1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.000 Hello, okay, we're gonna get started welcome to office hours with prime. That's me. Hello 2 0:00:05.080 --> 0:00:08.580 If you have any questions about Neos, please drop them into the office hours text chat 3 0:00:08.580 --> 0:00:11.520 There is a few above the one that you're currently in. That's the community meetings channel 4 0:00:11.520 --> 0:00:14.100 I will answer them in the order that they appear if you have any questions 5 0:00:14.100 --> 0:00:19.880 Please drop them in if you think of any questions any point that is not during the office hours free filtered 6 0:00:19.880 --> 0:00:24.040 Fit there. Yeah, feel free to DM me or asking questions and help. Thank you 7 0:00:24.240 --> 0:00:29.760 Alright, so we're gonna start with some questions that were pre-loaded in from specs at like half an hour before 8 0:00:29.760 --> 0:00:33.200 So I appreciate that. Thank you queuing those in so specs asks 9 0:00:33.200 --> 0:00:37.080 Would you consider the performance cost of a no collision mesh collider to be significant? 10 0:00:37.080 --> 0:00:41.800 I was taking steps to optimize collisions for a world and I wasn't sure it was worth removing some mesh colliders 11 0:00:41.800 --> 0:00:46.000 Even if they weren't were in effect only colliding the lasers. Ah, yeah, don't worry about that 12 0:00:46.660 --> 0:00:51.080 No collision doesn't mean like no collision no collision. It is you this means no collision 13 0:00:51.680 --> 0:00:52.800 events 14 0:00:52.800 --> 0:00:58.920 This particular filters that occur with the physics events when it comes to colliders and saying it to no collision will avoid as many 15 0:00:58.920 --> 0:01:03.800 Collision events as possible. But of course, we'll still have some because it exists. So 16 0:01:04.760 --> 0:01:11.120 Yeah, moving onwards to storms question storm asked. How is the voice mode sync component used and see any documentation on it? 17 0:01:11.120 --> 0:01:15.080 So voice mode sync, I just looked it up because hey, I don't know so I looked up the code for it 18 0:01:15.080 --> 0:01:17.680 First of all, it will only work in user space. That's cool 19 0:01:18.480 --> 0:01:25.320 And then in user space is basically an indicator for which voice mode you're on. So there is an output which is a 20 0:01:25.320 --> 0:01:28.760 enum, which will list your voice mode and 21 0:01:29.480 --> 0:01:34.660 Then there's a couple of booleans that will list like hey, this is the voice modes that you're allowed to use 22 0:01:34.920 --> 0:01:39.840 So I think it's used in part of the construction of the voice mode indicator in the top left of your dash 23 0:01:39.840 --> 0:01:43.720 But I have seen some other uses for it in particular. I used it 24 0:01:44.520 --> 0:01:52.040 Recently like a few months ago etc to make a custom voice mode facet, which was very very particular about how mute was undone 25 0:01:52.040 --> 0:01:57.640 I think it was like you had to hold or double click or do some like really more intentional 26 0:01:58.040 --> 0:02:04.360 Matter to try and unmute things because they were worried about being accidentally unmuted as their unmute user. So that's cool 27 0:02:04.800 --> 0:02:08.480 Alex is building the thing interesting recently. Let me see what's in my screenshots 28 0:02:09.720 --> 0:02:11.720 Yes, I'm working on 29 0:02:12.280 --> 0:02:16.680 anxiety exposure experiments with Hamish SHFR and 30 0:02:16.680 --> 0:02:23.560 We have like anxiety exposures and one of them is this thing which Hamish keeps doing and I always find amazing 31 0:02:23.560 --> 0:02:29.300 Which is if you like play with the IK of a non avatar model like a skin mesh model 32 0:02:29.300 --> 0:02:35.360 You can actually put like a look at user component on their head and it will swivel and look at you 33 0:02:35.400 --> 0:02:40.080 it's the idea here being hey give a presentation in laboratory to a bunch of scientists and 34 0:02:40.760 --> 0:02:42.300 It gets kind of freaky 35 0:02:42.300 --> 0:02:48.440 Let me get the screenshots of that because if you don't limit it, you can basically just snap the heads off 36 0:02:53.000 --> 0:02:56.040 And it looks it just it looks really creepy 37 0:02:58.800 --> 0:03:02.120 Lego creator says why does the logics node browser and 38 0:03:02.560 --> 0:03:09.600 Create menu ATC have sliding animations, but attached component menu does not the attached component menu was really made just quickly, right? 39 0:03:09.600 --> 0:03:15.160 it's a really complicated menu and it was just made quickly to like work and it got more and more complicated as we added to 40 0:03:15.160 --> 0:03:16.520 it and 41 0:03:16.520 --> 0:03:18.880 It's actually quite a good example of that problem 42 0:03:18.880 --> 0:03:21.860 Which you'll hear freaks talk about if you speak to him about like hey 43 0:03:21.860 --> 0:03:24.800 Why don't you do this like one quick fix for this one particular feature? 44 0:03:25.040 --> 0:03:30.080 The attached component menu is one of notable examples about that. There are many other examples, right? 45 0:03:30.080 --> 0:03:33.360 The attached component menu just needed to keep getting more and more complicated 46 0:03:33.400 --> 0:03:39.040 It's like we do this feature this feature that feature this feature this feature and it just kept getting more and more complicated 47 0:03:39.040 --> 0:03:42.600 And so it hasn't grown with time and that's why I want to completely rework it 48 0:03:42.600 --> 0:03:45.880 So it can grow with time and so when you are thinking in your head 49 0:03:45.880 --> 0:03:50.560 Oh take me like five minutes if I had access and I could make a code change to the menu 50 0:03:50.560 --> 0:03:52.720 Yes, it would but then you'd add that to like the pile 51 0:03:53.680 --> 0:04:00.080 Like a house cards, it'll come it'll come toppling down. So the attached component menu is is showing that age and showing that 52 0:04:01.680 --> 0:04:03.680 rigidity 53 0:04:03.680 --> 0:04:11.000 I'm moving downwards past my creepy creepy doctors for you toes 54 0:04:12.560 --> 0:04:14.240 Yeah, they're creepy 55 0:04:14.240 --> 0:04:19.960 We also had what she once we had an auditorium for the people who are experiencing performance issues because of course they had you know 56 0:04:19.960 --> 0:04:24.080 Legs arms etc. And so we just removed everything except their heads 57 0:04:24.600 --> 0:04:31.000 Their heads follow and I do believe it's still in my memes folder is quite intensive to load but in my mean folder 58 0:04:31.000 --> 0:04:33.000 There's a sphere of those heads 59 0:04:33.000 --> 0:04:37.680 That sphere aligned and it will animate to the me channel music 60 0:04:37.680 --> 0:04:40.880 I was I don't remember why I built that but hey 61 0:04:42.120 --> 0:04:44.520 It's in the memes folder. It is terrifying 62 0:04:45.920 --> 0:04:48.960 Okay, moving downwards. Where are we? 63 0:04:49.760 --> 0:04:55.880 Cobalt crusher. Thank you. Oh crusader. I'm so sorry. I've read that as crusher for like three weeks and it's not that 64 0:04:55.880 --> 0:05:03.240 Anyway, is there a way to better layout or organize for logics such as maybe a plain like component tools 65 0:05:03.800 --> 0:05:08.920 That nodes could all make snap to there are a variety ways of doing it and they usually have colors associated with them as you 66 0:05:08.920 --> 0:05:10.920 Can see from the reactions to your message 67 0:05:11.480 --> 0:05:16.360 There are blueprints which is the older version of what people use these days, which is called a red print 68 0:05:17.000 --> 0:05:22.280 Really the the reason for the naming and color change is just to distinguish them. There is also a green print 69 0:05:22.280 --> 0:05:27.400 There is also a green print. There's also a black print, but I haven't released that that's prime's print. I don't use it 70 0:05:27.400 --> 0:05:29.080 That's why it's not released 71 0:05:29.080 --> 0:05:33.080 You know, my avatar is like 90% black. So I tend to use that color as like a 72 0:05:33.600 --> 0:05:34.960 branding thing 73 0:05:34.960 --> 0:05:36.960 It's kind of like a weird brand though 74 0:05:37.080 --> 0:05:40.840 But yeah, I haven't released that one and I won't be it was just experiment 75 0:05:40.840 --> 0:05:44.520 And I got it to work a little bit better than all of the other prints, but it was pretty flaky 76 0:05:44.520 --> 0:05:46.520 So I didn't release it 77 0:05:47.000 --> 0:05:49.760 Those work in aligning the nodes and 78 0:05:49.760 --> 0:05:51.120 And 79 0:05:51.120 --> 0:05:55.840 Various other techniques and tools for them. There is a good tutorial series on the red print from business lawyer 80 0:05:55.840 --> 0:05:58.800 I do want to call out that there are other printer systems out there though 81 0:05:58.800 --> 0:06:02.800 Because I don't want to like, you know do any sort of favoritism like things. So do try them all 82 0:06:04.080 --> 0:06:08.000 additionally for that there are actually ways in which you should be building your 83 0:06:08.560 --> 0:06:13.680 Things in logics to to not require redprints like people always like weirded out when I'm like, yeah 84 0:06:13.680 --> 0:06:16.720 I don't use them ever and there are some for some users like that 85 0:06:16.720 --> 0:06:21.120 um, I understand that like the red print is really good for some people particularly those who 86 0:06:21.520 --> 0:06:26.000 Who need that plane to sort of lay out and focus on the logics is great for that 87 0:06:26.240 --> 0:06:31.040 But I just don't find them necessary. One of the reasons for that is that I don't 88 0:06:32.960 --> 0:06:34.560 I don't make large collections 89 0:06:34.560 --> 0:06:38.080 Like I see pictures in screenshots or in the logics channel all the time of like logics 90 0:06:38.080 --> 0:06:43.120 That's like the size of a building and it's just like pack early often and modular modular 91 0:06:43.120 --> 0:06:44.960 A 92 0:06:44.960 --> 0:06:47.040 Lots of things that are being created. Um 93 0:06:47.600 --> 0:06:53.200 You'll see that in if you poke around in like any of the the jp team's um stuff 94 