1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:04.360 Okay, well we are now going to get started. It is 4 p.m. so welcome to 2 0:00:04.360 --> 0:00:08.440 office hours. This is office hours of me, Probable Prime. I'm a member of the NEOS team and I'm 3 0:00:08.440 --> 0:00:11.360 gonna answer your questions. As a reminder, which I've been saying like every couple 4 0:00:11.360 --> 0:00:14.240 of seconds before this, if you have questions please drop them in the office 5 0:00:14.240 --> 0:00:16.560 hours chat that's two above the one that you're currently in the community 6 0:00:16.560 --> 0:00:21.080 meetings chat and I'll get to them in the order that they appear and I'll answer them. Let's go ahead 7 0:00:21.080 --> 0:00:24.560 and take a look. So we have a question from Light Lotus who says what is 8 0:00:24.560 --> 0:00:27.160 happening with NEOS? Why has nothing been said about the state of leadership? It 9 0:00:27.160 --> 0:00:31.120 has. If you check announcements you'll see the updated information there. If 10 0:00:31.120 --> 0:00:33.920 there's any additional information we'll share it in announcements. You'll get 11 0:00:33.920 --> 0:00:37.120 tidbits information randomly from from various members of the team when they 12 0:00:37.120 --> 0:00:41.560 answer various questions but like no news doesn't mean nothing's happening it 13 0:00:41.560 --> 0:00:45.000 just means that there's no news. There's like there's a difference there right so 14 0:00:45.000 --> 0:00:49.800 we can't say nothing's happening and we can't say nothing's not happening we 15 0:00:49.800 --> 0:00:54.400 just we can't tell you like anything until we can tell you stuff like so no 16 0:00:54.400 --> 0:00:58.720 news means wait for more news. Thumbs up. Cool. 17 0:00:58.720 --> 0:01:02.160 Moving on ones to Duff's question. Duff says with the huge influx of VLC players 18 0:01:02.160 --> 0:01:05.760 migrating over to NEOS what the scene what are the what are some of the key 19 0:01:05.760 --> 0:01:08.520 things we should be teaching new players that the team and all the community 20 0:01:08.520 --> 0:01:13.080 members would like to emphasize on? I personally and I can't enforce this of 21 0:01:13.080 --> 0:01:15.720 course because it's not on any guidelines it's not me speaking as an 22 0:01:15.720 --> 0:01:20.600 official capacity is for you to be considerate. There's a lot of sort of you 23 0:01:20.600 --> 0:01:26.560 know cool stuff that you can do inside Neos but being considerate is incredibly 24 0:01:26.560 --> 0:01:31.360 important. I have a list of ways that you can be considerate on a personal page on 25 0:01:31.360 --> 0:01:36.080 the Neos Wiki once again this is not like mandated this is not like do this 26 0:01:36.080 --> 0:01:40.000 or you will die this is just my personal opinion about how you can be considerate. 27 0:01:40.000 --> 0:01:45.880 There's also the social videos that exist in my social VR playlist which 28 0:01:45.880 --> 0:01:50.800 I'll go ahead and link as well. As Shifty says in the comments consent is super 29 0:01:50.800 --> 0:01:55.000 important there are other social issues which are very important consent being a 30 0:01:55.000 --> 0:01:59.680 very very large one in that ground. So they would take a look at the social 31 0:01:59.680 --> 0:02:03.160 videos there and the social videos we have Reading the Room which is about 32 0:02:03.160 --> 0:02:06.840 basically when you join a Neo session it might be unclear what's happening in 33 0:02:06.840 --> 0:02:10.240 that Neo session you just take like a couple of seconds you know figure out 34 0:02:10.240 --> 0:02:13.760 what's happening what type of session is this what type of users are in this 35 0:02:13.760 --> 0:02:20.520 session how best can my existence my energy influence this session. In some 36 0:02:20.520 --> 0:02:23.520 cases the answer is not at all in which case you can just leave there's nothing 37 0:02:23.520 --> 0:02:26.720 bad about that you're just like hey it's the wrong session happens all the time 38 0:02:26.720 --> 0:02:32.120 in over in VRC right you join the 20th black cat of the day to see who's in the 39 0:02:32.120 --> 0:02:35.520 black cat and you're just like well this group are over here listening to 40 0:02:35.520 --> 0:02:38.340 terrible rap music in the corner in front of a mirror I don't think this is 41 0:02:38.340 --> 0:02:41.840 the world for me and you go on to the next black cat that's you know exactly 42 0:02:41.840 --> 0:02:46.080 the same thing happening over here on all Neos if the if the session isn't 43 0:02:46.080 --> 0:02:50.840 suitable you just just move on VRC for me is like vibe hunting a little bit 44 0:02:50.840 --> 0:02:54.440 different in Neos because there's you know so much more you can do but in VRC 45 0:02:54.440 --> 0:02:57.840 I mostly vibe hunt I'm like I'm looking for a particular vibe usually just chill 46 0:02:57.840 --> 0:03:03.520 and not terrible rap music yeah there's also the myths list actually I do want 47 0:03:03.520 --> 0:03:08.800 to cover that one so misinformation is rampant and so if someone comes up to 48 0:03:08.800 --> 0:03:13.120 you and they say something on the lines of I heard this or he said this or she 49 0:03:13.120 --> 0:03:19.400 said that or I heard this or the dev said this no they're doing this etc do 50 0:03:19.400 --> 0:03:23.720 check that miss list it's not exhaustive there are other ones there those are 51 0:03:23.720 --> 0:03:27.480 just the myths that like they they ground my gears on that day that I wrote 52 0:03:27.480 --> 0:03:31.320 that page at the wiki is a community project feel free to add more myths to 53 0:03:31.320 --> 0:03:36.240 that page additionally I have a screenshot from our friends and I say 54 0:03:36.240 --> 0:03:40.920 that because we should be working together as you know social metaverses I 55 0:03:40.920 --> 0:03:46.480 have a screenshot of a message from the VR chat team which I just want to like 56 0:03:46.480 --> 0:03:50.520 signal boost here in a way that I know out it's my office hours which is like 57 0:03:50.520 --> 0:03:56.200 hey do what you can to combat misinformation as well like a lot of 58 0:03:56.200 --> 0:04:01.020 sessions I was in I would say 20 to 30 percent there were some people in the 59 0:04:01.020 --> 0:04:04.520 corners or sometimes just blatantly talking about it they're like oh yeah 60 0:04:04.520 --> 0:04:08.480 like you know VR just stealing credit card information now and it's like well 61 0:04:08.480 --> 0:04:12.440 what is the like what is the source of your information like oh you heard it 62 0:04:12.440 --> 0:04:15.080 from a friend okay where did they hear it from Oh friend and you trace it all 63 0:04:15.080 --> 0:04:18.000 the way back and it's just like they read an offhand comment somewhere that 64 0:04:18.000 --> 0:04:20.480 doesn't make sense like if you go direct to the source you'll get more information 65 0:04:20.480 --> 0:04:25.920 there so there we go moving forwards let's take a look at more questions 66 0:04:25.920 --> 0:04:30.440 Jin says question is anyone team set up a hardware wallet part of the principle 67 0:04:30.440 --> 0:04:33.760 of cryptocurrency is anonymity and I don't understand why this doesn't exist 68 0:04:33.760 --> 0:04:37.920 anymore my crypto wallets are incredibly secret I'm not going to tell you what 69 0:04:37.920 --> 0:04:41.280 they are where they are who they are how many I have what they have on them 70 0:04:41.280 --> 0:04:46.200 that's not the goal of crypto right the goal of crypto is that there is a level 71 0:04:46.200 --> 0:04:50.760 of anonymity to it sharing information about my wallets publicly is problematic 72 0:04:50.760 --> 0:04:53.320 and I don't know why we've got to that point I don't know why we have those 73 0:04:53.320 --> 0:04:57.280 domain names you can link to a wallet address and be like yo you can see all 74 0:04:57.280 --> 0:05:01.240 my bank transactions you can see much cheese I'm buying right so I have a 75 0:05:01.240 --> 0:05:04.280 counter question to that which is could you please provide a transaction history 76 0:05:04.280 --> 0:05:07.320 of your entire bank account over the last millennia and I'll take a look at 77 0:05:07.320 --> 0:05:11.520 that and find all the weird stuff that you've purchased moving on to their next 78 0:05:11.520 --> 0:05:16.720 question T asks what are the plans going forwards in regards to influx of ERC 79 0:05:16.720 --> 0:05:22.000 players we actually scaled quite well we got some comments actually from this 80 0:05:22.000 --> 0:05:26.160 these groups as well so we have two volunteer groups within the the Neos 81 0:05:26.160 --> 0:05:30.120 community and the largest sort of Neos team is an umbrella term called the 82 0:05:30.120 --> 0:05:33.920 mentors and moderators moderators are responsible for guideline violations and 83 0:05:33.920 --> 0:05:37.480 and just sort of keeping things in check and I want to say police because they 84 0:05:37.480 --> 0:05:39.920 aren't police right they're not beat cops they're not gonna arrest you they 85 0:05:39.920 --> 0:05:43.280 don't have tasers they don't have firearms they're there to just try and 86 0:05:43.280 --> 0:05:46.480 make sure everyone's safe and if there's issues that come up they're there to try 87 0:05:46.480 --> 0:05:50.440 and resolve them and then there's the mentors and there is a lot of overlap 88 0:05:50.440 --> 0:05:55.560 between this the mentors are a volunteer group that are designed to help you out 89 0:05:55.560 --> 0:05:58.960 with inside Neos now it is not correct to say that if you're not a mentor you 90 0:05:58.960 --> 0:06:03.000 can't help anyone and everyone can help at any time I was in MTC sessions 91 0:06:03.000 --> 0:06:07.040 yesterday helping out and I'm a team member I had one person and one person 92 0:06:07.040 --> 0:06:09.560 only who direct messaged me and said should you be working on the actual 93 0:06:09.560 --> 0:06:13.240 platform rather than helping out new users and I just said no I didn't want 94 0:06:13.240 --> 0:06:16.040 to entertain that with any other answer right we had an influx of new users we 95 0:06:16.040 --> 0:06:18.800 needed as many people as we could so I was helping out new users I think I'm 96 0:06:18.800 --> 0:06:23.840 entitled to do that those groups were scaled a lot sort of earlier on in the 97 0:06:23.840 --> 0:06:27.040 year we scaled them a lot we added a lot more to them and and like I said even 98 0:06:27.040 --> 0:06:30.040 from some of those people inside those groups they're like only scaling too 99 0:06:30.040 --> 0:06:34.640 much like don't we have too many mods or too many mentors based on yesterday no 100 0:06:34.640 --> 0:06:40.200 we have quite frankly enough or in some cases not enough like it was it was very 101 0:06:40.200 --> 0:06:46.080 very very busy so we scaled quite well for those and we'll probably continue 102 0:06:46.080 --> 0:06:50.800 scaling if we see additional upticks such that they can grow and scale as the 103 0:06:50.800 --> 0:06:55.800 as the platform grows and scales for information on the mentor program which 104 0:06:55.800 --> 0:06:59.440 is I don't to say free to join because that makes it sound like it's some sort 105 0:06:59.440 --> 0:07:04.920 of paid service but like it is you know it is anyone can join it anyone can 106 0:07:04.920 --> 0:07:07.440 become a mentor and remember if you're not a mentor you can still help it's 107 0:07:07.440 --> 0:07:10.520 just like hey if you want to go that extra mile and become a mentor then you 108 0:07:10.520 --> 0:07:13.000 can go ahead and become a mentor there's information on mentors when I can spell 109 0:07:13.000 --> 0:07:16.960 it correctly here and there's also information on the moderation team 110 0:07:16.960 --> 0:07:22.120 moderation team is a little bit more difficult to join because it's a 111 0:07:22.120 --> 0:07:26.120 different level of commitment that's there actually don't think we have 112 0:07:26.120 --> 0:07:30.360 moderation applications open currently but there we go 113 0:07:30.360 --> 0:07:33.800 additionally there's also this lovely page I wrote called how to help which 114 0:07:33.800 --> 0:07:37.560 talks about the ways that you can help us do cool stuff so there you go there's 115 0:07:37.560 --> 0:07:42.480 how to help I know there's lots of links today but that's because I have written 116 0:07:42.480 --> 0:07:45.680 a lot of those pages or collaborate on those pages with the community and they 117 0:07:45.680 --> 0:07:50.400 just have so much information you'll see a lot of repeated questions in the in 118 0:07:50.400 --> 0:07:54.560 the discord and we're fine to answer repeated questions of course but hey if 119 0:07:54.560 --> 0:07:56.980 you're if you're nervous about asking questions or you think it might be a 120 0:07:56.980 --> 0:08:01.960 silly question it's not but also remember the information is on the the 121 0:08:01.960 --> 0:08:04.680 wiki there as well and if there is information on the wiki that you think 122 0:08:04.680 --> 0:08:08.000 is missing go ahead and edit it anyone can edit it anyone on the planet your 123 0:08:08.000 --> 0:08:12.120 mother your father your grandfather your aunt your cousin your dog anyone who can 124 0:08:12.120 --> 0:08:16.600 access a keyboard can edit the wiki no permission is required if you want to 125 0:08:16.600 --> 0:08:19.720 edit the wiki and feel like