:03.640 --> 0:00:07.720 If you have questions, anything you want to know or ask about Neos, please drop it in 3 0:00:07.720 --> 0:00:11.480 the Office Hours text chat that's above the one that you're currently in, and I'll answer 4 0:00:11.480 --> 0:00:12.700 it in the order that they appear. 5 0:00:12.700 --> 0:00:13.700 Any questions that you have. 6 0:00:13.700 --> 0:00:16.900 We have two currently, so I'll go ahead and get started with those two questions. 7 0:00:16.900 --> 0:00:21.900 So firstly from Aragibus, I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly, but I don't think I am. 8 0:00:21.900 --> 0:00:26.120 They said, how does Neos manage the downloaded assets? 9 0:00:26.120 --> 0:00:27.960 Downloaded assets are stored in what's called your cache. 10 0:00:27.960 --> 0:00:34.220 If you go to the following link, which I have just been working on today actually, it talks 11 0:00:34.220 --> 0:00:38.320 about the locations of both of those folders, because sometimes those get confused. 12 0:00:38.320 --> 0:00:41.480 There's two folders, there's the cache, which stores temporary copies of assets downloaded 13 0:00:41.480 --> 0:00:45.440 when you're using Neos, and the database, stroke, data folder, which stores a local 14 0:00:45.440 --> 0:00:48.000 copy of items and things that you are saving. 15 0:00:48.000 --> 0:00:49.720 So do keep those two changes in mind. 16 0:00:49.720 --> 0:00:53.080 So they're downloaded to your cache, and that's simply so that you don't have to download 17 0:00:53.080 --> 0:00:54.080 them again. 18 0:00:54.080 --> 0:00:57.520 Let's say, for example, you join a Neos session every single day with your best friend, and 19 0:00:57.520 --> 0:00:59.040 they have a particular avatar. 20 0:00:59.040 --> 0:01:02.000 You don't want to download the avatar every single day, so we save it to your cache so 21 0:01:02.000 --> 0:01:06.960 we can pick it up from that cache if you have it, because your friend loads faster. 22 0:01:06.960 --> 0:01:10.480 That's also why, if you see new people, their avatars will load slower, because you don't 23 0:01:10.480 --> 0:01:11.960 have them in your cache. 24 0:01:11.960 --> 0:01:14.720 Moving forward to screen, this question, what can you tell us about future updates? 25 0:01:14.720 --> 0:01:16.840 I have nothing to tell you about future updates. 26 0:01:16.840 --> 0:01:19.680 There's a bunch of stuff that is obviously always being worked on. 27 0:01:19.680 --> 0:01:21.720 For those who are like, the Neos team are on strike. 28 0:01:21.720 --> 0:01:25.640 If I was on strike, would I really be sat here with 32 people listening to me and answering 29 0:01:25.640 --> 0:01:26.640 questions? 30 0:01:26.640 --> 0:01:29.560 We're still doing stuff, but for future updates, we have no announcements. 31 0:01:29.560 --> 0:01:32.920 Please do check the announcements channel for any updates on that whole mess. 32 0:01:32.920 --> 0:01:36.200 There we go, we're out of questions. 33 0:01:36.200 --> 0:01:40.800 And Adia Shark has just trumped that route of questions with a question, which is totally 34 0:01:40.800 --> 0:01:41.800 fine. 35 0:01:41.800 --> 0:01:42.800 That's the point of this situation. 36 0:01:42.800 --> 0:01:45.800 They are asking, does the cache have auto-clearing? 37 0:01:45.800 --> 0:01:50.840 It doesn't currently, and that does lead to the cache sort of inflating a lot. 38 0:01:50.840 --> 0:01:52.960 Feel free to clear the cache. 39 0:01:52.960 --> 0:01:56.920 Do not clear the database or data folder, though, if you can help it. 40 0:01:56.920 --> 0:01:58.400 Feel free to clear the cache whenever you would like. 41 0:01:58.400 --> 0:02:01.480 I am aware of other techniques and things that will clear the cache. 42 0:02:01.480 --> 0:02:06.140 Some people have got, like, batch jobs or sort of scheduled tasks or things like that. 43 0:02:06.140 --> 0:02:08.920 Some people have got calendar alerts to go clear it. 44 0:02:08.920 --> 0:02:12.480 Some people even got mods, which they have created or installed, which will do it for 45 0:02:12.480 --> 0:02:13.480 them automatically. 46 0:02:13.480 --> 0:02:15.280 It is entirely up to you, though. 47 0:02:15.280 --> 0:02:20.680 The cache is also stored within a file system within Windows, if you're on Windows here, 48 0:02:20.680 --> 0:02:22.500 that is designed for temporary files as well. 49 0:02:22.500 --> 0:02:30.440 So some applications and some parts of Windows will clear that temporary directory for you. 50 0:02:30.440 --> 0:02:31.440 That's why it's in there. 51 0:02:31.440 --> 0:02:36.400 The temporary directory is, like, explicitly, if a developer is using that folder, they 52 0:02:36.400 --> 0:02:40.920 know explicitly that the stuff in there cannot always be guaranteed to be in there. 53 0:02:40.920 --> 0:02:44.160 That's the point of the temporary folder. 54 0:02:44.160 --> 0:02:48.360 The other operating systems, such as Linux, et cetera, they also have a temporary directory, 55 0:02:48.360 --> 0:02:53.400 but I don't know much about those, it's been a while since I've been on Linux. 56 0:02:53.400 --> 0:02:58.520 I think that is an ideas question, so moving on to arugabuses again. 57 0:02:58.520 --> 0:03:02.800 They have another question, which is some parts of NEEA cannot be translated, where 58 0:03:02.800 --> 0:03:03.800 do I report that? 59 0:03:03.800 --> 0:03:10.480 Go to the NEEA's locale for, like, a GitHub issue, sorry, a GitHub repository, and make 60 0:03:10.480 --> 0:03:11.480 an issue there. 61 0:03:11.480 --> 0:03:13.480 Try not to make an issue for, like, everything that can't be translated, because we'll be 62 0:03:13.480 --> 0:03:17.160 there for, like, forever, but if there's something there that you feel would be good to be translated, 63 0:03:17.160 --> 0:03:18.220 do put it there. 64 0:03:18.220 --> 0:03:21.320 Things that are not suitable to go there are things like logic nodes, we don't have the 65 0:03:21.320 --> 0:03:25.880 capability to translate those yet, but if there's just, like, a loose floating string 66 0:03:25.880 --> 0:03:28.920 that exists somewhere, we can probably get that translated. 67 0:03:28.920 --> 0:03:33.820 A good example being, I was working on the just months and months ago, but I was working 68 0:03:33.820 --> 0:03:38.660 on the create directory dialogue, that's when you, like, create a directory in your inventory, 69 0:03:38.660 --> 0:03:41.400 and I realized it was not translatable, and it was easy. 70 0:03:41.400 --> 0:03:45.480 It was, like, another couple of lines of code to expose translation strings for that, so 71 0:03:45.480 --> 0:03:46.480 I did that. 72 0:03:46.480 --> 0:03:48.840 I did that because I was touching that code. 73 0:03:48.840 --> 0:03:51.160 So do keep that in mind. 74 0:03:51.160 --> 0:03:55.580 It's not, like, intentional, it's just, like, to update it such that it's translatable, 75 0:03:55.580 --> 0:04:00.200 we have to touch it, and if it's a complicated string, such as logics, then we need to do 76 0:04:00.200 --> 0:04:05.040 a lot of work to make it translatable, hence why logic is not translatable. 