1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.220 So welcome to office hours we're gonna go ahead and get back on track and get over to the questions after talking about dishwashers 2 0:00:05.220 --> 0:00:06.640 and 3 0:00:06.640 --> 0:00:11.960 Pain products if you want to hear the pre office hours chat arrive five minutes early. I talk about random stuff 4 0:00:12.660 --> 0:00:15.620 So we're gonna go ahead go through questions. There are some questions in the chat 5 0:00:15.620 --> 0:00:19.420 I'm gonna go ahead and check the pre question sheet because I was linking that around to certain someone and 6 0:00:19.540 --> 0:00:23.500 They might have dropped some stuff on there and I didn't check it last week. So I need to go ahead and check it 7 0:00:23.500 --> 0:00:27.700 Oh, there is a question here, but it is not by that person. So we have a question on the sheet from 8 0:00:27.700 --> 0:00:32.740 Neils who says could the app Neos the universe be re-uploaded to the store 9 0:00:32.740 --> 0:00:34.400 I've not really done couple of guys report issues 10 0:00:34.400 --> 0:00:39.380 I believe they're referring to the earlier version of Neos universe that was put on the quest or by fruits 11 0:00:39.380 --> 0:00:41.520 I don't know the status of that or anything about that 12 0:00:42.220 --> 0:00:46.840 Suffice to say it won't probably be touched for the foreseeable future due to the ongoing 13 0:00:47.740 --> 0:00:48.860 stuffies 14 0:00:48.860 --> 0:00:50.300 Yay 15 0:00:50.300 --> 0:00:56.420 I'm gonna go ahead and mark that question as resolved and we'll get on with the questions that exist in the chat 16 0:00:56.420 --> 0:01:02.000 So it's growing up through the chat to look at questions egg roll faces. What is your favorite snacking cheese recommendations? 17 0:01:02.000 --> 0:01:05.140 There's 60 seconds or less. I don't answer questions about cheese. It's kind of a meme 18 0:01:06.020 --> 0:01:08.020 So we'll move on 19 0:01:08.160 --> 0:01:14.860 Pyronic says have you heard of git work trees? I've just recently discovered them seems useful for working on different features block branches 20 0:01:15.200 --> 0:01:20.840 Yes, I've used them extensively over the 10 12. I don't know I'm getting old a bit 21 0:01:21.360 --> 0:01:23.360 Years of my career I've used them extensively 22 0:01:23.360 --> 0:01:28.360 They are great when you use them. There are a lot of stuff that you don't need 23 0:01:28.760 --> 0:01:33.680 There's this amazing flow called git flow and everyone's like, oh, yes use git flow 24 0:01:33.680 --> 0:01:37.040 It is beautiful blah blah blah blah, and it's just really complicated 25 0:01:37.440 --> 0:01:43.960 The important thing to do though is to start a branch when you think that the master branch might get dirty 26 0:01:43.960 --> 0:01:46.000 And that includes when you're working with other people 27 0:01:46.000 --> 0:01:49.320 So if you've got multiple people working in your project always be on a branch, right? 28 0:01:49.320 --> 0:01:55.440 the master branch should be what everyone is pulling from and everyone else should be on their own branches and I don't care what they're 29 0:01:55.440 --> 0:02:01.820 Named just make sure that they name something a branch should only have commits associated with one individual feature on it 30 0:02:01.840 --> 0:02:05.320 Don't do I see some people do which is when they start work in an organization 31 0:02:05.320 --> 0:02:06.440 They make a git branch 32 0:02:06.440 --> 0:02:12.660 Which is just like their name and then they put all of their commits on there and periodically they'll do pull requests and like merge 33 0:02:12.660 --> 0:02:15.920 That back in that is so messy make a branch for each feature, please 34 0:02:15.920 --> 0:02:21.240 I realized I was calling it the old master branch name most git places 35 0:02:21.240 --> 0:02:27.320 I've now renamed the master branch to main apologies for that one. That's still affecting me because some older repositories 36 0:02:27.320 --> 0:02:29.320 I dealt with at work were 37 0:02:29.840 --> 0:02:33.040 Unable to be updated and so it's just like I have no idea 38 0:02:33.040 --> 0:02:38.240 But if you make a github repo these days by default the main branch will be called main rather than master 39 0:02:38.760 --> 0:02:42.440 Let's move on. Oh, if you want to know what we do at Neos as well, we do do branches 40 0:02:42.440 --> 0:02:49.080 I am whilst freaks was the only developer branches were uncommon, but I've been teaching freaks the way of branches 41 0:02:49.080 --> 0:02:54.900 I've also been teaching freaks the way of atomic commits atomic commits our way. Basically each commit that you make to a git 42 0:02:56.480 --> 0:03:00.760 Repository needs to be sort of as isolatable as possible an example of this might be 43 0:03:02.220 --> 0:03:06.480 Commit one for a feature is introducing a new file like a new file to the code base 44 0:03:06.720 --> 0:03:10.820 It just introduces the new file and some of the basic building blocks for that file 45 0:03:10.820 --> 0:03:17.600 It doesn't use that file anywhere. It just introduces that file and then the next commit might be adding that file to other stuff 46 0:03:17.600 --> 0:03:24.800 So it's actually integrated or stuff like that. It's it's depends on the exact patterns and development of the language of doing sometimes 47 0:03:24.800 --> 0:03:29.200 But it's good to just make it like easy for people to see what an individual commit does 48 0:03:29.200 --> 0:03:31.920 Oh and squash merge when you merge stuff on github 49 0:03:32.800 --> 0:03:37.520 Moving onwards away from high technical programming stuff because I know you're here for the Neos stuff 50 0:03:37.520 --> 0:03:42.200 We'll go on to the next question. Rusia says, can you describe how cache hit miss system works? 