contributing then there is a page called contributing 126 0:08:19.720 --> 0:08:26.040 to the wiki which can also help like I said lots of links here it's linked down 127 0:08:26.040 --> 0:08:33.960 all right let's go ahead and move onwards let's take a look okay so we got 128 0:08:33.960 --> 0:08:37.560 that one whoever's reacting with cues can you also get thank you for adding 129 0:08:37.560 --> 0:08:42.400 the the checkmarks are you but it's Lex today thank you so much I do want to 130 0:08:42.400 --> 0:08:47.560 double check I know who's doing it every day so we got dust question we got the 131 0:08:47.560 --> 0:08:50.920 hardware quality question and we got takes question onto hacks question access 132 0:08:50.920 --> 0:08:54.200 so a good way of handling syncing to inventory or things loading into the 133 0:08:54.200 --> 0:08:56.840 world and it's recently it's been a bit slower than usual with making things to 134 0:08:56.840 --> 0:09:00.600 appear making it harder to help people put their avatars together there was 135 0:09:00.600 --> 0:09:04.840 some server load issues yesterday because quite frankly we didn't know 136 0:09:04.840 --> 0:09:10.120 that we were going to get a larger like a scale event we have now adjusted our 137 0:09:10.120 --> 0:09:13.480 infrastructure to handle that scale event including the registration cap 138 0:09:13.480 --> 0:09:17.200 which may seem annoying for questions about the registration cap do ask I 139 0:09:17.200 --> 0:09:19.440 won't go into it unless there's an ask though because I could talk about it for 140 0:09:19.440 --> 0:09:22.040 like 20 minutes and I don't want to waste that time so if you're interested 141 0:09:22.040 --> 0:09:25.920 please go ahead and ask um so we are adjusting things to make that a little 142 0:09:25.920 --> 0:09:31.400 bit better what I would say there is if you are helping people out consider 143 0:09:31.400 --> 0:09:36.480 using a more performant avatar I don't want to say look like it's a mentor even 144 0:09:36.480 --> 0:09:38.800 if you're not a mentor but I don't want to say as a helper you need a uniform 145 0:09:38.800 --> 0:09:42.720 because you don't need to abide by guidelines of course but like maybe a 146 0:09:42.720 --> 0:09:45.920 lighter avatar might help because then when you're joining the session to help 147 0:09:45.920 --> 0:09:51.760 them you're then not em what's the word for like burdening that's the word 148 0:09:51.760 --> 0:09:55.440 you're not burdening that session with your avatar you're you're just giving a 149 0:09:55.440 --> 0:09:58.560 light thing for your presence your character and then everything else 150 0:09:58.560 --> 0:10:01.760 spawned in is targeted for them then that will give like a little bit less 151 0:10:01.760 --> 0:10:06.000 load on that session steam randomly just disconnected from the internet that's 152 0:10:06.000 --> 0:10:11.840 fine and jump scared me on my computer and then other than that is just just 153 0:10:11.840 --> 0:10:14.800 think about what you're spawning there are some items that can also be created 154 0:10:14.800 --> 0:10:18.160 without using the inventory for example if you add like a developer tooltip 155 0:10:18.160 --> 0:10:22.040 component to an empty object it should automatically create a cone it'll be old 156 0:10:22.040 --> 0:10:26.600 red cone rather than the new sort of gold sparkly dev tip but it still works 157 0:10:26.600 --> 0:10:30.280 same with the logic step it will create a blue cone for you so can also be like 158 0:10:30.280 --> 0:10:34.560 an emergency thing we still noticing issues do please continue reporting them 159 0:10:34.560 --> 0:10:38.280 we do like seeing those we can do more I mean can we do want to hear about that 160 0:10:38.280 --> 0:10:43.560 if there's any problems all right let's move forwards to TPW use question hi 161 0:10:43.560 --> 0:10:47.400 TPW I see that you're new to the discord so welcome to Neos as was TK actually so 162 0:10:47.400 --> 0:10:51.080 welcome to the discord as well while Neos has great tools for developers one 163 0:10:51.080 --> 0:10:54.440 thing that turns new people that aren't tech savvy is the complexity of the base 164 0:10:54.440 --> 0:10:57.000 menu especially with the influx of VLC players is there any vision of 165 0:10:57.000 --> 0:11:00.520 streamlining things where it remain pretty much the same it will be like 166 0:11:00.520 --> 0:11:07.400 night and day eventually so what we want to do is initially we want to first of 167 0:11:07.400 --> 0:11:12.400 all replace all the old UI with new UI easy way to explain that is actually 168 0:11:12.400 --> 0:11:15.880 using dark mode and light mode anything that is in light mode right now and that 169 0:11:15.880 --> 0:11:20.240 includes inspectors because those are light it needs to be like entirely 170 0:11:20.240 --> 0:11:26.080 reworked in some cases from the ground up to be in our new UI system there's UI 171 0:11:26.080 --> 0:11:30.800 which is the old UI system and then UI X which is the new UI system once that's 172 0:11:30.800 --> 0:11:36.520 all reworked it will have an initial pass which will improve the UI the UX 173 0:11:36.520 --> 0:11:41.200 design of those those units initially but it also allow us to continue 174 0:11:41.200 --> 0:11:47.560 developing that UI further in response to feedback from you guys and ideas 175 0:11:47.560 --> 0:11:51.880 suggestions enhancements added to that because of the way that we build our new 176 0:11:51.880 --> 0:11:56.960 UI it is entirely customizable as an example here to kind of illustrate 177 0:11:56.960 --> 0:12:01.960 what's going on the world browser which is in the new UI scheme there's more 178 0:12:01.960 --> 0:12:05.920 work that we need to do on the UI on the world browser for sure but it is in the 179 0:12:05.920 --> 0:12:13.960 new UI system that is entirely editable by you as an example of that there is a 180 0:12:13.960 --> 0:12:17.800 facet I made which is a simplified world browser that just shows the worlds that 181 0:12:17.800 --> 0:12:20.400 you're in allows you to close out of them it's probably the most popular 182 0:12:20.400 --> 0:12:24.680 thing I've made in a long time another example and I don't know if I can 183 0:12:24.680 --> 0:12:27.480 remember the name of the world there is I think that's called Nexus portal I 184 0:12:27.480 --> 0:12:30.400 should actually visit that last night seemed crazy something like that it's a 185 0:12:30.400 --> 0:12:35.400 world that I made where I took the world browser and I made it 3d again and so I 186 0:12:35.400 --> 0:12:39.000 made each world that is in the world browser as an active session a like 187 0:12:39.000 --> 0:12:43.440 doorway in this like grassy knoll floating in space and it used to be 188 0:12:43.440 --> 0:12:46.960 quite easy to make that render because there wasn't that many sessions open but 189 0:12:46.960 --> 0:12:49.960 it'll probably be a mess these days but again that's just me editing the world 190 0:12:49.960 --> 0:12:53.920 browser added to that parts of the world browser actually generic so for example 191 0:12:53.920 --> 0:12:57.400 the search bar there's nothing in that search bar that determines that it's 192 0:12:57.400 --> 0:13:01.200 searching worlds the search bar just says this is what's in my search query 193 0:13:01.200 --> 0:13:05.760 and the world browser then picks that up using sort of interrupt between those 194 0:13:05.760 --> 0:13:08.560 segments and it means that they can sort of be dragged around a little bit what 195 0:13:08.560 --> 0:13:12.120 I'm basically saying there about rambling on too much more is once the UI 196 0:13:12.120 --> 0:13:15.280 is over to the system you build it yourself hey you want an inspector 197 0:13:15.280 --> 0:13:18.120 that's bright pink you can build it yourself hey you want an inspector that 198 0:13:18.120 --> 0:13:21.280 is in still in light mode even if we default to dark mode go for it you want 199 0:13:21.280 --> 0:13:23.920 an inspector with different font go for it you want a bigger font size go for it 200 0:13:23.920 --> 0:13:27.800 want a small font size go for it people already do this they create custom 201 0:13:27.800 --> 0:13:30.840 inspectors and feel free to continue using those but once we have that new 202 0:13:30.840 --> 0:13:34.400 system in place for inspectors it'll be a lot easier to do that and it'll be a 203 0:13:34.400 --> 0:13:41.120 lot less prone to errors and issues so and a short summary everything's gonna 204 0:13:41.120 --> 0:13:46.120 change like honestly it's gonna look like you put you know your ducks and 205 0:13:46.120 --> 0:13:49.160 your whites together in the laundry machine and it's come out like a 206 0:13:49.160 --> 0:13:53.800 completely new garment and you're just like cool yes I now have a grey t-shirt 207 0:13:53.800 --> 0:13:58.000 instead of a white t-shirt moving forwards let's take a look at what is 208 0:13:58.000 --> 0:14:03.240 next okay so neko gama has a not a question just something I'd like to 209 0:14:03.240 --> 0:14:08.880 bring to attention since I'm since I'm since I mentioned the miss list neko was 210 0:14:08.880 --> 0:14:11.960 recently asked by decent our friends if Neos is owned by Facebook due to the 211 0:14:11.960 --> 0:14:16.080 term metaverse just want to give a quick heads up I don't like this and there's 212 0:14:16.080 --> 0:14:22.920 nothing I can really do about it asking whether Neos is owned by Facebook is 213 0:14:22.920 --> 0:14:29.600 kind of the same as asking if any book that you own in your library of books on 214 0:14:29.600 --> 0:14:33.560 your bookshelf is owned by Facebook because it's got the word book in it and 215 0:14:33.560 --> 0:14:38.040 I understand the confusion and I wish that Manta hadn't chosen that particular 216 0:14:38.040 --> 0:14:44.520 name but that's just the way that we were in the world that we live in Neos 217 0:14:44.520 --> 0:14:48.060 is not owned by Facebook if it was we would have to declare it and if we 218 0:14:48.060 --> 0:14:51.920 declared it it would be on the bottom of our website and it would probably be a 219 0:14:51.920 --> 0:14:56.320 part of the UI and hey maybe you'd need a Facebook account to log into Neos so 220 0:14:56.320 --> 0:15:00.720 we are not very easy to prove that I will add it to the miss list I would 221 0:15:00.720 --> 0:15:05.200 also encourage those that have that kind of thought process to look beyond words 222 0:15:05.200 --> 0:15:09.960 and and finding associations for that so the the word meta that's in metaverse 223 0:15:09.960 --> 0:15:16.200 just means like different or adjunct to the normal thing so there's a good 224 0:15:16.200 --> 0:15:20.200 example there being meta data so metadata is data about the data so a 225 0:15:20.200 --> 0:15:24.040 good example of metadata is a picture that you saved to your computer the 226 0:15:24.040 --> 0:15:27.640 picture which might be of your favorite cheese collection is a picture that's 227 0:15:27.640 --> 0:15:31.680 the data there's computer you know code or binary on that computer which is 228 0:15:31.680 --> 0:15:35.600 describing what that cheese collection looks like but then there's meta data 229 0:15:35.600 --> 0:15:40.840 which is when you took the picture what like focus and zoom that camera was and 230 0:15:40.840 --> 0:15:46.600 etc and that metadata also isn't owned by Facebook it's meta data additionally 231 0:15:46.600 --> 0:15:51.760 there is a company called meta threads who I'm vaguely aware of because I used 232 0:15:51.760 --> 0:15:55.720 to be in the streaming area as a job and they had really good outfits and 233 0:15:55.720 --> 0:15:58.840 clothing they're probably angry right now and there was another company that I 234 0:15:58.840 --> 0:16:02.400 believe currently is suing meta because the use of the name but I don't want to 235 0:16:02.400 --> 0:16:05.200 comment on that because it's not like a good place to sort of comment on the 236 0:16:05.200 --> 0:16:12.860 affairs of other companies scrolling down to another question Alexios says 237 0:16:12.860 --> 0:16:16.720 and UI streamlining is desperately needed but you know the situation after 238 0:16:16.720 --> 0:16:19.400 us is there any team members working developed at all or is everyone in the 239 0:16:19.400 --> 0:16:23.360 protest thing it is difficult to use the word protest I've heard some people use 240 0:16:23.360 --> 0:16:27.160 the word strike it isn't either of those we have stopped working because of 241 0:16:27.160 --> 0:16:30.560 negotiations currently it is not a strike it is not a protest if it was a 242 0:16:30.560 --> 0:16:35.200 strike or a protest I wouldn't be here speaking to you if you strike from let's 243 0:16:35.200 --> 0:16:39.040 say a factory job you don't go to the factory if you strike from a programming 244 0:16:39.040 --> 0:16:43.680 job you don't program and you don't attend the job we have everyone in here 245 0:16:43.680 --> 0:16:47.200 like I saw shifty typing shifty has some messages I saw Canadian get typing 246 0:16:47.200 --> 0:16:50.360 there's probably got messages from them on the scroll list but I keep the scroll 247 0:16:50.360 --> 0:16:54.660 to the questions I'm answering so yeah we're still working but we're working in 248 0:16:54.660 --> 0:17:00.680 other areas depends what you what you mean there is still stuff happening it's 249 0:17:00.680 --> 0:17:05.920 just we're not releasing