0:06:53.280 --> 0:06:56.080 You'll see that they do it the sort of modular way that I tend to do it 95 0:06:56.480 --> 0:07:00.080 If you poke around in like really really polished stuff probably even the red print 96 0:07:00.320 --> 0:07:05.520 You'll see a lot of stuff that's sort of like packed early and often and that way you'll see hey 97 0:07:05.920 --> 0:07:09.440 There's like 10 nodes in this pack. Do we really need a red print for that? 98 0:07:09.440 --> 0:07:15.360 Nope, these 10 nodes connect to a another 10 nodes in another pack. Do we need a red print for that? 99 0:07:15.360 --> 0:07:19.840 No, we just unpack and pack different things that you can never get like functions 100 0:07:19.920 --> 0:07:23.600 They don't really like communicate similar to like a function snack would in a game instead 101 0:07:23.680 --> 0:07:31.120 They communicate via dynamic variables dynamic impulses in some cases just like copious uses of fire on true 102 0:07:31.520 --> 0:07:34.320 um, but that is what I recommend and you can 103 0:07:35.040 --> 0:07:38.480 totally use redprints with that system, but like think about 104 0:07:38.480 --> 0:07:44.560 Like both approaches so think about how you can use red print to organize your logics and also 105 0:07:45.040 --> 0:07:48.240 How you can break your logics up such that you can pack it early and often 106 0:07:48.640 --> 0:07:53.920 Um that helps a lot and that way you won't have like a chaotic mess everywhere 107 0:07:54.240 --> 0:07:58.240 Like I am constantly making packs like constantly like it's like oh i've made two nodes 108 0:07:58.240 --> 0:08:00.880 I'll pack it and i'm like another two nodes are here and pick that pack that 109 0:08:01.280 --> 0:08:06.080 Um, just get it out of your screen if you don't need to if you don't need to do that. Um 110 0:08:06.080 --> 0:08:10.880 Um, do take a look at those printy things. So there are multiple ones and multiple colors 111 0:08:10.880 --> 0:08:13.040 Uh moving forwards 112 0:08:13.040 --> 0:08:15.040 Plush 113 0:08:15.040 --> 0:08:20.560 I don't know how to pronounce that. I'm sorry. I'm doing a terrible bad job. I'm also just rereading cobble's name 114 0:08:20.560 --> 0:08:24.080 I'm, so sorry about that one. I'm just I read it incorrectly. Anyway, moving on 115 0:08:24.080 --> 0:08:28.560 Uh, they say how much data does the host process through itself? 116 0:08:28.560 --> 0:08:30.560 Like if someone imported model from his pc 117 0:08:30.560 --> 0:08:35.760 Does it mean that it would have to go through the host first and then everyone will see it since it mentions about the host 118 0:08:35.760 --> 0:08:40.640 About mesh networking plans on github. It's really difficult to explain 119 0:08:41.200 --> 0:08:42.240 um 120 0:08:42.240 --> 0:08:43.120 unless 121 0:08:43.120 --> 0:08:46.800 Um, we talk about the data model for a bit. So we'll talk about the data model for a bit 122 0:08:47.360 --> 0:08:50.720 For that though, we're going to need to talk about sort of data storage and to avoid technicalities 123 0:08:50.720 --> 0:08:55.920 We'll just sort of use an analogy and the analogy is an excel spreadsheet 124 0:08:57.440 --> 0:09:00.400 So this is going to be terrible, I know it's going to be terrible but here we go 125 0:09:00.400 --> 0:09:06.960 If you imagine that there is a google excel spreadsheet whatever like system you use to share spreadsheets with your with your office workers 126 0:09:06.960 --> 0:09:10.960 Whatever you want to use multiple people can view that spreadsheet and make changes to it 127 0:09:11.280 --> 0:09:15.200 Now you can view that spreadsheet just by loading the page and then you'll see you know 128 0:09:15.200 --> 0:09:17.200 The numbers and the rows on the spreadsheet 129 0:09:17.280 --> 0:09:23.440 It's only when you change a number like a change a number in a cell change a cell's value that 130 0:09:23.840 --> 0:09:26.500 A message needs to go from your computer 131 0:09:27.200 --> 0:09:28.080 to 132 0:09:28.080 --> 0:09:34.400 Google docs or office docs whatever you want to call its server and it tells everyone else that is looking at that spreadsheet 133 0:09:34.800 --> 0:09:42.400 This cell a1 on your spreadsheet has changed from three to four and that's sort of highly analogy specific 134 0:09:42.640 --> 0:09:48.400 How uh, Neos works there is a giant spreadsheet in the cloud hosted on the host's computer 135 0:09:48.400 --> 0:09:49.200 So it's not even in the cloud 136 0:09:49.200 --> 0:09:55.040 It's not a host computer and when you join a session you get the most recent copy of that spreadsheet and it's like cool 137 0:09:55.120 --> 0:09:57.120 I've got the most recent copy of that spreadsheet 138 0:09:57.120 --> 0:10:01.840 I know that there is an a1 there's a cell that says three and because that set is three 139 0:10:02.160 --> 0:10:09.120 There is a floating cube in the left here shaped like a cheese piece of cheese when you move that around as a user you are 140 0:10:09.200 --> 0:10:10.960 sending um 141 0:10:10.960 --> 0:10:17.280 Messages to the host and saying I am moving this I am moving this and that is then updating the host and saying hey 142 0:10:17.360 --> 0:10:21.280 This this number that is three is now whatever position you're moving it within the world 143 0:10:21.600 --> 0:10:26.000 And then that message is then relayed out to the other people, uh that are in the session 144 0:10:26.000 --> 0:10:32.960 So when you're desynced, it's actually caused by those updates not going through and then there's some sort of numeric queuing and snacking that happens there 145 0:10:33.200 --> 0:10:38.000 So, you know, I move a cube two minutes to the left and then two minutes to the right cool 146 0:10:38.000 --> 0:10:44.560 You missed that two minute units to the right message because you're desynced the cube will still be in its original location 147 0:10:45.360 --> 0:10:50.400 Because you haven't got the message yet that it is moved. So that's basically how Neos works 148 0:10:50.880 --> 0:10:52.080 It's a lot more complicated than that 149 0:10:52.080 --> 0:10:57.440 I was trying to analogy it down to sort of be generic for everyone if that was a terrible analogy. I do apologize 150 0:10:58.720 --> 0:11:04.320 Uh, Jason, if you know the language Jason synced over the internet is basically what it is. But anyway, um 151 0:11:04.880 --> 0:11:09.840 Moving towards the actual question then based on that foundational knowledge when you create a model 152 0:11:10.320 --> 0:11:14.800 Um, you will update you will upload the data from your computer into the session 153 0:11:15.200 --> 0:11:19.520 Once it's uploaded into the session and complete in a way that we can transmit it across 154 0:11:19.520 --> 0:11:22.560 It will then be transmitted the host and then load it to everyone else 155 0:11:22.960 --> 0:11:26.960 So a good example here being I don't know a picture like people spawn pictures in Neos all the time 156 0:11:27.360 --> 0:11:31.760 You take the picture find it. It's a meme a picture of the hat or whatever you put it in the world 157 0:11:31.760 --> 0:11:36.960 You'll see it first and Neos will do some processing to make it a little bit faster for other people to see it 158 0:11:37.360 --> 0:11:43.040 Um, but sometimes other people won't see it and that's because it has to go for like via the host to you guys backwards and forwards 159 0:11:43.040 --> 0:11:46.400 Etc. And again that does depend on the URL of the image if it's like a 160 0:11:46.400 --> 0:11:49.680 Web address, then it will be faster if it's in the nearest db link 161 0:11:49.680 --> 0:11:53.040 It'll be faster because everyone else can fetch that like in an isolated way 162 0:11:53.120 --> 0:11:59.440 But the actual like there is a picture here and the URL of the picture is this has to go through the host 163 0:12:00.000 --> 0:12:04.640 As for the mesh networking plans that you mentioned at the end there, um mesh networking would be basically 164 0:12:05.520 --> 0:12:07.840 A host user is also known as the authority user 165 0:12:07.840 --> 0:12:11.680 In fact, the host user is often not referred to in code as host user 166 0:12:11.680 --> 0:12:14.800 Like if you looked at the source code of Neos a lot of times it's just like world authority 167 0:12:14.800 --> 0:12:20.640 And that means host user so the world authority is like who has authority over the session like if something's happening 168 0:12:20.640 --> 0:12:22.560 Who is the authority to say? Hey, that's not happening 169 0:12:22.560 --> 0:12:29.280 Um, and that's usually the host right now mesh networking that would more be a sort of consensus based algorithm 170 0:12:29.280 --> 0:12:33.600 Or maybe some sort of like brown robin or something like that and it would basically be hey 171 0:12:33.600 --> 0:12:39.120 There is a collection of authorities and they are syncing the information around them in a sort of ring or chain 172 0:12:39.120 --> 0:12:44.560 Whatever sort of structure fits your sort of visualization there and trying to make it a little bit faster 173 0:12:44.560 --> 0:12:49.200 Trying to figure out sort of how to synchronize all that data across that would also allow things 174 0:12:49.360 --> 0:12:52.080 Uh, like larger worlds as well because like hey, you know 175 0:12:52.080 --> 0:12:56.240 This part of the mesh could do this part of the world this part of the mesh could do that part of the world 176 0:12:56.320 --> 0:12:58.320 It would be cool. Uh 177 0:12:58.400 --> 0:13:05.600 Not specifically related to like it's like only like partially related to your like question though mesh networking. That's more sort of different 178 0:13:06.080 --> 0:13:09.520 Uh moving forwards yellow asks. I saw people put materials as components 179 0:13:09.520 --> 0:13:13.520 What are some reasons to do that over not having it the default way? Um materials are components 180 0:13:13.520 --> 0:13:15.680 Uh, everything is components even logics is components 181 0:13:15.760 --> 0:13:19.600 Um, hence why when people like i'm avoiding logics because I heard logics is slow 182 0:13:19.920 --> 0:13:26.400 I want you to like quote this everywhere on the internet logics is just components use it. It's not slow 183 0:13:26.560 --> 0:13:31.380 It's not bad. Don't avoid it. Just use it dash prime 2022 184 0:13:32.240 --> 0:13:33.120 um 185 0:13:33.120 --> 0:13:34.480 so materials as components 186 0:13:34.480 --> 0:13:34.720 Yeah 187 0:13:34.720 --> 0:13:40.320 So, um, I tend to do this now as well and the reason behind that is because uh a lot of times when i'm using materials 188 0:13:40.400 --> 0:13:42.160 I know exactly what I want to do with it 189 0:13:42.160 --> 0:13:46.800 I know where I need it and therefore I don't want the ball floating around like when you use the material tool tip to create 190 0:13:46.800 --> 0:13:52.720 A material it'll create a ball as well. And sometimes I just don't want balls hanging around and you can quote that as well. Um 191 0:13:53.440 --> 0:13:58.320 When you create a material the material will be created on that sphere and that sphere will have a component on it 192 0:13:58.320 --> 0:13:59.920 Which is that material? 