77 0:04:05.040 --> 0:04:07.360 Translation gets complicated sometimes. 78 0:04:07.360 --> 0:04:11.240 Moving forwards to Cole's question, which says, what do you think of user management 79 0:04:11.240 --> 0:04:14.320 systems, logic that puts each user in their own slot and tries to keep things they spawn 80 0:04:14.320 --> 0:04:17.240 within them, do you advise against having these pre-installed in published worlds? 81 0:04:17.240 --> 0:04:22.520 I advise you have them in pre-installed in published worlds, they're fantastic at controlling 82 0:04:22.520 --> 0:04:26.280 the craziness which is people's disrespect of your world. 83 0:04:26.280 --> 0:04:27.280 That's truly what it is sometimes. 84 0:04:27.280 --> 0:04:29.560 I mean, it's not usually, but, like, sometimes it is. 85 0:04:29.560 --> 0:04:35.760 Like, I go in worlds sometimes, and there's just, like, a absolute tidal wave of crap 86 0:04:35.760 --> 0:04:39.520 in the world that people have just left and forgotten. 87 0:04:39.520 --> 0:04:41.720 Clean up after yourself, please. 88 0:04:41.720 --> 0:04:45.160 If you spawn a gun that you're no longer using, don't just drop it in the world. 89 0:04:45.160 --> 0:04:46.600 Clean it up. 90 0:04:46.600 --> 0:04:49.600 For creators as well, the best thing you can do to be compatible with those systems is 91 0:04:49.600 --> 0:04:53.800 to go ahead and use the local user space node rather than the root slot node whenever you're 92 0:04:53.800 --> 0:04:55.280 re-parenting something. 93 0:04:55.280 --> 0:05:00.240 It is literally a, you won't notice the difference from a creating point of view 99% of the time. 94 0:05:00.240 --> 0:05:04.840 Just swap uses of the root slot node with the local user space node and you'll be good. 95 0:05:04.840 --> 0:05:10.160 Local user space node refers to the slot which a user is parented to and not the root slot. 96 0:05:10.160 --> 0:05:14.800 So if you created a world management system where Colza spawns in the world, they get 97 0:05:14.800 --> 0:05:16.820 their own slot, they get parented to it. 98 0:05:16.820 --> 0:05:22.480 If Colza's object uses parent with root slot, it would parent, I don't know, weapons, arrows, 99 0:05:22.480 --> 0:05:23.720 grenades to the root slot. 100 0:05:23.720 --> 0:05:27.840 But if it used local user space, all of their weapons, arrows, grenades, et cetera, would 101 0:05:27.840 --> 0:05:32.920 be parented to the Colza user slot, enabling a world management system to clean up effectively 102 0:05:32.920 --> 0:05:34.360 once they were gone. 103 0:05:34.360 --> 0:05:39.080 And then, again, just for reiteration, clean up after yourself, please, like, please. 104 0:05:39.080 --> 0:05:43.640 I feel like I should, like, meme it a little bit more, like, get a 3D model of a toy chest 105 0:05:43.640 --> 0:05:47.360 and just, like, put it in the world and, like, put a user management system in there and 106 0:05:47.360 --> 0:05:51.540 detect when there's more than, like, 20 items abandoned in a user's slot, like, spawn a 107 0:05:51.540 --> 0:05:54.000 toy chest and be like, it's time to tidy up. 108 0:05:54.000 --> 0:05:58.120 Like, with a gif of me waggling my finger or something. 109 0:05:58.120 --> 0:06:01.320 It's time to tidy up, poor waggles finger. 110 0:06:01.320 --> 0:06:03.440 Or you'll go on the naughty step. 111 0:06:03.440 --> 0:06:06.800 Moving forwards, Zafford being says, dumb question. 112 0:06:06.800 --> 0:06:10.920 There are zero questions in the entirety of this Discord which are dumb. 113 0:06:10.920 --> 0:06:15.800 If you have asked the same question every single day for an entire year, someone will 114 0:06:15.800 --> 0:06:16.800 answer you. 115 0:06:16.800 --> 0:06:17.800 It's not dumb. 116 0:06:17.800 --> 0:06:19.000 Like, Neos is complicated. 117 0:06:19.000 --> 0:06:20.000 We all learning together. 118 0:06:20.000 --> 0:06:22.920 Let's make sure that we get that correct. 119 0:06:22.920 --> 0:06:26.160 The question that they're asking is, do you need to port forward to stream to Twitch inside 120 0:06:26.160 --> 0:06:27.160 of Neos? 121 0:06:27.160 --> 0:06:28.160 No. 122 0:06:28.160 --> 0:06:30.640 You don't need to port forward to do most things inside Neos. 123 0:06:30.640 --> 0:06:35.280 You can change some of your network settings to be a little bit easier to join to from 124 0:06:35.280 --> 0:06:38.520 other users, but we do have systems in place that mean you don't really need to port forward 125 0:06:38.520 --> 0:06:39.520 at all. 126 0:06:39.520 --> 0:06:45.440 If you're having a particular issue with Twitch-related streaming stuff, please go ahead and ask it 127 0:06:45.440 --> 0:06:46.440 more directly. 128 0:06:46.440 --> 0:06:50.840 Rigibus has another question here, which is, is the free 25GB storage still available for 129 0:06:50.840 --> 0:06:52.280 people who make locales? 130 0:06:52.280 --> 0:06:54.560 I don't know. 131 0:06:54.560 --> 0:06:58.920 I noticed yesterday that the locale repository had a little bit of neglect going on there, 132 0:06:58.920 --> 0:07:02.080 which is understandable because we're not currently doing updates, but what kind of 133 0:07:02.080 --> 0:07:06.640 like tugged at my heartstrings, if you like, to make me kind of fix that yesterday was 134 0:07:06.640 --> 0:07:11.680 I noticed that two separate people had translated properly, as in a manual translation rather 135 0:07:11.680 --> 0:07:16.160 than a machine translation, the game into Chinese. 136 0:07:16.160 --> 0:07:21.040 And I thought, if we've got two people doing that substantial work, then we just need to 137 0:07:21.040 --> 0:07:22.040 handle it. 138 0:07:22.040 --> 0:07:25.440 So I merged all applicable mergers that could be merged just so that we didn't have that 139 0:07:25.440 --> 0:07:26.440 happen again. 140 0:07:26.440 --> 0:07:31.580 I don't want people doing potentially weeks' worth of work that we're then accidentally 141 0:07:31.580 --> 0:07:32.580 ignoring. 142 0:07:32.580 --> 0:07:36.400 Even if we don't intend to sort of make an update right now, we can at least say like, 143 0:07:36.400 --> 0:07:41.280 hey, the Chinese translation has been done once, maybe work together on improving it, 144 0:07:41.280 --> 0:07:42.280 but don't do it separately. 145 0:07:42.280 --> 0:07:44.280 But it seems like that's what actually happened. 146 0:07:44.280 --> 0:07:50.080 Two people separately did the translation from scratch and I'm just like, ah, that shouldn't 147 0:07:50.080 --> 0:07:53.520 be bad. 148 0:07:53.520 --> 0:07:54.520 That shouldn't happen. 