1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:04.280 the weekly AMA for questions about Neos with me, Prime. 2 0:00:04.280 --> 0:00:07.160 If you have any questions, please drop them into the officer's texture. 3 0:00:07.160 --> 0:00:08.680 That's two above the one that we're currently on, 4 0:00:08.680 --> 0:00:10.800 and we'll get started in the order that they appear. 5 0:00:10.800 --> 0:00:13.040 Looking at the current question list, 6 0:00:13.040 --> 0:00:14.960 we only have one which is unfortunately about cheese. 7 0:00:14.960 --> 0:00:18.240 I don't answer cheese questions, I'm sorry. 8 0:00:18.240 --> 0:00:22.960 So we now have an actual Neos question from Zagre who says, 9 0:00:22.960 --> 0:00:25.800 do you know a way to dynamically flip checkboxes in the dash? 10 0:00:25.800 --> 0:00:28.760 I wanted to make it so I automatically flip the head movement, 11 0:00:28.760 --> 0:00:33.320 stroke controller movement in the dash when I switch from fly to walk. 12 0:00:33.320 --> 0:00:36.640 Yeah, so you will need to inspect the dash. 13 0:00:36.640 --> 0:00:37.880 There's various ways to do that, 14 0:00:37.880 --> 0:00:40.680 like just inspect user space, you'll find the dash. 15 0:00:40.680 --> 0:00:43.280 Inside there, you'll find that there are 16 0:00:43.280 --> 0:00:46.920 a bunch of components near those checkboxes called setting sync. 17 0:00:46.920 --> 0:00:51.200 Now, you can use setting sync in user space and in user space only 18 0:00:51.200 --> 0:00:57.240 to synchronize and update various settings. 19 0:00:57.240 --> 0:00:59.280 So the way you'd have to link that into 20 0:00:59.280 --> 0:01:02.480 world space is some form of like cloud variable probably, 21 0:01:02.480 --> 0:01:05.440 which would detect which one that you're in. 22 0:01:05.440 --> 0:01:07.840 As cloud variables are sometimes slow, 23 0:01:07.840 --> 0:01:10.320 I'm not really sure it's ideal. 24 0:01:10.320 --> 0:01:12.280 It might be good though to make 25 0:01:12.280 --> 0:01:16.400 like a shortcut option that can just be on the dash. 26 0:01:16.400 --> 0:01:17.720 I'm not sure I released it. 27 0:01:17.720 --> 0:01:21.400 If I did, it's inside my public folder under facets. 28 0:01:21.400 --> 0:01:24.480 I have a quick shortcut checkbox that can go 29 0:01:24.480 --> 0:01:29.080 between Neos's wobbly lasers and my preferred lasers, 30 0:01:29.080 --> 0:01:32.080 which are 100 percent straight with no wobbling. 31 0:01:32.080 --> 0:01:34.080 That was a lot of detail, 32 0:01:34.080 --> 0:01:36.480 like I kept forgetting the numbers and having to write them 33 0:01:36.480 --> 0:01:39.640 down or look up a pin message or whatever. 34 0:01:39.640 --> 0:01:43.760 So I made that facet and that just uses setting sync and 35 0:01:43.760 --> 0:01:48.360 data presets to update some setting sync components to 36 0:01:48.360 --> 0:01:52.600 the non-wobbly or wobbly things when I push that checkbox. 37 0:01:52.600 --> 0:01:56.000 Really helpful. I don't really turn that checkbox off. 38 0:01:56.000 --> 0:01:58.600 I mean, I made it and it's now on my dash forever. 39 0:01:58.600 --> 0:01:59.960 So it's cool. 40 0:01:59.960 --> 0:02:01.400 I made it, take a look at it. 41 0:02:01.400 --> 0:02:05.960 Ozi asks, what's a technical Neosmith you see commonly around? 42 0:02:05.960 --> 0:02:08.040 So I actually made something for 43 0:02:08.040 --> 0:02:11.000 Giberl yesterday and I'm going to share it in this chat. 44 0:02:11.000 --> 0:02:12.760 I'm just going to go find it. 45 0:02:12.760 --> 0:02:15.720 You can actually, so just jumping around whilst I go find 46 0:02:15.720 --> 0:02:18.360 this particular thing I made on my Giberl. 47 0:02:18.360 --> 0:02:23.040 Zag says that they wish they had logics in user space. 