updates currently moving forwards to the next 250 0:17:05.920 --> 0:17:10.000 question that's exactly the same question from index there yeah news is 251 0:17:10.000 --> 0:17:14.440 still being developed we're still working we're just not releasing updates 252 0:17:14.440 --> 0:17:19.080 Jin has updated the question hardware alerts which says I only want to know if 253 0:17:19.080 --> 0:17:22.360 the news team takes seriously security seriously with hardware wallet questions 254 0:17:22.360 --> 0:17:26.120 most crypto teams devs marketplace recommended hardware to users to protect 255 0:17:26.120 --> 0:17:28.400 themselves based on a confidence of any on the team took it serious and an 256 0:17:28.400 --> 0:17:32.440 advocate of such I am an advocate of hardware is and if you ask me what I 257 0:17:32.440 --> 0:17:37.040 recommend you store your cryptocurrency on I would say a hardware wallet what 258 0:17:37.040 --> 0:17:40.720 that's a different question though that's hey prime what would you 259 0:17:40.720 --> 0:17:44.880 recommend to increase the security of your Neos account and I would say hey go 260 0:17:44.880 --> 0:17:48.160 ahead turn on 2fa make sure you have a password not using on any other site and 261 0:17:48.160 --> 0:17:52.400 when you create and turn on 2fa make sure you save those backup codes a part 262 0:17:52.400 --> 0:17:55.920 of turning on the 2fa process will ask you to save the backup codes and I know 263 0:17:55.920 --> 0:17:59.480 some people don't if you don't save your backup codes and you lose your 2fa 264 0:17:59.480 --> 0:18:03.400 device you kind of screwed so when a computer tells you to save backup codes 265 0:18:03.400 --> 0:18:07.500 and this is any platform of 2fa if they present backup codes to you you save 266 0:18:07.500 --> 0:18:12.960 them so yeah I we are security serious like we have a security policy for 267 0:18:12.960 --> 0:18:17.440 reports and security etc we take it very secure it's very securely we take 268 0:18:17.440 --> 0:18:22.000 security very seriously was I was trying to say and we have a lot of looking 269 0:18:22.000 --> 0:18:27.720 insight and information that we're looking at as security grows what that 270 0:18:27.720 --> 0:18:30.900 doesn't mean is that I need to talk to you about my personal life or my 271 0:18:30.900 --> 0:18:36.240 personal crypto wallets that is a bad measure if my front door has no lock on 272 0:18:36.240 --> 0:18:40.760 it it doesn't mean that my code is insecure it just means that I'm 273 0:18:40.760 --> 0:18:43.760 replacing my front door actually have a friend who's replacing their front door 274 0:18:43.760 --> 0:18:47.040 it blew open in the wind and got wrecked and they bought the wrong size door so 275 0:18:47.040 --> 0:18:50.520 they had to return it I'm like I didn't think that was like a thing that could 276 0:18:50.520 --> 0:18:54.520 happen but it was a thing most the wrong size handle I can't remember anyway they 277 0:18:54.520 --> 0:18:58.240 had to replace their door and it was a big sort of spectacle because you know 278 0:18:58.240 --> 0:19:03.240 you need to get a door the right size moving onwards um it has an update on 279 0:19:03.240 --> 0:19:09.240 moderation team which has applications on an as no-kneader basis fantastic get 280 0:19:09.240 --> 0:19:13.360 also mentions that needing new mods would be identified like different 281 0:19:13.360 --> 0:19:17.880 languages different locale stuff like that that would be good to see if you 282 0:19:17.880 --> 0:19:21.560 haven't seen it already if you looked at the Twitter hashtag we have a large and 283 0:19:21.560 --> 0:19:27.160 I mean quite large representation in the Japanese area Japanese locale Japanese 284 0:19:27.160 --> 0:19:31.240 language they are fantastic they do some of the amazing things take a look at the 285 0:19:31.240 --> 0:19:37.040 MMC 2021 2022 2019 it should just look at all the MMCs for crazy creations 286 0:19:37.040 --> 0:19:41.720 from that community the same goes for Korean as well we have a lot of Korean 287 0:19:41.720 --> 0:19:46.640 users that are amazing I have since some sort of rumblings of Spanish which is 288 0:19:46.640 --> 0:19:50.840 cool so we've been looking into like that I know that we have a Spanish badge 289 0:19:50.840 --> 0:19:53.080 we sometimes give out to people or actually don't know anyone that's with 290 0:19:53.080 --> 0:19:59.000 I've not seen it um but yeah if you are in a growing area of language or locale 291 0:19:59.000 --> 0:20:02.600 that you think that we might need we'll take a look and have a look at it 292 0:20:02.600 --> 0:20:05.980 we haven't seen it as well we have built by the Japanese community actually we 293 0:20:05.980 --> 0:20:09.040 have some translation devices where you can basically just like stick them to 294 0:20:09.040 --> 0:20:13.200 your head and then when you speak the translator text in whatever language you 295 0:20:13.200 --> 0:20:18.240 want will appear above your head and it's beautiful moving forwards to other 296 0:20:18.240 --> 0:20:21.720 questions which is maybe we have another one from neko thank you for that I did 297 0:20:21.720 --> 0:20:25.000 want to ask one thing I noticed is a bit of performance for high use accounts by 298 0:20:25.000 --> 0:20:28.400 hardware not being even halfway utilized is this more of a network ish or 299 0:20:28.400 --> 0:20:32.720 something bigger the force in the US is a very complicated beast I'll call it a 300 0:20:32.720 --> 0:20:36.360 beast because it's one that the nearest team are going to tackle with multiple 301 0:20:36.360 --> 0:20:41.360 tools and implements there are a lot of things that we just haven't done when it 302 0:20:41.360 --> 0:20:45.360 comes to optimization and we plan to do one of those being we want to optimize 303 0:20:45.360 --> 0:20:50.160 the IK a little bit and then another one being hey want to optimize entirely the 304 0:20:50.160 --> 0:20:53.640 renderer by replacing it which will get us some optimizations we also want to 305 0:20:53.640 --> 0:20:57.080 optimize the language that Neos is written in and by that I mean we want to 306 0:20:57.080 --> 0:21:01.080 change the version of dotnet we're using which gives us again performance 307 0:21:01.080 --> 0:21:04.840 improvements just simply because hey we're compiling to a different target so 308 0:21:04.840 --> 0:21:08.140 there's a lots of things that we need to do there it is something that we know is 309 0:21:08.140 --> 0:21:12.440 a is a miss on our part is that we can't have worlds with as bigger numbers as 310 0:21:12.440 --> 0:21:16.200 other platforms but do know that we are taking a look at it if you want to know 311 0:21:16.200 --> 0:21:19.800 what you can do to kind of mitigate that the the biggest thing you can do is get 312 0:21:19.800 --> 0:21:23.400 out of an avatar that has full IK we call them head and hands avatar 313 0:21:23.400 --> 0:21:26.120 sometimes they're called flatties I don't particularly like that one because 314 0:21:26.120 --> 0:21:31.200 my head and hands avatar isn't flat but if you remember the default avatar that 315 0:21:31.200 --> 0:21:33.880 you had when you came into Neos when you were creating your account before you 316 0:21:33.880 --> 0:21:38.160 set up your avatar it just had hands and that floating headset you can create as 317 0:21:38.160 --> 0:21:44.640 like those using basically anything if you import a bench a park bench into the 318 0:21:44.640 --> 0:21:49.240 game you can go to avatar creator slap the headset the head part of the avatar 319 0:21:49.240 --> 0:21:52.560 create on that concrete bench hit create avatar and you'll have a head and hands 320 0:21:52.560 --> 0:21:56.480 avatar that looks like a bench with hands those are more performant I don't 321 0:21:56.480 --> 0:22:00.320 want to tell you to do that all the time or say like you must do that because 322 0:22:00.320 --> 0:22:03.720 again you lose the character there you lose the full body tracking you lose the 323 0:22:03.720 --> 0:22:09.040 legs you know you lose the chest so it's it's up to you and then in addition to 324 0:22:09.040 --> 0:22:13.400 that is to make sure that you're watching whatever you're spawning in good 325 0:22:13.400 --> 0:22:16.760 often examples there being video players trying to keep video players low I've 326 0:22:16.760 --> 0:22:20.080 noticed a couple of people will do the sort of thing where they like they'll 327 0:22:20.080 --> 0:22:23.320 spawn in videos and just kind of like cue them up like a deck of cards each 328 0:22:23.320 --> 0:22:26.920 video player is causing like quite a lot of performance problems so like just 329 0:22:26.920 --> 0:22:30.760 try and keep that down that isn't a big contributor to performance but when you 330 0:22:30.760 --> 0:22:35.160 got like you know a deck of cards of ten waiting videos to play yeah lots of 331 0:22:35.160 --> 0:22:38.400 other things there you have a specific questions about what you need to 332 0:22:38.400 --> 0:22:42.820 optimize do let me know so moving onwards Sven oh second it's not Sven 333 0:22:42.820 --> 0:22:47.200 second I've been pronouncing that one right so second asked her to confirm on 334 0:22:47.200 --> 0:22:50.200 blend shapes if they are zero are they still a performance problem is only when 335 0:22:50.200 --> 0:22:52.840 they have a value if they're on zero they have a performance problem if they 336 0:22:52.840 --> 0:22:55.960 exist they have a performance problem the performance problem occurs because 337 0:22:55.960 --> 0:23:01.640 we need to load data into various parts of Neos that determine what will happen 338 0:23:01.640 --> 0:23:05.560 if that blend shape changes so a good example here and it's a really silly one 339 0:23:05.560 --> 0:23:08.920 I wish I you know but it's a really good example is there are a lot of avatar 340 0:23:08.920 --> 0:23:13.820 bases which have a I mean I'm gonna like generalize here a little bit apologize 341 0:23:13.820 --> 0:23:16.840 for that they kind of have a male female slider it might be boobs it might be 342 0:23:16.840 --> 0:23:19.760 butts right but you can change the presentation of the avatar to be male 343 0:23:19.760 --> 0:23:23.700 presenting or female presenting if you have made the decision about what you 344 0:23:23.700 --> 0:23:28.040 want that character the avatar to be that blend shape needs to not exist and 345 0:23:28.040 --> 0:23:30.800 you can do that by baking your blend shapes I'll go ahead and link that 346 0:23:30.800 --> 0:23:35.460 tutorial in the in the chat here what that does is it takes the current 347 0:23:35.460 --> 0:23:40.080 position of all those vertices with that blend shape applied and then applies it 348 0:23:40.080 --> 0:23:43.620 to the the base blend shape or the basis if you've made a blend of terminology 349 0:23:43.620 --> 0:23:46.680 and then it deletes that blend shapes would no longer needs to exist and what 350 0:23:46.680 --> 0:23:51.320 that does is it signals to the to the engine to Neos hey I'm not going to 351 0:23:51.320 --> 0:23:54.800 change wherever or not I have breasts anymore in this avatar I have locked 352 0:23:54.800 --> 0:23:59.120 that choice in and again I'm not saying that that needs to be permanent if you 353 0:23:59.120 --> 0:24:03.240 save two copies of the avatar one that has those blend shapes baked and one 354 0:24:03.240 --> 0:24:06.880 that doesn't then the one that has those blend shapes baked is more performant 355 0:24:06.880 --> 0:24:10.680 and if you ever want to change those slides again you can load the unperformant 356 0:24:10.680 --> 0:24:15.960 one and then make those changes I'm searching YouTube for Baker blend shapes 357 0:24:15.960 --> 0:24:19.840 and I got some very weird results I need to go to my youtube channel and search it 358 0:24:19.840 --> 0:24:25.760 there like how to bake a cake no bake your blend shapes not a cake here we are 359 0:24:25.760 --> 0:24:34.280 moving moving forwards to an additional question where I scroll the scroll the 360 0:24:34.280 --> 0:24:40.720 scroll the scroll the scroll toy says a bit of an off-topic question any cool 361 0:24:40.720 --> 0:24:44.120 hardware it's popping up that's got your attention lately I'm still a streamer at 362 0:24:44.120 --> 0:24:48.360 heart I used to stream a lot I don't anymore but I am like really wise to the 363 0:24:48.360 --> 0:24:53.120 streaming hardware area the coolest piece of hardware in that area that I 364 0:24:53.120 --> 0:24:56.320 bought recently not recently it was actually like almost a year ago now but 365 0:24:56.320 --> 0:24:59.320 I still love it every day the reason it comes to mind is because the place I 366 0:24:59.320 --> 0:25:03.120 bought it from was like a local store because they had it in stock and Amazon 367 0:25:03.120 --> 0:25:08.960 didn't and that store like still every like six months sends me a little letter 368 0:25:08.960 --> 0:25:12.680 with their catalog attached and just says like thanks for being a customer 369 0:25:12.680 --> 0:25:16.240 here's our catalog in case you need anything else and it's just like it is 370 0:25:16.240 --> 0:25:19.960 like slightly annoying but also kind of cute as a company doing that but anyway 371 0:25:19.960 --> 0:25:23.760 so yeah it's the go XLR mini it's what I'm actually talking to you on I like 372 0:25:23.760 --> 0:25:27.240 it is every day I don't use it to its full advantage but like it solved a