149 0:07:54.520 --> 0:07:56.520 That's, that's like a waste of time. 150 0:07:56.520 --> 0:07:59.360 Oh, they'll, they'll resolve it, I'm sure. 151 0:07:59.360 --> 0:08:00.360 All right, moving onwards. 152 0:08:00.360 --> 0:08:02.000 We have a question from Thermo. 153 0:08:02.000 --> 0:08:03.640 Is there a BeeHaptics integration? 154 0:08:03.640 --> 0:08:04.640 Yes. 155 0:08:04.640 --> 0:08:06.980 BeeHaptics is entirely integrated into the game. 156 0:08:06.980 --> 0:08:11.560 You just need to make sure that the BeeHaptics software is on and running, that you've tested 157 0:08:11.560 --> 0:08:12.560 it. 158 0:08:12.560 --> 0:08:16.880 You've got buzzes on your BeeHaptics stuff before you launch Neos and then it will be 159 0:08:16.880 --> 0:08:18.440 in there and working. 160 0:08:18.440 --> 0:08:21.900 The problem that you might have with the BeeHaptics integration though is that not a lot of stuff 161 0:08:21.900 --> 0:08:27.200 inside Neos supports it from a development point of view inside the game. 162 0:08:27.200 --> 0:08:31.040 Inside the game, objects need to basically say, hey, I would like to be BeeHaptics. 163 0:08:31.040 --> 0:08:33.720 I would like to be a BeeHaptics dut ad. 164 0:08:33.720 --> 0:08:36.200 Please buzz haptics when they come near you. 165 0:08:36.200 --> 0:08:39.920 It should by default work with other people's hands so they can like touch poke, you know, 166 0:08:39.920 --> 0:08:41.520 prod you, et cetera. 167 0:08:41.520 --> 0:08:43.480 But you can also make objects work with BeeHaptics. 168 0:08:43.480 --> 0:08:47.220 If you'd like an example of that, I have tutorial videos on my channel or you can go ahead and 169 0:08:47.220 --> 0:08:52.300 visit Sojourner's Island made by the Neos team, which has a bunch of haptics integrations 170 0:08:52.300 --> 0:08:56.280 that are, you know, it's actually an event to sort of showcase that we had BeeHaptics. 171 0:08:56.280 --> 0:08:59.600 It is not OSC and we do not have OSC support. 172 0:08:59.600 --> 0:09:03.360 Moving forward, Specs says, I would very much like to add port forwarding to my router to 173 0:09:03.360 --> 0:09:04.700 make it easier for users to join me. 174 0:09:04.700 --> 0:09:06.040 What port range would I need for that? 175 0:09:06.040 --> 0:09:07.420 It's not port forwarding. 176 0:09:07.420 --> 0:09:08.420 It's a NAT type. 177 0:09:08.420 --> 0:09:11.520 If you go to the wiki, I'll get the link in just a second. 178 0:09:11.520 --> 0:09:14.360 The networking information page has some information about that. 179 0:09:14.360 --> 0:09:18.260 It's just making sure that your NAT settings are good. 180 0:09:18.260 --> 0:09:21.800 We are like, it's 2022. 181 0:09:21.800 --> 0:09:25.120 No one should be like manually port forwarding unless I don't know they're playing like Half 182 0:09:25.120 --> 0:09:27.540 Life or something. 183 0:09:27.540 --> 0:09:34.000 There's a setting right at the bottom there of recommended here we go American versus 184 0:09:34.000 --> 0:09:35.160 British in my brain. 185 0:09:35.160 --> 0:09:37.560 I live in America, but I'm British. 186 0:09:37.560 --> 0:09:42.760 Recommended router configuration or if you're American, recommended router configuration. 187 0:09:42.760 --> 0:09:45.720 Both is like good and fine. 188 0:09:45.720 --> 0:09:50.560 Strangely enough, British people will call the tool thing and you know that you do for 189 0:09:50.560 --> 0:09:54.600 woodwork or whatever, the router there, we will call that a router. 190 0:09:54.600 --> 0:09:57.480 For anything else, it's root or router. 191 0:09:57.480 --> 0:09:58.480 It's very confusing. 192 0:09:58.480 --> 0:10:03.240 Yeah, I went to a woodworking class once and we got that, the router, and I'm like, oh, 193 0:10:03.240 --> 0:10:04.240 okay. 194 0:10:04.240 --> 0:10:06.320 And I was very confused when people started talking about routers, I'm like, why do people 195 0:10:06.320 --> 0:10:08.240 plug in this woodworking tool to their Internet? 196 0:10:08.240 --> 0:10:09.960 That doesn't make any sense. 197 0:10:09.960 --> 0:10:11.960 Very interesting, though. 198 0:10:11.960 --> 0:10:18.240 Moving forwards, Stifle says I was curious about the answer to this question back on 199 0:10:18.240 --> 0:10:25.000 October 21st, 2019, oh, deary me, let's get out some sepia-toned cameras and stuff. 200 0:10:25.000 --> 0:10:30.140 You made a tutorial with segment mesh and slot segment mesh and asked why can't slot 201 0:10:30.140 --> 0:10:33.620 segment mesh be collapsed into segment mesh and later stated that would be a question 202 0:10:33.620 --> 0:10:37.240 for the NEOS team, since you are part of the NEOS team after the video was made, what was 203 0:10:37.240 --> 0:10:39.760 the answer to the almost three-year-old question? 204 0:10:39.760 --> 0:10:45.320 There are a lot of cases where accidentally for in some cases very valid reasons, but 205 0:10:45.320 --> 0:10:49.920 for some cases just sort of like either a combination of forgetful reasons or just time 206 0:10:49.920 --> 0:10:55.060 pressure, different things have been created that really don't need to exist and they need 207 0:10:55.060 --> 0:10:58.120 to be sort of collated back together. 208 0:10:58.120 --> 0:11:01.800 I was trying to think of that word, collate, I was thinking staple, but no, staple and 209 0:11:01.800 --> 0:11:04.700 collate, collate is the word I was looking for. 210 0:11:04.700 --> 0:11:07.400 So slot segment mesh and segment mesh are a good example of that. 211 0:11:07.400 --> 0:11:12.120 As are our myriad of PBS shaders, Geens wants to eventually collapse all of those into one 212 0:11:12.120 --> 0:11:16.640 PBS shader with all of the settings exposed in a way that makes sense, such that we don't 213 0:11:16.640 --> 0:11:21.760 have like we have so much duplicate code for PBS rendering in our shader files, it's sort 214 0:11:21.760 --> 0:11:22.760 of crazy. 215 0:11:22.760 --> 0:11:26.640 Another example where I want to do it is the axis aligner aligner components. 216 0:11:26.640 --> 0:11:29.960 They all work completely differently from a technical point of view, I mean from a functional 217 0:11:29.960 --> 0:11:33.720 point of view as well, they do different alignments, but from a technical point of view, it seems 218 0:11:33.720 --> 0:11:38.080 none of them can agree about the best way to update themselves, the axis aligner does 219 0:11:38.080 --> 0:11:41.640 it in a way that is not performant, the object grid aligner does it in a way that is performant 220 0:11:41.640 --> 0:11:44.040 or isn't, I can't really remember. 