51 0:03:42.200 --> 0:03:47.280 What's the primary identify? Is it based on idea hash or random value? Don't actually know. I'll go ahead and 52 0:03:47.920 --> 0:03:53.480 Add that one to my list of questions. I just can't answer as parts of Neos. I just haven't looked at 53 0:03:54.080 --> 0:04:00.800 And that's one of the cases I did look at the the way that we did. So we've like really extensive code that deals with 54 0:04:02.080 --> 0:04:04.080 username clashes 55 0:04:04.080 --> 0:04:07.560 So it's common for you know, people who are just writing a system 56 0:04:07.560 --> 0:04:11.400 They're just like hey if this username equals this other username, you can't register it, right? 57 0:04:11.400 --> 0:04:17.280 You have the same name like no one can register. Fruxius is their username on Neos. We go a step further than that though and 58 0:04:17.800 --> 0:04:21.200 We will take a look at how Fruxius is represented in 59 0:04:21.840 --> 0:04:28.440 Other alphabets so we take a look at the Russian alphabet the various Japanese and Korean alphabets 60 0:04:28.440 --> 0:04:35.760 And Chinese as well just to make sure that like when we translate those names into different alphabetical systems 61 0:04:35.760 --> 0:04:40.080 There aren't any clashes as well. That's actually really cool. If you want to pronounce 62 0:04:40.760 --> 0:04:43.120 Like a Japanese phrase, I'm not good at Japanese 63 0:04:43.120 --> 0:04:45.080 So like, you know if I want to pronounce some of those phrases 64 0:04:45.080 --> 0:04:47.520 I can put it through that system and it tells me what their name is 65 0:04:47.520 --> 0:04:48.560 You know, it's really cool 66 0:04:48.560 --> 0:04:51.800 I was taking a look at that like I put in Japanese characters and I got out the 67 0:04:52.160 --> 0:04:57.440 romanization of that which was really cool wrote some tests for that the other day as well because I was messing with it and 68 0:04:57.440 --> 0:05:00.600 I had to put through like a bunch of stuff 69 0:05:00.600 --> 0:05:04.400 So I went to like a name database website and chucked a bunch of names in 70 0:05:04.720 --> 0:05:09.960 Okay, so next question for electronics, which is a great opportunity for me to like make a very clear point 71 0:05:10.320 --> 0:05:14.840 So electronic says to add to this. How does clearing the cache not mess badly with a database? 72 0:05:14.840 --> 0:05:18.160 So they're actually two folders. There's that data location and there's that cache location 73 0:05:18.200 --> 0:05:24.680 They're often confused or overlapped or referred to as the same thing and it causes problems both in support and dealing with those support 74 0:05:24.680 --> 0:05:30.200 It's just when people give like solutions to problems or instructions. Sometimes one will be deleted and not the other one 75 0:05:30.320 --> 0:05:33.760 so the the database is a collection of 76 0:05:34.680 --> 0:05:42.560 just like a big database the literal definition of the word of like everything that you've basically seen or saved in in this and 77 0:05:43.120 --> 0:05:46.720 It's then trying to keep in sync with the cloud database 78 0:05:47.640 --> 0:05:52.200 Today, I'm sorry. Um, and so syncing those across is very difficult 79 0:05:52.200 --> 0:05:56.160 That's why sometimes you get cache conflicts or corrupt caches and stuff like that 80 0:05:56.160 --> 0:06:03.200 I have only once had a corrupt cache and only once had a syncing issue and both occurred during the VR chat boom 81 0:06:05.080 --> 0:06:10.640 But I don't know everyone else seems to have those difficulties all the time and I don't I do apologize for them 82 0:06:10.640 --> 0:06:12.720 I want to see what we can do to improve those when we're able to 83 0:06:13.320 --> 0:06:16.520 Now the cache though is just like randomly downloaded stuff 84 0:06:16.520 --> 0:06:22.520 And if you delete that it's not as bad because you're not messing with the database you're messing with cache 85 0:06:23.400 --> 0:06:30.400 You know how else to answer that question what I wanted to do though is say hey, please stop deleting them when you know 86 0:06:31.040 --> 0:06:35.240 Encountering a problem in computing and many other places actually you have three choices 87 0:06:35.240 --> 0:06:36.440 You can fix the problem 88 0:06:36.440 --> 0:06:41.300 You can ignore the problem or you can remove the problem in which in computers is usually delete 89 0:06:41.400 --> 0:06:45.600 So when you restart a computer, for example when everyone's like, oh you tried restarting a computer 90 0:06:45.600 --> 0:06:47.160 All that does is delete the problem 91 0:06:47.160 --> 0:06:51.800 It will just you know flush all the guts of the computer flush everything out of the memory 92 0:06:52.080 --> 0:06:54.980 Close any applications and restart them. So it just deletes the problem 93 0:06:55.000 --> 0:07:01.160 So if a problem occurs after restarting it often support desk agents will be like could you try restarting again? 