48 0:02:23.040 --> 0:02:27.320 You can. You just need to create the logic inside 49 0:02:27.320 --> 0:02:29.520 world space on the facet and then install 50 0:02:29.520 --> 0:02:32.280 that facet onto your user space. 51 0:02:32.280 --> 0:02:33.760 I do it frequently. 52 0:02:33.760 --> 0:02:36.600 When you're writing facets in that manner, 53 0:02:36.600 --> 0:02:40.480 you just need to imagine that it's going to work and then test it, 54 0:02:40.480 --> 0:02:41.600 because of course you can't test it. 55 0:02:41.600 --> 0:02:44.520 Lots of user space stuff just won't work outside of user space. 56 0:02:44.520 --> 0:02:47.600 So here's the note which I gave to Giberl, 57 0:02:47.600 --> 0:02:52.320 because Giberl's having trouble basically making an avatar that did something. 58 0:02:52.320 --> 0:02:54.160 And I'm like, why? 59 0:02:54.160 --> 0:02:56.120 And they were trying to avoid like logics, 60 0:02:56.120 --> 0:02:59.480 colliders, slots, and everything to try and make this system. 61 0:02:59.480 --> 0:03:01.080 And I'm like, this is ridiculous. 62 0:03:01.080 --> 0:03:03.680 You should use whatever the hell you want to use. 63 0:03:03.680 --> 0:03:05.120 Slots are a problem, 64 0:03:05.120 --> 0:03:11.040 but it's not one that you should make humongous efforts to try and stop. 65 0:03:11.040 --> 0:03:12.560 You shouldn't be going like, oh, 66 0:03:12.560 --> 0:03:15.280 I'm going to collapse all nodes into the same slot, 67 0:03:15.280 --> 0:03:17.720 or I'm going to avoid using relays because they have a slot. 68 0:03:17.720 --> 0:03:20.040 It's something that you should think about from a different attitude, 69 0:03:20.040 --> 0:03:23.520 which is, do I need this functionality on my avatar? 70 0:03:23.520 --> 0:03:26.000 If the answer is yes, then sure, add the slots for it. 71 0:03:26.000 --> 0:03:28.160 If the answer is no, then don't add slots for it. 72 0:03:28.160 --> 0:03:30.600 For example, I don't care what weather it is where you exist. 73 0:03:30.600 --> 0:03:32.840 I don't care what your FPS is. 74 0:03:32.840 --> 0:03:34.680 I don't care what your queue packets is. 75 0:03:34.680 --> 0:03:38.360 I don't care what your last ate for dinner. 76 0:03:38.360 --> 0:03:39.960 Like don't put that stuff on your name badge. 77 0:03:39.960 --> 0:03:42.360 That is not needed functionality. 78 0:03:42.360 --> 0:03:45.080 Do you need a gun which has a hundred slots on it on your avatar? 79 0:03:45.080 --> 0:03:46.600 How many times do you shoot that? 80 0:03:46.600 --> 0:03:48.040 Do you need your multi-tool on your avatar? 81 0:03:48.040 --> 0:03:51.240 How many times do you use that when you first launch into a session, et cetera? 82 0:03:51.240 --> 0:03:55.040 Things like that. Think about functionality over form. 83 0:03:55.040 --> 0:03:57.880 It's like a video game character that says that function of form. 84 0:03:57.880 --> 0:04:00.440 I can't remember what the hell video game character is. 85 0:04:00.440 --> 0:04:03.080 It's probably a champion from League of Legends, though. 86 0:04:03.080 --> 0:04:06.520 Anyway, and then they were like, oh, yeah, we had colliders or birds. 87 0:04:06.520 --> 0:04:08.680 We didn't know the colliders are not bad. 88 0:04:08.680 --> 0:04:10.760 You just need to know how to use them correctly. 89 0:04:10.760 --> 0:04:14.240 And then they heard, you know, logic is bad because everyone talking about logics is 90 0:04:14.240 --> 0:04:16.160 like 100 percent fine to use. 91 0:04:16.160 --> 0:04:18.640 And if anyone is telling you any of these things, 92 0:04:18.640 --> 0:04:21.120 then you need to redirect them over to the Wikismith page 93 0:04:21.920 --> 0:04:25.360 or to the things to avoid page, because like it's getting ridiculous, right? 