1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:04.720 All right. Recordings active. We'll go ahead and just type in office hours. We're live. 2 0:00:04.720 --> 0:00:14.720 And then we'll get going. Okay. So, as we had no, like, form up there, 3 0:00:14.720 --> 0:00:20.160 we'll go straight into questions with Specs's question. Specs asks, the VRIK component is 4 0:00:20.160 --> 0:00:23.840 very useful to know for avatar setup, but it doesn't seem well covered for how important 5 0:00:23.840 --> 0:00:26.960 it is. It helped me debug a friend's bone assignments this weekend. Sorry to discover 6 0:00:26.960 --> 0:00:31.040 the shorter role settings have been useful in adjusting shorter bone behavior for us. 7 0:00:31.040 --> 0:00:35.120 I'm sure it will be a lot of work, but a detailed overview of this component may be extremely 8 0:00:35.120 --> 0:00:37.920 useful to experienced users. Is there any chance we get a prime video on the topic? 9 0:00:39.280 --> 0:00:44.160 Maybe. The problem with the VRIK and the VRIK avatar components is that they have so many 10 0:00:44.160 --> 0:00:48.800 properties that I just don't know what they do. I know what, like, five of them do, but the rest 11 0:00:48.800 --> 0:00:54.080 of them I'm just not sure. There's a lot of numbers there, a lot of, like, sliders, a lot 12 0:00:54.080 --> 0:00:59.360 of random fields that don't seem to make sense. But they have lots of power in them. I did drop 13 0:00:59.360 --> 0:01:03.040 some content into the tutorials channel. I'm calling them pointers, because they're just, 14 0:01:03.040 --> 0:01:08.400 like, stuff I make in one minute. Not produced at all. But I was showing someone how to do 15 0:01:09.120 --> 0:01:13.680 custom walk animations with that. And a few other things there. And it was just, like, 16 0:01:13.680 --> 0:01:17.600 I don't know how half this component works, but if you mess with these numbers, you're going to 17 0:01:17.600 --> 0:01:23.680 get a different result. So, in the future, sure. Not quite sure when. I actually just need to go 18 0:01:23.680 --> 0:01:27.360 ahead and figure out a description for each of those properties, even if it means I, like, 19 0:01:27.360 --> 0:01:32.240 I don't know, I take fruits out for some fruit and I'm just like, all right, fruits. We've got 20 0:01:32.240 --> 0:01:41.120 400 fields to go, fruits. Let's do it. What does blah, blah, blah, blah do? However, there is one 21 0:01:41.120 --> 0:01:46.000 field which is really useful, which is arm length multiplier. I think it's in IK avatar, I'm not 22 0:01:46.000 --> 0:01:50.480 quite sure. It's in one of the two. Arm length multiplier will let you make your arms longer or 23 0:01:50.480 --> 0:01:56.320 shorter. I kept doing that for new users last week. Someone said, oh, how am I going to remember 24 0:01:56.320 --> 0:02:00.960 this, you know, if I need to change my arms later? And I said, well, you could remember it by the 25 0:02:00.960 --> 0:02:06.160 name I remember it internally, which is arm length my little pony and then you'll never forget it. 26 0:02:06.160 --> 0:02:11.120 So, remember, if your arms need to be shorter or longer, adjust your arm length, my little pony. 27 0:02:11.120 --> 0:02:17.760 But that's just me. Moving forwards. Yeah, actually, we didn't do any of that. Good call, 28 0:02:17.760 --> 0:02:23.680 Mr. Easton. So, for anyone who's new here or isn't familiar with office hours or hasn't seen them 29 0:02:23.680 --> 0:02:28.320 before, I sit here and answer questions and I inevitably start ranting about various objects 30 0:02:28.320 --> 0:02:33.360 or stories or experiences in life. But I'm meant to be answering nice questions. If you have any 31 0:02:33.360 --> 0:02:38.560 questions, please drop them in the office hours text chat that is it used to be two above the one 32 0:02:38.560 --> 0:02:43.680 that you're currently looking at for community meetings, but now it's one, two, three, four, 33 0:02:43.680 --> 0:02:47.040 five. So, it's five above the one that you're currently in because we added some extra voice 34 0:02:47.040 --> 0:02:52.000 chat channels just to spread out the load from the oncoming people. So, if you have questions 35 0:02:52.000 --> 0:02:55.520 about Neos, drop them into the office hours text chat. I'll get to them as soon as I can. 36 0:02:56.080 --> 0:03:00.880 Keep them coming and we'll keep answering them. Let's go ahead and move on to the next question 37 0:03:00.880 --> 0:03:06.800 here. So, Alex says made of interesting Neos lately. Yeah, you can actually find it I think 38 0:03:06.800 --> 0:03:13.360 it's in like the full dive Neos discussions and questions and help kind of just blur into my brain 39 0:03:13.360 --> 0:03:18.320 sometimes and I need to like remember which one I actually like posted it in. I'll drop it down to, 40 0:03:18.320 --> 0:03:24.640 here we go, let me see if I can just copy these holistically down. Where are we? Office hours, 41 0:03:24.640 --> 0:03:32.320 office hours, office hours, paste. Oh yes, a blank thing pasting. I'll just upload them again from 42 0:03:32.320 --> 0:03:38.080 my actual computer. We were looking at doing more, I'm doing like a lot of like science and 43 0:03:38.080 --> 0:03:45.600 sciency stuff with a user name shfr and we were doing science involving eye exams and so we had 44 0:03:45.600 --> 0:03:50.160 to come up with an anchor that forcibly put your head in a head restraint which is not something 45 0:03:50.160 --> 0:03:56.640 like anyone would probably do but it's something that we were doing for a particular goal. You can 46 0:03:56.640 --> 0:04:01.760 see that sphere there is me positioning a avatar pose filter so I can get the head in the right 47 0:04:01.760 --> 0:04:08.560 spot so it looks convincing. It is fun, you never quite know what you're gonna do. Everyone else is 48 0:04:08.560 --> 0:04:12.160 like oh let's make a game, let's make a world and those are fantastic, please keep making them. 49 0:04:12.160 --> 0:04:17.600 When it comes to science we're just like what? You need what? You sure? Okay. 50 0:04:20.480 --> 0:04:27.120 Ozzy asks what's your funniest unique encounter with users so far? So I always get like weirded 51 0:04:27.120 --> 0:04:31.760 out by the people who don't realize that like yes I am the YouTube person. It happens a lot. They're 52 0:04:31.760 --> 0:04:35.760 like you're the guy I watched YouTube videos on. I'm like yep that's me and they're like thanks for 53 0:04:35.760 --> 0:04:39.680 the videos. I'm like yep thank you for watching them. It's very simple. If you watch them, 54 0:04:39.680 --> 0:04:43.280 fantastic. If they help you, fantastic. If they don't help you, also fantastic. I don't mind. 55 0:04:43.920 --> 0:04:49.280 So it's always good to see those people. The funny or unique encounters usually occur when 56 0:04:50.320 --> 0:04:56.320 I'll suddenly go into like parent or teacher mode and I'll be like hey we don't do that here. So 57 0:04:56.320 --> 0:05:02.720 I was in a world this is actually just before the VRChat like big boom over here due to all 58 0:05:02.720 --> 0:05:10.640 that stuff and a kid came in. They sounded quite young and they walked up to an uninhabited avatar 59 0:05:10.640 --> 0:05:14.720 and started bullying it. You know they're insulting it, swearing at it, etc. And I walked 60 0:05:14.720 --> 0:05:19.840 over there I'm like hey we don't do that here. We're nice here. And you know the kid persisted 61 0:05:19.840 --> 0:05:25.440 for a little bit and eventually they stopped because I just wouldn't let them do it. I was 62 0:05:25.440 --> 0:05:29.600 like hey we don't do that here. I wouldn't argue with them. I was just like hey we just don't do 63 0:05:29.600 --> 0:05:35.120 that here. Eventually they got the picture and they apologized to the uninhabited avatar 64 0:05:35.120 --> 0:05:41.040 that no one was wearing. They're like sorry I was mean or whatever and that was that was that was 65 0:05:41.040 --> 0:05:49.280 fun. Alrighty scrolling down. Alright Shy River says can public avatars be fully exported from 66 0:05:49.280 --> 0:05:54.800 Neos? No you cannot export any type of avatar from Neos currently and that's because the moment you 67 0:05:54.800 --> 0:06:00.560 bring a skinned mesh which is what an avatar is into Neos it uh it gets uh garbled is the 68 0:06:00.560 --> 0:06:06.240 wrong word it gets translated into Neos format which is not currently exportable. That might 69 0:06:06.240 --> 0:06:13.280 change in the future but right now go ahead turn off this ac we'll have less brr noises. 