193 0:13:59.920 --> 0:14:05.200 Uh, and sometimes you'll lose a reference to that material because if you delete it it'll end up into the asset system 194 0:14:05.520 --> 0:14:10.160 Where it's sort of kept as a sort of like table key value storage up there in the asset system 195 0:14:10.160 --> 0:14:13.040 Uh, but if you want to be sure exactly where that material is 196 0:14:13.360 --> 0:14:16.180 You can put it directly onto a slot using the components 197 0:14:16.480 --> 0:14:22.320 either way works and doesn't really have any like benefits or downsides but doing it the second way as a component definitely allows you to 198 0:14:22.320 --> 0:14:26.400 Control it a lot more having said that you should only do what I just said 199 0:14:26.560 --> 0:14:30.800 If you need to change the properties of the component using logics or other components 200 0:14:31.120 --> 0:14:36.260 If you do not need to change the material once it's in stop putting on your avatar 201 0:14:36.260 --> 0:14:40.820 Let the asset system handle it video on that one when I get around to it because I see that all the time 202 0:14:41.140 --> 0:14:46.900 People are like I will put the material on my avatar and all the textures on my avatar and i'm like 203 0:14:46.900 --> 0:14:52.980 Thank you for invalidating the entire asset systems deduplication method. Thank you. Thank you for doing that great 204 0:14:53.520 --> 0:14:59.220 Optimization that you've just ignored and completely disabled. Um more on that one if there are any questions about that one 205 0:14:59.220 --> 0:15:04.740 I guess um dorky says that they're like, uh, ryvi's logic tip that snaps nodes in a flat plane. I like that one, too 206 0:15:04.740 --> 0:15:08.020 Um, that one makes it easier to sort of keep notes together on the same 207 0:15:08.260 --> 0:15:12.580 Um, I guess z level like the same depth level. I don't really mind about that 208 0:15:12.580 --> 0:15:17.780 Sometimes i'll tidy up but like I like using the 3d space if you look at the logic setups 209 0:15:17.780 --> 0:15:23.780 I do you'll see more sort of like semi circles and the reason behind that is just naturally because i'm turning in the vr space 210 0:15:23.780 --> 0:15:31.300 We end up with semi circles. Whereas if we look at someone with a red print or ryvi's tool tip, then you'll see uh squares or rectangles 211 0:15:31.300 --> 0:15:34.500 Uh, salazu says, how are you doing today? I have the biggest mug of green tea 212 0:15:34.500 --> 0:15:36.740 I think I put too many leaves in because it's very strong 213 0:15:37.060 --> 0:15:39.700 I don't really know how much loose tea you're meant to put in 214 0:15:39.940 --> 0:15:40.900 Last time I looked it up 215 0:15:40.900 --> 0:15:44.500 It was like two to three grams a cup and then I like put two grams of like 216 0:15:44.900 --> 0:15:50.100 Loose leaf tea into like a weighing scale. I'm just like that's a lot. That's like that's a lot of tea 217 0:15:50.100 --> 0:15:53.940 So I need to look it up again. Yep. Erin says why not take advantage of 3d space? 218 0:15:53.940 --> 0:15:58.740 I totally agree as well. There's sometimes where I go like completely parallel to what i'm doing with the logics 219 0:15:58.740 --> 0:16:02.500 Comes up with like right nodes a lot and in some cases relays as well 220 0:16:02.500 --> 0:16:08.020 I'm like, hey this ribbon's in the way i'll do a relay and then i'll just like shove it in the z direction behind my 221 0:16:08.020 --> 0:16:09.540 Nodes and then it looks great 222 0:16:09.540 --> 0:16:13.860 I know people do the whole thing where they're like i'm going to wrap it around the outside like it's some sort of like network 223 0:16:14.100 --> 0:16:16.420 Cable in a data center that's cool, too 224 0:16:16.420 --> 0:16:22.660 But it usually uses like five relays or if I just add one relay shove it in the z direction that it's like out the way 225 0:16:22.660 --> 0:16:28.660 Thinker says they use a sphere line on their logic sometimes. Yep. I sinned that one totally sinned that one 226 0:16:29.300 --> 0:16:31.300 Don't advise doing it 227 0:16:31.860 --> 0:16:37.060 Specs says if bits of logics don't need to talk to each other keep them modular need to pass data between logics dynamic impulses 228 0:16:37.060 --> 0:16:42.500 And dynamic variables, maybe your friends cannot agree more dynamic variables the parent data system even value fields 229 0:16:42.500 --> 0:16:45.220 This is what we used to use before dynamic variables. They're all fine 230 0:16:45.220 --> 0:16:49.060 They're all ways to think about logic more modular when you're building your next data center 231 0:16:49.060 --> 0:16:55.700 They're all ways to think about logic more modular when you're building your next logic thing also think about a concept called the separation of concerns 232 0:16:56.100 --> 0:16:59.860 Um, you see this coming up a lot in um sort of website design and stuff like that 233 0:16:59.940 --> 0:17:02.420 You'll see uh things like mvc mvvm 234 0:17:02.900 --> 0:17:06.260 Throwing around model view control and stuff like that. I do want to do a video on that one 235 0:17:06.260 --> 0:17:09.620 But again, it's a difficult topic because it's like it's basically computer science theory 236 0:17:09.940 --> 0:17:13.540 Um, and so it's just like hey, i'm not building a space laser here 237 0:17:13.620 --> 0:17:17.060 I'm, just talking at you and showing you empty objects and talking about them 238 0:17:17.060 --> 0:17:20.820 So i'm trying to think of a good way to do that. I guess an example here 239 0:17:20.900 --> 0:17:23.620 um, I could probably try and explain would be like, um 240 0:17:24.260 --> 0:17:29.060 Uh, like a flip book or like a slideshow or like a powerpoint that you might have inside neos 241 0:17:29.140 --> 0:17:36.260 um, what I would see a lot of times is uh, people would have maybe a variable value register in logics and then they would have 242 0:17:36.820 --> 0:17:38.580 um button 243 0:17:38.580 --> 0:17:41.060 Event nodes hooking up to that variable 244 0:17:41.460 --> 0:17:44.100 Uh, and so if they add a next and previous button 245 0:17:44.100 --> 0:17:51.540 Um, they've got two button events nodes two right nodes modifying that variable that then drives which page we're on on this powerpoint or whatever 246 0:17:51.940 --> 0:17:56.420 Uh instead if you just made a dynamic variable or even a value field you won't need any objects 247 0:17:56.500 --> 0:18:04.180 You could just use the common ui button value set or button value, uh cycle or delta components to just do that. And um 248 0:18:04.900 --> 0:18:10.500 Then when you're referring to the uh, the slide the powerpoint slide, which would use a boolean switcher 249 0:18:10.500 --> 0:18:14.340 You can just again use a dynamic variable and then you won't even have a logic connecting to that 250 0:18:14.420 --> 0:18:18.100 You just have like everything's just wireless. It's great. Maybe i'll build that that's a good example 251 0:18:18.260 --> 0:18:22.840 We'll build it two ways. I can build it in the tutorial like how I would build it in 2019 252 0:18:22.980 --> 0:18:26.020 And then how I would build in 2022 that might be a good example 253 0:18:26.340 --> 0:18:32.340 I should like put a black and white filter on the camera and be like back in 2019. Here's how I would build this slide 254 0:18:33.220 --> 0:18:36.500 System now, it's 2022. Here's how I would build it 255 0:18:36.500 --> 0:18:42.980 Maybe get a mustache for the 2019 version as well. Uh, anyway, let's move on before I giggle too much. Um, 256 0:18:43.780 --> 0:18:50.100 Lego, uh asks how much of Neos is logics and how much is components? Um, everything is components because logics is components 257 0:18:50.660 --> 0:18:52.660 blinks and smiles 258 0:18:52.980 --> 0:18:54.340 No, um 259 0:18:54.340 --> 0:18:57.940 It depends what you're looking at. So a good example here might be the world browser 260 0:18:57.940 --> 0:18:59.940 So the world browser is 100 percent components 261 0:18:59.940 --> 0:19:05.460 But the reason it can be 100 percent components is that there are components that are specifically, uh targeting fetching world information 262 0:19:05.460 --> 0:19:08.740 World information and you can actually take a look at them just inspect the world browser 263 0:19:08.740 --> 0:19:13.780 It's actually kind of cool seeing how that works because that's how I learned how dynamic variables are meant to work because I saw how 264 0:19:13.860 --> 0:19:15.860 Fricks was using them, basically 265 0:19:16.260 --> 0:19:21.300 Then when it comes down to things that people make it really does depend there are um 266 0:19:21.700 --> 0:19:27.700 Some component purists who refuse to use logics and seem to be miss spreading the misinformation that logic is bad and I hate them 267 0:19:27.700 --> 0:19:31.700 So please stop doing that if that's one of you if you're using components because they're helpful you don't use logics 268 0:19:31.700 --> 0:19:36.180 That's great. But please don't go around telling people that logics is bad. Tell them that it is useful