94 0:07:01.160 --> 0:07:06.400 And I'm like, no, like that's not gonna do anything then they'll move on to could you try reinstalling it? 95 0:07:06.400 --> 0:07:11.040 Which again is just deleting the problem that flushes the guts of the computer with all the files that were involved in that particular 96 0:07:11.040 --> 0:07:17.620 Application and reinstalls it I would always rather that you do ignoring the problem or fixing the problem rather than deleting the problem 97 0:07:18.160 --> 0:07:19.200 Ignoring it's totally fine 98 0:07:19.200 --> 0:07:23.480 Like for example, my windows lock screen has had the same photo on it for like six years 99 0:07:23.480 --> 0:07:26.480 And I hate that photo because it's the first thing I see every morning, right? 100 0:07:26.480 --> 0:07:29.340 I haven't had coffee yet and I see that lock screen photo 101 0:07:29.340 --> 0:07:31.880 I want to change it, but I can't remember how because I 102 0:07:32.440 --> 0:07:39.900 Prevented windows from doing its thing where it's like here's the photo of the day. It's from a quaint beach in Hawaii, and it's beautiful 103 0:07:39.900 --> 0:07:42.280 I didn't want to see that stuff. I'm just like stop doing that 104 0:07:42.280 --> 0:07:47.380 But I didn't realize that would lock it down to one photo that's been there for six years, but I'll fix it when I can 105 0:07:48.000 --> 0:07:54.640 So please follow all the troubleshooting steps through in order and if Nia's team member then tells you to delete or clear your cache or 106 0:07:54.640 --> 0:07:56.640 Mentor does or whatever etc. That's fantastic 107 0:07:57.000 --> 0:08:02.720 Then make sure you do the previous steps first because you'll actually learn something you'll learn something when you fix programs you you learn something 108 0:08:03.200 --> 0:08:07.200 I had an issue with I remember something to do like a plug-in 109 0:08:07.200 --> 0:08:10.080 in OBS and I 110 0:08:10.600 --> 0:08:14.840 Fixed that by actually making a fork of that plug-in releasing on my github because I'm like hey 111 0:08:14.840 --> 0:08:19.960 I learned a lot doing that moving forwards. Oh, I don't mean to shut you down egg refers 112 0:08:19.960 --> 0:08:25.440 It's just like we're meant to be talking about Neos and then the meme started of like yeah cheese is my thing 113 0:08:25.440 --> 0:08:27.440 But I didn't talk about it. And so now it's just 114 0:08:29.040 --> 0:08:34.000 So Tiki says I've been I've said I've seen many export formats for avatars 115 0:08:34.000 --> 0:08:37.640 But I don't know much about them as the one that could be useful to be able to import my avatar back into other 116 0:08:37.640 --> 0:08:39.560 games no 117 0:08:39.560 --> 0:08:41.560 avatars that are important to Neos are 118 0:08:42.040 --> 0:08:48.440 For lack of a better word garbled from an outside of Neos perspective. That isn't something that will be permanent 119 0:08:48.440 --> 0:08:52.800 Maybe there'll be a way to do it in the future. But right now it is not it's actually a strange 120 0:08:53.440 --> 0:08:56.500 Security feature as well. It's like an unintentional security feature, right? 121 0:08:56.500 --> 0:09:01.960 You can't export the avatar to other platforms without losing rigging information 122 0:09:01.960 --> 0:09:05.820 So you lose bone data, and I believe you use what lose weight painting as well 123 0:09:05.820 --> 0:09:10.960 So if you export it back out, you'll just get like a static mesh, which then you'd have to rereg so that that's cool 124 0:09:12.240 --> 0:09:18.880 That might change in the future. I am struggling here. Where's my water? Okay, I should be less vocal when it comes to dying now 125 0:09:20.400 --> 0:09:23.060 Yeah, that may change in the future. We'll see 126 0:09:24.560 --> 0:09:27.400 Interoperability is of course the big buzzword when it comes to your metaverses 127 0:09:27.400 --> 0:09:31.840 I'm moving forwards to Alex from Alaska. I'm gonna upload some photos. I did share these in 128 0:09:32.680 --> 0:09:38.000 Mentor Discs yesterday because it was topical and front-of-mind. I am working with 129 0:09:39.080 --> 0:09:40.920 SHFR, that's 130 0:09:40.920 --> 0:09:44.000 user name of SHFR, but their actual name is Hamish and 131 0:09:44.760 --> 0:09:52.260 We do science together and our science resolves around whatever the hell you can think of that is not video game related 132 0:09:52.260 --> 0:09:57.940 So this was my view of a Neos world yesterday, and if you can guess what I was doing 133 0:09:59.460 --> 0:10:04.780 Fantastic. If you don't know what I was doing, you'll have to wait until the end of this officer as well 134 0:10:04.780 --> 0:10:08.500 I'll tell you. There we go. I'll give you some time to play some games. See if you can figure it out 135 0:10:09.220 --> 0:10:10.900 Zlinka and 136 0:10:10.900 --> 0:10:12.900 DMX and Earthmark and 137 0:10:13.500 --> 0:10:18.620 A few others you're excluded from that because you know you were there 138 0:10:18.620 --> 0:10:22.940 So I'll leave that at the bottom of the scroll buffer and come back to once I've got through the rest of the question 139 0:10:23.260 --> 0:10:28.420 Mystic says how is documentation regarding the recent events been going? I've seen some really useful videos from both the team and users 140 0:10:28.420 --> 0:10:31.980 But other than pre-planned videos are there videos you think would be 141 0:10:33.420 --> 0:10:35.420 Otherwise be worth users making 142 0:10:35.980 --> 0:10:41.040 This is like two questions there, so like documentation regarding the recent events is difficult 143 0:10:41.060 --> 0:10:43.860 We don't want to put out any more information that is 144 0:10:43.860 --> 0:10:50.700 Like really big like those announcements because like really nothing has changed right see the announcements channel for any updates there as for the second 145 0:10:50.700 --> 0:10:52.460 part of that question 146 0:10:52.460 --> 0:10:55.460 Make content like I've been really happy to see 147 0:10:55.780 --> 0:10:59.420 Speckin's videos where he's just like there's a there's a gap. I'll make a video about this 148 0:10:59.420 --> 0:11:03.420 I've been really happy to see basement, but nerds videos where it's like hey, there's a gap here 149 0:11:03.420 --> 0:11:06.760 There isn't an introduction to logic so I make that and I was really really happy to see 150 0:11:06.760 --> 0:11:14.360 Engie's video where it's like here is a tutorial bracelet which many people wouldn't have a like aware of apparently Alex made 151 0:11:14.440 --> 0:11:19.600 Which means you can watch all the videos inside Neos and what's great is you can watch videos from all those creators because you can 152 0:11:19.600 --> 0:11:21.600 Just add playlists the system 153 0:11:22.160 --> 0:11:27.600 So just make videos if you don't understand something and then do understand it make a video about it 154 0:11:27.600 --> 0:11:32.440 That's how all my like earlier tutorials are made like I learned how the object grid aligner worked 155 0:11:32.440 --> 0:11:35.440 So I made a video on it. I learned how the axis aligner works. I made a video on it 156 0:11:35.440 --> 0:11:40.520 Fruks taught me dynamic impulses. So I made a video about it moving forwards 157 0:11:41.520 --> 0:11:43.520 Dicky's talking about get the 158 0:11:43.880 --> 0:11:48.680 Version control library not Canadian kit is there's lots of names and stuff that exist 159 0:11:48.680 --> 0:11:54.440 there's like Neos moderators short form mods and then there's Neos mods, which are the 160 0:11:54.960 --> 0:12:00.040 Modifications to the Neos that we allow which VRChat doesn't allow so they're being talked about a lot on the words 161 0:12:00.040 --> 0:12:05.960 Just get sort of like ah, so I've been trying to use the term moderator a little bit more to make things clearer or like 162 0:12:06.360 --> 0:12:09.980 Enunciating mods a little bit differently to make it clear, but hey, maybe it's not clear still 163 0:12:10.240 --> 0:12:13.280 It is cool. If you are looking to do computer programming 164 0:12:13.800 --> 0:12:17.440 You'll eventually need a version control system and get is the way to go 165 0:12:17.440 --> 0:12:19.160 There are others that are used for different cases 166 0:12:19.160 --> 0:12:21.840 For example, if you're using an unreal game usually you use perforce 167 0:12:21.840 --> 0:12:30.120 But hey, if you're just writing code gets cool learning it and yet Canadian gets also a chill dude moving forward to an idea's a question or 168 0:12:30.440 --> 0:12:34.320 An idea, I'm sorry pronunciation is not my forte. Hopefully this makes sense 169 0:12:34.320 --> 0:12:38.200 So assets on your avatar stored in the asset roots of the world 170 0:12:38.200 --> 0:12:42.920 Wouldn't that mean anyone who can edit the world could copy your avatars parts and reassemble them from assets in the directory 171 0:12:42.920 --> 0:12:48.120 Even if it's protected avatar. Yes, and no there are protections that exist on those assets 172 0:12:48.120 --> 0:12:54.680 Additionally, there is no white painting or armature data up there in the asset system. Do you remember as well that the 173 0:12:55.760 --> 0:13:01.040 Simple avatar protection system that we have is simple and that's why it's named simple avatar protection. It's quite 174 0:13:01.800 --> 0:13:06.600 Diligently named that way it is not watertight and there are ways to break it 175 0:13:06.600 --> 0:13:10.200 But it will remind you that there are ways to break any protection system 176 0:13:10.200 --> 0:13:14.280 We do want our protection system to get better and to get more 177 0:13:14.280 --> 0:13:17.680 Stronger it gets drunk 178 0:13:18.400 --> 0:13:25.040 The features that would enable that are combined sort of the license ID system and the hard permission system 179 0:13:25.960 --> 0:13:29.920 Yeah, that's a good enough answer. If you have any other things, please do that. Yeah 180 0:13:31.480 --> 0:13:33.040 Zari says 181 0:13:33.040 --> 0:13:39.480 Mandatory to allow different aspects it is it's really strange how there are a lot of software programs that don't do what they need to 182 0:13:39.480 --> 0:13:43.640 Do a good example of one another example being right to left support 183 0:13:43.640 --> 0:13:49.160 So there are a bunch of languages more than you know, I mean there are obvious ones like I think Hebrew does it 184 0:13:49.160 --> 0:13:54.060 I'm sorry if that's wrong Arabic most certainly does because that's the one that always tripped us up at mixer 185 0:13:54.560 --> 0:14:01.480 That read right to left and so suddenly your entire UI needs to be mirrored and work right to left 186 0:14:01.600 --> 0:14:06.580 But there are lots of like UI elements that are designed for a left to right world 187 0:14:06.920 --> 0:14:11.960 If you think about that just a simple like a dialog box appears and it has the OK cancel buttons 188 0:14:11.960 --> 0:14:18.160 With okay, usually on the left and cancel usually on the right. Does that make sense to right to left world? Don't know 189 0:14:18.320 --> 0:14:22.980 It's very calm challenging. So yeah, there's lots of stuff people just don't do they don't think about it 190 0:14:23.480 --> 0:14:27.120 When we needed to support right to left languages at mixer 191 0:14:27.160 --> 0:14:33.180 We just got the localization package back which is in all the strings translated into Arabic 192 0:14:33.180 --> 0:14:38.080 I