94 0:04:25.680 --> 0:04:29.520 Use the tools that are available to you and they'll work. 95 0:04:29.520 --> 0:04:32.480 And then keep in mind function over form. 96 0:04:32.480 --> 0:04:35.280 And, you know, you'll you'll get stuff done. 97 0:04:35.280 --> 0:04:36.880 You'll get stuff working. 98 0:04:36.880 --> 0:04:41.240 The problems I see with most avatars can be sort of broken down into too much on them. 99 0:04:41.600 --> 0:04:42.760 You don't need all the systems. 100 0:04:42.760 --> 0:04:44.320 If you don't use them, don't install them. 101 0:04:46.000 --> 0:04:47.120 Non-baked blend shapes. 102 0:04:47.120 --> 0:04:48.720 Please bake blend shapes. 103 0:04:48.720 --> 0:04:51.520 If you don't want to bake blend shapes, then sorry. 104 0:04:51.520 --> 0:04:53.000 You kind of need to these days. 105 0:04:53.000 --> 0:04:56.240 So take a look and that as well. 106 0:04:57.160 --> 0:04:59.800 Moving forwards to the next question. 107 0:04:59.800 --> 0:05:03.920 Duff asks, do you think the recent rule changes in regards to body mesh exposure 108 0:05:03.920 --> 0:05:06.640 adhering to European standards is going to be beneficial for platform long term? 109 0:05:07.160 --> 0:05:09.760 Yes. So let me let me tell you how it works. 110 0:05:09.760 --> 0:05:13.120 So the the opinion on on 111 0:05:14.160 --> 0:05:17.320 what we're essentially going over here is I heard a time a while ago 112 0:05:17.320 --> 0:05:21.160 and it sounds strange, but like it is the easy way to talk about it. 113 0:05:21.400 --> 0:05:26.720 The term being topless equality is what basically that rule changes about. 114 0:05:26.720 --> 0:05:30.000 And the reason topless quality has not been a thing 115 0:05:31.240 --> 0:05:32.920 was largely because of society. 116 0:05:32.920 --> 0:05:36.800 And now in content creation, as in sort of Twitch, YouTube, 117 0:05:36.800 --> 0:05:40.160 TikTok, whatever you want to like, whichever site you're talking about is 118 0:05:40.160 --> 0:05:42.840 largely a problem to do with advertisers. 119 0:05:42.840 --> 0:05:45.480 So most platforms are in charge of what they do, 120 0:05:45.840 --> 0:05:49.240 but they're not really in charge of like how they make money. 121 0:05:49.240 --> 0:05:51.240 Most of them make money via ads. 122 0:05:51.240 --> 0:05:54.960 And so the way the ads work is an ad provider company 123 0:05:54.960 --> 0:05:57.640 that usually sort of farms ads out to other people. 124 0:05:58.600 --> 0:06:02.240 You can think of it like a sort of record label or, you know, a publisher 125 0:06:02.240 --> 0:06:04.920 or something like that for ads 126 0:06:04.920 --> 0:06:08.120 will sort of say to a site, hey, we want to, you know, 127 0:06:08.120 --> 0:06:11.320 ship this car insurance ad on this type of channel 128 0:06:12.080 --> 0:06:16.680 targeting this demographic, you know, this gender, this age range, et cetera. 129 0:06:17.000 --> 0:06:21.600 And we don't want to target this advert on anything controversial. 130 0:06:21.880 --> 0:06:26.240 So it would remove adverts and monetization from conversations 131 0:06:26.240 --> 0:06:30.520 about sexuality, identity, conversations about politics, religion, et cetera. 132 0:06:30.520 --> 0:06:33.240 Often don't get as many ad placements as other things. 133 0:06:33.240 --> 0:06:36.240 And so then adding to that, you end up with a sort of perception thing 134 0:06:36.240 --> 0:06:38.960 where these ad providers are like, hey, we don't want our content 135 0:06:38.960 --> 0:06:42.240 appearing on anything even remotely adult because we don't want our brand 136 0:06:42.240 --> 0:06:43.960 lined up with that. 137 0:06:43.960 --> 0:06:46.360 And so then that leads to, well, hey, 138 0:06:47.280 --> 0:06:50.200 if we're going to lose money by having this content on our platform, 139 0:06:50.200 --> 0:06:53.720 then then maybe we should, you know, just ban toplessness. 