for certain 269 0:19:36.740 --> 0:19:37.780 aspects 270 0:19:37.780 --> 0:19:39.780 Um, I noticed that most of the people 271 0:19:39.860 --> 0:19:44.580 Um, I speak to these days are those people they're like, hey you lose whatever you need to do 272 0:19:44.580 --> 0:19:48.180 What's gets gets doing but there are still people I meet who are like, yep 273 0:19:48.180 --> 0:19:52.580 So and so told me that logics is bad and I shouldn't use it and i'm just like I don't know who you are or where 274 0:19:52.580 --> 0:19:55.300 You're from but stop telling people that please please 275 0:19:55.860 --> 0:20:01.540 Um, just take a look around as well like the default headset avatar. For example, it has some logics on it 276 0:20:01.540 --> 0:20:04.340 Um that controls the uh, the voice range 277 0:20:04.980 --> 0:20:09.700 Some of the the profile pictures look at the recent video I published about the profile picture 278 0:20:09.860 --> 0:20:13.540 Um getting that the same piece of logics I demonstrate on that 279 0:20:13.780 --> 0:20:18.820 Um is actually in place on that default avatar to uh, get that picture onto the front of it. For example 280 0:20:19.220 --> 0:20:24.980 Uh kobold says, uh, what in the hell is a color print or backing i'm still getting started with logics 281 0:20:24.980 --> 0:20:31.540 Uh yuki for anyone else there that is in game. Could you drop a screenshot of a red print in the game? 282 0:20:31.780 --> 0:20:34.020 and then if anyone has a um 283 0:20:34.820 --> 0:20:37.620 Link to business lawyers tutorial series on the red print 284 0:20:37.620 --> 0:20:43.140 Please go ahead and link the the like first episode or the playlist for that so we can get that into the chat for kobold 285 0:20:43.620 --> 0:20:44.640 moving 286 0:20:44.640 --> 0:20:46.640 forwards, um 287 0:20:46.740 --> 0:20:53.140 Foxworth talks about mono packing do not mono pack. So mono pack came from this um information that slots are bad 288 0:20:53.140 --> 0:20:57.860 And therefore we should put all the logics onto one slot and I believe it's a plug-in or a mod 289 0:20:57.940 --> 0:21:03.860 I don't really care these days. It's bad. Whatever it is, and it will collapse all of the logics components into one slot 290 0:21:04.180 --> 0:21:05.700 It is terrible. Do not use it 291 0:21:05.700 --> 0:21:09.060 one of the reasons why logics needs to be on multiple slots is so that um 292 0:21:09.460 --> 0:21:12.900 Us as neos can understand it when you're loading it a little bit easier 293 0:21:13.140 --> 0:21:16.500 And we can figure it out and we can do stuff with it. Um 294 0:21:17.060 --> 0:21:19.060 You may sometimes see for example 295 0:21:19.060 --> 0:21:22.840 Uh a node which is named injective for backwards compatibility 296 0:21:23.140 --> 0:21:28.660 That is what's happened when I think it's the fine char by name node got an additional field which changed its meaning 297 0:21:29.060 --> 0:21:35.940 We put in code which looks for old fine char by name nodes when it's loaded and adds that boolean such backwards 298 0:21:36.160 --> 0:21:42.420 Compatibility is preserved if you mono pack it's more difficult for us to do stuff like that. It probably still work 299 0:21:42.900 --> 0:21:45.540 But because we need to add a node to your setup 300 0:21:45.540 --> 0:21:52.180 It's like well how we we don't understand where it goes because the the the what like what it will make a mess. Um 301 0:21:52.740 --> 0:21:55.620 Adding on to that slots do not cause performance issues 302 0:21:55.700 --> 0:22:01.780 Here's a good way to think about it before you look at the slot count of your avatar look at the functionality count 303 0:22:01.940 --> 0:22:06.900 So as an example here, um, oh look my avatar is five thousand slots. That's bad 304 0:22:06.980 --> 0:22:12.420 actually, it's not the that's a symptom not the cause the cause is you have a 305 0:22:13.280 --> 0:22:14.500 nuclear 306 0:22:14.500 --> 0:22:17.780 orbital defense platform on your avatar that floats 307 0:22:18.560 --> 0:22:22.660 7000 meters above your avatar and can summon nuclear missiles down to the floor when you push 308 0:22:23.140 --> 0:22:27.220 Uh when you do the finger gun gesture because you know hand gestures are cool these days 309 0:22:27.700 --> 0:22:33.700 Um, that is the problem that is causing your avatar to lag not the slot count if you remove your nuclear 310 0:22:34.100 --> 0:22:40.260 Missile defense orbital platform your avatar will not lag anymore. So it's the last thing to look at on the list 311 0:22:40.260 --> 0:22:44.180 Uh slots don't inherently cause performance problems. So don't worry about it 312 0:22:44.260 --> 0:22:46.660 We do have some optimizations to do on that place 313 0:22:46.660 --> 0:22:51.780 But if you're going to start bullying people because their slot count don't don't bully anyone for any reason 314 0:22:51.940 --> 0:22:52.180 I mean 315 0:22:52.180 --> 0:22:55.860 But like if you're going to start looking at someone's avatar and advising them performance 316 0:22:56.260 --> 0:23:02.980 Start with what the avatar does or does not do you'll get a lot more benefit if you reduce the texture scale 317 0:23:03.300 --> 0:23:08.900 If you reduce the material count if you reduce the amount of blend shapes or if you remove their nuclear missile defense orbital platform 318 0:23:08.900 --> 0:23:11.540 Like you don't need if you don't need it 319 0:23:12.100 --> 0:23:17.700 Ideally, like maybe shouldn't be on your avatar. So yellow now asks. Can you move the origin of a mesh in game? 320 0:23:18.260 --> 0:23:20.260 No, not currently 321 0:23:20.580 --> 0:23:26.100 You can do what's called create pivot center and you can also do that sort of manually if you want other style of pivots 322 0:23:26.340 --> 0:23:31.220 What that does is it creates a slot above the avatar above the mesh 323 0:23:31.620 --> 0:23:35.380 And then parents the mesh to that slot and then you can move them around separately 324 0:23:35.380 --> 0:23:42.420 so if you've got the parent slot in this case the pivot you can then move the mesh relative to that and change its pivot and 325 0:23:42.420 --> 0:23:46.340 Then when you move that parent slot it becomes the pivot create pivot center is really good 326 0:23:46.580 --> 0:23:50.420 That reminds me if you're a 3d modeler, please look at origins on your models 327 0:23:50.420 --> 0:23:55.780 I am tired of importing like an axe and the origin being like 50 000 meters to the bottom left of the axe 328 0:23:56.020 --> 0:24:00.900 The origin of an axe model should be in the middle of the handle blade. Thank you model creators 329 0:24:00.900 --> 0:24:07.300 Uh ozi asks, how does max texture set max max texture setting and a textures inspector work? I was really confused on 330 0:24:08.580 --> 0:24:11.380 Who who does the process compression for it? 331 0:24:11.460 --> 0:24:16.420 If it's locally completed in the cloud you do it and then you submit it back to the cloud to do the work 332 0:24:16.580 --> 0:24:21.140 As far as i'm aware, that's the one that like, uh changes the size, right? 333 0:24:21.700 --> 0:24:26.980 Not get me a screenshot if i'm mistaken. I might be mistaken there. Anyway, moving on. Uh 334 0:24:26.980 --> 0:24:33.620 Uh rameon asks on the topic of networking a significant desync with users connecting with high latency, uh, e.g 335 0:24:33.700 --> 0:24:38.420 NZ AU client european host does need to have some kind of prioritization with at least a higher paying users 336 0:24:38.740 --> 0:24:41.220 Accumulating mobile queue packets over time. Uh 337 0:24:41.860 --> 0:24:45.540 Not quite sure what causes the queued packets on like a network level 338 0:24:46.020 --> 0:24:52.500 um, I do know is that what we'll see a lot in sessions like that is um what I call 339 0:24:53.140 --> 0:24:55.700 Consider it's the wrong word because it's like weird. Um 340 0:24:55.700 --> 0:24:57.540 We'll just call it noisy playing, right? 341 0:24:57.540 --> 0:25:00.580 So if you're in a session with people that are on the other side of the planet 342 0:25:00.900 --> 0:25:06.180 Maybe don't spawn 7 000 youtube videos into the world because they'll end up desyncing 343 0:25:06.500 --> 0:25:12.260 Maybe don't spawn half your inventory into the world because they'll end up desyncing if you spawn like one object per minute 344 0:25:12.820 --> 0:25:16.260 They'll probably keep synced if you spawn 10 objects per minute 345 0:25:16.260 --> 0:25:22.180 They're probably going to desync so so do keep that in mind when you're when you're interacting with nz and au from europe 346 0:25:22.180 --> 0:25:27.780 From europe, I see that a lot. Um, especially with new players are maybe having trouble learning the game 347 0:25:28.260 --> 0:25:32.740 Um, I mean spawning lots of stuff for new players that are new to the game is is bad for other reasons 348 0:25:32.820 --> 0:25:39.220 As in you're overwhelming them, but it's also bad for performance reasons, right? You're unloading like half the inventory into the world 349 0:25:39.300 --> 0:25:43.620 It's a lot of data to to sync and remember they've never seen that object before 350 0:25:43.860 --> 0:25:48.180 So whilst it might load instantly for you because it's never been sinned by them before 351 0:25:48.180 --> 0:25:51.860 Everything's going to load so for them, especially if it's got like 4k textures on it or whatever 352 0:25:52.180 --> 0:25:57.060 Because like crusher's got a uh, a decent github issue. So do take a look at that one as well 353 0:25:57.540 --> 0:25:59.620 Uh another question from pooshka. Um 354 0:26:00.340 --> 0:26:04.980 Follow up question. Are there any plans for double precision support for physics transform rendering? 