think it was loaded them into mixer ran the page and then just went shit 193 0:14:38.080 --> 0:14:44.120 Just like things were overflowing everywhere UI were like backwards and forwards and upside down 194 0:14:44.120 --> 0:14:45.160 It didn't make any sense 195 0:14:45.160 --> 0:14:50.280 and it's just like this is a big project and it was we had like two or three engineers working on it for ages and 196 0:14:50.280 --> 0:14:56.000 They had to go back to design frequently and go what should things look like when this is in a right to left world 197 0:14:56.000 --> 0:14:59.640 I'm trying to say as well as you mentioned the database has everything that you have since was one 198 0:14:59.640 --> 0:15:02.920 We're wondering how it deals presumably looking at files that longer exists if they no longer exist 199 0:15:02.920 --> 0:15:06.040 There's usually a record of where to get them from so redownload them 200 0:15:06.040 --> 0:15:10.720 I do need to look into that more particularly seeing these freaks change that up a little bit and wants to change up more 201 0:15:10.840 --> 0:15:16.920 There are thousands of codes files in this code base. And sometimes I'm just like, I don't know what that file does 202 0:15:17.360 --> 0:15:21.840 Scrolling down people saying please don't die. That's great. Oh, we got to the we got to the pictures. Excellent 203 0:15:22.040 --> 0:15:25.560 Let's see if someone got it right. We see you got it right titanium bone plates. Yes 204 0:15:26.200 --> 0:15:28.600 So we've Hamish I am working on 205 0:15:29.920 --> 0:15:32.880 really complicated stuff actually, so if you have a 206 0:15:32.880 --> 0:15:35.960 a jaw injury or a jaw 207 0:15:36.840 --> 0:15:39.840 Disease such as like bone cancer or something in the jaw 208 0:15:40.360 --> 0:15:47.360 They can actually rebuild your jaw using the smaller leg bone that you have the fibula. I think that's the right bone name 209 0:15:47.360 --> 0:15:52.080 I always forget because there's two the the smaller leg bone kind of isn't needed and so 210 0:15:53.080 --> 0:15:55.040 You can survive without it in some cases 211 0:15:55.040 --> 0:15:57.560 Of course, you're not going to be like a prime athlete or something 212 0:15:57.560 --> 0:16:02.760 But like being able to chew and speak is generally better than then, you know being an athlete 213 0:16:02.760 --> 0:16:07.760 so what they do is they remove that entire bone they take out that entire bone and 214 0:16:08.240 --> 0:16:13.480 Then they chop the parts of it off and then they format it back onto your jaw in 215 0:16:14.440 --> 0:16:16.440 segments and then they use a plate to 216 0:16:16.760 --> 0:16:22.720 Align that to the jaw and screw it together such that it holds there and then eventually the bones will fuse together, etc 217 0:16:22.720 --> 0:16:24.720 But the plate there is to hold it together 218 0:16:24.880 --> 0:16:28.720 And currently the most common use of the plate is a standard plate 219 0:16:28.720 --> 0:16:35.440 It looks like a bike chain is standard for all surgeries and they just bash around a bit like sort of a blacksmith to try 220 0:16:35.440 --> 0:16:41.480 And get it to fit the shape of your jaw a new approach though is to make a custom titanium plate for your jaw 221 0:16:42.240 --> 0:16:44.160 which is 222 0:16:44.160 --> 0:16:45.560 molded and modeled 223 0:16:45.560 --> 0:16:52.540 Customly usually in a very painstaking process and we're trying to make that process easier and Neos is allowing us to sort of explore doing 224 0:16:52.540 --> 0:16:59.920 that so the pictures above are a plate creator tool I have which allows you to segment a plate onto 225 0:17:00.320 --> 0:17:05.920 any model using a sphere for testing just because sphere has lots of angles and I needed to test angles and 226 0:17:06.580 --> 0:17:08.580 Then you can bake that model 227 0:17:09.040 --> 0:17:11.040 send that out to 228 0:17:11.040 --> 0:17:17.520 the desktop application where it needs to go through processing to make it actually printable and then you send it to a metal 3d printer and 229 0:17:17.520 --> 0:17:21.000 Then you print it and then you affix it to someone's jaw or at least that's the plan 230 0:17:21.000 --> 0:17:27.520 that will enable better surgeries with less screws because the the regular plates have screw holes like every like 231 0:17:27.760 --> 0:17:29.520 Centimeter and it's really annoying 232 0:17:29.520 --> 0:17:35.400 But yeah, it's really cool. I don't see any additional questions. I will run down the rest of the comments that we've got here 233 0:17:36.240 --> 0:17:39.240 Let's see. Glad to see that you thought that 234 0:17:39.920 --> 0:17:46.480 Basement and NG's videos were a surprise. Mr. Carr liked them too. Sometimes mods mods have mods. Yep 235 0:17:46.480 --> 0:17:48.840 They sure do. Sorry said that they 236 0:17:48.840 --> 0:17:50.200 They 237 0:17:50.200 --> 0:17:56.680 They might have or you know have had in the past side of job and see that people use subversion subversion also known as SVN 238 0:17:56.680 --> 0:17:58.360 That's another good 239 0:17:58.360 --> 0:18:00.360 Version control system. It's okay. I 240 0:18:01.160 --> 0:18:04.120 Prefer like it's just winning basically, but like SVN is okay 241 0:18:04.760 --> 0:18:11.160 CVS not the pharmacy but central version control system terrible. Don't use that one. There's another one called like material or something 242 0:18:11.160 --> 0:18:12.720 I haven't used that one though 243 0:18:12.720 --> 0:18:16.360 They all have a point with like it and stuff