70 0:06:13.280 --> 0:06:17.760 Let's move on to the next question here from unnamed cyborg cat. How exactly does the nitty 71 0:06:17.760 --> 0:06:21.520 gritty of avatar creation work? Like yeah there's a thing you put on the head and hands and stuff 72 0:06:21.520 --> 0:06:25.120 but what about where your eyes are or how to calibrate how big you are in comparison to 73 0:06:25.120 --> 0:06:30.000 the avatar itself? How does it all work? That depends exactly on what you want. You like you 74 0:06:30.000 --> 0:06:34.800 have like a couple of questions there which are sort of hidden behind that larger question like 75 0:06:34.800 --> 0:06:42.400 how does the avatar system work? It's very very very very complicated but for where the eyes are 76 0:06:42.400 --> 0:06:46.720 that is usually turned by we try and figure out if we can find the eyes if we see a bone called 77 0:06:46.720 --> 0:06:51.200 right eye left eye hey that's an eye bone. How big you are in comparison to the avatar itself 78 0:06:51.200 --> 0:06:57.520 is controlled by a height compensation field on the avatar that'll be under vrik or vrik avatar. 79 0:06:57.520 --> 0:07:03.040 Please for the love of god and everything that has ever been ever said to anyone in the planet 80 0:07:03.920 --> 0:07:10.400 both in vr chat and on neos in the settings there is a height setting you set it to your real world 81 0:07:10.400 --> 0:07:15.840 height or i will personally come and send you angry cat gifs the reason is because uh we get 82 0:07:15.840 --> 0:07:19.120 a lot of people changing the height setting so that they can change how big they are in comparison 83 0:07:19.120 --> 0:07:24.160 the avatar completely wrong way of doing it there's height compensation which will map how 84 0:07:24.160 --> 0:07:29.440 tall the avatar is compared to your real world height and then there's also um the default user 85 0:07:29.440 --> 0:07:32.720 scale component which allows you to be small should you want to be small so not actually to 86 0:07:32.720 --> 0:07:36.480 be big although i don't know anyone that does that but uh default user scale is how you become sort 87 0:07:36.480 --> 0:07:42.320 of smaller than than you want to be uh do not set your height to anything other than your real world 88 0:07:42.320 --> 0:07:47.600 height otherwise i will send you angry cat gifs you quite clearly like it says put in your height 89 0:07:47.600 --> 0:07:52.000 and everyone's like if i put in a smaller height my avatar looks better and i'm like well just to 90 0:07:52.000 --> 0:07:56.000 use the appropriate tools for the job please please erin doesn't know their real height you 91 0:07:56.000 --> 0:08:03.040 you get a ruler and you figure it out moving forwards now he asks uh will there be unity 92 0:08:03.040 --> 0:08:07.600 package support eventually that is a difficult answer because what i want you to remember is 93 0:08:07.600 --> 0:08:13.680 that we aren't unity we are right now but we're going aiming to not be unity now a unity package 94 0:08:13.680 --> 0:08:19.120 is essentially just like a zip archive with a bunch of like crap on top of it and so me 95 0:08:19.120 --> 0:08:24.000 personally even before i knew what neos was i got really annoyed at unity packages it seems like a 96 0:08:24.000 --> 0:08:30.480 really inefficient way to submit avatars across like i don't understand like it just just the 97 0:08:30.480 --> 0:08:35.440 problem that the largest problem with unity packages being hey hey it's a format that we 98 0:08:35.440 --> 0:08:40.880 don't really own and then be the materials we can't map one to one the material so it doesn't 99 0:08:40.880 --> 0:08:44.400 really work the best thing that we can do currently i know there's some mods out there that 100 0:08:44.400 --> 0:08:49.680 do it but like you know the best thing that we as neos could do is scan through that unity package 101 0:08:49.680 --> 0:08:54.640 find the assets and dump them into a world for you which is really what the the mod does it's 102 0:08:54.640 --> 0:09:01.360 just not that simple right we're not unity and so that needs to be respected by our users we of 103 0:09:01.360 --> 0:09:06.320 course can make the avatar setup process more easier more better more intuitive and stuff like 104 0:09:06.320 --> 0:09:12.400 that but i don't think we're going to get to the point where it is like a vrchat import it actually 105 0:09:12.400 --> 0:09:18.160 probably diverge further and further away from what our vrchat import is uh whilst also still 106 0:09:18.160 --> 0:09:24.640 being easier and that might lead to oddities that haven't been foreseen but uh the best way to look 107 0:09:24.640 --> 0:09:30.080 at that is hey if you had started making avatars uh with neos and not vrchat you'd probably be 108 0:09:30.080 --> 0:09:36.080 saying the other way around you'd be like whoa you know vrchat doesn't just take my fbx 109 0:09:36.080 --> 0:09:42.640 file and make it into an avatar so i guess in summary an easier process yes specifically unity 110 0:09:42.640 --> 0:09:50.000 packages possibly but also possibly not you really i guess need to ask um like more questions there 111 0:09:50.000 --> 0:09:55.760 like why don't you have your files knocked in here that's another interesting and unique experience 112 0:09:55.760 --> 0:10:00.640 with with new users is uh when i'm helping them import their avatar and they manage to find the 113 0:10:00.640 --> 0:10:06.560 fbx for their you know their avatars like being the flesh and the skin the the armature etc they 114 0:10:06.560 --> 0:10:09.680 bring it in and i'm like great now import your textures and they're like i don't know where those 115 0:10:09.680 --> 0:10:15.040 are and i just give them instructions and uh it always goes fun i've had someone manage to 116 0:10:15.040 --> 0:10:19.280 import the fbx and then two hours later they're still trying to find their textures it's it's 117 0:10:19.280 --> 0:10:27.680 i don't know i don't understand sometimes why um like finding files on your computer is difficult 118 0:10:27.680 --> 0:10:32.240 i see people within like my downloads folder is full of like thousands of items just clean it up 119 0:10:32.240 --> 0:10:35.920 if you're watching a film clean it up if you're watching some tv clean up you'll have a lot better 120 0:10:35.920 --> 0:10:44.320 time let's go ahead and move down into more and more questions all right here we are uh slide 121 0:10:44.320 --> 0:10:51.280 swap region what does the slide slot what does this slide swap region component do under uix 122 0:10:51.280 --> 0:10:58.160 utility is there any there there isn't any documentation on the wiki i don't know um i do 123 0:10:58.160 --> 0:11:04.160 have the code base open so i can just have a quick look based on what i'm reading here it isn't usable 124 0:11:04.160 --> 0:11:12.320 by uh yes find all references let's see if there's a way that does it okay yeah um so the uh login 125 0:11:12.320 --> 0:11:22.080 dialog uses it and the uh file browser uses it uh for similar functionality you probably want what's 126 0:11:22.080 --> 0:11:28.960 it called as a component um that i'm thinking of access multi-viewport panel would be exactly the 127 0:11:28.960 --> 0:11:35.920 same as slide swap region it's in uix uh utility access multi-viewport panel will do identical 128 0:11:35.920 --> 0:11:41.200 things to slide swap region based on my current reading of it fenre who um asks what's your 129 0:11:41.200 --> 0:11:45.360 current thoughts on the rise of the player base uh in the game compared before i don't really have 130 0:11:45.360 --> 0:11:51.200 any thoughts about it it's great to see you all um i love that all of you are trying neos but um 131 0:11:51.200 --> 0:11:57.280 you know it's for us a lot it's just sort of like hey welcome try us out we're a lot busier i guess 132 0:11:57.280 --> 0:12:02.320 but like i don't know it's it's a strange question if you can elaborate on that question or ask in 133 0:12:02.320 --> 0:12:06.960 the area that you're asking for that'd be great kind of struggle with generic questions sometimes 134 0:12:06.960 --> 0:12:12.720 toasty my roasty amazing username here uh they ask are there any new worlds places recommend new 135 0:12:12.720 --> 0:12:19.840 players uh should see visit to experience new unique features i want everyone to see uh like 136 0:12:19.840 --> 0:12:25.760 all of the sort of the spectrum right so i want you to see a game world to try um abandonware 137 0:12:26.720 --> 0:12:34.320 ncr the heist uh cabin of the seasons even fropey's i can't remember fropey's entry name 138 0:12:34.320 --> 0:12:40.160 something dark something i don't know it's really really good though i've just forgot its name 139 0:12:40.160 --> 0:12:44.800 uh those are games try some social worlds yep we do have uh rim of the rain we also do have midnight 140 0:12:44.800 --> 0:12:50.880 rooftop but we do have ones that vrchat doesn't have um 72 groove lake um hole in the wall one 141 0:12:50.880 --> 0:12:56.240 of my favorites um uh various other ones there that i'm i'm not gonna be able to remember by 142 0:12:56.240 --> 0:13:01.600 name if i didn't mention your um your world don't be sad it's just like there are thousands of 143 0:13:01.600 --> 0:13:04.640 worlds i need to get to them so make sure take a look at those social worlds make sure you also 144 0:13:04.640 --> 0:13:09.920 take a look at sort of experiential worlds as well um go touch grass is kind of like a game 145 0:13:09.920 --> 0:13:14.960 but more like an experience right uh if it was on steam it would probably be tagged walking simulator 146 0:13:14.960 --> 0:13:20.720 