140 0:06:54.600 --> 0:06:58.000 And then that leads into a big thing where it's like, OK, well, 141 0:06:58.000 --> 0:07:01.320 is it cultural or is it purely ad related? 142 0:07:01.320 --> 0:07:03.000 A lot of the times it's purely ad related. 143 0:07:03.000 --> 0:07:04.120 Sometimes it's not. 144 0:07:04.120 --> 0:07:05.960 Depends on the platform. 145 0:07:05.960 --> 0:07:08.040 And then that leads into sort of other things. 146 0:07:08.760 --> 0:07:11.320 Moderation being the other one is like, how do you moderate this content? 147 0:07:12.520 --> 0:07:14.960 Quite easy to do, I think. 148 0:07:14.960 --> 0:07:18.320 If it's sexual in nature, then clearly it breaks guidelines. 149 0:07:18.320 --> 0:07:22.120 If it's non-sexual in nature, then maybe what's the problem? 150 0:07:22.120 --> 0:07:23.480 Like, I don't understand. 151 0:07:23.480 --> 0:07:27.800 There are interesting sort of things I see where we're moving towards a way 152 0:07:27.800 --> 0:07:30.840 where, hey, maybe this can start being resolved. 153 0:07:30.840 --> 0:07:33.880 And I'm not saying you're going to see topless equality on all platforms. 154 0:07:33.880 --> 0:07:37.640 I'm saying it's like there are steps I see which are taking towards 155 0:07:37.640 --> 0:07:40.800 sort of the platform being more responsible for that. 156 0:07:40.800 --> 0:07:43.280 I see better tooling, better reporting coming out. 157 0:07:43.280 --> 0:07:45.440 I mean, every platform, you know, always has the problem. 158 0:07:45.440 --> 0:07:46.800 It's like we have too much bad content. 159 0:07:46.800 --> 0:07:48.840 We don't know what to do with it, et cetera, stuff like that. 160 0:07:49.560 --> 0:07:51.680 Advancements like COPPA, that 161 0:07:52.600 --> 0:07:54.480 annoying thing you have to do every time you upload a video 162 0:07:54.480 --> 0:07:56.080 and then she said it as an automatic. 163 0:07:56.080 --> 0:07:58.040 That is the lawmakers trying to fix it. 164 0:07:58.240 --> 0:08:00.320 YouTube Kids is YouTube trying to fix it. 165 0:08:00.320 --> 0:08:01.720 But YouTube Kids is a weird space. 166 0:08:01.720 --> 0:08:04.680 So like we've got people trying to fix it. 167 0:08:04.840 --> 0:08:05.960 I don't know. 168 0:08:06.360 --> 0:08:10.800 I see it as like another weird holdover from sort of archaic practices. 169 0:08:10.800 --> 0:08:13.000 It's like it's strange. 170 0:08:13.520 --> 0:08:16.120 Having said that, though, there is like a 171 0:08:16.120 --> 0:08:18.880 difficult like way to talk about it. 172 0:08:18.880 --> 0:08:21.080 It's like, when is the borderline? 173 0:08:21.080 --> 0:08:23.640 When is the line? When is over the line? Right. 174 0:08:24.320 --> 0:08:28.120 If you are like concerned about it or upset or, 175 0:08:28.120 --> 0:08:31.880 you know, thinking about it, a good way to look at it 176 0:08:31.880 --> 0:08:36.680 is to compare it to breastfeeding in public places, which is another huge issue. 177 0:08:36.680 --> 0:08:39.080 It's like, what's going on here? 178 0:08:39.440 --> 0:08:42.480 Now, like I've seen it multiple times and I think it's cool. 179 0:08:42.480 --> 0:08:47.080 But like, you know, the mother always looks ashamed or scared 180 0:08:47.080 --> 0:08:50.360 or, you know, anxious when I see it. 181 0:08:50.680 --> 0:08:54.200 You know, it once was like sort of in a park and I'm like, 182 0:08:54.320 --> 0:08:55.360 oh, I know what's going on there. 183 0:08:55.360 --> 0:08:57.360 And I'm just like, cool. And I moved on with my dad. 184 0:08:57.360 --> 0:08:59.120 I didn't need to be like, oh, that's disgusting. 