221 0:11:44.040 --> 0:11:47.320 It would be great if we could just sort of collapse all that together into an aligner 222 0:11:47.320 --> 0:11:51.840 component, which then had a method that would also allow additional methods for alignment 223 0:11:51.840 --> 0:11:53.960 to be sort of written well. 224 0:11:53.960 --> 0:11:57.720 That's a really good example of sort of refactoring where we talk about that sometimes, it's like 225 0:11:57.720 --> 0:12:01.440 what if this was one component that had a method of alignment and then it'd be a lot 226 0:12:01.440 --> 0:12:05.680 easier to sort of establish that the behavior was consistent across all of those components 227 0:12:05.680 --> 0:12:09.000 rather than vastly different because they all work differently for some reason. 228 0:12:09.000 --> 0:12:14.040 Moving forwards, Zafford's got back to me with a question. 229 0:12:14.040 --> 0:12:18.520 They say when I go to a WebSocket plugin and try to connect it to Neos, it all says disconnected 230 0:12:18.520 --> 0:12:23.720 even though as far as where the ipm port is correct, ah okay, double check which version 231 0:12:23.720 --> 0:12:26.260 of the WebSocket plugin that you are using. 232 0:12:26.260 --> 0:12:32.740 There is a complicated matter that is unfolding, basically OBS WebSocket the plugin just rolled 233 0:12:32.740 --> 0:12:39.100 over to version 5 and version 5 is not compatible with Neos currently. 234 0:12:39.100 --> 0:12:43.100 That is like probably like the highest priority in terms of like my tutorial item that I'll 235 0:12:43.100 --> 0:12:49.600 be fixing when I'm able to because 5 is incompatible with earlier versions of the OBS WebSocket 236 0:12:49.600 --> 0:12:50.600 protocol. 237 0:12:50.600 --> 0:12:57.880 Additionally, for added insults to injury, OBS Studio versions which are greater than 238 0:12:57.880 --> 0:13:02.840 I don't know right now I think it's like I don't know the number but they will by default 239 0:13:02.840 --> 0:13:07.960 include OBS WebSocket in them so if you have downloaded and installed OBS Studio from the 240 0:13:07.960 --> 0:13:13.620 website like within the past sort of few weeks it'll probably have OBS WebSocket 5 installed 241 0:13:13.620 --> 0:13:17.880 in it so you'll go ahead and have to replace that with a version before 5 and then it will 242 0:13:17.880 --> 0:13:21.940 work if it's 5 or later it will not work. 243 0:13:21.940 --> 0:13:28.260 If you are running OBS on the same computer that you are running Neos on to use it you 244 0:13:28.260 --> 0:13:32.080 don't need to change the port or IP address settings I have not changed those since 2019 245 0:13:32.080 --> 0:13:33.080 they just work. 246 0:13:33.080 --> 0:13:37.000 You also don't need port forwarding because if it's a local connection doesn't matter 247 0:13:37.000 --> 0:13:41.760 it's just like oh that's me that's my computer whoop and it just connects it doesn't need 248 0:13:41.760 --> 0:13:42.760 to go out to the network. 249 0:13:42.760 --> 0:13:48.140 All right moving onwards Dark Witch Dreams welcome to the community because they only 250 0:13:48.140 --> 0:13:50.640 just recently joined that's why I'm saying welcome. 251 0:13:50.640 --> 0:13:53.720 Sometimes I should read and then answer but sometimes I just like read and answer at the 252 0:13:53.720 --> 0:13:55.420 same time. 253 0:13:55.420 --> 0:13:58.960 They hope that this question is okay for the conversation there are not many questions 254 0:13:58.960 --> 0:14:02.680 that are not okay for the conversation if they're not okay it's not like you've done 255 0:14:02.680 --> 0:14:06.160 something wrong it's just like hey I'm not the right person to ask but I'm sure that 256 0:14:06.160 --> 0:14:10.800 this question I haven't read yet is perfectly fine. 257 0:14:10.800 --> 0:14:15.540 They jumped into Neos they haven't jumped into Neos yet and the big reason is just how 258 0:14:15.540 --> 0:14:19.200 large and overwhelming it seems on top of the social anxiety is there somewhere you 259 0:14:19.200 --> 0:14:24.800 can point me that or I should start to have it be less overwhelming yes a good way to 260 0:14:24.800 --> 0:14:30.220 start and not be overwhelming is to make a couple of sacrifices but these are good sacrifices 261 0:14:30.220 --> 0:14:34.920 so sacrifice one is pick an avatar that's already in the game don't think about importing 262 0:14:34.920 --> 0:14:38.880 your VRChat avatar if you've come from VRChat or whatever avatar just pick one that's in 263 0:14:38.880 --> 0:14:42.000 the game and then number two is don't build. 264 0:14:42.000 --> 0:14:45.640 We get a lot of sort of questions and comments about like why don't you have a non-building 265 0:14:45.640 --> 0:14:49.760 mode right you'd go to the start of Neos and you'd hit play and say like I want to build 266 0:14:49.760 --> 0:14:54.440 I don't want to build the really only difference between those two versions of the game would 267 0:14:54.440 --> 0:14:58.960 be we would disable the ability for you to open up the building UI but strangely you 268 0:14:58.960 --> 0:15:04.120 can do that yourself with a mentality shift right you can say I don't want to build therefore 269 0:15:04.120 --> 0:15:09.320 I won't spawn the inspector tip or the logics tip I won't spawn those and I don't want to 270 0:15:09.320 --> 0:15:12.460 build and then you can just sit in front of a mirror if that's what you're doing watch 271 0:15:12.460 --> 0:15:15.600 videos whatever you want to do you don't have to build and then that will make it viral 272 0:15:15.600 --> 0:15:20.000 vastly vastly less overwhelming you pick an avatar that's already in the game and then 273 0:15:20.000 --> 0:15:23.240 you just don't build and then it should be less overwhelming because you don't need to 274 0:15:23.240 --> 0:15:29.160 learn anything there you should you should just you know chill out watch videos and hang 275 0:15:29.160 --> 0:15:34.320 out with people you may have some difficulty finding open sessions that are not technical 276 0:15:34.320 --> 0:15:38.540 that's something that I wish our community culture could change about majority sessions 277 0:15:38.540 --> 0:15:42.440 you go into someone if they're not talking about technical matters to do with Neos they're 278 0:15:42.440 --> 0:15:46.080 talking about technical matters to do with just like other stuff you know go in there 279 0:15:46.080 --> 0:15:51.740 and they're just like well I heard the Nvidia 380 is better than the 390 like the parallelization 280 0:15:51.740 --> 0:15:56.280 of the neutron floating into the flux capacitor and you're just like yeah I'm inebriated and 281 0:15:56.280 --> 0:16:00.920 I just want to like lie in front of a mirror and watch videos like it's sometimes difficult 282 0:16:00.920 --> 0:16:07.600 to get that kind of setup so there you go at the point where you want an avatar set 283 0:16:07.600 --> 0:16:10.880 up if you know that you're going to struggle or be