355 0:26:04.980 --> 0:26:10.580 That should allow for less glitches when you're extremely small when you're further. Yeah, it's in it's in issues. Um 356 0:26:11.300 --> 0:26:13.380 I don't know what the approach there would be 357 0:26:13.380 --> 0:26:19.540 I know that uh for x's plans to sort of completely upgrade the data model that we're using that's that giant spreadsheet in the you know 358 0:26:19.700 --> 0:26:21.700 Google docs. That's the spreadsheet. It's called the data model 359 0:26:22.420 --> 0:26:26.180 Um to make that more efficient and have more features that might then allow for double precision 360 0:26:26.260 --> 0:26:29.860 I'm, not entirely sure what our priority on that one would be or the process of that one 361 0:26:30.180 --> 0:26:32.500 It seems like it'll be quite big. I have to dig in and take a look at that one 362 0:26:32.980 --> 0:26:37.300 And then you say how far is it from implementation? We don't give etas currently see the announcements channel. I'm, so sorry 363 0:26:37.860 --> 0:26:39.860 uh moving forwards 364 0:26:39.860 --> 0:26:41.860 Forwards, um 365 0:26:42.820 --> 0:26:46.600 Tony says which of the compression methods for textures is most optimal to be used on avatars 366 0:26:47.140 --> 0:26:51.700 That's again a point of contention, right? So if you put it on an anisotropic I can never pronounce that 367 0:26:51.700 --> 0:26:55.480 Sometimes I call it anisotropic and i'm like that's not how it's pronounced anisotropy 368 0:26:57.140 --> 0:27:01.080 Whatever that one is that one will give you the best result but is technically the least performant 369 0:27:01.780 --> 0:27:04.580 And then trilinear or bilinear are are good 370 0:27:04.580 --> 0:27:11.960 Generally bilinear is better for performance than trilinear because bi means two tri means three. Um, so bi will do its 371 0:27:12.480 --> 0:27:19.320 Processing twice and tri will do it three times anisotopic will do it differently. And so therefore there's more effort there 372 0:27:19.720 --> 0:27:25.720 Uh, so if you want to do most optimal point, yeah there I said it if you want to do most optimal point based compression 373 0:27:26.040 --> 0:27:28.840 Your avatar is going to look terrible, but that's the most optimal 374 0:27:28.840 --> 0:27:34.280 Cool woohoo moving forwards, uh, asin says we know logic components 375 0:27:34.280 --> 0:27:37.160 It's just easier to claim to do two separate things. I do agree 376 0:27:37.560 --> 0:27:41.000 Um, it's just when questions come up about which is like more optimal 377 0:27:41.160 --> 0:27:46.040 The answer is is both right if you're like I want to learn logic or i'll learn components great 378 0:27:46.120 --> 0:27:48.600 I'll help you out if you're like which is more optimal both 379 0:27:49.080 --> 0:27:53.480 um oracle says i'm only a week in and people have told me that logic is a bit of a thing to jump into but 380 0:27:53.560 --> 0:27:57.480 It's pretty amazing thing once you get the hang of it. Have you had anyone say logic is bad fantastic 381 0:27:57.480 --> 0:27:59.640 That might be dying. I don't know. Um 382 0:28:00.200 --> 0:28:03.000 One of the problems I see when people learn logic is they go too big for example 383 0:28:03.000 --> 0:28:07.400 It's like I want to learn logic so I can make a gun. That's a big project 384 0:28:07.640 --> 0:28:11.480 I want to learn logic so I can add two numbers together. It'll take you 20 minutes 385 0:28:11.560 --> 0:28:14.840 Like I don't I don't know how other people are teaching logic 386 0:28:14.840 --> 0:28:18.760 But i'm just like here is the plus node adds two numbers together once you've got the hang of that 387 0:28:19.160 --> 0:28:21.320 We'll go on to some more complicated stuff 388 0:28:21.320 --> 0:28:27.160 But what I want to do by doing that is to get used to the ui like when we're doing advanced spaghetti everywhere 389 0:28:27.240 --> 0:28:31.240 On a red plinth blue plinth purple print whatever print you want for or not doesn't matter 390 0:28:31.480 --> 0:28:37.080 But when we're doing really complicated logics, I don't want us to be thinking about how we connect ribbons how we disconnect ribbons 391 0:28:37.160 --> 0:28:42.920 So I show people the plus node and I say look you can connect numbers to the plus node and get a result 392 0:28:43.320 --> 0:28:47.800 Get used to the ui get used to the ribbons get used to like the the visuals 393 0:28:47.800 --> 0:28:54.120 and then we'll cover other nodes and that way the the the ui shouldn't be a barrier there because I do see that problem as 394 0:28:54.120 --> 0:28:55.880 Well, it's like ah and to make a gun 395 0:28:55.880 --> 0:28:59.480 We're getting a ribbon here and a ribbon here and a ribbon here and the user doesn't even know how to make one ribbon 396 0:28:59.560 --> 0:29:07.240 That's a problem. Thanks to alex who has linked the uh, the youtube playlist with uh business lawyer and uclop. Thank you for that 397 0:29:07.800 --> 0:29:10.040 Uh, so take a look at that. Uh 398 0:29:11.560 --> 0:29:15.320 Cobalt probably best if you meet up with someone in game to take a look at the red print 399 0:29:15.320 --> 0:29:21.400 Uh in game someone can show you it and then olin has a picture of the red print. Um, so you'll see in um, 400 0:29:21.960 --> 0:29:26.760 Um alan olin's oden's picture. There is a red print in the world there and you'll see it's a grid 401 0:29:27.080 --> 0:29:30.040 Um that grid is expandable and when you put nodes near it 402 0:29:30.120 --> 0:29:32.360 Those nodes will snap onto a surface surface of it 403 0:29:32.440 --> 0:29:38.520 you can think of it a little bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle or playing dominoes rather than what logics usually is which is like 404 0:29:38.520 --> 0:29:45.080 Ah, yes, this magical floating card will connect to this other magical floating card, which is ever so slightly off rotation 405 0:29:45.480 --> 0:29:47.480 And so therefore the ribbons look terrible 406 0:29:48.120 --> 0:29:55.400 Electronus says nuclear launch detected if anyone adds a missile platform to their avatar. I will I will I will be angry 407 0:29:55.800 --> 0:30:00.440 I did this avatar this avatar idea once of being like could I mess with the lasers? 408 0:30:00.520 --> 0:30:03.260 You know the lasers that come out of your hands when using tools, etc 409 0:30:03.260 --> 0:30:08.940 Etc. Could those come from really high up? I wouldn't like model a spaceship or whatever and put it up there 410 0:30:09.100 --> 0:30:13.100 But it'll be like law wise like yeah a satellite does my logic, right? 411 0:30:13.180 --> 0:30:16.700 So the laser would come from a high point position in the world 412 0:30:17.020 --> 0:30:21.820 And that would be where the like the nodes and everything is moved from i'll keep it the same 413 0:30:21.820 --> 0:30:27.420 So like you yourself using it wouldn't have any sort of adaptation, but it would just look like 414 0:30:27.980 --> 0:30:31.900 Satellites moving your objects around etc. All right moving onwards to erin's question 415 0:30:31.900 --> 0:30:35.580 Whatever your way to prevent people from reading a lot of dicks or getting assets from the creation of yours. Um 416 0:30:36.140 --> 0:30:39.100 Assets, so when you're talking about assets, you're talking about avatar stealing 417 0:30:39.420 --> 0:30:45.020 And so when you're talking about avatar stealing, we will do our best to continue to add improvements to that system 418 0:30:45.980 --> 0:30:51.660 Our next best improvement to this asset theft and stuff like that is the license system having said that though 419 0:30:51.660 --> 0:30:53.820 There is no way to 100 420 0:30:54.840 --> 0:30:59.020 Guarantee that something will not be stolen from you if you think that that's possible 421 0:30:59.020 --> 0:31:04.780 I want you to look at the latest triple-a game that has launched and has its assets in neos already because someone has ripped them 422 0:31:05.100 --> 0:31:07.660 Um, you know these triple-a games are having their assets ripped 423 0:31:08.300 --> 0:31:11.980 There's even things now which can like dump gpu memory to rip assets 424 0:31:11.980 --> 0:31:16.700 So it's like oh you've got this drm in your game. Everyone hates great. I'll just dump the gpu memory 425 0:31:17.020 --> 0:31:22.060 When it goes beyond that like hey, maybe someone's going to actually just get like some tiny copper wires 426 0:31:22.540 --> 0:31:25.420 Solder them to an active graphics card and dump it that way 427 0:31:25.420 --> 0:31:33.500 Like, you know a certain point the graphics card gets told there is a triangle here and it looks like your character's colors, etc 428 0:31:33.740 --> 0:31:38.460 And if they can pull that data out the graphics card, they can reconstruct that into a model 429 0:31:38.860 --> 0:31:43.740 We will do our best the way that we're doing actually puts us a slight benefit from 430 0:31:44.380 --> 0:31:49.100 Other places in that you can't really export an avatar once it's in it sort of gets garbled 431 0:31:49.260 --> 0:31:52.780 So, um what that allows us to do is if there is a theft that occurs 432 0:31:52.780 --> 0:31:57.580 You can report it to moderation and we do have the ability to sort of see where it's gone and track its progression 433 0:31:57.980 --> 0:31:59.980 That will get better with that license system 434 0:31:59.980 --> 0:32:04.780 I talk about that will enable us to sort of find manage and and spot thefts a lot easier 435 0:32:06.060 --> 0:32:07.980 As for modifying the logics on your avatar 436 0:32:07.980 --> 0:32:13.100 there is a system called hard permissions which sort of interplays with the license system a little bit and sort of says like 437 0:32:13.500 --> 0:32:17.580 Hey, maybe you can't access this part of the world and the license system is like hey 438 0:32:17.580 --> 0:32:22.060 You can't modify this avatar and that will kind of lock it down and bake it up a little bit 439 0:32:22.060 --> 0:32:24.060 It's similar to how um 440 0:32:24.700 --> 0:32:29.340 Like the the the verbal rules of a session might work, you know in in a session might be like hey 441 0:32:29.660 --> 0:32:34.240 Don't don't do this. So i'm going to kick you out like but more enforced in terms of technicalities 442 0:32:34.460 --> 0:32:36.460 We don't know the final way that that's going to work 443 0:32:36.540 --> 0:32:41.420 What the ui will look like what the protections look like how to apply or anything like that because we're still designing the system 444 0:32:41.660 --> 0:32:44.540 but once it's there you can bet that uh 445 0:32:45.100 --> 0:32:50.060 There'll be tutorials from a certain someone so cobalt says so tdr on the slot thing. The slots aren't the issue 446 0:32:50.060 --> 0:32:55.260 It's what's in those slots perfect analogy there at a certain level the slots become an issue 447 0:32:55.740 --> 0:33:00.860 But the amount of slots there before you need an issue is because you've added that launch platform 448 0:33:00.940 --> 0:33:04.140 So just remove that remove remove the launch platform. Yeah 449 0:33:04.700 --> 0:33:09.420 I think it says my avatar is not laggy as a quote and then says proceeds to have 8k psd or tiff textures 450 0:33:09.640 --> 0:33:12.540 uncompressed in direct load in every logic system known to man 451 0:33:13.240 --> 0:33:15.240 exactly what i'm referring to 452 0:33:15.660 --> 0:33:17.500 If you have 8k textures 453 0:33:17.500 --> 0:33:20.960 You better have a good reason for it and it better look fantastic 454 0:33:21.340 --> 0:33:25.580 It better not just be a two color palette that has 8k textures for no reason 455 0:33:26.140 --> 0:33:29.660 So alan says how to improve forward speed or sloshy avatar. No delete all systems 456 0:33:29.980 --> 0:33:34.620 Okay, if you want to really really really perform with avatar delete your systems. It should just be a character, right? 