185 0:08:59.120 --> 0:09:01.280 This baby's sucking a nipple like it. 186 0:09:01.280 --> 0:09:03.440 It's it's not a problem. 187 0:09:03.440 --> 0:09:05.200 And thinking about that 188 0:09:05.200 --> 0:09:08.320 when compared to everything else might sort of help you out there. 189 0:09:09.640 --> 0:09:12.520 Having said that, though, I do work for a lot of platforms 190 0:09:12.520 --> 0:09:16.960 where those platforms have rules and guidelines that are beyond my control. 191 0:09:16.960 --> 0:09:20.160 So the moderation team largely run the policies of moderation. 192 0:09:20.640 --> 0:09:22.880 And I largely don't have a say in what they do. 193 0:09:22.880 --> 0:09:25.200 And the reason behind that is like I'm not in that area. 194 0:09:25.200 --> 0:09:27.600 Now, some people will say like, hey, Neos is small. 195 0:09:27.600 --> 0:09:28.640 Why can't you be in the area? 196 0:09:28.640 --> 0:09:30.600 And the answer is, I totally could. 197 0:09:30.600 --> 0:09:33.760 But the moderation team are quite full and I trust them. 198 0:09:33.760 --> 0:09:35.760 And so I defer to their policies. 199 0:09:35.760 --> 0:09:37.880 When I work for larger companies, I'm like, 200 0:09:38.280 --> 0:09:42.400 these people have teams of people that are designed to make these policies. 201 0:09:42.400 --> 0:09:44.880 Teams of lawyers are designed to make these policies. 202 0:09:45.160 --> 0:09:49.080 Teams of the other side of ads, which is the sort of company side of ads 203 0:09:49.080 --> 0:09:52.800 that will talk to the ad brokers that are trying to make these policies. 204 0:09:52.800 --> 0:09:56.200 I don't have the time, energy or attention 205 0:09:56.200 --> 0:09:58.280 to do it correctly or to challenge that. 206 0:09:58.600 --> 0:10:00.360 And so I kind of defer to them. 207 0:10:00.360 --> 0:10:02.320 Of course, I always give them feedback. 208 0:10:02.320 --> 0:10:04.800 But as an employee of those companies, 209 0:10:04.800 --> 0:10:07.560 I need to align with whatever those their policies are. 210 0:10:07.560 --> 0:10:10.320 Otherwise, I'm breaking their policies, which is incorrect. 211 0:10:10.520 --> 0:10:13.040 Another good way to think about that is how your relationship 212 0:10:13.040 --> 0:10:15.680 with a security team, if you work any sort of technical place, 213 0:10:16.200 --> 0:10:18.400 if the security team says like, hey, 214 0:10:19.080 --> 0:10:21.960 there's a security issue in your product, your service, 215 0:10:21.960 --> 0:10:25.680 your building, your environment, you listen to them and you fix it 216 0:10:26.040 --> 0:10:28.120 because it's security's job to do that. 217 0:10:28.120 --> 0:10:30.400 And you kind of just have to trust that they are better. 218 0:10:30.720 --> 0:10:32.920 If you didn't like any of that, 219 0:10:32.920 --> 0:10:35.600 then I'm going to highlight one sentence from that. 220 0:10:35.920 --> 0:10:39.560 I think there should be equality here, full stop, because like, 221 0:10:39.880 --> 0:10:40.680 that's all that there. 222 0:10:40.680 --> 0:10:42.760 If you don't think that there should be equality here, 223 0:10:42.760 --> 0:10:45.880 then consider what you wear in public the next time you're out 224 0:10:45.880 --> 0:10:49.040 swimming or at the beach if you are male presenting. 225 0:10:49.040 --> 0:10:51.920 Moving onwards, Duff is asking follow up questions. 226 0:10:51.920 --> 0:10:54.440 This is going to be a fun office hours. 227 0:10:54.440 --> 0:10:56.280 Duff asks, do you think that the recent 228 0:10:56.280 --> 0:10:57.760 I don't know that that's the previous one. 229 0:10:57.760 --> 0:10:59.960 It was the next question scanning around. 