overwhelmed it might be worth sort of 284 0:16:10.880 --> 0:16:16.240 booking time with a mentor there's no official way to do this but if you find someone with 285 0:16:16.240 --> 0:16:22.560 a funny green badge in the discord or in game you could say like hey Tuesday 3 p.m would 286 0:16:22.560 --> 0:16:27.680 you help me get the avatar set up for me and do most of the work for me because I don't 287 0:16:27.680 --> 0:16:30.920 want to get overwhelmed and they'd be happy to sort that out right they'll need some files 288 0:16:30.920 --> 0:16:35.500 from you of course to get it done but like they'll take care of it for you there's always 289 0:16:35.500 --> 0:16:41.400 two ways of learning in Neos and it's great if you're explicit with a mentor about your 290 0:16:41.400 --> 0:16:45.040 intentions there I've seen both of them and especially with the recent sort of uptick 291 0:16:45.040 --> 0:16:49.540 in players there are players who are like can you help me set up my avatar and show 292 0:16:49.540 --> 0:16:53.960 me how to do it or can you help me set up my avatar because I want to be comfortable 293 0:16:53.960 --> 0:16:57.880 in Neos those are two different scenarios like they don't want to know how it works 294 0:16:57.880 --> 0:17:01.200 they just want an avatar that they're comfortable with and then once they're comfortable maybe 295 0:17:01.200 --> 0:17:06.200 they'll have an opportunity to learn but they don't necessarily need to have the opportunity 296 0:17:06.200 --> 0:17:10.560 to learn they don't necessarily want to learn and both of those are okay usually in other 297 0:17:10.560 --> 0:17:14.040 circles such as like learning programming that's not okay like if you went to like I 298 0:17:14.040 --> 0:17:17.360 don't know a learning programming community on discord and you're like could someone write 299 0:17:17.360 --> 0:17:22.080 code for me would be like no because you won't learn but like if it's your avatar totally 300 0:17:22.080 --> 0:17:25.640 understandable you just want to feel comfortable inside the game someone will help you out 301 0:17:25.640 --> 0:17:32.440 we have lots of insight from from from mentors there holy's fantastic froppy who is a mentor 302 0:17:32.440 --> 0:17:36.360 and a moderator so they've got like all the not as many badges as me but like all the 303 0:17:36.360 --> 0:17:41.520 badges they're very helpful as well as link is very helpful specs as well like everyone's 304 0:17:41.520 --> 0:17:46.040 helpful here just just ask questions yeah yeah yeah you've not managed to complete the 305 0:17:46.040 --> 0:17:50.360 collection there froppy if you get on the team you'll still be missing one yeah it does 306 0:17:50.360 --> 0:17:53.920 it does unfortunately sound like jumping in is the best start but just jump in with with 307 0:17:53.920 --> 0:17:58.560 that mindset right the mindset being i don't need to build and i can use one of the existing 308 0:17:58.560 --> 0:18:04.400 avatars and then just like have an explore uh no you don't uh learn things you should 309 0:18:04.400 --> 0:18:08.320 go is a good way of looking at or don't but if you just like i don't want to learn totally 310 0:18:08.320 --> 0:18:11.760 fine it's totally fine uh i reckon best has another question here which is what is the 311 0:18:11.760 --> 0:18:17.520 mobile friendly toggle it's right i'm giggling not because of the question but because of 312 0:18:17.520 --> 0:18:27.680 of that checkbox um so that checkbox is uh basically like a little sign um that has no 313 0:18:27.680 --> 0:18:33.520 validation or features or functionality about it at all if you turn that on you are basically 314 0:18:33.520 --> 0:18:38.120 raising a little sign that says i'm a mobile friendly session and whether you actually 315 0:18:38.120 --> 0:18:43.440 are a mobile friendly session or not um doesn't matter so it's the equivalent of basically 316 0:18:43.440 --> 0:18:48.160 you know standing outside of a coffee shop and saying we have free coffee and then you 317 0:18:48.160 --> 0:18:54.160 go inside the coffee shop and they don't actually have free coffee it just it doesn't mean anything 318 0:18:54.160 --> 0:19:01.560 uh we did want it to mean something originally it just it just didn't you know uh it is crazy 319 0:19:01.560 --> 0:19:07.440 there it's also sort of paired with checkboxes that actually do do stuff do do lol for example 320 0:19:07.440 --> 0:19:11.600 the unsafe mode checkbox will enable unsafe mode and that does actually make stuff happen 321 0:19:11.600 --> 0:19:18.360 um for those who are worried about unsafe mode it's quite difficult to make unsafe mode 322 0:19:18.360 --> 0:19:22.920 not safe counter to its name but the moment you check unsafe mode it will force your session 323 0:19:22.920 --> 0:19:29.040 to lan only um you can thank me for unsafe mode um i caused it to happen let's see what 324 0:19:29.040 --> 0:19:33.440 we've got uh for other questions here oh gina hello uh i've been loading sessions that are 325 0:19:33.440 --> 0:19:37.680 taking a lot more time uh than a year ago any recommendations or tips to optimize world 326 0:19:37.680 --> 0:19:43.360 loading in assets near spawn first there is nothing um that you can do to optimize uh 327 0:19:43.360 --> 0:19:47.960 the order in which my assets load in right now um if you're having slowness we do actually 328 0:19:47.960 --> 0:19:52.700 have an issue open for assets loading slowly um there is a sort of community fix for that 329 0:19:52.700 --> 0:19:56.520 which is to just clear your cache but i don't understand why that makes assets load faster 330 0:19:56.520 --> 0:20:01.760 but hey maybe it'll work for you um but that might speed it up but no we have no load control 331 0:20:01.760 --> 0:20:07.800 right now um even if you have stuff like disabled checkbox wise or like culling zone wise it's 332 0:20:07.800 --> 0:20:13.160 still got a load it's just it's a problem we got to like fix it somehow later uh arabis 333 0:20:13.160 --> 0:20:17.960 if you asked 500 000 questions i would answer them all and be totally happy with that so 334 0:20:17.960 --> 0:20:22.680 don't don't don't feel bad about that this is this is question time if you answer you 335 0:20:22.680 --> 0:20:32.560 ask one fantastic if you ask 50 fantastic the poop poop poop poop poop uh that is the 336 0:20:32.560 --> 0:20:38.940 cash slinker if it's in local temp solarax neos that's the cash oh if you're forcing 337 0:20:38.940 --> 0:20:46.500 the cache path argument um sometimes the app path the other one will still refer to the 338 0:20:46.500 --> 0:20:51.460 old cache path in its saved settings which means that even though you've done cache path 339 0:20:51.460 --> 0:20:57.260 it won't listen to it which is really annoying um and actually caused me to