uh just just like see what there is to offer i see so many people treat this game as like 147 0:13:21.280 --> 0:13:26.320 gary's mod you know they'll just load into like in some cases literally a gary's mod map 148 0:13:26.320 --> 0:13:32.640 um and then they'll just spawn guns all day like that isn't like that isn't in my view what neos 149 0:13:32.640 --> 0:13:37.520 is for like all the gadgets are great but like um i don't know it's like a year or two ago i 150 0:13:37.520 --> 0:13:43.040 just stopped saving cool stuff right i i don't need the latest guns someone shows me in their 151 0:13:43.040 --> 0:13:49.040 world i don't need the latest like weird thing that i've i've seen i know where like loads of 152 0:13:49.040 --> 0:13:53.520 them are in public folders but like i don't feel the need to without a gun start shooting people 153 0:13:53.520 --> 0:13:58.480 like it is gary's mod um so do make sure that you're seeing all of the stuff that we've got 154 0:13:58.480 --> 0:14:04.400 to offer neos universe is another good suggestion as is um gas station that may mentions neos 155 0:14:04.400 --> 0:14:09.360 festival is amazing it's just started i know that content is being raised for neos festival as it 156 0:14:09.360 --> 0:14:14.640 continues to come out so do keep an eye on that one the the weird thing with neos festival is like 157 0:14:14.640 --> 0:14:22.080 it is identical in in some aspects to the previous neos festers but it feels great because they've 158 0:14:22.080 --> 0:14:29.920 managed to make like an art browsing like or a booth browsing sort of system that that feels fun 159 0:14:29.920 --> 0:14:37.520 you ride on this skyship and uh you know it takes you between the booths it's really like a another 160 0:14:37.520 --> 0:14:44.240 way of also hiding that loading bar so uh that's cool moving forwards to pyro shade who says uh 161 0:14:44.240 --> 0:14:48.320 i had noticed while bringing an fbx drag from unity project window that neos importing mentioned 162 0:14:48.320 --> 0:14:52.160 something about converting a scene i haven't tried this here but what happens if i dragged in scene 163 0:14:52.160 --> 0:14:57.280 or objects from a scene hierarchy you can't do that uh we don't support any unity files like 164 0:14:57.280 --> 0:15:02.880 doesn't work um when it's just converting the scene um it means it's looking at the fbx because 165 0:15:02.880 --> 0:15:08.000 like although for avatars you don't usually see it uh for like a level that's an fbx you would 166 0:15:08.000 --> 0:15:12.720 like it is a scene right that's what fbx is it's a whole scene what converting scene means is it's 167 0:15:12.720 --> 0:15:17.920 like well what's in the scene so neos knows enough about avatar imports to understand that it should 168 0:15:17.920 --> 0:15:22.800 ignore cameras and lights that you import especially if it's an avatar i don't need those 169 0:15:22.800 --> 0:15:26.080 and then it converts that into something that makes sense to it that's that's all it means 170 0:15:26.080 --> 0:15:31.520 it's not like we don't support scenes from unity um alex is one of the editorial delegates would 171 0:15:31.520 --> 0:15:35.600 have to be more specific there delegates aren't something you should usually be playing with if 172 0:15:35.600 --> 0:15:39.280 you have any particular questions about where you might be wanting to use them or how you might want 173 0:15:39.280 --> 0:15:45.440 to be using them let me know um you don't really need them uh lou says news from vr share is the 174 0:15:45.440 --> 0:15:51.600 way to dynamically change avatar parts absolutely there is um you said rgb cycling um i have a video 175 0:15:51.600 --> 0:15:55.840 i'm going to link in the video description about a rainbow shader i call it shader just for search 176 0:15:55.840 --> 0:16:04.160 terms it's a material that is um uh targeted using logics and you can basically do triple quadruple 177 0:16:04.160 --> 0:16:11.200 like quintuple 10 times the stuff i show in this video just by iterating over the properties of a 178 0:16:11.200 --> 0:16:16.320 material um and that's something which i really wish more newer players would understand as well 179 0:16:16.320 --> 0:16:21.920 as like yes our material options are limited but all of our materials are dynamic and live 180 0:16:21.920 --> 0:16:28.640 updating on as many of uh the as many of the places as as we can right you want to change 181 0:16:28.640 --> 0:16:32.720 the color you can do it live you want to change the color 50 times a second to your favorite 182 0:16:32.720 --> 0:16:40.080 color of sandwich done um if you're talking more about like changing parts as in like hats scarves 183 0:16:40.080 --> 0:16:46.560 bracelets jackets than yet again like that that's totally fine um you can use snappers for that 184 0:16:46.560 --> 0:16:51.040 context menus for that check boxes for that cloud very there's so much stuff there like again here's 185 0:16:51.040 --> 0:16:55.760 a video where i uh i put on a hat and bracelet and i'll show you how i do that because like what 186 0:16:55.760 --> 0:17:01.920 what what unity does and sort of by extension vr chat right is it is it when you hit play or 187 0:17:01.920 --> 0:17:07.040 when you compile it like freezes everything that exists in place and doesn't let you change it like 188 0:17:07.040 --> 0:17:11.680 sure if you've got code in your unity game that says like hey the hat changes that's great but 189 0:17:11.680 --> 0:17:16.880 that's code that has to be sort of pre-thought out ahead of time whereas what we've done is we've 190 0:17:16.880 --> 0:17:21.520 said like hey we don't know if you're going to wear a hat but what allow you to wear a hat like 191 0:17:21.520 --> 0:17:25.760 you don't need to pre-think of it like anything you can think of you can probably do moving 192 0:17:25.760 --> 0:17:29.600 forwards for questions aaron says my working progress photo is getting too big and suggestions 193 0:17:29.600 --> 0:17:34.880 on how to start finishing my projects stop giving up stop giving up that would be my suggestion for 194 0:17:34.880 --> 0:17:39.280 mr aaron i see them like they're like i'm tired and then they delete it and it's like go back to 195 0:17:39.280 --> 0:17:43.840 it benry has elaborated on the question thank you they've said uh like did you ever think you would 196 0:17:43.840 --> 0:17:47.360 suddenly get a blow up of people do you feel prepared uh to get so many people or not are 197 0:17:47.360 --> 0:17:52.640 you just going to the flow of that really really plan uh there is a plan um and the plan is 198 0:17:52.640 --> 0:18:00.800 spearheaded by both of our fantastic volunteer teams so we over provisioned and i knew why we 199 0:18:00.800 --> 0:18:06.720 were doing that but we over provisioned our mentor team and in some regards our moderator team such 200 0:18:06.720 --> 0:18:10.720 that we could handle the load so we got a bunch of mentors on in fact mentor applications have 201 0:18:10.720 --> 0:18:14.240 like been open and closed a little bit but they've just been like wide open recently 202 0:18:14.240 --> 0:18:21.120 and uh a lot of times the mentors were not not doing anything right but like we only needed like 203 0:18:21.120 --> 0:18:27.520 two or three to help out at like certain busy periods during our regular play but we've had 204 0:18:27.520 --> 0:18:32.960 this big rush and the mentors have just gone like yep we'll help out and then there's been 10 20 40 205 0:18:32.960 --> 0:18:38.480 50 mentors flooding in to try and help you guys out and that's great to see and the reason why 206 0:18:38.480 --> 0:18:42.560 that worked is because we had over provisioned that that volunteer team if you're interested 207 0:18:42.560 --> 0:18:48.400 in becoming a mentor do you check out the wiki um wiki.neos.com forward slash mentors will get you 208 0:18:48.400 --> 0:18:53.360 information on how to be a mentor there one quick note to know that if you're here um you do not 209 0:18:53.360 --> 0:18:57.520 need to be a mentor to help people and if a mentor appears and you are helping someone you should 210 0:18:57.520 --> 0:19:02.000 continue helping them don't yield to a mentor because you feel that they are more qualified 211 0:19:02.000 --> 0:19:06.880 or that it's more correct that they help people uh mentor is just someone who wants to go through 212 0:19:06.880 --> 0:19:10.560 that process and have the green badge to be recognized as someone who can help you can help 213 0:19:10.560 --> 0:19:14.880 without being a mentor and as for mentors if you go into a world and someone is helping read the 214 0:19:14.880 --> 0:19:20.080 room and uh maybe don't take over i've heard a lot of feedback about that recently and it bothers me 215 0:19:20.080 --> 0:19:25.200 that we keep hearing that feedback so do keep that in mind um our servers were less prepared 216 0:19:25.200 --> 0:19:29.600 than we realized which is a shame but uh that's the way it is sometimes um most of our stuff can 217 0:19:29.600 --> 0:19:35.120 scale uh quite dynamically but sometimes there's like an upper or lower limit