230 0:10:59.960 --> 0:11:01.000 Duff says, in your opinion, 231 0:11:01.000 --> 0:11:03.000 what is the fine line between certain personal roles in worlds 232 0:11:03.000 --> 0:11:06.320 that one user controls that make conflict with guides and guidelines? 233 0:11:06.320 --> 0:11:08.280 However, it's in their own private world. 234 0:11:08.280 --> 0:11:11.960 If it's in private world, like most of the Neos guidelines, 235 0:11:11.960 --> 0:11:13.200 not all of the Neos guidelines, 236 0:11:13.200 --> 0:11:16.400 read the Neos guidelines from information get stripped back a little bit. 237 0:11:16.400 --> 0:11:20.560 So like you, you can do adult content provided you have consent 238 0:11:20.560 --> 0:11:21.880 with everyone in the room. 239 0:11:21.880 --> 0:11:24.600 I am tired of being 240 0:11:24.600 --> 0:11:29.640 teleported into a damp, dark place from across the map. 241 0:11:29.640 --> 0:11:31.400 Please stop doing that. 242 0:11:31.400 --> 0:11:35.200 I will fix your logic if you want me to, but like, stop it. 243 0:11:36.200 --> 0:11:40.640 Stop teleporting me to dark places from across the map, please. 244 0:11:40.640 --> 0:11:42.520 It happens too much. 245 0:11:42.520 --> 0:11:43.800 You know what I'm talking about? 246 0:11:43.800 --> 0:11:44.240 Great. 247 0:11:44.240 --> 0:11:48.280 If you don't want to, if you don't know what I'm talking about, also great. 248 0:11:49.920 --> 0:11:54.120 So, yeah, most of the Neos guidelines get sort of stripped back a little bit or adjusted. 249 0:11:54.640 --> 0:11:58.920 And so that allows you to be different to the guidelines 250 0:11:58.920 --> 0:12:03.640 in those areas that kind of like change and get like altered. 251 0:12:04.520 --> 0:12:07.160 There is a line still there, though, where it's like, hey, 252 0:12:07.160 --> 0:12:10.520 these things are still against the guidelines, at which point it's like, hey, 253 0:12:10.840 --> 0:12:12.720 it's still against the guidelines. 254 0:12:12.720 --> 0:12:15.960 So I do understand that there is like a line that that might be up against, 255 0:12:16.400 --> 0:12:19.720 particularly in private sessions, but provided it meets those guidelines 256 0:12:19.720 --> 0:12:24.480 with the private world stipulations sort of thrown in, then great. 257 0:12:25.040 --> 0:12:29.280 Yeah, Zach, the guideline changes is in devlog. 258 0:12:29.560 --> 0:12:33.160 So I have a request for anyone who has missed the policy. 259 0:12:33.160 --> 0:12:34.720 I know there's a lot of people who missed that. 260 0:12:34.720 --> 0:12:38.320 Please ensure that you have Discord notifications turned on for devlog, 261 0:12:38.640 --> 0:12:40.840 Neos updates and announcements. 262 0:12:40.840 --> 0:12:42.240 You don't have to read everything in there, 263 0:12:42.240 --> 0:12:43.960 but those are the most important channels. 264 0:12:43.960 --> 0:12:46.280 We promise we won't spam those that much. 265 0:12:46.280 --> 0:12:48.840 They're just stuff that might be important to know. 266 0:12:49.440 --> 0:12:53.640 If you miss them and you have notifications turned off on those channels, 267 0:12:54.640 --> 0:12:59.000 then partially, and I don't mean fully because we can always do more to notify 268 0:12:59.000 --> 0:13:02.840 you, partially could be seen as your fault for missing them. 269 0:13:03.160 --> 0:13:06.080 In the future, I hope that we have big updates. 270 0:13:06.080 --> 0:13:10.480 We can like put something in the dash that sort of says, yo, hello. 271 0:13:10.480 --> 0:13:13.720 You know, when you like load certain products, 272 0:13:13.720 --> 0:13:15.960 there's always like the message of the day. 273 0:13:15.960 --> 0:13:18.160 So the reason why you're seeing like a rise of launchers, 274 0:13:18.160 --> 0:13:20.000 it's so like they can upsell other services. 