just rewrite 340 0:20:57.260 --> 0:21:03.600 the uh relocate neos folder guide again because i'm like wait a moment the only real way to 341 0:21:03.600 --> 0:21:09.440 make sure that data path and cache path are listened to in their entirety is to nuke everything 342 0:21:09.440 --> 0:21:13.180 and start again both cache and data that's the only way to make sure that they are listened 343 0:21:13.180 --> 0:21:17.740 to so that's probably what's going on there with slinker's issue um it looks like a rigor 344 0:21:17.740 --> 0:21:22.820 versus question about scaling working on desktop is uh answered uh froppy says it's control 345 0:21:22.820 --> 0:21:27.400 shift and mouse wheel for scaling enabled that will scale you on desktop um i'm seeing 346 0:21:27.400 --> 0:21:31.660 a lot of comments on my youtube videos about this as well um so i want to state it as well 347 0:21:31.660 --> 0:21:37.120 there should be no reason why features work strangely between our platforms that aren't 348 0:21:37.120 --> 0:21:41.560 stated somewhere so i had a comment which is like i guess publishing worlds on linux 349 0:21:41.560 --> 0:21:45.920 doesn't work no no publishing worlds on linux should work if it doesn't that's a bug please 350 0:21:45.920 --> 0:21:50.360 provide a log if you're listening i did comment on the the youtube comment with that as well 351 0:21:50.360 --> 0:21:54.360 and then someone else said is it known that logics doesn't work on the dix i'm like no 352 0:21:54.360 --> 0:21:57.860 no logics should work on the dix if you're having an issue please let me know let's figure 353 0:21:57.860 --> 0:22:04.120 it out um froppy says the arugopus uh said that scaling objects doesn't work only scales 354 0:22:04.120 --> 0:22:08.000 one time and stops working well i'm on desktop right now so if you just give me a second 355 0:22:08.000 --> 0:22:12.520 um i will go ahead and see if i can reproduce that so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna create 356 0:22:12.520 --> 0:22:16.760 a new 3d model box and i know you can't see this i'm just describing what i'm doing to 357 0:22:16.760 --> 0:22:21.560 fill dead a time and i'm moving it around and i've made it smaller with scale and i'm 358 0:22:21.560 --> 0:22:25.080 letting go of it and i'm going to grab it again and i'm making it bigger if you can 359 0:22:25.080 --> 0:22:29.740 describe the exact sequence of button pushes you're doing it might be that it also might 360 0:22:29.740 --> 0:22:33.840 be uh just something to do with the actual object that you're scaling do remember that 361 0:22:33.840 --> 0:22:37.520 certain objects cannot be scaled by design it's actually a checkbox that you can enable 362 0:22:37.520 --> 0:22:42.460 on the object and uh if it's not enabled there's usually a good reason for it although sometimes 363 0:22:42.460 --> 0:22:45.720 there isn't a reason for it and someone's just forgotten to check that on let's move 364 0:22:45.720 --> 0:22:51.240 forwards um agro force says is there a way to drag stuff around in your dash in screen 365 0:22:51.240 --> 0:22:56.000 mode i don't know i've never been able to get ui edit mode to work in screen mode so 366 0:22:56.000 --> 0:23:02.680 i'm just like i don't know uh eastern if eastern's here they might know they're the desktop national 367 0:23:02.680 --> 0:23:12.720 treasure i'm going to tag them there we go um i i yeah let me just without a mod right 368 0:23:12.720 --> 0:23:18.000 the mod didn't exist and i'm pretty sure pretty sure eastern was doing about mod all right 369 0:23:18.000 --> 0:23:24.880 anyway moving forwards um that's that question's answered uh zacutole says are graphics lowering 370 0:23:24.880 --> 0:23:32.440 mods safe i don't know i am reasonably certain that they are but i cannot say that they are 371 0:23:32.440 --> 0:23:36.560 because mods are unsupported by the neos team if that makes sense i would suggest asking 372 0:23:36.560 --> 0:23:43.240 the neos modding community what they think um but i can't answer that officially uh zafod 373 0:23:43.240 --> 0:23:46.880 says one more thing how do i get the screen to pop up in obs uh i think froppy answered 374 0:23:46.880 --> 0:23:51.260 that with the like tools web socket server settings uh i don't really know what you mean 375 0:23:51.260 --> 0:23:55.600 by screen though um if you can clarify if you mean the game screen just use like a game 376 0:23:55.600 --> 0:23:59.280 capture or window capture whichever works for you i alternate between game capture and 377 0:23:59.280 --> 0:24:05.960 window capture because obs is fun as our window capture standards like for example if you 378 0:24:05.960 --> 0:24:10.320 try and capture chrome and you're playing media on netflix like regardless what tab 379 0:24:10.320 --> 0:24:15.080 is netflix will just like blank out or something or stop playing or spotify is like you're 380 0:24:15.080 --> 0:24:19.800 recording i'm gonna pause it's just like guys what are we doing and then there's like hdcp 381 0:24:19.800 --> 0:24:23.120 that's the thing that like makes protected content go through a hdmi driver and i'm just 382 0:24:23.120 --> 0:24:29.120 like ah stop making standards okay let's get back on track to some sort of sense of normalcy 383 0:24:29.120 --> 0:24:37.080 back to questions um magic says what would you say is the most under used um undervalued 384 0:24:37.080 --> 0:24:41.720 feature that should be highlighted to new users um honestly not building like i know 385 0:24:41.720 --> 0:24:45.800 we just talked about it uh with the sort of you know questions of being overwhelmed but 386 0:24:45.800 --> 0:24:50.760 not building like it's very common for the mentality to be okay you set up your avatar 387 0:24:50.760 --> 0:24:54.960 now you need to start building which then leads into the mentality of when i've started 388 0:24:54.960 --> 0:25:00.000 building i'll make myself a custom multi-tool and a custom inspector and i'm just like no 389 0:25:00.000 --> 0:25:05.560 go play games go experience stuff go play cabin of the seasons go look at the neos 390 0:25:05.560 --> 0:25:10.040 fester it's running by the way there's a festival running made by the japanese community it's 391 0:25:10.040 --> 0:25:14.360 amazing there are booths there are worlds go look at it uh you know you don't need to 392 0:25:14.360 --> 0:25:19.620 build i guess would be the most underutilized feature of of of neos um and don't make a 393 0:25:19.620 --> 0:25:25.120 custom multi-tool just use the standard tools please uh so safe what is now further clarified 394 0:25:25.120 --> 0:25:32.480 what source does the in-game neos camera use in sources on obs it doesn't um okay so all 395 0:25:32.480 --> 0:25:37.360 the obs um all the obs integration that we have inside neos does is integrates