457 0:33:34.940 --> 0:33:40.300 It can have gestures it can you know look like you it can have blend shapes but bake the ones you don't need 458 0:33:40.700 --> 0:33:42.700 But does it really need? 459 0:33:42.780 --> 0:33:43.740 um 460 0:33:43.740 --> 0:33:49.420 Your heart rate in the name badge above you. Does it really need like your favorite sandwich in the name plate above you? 461 0:33:49.820 --> 0:33:52.460 Does it need a gun which summons? 462 0:33:53.980 --> 0:33:58.940 Noah's ark and all the animals come off noah's ark and make their animal noises and then kill someone 463 0:33:59.340 --> 0:34:01.340 It doesn't need that like let's remove that 464 0:34:01.740 --> 0:34:08.700 Like that that's like remove that sorry says should make a macro that pays blend shape baking tutorial when erect joins i've tried that. Um, 465 0:34:08.700 --> 0:34:14.540 It doesn't work like there's I sometimes when I host a session there's like information at the spawn about how to bake blend shapes 466 0:34:14.860 --> 0:34:15.420 Zek asks 467 0:34:15.420 --> 0:34:18.140 Is it possible to edit the lasers to come off your hands the ones that you select with this? 468 0:34:18.220 --> 0:34:19.740 I tried finding an inspector but had no luck 469 0:34:19.740 --> 0:34:25.740 My only thought was it might be possible if someone accidentally soft locked themselves somewhere there it is possible. Those are called tool anchors 470 0:34:26.060 --> 0:34:29.660 Um, i'll get the video for that that is if someone hasn't beaten me to it 471 0:34:30.300 --> 0:34:35.020 Actually, i'll just say please go for it get the the tool anchor video that I have and link it to um 472 0:34:35.020 --> 0:34:40.300 And get to zek for me cobble says there's a model. Please. Please do that. Yep. That's referring to to origins 473 0:34:40.380 --> 0:34:44.540 I am so far behind on the text here because i'm just answering questions and wittering on. Um 474 0:34:45.260 --> 0:34:49.100 Okay, uh epic eastern has a question. Is this an optimized emote system? 475 0:34:49.740 --> 0:34:55.900 Hmm. So, uh, that's an interesting idea like I did think about having a segment where we're like let's review logic 476 0:34:56.060 --> 0:34:59.900 But I didn't want anyone to feel bad, but I will take a look just just don't feel bad if it's bad 477 0:34:59.900 --> 0:35:01.900 Okay, let me take a look. Uh 478 0:35:02.060 --> 0:35:04.060 found true 479 0:35:04.060 --> 0:35:06.060 Okay, he's a self alpha 480 0:35:06.300 --> 0:35:07.820 right latch 481 0:35:07.820 --> 0:35:11.580 Right, let's try that. Try that looks good to me particularly like the use of right latch 482 0:35:11.660 --> 0:35:16.140 Do you remember right latches there? Sometimes I see people do boolean latch of a um, a ternary node 483 0:35:16.220 --> 0:35:19.260 I'm, like it's kind of the same thing as a right latch. So maybe use a right latch 484 0:35:19.580 --> 0:35:21.580 Uh dorky says on the topic of having a lot of blend shapes 485 0:35:21.580 --> 0:35:24.960 I recall hearing that the impact is when it's over zero due to vertex calculations 486 0:35:25.260 --> 0:35:29.260 There are multiple types of of impact with having multiple blend shapes. So 487 0:35:29.260 --> 0:35:33.820 Yes, if it's over zero, there's some cost for doing that if it's moving 488 0:35:33.820 --> 0:35:37.980 There's some cost to doing that but there is also some cost to have that data in there 489 0:35:38.220 --> 0:35:42.540 I don't know exactly the specifics internally, but imagine it like, um 490 0:35:43.340 --> 0:35:47.580 I guess like a mask, right? So imagine that each blend shape on top of your face is a mask 491 0:35:47.660 --> 0:35:53.180 So the smiling blend shape is a mask on top of your non-smiling shape and then your frowny blend shape is another mask on top 492 0:35:53.180 --> 0:35:58.460 Of that right? So by the time you get to like 50 facial blend shapes, you're wearing 50 masks 493 0:35:58.460 --> 0:36:03.420 That's kind of difficult. Like, you know, there's videos where the youtuber's put on t-shirts and keep putting them on 494 0:36:03.660 --> 0:36:06.380 That's body blend shapes for you. You're wearing 50 t-shirts 495 0:36:06.380 --> 0:36:11.100 So when you load into the world neos has to load those 50 t-shirts and that's why there's a hitch 496 0:36:11.420 --> 0:36:15.900 Like there is a cost for that data being there wherever it's on or not. It's in memory, etc 497 0:36:16.220 --> 0:36:22.080 electrona says opinion using something like value copy with right back to make fields local for things like set global transform 498 0:36:22.380 --> 0:36:25.900 As far as testing is shown it means the rights never get synced. Uh, 499 0:36:25.900 --> 0:36:30.220 It depends what you're doing. I don't know what you're doing. If you tell me what you're doing 500 0:36:30.620 --> 0:36:32.780 It might be like a better way of doing it 501 0:36:33.180 --> 0:36:37.900 Specs asks is there a known cause for the infinite loading bug referring to you and users intimate the joint sessions and experience and asset 502 0:36:37.980 --> 0:36:40.300 Loading count that grows forever never goes away. Um 503 0:36:41.020 --> 0:36:47.500 There's something up with asset loading. I don't know what's causing it and I see like multiple things there where I want to look into 504 0:36:47.500 --> 0:36:48.140 them 505 0:36:48.140 --> 0:36:50.140 um, I keep talking to um 506 0:36:50.140 --> 0:36:56.060 Fruits, etc about like improving the logging there. So we know what's going on. Um, I did see a commit from fruits 507 0:36:56.060 --> 0:36:59.500 That hit the source code recently that may help with that a little bit 508 0:36:59.820 --> 0:37:01.820 But I do know that that still happens 509 0:37:01.980 --> 0:37:07.760 I don't think that I know enough about it to say that there is a known cause though. No egg roll for says anisotropic 510 0:37:08.380 --> 0:37:14.060 Thank you. I'm gonna forget that though. Maybe I should like print that and frame it. I might print that and frame it anyway 511 0:37:14.060 --> 0:37:19.420 Um, ozi says i'm talking about filter options not compression methods. Oh, i'm, sorry. Um, so 512 0:37:23.500 --> 0:37:25.020 Point filtering 513 0:37:25.020 --> 0:37:29.180 Texture compression. I don't remember what the texture compression options look like on a texture 514 0:37:29.260 --> 0:37:34.620 I'm, sorry if it'll get me a picture of the static. I'm sure I remember I just can't like visualize it 515 0:37:35.340 --> 0:37:42.480 Hamish is trying to trick me up here because I pronounce stuff weirdly. Um, they're asking how would you iterate through a bunch of anisosopic? 516 0:37:42.480 --> 0:37:49.460 I can't I can't I can't like either of those words are just difficult. Um, you don't need to there's no such thing as an anisosopic 517 0:37:50.000 --> 0:37:52.000 Um, whatever that is. Yeah, cool 518 0:37:52.240 --> 0:37:56.240 Uh elo says i've asked a person to walk me through making a laser gun. It sounded like a really really nice experience 519 0:37:56.560 --> 0:38:01.440 That's it depends on attitude. There's a lot of again problems I see in um, like how 520 0:38:02.080 --> 0:38:03.040 um 521 0:38:03.040 --> 0:38:09.600 How people approach systems so if you approach neos as I need to learn I want to learn please help me learn 522 0:38:09.600 --> 0:38:13.520 You'll have a lot better time and then maybe making a gun is a good experience 523 0:38:13.520 --> 0:38:17.920 But if you approach it with logics is hard. I don't know it. I want to learn it 524 0:38:18.240 --> 0:38:20.720 Please make a laser gun then you'll have a worse time 525 0:38:20.960 --> 0:38:23.840 That's why I usually go with the like let's learn the the specifics 526 0:38:24.080 --> 0:38:28.480 You know in in in education where you learn the theory before you learn the application a little bit like that 527 0:38:28.880 --> 0:38:34.960 Le cvr says why is neon so hard to get the hang of but chill out is easy to use depends on your perspective. So 528 0:38:34.960 --> 0:38:39.920 Um chill out is more aligned to how the the vr chat experience works 529 0:38:40.000 --> 0:38:45.920 And so it's a it's a better sort of jumping off point for vr chat users. Um neos isn't 530 0:38:46.560 --> 0:38:53.120 Hard in some avenues it is hard in other avenues. I do admit it's just again like an attitude thing though 531 0:38:53.280 --> 0:38:59.280 So you need to like look at neos as a completely different beast to vr chat cvr and stuff like that 532 0:38:59.680 --> 0:39:03.760 You're not comparing the two as much when you're comparing how they are to use 533 0:39:03.760 --> 0:39:09.760 You're just learning them in isolation. So an example might be hey bring in avatar in 534 0:39:09.920 --> 0:39:14.160 Yeah, the first time I brought an avatar and it took me like two hours, but the now it takes me five minutes 535 0:39:14.560 --> 0:39:16.400 It's like it's an attitude and learning thing 536 0:39:16.400 --> 0:39:18.080 Like I know the first time's hard 537 0:39:18.080 --> 0:39:23.120 We've got mentors standing by in game all the time to help you get an avatar in but once you've done it like 538 0:39:23.520 --> 0:39:27.840 A few times it's going to get easier once you've been doing it for almost four years like me 539 0:39:27.920 --> 0:39:31.840 It's just like yeah, sure. Come on, whatever erin says have you done the satellite laser thing? 