275 0:13:20.000 --> 0:13:21.600 You know, there's like the Minecraft launcher. 276 0:13:21.600 --> 0:13:23.080 Like, why do I need to launch Minecraft? 277 0:13:23.080 --> 0:13:25.720 I used to just run Minecraft.exe or whatever it was, 278 0:13:25.720 --> 0:13:27.040 and then like Minecraft loaded up. 279 0:13:27.040 --> 0:13:28.520 And now there's a Minecraft launcher. 280 0:13:28.520 --> 0:13:29.800 It's so they can say like, 281 0:13:29.800 --> 0:13:31.520 Yo guys, here comes the next update. 282 0:13:31.520 --> 0:13:33.760 There's a change to our rules, stuff like that. 283 0:13:34.000 --> 0:13:37.920 We can cram a lot of that into the dash and provide sort of messages to you. 284 0:13:37.920 --> 0:13:40.560 The usual way of doing it is providing basically like, 285 0:13:40.560 --> 0:13:42.640 has the user send this message? No. 286 0:13:42.640 --> 0:13:43.920 OK, display it to them. 287 0:13:43.920 --> 0:13:46.200 Has the user send this message and push the OK button? 288 0:13:46.200 --> 0:13:48.480 OK, never display it to them again. 289 0:13:48.480 --> 0:13:50.240 And then when they're like, I missed the message, it's like, 290 0:13:50.240 --> 0:13:53.120 hey, we showed the message to people. 291 0:13:54.080 --> 0:13:55.880 I'd love to get more open data about that as well. 292 0:13:55.880 --> 0:13:57.520 Like, for example, if we kept getting feedback 293 0:13:57.520 --> 0:14:00.160 that lots of people missed the 294 0:14:01.200 --> 0:14:03.760 missed the announcement, then we can look at the data. 295 0:14:03.760 --> 0:14:08.360 And we wouldn't zone anyone out or specifically target anyone. 296 0:14:08.360 --> 0:14:10.080 But we might be able to say like, 297 0:14:10.080 --> 0:14:13.400 we're looking at the records based on who pushed the OK button. 298 0:14:13.760 --> 0:14:16.600 90% of players pushed the OK button that said that they'd read it. 299 0:14:16.880 --> 0:14:19.400 You know, we can get that kind of data and that becomes better. 300 0:14:19.760 --> 0:14:21.800 You know, if there's 90% of people pushed that button 301 0:14:21.800 --> 0:14:24.040 and there's still lots of complaints about people not reading it, 302 0:14:24.040 --> 0:14:25.960 maybe our message was worded wrongly. 303 0:14:25.960 --> 0:14:29.560 But it gives us a way to basically be a bit more data driven about the stuff. 304 0:14:29.560 --> 0:14:32.640 There's a lot of myths, which Ozzy is talking about, where I'm like, 305 0:14:32.640 --> 0:14:34.760 let's let's get data on it. 306 0:14:34.760 --> 0:14:36.200 Hey, I think that counts bad. 307 0:14:36.200 --> 0:14:37.720 Let's get data on it. 308 0:14:37.720 --> 0:14:41.480 Shifty has a great way of wording the personal rules. 309 0:14:41.760 --> 0:14:44.000 More restrictive, not less restrictive. 310 0:14:44.000 --> 0:14:47.600 But do keep in mind the stipulations in those guidelines 311 0:14:47.600 --> 0:14:50.160 that sort of get pulled away when you're in private laws. 312 0:14:50.760 --> 0:14:54.280 Duff says, why do I need to use the internet in order to use Minecraft? 313 0:14:54.280 --> 0:14:56.520 I don't know what's going on down there. 314 0:14:56.520 --> 0:15:00.480 I did notice that they're now breaking out of the sort of usual skin route. 315 0:15:00.480 --> 0:15:04.240 You can now have like hats, backpacks, wings and stuff like that, 316 0:15:04.440 --> 0:15:08.680 which break out of the sort of size of the regular Minecraft avatar. 317 0:15:09.000 --> 0:15:11.160 Of course, that is for money. 318 0:15:11.160 --> 0:15:12.360 But it was it was kind of cool. 319 0:15:12.360 --> 0:15:15.720 I also know a couple of people personally as friends who 320 0:15:16.520 --> 0:15:19.120 were making money off that Minecraft store 321 0:15:19.120 --> 0:15:21.400 even before they did that breaking out I'm talking about. 