on that so you can 218 0:19:35.120 --> 0:19:40.560 think of it like uh you know a dial on like a stereo or something right we can turn it up by 219 0:19:40.560 --> 0:19:44.480 like two points but suddenly it was like hey we need to go to like we need to go to 11 we need to 220 0:19:44.480 --> 0:19:49.040 go to 11 on these dials anyone that gets this reference you're amazing we need to go 11 on these 221 0:19:49.040 --> 0:19:53.360 dials and it's like cool we have to remove like a couple of blocks there to allow it to go to 11 222 0:19:53.360 --> 0:19:57.360 moving on ones two additional questions we have from olaf who says it's a way to have an avatar 223 0:19:57.360 --> 0:20:01.920 return to t pose to more easily add things on like hats or clothing and over the character avatar 224 0:20:01.920 --> 0:20:08.720 changes pose yes uh go inside inspect the root of the avatar it's vrik or vrik avatar i just can't 225 0:20:08.720 --> 0:20:12.560 remember the difference between those two the reason is they're just really big components that 226 0:20:12.560 --> 0:20:16.800 are on top of each other they're always on the same slot and i just i can't one of them will have 227 0:20:16.800 --> 0:20:22.000 ik position wait drag that down to zero and your avatar will t pose just making sure i'm missing 228 0:20:22.000 --> 0:20:28.240 any questions before i scroll down scrolling down mattie says that the mentor team was not prepared 229 0:20:28.240 --> 0:20:33.520 for the exponential growth i think you were more prepared than if you'd like said yo we we only 230 0:20:33.520 --> 0:20:39.200 have like we're only allowing five mentors this year like you were basically like anyone can apply 231 0:20:39.200 --> 0:20:44.160 uh sir says hey don't forget the community members they did as well i did not mean to say that they 232 0:20:44.160 --> 0:20:48.480 didn't in fact i made a particular call out to hell if you're not a mentor you don't need to be 233 0:20:48.480 --> 0:20:53.920 one if you want to help like anyone can help uh i've seen crazy amounts of help going on uh i have 234 0:20:53.920 --> 0:20:58.000 a really weird way of doing anyone that saw me drop into your mtc if there was a user there that 235 0:20:58.000 --> 0:21:02.080 had more than five badges i'm like are you helping these guys out and they're like yep i'm like i'll 236 0:21:02.080 --> 0:21:05.440 leave you to it if you got any questions let me know and i'll just instantly disconnect like i 237 0:21:05.440 --> 0:21:10.240 don't want to crowd them like if they're helping someone out just disconnect uh moving onwards 238 0:21:10.240 --> 0:21:15.680 foxbox says i had a session um hoping to help new users and they filled my session it was just me 239 0:21:15.680 --> 0:21:20.560 and nine other new users asking for my help it wasn't too bad because they uh goofed off in the 240 0:21:20.560 --> 0:21:25.200 background waited their turn yeah i also had that i was in a world of like six people and by the 241 0:21:25.200 --> 0:21:30.160 time i got to the last person who wanted an avatar set up it was 5 a.m i did all their materials and 242 0:21:30.160 --> 0:21:36.720 texturing um and they sort of timidly asked about dynamic bones and i just went tomorrow please 243 0:21:36.720 --> 0:21:40.480 tomorrow that's another thing for the mentors out there and for the community members that are 244 0:21:40.480 --> 0:21:45.600 helping out you guys can go to bed it's not a job there are no minimum hours there's no maximum 245 0:21:45.600 --> 0:21:50.640 hours either work will uh fill the available space and the available time that exists in the day 246 0:21:50.640 --> 0:21:57.280 so stop don't play nios for the entire 24 hours that you're awake um or exist on the planet if 247 0:21:57.280 --> 0:22:02.320 you're not awake for the entire 24 hours you know i mean it's like go play i don't know have a kitty 248 0:22:02.320 --> 0:22:07.040 online adventure instead of nios for a bit and chill out get some water in you and then chill 249 0:22:07.040 --> 0:22:13.680 out moving forwards we have jelly gecko hello who says i'm in the process of creating avatars capable 250 0:22:13.680 --> 0:22:18.080 of shape-shifting in this case shape-shifting implies going from a character to a monstrous form 251 0:22:18.080 --> 0:22:22.560 i'm also interested in oh kitting i thought it said knitting and then i thought it said kiting 252 0:22:22.560 --> 0:22:28.560 knit kitting out to the human character of different outfits in addition to uh his default 253 0:22:28.560 --> 0:22:32.240 getup obviously there's a lot of data to be dealing with though can the idea of an avatar be 254 0:22:32.240 --> 0:22:36.720 broken up into different files that components we can load as needed uh not dynamically but in some 255 0:22:36.720 --> 0:22:43.120 regards yes um so just as you might have a hat that can be snapped on if you do it correctly 256 0:22:43.120 --> 0:22:50.320 and amati if you're still in chat they have a um good example um you can do like snappable clothing 257 0:22:50.320 --> 0:22:56.560 snappable ab um uh outfits uh snappable systems and all sorts of stuff like that which means you 258 0:22:56.560 --> 0:23:01.200 should just load it from the inventory um i do have actually a note on that one but i'll leave 259 0:23:01.200 --> 0:23:04.320 that until we run out of questions because i didn't do it at the start because i was running 260 0:23:04.320 --> 0:23:10.880 late so uh yes moving uh forwards oh left says is this office hours audio getting recorded yes 261 0:23:10.880 --> 0:23:16.800 everything gets recorded sometimes i do get um like uh forgetful in uploading it but like there 262 0:23:16.800 --> 0:23:25.040 is a recording and it will be on sounder.fm as soon as i can get it there uh yes um there is 263 0:23:25.040 --> 0:23:30.240 before i started using sounder i did text based notes those just got like really unwieldy um if 264 0:23:30.240 --> 0:23:33.840 you'd like to see more text based notes you're more than welcome to transcribe the recordings 265 0:23:33.840 --> 0:23:37.840 um there is an automatic transcription feature which i'm working with sounder on improving 266 0:23:37.840 --> 0:23:43.520 because right now it lags at my computer um let's move on to pyroshade why is that green 267 0:23:43.520 --> 0:23:47.600 tick not as green today like do i have a colorblind filter or something i'm very confused 268 0:23:47.600 --> 0:23:52.560 anyway um pyroshade says something has went on my mind is level building in respect to custom 269 0:23:52.560 --> 0:23:57.120 geometry while blender is a fantastic tool i can't help imagine there's liable to in-game 270 0:23:57.120 --> 0:24:00.400 tools someone has likely created for creating geometry on the fly do you have any tools for 271 0:24:00.400 --> 0:24:06.560 this and what you recommend um there's two types of of like buildings or geometry that uh you'd 272 0:24:06.560 --> 0:24:11.920 likely need to create for a world one of them would be terrain so we're talking like grass 273 0:24:11.920 --> 0:24:19.040 hills etc stuff like that and then the other one would be buildings you know a house a warehouse a 274 0:24:19.040 --> 0:24:26.240 hut a shed a bridge or whatever for uh terrain um there are some terrain editors the problem with 275 0:24:26.240 --> 0:24:31.920 those is that they are usually not as flexible as a mainstream terrain editors that you might find 276 0:24:31.920 --> 0:24:36.880 are but you can still go ahead and get away with them uh the terrain editor that i'm thinking of 277 0:24:36.880 --> 0:24:40.400 was when mmc entries so you should be able to find it just by searching for terrain editor 278 0:24:40.400 --> 0:24:44.640 it lets you edit terrain in in game uva editing is another problem you might have with editing 279 0:24:44.640 --> 0:24:51.680 creating game um as for buildings uh the builder tip by gahape which is one of the members of our 280 0:24:51.680 --> 0:24:57.520 fantastic news community is what i would recommend i don't have a link to it or a tutorial for it 281 0:24:57.520 --> 0:25:01.840 um so it might be a little bit difficult to find but if you go to essential tools jp tools it 282 0:25:01.840 --> 0:25:06.880 should be somewhere in there uh look for gappy's builder tip it allows you to snap stuff together 283 0:25:06.880 --> 0:25:11.760 on a grid how all sorts of parts have custom parts it's it's really good really quick um 284 0:25:11.760 --> 0:25:15.360 if i can remember where it is i've been trying to find it for a couple of days i haven't managed 285 0:25:15.360 --> 0:25:20.960 to find it there is a video i think by kahape which is like here's me building a house in 45 286 0:25:20.960 --> 0:25:26.880 minutes and they just use the the builder tip and make a whole house it's crazy uh matty says i've 287 0:25:26.880 --> 0:25:33.360 threatened a public banner and mentor leads before overworking yeah rest rest mentors community 288 0:25:33.360 --> 0:25:40.640 members moderators rest it can wait it can wait it can wait alex says that they are using uh 289 0:25:40.640 --> 0:25:45.920 they're using green tick