540 0:39:31.840 --> 0:39:37.200 No, I did get close to it. But like not there yet spec says photogrammetry avatar theft 541 0:39:37.200 --> 0:39:40.160 You could technically do that right if you captured your screen 542 0:39:40.720 --> 0:39:47.040 And went around the avatar and then somehow filtered out the background you could photogrammetry recreate the avatar 543 0:39:47.360 --> 0:39:53.120 And then people say oh just block screenshots. Yeah, i've got a camera pointed at my screen. What are you going to do now? 544 0:39:53.280 --> 0:39:55.280 What are you going to do now? Um 545 0:39:55.840 --> 0:39:57.520 It's it's an interesting question 546 0:39:57.520 --> 0:40:04.240 if you do notice asset theft do report it to moderation team at moderation.nes.com we will do our best to figure out why that is and 547 0:40:05.040 --> 0:40:09.040 Act appropriately epic. Eason says what can you do with hard missions? 548 0:40:09.680 --> 0:40:11.680 Is making a map 549 0:40:11.680 --> 0:40:17.360 That you uh paid on gumroad or some other websites and people give builder and builders not be able to modify or export 550 0:40:17.680 --> 0:40:23.120 Any assets in the ah, that's hard permissions. Yeah, so the easiest way I can think of hard permissions is um 551 0:40:23.680 --> 0:40:26.240 Right now if you look at a world imagine it's a circle 552 0:40:26.240 --> 0:40:29.520 And you can edit everything inside that circle so you can just if you're a builder 553 0:40:29.520 --> 0:40:32.960 You can inspect that part of the world. You can inspect the floor. You can unpack the floor 554 0:40:32.960 --> 0:40:35.600 You can look at the logics in the floor with hard permissions 555 0:40:36.160 --> 0:40:39.040 Split that circle into two and you've got a venn diagram stuff 556 0:40:39.040 --> 0:40:42.800 You can edit and stuff you can't edit and then put various things in one of those circles 557 0:40:42.880 --> 0:40:48.800 So hey, maybe the floor you can't edit the floor for some reason there's proprietary technology in this floor 558 0:40:49.200 --> 0:40:53.760 You can't edit it. But hey, maybe the wall you can that's in the candidate circle 559 0:40:53.760 --> 0:40:56.240 That's the sort of way I visualize it 560 0:40:56.240 --> 0:40:59.840 Like I said again, it's not going to be a literal circle in game or the ui for it 561 0:41:00.000 --> 0:41:04.000 But that's the way you should like think about it. Like here's what you can and cannot do aaron says you 562 0:41:04.640 --> 0:41:08.160 Uh, I think you should do logics with you ask for permission if you feel you need it 563 0:41:08.160 --> 0:41:10.160 But I think it'd be a fantastic way to teach people 564 0:41:10.160 --> 0:41:11.840 A good example of that one is the hermit meter 565 0:41:11.840 --> 0:41:15.680 I recreated the hermit meter and halved the logics nodes that were used in the hermit meter 566 0:41:16.080 --> 0:41:19.360 I just looked at it and I went really and I halved the nodes that were at use 567 0:41:19.360 --> 0:41:24.160 I don't remember who made the original hermit meter. I do believe the one aaron has is my one. So 568 0:41:24.720 --> 0:41:27.920 Alex says yo active development hype. Yeah, there's there's still stuff happening 569 0:41:28.240 --> 0:41:33.280 Um, if anyone who thinks we're on strike, we're not if we're on strike. I wouldn't be here. I would be like in bed 570 0:41:33.840 --> 0:41:38.400 Uh, okay. We got i'm finally catching up to the the the compression stuff. Fantastic 571 0:41:38.640 --> 0:41:43.600 Oh the bc3 ragb stuff and then let's go pitch it. Yes. I have no idea 572 0:41:43.600 --> 0:41:49.040 Um, there are so many options there and some of them make my textures change to just blue so I don't know 573 0:41:49.360 --> 0:41:53.520 And then a just says neos will not be running if we weren't. Yeah, if it like of all people 574 0:41:53.680 --> 0:41:59.840 I want you to think about shifty. She tirelessly every day answers patron inquiries every single day 575 0:42:00.000 --> 0:42:06.080 Like it it's got to the point where she's had to like draw the line and set like start and end times for her day 576 0:42:06.560 --> 0:42:11.840 Just have some sort of sense of normality. That's not on strike. That's we care about the community 577 0:42:11.840 --> 0:42:16.720 We're doing what we can again. I've been sat here for 48 minutes answering random questions and saying the word 578 0:42:17.680 --> 0:42:21.520 orbital defense platform several times over we're not on strike, um 579 0:42:22.160 --> 0:42:27.360 Moving forwards miss kitty says, uh, how does one go learning logics for the first time? 580 0:42:27.760 --> 0:42:32.160 Um, I was talking about that earlier. Um, the best way I think is to keep things simple 581 0:42:32.480 --> 0:42:39.840 So your first logic project should be adding two numbers together. Maybe learn the ui right learn how to spawn a node how to 582 0:42:39.840 --> 0:42:45.920 um connect those nodes together how to disconnect those nodes how to view that result do that first 583 0:42:47.280 --> 0:42:54.020 Um, if you're not tech savvy the adding numbers together is it should should be quite easy it resembles 584 0:42:54.720 --> 0:42:56.720 Like how you were taught addition? 585 0:42:56.720 --> 0:43:01.680 Um, once you've got that going there are videos from other critters. I haven't done a beginner logics tutorial 586 0:43:01.760 --> 0:43:03.760 and that's the reason behind that is just because like 587 0:43:03.760 --> 0:43:09.600 I don't know how to approach tutorials for absolute beginners. Lots of my tutorials aren't for beginners. I do apologize for that 588 0:43:10.000 --> 0:43:13.280 It's just like there is a certain level of detail that you need to know 589 0:43:13.840 --> 0:43:17.040 before you watch one of my tutorials and that makes it easier to like 590 0:43:18.400 --> 0:43:22.960 Make them. Um, but basement has an amazing introduction to logics tutorial 591 0:43:23.360 --> 0:43:27.360 um, so if someone can link that whilst I look at some other questions, then uh, 592 0:43:27.840 --> 0:43:28.960 That should help you out there 593 0:43:28.960 --> 0:43:35.440 But I do think that you should keep things, uh as simple as possible to start adding numbers together. Great 594 0:43:35.600 --> 0:43:38.660 Then once you learn how to add numbers together, maybe do some multiplication 595 0:43:39.440 --> 0:43:42.480 And then once you've done some multiplication, maybe do some division, right? 596 0:43:42.480 --> 0:43:47.200 And then once you've done all of the mathematical operators, you should end up with some logics that you can do 597 0:43:47.440 --> 0:43:52.260 I seem to remember zane people know zane. They're the sort of blue wrecks that runs around wearing a hat and sunglasses 598 0:43:52.880 --> 0:43:58.160 Well, like glowy visor. It's not really a sunglasses, but it's glowing that brightly. I gave him a 599 0:43:58.160 --> 0:44:03.040 Uh subset of the node browser, which I have somewhere in my log public folder, I think and it 600 0:44:03.680 --> 0:44:05.520 um has 601 0:44:05.520 --> 0:44:10.960 Only mathematical notes and I just said play with these and um, he's playing with them 602 0:44:11.040 --> 0:44:11.760 They were cool 603 0:44:11.760 --> 0:44:16.640 And then I gave him the t node and the t node is it counts the number of seconds the world has been open 604 0:44:17.040 --> 0:44:19.040 And he started putting those together 605 0:44:19.040 --> 0:44:22.800 And eventually he got like a number that was just doing something and he's like, oh 606 0:44:22.800 --> 0:44:26.880 I wonder if I could make the number bigger and he like, you know added a multiplication node, etc 607 0:44:26.880 --> 0:44:31.280 So that that was cool. Like, you know, he just kept playing with maths until he got there 608 0:44:31.760 --> 0:44:38.880 Uh, dre says I will jump up to uh, dorky's question in just a second. But dre says, uh, what if you're bad at math? 609 0:44:39.280 --> 0:44:41.760 Uh, you can add two numbers together 610 0:44:41.920 --> 0:44:44.560 It's it's more like honestly, it's more about learning the ui 611 0:44:44.640 --> 0:44:48.000 Like if you learn the ui you'll have a lot better time when you start looking at other nodes 612 0:44:48.000 --> 0:44:53.040 Let's start looking at other concepts, but I again see a lot of times is I want to make a gun 613 0:44:53.040 --> 0:44:57.200 Well, okay. Can you link two nodes together? I can't and it's like, okay 614 0:44:57.280 --> 0:45:02.320 Let's let's try one plus one equals two in logic form just to learn the ui 615 0:45:02.560 --> 0:45:05.200 like i'm not trying to insult anyone's intelligence and say like 616 0:45:05.840 --> 0:45:09.120 You don't know how to add those numbers together. We all know how to do addition 617 0:45:09.520 --> 0:45:14.400 It's just that the ui and placing those nodes in the world and linking them up that I want you to learn 618 0:45:14.800 --> 0:45:18.240 Jumping up to dorky says can you explain anim j like i'm five? 619 0:45:18.240 --> 0:45:22.720 Uh, I keep seeing it mentioned try to understand it for all the wiki. I can't wrap my head around it 620 0:45:22.880 --> 0:45:26.720 Lex and I are working on updating the animation for that 621 0:45:27.120 --> 0:45:33.680 I spent four hours yesterday trying to figure out how matrix matrices work in nmj and my conclusion is they don't 622 0:45:34.000 --> 0:45:38.240 So that was fun. Um, but we are figuring bits of it out 623 0:45:38.640 --> 0:45:43.040 I'm going to go ahead and try though and the reason behind that is because