like that is that you can do code reviews remotely 244 0:18:16.360 --> 0:18:23.400 I used to work for five months a software company where they did only in-person reviews. It was horrible 245 0:18:23.400 --> 0:18:27.160 I'm not that big on personal space invading 246 0:18:27.160 --> 0:18:31.640 I'm not sure anyone is these days but like obviously like other it affects more people than most I hate it 247 0:18:32.040 --> 0:18:34.700 And the way that code reviews worked at that company 248 0:18:34.700 --> 0:18:40.640 I worked at for five months was before you could commit the code to a branch your own branch. No idea why 249 0:18:40.640 --> 0:18:46.320 Um, someone would have to come to your desk and review it side-by-side with you hated that 250 0:18:46.320 --> 0:18:51.440 I'm like, can we please do code reviews in other way? I'll email the diff files to someone 251 0:18:51.440 --> 0:18:54.940 I don't care like please don't come to my desk. Leave me alone. It's horrible 252 0:18:55.400 --> 0:19:01.260 Anyway, moving forwards. Yeah that runtime says you got to ask that when you're interviewing. Yes 253 0:19:01.640 --> 0:19:04.160 Do you remember that when your job interviewing if you need to job interviews? 254 0:19:04.160 --> 0:19:07.100 I have so much insight about how to do them properly and stuff like that 255 0:19:07.100 --> 0:19:09.100 I will give you some hints and here's one hint 256 0:19:09.100 --> 0:19:13.080 um, you are interviewing the interviewer as much as they are 257 0:19:13.960 --> 0:19:21.960 interviewing you and your questions that you ask them are as good if not better sometimes than the questions that they are asking you for 258 0:19:22.200 --> 0:19:24.300 Understanding you and seeing if you're a fit at the company 259 0:19:25.120 --> 0:19:29.480 So if you want to like make them sweat a little bit, which is good, right? Because you're sweating you're nervous 260 0:19:29.480 --> 0:19:31.400 It's a job interview make them nervous 261 0:19:31.400 --> 0:19:38.740 Ask them what the work-life balance is like ask them what their day-to-day looks like ask them about the last time 262 0:19:38.740 --> 0:19:40.080 there was a 263 0:19:40.080 --> 0:19:44.520 Stressful situation at work and how the company mitigated that which is very important 264 0:19:44.520 --> 0:19:49.080 If your company that you're working for isn't mitigating stressful situations, then they don't deserve to employ you 265 0:19:50.400 --> 0:19:54.520 Every company should take action to reduce stressful situations not increase them 266 0:19:55.040 --> 0:19:59.960 So it's just a couple of questions there. They're interesting and then yeah asked about their tech stack, right? It's interesting 267 0:19:59.960 --> 0:20:03.380 I wish I'd done that before I joined the workplace. I work for for five months. Anyway 268 0:20:03.380 --> 0:20:08.140 I'm moving on. I don't see any other questions. So if you have any questions, do you let me know? 269 0:20:08.540 --> 0:20:12.380 We have about eight minutes left kind of short office hours today 270 0:20:12.540 --> 0:20:16.460 I just saw a quote channel ping from Lex which has make them nervous 271 0:20:16.460 --> 0:20:20.640 I'm on it like do it right if they're nervous then you've done the right job 272 0:20:21.260 --> 0:20:27.100 Another thing to look out for as well, particularly if you're in like my industry for interviews is often they'll give you a take-home assignment 273 0:20:27.100 --> 0:20:33.140 And watch those take-home assignments. Sometimes they are manipulative or sometimes predatory. So do keep an eye on that 274 0:20:33.900 --> 0:20:40.140 for example once when I was interviewing I was given a take-home assignment to make a redis parser redis is a 275 0:20:41.300 --> 0:20:44.260 Hard to explain thing. I don't really know how to explain this 276 0:20:44.260 --> 0:20:47.460 I know I would use it for I'm very familiar of how I would use it 277 0:20:47.460 --> 0:20:49.020 I just don't know how to classify redis 278 0:20:49.020 --> 0:20:55.420 It's like a sort of in memory database thing either a lot of software companies use for very good reasons 279 0:20:55.420 --> 0:20:58.820 But I don't know the sort of like tagline they would have on it 280 0:20:58.820 --> 0:21:00.620 I just don't want to use it for anyway 281 0:21:00.620 --> 0:21:06.220 they wanted to me to make a redis client which could speak the the language and the protocols that redis did and 282 0:21:06.820 --> 0:21:11.340 Just see how far I got and I got like my my spidey senses went off and I'm like, that's a bit weird 283 0:21:11.340 --> 0:21:16.260 Maybe they need maybe they need a redis client and they're hoping that I'll write one for them 284 0:21:16.360 --> 0:21:22.840 So I submitted the code assignment back to them, but I had licensed the code assignment that they gave me as GPL 285 0:21:22.840 --> 0:21:29.300 So I was like I've done your license your code assignment, but I've licensed to sit as GPL. So good luck 286 0:21:30.680 --> 0:21:33.080 for those unaware the GPL license for 287 0:21:34.000 --> 0:21:39.800 Code basically means that a company cannot use it for profit that easily 288 0:21:40.280 --> 0:21:46.800 It's what I was basically doing is like this seems fishy. So I'm gonna license it as GPL and I'm like, okay 289 0:21:46.800 --> 0:21:51.400 I won and I'll actually do that now for like all coding assignments. I license them as GPL 290 0:21:51.400 --> 0:21:55.520 Additionally for coding assignments or take home assignments and job interviews make sure it's not too 291 0:21:56.600 --> 0:21:58.240 Aligned to the job that you were doing 292 0:21:58.240 --> 0:22:05.120 I had an interview another place where the take-home assignment was basically what I'd be doing at the job and I said that's unfair 293 0:22:05.120 --> 0:22:07.560 That's consulting because it's too close to the job 294 0:22:07.560 --> 0:22:12.280 I was interviewing for a product manager position and they were asking me for sort of like ideas and 295 0:22:12.320 --> 0:22:19.060 Insights on the product that they were building and they weren't paying me for that and I'm like that's not appropriate as a product manager 296 0:22:19.060 --> 0:22:21.800 You can give me a take-home assignment about an arbitrary problem 297 0:22:21.960 --> 0:22:23.560 for example a 298 0:22:23.560 --> 0:22:30.640 Airplane booking system if your company is doing I don't know t-shirts and you ask me for an airplane booking system product manager take-home assignment 299 0:22:30.640 --> 0:22:37.780 That's fine. But if you're a t-shirt company and you ask me for a product manager at take-home assignment about t-shirts, that's bad 300 0:22:37.780 --> 0:22:41.560 I'm giving you free advice. You will pay me for that or I will not do it 301 0:22:41.560 --> 0:22:45.720 And I've actually said no to a couple of jobs because of that and change the hiring policies. It's great 302 0:22:45.720 --> 0:22:50.040 I say no and then the hiring manager is like but we really liked you 303 0:22:50.080 --> 0:22:57.440 We'll change our hiring policies for you. And I'm like, no, sorry on principle. Like I can't wait you're asking for consultancy at that point 304 0:22:58.160 --> 0:23:01.840 Okay, they're actually asked some other Neos questions. So for those who are not 305 0:23:02.680 --> 0:23:07.960 In the software engineering land, I will go back to Neos questions. I apologize for that, but some people enjoyed it. So great 306 0:23:09.360 --> 0:23:13.380 Sorry says that they had to print out our code and explain it at the meeting table 307 0:23:13.380 --> 0:23:18.660 Yeah, don't don't print code either but most teaching best practices is good 308 0:23:18.660 --> 0:23:20.900 But you should take that knowledge and crystallize it into a PowerPoint 309 0:23:21.420 --> 0:23:25.900 And then you can do that a lot easier or ideally not a PowerPoint maybe like a blog article people 310 0:23:26.260 --> 0:23:32.540 misunderstand that like internal documentation part of things like you should have an internal documentation that is as good as 311 0:23:32.820 --> 0:23:36.220 external documentation for your software like if someone is new to the 312 0:23:36.980 --> 0:23:42.420 Company, they should have a wiki or a place that they can go to where it's like I'm new help and there should be 313 0:23:42.420 --> 0:23:47.940 A list of shit that they can go look at and feel less new moving was for an actual Neos question Lord 314 0:23:48.100 --> 0:23:51.060 Tremieson he says well when the inventory UI be made better 315 0:23:51.060 --> 0:23:56.420 So the venturing UI is part of our UI rework which is often misconstrued as bigger or smaller than it actually is 316 0:23:56.580 --> 0:24:02.340 So I'm gonna go ahead and link you to the Neos public roadmap board for the UI rework 317 0:24:02.340 --> 0:24:04.340 I've seen a lot of people who will link to the 318 0:24:05.100 --> 0:24:07.580 one github issue we have for the 319 0:24:07.580 --> 0:24:14.660 Overall UI overhaul, but that one doesn't really convey the sort of picture of the UI. So here is 320 0:24:15.260 --> 0:24:19.340 Projects 2 which is our UI overall you'll see that there is items on there for doing that 321 0:24:19.340 --> 0:24:24.660 We don't have any plans to currently do that as we're on a little bit of a freeze when it comes to that the next thing 322 0:24:24.660 --> 0:24:30.740 That we will do on the UI is the settings page that settings page just allows us to add additional settings 323 0:24:30.740 --> 0:24:33.600 You can see bullet points there in the preparing gathering info segment 324 0:24:33.600 --> 0:24:40.020 Which says redesign settings all sorts of stuff there before anyone else ask as well. Yes, everything will have a dark mode option 325 0:24:40.500 --> 0:24:42.300 basically anything that is 326 0:24:42.300 --> 0:24:47.580 Light mode is old and needs to be that includes the inventory the contact system anything else 327 0:24:47.580 --> 0:24:52.980 That's like light mode that includes inspectors. So there'll be a dark mode. There will also still be a light mode anything 328 0:24:52.980 --> 0:24:56.220 It's just like there'll be the possibility to have either depending on which one you'd prefer 329 0:24:56.860 --> 0:25:01.820 But it's a good measure for what needs to be changed. But yeah, the inventory UI will be changed at some point 330 0:25:01.820 --> 0:25:05.540 I can't really answer when moving on to Risa's question Risa says 331 0:25:05.540 --> 0:25:10.700 Do you have any suggestions on how to mitigate room and correct local asset transfer issue where local assets uploaded not transfer to the host 332 0:25:10.700 --> 0:25:12.380 Or who's from? 333 0:25:12.380 --> 0:25:13.900 Okay 334 0:25:13.900 --> 0:25:18.500 I don't receive I will add that one to my list as well. I'm sorry. I just haven't read that part of the code 335 0:25:18.500 --> 0:25:24.140 Oh, I pasted that into my notepad and it just like pasted a bunch of discord stuff including emojis. I don't need that 336 0:25:24.860 --> 0:25:26.820 Specs, I'm glad to see that you did a point point 337 0:25:26.820 --> 0:25:33.740 