rather than white check mark which is why i'm i'm not crazy excellent 290 0:25:45.920 --> 0:25:52.080 thank you uh i i don't know where like i don't know how to get a happy tool other than like just 291 0:25:52.080 --> 0:25:55.920 browsing through my folders which of course i can do whilst we wait for a few more questions 292 0:25:55.920 --> 0:25:59.040 so i'm just gonna go ahead and do that let me just make sure i'm not missing any yeah i'm not 293 0:25:59.040 --> 0:26:07.440 missing any questions uh is it even in this folder these days uh grab body node pack cd player gimbal 294 0:26:07.440 --> 0:26:12.720 gimbal no it's not okay so their folder isn't in there i'll have to find that in the public folder 295 0:26:12.720 --> 0:26:20.720 listing then uh gee items okay yeah i got it let me just get a link that for you there you go if 296 0:26:20.720 --> 0:26:27.600 you paste that in the game uh you'll get a gap is a public folder get these items inside that 297 0:26:27.600 --> 0:26:36.080 folder you will find a folder called tool tip go inside there and you will uh see a bunch of tips 298 0:26:36.080 --> 0:26:43.360 uh look for the builder tip um build it at 1.1 and then it's there unfortunately i have no guide on 299 0:26:43.360 --> 0:26:48.560 how to use it if someone else would like to make one of those fantastic uh great but uh i haven't 300 0:26:48.560 --> 0:26:52.720 actually managed to like make a guide for how to use it yet mostly because i'm like not quite sure 301 0:26:52.720 --> 0:26:57.760 but i know it's really cool and a lot of people have a lot of a great time with it mellow has 302 0:26:57.760 --> 0:27:02.000 a question which says i really apologize if this discussed already if it was discussed already it's 303 0:27:02.000 --> 0:27:05.760 totally fine i would answer anyway you just keep asking questions and don't worry about what you 304 0:27:05.760 --> 0:27:11.440 worry about what the question is um i will answer it all day if i if i need to um they say is there 305 0:27:11.440 --> 0:27:15.280 a plan to implement client-side filters for other people's advertisement how optimized they are 306 0:27:15.280 --> 0:27:22.880 not currently our um approach there would probably be what can we remove um from your cognitive load 307 0:27:22.880 --> 0:27:27.760 i mean by that is i'm always looking for stuff i can remove from your mental load not because i 308 0:27:27.760 --> 0:27:32.320 don't think anyone can do it but just because like hey it's a game it's a platform we should make 309 0:27:32.320 --> 0:27:37.920 things easy where if we can for our users so if there is a performance problem with a particular 310 0:27:37.920 --> 0:27:45.360 avatar we'd like to see what we can do to edit that to make that better um so an example there 311 0:27:45.360 --> 0:27:50.960 being hey let's actually start with user to user blocking um which we don't have currently and we 312 0:27:50.960 --> 0:27:57.120 need before we go on to any sort of performance based stuff bean bean m chocolate that's kind of 313 0:27:57.120 --> 0:28:01.360 difficult to phrase there um they said they've got something weird attached to them if you're 314 0:28:01.360 --> 0:28:06.400 worried about what you've got um attached to you parented to you or like what's going on best 315 0:28:06.400 --> 0:28:12.000 result is to leave the world and rejoin or respawn or change avatar it should go away if it doesn't 316 0:28:12.000 --> 0:28:16.880 um that may be something malicious in which case please open a report at moderation.neos.com for 317 0:28:16.880 --> 0:28:22.800 us to take a look um from the pictures it appears to be a multi-tool that you've somehow equipped 318 0:28:22.800 --> 0:28:28.160 um you can just de-equip that tool and it should go away respawning is the the best way to like 319 0:28:28.160 --> 0:28:33.600 get get that sorted um jelly yeah i'm not sure if we have like a cross communication there like 320 0:28:33.600 --> 0:28:38.000 i'm not saying you could split them into separate avatars and ultimately that's what i would probably 321 0:28:38.000 --> 0:28:44.480 advise but if you wanted a jacket a hat i don't know whatever that you could attach to the avatar 322 0:28:44.480 --> 0:28:50.960 there are ways to do that as linked in matty's post above i have a hat which i don't ever wear 323 0:28:50.960 --> 0:28:57.040 but sometimes can if i want to wear for example moving forwards to more questions so robo man 324 0:28:57.040 --> 0:29:01.920 410 hello what are some of the top games activities the community has made um i don't like 325 0:29:01.920 --> 0:29:06.800 doing that because like i would have to then choose my favorites and that's wrong um do you remember 326 0:29:06.800 --> 0:29:11.840 that the world browser has um a game selection and you can go ahead and click that and then you'll 327 0:29:11.840 --> 0:29:17.040 see a bunch of stuff there uh at the top of my head thinking about things if you want to go see 328 0:29:17.040 --> 0:29:22.080 like crazy crazy crazy stuff this isn't good this isn't bad this is just crazy stuff from memory 329 0:29:22.080 --> 0:29:28.080 go take a look at h&l uh ironworks that lets you smith smith weapons um the newest fishing lets 330 0:29:28.080 --> 0:29:34.080 you fish aerial garden guardian mmc feels like a whole game really like it's it's uh it needs 331 0:29:34.080 --> 0:29:37.840 some more polish before i would you know be okay of like launching on steam or anything but like 332 0:29:37.840 --> 0:29:42.800 it's a it's a good game there is uh there is lots lots there please build more as well if you have 333 0:29:42.800 --> 0:29:47.120 an idea for a game just go ahead and build it if you need help ask us all right let's move on to 334 0:29:47.120 --> 0:29:51.440 question olef says how would you make an emitter of some sorts that spawns a random model plus 335 0:29:51.440 --> 0:29:57.920 texture from a list of models that move and move rotate said spawned model on a path from a to b 336 0:29:57.920 --> 0:30:04.560 and how to make the model gets despawned watch it reads its destination there's a component called 337 0:30:04.560 --> 0:30:08.160 random object spawner it's a target for one of my next tutorials because i saw some people 338 0:30:08.160 --> 0:30:11.520 discussing it earlier today and they didn't know how to use it so they didn't use it it's quite 339 0:30:11.520 --> 0:30:17.200 cool uh you should probably use that um and if you want to go from point a to point b you could use 340 0:30:17.200 --> 0:30:22.320 a uh skinned not skin mesh render what we're talking about a line transform 341 0:30:22.880 --> 0:30:28.720 axis panner or the tween node to move that uh as for despawning it there is logic node called 342 0:30:28.720 --> 0:30:34.960 delete destroy slot which will destroy the slot and anything underneath it uh so your approximate 343 0:30:34.960 --> 0:30:42.240 plan would be spawn the thingy uh move it using tween axis panner line transform even alert would 344 0:30:42.240 --> 0:30:48.400 do it actually and then destroy or destroy slot moving uh forwards if you've got any specific 345 0:30:48.400 --> 0:30:55.280 questions about uh that particular setup do let me know um because uh i can just give you like 346 0:30:55.280 --> 0:31:00.560 a bunch of videos like basically there's a video i made on reciprocal motion which means back and 347 0:31:00.560 --> 0:31:04.800 forth like that should apply to sort of one direction as well if you just take off half of it 348 0:31:04.800 --> 0:31:10.320 uh hack 13 asks what is the what is the too much respawn disconnect gestures i get them mixed up and 349 0:31:10.320 --> 0:31:14.000 i want to make sure i remember which combos the buttons on next my head do it uh go look at the 350 0:31:14.000 --> 0:31:18.080 basic controls page on the wiki because i always forget them too and therefore don't use them 351 0:31:18.640 --> 0:31:24.160 but basic control should have a list and remind you what which ones which etc okay let's continue 352 0:31:24.160 --> 0:31:27.360 erin says this is a moderation question but i'm never here for these office hours things 353 0:31:27.360 --> 0:31:30.160 are you informed about the outcome of the moderation tickets you filed example you're 354 0:31:30.160 --> 0:31:34.160 asked by something and something then decided to stay away from public worlds worth being taken 355 0:31:34.160 --> 0:31:39.360 care of you are notified when we receive a ticket some people say that that is like a robot thing 356 0:31:39.360 --> 0:31:44.720 like that's not actually a person yes it is automated in some aspects but it's like we've 357 0:31:44.720 --> 0:31:50.400 received it we're processing it you'll also um get various messages sometimes we ask for more 358 0:31:50.400 --> 0:31:55.120 information uh if we ask you for more information please provide it and you'll also get the sort of 359 0:31:55.120 --> 0:32:00.000 ticket closed i don't remember the exact phrasing of that um but to sort of back that up we're 360 0:32:00.000 --> 0:32:04.400 never going to tell you what we did and the reason behind that is because it just