I have a very simple nmj file 624 0:45:43.120 --> 0:45:47.200 I don't believe we've got any like shareable nmj files that we've shared before 625 0:45:47.200 --> 0:45:50.960 There are a couple of examples on the wiki, but they're like complicated or not easy to use 626 0:45:51.040 --> 0:45:53.520 Let me just go get my my sample nmj file 627 0:45:53.600 --> 0:45:56.080 I'm, not even gonna upload that as a file or I will provide it if you need it 628 0:45:56.400 --> 0:45:58.400 I'm going to just give it to you as a screenshot 629 0:45:58.720 --> 0:46:05.360 Um, simply because then we can talk about it a little bit easier and I should uh, i'm gonna go ahead and remove the top bit there 630 0:46:05.920 --> 0:46:12.560 Uh, and then load my screenshot a screenshotting tool, please load and then i'm gonna say to visual studio that this is jason 631 0:46:13.440 --> 0:46:16.240 There's that jason coming up by the way if you want to get ahead in the game 632 0:46:16.240 --> 0:46:21.040 if you want to get ahead in the game when it comes to um, basically any form of programming like if you're a 633 0:46:21.680 --> 0:46:28.080 Programmer who's looking to get you know, a new programmer who's looking to make a career in programming or learn programming learn. Jason 634 0:46:28.560 --> 0:46:36.480 Jason is is amazing and used pretty much like everywhere. So learn. Jason if you don't know. Jason learn. Jason. So, uh, here is a 635 0:46:38.220 --> 0:46:40.220 Particular 636 0:46:40.220 --> 0:46:46.540 Anim j file. So if you're not looking at it and in the the notes here i'll try and get a link to it in the notes on on sounder etc. 637 0:46:46.540 --> 0:46:48.860 This anim j file, um will 638 0:46:49.420 --> 0:46:52.780 Change the position of a slot at various times 639 0:46:53.500 --> 0:47:00.460 And so you'll see that there is a list of keyframes and so it will then animate between those keyframes to those values 640 0:47:00.860 --> 0:47:04.620 And that's really all there is to anim j but you can do so many complicated things to it 641 0:47:04.620 --> 0:47:11.020 Um, so if you look at that file, you'll see at time index zero the key the the the left cube is at zero zero zero 642 0:47:11.180 --> 0:47:16.380 If you look at time one, I've moved the cube or whatever to not point two to the left 643 0:47:16.700 --> 0:47:21.420 Why are there so many red lines here expected comma? Did I make an error problem with my 644 0:47:21.980 --> 0:47:29.100 My jason's fine value expected very confused. That's valid. Jason, but it's saying it's not unless i'm just missing something. Anyway, um, 645 0:47:29.100 --> 0:47:36.540 um, so you put that stuff into an animator component and then you hook it up to various properties and then you're able to 646 0:47:36.940 --> 0:47:38.940 Animate it. Um 647 0:47:38.940 --> 0:47:45.100 It's it's basically a way of describing translations. Um, it's it's it's if you look at that that that script above 648 0:47:45.260 --> 0:47:48.460 I put in the screenshot of and you don't see what's happening 649 0:47:48.940 --> 0:47:51.520 Um, then you'll have to wait for the tutorial unfortunately 650 0:47:52.220 --> 0:47:55.660 Moving, uh up because there are questions I missed. Um, 651 0:47:55.660 --> 0:47:59.980 I also keep a hard limit of this at five or as we've gone over by half an hour, but we'll 652 0:48:00.460 --> 0:48:03.260 Stop at five. So we've got six more minutes questions. Uh, so 653 0:48:03.900 --> 0:48:05.340 second 654 0:48:05.340 --> 0:48:10.540 Asks do shared items i.e given to you in a public folder take up storage of safety in your own world. I 655 0:48:11.420 --> 0:48:14.620 Don't know. I think I have an answer there, but I don't want to be proven wrong 656 0:48:14.620 --> 0:48:16.700 I know storage space is a hot topic right now. So 657 0:48:17.420 --> 0:48:21.100 Try it if you save a public folder in your inventory. No 658 0:48:21.100 --> 0:48:26.460 No, but if you save it in your own world and save that world, there is a reference to that item 659 0:48:26.780 --> 0:48:31.820 But it should deduplicate the assets on that item, but there still is a storage cost for saving that item in the world 660 0:48:31.900 --> 0:48:33.900 So, I don't know 661 0:48:34.300 --> 0:48:40.140 Pushka says can you choose to save reference to object individually and saving instead of saving entire object to the cloud? 662 0:48:40.300 --> 0:48:45.980 No, although we'll sometimes do that for you. You just don't know that we're doing it. Easton shows an example of 663 0:48:46.940 --> 0:48:49.740 Adding numbers together again, that's perfect. Uh 664 0:48:49.740 --> 0:48:53.260 Olin says instructions unclear and then shows the adder node 665 0:48:53.340 --> 0:48:59.260 So the adder node I can't remember which folder the adder node is in but we actually have what's called a binary adder in 666 0:48:59.500 --> 0:49:03.820 um in logics, um, I learned that back at university but like, uh 667 0:49:04.380 --> 0:49:08.220 adding together two numbers in binary is like 668 0:49:08.780 --> 0:49:15.980 Magic and that's because it's binary and so adding them together is very very complicated moving forwards Easton says it's possible to make an anim 669 0:49:15.980 --> 0:49:21.340 J animator tool inside a Neos probably not but possibly yes, but also no 670 0:49:21.820 --> 0:49:24.540 Um, the reason behind that is you'll need to construct a json file 671 0:49:24.540 --> 0:49:28.220 Which is technically possible with a lot of string matching and string nodes, etc 672 0:49:28.380 --> 0:49:29.980 But once you've got that json file 673 0:49:29.980 --> 0:49:35.660 You then need to create a file from that save that file to somewhere which is not inside Neos and then re-import it 674 0:49:35.900 --> 0:49:41.340 Like you have to re-import it into Neos as an anim. J file for Neos to kick in and be like, ah 675 0:49:41.340 --> 0:49:43.820 It's an animation. I'll do the anim j processing on it great 676 0:49:43.820 --> 0:49:46.940 Uh double six is what is an mjs and uses animation library? 677 0:49:46.940 --> 0:49:55.260 No, it's a way of representing animations that are compatible with Neos's animation library as json outside of Neos 678 0:49:55.660 --> 0:49:59.820 Uh codices so basically deconstructing a dope sheet into json and bring it into Neos. Yes 679 0:50:00.360 --> 0:50:02.360 Absolutely. Um 680 0:50:02.620 --> 0:50:04.140 Uh 681 0:50:04.140 --> 0:50:08.220 Vrc refugee ghoul or the ghoul. Okay. There we go. Your name is confusing 682 0:50:08.220 --> 0:50:12.220 Sorry, uh the ghoul is there a way to fix the little shelves on my wrist? Those are tool anchors 683 0:50:12.220 --> 0:50:16.300 Those are the tool shelf anchors, um scroll up in this chat a little bit 684 0:50:16.300 --> 0:50:22.220 You'll see the tool shelf or tool anchor tutorial that shows you how to uh move them around and play with them 685 0:50:22.300 --> 0:50:24.940 If you don't want them there, you can also turn them off that way as well 686 0:50:24.940 --> 0:50:28.700 But just I think turning off the anchor will do it. Um, they are great though 687 0:50:28.700 --> 0:50:33.660 Maybe I should do a tool shelf tutorial because people don't understand them and then they struggle to equip tools and i'm just like 688 0:50:34.220 --> 0:50:38.940 Look how fast I can equip tools using my tool shelf and then people are like, oh, that's what those are for 689 0:50:38.940 --> 0:50:42.700 And i'm like, yep, that's what those are for math binary for the adder. Thank you 690 0:50:42.860 --> 0:50:46.700 The adder is is really cool. Zach asks an interesting question about how does um, 691 0:50:47.340 --> 0:50:50.060 Lex's anim j that he shared compared to 692 0:50:50.620 --> 0:50:56.860 Changing it using logics. You could also change it using logics, but sometimes um, it might be better to use uh, 693 0:50:57.180 --> 0:51:01.660 Anim j if you know how to do it. Um, it just depends on what you'd like to do. So 694 0:51:02.300 --> 0:51:03.260 um 695 0:51:03.260 --> 0:51:04.700 in anim j 696 0:51:04.700 --> 0:51:06.460 Lex has the ability to 697 0:51:06.460 --> 0:51:09.020 Do things in a little bit more of a structured way 698 0:51:09.420 --> 0:51:12.960 Where there's the way that would that would happen in logics is is maybe more complicated 699 0:51:13.580 --> 0:51:18.060 Um in some cases what you're doing in logics for animations is writing mathematical equations 700 0:51:18.060 --> 0:51:22.300 Which result in the animation that you want and for anyone that just got scared by that 701 0:51:22.780 --> 0:51:26.860 Don't worry about that. I know that was a scary sentence. It's honestly not that bad 702 0:51:27.180 --> 0:51:32.720 There is a video I have about uh reciprocal motion which uses maths to make an animation 703 0:51:32.720 --> 0:51:38.560 And it is quite easy. Once you get the hang of it, which i'll paste here. We are at 16 59 704 0:51:38.560 --> 0:51:41.760 So specs dorky if you have a question go for it. Otherwise, no more questions 705 0:51:42.460 --> 0:51:48.260 Immediately dorky stops typing. I'm sorry dorky. Is there a difference between the term as oscillating and reciprocating? 706 0:51:49.120 --> 0:51:55.520 Like is that difference? I don't know probably that's a good way of phrasing it spec says animating via logics procedural 707 0:51:55.520 --> 0:52:01.440 You're calculating animation in real time animating via anim j is baked. The animation is a preset of known values. Yep. That's great 708 0:52:01.440 --> 0:52:07.280 It is now 1700 canadian gets you better finish your typed message quickly, or I will send you an angry cat gift 709 0:52:07.360 --> 0:52:09.360 Okay, well cut it there 710 0:52:09.360 --> 0:52:10.400 If you have any further questions 711 0:52:10.400 --> 0:52:15.520 Please drop them in the questions and help section of the uh, neos discord direct message me find me in game 712 0:52:15.840 --> 0:52:21.680 Send me a homing pigeon hopefully with a cheese reward, but uh, I will see you guys around. Bye. Bye 713 0:52:21.680 --> 0:52:31.620 It sounded vaguely mickey mousy. I'm not going to do a mickey mouse impression, but there you go. Bye. Bye