very 373 0:25:27.240 --> 0:25:31.720 big issue I had with microphones so that was cool as for new hardware more in the 374 0:25:31.720 --> 0:25:39.160 realms of the like VR space I'm a backer a backer I'm a pre-order of the 375 0:25:39.160 --> 0:25:43.480 ettie controllers and I'm really interested in trying them because I I 376 0:25:43.480 --> 0:25:47.520 think I might like the feel I don't know if I'll actually like them but I 377 0:25:47.520 --> 0:25:51.120 pre-ordered them so I'm kind of like biased to be like I want to try them 378 0:25:51.120 --> 0:25:56.320 just in case I've let you know waste my investment here unfortunately the ettie 379 0:25:56.320 --> 0:25:58.600 controllers have had a couple of production delays they are very 380 0:25:58.600 --> 0:26:02.620 understandable it is very difficult to get a new product to market when you 381 0:26:02.620 --> 0:26:05.760 need to build circuit boards and also like the actual plastic that goes around 382 0:26:05.760 --> 0:26:10.040 that so I am patient with them and I'm excited to see what they can do with 383 0:26:10.040 --> 0:26:13.840 them we do have limited support for an earlier version of the ettie controllers 384 0:26:13.840 --> 0:26:17.000 they will probably need to be additional work when they're the ettie controllers 385 0:26:17.000 --> 0:26:22.520 in their final state arrives but I will be quite motivated to do that seeing as 386 0:26:22.520 --> 0:26:27.960 I'll have them lying in my apartment let's move along why the Duff says why 387 0:26:27.960 --> 0:26:31.600 do people from VRC keep asking if they need to buy dinner bones for Neos this 388 0:26:31.600 --> 0:26:37.460 is an unfortunate naming problem that we have so when it comes to Neos we have 389 0:26:37.460 --> 0:26:44.000 dynamic bones that are very very very similar to VR chats fizz bones and VR 390 0:26:44.000 --> 0:26:47.120 chats dynamic bones which actually aren't owned by VR chat long story but 391 0:26:47.120 --> 0:26:52.280 you know like we have very similar things but they are completely different 392 0:26:52.280 --> 0:26:56.000 so if you want to draw a Venn diagram there is like no overlap in terms of 393 0:26:56.000 --> 0:27:01.680 code like VR chat fizz bones completely different from dynamic bones the asset 394 0:27:01.680 --> 0:27:07.680 library thing and then our dynamic bones completely separate from both of those 395 0:27:07.680 --> 0:27:11.840 other two the problem there that then happens is because dynamic bones are 396 0:27:11.840 --> 0:27:15.160 called dynamic bones in Neos they think that they are the same thing and that's 397 0:27:15.160 --> 0:27:19.640 quite perfect like it's it's a perfect mistake and a confusion to have and 398 0:27:19.640 --> 0:27:23.920 that's why they ask if they need to buy it if you are a member of our community 399 0:27:23.920 --> 0:27:29.360 please get a banner get on a horse and charge into the sunset with a giant 400 0:27:29.360 --> 0:27:33.160 banner dynamic bones on Neos are free the reason why they're named dynamic 401 0:27:33.160 --> 0:27:36.560 bones or close to that language is because of the opposite of that we 402 0:27:36.560 --> 0:27:39.760 didn't want to name them something really obscure because then people would 403 0:27:39.760 --> 0:27:43.280 have the opposite problem they wouldn't feel that they're familiar they wouldn't 404 0:27:43.280 --> 0:27:46.960 know how to talk about them etc that's also the case with the case with fizz 405 0:27:46.960 --> 0:27:50.400 bones right whenever I think about fizz bones which is what PRC uses now I'll 406 0:27:50.400 --> 0:27:53.920 find myself calling them dynamic bones just because it's in my vocabulary even 407 0:27:53.920 --> 0:27:58.000 though they're completely different you need to call things what they are and 408 0:27:58.000 --> 0:28:01.960 that association has power and so therefore calling them dynamic bones has 409 0:28:01.960 --> 0:28:06.240 power I added them to a couple of avatars yesterday and I said like 410 0:28:06.240 --> 0:28:09.560 there's lots of controls here you know you can do what you want they are quite 411 0:28:09.560 --> 0:28:13.240 similar but they are different and the user is helping took a look at the 412 0:28:13.240 --> 0:28:16.520 inspector panel for the dynamic bones and when I could work with this it looks 413 0:28:16.520 --> 0:28:19.760 quite similar and they just were off and playing with the dynamic bones and that 414 0:28:19.760 --> 0:28:24.960 was perfect and yes just clarifying that dynamic bones was a paid add-on for the 415 0:28:24.960 --> 0:28:28.800 ERC made by someone who doesn't have any investment they're not employed or 416 0:28:28.800 --> 0:28:33.680 anything at VR excuse me at VRC they just need they're just it was just an 417 0:28:33.680 --> 0:28:37.200 add-on you could buy I know a lot of people didn't buy it and that makes me 418 0:28:37.200 --> 0:28:41.160 sad but I do wish I could buy I don't know interview the original creator and 419 0:28:41.160 --> 0:28:44.680 be like did you know that this add-on was gonna be used for it was being used 420 0:28:44.680 --> 0:28:48.560 for because I don't think they did like they made it a long time ago moving on 421 0:28:48.560 --> 0:28:51.360 with lots of questions here we will run over if there's still questions go and 422 0:28:51.360 --> 0:28:55.000 it is a busy day because of the new influx so don't worry about that we'll 423 0:28:55.000 --> 0:28:58.560 just we'll just keep keep on keeping on if I get to the bottom of the list and 424 0:28:58.560 --> 0:29:03.160 we're starting to run a bit dry I'll let you know so on to egg roll force that's 425 0:29:03.160 --> 0:29:07.080 a crazy username that sounds like I don't know if you know the video game 426 0:29:07.080 --> 0:29:10.480 series EDF earth defense force it sounds like you'll be right at home playing 427 0:29:10.480 --> 0:29:14.240 that one so egg roll force ask is there a best practices for hosting instances 428 0:29:14.240 --> 0:29:19.040 specifically for running more sandboxing instances on a headless yes first thing 429 0:29:19.040 --> 0:29:23.360 I would say there is have rules so we do have guidelines you'll see get like 430 0:29:23.360 --> 0:29:27.080 basically banging a drum about guidelines I do as well those are the 431 0:29:27.080 --> 0:29:30.280 guidelines which are platform global right we don't care what type of session 432 0:29:30.280 --> 0:29:32.840 you're in you need to be following those guidelines when it comes to hosting your 433 0:29:32.840 --> 0:29:37.320 own sessions you can add rules to that so it would be perfectly acceptable for 434 0:29:37.320 --> 0:29:40.760 you to run a headless which had a rule which said no yellow things and then 435 0:29:40.760 --> 0:29:44.160 fruits wouldn't be able to join perfectly acceptable weird but perfectly 436 0:29:44.160 --> 0:29:48.280 acceptable so do come up with list of rules for your session if you want 437 0:29:48.280 --> 0:29:53.800 recommended rules like I said keep the video players down don't build on spawn 438 0:29:53.800 --> 0:29:57.280 I hate it when people build on spawn move away from spawn to build people 439 0:29:57.280 --> 0:30:01.760 don't want to spawn into your creations and then other rules like that you can 440 0:30:01.760 --> 0:30:05.680 see some example rules in the MTC we recently added them because we needed to 441 0:30:05.680 --> 0:30:08.960 like add some couple more rules to the MTC we'll just join a couple of 442 0:30:08.960 --> 0:30:12.200 headlaces to do that I might write up an article on like some other rules I would 443 0:30:12.200 --> 0:30:18.040 generally have it's just a little bit like wordy to go into as for a sandbox 444 0:30:18.040 --> 0:30:20.880 the incidents do know that it's gonna crash a lot if it's on a headless it's 445 0:30:20.880 --> 0:30:23.560 gonna crash a lot you're gonna need to probably like make sure it's got like an 446 0:30:23.560 --> 0:30:26.640 auto-restart or something like that if it's sandbox see as in people can do 447 0:30:26.640 --> 0:30:30.600 whatever they want it will just accidentally crash that won't happen if 448 0:30:30.600 --> 0:30:34.360 like only certain people can build only friends can or a limited audience but 449 0:30:34.360 --> 0:30:39.640 anyone can build the chances of crashing is like it's gonna be higher as for 450 0:30:39.640 --> 0:30:42.760 hosting instances personally if you are a host in the world rather than on a 451 0:30:42.760 --> 0:30:48.680 headless your unfortunate job is to sort of be a gatekeeper of that session if 452 0:30:48.680 --> 0:30:52.600 you notice problems particularly problems involving the guidelines please 453 0:30:52.600 --> 0:30:56.360 enact self-moderation that's where you can sort of kick or ban someone from a 454 0:30:56.360 --> 0:31:00.240 session report stuff that happens we love tickets we're not gonna like 455 0:31:00.240 --> 0:31:05.360 penalize you for making a ticket that isn't good or isn't spelt right or 456 0:31:05.360 --> 0:31:09.120 anything like that if something happens let us know we'll take a look at it but 457 0:31:09.120 --> 0:31:12.320 do remember that like you have a little bit of responsibility as the session 458 0:31:12.320 --> 0:31:16.440 host to kind of keep keep things to how you'd want them to happen imagine that 459 0:31:16.440 --> 0:31:19.520 the session is your house and the people are coming around to visit if someone 460 0:31:19.520 --> 0:31:23.800 comes around to visit and they spread dirt all around the floor or horse me 461 0:31:23.800 --> 0:31:25.840 that was the meaning for the previous one they spread horsemen you're all 462 0:31:25.840 --> 0:31:29.040 around your apartment you've kicked them out the apartment so do the same for 463 0:31:29.040 --> 0:31:33.800 your session please if they come in with a loud obnoxious firearm again you'd 464 0:31:33.800 --> 0:31:36.680 probably call the police and get them arrested so maybe do that in your 465 0:31:36.680 --> 0:31:40.440 session unless it's like a I don't know gun range session in which case hey 466 0:31:40.440 --> 0:31:46.680 fine so next question from is it a set so is it a thesis I'm kind of our shy 467 0:31:46.680 --> 0:31:50.400 for asking questions in a large group being a new players and I think that'll 468 0:31:50.400 --> 0:31:55.240 make my experience best when I finally get into Neos actually um I have a great 469 0:31:55.240 --> 0:31:59.000 example of that which is about attitude so I've seen great attitude from the 470 0:31:59.000 --> 0:32:02.280 people I've recently been helping but in the past I have had a couple of problems 471 0:32:02.280 --> 0:32:05.040 with a little bit of attitude so when I say attitude I don't mean the way that 472 0:32:05.040 --> 0:32:07.480 like a school teacher would tell you like oh you need to have the right 473 0:32:07.480 --> 0:32:11.440 attitude to learn I just mean the right mental model to go into Neos right so 474 0:32:11.440 --> 0:32:15.080 when you go into Neos as a VR chat player or as any other platform player 475 0:32:15.080 --> 0:32:18.440 coming across you're going to sort of try and make a lot of comparisons you're 476 0:32:18.440 --> 0:32:22.920 gonna try and be like well it's like this over on VR see it's like this or 477 0:32:22.920 --> 0:32:26.800 Neos what I want you to do is is try and sort of see beyond that and have 478 0:32:26.800 --> 0:32:32.200 patience and understand that we have a little bit of dust going on right now 479 0:32:32.200 --> 0:32:35.680 you know if I could wear a hard hat I'd probably be wearing a hard hat right so 480 0:32:35.680 --> 0:32:40.440 some stuff is confusing some stuff is unclear some stuff is more complicated 481 0:32:40.440 --> 0:32:43.880 we've got people all around that are gonna help you out look for the the 482 0:32:43.880 --> 0:32:47.040 green icon above anyone's head if you're in an MTC session that they'll probably 483 0:32:47.040 --> 0:32:52.360 be there and then above all else is just like ask questions if you got them like 484 0:32:52.360 --> 0:32:56.360 I will answer the same questions all day if I need to like if it helps you go 485 0:32:56.360 --> 0:32:59.800 through it if you're shy and you don't want to speak using your microphone we 486 0:32:59.800 --> 0:33:03.480 have a number of tools available inside the Neos Essentials folder called the 487 0:33:03.480 --> 0:33:06.680 Mute Helper that lets you type text-based messages which will appear in 488 0:33:06.680 --> 0:33:10.400 a speech bubble next to your head and that's a great sort of advantage to many 489 0:33:10.400 --> 0:33:15.000 many people who are for whatever reason and there's no judgment here don't feel 490 0:33:15.000 --> 0:33:18.600 comfortable talking that's absolutely fine you know was fantastic for that 491 0:33:18.600 --> 0:33:24.480 also remember that everyone had to learn at one point I'm just rambling here if 492 0:33:24.480 --> 0:33:28.680 you like the rambling cool if you don't let me know my first session in Neos I 493 0:33:28.680 --> 0:33:34.120 was in an avatar tool world by a user called business lawyer Nexlin came in 494 0:33:34.120 --> 0:33:39.320 and there was a cart like a sort of metal cart in this world he he'd 495 0:33:39.320 --> 0:33:43.560 selected with the inspector and scaled it I'm just like whoa and I spent the 496 0:33:43.560 --> 0:33:46.360 next like week or so just completely confused I had no idea how anything 497 0:33:46.360 --> 0:33:50.600 worked and so everyone had to learn even me that was like two three years ago but 498 0:33:50.600 --> 0:33:54.360 I everyone has to learn Duff has a statement as well which is be kind ask 499 0:33:54.360 --> 0:33:57.800 questions and know that you're generally in a helpful community yep it's good 500 0:33:57.800 --> 0:34:01.400 advice as well I'll also take a look at the guidelines I hate you know banging a 501 0:34:01.400 --> 0:34:03.720 drum about them but like the guidelines do have some important information 502 0:34:03.720 --> 0:34:08.080 they're good for you as a person just to know what's unacceptable to do but it's 503 0:34:08.080 --> 0:34:12.760 also good for you to know what we value right the guidelines show what Neos 504 0:34:12.760 --> 0:34:17.080 values in a community so we value people being nice to each other because it's on 505 0:34:17.080 --> 0:34:21.360 that guidelines to not be not nice and do again make tickets if you see 506 0:34:21.360 --> 0:34:26.000 problems we love tickets tickets are a great source of substance for us moving 507 0:34:26.000 --> 0:34:29.800 forwards Nash has a question which is how easy would it be in port my avatar 508 0:34:29.800 --> 0:34:33.640 do I just drop in to adapt do I just drag and drop the FBX I've ever done it 509 0:34:33.640 --> 0:34:38.120 before in a lot of cases you are like a little bit ahead of the game because 510 0:34:38.120 --> 0:34:42.200 what we start with usually with with with VRC players or platform players is 511 0:34:42.200 --> 0:34:45.240 they don't know where their FBX is that's perfectly fine if you know where 512 0:34:45.240 --> 0:34:48.320 your FBX is you're already at like step two so you're already having an easier 513 0:34:48.320 --> 0:34:51.760 time then then someone who doesn't know where their FBX is drag and drop your 514 0:34:51.760 --> 0:34:55.640 FBX into the game you've got to click a few buttons it is a little bit of an 515 0:34:55.640 --> 0:34:58.680 evolved process someone can show you it or there are tutorials available which 516 0:34:58.680 --> 0:35:03.080 I'm sure people can sort of point and take a look at gray has linked one for 517 0:35:03.080 --> 0:35:07.240 example just underneath the question and it will import things that might not 518 0:35:07.240 --> 0:35:11.680 work when you import things are things like textures materials and in some 519 0:35:11.680 --> 0:35:15.600 cases as well rigging there are subtle differences between the way that unity 520 0:35:15.600 --> 0:35:19.320 is able to rig a humanoid and Neos is able to rig a humanoid but depending on 521 0:35:19.320 --> 0:35:22.880 which avatar you're using it's absolutely fine I'm gonna take a look at 522 0:35:22.880 --> 0:35:26.120 your profile picture here and assume that she'll be out your avatar if it's 523 0:35:26.120 --> 0:35:32.280 so probably be fine I think I recognize that one from being imported do just 524 0:35:32.280 --> 0:35:36.960 take it slow ask questions and you'll be there it is not impossible people 525 0:35:36.960 --> 0:35:41.360 import all sorts of stuff Corey asks will there ever be will there eventually 526 0:35:41.360 --> 0:35:45.120 be a wiki page and the recommended avatar optimizations yes it's on my list 527 0:35:45.120 --> 0:35:49.800 to write I just don't wanna get it wrong so I am like writing it and editing it 528 0:35:49.800 --> 0:35:55.160 and writing it and editing it and then waiting to send it to fruits or or gains 529 0:35:55.160 --> 0:35:58.360 so gains is our graphics program ideals of all the rendering and fruits just 530 0:35:58.360 --> 0:36:01.960 knows everything about Neos because they wrote a lot of it I want to say like 531 0:36:01.960 --> 0:36:04.760 most of it but these days like it's a little bit untrue because like hey I 532 0:36:04.760 --> 0:36:10.080 write code gains rights code you know it's it's cool they know like a lot 533 0:36:10.080 --> 0:36:14.120 fruits knowledge is insane you just be like this component you wrote three 534 0:36:14.120 --> 0:36:21.480 years ago and they're like oh yeah that one it does this let's move on Corey has 535 0:36:21.480 --> 0:36:24.840 an interesting statement which says it's tedious to import an avatar I agree that 536 0:36:24.840 --> 0:36:28.480 the first few avatars that you import are going to be tedious and that's a bit 537 0:36:28.480 --> 0:36:31.280 that I was talking about with that attitude if you come up with an attitude 538 0:36:31.280 --> 0:36:36.320 of this is tedious I am bored I'm I'm fed up then you won't get it done but 539 0:36:36.320 --> 0:36:39.740 becoming an attitude like hey this is gonna be a bit tedious this might be a 540 0:36:39.740 --> 0:36:44.780 little bit confusing and you get it done they're like four fifth sixth avatar you 541 0:36:44.780 --> 0:36:48.680 import it'll be much easier the first couple they are gonna be a little bit 542 0:36:48.680 --> 0:36:54.740 tedious let's move on does this can we empathize that you can use f8 to swap 543 0:36:54.740 --> 0:36:59.120 between VR and desktop mode assuming you stop yeah I told that to a user 544 0:36:59.120 --> 0:37:04.320 yesterday and they were like mind blown it was crazy to just elaborate that on a 545 0:37:04.320 --> 0:37:08.600 little bit if you start in VR mode that start the game in VR mode right you know 546 0:37:08.600 --> 0:37:12.360 if you use base stations they start wearing your headset turns on you can 547 0:37:12.360 --> 0:37:16.720 just focus the window on your desktop like with your headset off push f8 and 548 0:37:16.720 --> 0:37:21.140 you'll be in desktop mode push f8 again you'll be back in desktop no VR 549 0:37:21.140 --> 0:37:24.960 whichever way around it was that I was talking there is no need to restart if 550 0:37:24.960 --> 0:37:28.820 you start in desktop mode you cannot switch to VR mode you have to start in 551 0:37:28.820 --> 0:37:33.080 VR mode to do that switch myself and many others of the community we always 552 0:37:33.080 --> 0:37:37.200 start in VR mode and there are some days where I started VR mode instantly f8 to 553 0:37:37.200 --> 0:37:41.160 desktop mode and then never f8 back my headsets just like lying there on its 554 0:37:41.160 --> 0:37:45.140 like usual resting spot on my desk and it's just like play with me and I'm 555 0:37:45.140 --> 0:37:53.440 like not today it's like but I'm on like not today I'm f8 let's move along 556 0:37:53.440 --> 0:37:58.000 Lupo says is there any word or timeline for the solve of the issues from anyone 557 0:37:58.000 --> 0:38:01.560 the reason we're not pushing updates it will talk about it in announcements when 558 0:38:01.560 --> 0:38:05.080 we talk about it I said it earlier but like if there is no announcement in 559 0:38:05.080 --> 0:38:08.200 announcements don't assume nothing's happening just assume we can't talk 560 0:38:08.200 --> 0:38:11.960 about it yet and says you've got a lot of people listening to you rabbi about 561 0:38:11.960 --> 0:38:15.520 so these stuff today else took about your door earlier that you're replacing 562 0:38:15.520 --> 0:38:20.240 moving forwards Jin asks is Nia is looking alternative rendering engines 563 0:38:20.240 --> 0:38:28.520 such as web 3js or Godot we are looking into other engines not 3js and not Godot 564 0:38:28.520 --> 0:38:33.400 we were looking into they're all called silly names so I've forgotten them all 565 0:38:33.400 --> 0:38:37.840 all right now we're sort of working on our own rendering engine as a separate 566 0:38:37.840 --> 0:38:43.680 project it's called sauce not sauce the half-life 2 on the sources in like 567 0:38:43.680 --> 0:38:48.480 tomatoes sauce I honestly don't know a lot about it and that's because my 568 0:38:48.480 --> 0:38:52.080 strengths don't allow in the rendering side of things that's more kind of like 569 0:38:52.080 --> 0:38:55.320 easy question to go over gains did used to do office hours they're just sort of 570 0:38:55.320 --> 0:39:03.080 on hold right now but it will not be Godot or 3js or unreal that's like 571 0:39:03.080 --> 0:39:06.640 another common question yet we will not be unreal before it says can we hit 572 0:39:06.640 --> 0:39:09.000 hundred people in primetime I don't know if you can make it happen go for it I'm 573 0:39:09.000 --> 0:39:11.880 too busy scrolling down asking questions I'm looking at my scroll bar it's just 574 0:39:11.880 --> 0:39:18.960 continually going oh let's keep going fuzzy says last I need for Japanese 575 0:39:18.960 --> 0:39:21.720 makers they make amazing things but usually very optimized I've seen some 576 0:39:21.720 --> 0:39:26.920 advancements in that the the biggest part about the the Japanese community 577 0:39:26.920 --> 0:39:29.920 that I like is how fast they are I have no idea how they do it and how fast they 578 0:39:29.920 --> 0:39:33.800 do it they're also incredibly well organized so when they start our project 579 0:39:33.800 --> 0:39:38.440 it just sort of like happens and it's insane and I love that about them and so 580 0:39:38.440 --> 0:39:43.280 there's any optimization issues I'm sure they're working on them Quincy I think I 581 0:39:43.280 --> 0:39:48.680 saw you in nears if I'm remembering that name hello again a translation device 582 0:39:48.680 --> 0:39:54.720 would love to find that where can I get one essential tools essential tools JP 583 0:39:54.720 --> 0:39:59.080 tools and then in there is the translator I don't know which row it's 584 0:39:59.080 --> 0:40:04.800 on or anything like that but you're looking for a red and white rectangle I 585 0:40:04.800 --> 0:40:08.200 know that's not useful and I apologize on behalf of nears that we don't have 586 0:40:08.200 --> 0:40:12.360 search yet but it is in there I do have a version I'm working on that's sort of 587 0:40:12.360 --> 0:40:17.400 working but mine is just an edit and I do have a video about that on my channel 588 0:40:17.400 --> 0:40:20.200 but I do always want to point to the original source as well because they 589 0:40:20.200 --> 0:40:23.080 deserve all the credit they figured it out I just have tweaked it a little bit 590 0:40:23.080 --> 0:40:28.240 to make it easier for my purposes shifty states IK is incredibly optimized more 591 0:40:28.240 --> 0:40:31.280 particularly as minimizing cost of slot transforms in the data model I thought 592 0:40:31.280 --> 0:40:34.640 there was something we want to do out okay I might be out of date yeah anyway 593 0:40:34.640 --> 0:40:37.920 the point there being an optimization is there is stuff that you can do which 594 0:40:37.920 --> 0:40:42.440 will make a wiki page for and there is stuff that the nears team can do which 595 0:40:42.440 --> 0:40:46.520 we need we know that we need to work on so that has another question fantastic 596 0:40:46.520 --> 0:40:51.480 which says Disney is having hard limits in terms of avatars of worlds not that I 597 0:40:51.480 --> 0:40:55.180 can think of there's nothing stopping you from importing a like million 598 0:40:55.180 --> 0:41:00.240 polygon avatar but it will lag people out and they'll hate you for it there's 599 0:41:00.240 --> 0:41:03.280 also nothing stopping you from doing that on the world level and again it 600 0:41:03.280 --> 0:41:05.800 will lag people out and they'll they'll hate it and they won't go there but 601 0:41:05.800 --> 0:41:10.360 there's no real limits the only limit I can really think of is what beyond like 602 0:41:10.360 --> 0:41:14.000 hey your computer might crash is the file space limit that you have all 603 0:41:14.000 --> 0:41:19.840 accounts start with a default storage space of one gigabyte beyond that you 604 0:41:19.840 --> 0:41:26.280 will need to subscribe to our patreon to get more space and that will enable you 605 0:41:26.280 --> 0:41:32.380 to save more I have currently have about 25 gigabytes of space based on my 606 0:41:32.380 --> 0:41:36.340 account status and I'm using like 5% of that and I've been playing for three 607 0:41:36.340 --> 0:41:41.360 years but I don't save everything I I don't know like recently like like half 608 0:41:41.360 --> 0:41:45.600 a year ago or something I just stopped saving stuff that I like I don't I need 609 0:41:45.600 --> 0:41:49.800 like it's cool but I don't need to save it I just remember where it is and then I go 610 0:41:49.800 --> 0:41:53.680 there and spawn it out again or go find it if I need it that way I keep my file 611 0:41:53.680 --> 0:41:57.600 space down and I have really really dense polygon meshes all sorts of stuff 612 0:41:57.600 --> 0:42:02.840 I have a really really high high density chicken nugget which has an amazing 613 0:42:02.840 --> 0:42:05.600 story about it 614 0:42:06.320 --> 0:42:11.440 speedy baby another crate username here I like these these strange strange like 615 0:42:11.440 --> 0:42:16.240 usernames ever ring to them they're good they ask what accessibility things are 616 0:42:16.240 --> 0:42:19.760 in the game so it depends what type of accessibility you're talking about I'm 617 0:42:19.760 --> 0:42:24.480 happy to go into specifics if you have a particular thing in mind that you're 618 0:42:24.480 --> 0:42:29.120 you're concerned about ones that come to mind are the mute help which I mentioned 619 0:42:29.120 --> 0:42:32.840 before that's for users who for whatever reason again no judgment from me don't 620 0:42:32.840 --> 0:42:35.720 wish to speak they can use the mute helper to have that speech bubble appear 621 