leads to it just 361 0:32:04.400 --> 0:32:08.720 leads to drama right so it's you're never going to get like you say you put in a ticket which is like 362 0:32:08.720 --> 0:32:13.600 yo i'm being harassed by erin you're never getting a response which is hi yeah we banned erin for the 363 0:32:13.600 --> 0:32:17.920 rest of their life from neo so you're not going to get that like you'll get like hey moderation 364 0:32:17.920 --> 0:32:21.760 has taken appropriate action or moderation has reviewed this and taken appropriate action or 365 0:32:21.760 --> 0:32:25.680 something like that isn't because like we're hiding it from you it just it prevents all 366 0:32:25.680 --> 0:32:30.640 sorts of like weird cases where people yell at each other people are strange when it comes to 367 0:32:30.640 --> 0:32:37.280 moderation uh moving forwards let's take a look so dat uh asks is there any documentation for 368 0:32:37.280 --> 0:32:40.880 networking because i'm struggling a lot with my current game that needs a lot of sync um 369 0:32:40.880 --> 0:32:45.840 do you mean like the sync progress thing like syncing five items at the top etc 370 0:32:45.840 --> 0:32:51.520 because like i've noticed that being a problem in users but i i don't know why i have been playing 371 0:32:51.520 --> 0:32:58.320 the game for many many years and i've never had a sync issue um the usual ways to like avoid having 372 0:32:58.320 --> 0:33:03.520 sync issues are to make sure that your hard drive space is not going to fill up and also that your 373 0:33:03.520 --> 0:33:09.440 cloud space is not going to fill up and also that you are only saving the stuff that you need i see 374 0:33:09.440 --> 0:33:14.960 people that are pack riding stuff away and it's like ah please stop saving that like do you need 375 0:33:14.960 --> 0:33:22.640 the 5000 weapons that you're saving please no um okay sold that has as a clarified network sync 376 0:33:22.640 --> 0:33:26.800 between players that is largely dependent on where you are located and where those players are 377 0:33:26.800 --> 0:33:32.560 located and how fast your internet is um so we we do have a way of going between players it's 378 0:33:32.560 --> 0:33:37.920 called our relay um but if that relay isn't used then you're either using steam sockets 379 0:33:37.920 --> 0:33:42.800 or using a direct connection to that person's computer and so if you are in australia and 380 0:33:42.800 --> 0:33:48.800 they're in america then you'll have less of an ability to sync between players if you connect 381 0:33:48.800 --> 0:33:55.360 to the same country you'll have better uh stuff there yeah big red wolfie is one of our australian 382 0:33:55.360 --> 0:34:00.240 players we have quite a few and uh they're just like they've just learned to cope with it 383 0:34:00.240 --> 0:34:04.240 sometimes it depends what's going on as well depends how many people are in the world um 384 0:34:05.440 --> 0:34:09.920 depends how many people are in the world um if like a world gets busy you'll have more and more 385 0:34:09.920 --> 0:34:14.000 sync issues jumping down to it eastern says private doesn't have to get issues that isn't 386 0:34:14.000 --> 0:34:19.760 what i was saying what i was saying is like i gave people advice about how to avoid it um 387 0:34:19.760 --> 0:34:25.760 on the topic of sync issues there is something i need to say which is stop again for the love 388 0:34:25.760 --> 0:34:32.400 of everything stop deleting your local nearest database you can delete your cash that's fine 389 0:34:32.400 --> 0:34:38.480 just stop deleting the local nearest database unless support or something you read tells you to 390 0:34:38.480 --> 0:34:44.320 what i see a lot is people going like x or y didn't work so i you know reinstalled my entire 391 0:34:44.320 --> 0:34:50.240 computer and i i rebuilt the building i live in and i deleted everything and i sold all my worldly 392 0:34:50.240 --> 0:34:54.720 possessions and i moved into the mountains and it still doesn't work and it's like well like the 393 0:34:54.720 --> 0:35:00.240 fix for that wasn't any of that so make sure it's clear that you have gone through prior 394 0:35:00.240 --> 0:35:04.480 debug steps to do it uh there are some sections on the frequently asked questions that do cover 395 0:35:04.480 --> 0:35:09.040 that those do need to be better we just need to write some better ones there uh so jumping back 396 0:35:09.040 --> 0:35:13.680 up now we're away from uh actually electron it says deleting your database can make issues worse 397 0:35:13.680 --> 0:35:19.280 correct it can um in computing there's like a few ways to solve a problem there's fix the problem 398 0:35:19.280 --> 0:35:23.360 which means hey it doesn't reoccur and you learn something there is delete the problem that's 399 0:35:23.360 --> 0:35:27.440 usually where you reinstall the game you reinstall your computer or even when you reboot your computer 400 0:35:27.440 --> 0:35:32.320 when you reboot your computer you're just flushing all the bits back down to to zero not of course on 401 0:35:32.320 --> 0:35:36.160 the you know the hard drive storage but like all of the bits in your cpu all of the bits in your 402 0:35:36.160 --> 0:35:41.200 memory is just like flushed back to zero and so the problem just gets deleted it doesn't get fixed 403 0:35:41.200 --> 0:35:46.720 or you can ignore the problem so your choices are fixed delete or ignore and uh i never want to do 404 0:35:46.720 --> 0:35:51.200 the delete i frequently do the ignore though let's move back to other questions that we got here so 405 0:35:51.200 --> 0:35:54.640 uh actually we'll have to end at the top of the hour so i'm going to try and get through this 406 0:35:54.640 --> 0:36:01.280 quick as i can um so bean says uh thanks that got off there's a train brain treat fair is there a 407 0:36:01.280 --> 0:36:06.080 terrain build a system i can use like a voxel system where i can just dig into the terrain or 408 0:36:06.080 --> 0:36:10.960 add on to it i saw some terrain but i don't know if that was built outside of neos um not to that 409 0:36:10.960 --> 0:36:16.080 level it's not like how some of those like voxel based games um hydrogen air comes to mind we can 410 0:36:16.080 --> 0:36:21.520 just like dig a massive hole or like some of the minecraft inspired games where you can just like 411 0:36:21.520 --> 0:36:27.920 dig more sort of smoother terrain in not like that no but the terrain editor that we do have in game 412 0:36:27.920 --> 0:36:33.840 is uh cool for making just sort of like larger more general structures we're able to say like 413 0:36:33.840 --> 0:36:39.360 here's a hill here's a mountain here's a valley etc but you wouldn't be able to be like i want 414 0:36:39.360 --> 0:36:44.960 the mountain to be in the shape of my favorite dog potato munchkin that that's that you'll need 415 0:36:44.960 --> 0:36:49.040 the outside terrain systems for that and that's because the outside outside terrain systems have 416 0:36:49.040 --> 0:36:54.320 like brushes and you can go in and you can brush onto that terrain with various sets of brushes and 417 0:36:54.320 --> 0:36:58.480 pull things around such that it looks how you want it to look you can sometimes get away with just 418 0:36:58.480 --> 0:37:05.920 like drawing like a height map and to make terrain as well um again then there's like a loss of detail 419 0:37:05.920 --> 0:37:10.400 jelly says that uh they're in a session and someone spawned stuff and it wasn't visible 420 0:37:10.400 --> 0:37:16.160 interactable into almost an hour that's a uh that's a synchronization thing um check your 421 0:37:16.160 --> 0:37:20.240 queued packets there are various ways to do that various uis very spawnable thing even bobs there's 422 0:37:20.240 --> 0:37:26.400 even a logics node for it um queue packets are basically how many messages are waiting on the 423 0:37:26.400 --> 0:37:32.320 server to be delivered to you and if all of your queued packets are zero then that means you are 424 0:37:32.320 --> 0:37:37.680 up to date with the server there's nothing being waited wait waited wait waited being there's 425 0:37:37.680 --> 0:37:43.120 nothing waiting to come down to you there you go take a sentence the right way around uh night 426 0:37:43.120 --> 0:37:48.320 nitrous 96 says i was wondering on the status of the quest to port of neos is um it is in the 427 0:37:48.320 --> 0:37:53.440 android testers channel if you don't have patreon at 12 or more you cannot see it it is a testing 428 0:37:53.440 --> 0:37:58.960 build it is not suitable for mainstream use it crashes about every 45 minutes for various reasons 429 0:37:58.960 --> 0:38:02.960 and if you go into average session on neo she'll probably crash due to the amount of blend shapes 430 0:38:02.960 --> 0:38:07.360 that exist on people's avatars right now um more work needs to happen on it before it become 431 0:38:07.360 --> 0:38:12.240 mainstream and before it can become optimized um that work is not happening right now see the 432 0:38:12.240 --> 0:38:17.760 answers channel um so that's really the state isn't