with obs 396 0:25:37.360 --> 0:25:43.200 web socket to send a signal saying start recording stop recording or start streaming stop streaming 397 0:25:43.200 --> 0:25:49.680 that's all it does um the camera itself when you enable the mirror display mode what it 398 0:25:49.680 --> 0:25:54.600 will do is it will take the camera's view and it will mirror that to the the on-screen 399 0:25:54.600 --> 0:25:59.360 um ui so if you have your headset on enable mirror to display peek under your headset 400 0:25:59.360 --> 0:26:03.760 through the nose hole like you all do i know you'll do it peek through the nose hole and 401 0:26:03.760 --> 0:26:09.160 look at your screen you'll see that it's displaying the camera view and not your view it separated 402 0:26:09.160 --> 0:26:16.600 those two and then in obs you just capture using uh game capture or window capture the 403 0:26:16.600 --> 0:26:21.800 window of neos and then it will display whatever the camera has recording inside obs and that's 404 0:26:21.800 --> 0:26:25.980 how the magic works right um and it's only available like some people like why doesn't 405 0:26:25.980 --> 0:26:30.280 mirror display work in desktop it's because it would be incredibly jarring to try and 406 0:26:30.280 --> 0:26:34.880 make that work in desktop it might be possible if neos could like i don't know spawn two 407 0:26:34.880 --> 0:26:38.740 display windows of neos and then one would be the mirrored and one wouldn't be the mirrored 408 0:26:38.740 --> 0:26:42.700 and then you'd capture the mirrored one and play on the non-mirrored one but at that point 409 0:26:42.700 --> 0:26:46.160 you're like running the game twice i mean you kind of already are doing with mirrored 410 0:26:46.160 --> 0:26:51.880 to display but like the the glory about how it works is because you've got a headset on 411 0:26:51.880 --> 0:26:56.200 your face that's got screens inside it well usually a screen sometimes two screens i never 412 0:26:56.200 --> 0:26:59.800 remember which which headsets use two screens and which headsets use one screen that's just 413 0:26:59.800 --> 0:27:02.740 sort of got a black bar in the middle that you can never see because it's behind the 414 0:27:02.740 --> 0:27:08.920 lenses but whatever um that's that question done uh alexis are there any secret menus 415 0:27:08.920 --> 0:27:13.840 or buttons that mods or devs have in neos there are many um none of which i can remember 416 0:27:13.840 --> 0:27:17.800 right now i guess there's one like the world browser has some extra stuff if you're on 417 0:27:17.800 --> 0:27:23.960 the team um which is you know subject to change but i can um remove a world from the world 418 0:27:23.960 --> 0:27:28.480 browser or feature a world or add a tag if the world's having difficulties in searching 419 0:27:28.480 --> 0:27:32.960 from the world browser um there's one other place but i can't even remember where it is 420 0:27:32.960 --> 0:27:39.400 none of the like stuff that the team have access to in game is like scary or secret 421 0:27:39.400 --> 0:27:44.160 or you know can't be told it's all like the stuff that we should have access to and permissiony 422 0:27:44.160 --> 0:27:49.940 stuff um for example and i'm going to say this on record and i'm also going to say prove 423 0:27:49.940 --> 0:27:58.440 me otherwise if you think so um the team including mods do not have access to private sessions 424 0:27:58.440 --> 0:28:02.640 and the reason behind this is because when you start a private session we don't tell 425 0:28:02.640 --> 0:28:07.720 the neos cloud where it is and you can verify this using wire shark or like a man-in-the-middle 426 0:28:07.720 --> 0:28:13.800 proxy whatever you want like there is no information other than you are in a private session we 427 0:28:13.800 --> 0:28:19.080 don't know where that private session is for us to join that private session we need to 428 0:28:19.080 --> 0:28:23.000 first of all know where it is so like what ip address or setting it's on and then we 429 0:28:23.000 --> 0:28:28.600 also need like an invite tokeny thing which again you can validate using wire shark right 430 0:28:28.600 --> 0:28:33.060 i don't want to see in like two or three years people going like yeah but like mods and team 431 0:28:33.060 --> 0:28:37.380 members can join your private sessions go validate it get wire shark get a man-in-the-middle 432 0:28:37.380 --> 0:28:42.800 proxy prove it like we know that you're in a private session but that's the equivalent 433 0:28:42.800 --> 0:28:47.900 of me saying to froppy hey i'm at home right now so froppy now knows i'm at home but they 434 0:28:47.900 --> 0:28:52.500 don't know what i'm wearing or what i'm eating or what i'm looking at or what i'm doing but 435 0:28:52.500 --> 0:28:56.280 they know that i'm in my house so we know that you're in a private session but we don't 436 0:28:56.280 --> 0:29:00.140 know that anything's happening there or where it even is which is the same froppy doesn't 437 0:29:00.140 --> 0:29:03.980 know where i live unless froppy does in which case froppy please don't don't like please 438 0:29:03.980 --> 0:29:10.560 don't please don't attack me no anyway moving onwards back to some sense of normalcy again 439 0:29:10.560 --> 0:29:15.040 i think they do stale take a 360 preview and um sorry spec said private sessions don't 440 0:29:15.040 --> 0:29:20.140 take a 360 preview i think they still do and the reason behind that is uh depending on 441 0:29:20.140 --> 0:29:24.560 which way you get the invite you'll be able to see that 360 view uh before you actually 442 0:29:24.560 --> 0:29:29.620 join and then even in worlds that you're in which are private sessions they appear in 443 0:29:29.620 --> 0:29:34.740 the world browser just for you and you'll be able to see uh 360 previews of that world 444 0:29:34.740 --> 0:29:39.860 just for you because you have an invite in the world browser or more specifically anyone 445 0:29:39.860 --> 0:29:44.220 that has an inviting capability of joining that session should should she should see 446 0:29:44.220 --> 0:29:49.500 in the world browser but again yeah if you'd like to to challenge that the wire shark man-in-the-middle 447 0:29:49.500 --> 0:29:55.700 proxy ask the modding community have a look uh moving forwards arriba says is it possible 448 0:29:55.700 --> 0:30:01.700 to edit uv maps inside neos no um mesh data is mostly static there are exceptions to that 449 0:30:01.700 --> 0:30:04.940 for example you can remove blend shapes by baking your blend shapes do you do baking 450 0:30:04.940 --> 0:30:08.460 your blend shapes will improve the performance of your avatar more than any other thing particularly 451 0:30:08.460 --> 0:30:13.500 if you're a rex avatar um so please do bake your blend shapes but uh that