0:42:35.720 --> 0:42:38.800 next to the messages that they type there are various versions of the 622 0:42:38.800 --> 0:42:41.880 help there's even one that's sort of hooked up to text-to-speech so that the 623 0:42:41.880 --> 0:42:45.880 message that you type will then be read in game using a text-to-speech voice and 624 0:42:45.880 --> 0:42:49.560 text-to-speech is getting a great right now I know text-to-speech has a sort of 625 0:42:49.560 --> 0:42:53.240 reputation in the older days of computing as being very robotic but I've 626 0:42:53.240 --> 0:42:58.040 seen some text-to-speech on those avatars which is quite human beyond that 627 0:42:58.040 --> 0:43:05.120 if you are colorblind I'm partially colorblind we do have a way to correct 628 0:43:05.120 --> 0:43:09.440 for that it is a little bit experimental but there are filters that you can put 629 0:43:09.440 --> 0:43:12.760 on your head that's sort of like a material you put on your head and they 630 0:43:12.760 --> 0:43:15.680 can adjust the color spectrum of a world such that it might be a little bit 631 0:43:15.680 --> 0:43:19.660 better you know we can make blues more blues or less blue whatever whatever you 632 0:43:19.660 --> 0:43:23.800 need there if you are light sensitive I know that a couple of people like 633 0:43:23.800 --> 0:43:26.400 sensitive we can also do the same thing as that colorblind filter but with a 634 0:43:26.400 --> 0:43:30.000 darkening filter right it'll just take some of the intensity of the bright 635 0:43:30.000 --> 0:43:34.120 lights out of the world I have some glasses in my inventory which I very 636 0:43:34.120 --> 0:43:37.280 rarely equipped these days and I don't really know why I used to equip them all 637 0:43:37.280 --> 0:43:45.840 the time in the early days moving beyond color if you are low vision there is the 638 0:43:45.840 --> 0:43:49.160 ability to just arbitrarily create cameras in the world and I've seen a lot 639 0:43:49.160 --> 0:43:52.960 of people who will I don't know where they are if anyone in chat is here and 640 0:43:52.960 --> 0:43:55.480 there is where they are they've got sort of devices they parent to their avatar 641 0:43:55.480 --> 0:43:59.320 that let them kind of zoom in on things a little bit like or similar to Windows 642 0:43:59.320 --> 0:44:06.680 magnifier so I like seeing those we also have on that note we have disability 643 0:44:06.680 --> 0:44:10.440 awareness badges which you can add to your account if someone below can link 644 0:44:10.440 --> 0:44:15.080 the badges with the article we have a badge that says that you're colorblind 645 0:44:15.080 --> 0:44:19.360 we have a badge that says that you are have vision issues we also have a badge 646 0:44:19.360 --> 0:44:24.920 that says that you are deaf when it comes to the deaf community there we 647 0:44:24.920 --> 0:44:28.860 have a lot of techniques and abilities that you can do in there we also have a 648 0:44:28.860 --> 0:44:33.560 prominent few people that are in that community and are fantastic Danny comes 649 0:44:33.560 --> 0:44:38.880 to mind Danny is fantastic they make just crazy stuff with the finger 650 0:44:38.880 --> 0:44:42.880 tracking that we have and the leap motion support that we have we see a lot 651 0:44:42.880 --> 0:44:46.840 of people that are able to sign a lot better inside Neos because they can just 652 0:44:46.840 --> 0:44:50.520 sort of you know move their hands around we also have a couple of sort of hands 653 0:44:50.520 --> 0:44:55.200 that are set up such that you can manually trigger letter fingerspelling 654 0:44:55.200 --> 0:45:02.220 signs in a sort of intuitive way we also have native subtitle support for videos 655 0:45:02.220 --> 0:45:06.120 although I don't know how it works is on my list to make a tutorial about but I 656 0:45:06.120 --> 0:45:09.040 was reading code earlier and I'm like oh yeah you can import subtitle files I 657 0:45:09.040 --> 0:45:14.720 forgot how but you can and those can be hooked up beyond that though because I 658 0:45:14.720 --> 0:45:19.960 could wear on for forever literally if there is a problem you might be able to 659 0:45:19.960 --> 0:45:26.000 build something to fix that problem and people will love to help you like if you 660 0:45:26.000 --> 0:45:31.440 go into a world and you say I am for whatever reason I am unable to 661 0:45:31.440 --> 0:45:35.440 comprehend the existence of yellow like someone will quickly build you something 662 0:45:35.440 --> 0:45:38.960 you can put on your head and it just removes yellow somehow so much he handed 663 0:45:38.960 --> 0:45:41.960 me there yesterday when I was playing they handed me some glasses that gave 664 0:45:41.960 --> 0:45:46.760 you the vision of a dog right so they remove the colors that dogs cannot see 665 0:45:46.760 --> 0:45:51.440 and so if I looked at green grass for example it was actually yellow my color 666 0:45:51.440 --> 0:45:53.960 blindness means that I can often not tell the difference between green and 667 0:45:53.960 --> 0:45:58.120 yellow anyway so I was very confused I'm like this isn't any different and they're 668 0:45:58.120 --> 0:46:01.440 like are you a dog no I'm not a dog I just can't tell the difference between 669 0:46:01.440 --> 0:46:06.120 green and yellow sometimes moving forwards 670 0:46:06.120 --> 0:46:10.440 Zillowsef has another question here which says what is the most difficult 671 0:46:10.440 --> 0:46:15.040 thing that new players will have to deal with people have commented with emojis 672 0:46:15.040 --> 0:46:20.320 to get logics and I would kind of agree but I would actually say is getting the 673 0:46:20.320 --> 0:46:25.120 avatar imported the thing that like is is difficult about particularly people 674 0:46:25.120 --> 0:46:28.400 that come from another platform that doesn't have the in editing ability is 675 0:46:28.400 --> 0:46:33.320 you want to just get comfortable and I used to not understand this but after 676 0:46:33.320 --> 0:46:35.840 like a month or two of playing VR I got it right people want to feel 677 0:46:35.840 --> 0:46:38.920 comfortable in the avatar that they're wearing getting to that stage where 678 0:46:38.920 --> 0:46:41.640 you're comfortable is going to be the most difficult part that's why you've 679 0:46:41.640 --> 0:46:44.740 got an avatar that you're comfortable in it's moving correctly it looks 680 0:46:44.740 --> 0:46:48.100 correct it's got your colors your textures on it and when you look in the 681 0:46:48.100 --> 0:46:51.360 mirror you're like that's me once that's done that's probably the most difficult 682 0:46:51.360 --> 0:46:55.440 hurdle and then beyond that it's up to you about what you want to do again like 683 0:46:55.440 --> 0:46:58.060 I see people have said logics if you don't want to learn logics that's 684 0:46:58.060 --> 0:47:01.560 totally fine you don't have to if you don't want to learn any of the engine 685 0:47:01.560 --> 0:47:05.320 that's totally fine just get the avatar in ask for help and and you'll get it in 686 0:47:05.320 --> 0:47:09.460 and then you can just socialize right so it just depends on which path or journey 687 0:47:09.460 --> 0:47:13.660 that you want to go through on Neos. Slinkah says ET controller the one with 688 0:47:13.660 --> 0:47:18.280 the driver already Neos yes the driver in Neos for ET controllers is like 689 0:47:18.280 --> 0:47:23.040 really old it's from before they had six doff now they have a six doff version 690 0:47:23.040 --> 0:47:27.120 which is the right image on the thumbnail from the link that Alex posted 691 0:47:27.120 --> 0:47:30.880 it's got like a chunkier bit attached to it which is basically like a five 692 0:47:30.880 --> 0:47:35.320 tracker but a neti version of that that's six doff six degrees of freedom 693 0:47:35.320 --> 0:47:38.080 that means and that might mean there's an updated driver and if there's an 694 0:47:38.080 --> 0:47:42.580 updated driver would have to edit that. Aaron says does Neos currently spot any 695 0:47:42.580 --> 0:47:46.640 haptic gloves I believe we support the B haptics gloves those just give you 696 0:47:46.640 --> 0:47:50.120 vibration feedback on the gloves they don't give you the haptics that I 697 0:47:50.120 --> 0:47:53.880 believe you're talking about which is where you can like feel stuff in VR 698 0:47:53.880 --> 0:47:57.560 speaking of feeling stuff does anyone remember the Novant Falcon if you 699 0:47:57.560 --> 0:48:00.720 remember the Novant Falcon let me know there's any Novant Falcon remember is 700 0:48:00.720 --> 0:48:03.520 let me know you don't know what it is you can go ahead and take a look at it 701 0:48:03.520 --> 0:48:08.160 moving onwards Traderos hope I'm pronouncing that correctly another 702 0:48:08.160 --> 0:48:11.520 interesting name is there currently any estimate of time frames when the key 703 0:48:11.520 --> 0:48:15.480 updates would be applied or would there be some way to see updates on current 704 0:48:15.480 --> 0:48:18.540 systems in the works although I generally do not like products and 705 0:48:18.540 --> 0:48:21.160 services to be crushed the current state of the market is very competitive and 706 0:48:21.160 --> 0:48:24.560 falling behind becomes problematic we are very aware of that there are lots of 707 0:48:24.560 --> 0:48:26.680 things in progress here the announcements channel I don't want to 708 0:48:26.680 --> 0:48:29.720 sort of dwell on that too much that our existing that are preventing us from 709 0:48:29.720 --> 0:48:33.440 doing updates beyond that though I would encourage you to go look at our roadmap 710 0:48:33.440 --> 0:48:38.800 on github if someone wants to drop the roadmap link in the in the chat that 711 0:48:38.800 --> 0:48:41.960 would be great that shows you what we are working on or at least intending to 712 0:48:41.960 --> 0:48:45.040 work on and also gives you our backlog which is large but it shows you that 713 0:48:45.040 --> 0:48:48.480 we're thinking about stuff we want to feed back in each of those items as well 714 0:48:48.480 --> 0:48:51.920 if there is a job issue that you found that you have and it's something to say 715 0:48:51.920 --> 0:48:55.380 about comment on us let us know let us know how you feel let us know what you 716 0:48:55.380 --> 0:49:00.360 want to see in that future double stick says it's called dynamic bone no s by 717 0:49:00.360 --> 0:49:05.020 will Hong that's the original thing yeah yeah I'd like to meet will Hong make you 718 0:49:05.020 --> 0:49:09.320 say like hey how much like did you buy a house with about money you may I don't 719 0:49:09.320 --> 0:49:15.340 know like yeah we have some love for EDF fantastic EDF is earth defense force is 720 0:49:15.340 --> 0:49:18.840 a very crazy game and if you have a chance to play it please go ahead and do 721 0:49:18.840 --> 0:49:24.280 and just like roll into the hilarity EDF is amazing egg roll face says I they 722 0:49:24.280 --> 0:49:26.720 might have worded that probably because I was playing a hosting an instance I 723 0:49:26.720 --> 0:49:30.000 would have to scroll up and find that question if you have a further up 724 0:49:30.000 --> 0:49:34.120 question about hosting an instance do let me know spec says can you explain 725 0:49:34.120 --> 0:49:36.880 for news is how to stop an avatar for face tracking so long as the blend ships 726 0:49:36.880 --> 0:49:39.920 already exist yes when you create an avatar there's a bunch of check boxes on 727 0:49:39.920 --> 0:49:43.560 the right hand on the like middle of the avatar credit just check them all I know 728 0:49:43.560 --> 0:49:46.160 some of them are off by default I don't really know why just check them all 729 0:49:46.160 --> 0:49:49.440 they're all useful one of them will automatically set up face tracking that 730 0:49:49.440 --> 0:49:53.880 works at the HTC Vive face tracker I have one of those stuck to my face on my 731 0:49:53.880 --> 0:49:57.420 headset and it makes me sometimes look really weird because my eyebrows do 732 0:49:57.420 --> 0:50:04.140 wiggles but like that's fine for the face tracker itself it is based on the 733 0:50:04.140 --> 0:50:08.120 blend shape definitions which we got from HTC in the tutorials channel of 734 0:50:08.120 --> 0:50:12.780 this discord pinned is an image by gabell who made the sort of pivotal 735 0:50:12.780 --> 0:50:16.560 example face tracking avatar which has all of those blend shapes set up you 736 0:50:16.560 --> 0:50:20.160 don't have to name them exactly like that image if you have blend shapes that 737 0:50:20.160 --> 0:50:24.300 are close enough then you could hook them up to the facial tracker I have a 738 0:50:24.300 --> 0:50:26.320 video on that on my channel if someone could go ahead and make that that'd be 739 0:50:26.320 --> 0:50:31.040 great as an example here many avatars have a smile blend shape and it's named 740 0:50:31.040 --> 0:50:34.640 whatever it's named sometimes it's even named in Japanese you can hook that up 741 0:50:34.640 --> 0:50:40.080 to the smile face tracker preset and it'll work even if it's not named 742 0:50:40.080 --> 0:50:45.400 correctly and just that just having a smile adds so much more like emotion to 743 0:50:45.400 --> 0:50:51.680 an avatar that you're wearing okay we're still my scroll bar is still huge let's 744 0:50:51.680 --> 0:50:54.880 keep going I will answer all questions I know it's a little bit of a crazy day so 745 0:50:54.880 --> 0:51:00.040 I'll just keep going till