I'm presuming mean PowerPoint on Redis, which is a very fast in memory database cache. That's a great tagline for it 338 0:25:33.740 --> 0:25:37.220 That is perfect. So I've used it for both of those things. I just couldn't think of the 339 0:25:38.220 --> 0:25:42.940 Sentence for it moving forwards. I know there's way to upload tremors and again 340 0:25:42.940 --> 0:25:45.380 I know there's a way to upload pictures very easily from PC to news 341 0:25:45.380 --> 0:25:47.580 But it's way to download a picture from news to PC 342 0:25:47.580 --> 0:25:51.500 Yeah, grab the picture open up your context menu and it'll say save a screenshot that'll go to 343 0:25:51.500 --> 0:25:57.220 Your home folder which is like your wherever all your shit is and inside the pictures folder 344 0:25:57.220 --> 0:26:01.140 There'll be a folder called me SVR. It'll be saved there if that doesn't work because like 345 0:26:01.740 --> 0:26:05.860 It's a picture that's weird for some reason or you can't use that 346 0:26:05.860 --> 0:26:07.860 There's a tool which is in 347 0:26:08.180 --> 0:26:12.580 someone's public folder that you can shoot a picture with and then it'll act like a screenshot and you can save it there if 348 0:26:12.620 --> 0:26:16.900 That doesn't work as in if that like hold it and then use the context menu doesn't work 349 0:26:16.900 --> 0:26:24.380 you can hold the picture go to your file browser and hit the plus and it'll start an export window for that picture and then 350 0:26:24.380 --> 0:26:27.660 You can export it. I did notice a couple of people doing this. I will bring it up 351 0:26:27.660 --> 0:26:34.540 I've noticed a couple of people that will do all four of those so they'll take the picture which actually saves it twice 352 0:26:34.540 --> 0:26:38.260 It's saved to the Steam screenshot location and your pictures near SVR folder 353 0:26:38.260 --> 0:26:43.300 So there's two copies of the photo then they'll export it as a screenshot using the context menu item 354 0:26:43.300 --> 0:26:48.420 That's three times that picture has been saved and then they'll use the file browser to also export it 355 0:26:48.420 --> 0:26:53.540 Which means that photo exists four times on their computer. So don't do that. Please choose just one 356 0:26:54.260 --> 0:27:00.660 Moving forwards to no user found. Is there any tools in the earth? You'd like to be more streamlined avatar creator full-body creator 357 0:27:01.900 --> 0:27:05.400 Anything to do with the slicing materials? I use those all the time right now and I hate them 358 0:27:05.900 --> 0:27:08.420 there's just a bunch of bugs I need to fix and 359 0:27:08.420 --> 0:27:10.420 And 360 0:27:11.340 --> 0:27:14.380 No, not really there's lots of stuff that we need to but like if you like 361 0:27:14.380 --> 0:27:17.980 You know, it was like the top list avatar creator full-body calibrator are the top ones 362 0:27:19.420 --> 0:27:23.540 Hamish likes the slicing materials and doing weird stuff with them 363 0:27:23.540 --> 0:27:26.140 I spent three hours figuring out the mathematics for one 364 0:27:26.140 --> 0:27:27.260 I still don't know what's going on 365 0:27:27.260 --> 0:27:33.000 but I did look at it the volumetric 3d slice II thing the my brain uses such the 366 0:27:33.000 --> 0:27:38.480 World browser for medical and you can go look at my brain inside Neos if you didn't know that go look at my brain 367 0:27:38.480 --> 0:27:45.120 It's in Neos my actual brain look for medical in the world browser that rendering I think is a raymarch shader 368 0:27:45.120 --> 0:27:46.640 I looked at the code. I don't know shade of code 369 0:27:46.640 --> 0:27:50.400 I looked at that and I'm like, that's the closest thing to ray marching I've ever read. It's cool 370 0:27:50.640 --> 0:27:54.160 That's all the questions we have and we are at the end of time 371 0:27:54.160 --> 0:27:59.840 So mystic and global if you have a question, please type it otherwise no more questions 372 0:27:59.840 --> 0:28:02.620 A global entity says will it be custom shade of support? 373 0:28:03.320 --> 0:28:05.320 sort of 374 0:28:05.720 --> 0:28:07.480 Sort of 375 0:28:07.480 --> 0:28:14.680 We can't do unity shaders. So you're not gonna have unity shaders. Sorry about that. It also looks like for the initial in 376 0:28:15.480 --> 0:28:19.400 Support of custom shaders also won't be writing raw shader code. It will be 377 0:28:19.960 --> 0:28:24.240 Composing shaders using a shader node graph in a similar way to how blender does it? 378 0:28:24.240 --> 0:28:30.040 Which will give you like an immense freedom to make shaders, but won't be raw shader code 379 0:28:30.480 --> 0:28:33.420 And then mystic says the cures of dark mode is any information that we talked about 380 0:28:33.840 --> 0:28:37.720 No, we haven't really done any designs in the area, but 381 0:28:38.880 --> 0:28:40.800 It'll be dark 382 0:28:40.800 --> 0:28:42.280 thumbs up 383 0:28:42.280 --> 0:28:46.480 With that we're here to leave things off and get started on some other stuff 384 0:28:46.480 --> 0:28:47.540 If you have any additional questions 385 0:28:47.540 --> 0:28:52.520 Please go ahead and direct message me them drop them in the questions help section drop them in the sheet for next week 386 0:28:52.520 --> 0:28:56.000 And always remember stay awesome. Oh and Neos has mirrors 387 0:28:56.000 --> 0:29:00.320 I don't know why I have to say this but there's a rumor going around that we don't have mirrors. We have mirrors 388 0:29:00.320 --> 0:29:26.320 I'll see you next time. Bye. Bye