edits mesh data 452 0:30:13.500 --> 0:30:17.220 is what i mean um there's other stuff that you can do to edit mesh data such as like 453 0:30:17.220 --> 0:30:21.220 fiddling normals recalculating tangents stuff like that by the way for three models there 454 0:30:21.220 --> 0:30:25.780 what's the difference between normal and a tangent i have no idea anyway um you can't 455 0:30:25.780 --> 0:30:31.040 edit uv maps moving forwards to screeners question someone friends list had the username 456 0:30:31.040 --> 0:30:34.360 changed but i still see their old name on my contacts this other people see their new 457 0:30:34.360 --> 0:30:40.940 name um that is probably a quirk for how the friend system works um please open a github 458 0:30:40.940 --> 0:30:44.580 issue on that one it will be quite low priority but it's important that we have stuff like 459 0:30:44.580 --> 0:30:49.260 that logged so we can take a look at it i know that the uh like the other one is like 460 0:30:49.260 --> 0:30:54.040 sometimes the first message that you receive from someone will say it's coming from 1970 461 0:30:54.040 --> 0:30:59.020 and people always joke that's just like a bug with like how you receive that first message 462 0:30:59.020 --> 0:31:02.500 and how it tries to get the data to you as soon as possible that means that it doesn't 463 0:31:02.500 --> 0:31:06.980 have a valid date so it displays the default date which happens to be the first date that 464 0:31:06.980 --> 0:31:11.580 can exist in computing which happens to be in 1970 for those who are unaware your entire 465 0:31:11.580 --> 0:31:16.140 computer right now every single computer including your phone and like if you've got an internet 466 0:31:16.140 --> 0:31:22.340 of things thermostat it's also doing it it's counting the number of seconds since a specific 467 0:31:22.340 --> 0:31:28.460 date in 1970 because we decided that's how time works i don't particularly know why it 468 0:31:28.460 --> 0:31:33.340 was 1970 but that's how computers work when you synchronize your clock which is something 469 0:31:33.340 --> 0:31:37.600 you need to do to make sure that neos connects correctly what you do is you ask another server 470 0:31:37.600 --> 0:31:42.180 usually an ntp server but that basically means network time protocol but basically you ask 471 0:31:42.180 --> 0:31:47.360 another server how many seconds has it been since 1970 and that computer says it's been 472 0:31:47.360 --> 0:31:51.120 this many seconds and you go oh shit i had this my bad and then you adjust it that's 473 0:31:51.120 --> 0:31:57.620 how time synchronization works it's it's silly also uh time synchronization breaks in 2038 474 0:31:57.620 --> 0:32:02.620 but don't worry about it like there'll be a solution by 2038 january 1 1970 yeah i couldn't 475 0:32:02.620 --> 0:32:08.380 remember if it's january 1st yeah it's january 1st 1970 it's called unix time um it is it 476 0:32:08.380 --> 0:32:15.020 is fun i used to be a timekeeper uh lex says the windows epoch is different it is different 477 0:32:15.020 --> 0:32:19.260 but still counting number of seconds since a specific date yes procedural meshes are 478 0:32:19.260 --> 0:32:24.100 different as they just says uh down there that's uh another example uh nat says is the 479 0:32:24.100 --> 0:32:27.540 position of the 360 preview of findable slots so i could say throw a box or something over 480 0:32:27.540 --> 0:32:32.240 it no um if you don't have any of the thumbnail components uh there's a video tutorial on 481 0:32:32.240 --> 0:32:37.160 my channel about how to use those um then what it does is it asks each user in the world 482 0:32:37.160 --> 0:32:42.340 to take a 360 periodically and that usually comes from your head or near your head i can't 483 0:32:42.340 --> 0:32:47.580 remember which and then each person in the session is taking that picture and then it 484 0:32:47.580 --> 0:32:52.800 um the host of the session asks all the users in the session hey who has the most recent 485 0:32:52.800 --> 0:32:58.220 headshot and then someone goes me pick me and then that's the session thumbnail unless 486 0:32:58.220 --> 0:33:02.420 you use the the components in which case it's it's a slot that you can find i think that's 487 0:33:02.420 --> 0:33:08.200 all the questions we have uh lucas has a uh answer to the normal versus tangent thing 488 0:33:08.200 --> 0:33:11.600 so thank you so much for this because i i didn't i could of course google it but i'm 489 0:33:11.600 --> 0:33:15.380 in office so thank you for for looking it up for me so the normal of the mesh is the 490 0:33:15.380 --> 0:33:20.620 forward channel blue of the normal map the tangent of the mesh is the right channel red 491 0:33:20.620 --> 0:33:25.180 of the normal map there's also by tangent which is the up green channel but this is 492 0:33:25.180 --> 0:33:28.940 the last one that but this last one can be calculated by a cross product of the others 493 0:33:28.940 --> 0:33:32.900 yep i understand that excellent thank you thank you lucas i believe that's all the questions 494 0:33:32.900 --> 0:33:36.580 we have uh if you have any further questions or danger you are the last person who can 495 0:33:36.580 --> 0:33:40.620 type a question log group has confused me a lot yeah me too i don't think it works correctly 496 0:33:40.620 --> 0:33:44.100 i think we need to do some more work with it um other people have used it like it has 497 0:33:44.100 --> 0:33:50.520 um like uh has moods i was trying to think of the word like it has nuances that's the 498 0:33:50.520 --> 0:33:55.460 word i was thinking i ended up with like it has moods a lot of group is like i might work 499 0:33:55.460 --> 0:33:59.740 i might not i need to like look up maybe document this existing behavior so we can understand 500 0:33:59.740 --> 0:34:02.820 what needs to happen like if you were to go speak to fruits and be like oh what you need 501 0:34:02.820 --> 0:34:06.600 to do the log group he'd like launch into like a very complicated explanation of plans 502 0:34:06.600 --> 0:34:11.700 he has for that component but i want to get the current behavior sorted so that we understand 503 0:34:11.700 --> 0:34:16.580 what it can do today with that i believe we're done so um i'm gonna go ahead and end here 504 0:34:16.580 --> 0:34:21.500 if you have any further questions please go ahead and direct message me them or put them 505 0:34:21.500 --> 0:34:25.060 in the questions and help section do remember that we're all here to help you look for a 506 0:34:25.060 --> 0:34:29.620 green question mark above someone's help uh someone's help above someone's head they will 507 0:34:29.620 --> 0:34:36.020 help you out greatly and uh above all else clean up after yourself in a while thank you 508 0:34:36.020 --> 0:34:52.180 bye