we run out of questions no user found welcome to the 746 0:51:00.040 --> 0:51:04.440 discord I see you a new from the plant icon like meant to be like a flower I 747 0:51:04.440 --> 0:51:08.080 don't know it's a plant icon who asked how is the crypto stuff incorporated the 748 0:51:08.080 --> 0:51:12.000 game and are certain avatars what locked behind NFTs or crypto nothing is locked 749 0:51:12.000 --> 0:51:16.120 behind NFTs or crypto at all there might be some community products which you 750 0:51:16.120 --> 0:51:19.520 have to buy using crypto but that's nothing to do with us that's the same 751 0:51:19.520 --> 0:51:24.320 thing as buying an avatar off gumroad and then importing into nius we have no 752 0:51:24.320 --> 0:51:28.120 worlds locked behind crypto or NFTs if you're asking about crypto being 753 0:51:28.120 --> 0:51:31.640 integrated in the game the steam build has no crypto and functionality the non 754 0:51:31.640 --> 0:51:37.080 steam build does in the non steam build you can deposit our currency and CR into 755 0:51:37.080 --> 0:51:41.840 your in-game wallet and withdraw it you can send it to people and you can buy 756 0:51:41.840 --> 0:51:47.360 storage with it that's it yeah moving on good questions today mr. Aaron Aaron's a 757 0:51:47.360 --> 0:51:51.360 good friend of mine he says what are your opinions on the recent influx of 758 0:51:51.360 --> 0:51:56.720 people and how it affect non-time news I am a bit puzzled about what might happen 759 0:51:56.720 --> 0:52:02.080 long term for anyone here that's new I love having you here as just the rest of 760 0:52:02.080 --> 0:52:05.640 our community we love helping you I just I don't know what's gonna happen in the 761 0:52:05.640 --> 0:52:11.520 future like well VRC reverse their decision to add EAC if VRC does that how 762 0:52:11.520 --> 0:52:15.600 many of you will stay I don't know and that's the bit like I'm unsure about I 763 0:52:15.600 --> 0:52:19.880 would love it if all of you stay I understand the that might not be 764 0:52:19.880 --> 0:52:23.160 realistic so if you choose not to stay that's totally fine thank you so much 765 0:52:23.160 --> 0:52:28.080 for trying us and hope to see you back time some there sometime soon I'm 766 0:52:28.080 --> 0:52:33.280 running out of English at the moment as to what I think about it is great it's 767 0:52:33.280 --> 0:52:37.680 also unexpected I wish we'd had some notice it's a bit difficult for VRC to 768 0:52:37.680 --> 0:52:41.600 basically be like yo we're dropping a big update you might get some users 769 0:52:41.600 --> 0:52:44.460 because they're gonna hate it like that they wouldn't do that that's not like a 770 0:52:44.460 --> 0:52:49.560 business thing that exists but it is unexpected like I had other plans for 771 0:52:49.560 --> 0:52:54.480 this week but I guess they're kind of like thrown out let's go ahead and move 772 0:52:54.480 --> 0:52:59.280 on see if any more questions is it there says I so I'm thinking this is the 773 0:52:59.280 --> 0:53:03.600 official VRC killer no I disagree um the important thing to think about and we 774 0:53:03.600 --> 0:53:06.800 encourage you to do this based on the guidelines channel of this discord is to 775 0:53:06.800 --> 0:53:11.240 think about how think about the the metaverse platforms is like a family 776 0:53:11.240 --> 0:53:14.620 right we should be getting along we should be talking to each other we 777 0:53:14.620 --> 0:53:18.680 should be sharing insights I myself am friends with the head of trust and 778 0:53:18.680 --> 0:53:22.160 safety at VR chat and I sent them some kind words yesterday I didn't like say 779 0:53:22.160 --> 0:53:26.680 hey this is a bad decision or anything like that I just said hey good luck I 780 0:53:26.680 --> 0:53:30.840 basically I read the update and I just said hey good luck you know let me know 781 0:53:30.840 --> 0:53:33.280 if you need anything because like I know that they probably had a really really 782 0:53:33.280 --> 0:53:37.040 tiresome day yesterday and that's the kind of dialogue that I want between 783 0:53:37.040 --> 0:53:40.680 those platforms so it's I don't think it's appropriate to say one is better 784 0:53:40.680 --> 0:53:43.480 than the other I think it's appropriate to say that they are different and that 785 0:53:43.480 --> 0:53:47.920 they have different uses you'll see that sentiment a lot from people you also see 786 0:53:47.920 --> 0:53:52.040 the opposite sentiment which is like no this is better than VRC no VRC is better 787 0:53:52.040 --> 0:53:55.200 than this and like it's not my place to comment on that because I don't think we 788 0:53:55.200 --> 0:53:59.480 should be coming on it a good way to think about it is how you think about 789 0:53:59.480 --> 0:54:03.880 beverages food and stuff like that like the Pepsi Coca-Cola thing right you guys 790 0:54:03.880 --> 0:54:06.800 have a preference we don't need to talk about it we'll start an argument but you 791 0:54:06.800 --> 0:54:10.400 have a preference that's in your mind right now Pepsi or Coca-Cola but if 792 0:54:10.400 --> 0:54:15.440 they're sold out of Pepsi or Coca-Cola in the grocery store you're gonna buy 793 0:54:15.440 --> 0:54:19.440 the other one and you're gonna enjoy it so it's a matter of preference rather 794 0:54:19.440 --> 0:54:25.960 than like a clear-cut distinction between the two platforms let's move on 795 0:54:25.960 --> 0:54:29.680 llama with two L's hope I'm pronouncing that correctly welcome to the discord 796 0:54:29.680 --> 0:54:33.000 is there any plan to add a reset password button to the web UI the 797 0:54:33.000 --> 0:54:35.200 person's a little confusing you should converge the login to the website you 798 0:54:35.200 --> 0:54:39.720 can't reset your password about being in game and I find a little clunky yes we 799 0:54:39.720 --> 0:54:43.280 have like three websites it's problematic but we're doing our best 800 0:54:43.280 --> 0:54:48.520 we're you know like I said we're working on stuff so we have the the main website 801 0:54:48.520 --> 0:54:51.760 and that has all the information about it and then we have like the account 802 0:54:51.760 --> 0:54:55.280 website and then we have a third account website which is what we're trying to 803 0:54:55.280 --> 0:54:57.960 move everything over to I believe that actually has a reset part of 804 0:54:57.960 --> 0:55:02.120 functionality on it it's just not like it doesn't really do anything other than 805 0:55:02.120 --> 0:55:05.120 account right it's stuff so that might be an option to do that but we 806 0:55:05.120 --> 0:55:08.920 absolutely have plans to sort of put that all together like a jigsaw puzzle 807 0:55:08.920 --> 0:55:13.100 until it makes sense in the future Nash has updated their profile picture so I 808 0:55:13.100 --> 0:55:15.560 can see their avatar a little better yeah that looks like it will work quite 809 0:55:15.560 --> 0:55:23.080 well great let's move along egg roll fails again hope if you're fighting for 810 0:55:23.080 --> 0:55:26.600 the EDF quite well anyway also is there someplace where there's a complete list 811 0:55:26.600 --> 0:55:29.680 of desktop controls it seems the only one I can find is outdated wiki has it 812 0:55:29.680 --> 0:55:32.240 the wiki shouldn't be out of date if it's out of date yell at me I'll update 813 0:55:32.240 --> 0:55:36.480 it basic controls is the page on the Wikipedia on the not the Wikipedia the 814 0:55:36.480 --> 0:55:41.640 Neos wiki moving forwards Aaron says what are some suggestions for getting VRC 815 0:55:41.640 --> 0:55:46.080 users who may be on the fence or simply just trend follows to stay on these I 816 0:55:46.080 --> 0:55:51.720 think we can do that based on the way that we handle the experience right so 817 0:55:51.720 --> 0:55:55.040 if you come over to us to try us out thank you so much for trying us and if 818 0:55:55.040 --> 0:55:59.240 you like it stay do make sure you give it a good try do make sure you come in 819 0:55:59.240 --> 0:56:02.480 with attitude of like hey this might be a little bit difficult there are some 820 0:56:02.480 --> 0:56:07.040 rough edges give it a try let us know what you think and if you don't decide 821 0:56:07.040 --> 0:56:12.080 to stay that's fine thank you for trying moving on we've got delirious Jax's one 822 0:56:12.080 --> 0:56:16.360 minute avatar I love that so delirious Jax's woman avatar is meant to be 823 0:56:16.360 --> 0:56:20.880 slightly satirical and the reason why that is he has a perfect avatar set up 824 0:56:20.880 --> 0:56:24.860 the textures import the IK is fine so you can just import that model and do 825 0:56:24.860 --> 0:56:28.000 that and the reason why he's able to do that is because he knows what Neos needs 826 0:56:28.000 --> 0:56:32.920 and he's able to craft an FBX file that works perfectly a lot of users this 827 0:56:32.920 --> 0:56:36.920 might be the first time that you've even looked at the files inside your avatar 828 0:56:36.920 --> 0:56:40.200 you might have been doing solely with like download drops of unity packages 829 0:56:40.200 --> 0:56:44.760 from avatar creators and that's totally fine like if you are a knowledgeable 830 0:56:44.760 --> 0:56:50.760 user like Jax there should be able to just make an FBX that works I had that 831 0:56:50.760 --> 0:56:55.600 actually yesterday with null user they brought the avatar in and the like rig 832 0:56:55.600 --> 0:56:59.480 was just messed up and I explained what was wrong and I apologize that you know 833 0:56:59.480 --> 0:57:02.880 there was no way to fix it in game and they went oh it's okay I can fix in 834 0:57:02.880 --> 0:57:06.000 blender they took off their headset crumpled into a heap on the floor came 835 0:57:06.000 --> 0:57:09.960 back five minutes later with a working file and it was beautiful I'm like my 836 0:57:09.960 --> 0:57:12.800 job is done baby they understood my statement and they did it 837 0:57:12.800 --> 0:57:16.200 Zillow says says what is the history of Neos had it will start I'm gonna bridge 838 0:57:16.200 --> 0:57:19.160 this some people might have some links if you've got some links to better 839 0:57:19.160 --> 0:57:22.200 histories of that but I'm gonna bridge it because I don't want to go on too 840 0:57:22.200 --> 0:57:28.760 long Fruxius is an original backer of the original oculus rift and when they 841 0:57:28.760 --> 0:57:33.040 got the oculus rift they went to a lot of like meetups like you know hacker 842 0:57:33.040 --> 0:57:38.560 meetups stuff like that jams stuff like that and they created a bunch of cool 843 0:57:38.560 --> 0:57:41.440 stuff and they noticed that they were doing the same thing over and over again 844 0:57:41.440 --> 0:57:45.560 when you start a new VR project what's the first thing you do you make hands 845 0:57:45.560 --> 0:57:49.160 the hands work and then maybe once you've got hands you do grabbing like 846 0:57:49.160 --> 0:57:52.920 think about all the VR games you have they all have hands and grabbing and you 847 0:57:52.920 --> 0:57:57.040 might have to grab a gun or a ball or an object and he was getting tired of 848 0:57:57.040 --> 0:58:00.420 repeatedly doing that he's like I've just started a new project I've got a 849 0:58:00.420 --> 0:58:04.260 copy this code from the other project that sets up hands into this new project 850 0:58:04.260 --> 0:58:07.680 that sets up hands and so originally he was like what if I made the project 851 0:58:07.680 --> 0:58:11.960 project which was Neos and it's like cool now I can make my other projects in 852 0:58:11.960 --> 0:58:16.620 Neos and then it was like well now I can have multiplayer and this collaboration 853 0:58:16.620 --> 0:58:20.640 and people could join and talk to me and it's like well now we have avatars and 854 0:58:20.640 --> 0:58:24.800 then slowly it sort of evolved into a social metaverse but with that also 855 0:58:24.800 --> 0:58:29.640 creation around as a metaverse that's how it all got started specs has a good 856 0:58:29.640 --> 0:58:33.980 point there which is the first time that they imported a VRC avatar they found it 857 0:58:33.980 --> 0:58:37.760 tedious I agree I was completely confused I'd not done unity much before 858 0:58:37.760 --> 0:58:42.200 so I was just like what are all these buttons as well as for Neos they say but 859 0:58:42.200 --> 0:58:46.920 now if he had to choose he would start with Neos because it's simpler and I 860 0:58:46.920 --> 0:58:50.520 agree that's the thing as well if the roles were reversed if you were coming 861 0:58:50.520 --> 0:58:55.560 over to me and I was representative of VR chat and you just you know hopped over 862 0:58:55.560 --> 0:59:00.240 from Neos and I'm like hi welcome to VRC to set up an avatar you need to do the 863 0:59:00.240 --> 0:59:03.720 process that you do for VRC avatar set up you might have the same feedback you 864 0:59:03.720 --> 0:59:06.720 might have the same feedback this is tedious this is confusing and that's 865 0:59:06.720 --> 0:59:09.840 again all about the attitude if you come over naturally if it's confusing you're 866 0:59:09.840 --> 0:59:12.960 gonna have a bad time if you come in the attitude of I'm going to try this I 867 0:59:12.960 --> 0:59:16.760 might get confused I'm gonna ask for help then you'll have a much better 868 0:59:16.760 --> 0:59:20.960 time so Akki Adachi says when will we get the an option to stay logged in 869 0:59:20.960 --> 0:59:24.520 forever that is