it okay solder has a further expanded the 433 0:38:17.760 --> 0:38:22.000 question totally fine that this that happens just keep on asking the question in different ways 434 0:38:22.000 --> 0:38:26.720 till i actually answer something that makes sense and and we'll get there i apologize for that so 435 0:38:26.720 --> 0:38:30.000 they said that they're making a game and are struggling to sync the game state because there's 436 0:38:30.000 --> 0:38:34.320 almost no documentation about sync what type of stuff would you like to sync so as an example here 437 0:38:34.320 --> 0:38:41.040 if you'd like to sync like ammo on a gun um you might want to sync that locally or something like 438 0:38:41.040 --> 0:38:46.960 that um you need to learn a couple of preset thingies so you would need to learn take a look 439 0:38:46.960 --> 0:38:52.720 at dynamic impulses dynamic variables cloud variables and just logics in general and then 440 0:38:52.720 --> 0:38:57.600 you should know how to sync it isn't something that like you usually need to think about and 441 0:38:57.600 --> 0:39:02.720 that's why there isn't much documentation on it right because you don't usually need to do like 442 0:39:02.720 --> 0:39:06.560 when it comes to game design you don't usually need to do synchronization with neos you just need 443 0:39:06.560 --> 0:39:12.400 to know the tools that are available and build the game around that there is a video i did recently 444 0:39:12.400 --> 0:39:19.680 about mindable ore in a game that will sync across everyone without any additional work 445 0:39:20.560 --> 0:39:24.720 in that mindable or tutorial you have to hit a pickaxe three times into an ore node and it will 446 0:39:24.720 --> 0:39:29.920 drop a piece of ore which is an item none of that has to be synced manually by you uh the moment you 447 0:39:29.920 --> 0:39:35.040 hit it once of a pickaxe every single user provided they're not queued of course will get a message 448 0:39:35.040 --> 0:39:38.400 that you've hit it and that you need to hit it two more times before it comes out like you don't 449 0:39:38.400 --> 0:39:42.960 need to do anything extra there alex has found a skipped question which is fantastic thank you for 450 0:39:42.960 --> 0:39:48.160 doing that um alex uh has pointed to it is there a good guide for explaining layering for worlds 451 0:39:48.160 --> 0:39:54.960 like separation or instancing uh no um be careful when you're doing that like uh if you're doing it 452 0:39:54.960 --> 0:40:01.360 for coloring culling coloring if you don't have color reasons fantastic um uh for culling you 453 0:40:01.360 --> 0:40:06.320 need to keep in mind that people will insist that they need to be in noclip even when they don't 454 0:40:06.320 --> 0:40:10.240 need to be in noclip so you'll have to do some sort of culling system that works in noclip that's 455 0:40:10.240 --> 0:40:13.600 one of the reasons why i haven't documented it because i just disagree with that i'm like if you 456 0:40:13.600 --> 0:40:18.400 need culling you should not be in noclip noclip is called noclip because you don't clip we actually 457 0:40:18.400 --> 0:40:24.480 had a github issue a long time ago just like can you make noclip clip i'm like no no we can't make 458 0:40:24.480 --> 0:40:28.560 no clip clip so by my knowledge there isn't any guide on it uh what you're looking for is culling 459 0:40:28.560 --> 0:40:32.400 system if you ask in other channels in discord for a culling system some people will show you 460 0:40:32.400 --> 0:40:38.400 what they've got nitrous asks uh uh if there's any plans to optimize the game yes optimization 461 0:40:38.400 --> 0:40:42.640 is like always something i'm thinking about but always something everyone else is thinking about 462 0:40:42.640 --> 0:40:46.160 as well that's also why sometimes features don't come out as quickly as you would like 463 0:40:46.160 --> 0:40:49.600 we could quite easily throw out collections tomorrow for example but it would not be 464 0:40:49.600 --> 0:40:56.240 optimized there'd be more key packets um it will be largely and holistically more frustrated than 465 0:40:56.240 --> 0:41:00.320 the lack of collections that's why it doesn't exist um we're always planning on optimizing it 466 0:41:01.120 --> 0:41:06.800 fruits has a list of stuff they just need to do to be more optimized and with that we've reached 467 0:41:06.800 --> 0:41:10.320 the bottom of the questions so i want to do i should have given this at the start but i do 468 0:41:10.320 --> 0:41:15.440 want to give one more message joniel that's still listening here slots do not cause lag 469 0:41:15.440 --> 0:41:21.120 stop proliferating that rumor i will chase you with cat gifs until you stop i was in a several 470 0:41:21.120 --> 0:41:26.240 worlds over the week and people like yeah slots cause they don't slots count the slot count of 471 0:41:26.240 --> 0:41:33.520 an avatar the slot count of an item is a symptom not a cause the symptom is there are a lot of 472 0:41:33.520 --> 0:41:37.520 slots and the reason why there are a lot of slots is because there's too much on that particular 473 0:41:37.520 --> 0:41:42.240 system so if you want to optimize an avatar start by removing systems don't remove slots remove 474 0:41:42.240 --> 0:41:48.160 systems do you need to tell us your favorite cabbage variety above your head in your name 475 0:41:48.160 --> 0:41:52.080 badge do you need to tell me your fps do you need to tell me your battery control level 476 0:41:52.080 --> 0:41:57.360 do you need to tell me that your uh local time do you need to tell me the weather in your location 477 0:41:57.360 --> 0:42:03.360 do you need to do any of that no you don't so remove that remove that before you start removing 478 0:42:03.360 --> 0:42:09.200 slots remove systems do you need a gun at your hip for every single session that you're in no 479 0:42:09.200 --> 0:42:17.040 remove that do you need um do you need a custom inspector parented to your avatar no spawn it in 480 0:42:17.040 --> 0:42:23.360 with the tool when you need to do build let's move uh so yeah just just think about like it's it's 481 0:42:23.360 --> 0:42:29.120 like a it's like a stacked order of things because like electronics points out like shifty has said 482 0:42:29.120 --> 0:42:36.400 the uh slot transforms due to ik cause some lag yes they do cause some lag but not compared to 483 0:42:36.400 --> 0:42:42.480 the like a million systems that are on your avatar that you don't need like it's all relative right 484 0:42:42.480 --> 0:42:48.080 so think about what you're loading into the world before you think about how many slots it has 485 0:42:48.080 --> 0:42:52.400 because like the slots are just a symptom right if it's a complicated system it's going to have 486 0:42:52.400 --> 0:42:57.600 a lot of slots and if it's complicated it's probably causing lag by itself and doesn't need 487 0:42:57.600 --> 0:43:03.600 to care about the slot count like i could probably rig up a 1 million slot thing that has the same 488 0:43:03.600 --> 0:43:09.600 that has the same performance as like one rex avatar it's not slots moving uh forwards for the 489 0:43:09.600 --> 0:43:16.000 last few questions uh cloud cloud support says uh your vision aware virtual worlds building and 490 0:43:16.000 --> 0:43:21.680 hanging out and special communities are i don't quite understand the question i don't personally 491 0:43:21.680 --> 0:43:28.640 have a vision there i just want to enable people to like build cool shit and that's the the vision 492 0:43:28.640 --> 0:43:33.120 i know that's a poor answer but like it's difficult to answer that one unless there's 493 0:43:33.120 --> 0:43:37.280 more specificity about what's going on just notice that you've clarified some specificity 494 0:43:38.800 --> 0:43:43.600 specificity there by saying curious about where things are headed uh you can see our roadmap that's 495 0:43:43.600 --> 0:43:47.680 on the github which has all the sort of features that we're looking for and stuff like that uh 496 0:43:47.680 --> 0:43:51.680 aside from those features the general goal is to just enable you guys to create more and more stuff 497 0:43:51.680 --> 0:43:56.720 with more and more tools more and more abilities and to be more optimized and easier to use so 498 0:43:56.720 --> 0:44:04.720 that's our like forward progression okay moving forwards to nitrous's next question um how do i 499 0:44:04.720 --> 0:44:09.680 go about completely wiping my home worlds because i messed up and now have a giant miku that i can't 500 0:44:09.680 --> 0:44:16.080 delete uh you can delete that open up the um inspector and just go through each item in the 501 0:44:16.080 --> 0:44:20.080 inspector and you'll find the miku and you can delete it you can reset those home worlds but 502 0:44:20.080 --> 0:44:23.840 it'll be a lot easier to just go through the inspector and find that miku and you also learn 503 0:44:23.840 --> 0:44:29.760 about how to do that process for next time that happens um i don't know if anyone in here was 504 0:44:29.760 --> 0:44:36.240 aware it was around we were in