a colon problem that we have we're only able to remember your 870 0:59:24.520 --> 0:59:29.120 login for seven days due to security and that what that means is if you log in 871 0:59:29.120 --> 0:59:33.240 we'll remember you for seven days and that's like a rolling window so if I 872 0:59:33.240 --> 0:59:38.480 log in today it will remember me till next Tuesday if I log in on Wednesday or 873 0:59:38.480 --> 0:59:41.320 remember you need to next Wednesday so if I continue to log in each day I'll 874 0:59:41.320 --> 0:59:44.520 never have to I'll never have to enter my password again and as I use Neos a 875 0:59:44.520 --> 0:59:48.400 lot I never really have to but we're unable to remember you for forever 876 0:59:48.400 --> 0:59:53.480 because of our security policies we may change that in the future but it just 877 0:59:53.480 --> 0:59:58.880 requires us to sort of evaluate the security problems with that and and 878 0:59:58.880 --> 1:00:03.040 adjust them moving forwards Alex's is there a patreon in fact yes you can 879 1:00:03.040 --> 1:00:06.840 technically make a world which is only accessible to patrons I have no idea if 880 1:00:06.840 --> 1:00:10.520 anyone's done that or why you might do that Lexis that there should be a hard 881 1:00:10.520 --> 1:00:14.260 limit yeah okay we'll sit a hard limit we'll say a hard limit for for quarter 882 1:00:14.260 --> 1:00:16.920 past I would say ten past but we're already like four minutes quarter past 883 1:00:16.920 --> 1:00:19.680 we'll say a hard limit for quarter past you're right I do have other stuff to do 884 1:00:19.680 --> 1:00:24.680 today um Zilla says is the game enjoyable without getting any 885 1:00:24.680 --> 1:00:28.920 subscription yes provided you only upload your avatar and you are wary on 886 1:00:28.920 --> 1:00:34.640 what you save absolutely absolutely don't be a pack rat nowhere stuff is 887 1:00:34.640 --> 1:00:39.760 rather than than saving it as well so if you have a public folder full of cool 888 1:00:39.760 --> 1:00:43.040 stuff that someone else has saved cool that won't count to your storage space 889 1:00:43.040 --> 1:00:46.920 and you can just spawn it if you want to just chill out and and see yourself more 890 1:00:46.920 --> 1:00:52.080 as sort of like a chill out not the platform just a person who chills out on 891 1:00:52.080 --> 1:00:55.000 social VR then all you need is your avatar uploaded you can do everything 892 1:00:55.000 --> 1:00:59.600 that you've ever done on VR chat without a subscription for sure if you want to 893 1:00:59.600 --> 1:01:03.720 build stuff you will maybe at some point run into that up where there's a you 894 1:01:03.720 --> 1:01:07.760 know hey you're out of storage space but if you're careful there's a lot that you 895 1:01:07.760 --> 1:01:11.560 can do about running out of storage space Zilla says so wait is all the 896 1:01:11.560 --> 1:01:14.760 storage in the cloud yes all storage is in the cloud for the most part there is 897 1:01:14.760 --> 1:01:20.920 a caveat to that which is not used a lot when you open Neos you'll see that two 898 1:01:20.920 --> 1:01:24.440 worlds opened you can close these there's ways to do it I'm going to that 899 1:01:24.440 --> 1:01:28.320 by default two worlds opened there is the local home and the cloud home 900 1:01:28.320 --> 1:01:32.840 anything saved to the local home as in saved inside the local home you drop it 901 1:01:32.840 --> 1:01:36.280 in there you hit save will be saved on your computer it doesn't touch the cloud 902 1:01:36.280 --> 1:01:39.680 anything saved anywhere else including your imagery will be saved to the cloud 903 1:01:39.680 --> 1:01:46.000 it is also sort of slightly higgledy-piggledy magic saved to your 904 1:01:46.000 --> 1:01:52.240 computer that's just a local cache of it a local database of it and a local copy 905 1:01:52.240 --> 1:01:57.800 of it but it is saved to the cloud as well I'm forgetting all the way down to 906 1:01:57.800 --> 1:02:01.720 all the links I requested thank you froppy for linking badges thanks June for 907 1:02:01.720 --> 1:02:10.720 linking that mod for the zooming in beautiful by the way yo we do support 908 1:02:10.720 --> 1:02:17.760 odds we have a modding policy and the modding community are upholding that 909 1:02:17.760 --> 1:02:21.560 policy to a better level than I believe even I can like they are basically like 910 1:02:21.560 --> 1:02:24.680 guys if you're being malicious with your mods get out of here like they won't 911 1:02:24.680 --> 1:02:29.240 help you and all sorts of stuff like that I really do like them 912 1:02:29.240 --> 1:02:32.880 well it's don't break the guidelines read that modern plug-in policy also 913 1:02:32.880 --> 1:02:35.200 read our security policy because it's very important that you read all the 914 1:02:35.200 --> 1:02:38.520 policies we have I wrote the part of the modern plug-in policy I also wrote this 915 1:02:38.520 --> 1:02:43.520 is the security policy so just I'm kind of proud of them anyway moving on 916 1:02:43.520 --> 1:02:47.200 zilla says now is there a roadmap for this yes you can find a roadmap on 917 1:02:47.200 --> 1:02:54.120 github someone can link it froppy did thank you no user found says they don't 918 1:02:54.120 --> 1:02:57.360 worry about force crypto NFT why the crypto stock prices and telegram and 919 1:02:57.360 --> 1:03:03.880 also the nearest metaverse website read announcements moving onwards okay no 920 1:03:03.880 --> 1:03:12.640 more questions specs links an issue great lego creator is asking about low 921 1:03:12.640 --> 1:03:16.840 vision stuff if anyone has any low vision assets please do help lego 922 1:03:16.840 --> 1:03:21.240 creator out I know of some but I don't know where they are located so please 923 1:03:21.240 --> 1:03:24.680 please do help them out I don't want to like call anyone out and be like oh yes 924 1:03:24.680 --> 1:03:29.120 I remember this user hello vision but I will direct message a user I'm aware of 925 1:03:29.120 --> 1:03:32.880 and ask for their permission to connect you two together because I know that 926 1:03:32.880 --> 1:03:36.520 they have a lot of tools on their avatar and I'm sure if I ask them politely 927 1:03:36.520 --> 1:03:43.200 enough they'll be happy to show to show you how they got set up so they feel 928 1:03:43.200 --> 1:03:46.600 sorry for asking so don't worry about it if it was a problem if I needed to go 929 1:03:46.600 --> 1:03:51.440 if my house is on fire I would I would I would quit it I would just get rid of it 930 1:03:51.440 --> 1:03:55.280 okay I'm not seeing questions I'm seeing a lot of responses to questions that's 931 1:03:55.280 --> 1:04:00.520 fine see a lot of links to videos face tracker setups excellent videos great 932 1:04:00.520 --> 1:04:04.840 Quincy says speaking of which can people make shops or on the earth to sell 933 1:04:04.840 --> 1:04:09.560 avatars and worlds yes absolutely we actually had I forget I'm so sorry I 934 1:04:09.560 --> 1:04:13.400 forget which furry convention it was but they had the equivalent of the the 935 1:04:13.400 --> 1:04:17.800 dealers den or the like the show floor area as a world and you could go in 936 1:04:17.800 --> 1:04:21.380 there and each person had like a market stall with a hyperlink that could be 937 1:04:21.380 --> 1:04:24.560 on there and that allowed them basically say like hey here's a sample of my 938 1:04:24.560 --> 1:04:27.920 artwork click here it'll take you to their their Commission page stuff like 939 1:04:27.920 --> 1:04:32.600 that you could also do if you set up commissions correctly you could also do 940 1:04:32.600 --> 1:04:36.600 a few demo worlds to demo avatars that wouldn't be like entirely secure like 941 1:04:36.600 --> 1:04:39.520 you know cuz you're still risking it by giving them the avatar to to where but 942 1:04:39.520 --> 1:04:46.580 you won't be able to save it you could do that you can also use Neos on your 943 1:04:46.580 --> 1:04:49.940 like gumroad pages or whatever to be like hey look here's a video of my 944 1:04:49.940 --> 1:04:56.060 avatar in Neos look how expressive it is look at how you know the face tracker 945 1:04:56.060 --> 1:04:59.720 works the dynamic bones work you know that's fine how did I end up scrolling 946 1:04:59.720 --> 1:05:04.380 up I don't particularly know I just like read another question I'm like what 947 1:05:04.380 --> 1:05:13.320 llama kelex bit kyun thank you for letting us know let's try and keep VRC 948 1:05:13.320 --> 1:05:19.560 discussion about that breaking news not here or be here forever it is not a 949 1:05:19.560 --> 1:05:24.960 time to talk about EAC or VRC in this particular I mean VLC a little bit but 950 1:05:24.960 --> 1:05:29.240 not easy basic controls has been linked fantastic 951 1:05:29.240 --> 1:05:34.400 Nash had issues loading their homework last night is that fixed now I'm sorry I 952 1:05:34.400 --> 1:05:39.720 don't know what your homework is I understand that's a nice normal typo so 953 1:05:39.720 --> 1:05:43.680 yes it should be better if you still see issues do let us know we're still keeping 954 1:05:43.680 --> 1:05:47.080 an eye on and based on why I just read we might have to like push a few more 955 1:05:47.080 --> 1:05:53.080 buttons okay moving forwards kip says word from the wise organize your stuff 956 1:05:53.080 --> 1:05:56.280 in folders you will enjoy agreed there is actually a video on my channel about 957 1:05:56.280 --> 1:06:00.580 how I organize stuff in folders coffee has added coffee kai sorry there's a lot 958 1:06:00.580 --> 1:06:03.960 of coffee so I have to be specific coffee kai has asked as added a link to 959 1:06:03.960 --> 1:06:08.400 the Neos modding discord go there if you'd like the one ask I have and I'm 960 1:06:08.400 --> 1:06:13.800 sure the Neos modding community won't be offended by this is do check Neos's 961 1:06:13.800 --> 1:06:18.160 features before you start modding there are a lot of mods that you you think you 962 1:06:18.160 --> 1:06:22.840 might need because you're coming from a different platform that you don't need 963 1:06:22.840 --> 1:06:28.680 good example there being like grabbing other people's bones before the fist 964 1:06:28.680 --> 1:06:33.880 bone update I knew that that was a mod that was in play in VR chat you don't 965 1:06:33.880 --> 1:06:37.360 need that over here so you wouldn't need to mock that so do just take a look at 966 1:06:37.360 --> 1:06:41.160 Neos's features before you then get all sort of embroidered in the modding 967 1:06:41.160 --> 1:06:44.880 community there are a lot of cool mods there but you might not need any is what 968 1:06:44.880 --> 1:06:48.600 I'm saying just like keep in mind what you might need race is one another team 969 1:06:48.600 --> 1:06:53.720 member in the stage of you um we're good for now maybe another time hey wraith 970 1:06:53.720 --> 1:06:57.280 you could do your own officers if you want nothing stopping you you could do a 971 1:06:57.280 --> 1:06:59.520 UK time one as well that might be better for Europe 972 1:06:59.520 --> 1:07:04.060 dresen said that is for ality yes that was a for a further like oh no 973 1:07:04.060 --> 1:07:09.400 funnel equinox kip says um I get the names of them confused if you are a furry 974 1:07:09.400 --> 1:07:14.080 convention creator consider not putting fur in the name of your convention I 975 1:07:14.080 --> 1:07:17.200 know it's like a really easy way to signal to the community hey this is a 976 1:07:17.200 --> 1:07:20.840 furry convention but like for Prime's brain it just is like they all get 977 1:07:20.840 --> 1:07:25.280 bundled into one and I get confused I apologize for that I should be better at 978 1:07:25.280 --> 1:07:30.280 that scrolling through stifle has linked how to organize my 979 1:07:30.280 --> 1:07:33.160 venturi thank you for that that was a Christmas tutorial I've got that sent 980 1:07:33.160 --> 1:07:37.520 out on oh yeah Rafe does do the moderation office hours I am at the 981 1:07:37.520 --> 1:07:42.440 bottom we are at 1715 Sarah kitty and dries on if you are typing a question 982 1:07:42.440 --> 1:07:47.120 you are the last two questions no other questions will be accepted thank you so 983 1:07:47.120 --> 1:07:51.280 much for allowing us to get through this there will be a recording of this on the 984 1:07:51.280 --> 1:07:55.200 on the sounder I use sounder because it's got like transcription the 985 1:07:55.200 --> 1:07:58.680 transcriptions kind of bad but I'll actually click around and and navigate 986 1:07:58.680 --> 1:08:02.880 through the audio quite quickly that people like I'm still waiting for them 987 1:08:02.880 --> 1:08:05.480 to update their transcription editor so that I can actually edit this 988 1:08:05.480 --> 1:08:09.320 transcriptions to be even more accurate so thank you all if you have any other 989 1:08:09.320 --> 1:08:13.160 questions please feel free to drop them in the questions and help section find 990 1:08:13.160 --> 1:08:20.320 a mentor in game read that wiki I'll be back next week and just keep trying guys 991 1:08:20.320 --> 1:08:24.920 well you know we're happy to see you I will see you again next time as you 992 1:08:24.920 --> 1:08:27.560 might see you in nears a little bit later I've got some work to do but I'll 993 1:08:27.560 --> 1:08:31.200 be there Aaron I'll come look at your trigonometry thing I've got a books and 994 1:08:31.200 --> 1:08:34.840 flights well they