uh raivi's nest world and uh i noticed in the middle of spawn 505 0:44:36.240 --> 0:44:42.080 was a single flame badge and siro then spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out where that flame 506 0:44:42.080 --> 0:44:48.160 badge was and we eventually got there like we eventually found it it was a null parented slot 507 0:44:48.160 --> 0:44:53.120 which sometimes does happen it's a bug and it's problematic uh and then uh actually so nitro has 508 0:44:53.120 --> 0:44:57.280 a second question which is i've seen people with custom menus of different sounds what mod is that 509 0:44:57.280 --> 0:45:02.720 that's not a mod um that's another thing like i like like the policy like i wrote the policy on 510 0:45:02.720 --> 0:45:07.440 modding the modern community are fantastic if there's one thing i could say and you know you're 511 0:45:07.440 --> 0:45:12.880 entitled to go do your own research etc it's stop looking for mods when you initially join the game 512 0:45:12.880 --> 0:45:17.360 learn about our existing features before you go look for mods like we had someone in the modding 513 0:45:17.360 --> 0:45:22.640 discord the other day asking for a mod to enable flying and it's like that's just part of neos you 514 0:45:22.640 --> 0:45:29.600 can just fly you don't need a mod for that and so again for um custom menus of different sounds you 515 0:45:29.600 --> 0:45:34.400 don't need a mod for that you just build it um when building those things do keep in mind that 516 0:45:34.400 --> 0:45:39.040 some users myself included are sound sensitive and that we don't care when you open up your context 517 0:45:39.040 --> 0:45:43.680 menu and so if you should for example use kingdom hearts sound effects from the menu noises of 518 0:45:43.680 --> 0:45:50.160 kingdom hearts on the global audio channel at 150 volume every time you open your context menu 519 0:45:50.160 --> 0:45:55.760 i'm likely to kick you from my world it is like no offense like i don't i'm not angry of you 520 0:45:55.760 --> 0:46:00.400 i just don't want to hear kingdom hearts music menu every time you open your context menu so 521 0:46:00.400 --> 0:46:06.320 don't do that maybe play it locally and maybe make it situational if it's locally actually i 522 0:46:06.320 --> 0:46:14.160 don't care but like if it's not local make it situational and make it sound reasonable 523 0:46:14.160 --> 0:46:20.160 well now you open up a context menu i don't want to hear the entire halo soundtrack you know the 524 0:46:20.160 --> 0:46:26.160 choral like r's and o's from the main soundtrack don't need that don't know why anyone does please 525 0:46:26.160 --> 0:46:29.120 don't do it okay i'm going to go through these really really quick i do have to go at the behalf 526 0:46:29.120 --> 0:46:35.360 as i said um electronicis ought to know about more slot transforms what exactly is that and what be 527 0:46:35.360 --> 0:46:39.440 the way to minimize that that's about calculating where our slot is relative to another slot so i 528 0:46:39.440 --> 0:46:44.000 don't know and i'm not going to give out false information so i don't know but i would think 529 0:46:44.000 --> 0:46:49.840 theoretically theoretically say the um parenting logic systems to the top of your avatar would 530 0:46:49.840 --> 0:46:54.640 probably be best as there are low less transforms there but again it's not about slots just just 531 0:46:54.640 --> 0:47:00.320 reiterating that it's just like uh an idea shark says when you talk about slots but you meet the 532 0:47:00.320 --> 0:47:03.920 do you mean by slots every clothing option reduces performance even if it's not in use 533 0:47:03.920 --> 0:47:08.880 uh slot you if you're familiar with unity vr chat stuff like that slot is basically an empty game 534 0:47:08.880 --> 0:47:12.480 object it's anything with a transform anything in the hierarchy that appears on the left side of 535 0:47:12.480 --> 0:47:18.320 ninos of unity uh over in unity it's called game object over here it's called slots it's basically 536 0:47:18.320 --> 0:47:23.280 just like a position a rotation and a scale of which things can be attached to including other 537 0:47:23.280 --> 0:47:29.280 slots um so you want to keep that count low but you want to look at other stuff before you worry 538 0:47:29.280 --> 0:47:36.160 about slot count so if you're like yes my avatar is 800 slots but it also has like 50 000 logics 539 0:47:36.160 --> 0:47:40.880 nodes on it talking to a web socket server so i can see the uh temperature of your hamster's 540 0:47:40.880 --> 0:47:46.560 rear end that's probably what's causing lag and not the slots uh so that says what's the best and 541 0:47:46.560 --> 0:47:51.520 most optimized way to do quaternion look rotations uh check the components we have uh transform 542 0:47:51.520 --> 0:47:55.600 drivers look at look at user and auto look at user i don't know the difference between all those 543 0:47:55.600 --> 0:47:59.520 three i just pick one and mess with it till it works and if it doesn't work i'll load the other 544 0:47:59.520 --> 0:48:03.520 ones and take a look at those those are the best ways to do it because those are the simplest ways 545 0:48:03.520 --> 0:48:06.320 you don't have to do any of the maths yourself you just put in some details and it'll do the 546 0:48:06.320 --> 0:48:11.040 look rotation for you we also have in logics we have math rotation and then there is look 547 0:48:11.040 --> 0:48:16.160 rotation as a node which would work in a similar way to how the unity function would work if you're 548 0:48:16.160 --> 0:48:21.040 familiar with that one i used that one the other day both of those are as optimized as we can get 549 0:48:21.040 --> 0:48:26.320 them uh so use those don't wherever possible see if there's a node that does the mathematical 550 0:48:26.320 --> 0:48:31.520 calculation for you because in those aspects we're able to optimize it for you basement says 551 0:48:31.520 --> 0:48:35.840 what's wrong with the entire helo centric the helo centric is fantastic someone opening their 552 0:48:35.840 --> 0:48:41.280 context menu and then a halo spawning around it the halo from halo and then the the coral 553 0:48:41.280 --> 0:48:46.640 main track going off whilst they fumble around with equipping a tool and then close it again 554 0:48:47.280 --> 0:48:52.880 not cool uh aaron says that that's not an actual question great skipping it uh no more questions 555 0:48:52.880 --> 0:48:58.400 after aaron i gotta run it's it's getting late but i'll get uh olaf's and i'll get nate's uh 556 0:48:58.400 --> 0:49:02.640 olaf says which trial subjects are planned to cover in the near future i don't know i had the 557 0:49:02.640 --> 0:49:08.400 covid booster yesterday and i'm alternating between shivering and boiling everyone's like 558 0:49:08.400 --> 0:49:13.840 you should skip office hours and i'm like no i've been doing office hours like every week for a solid 559 0:49:13.840 --> 0:49:21.200 like year i'm not losing my streak uh so i don't know today maybe some tara who knows i want to do 560 0:49:21.200 --> 0:49:26.720 um like i said i want to do random object spawner and i want to do a few on stuff which i just i 561 0:49:26.720 --> 0:49:33.680 just see questioned and aren't covered that may involve some of the um the walking animation stuff 562 0:49:33.680 --> 0:49:38.880 etc but like it basically is like when i start recording is what i feel like it used to be i 563 0:49:38.880 --> 0:49:42.240 could do like i knew i was planning out because i hadn't done tutorials and everything but now 564 0:49:42.240 --> 0:49:47.760 it's harder and harder to find something that i like go yep i can do that um nate wrench says 565 0:49:47.760 --> 0:49:53.680 can we filter uh worlds that have potato modes uh yes if you would like to contact a user that 566 0:49:53.680 --> 0:49:59.440 has a potato mode in their world and ask them to add the potato tag to their world tags then you'll 567 0:49:59.440 --> 0:50:03.360 be able to search for worlds by the potato tag and then you'll be able to find worlds that have the 568 0:50:03.360 --> 0:50:07.520 potato modes uh worlds can have tags tags are very powerful make sure that your worlds have 569 0:50:07.520 --> 0:50:10.880 appropriate tags if your world is a game make sure it has the game tag give us a piece of art make 570 0:50:10.880 --> 0:50:16.240 sure it's the art tag uh i split shots when is the office house hosted each week um i will post 571 0:50:16.240 --> 0:50:21.200 a wiki link in just a moment and uh my last final message before i go because i really don't have to 572 0:50:21.200 --> 0:50:26.480 run is make tickets if someone is bad to you in a session if they harass you if there's a problem 573 0:50:26.480 --> 0:50:31.920 if you want to get someone banned because you don't like them moderation.neos.com we won't 574 0:50:31.920 --> 0:50:38.000 penalize you for invalid tickets we would rather hear about it moderation.neos.com best way to get 575 0:50:38.000 --> 0:50:52.160 in touch with moderation fastest way to get in touch with moderation thank you and goodbye