322 0:15:21.440 --> 0:15:22.400 They made skin packs. 323 0:15:22.400 --> 0:15:26.160 They sold them for mine coins, whatever it is, the like M gold. 324 0:15:26.440 --> 0:15:28.120 Like they were making money with it. 325 0:15:28.120 --> 0:15:30.360 And I actually don't think there's anything wrong with that. 326 0:15:30.360 --> 0:15:32.800 If it's cosmetic, great. 327 0:15:32.800 --> 0:15:35.800 It's like usually how the cosmetics are shown to the user. 328 0:15:36.080 --> 0:15:38.960 The fact that there can be user made, you know, creators 329 0:15:38.960 --> 0:15:41.120 are making these cosmetics in the Minecraft platform. 330 0:15:41.120 --> 0:15:42.440 That's even better, right? 331 0:15:42.440 --> 0:15:44.680 Sharing the love with the actual people that are making them. 332 0:15:45.760 --> 0:15:49.320 Other platforms are just like, hey, we make like we have a team. 333 0:15:49.640 --> 0:15:53.040 They crank out 50 shiny, sparkly, 334 0:15:53.360 --> 0:15:57.280 fantastic outfits a month and they all cost ten dollars. 335 0:15:57.760 --> 0:15:58.600 That's different. 336 0:15:58.600 --> 0:16:03.160 But no, these are these are friends and they make money off creating stuff 337 0:16:03.160 --> 0:16:05.560 that people can buy on that Minecraft store and wear in game. 338 0:16:06.560 --> 0:16:09.520 Moving onwards, Ozi says, 339 0:16:09.880 --> 0:16:13.360 do you have a tutorial on using the raw data tooltip hit for Raycast? 340 0:16:13.360 --> 0:16:14.360 It seems very on its usage. 341 0:16:14.360 --> 0:16:16.080 Yes. Only use that for tooltips. 342 0:16:16.080 --> 0:16:18.720 It like, you know how the lasers curve. 343 0:16:18.720 --> 0:16:19.480 I think about that film. 344 0:16:19.480 --> 0:16:20.440 I've mentioned it before on Office. 345 0:16:20.440 --> 0:16:21.640 I don't know why it keeps coming up. 346 0:16:21.640 --> 0:16:23.560 Wanted is a film where they curve bullets 347 0:16:23.560 --> 0:16:26.000 for like no apparent reason and ways that don't work. 348 0:16:26.000 --> 0:16:30.800 The reason why you use raw data tooltip hit is because that will follow that curve. 349 0:16:30.800 --> 0:16:34.720 Right. So it will follow the wiggly lasers to exactly where they hit. 350 0:16:36.440 --> 0:16:38.240 Raycast is is straight. 351 0:16:38.560 --> 0:16:39.880 Don't quote me. 352 0:16:39.880 --> 0:16:42.160 It's like raw data tooltip is not straight. 353 0:16:44.040 --> 0:16:48.480 When you're making a tool, wherever possible, please use raw data tooltip hit 354 0:16:48.480 --> 0:16:54.360 because it will handle things like desktop, VR, different controllers. 355 0:16:54.360 --> 0:16:58.400 The tooltip, what you call it, the tooltip anchor 356 0:16:59.600 --> 0:17:01.840 a lot better than than you possibly can. 357 0:17:01.840 --> 0:17:04.760 I notice a lot of my older tutorials for tools are basically like, 358 0:17:05.040 --> 0:17:08.240 find the tip and then like add a little bit to the front of it, 359 0:17:08.240 --> 0:17:10.840 because, you know, you're going to clip into someone's finger or hand. 360 0:17:10.840 --> 0:17:12.120 And so we add just a little bit. 361 0:17:12.120 --> 0:17:15.040 So it shoots out the front and gets clearance to go through. 362 0:17:15.360 --> 0:17:17.720 Or if you use raw data tooltip, it'll handle that for you. 363 0:17:17.720 --> 0:17:20.520 Like, you know how you can't filter a raycast to say like, 364 0:17:20.680 --> 0:17:23.400 hey, I want to hit this, but not this, but not that, but not this. 365 0:17:23.400 --> 0:17:24.520 You can't do that right now. 366 0:17:24.520 --> 0:17:26.280 Raw data tooltip can to some extent. 367 0:17:26.280 --> 0:17:27.800 So just use it for tools. 368 0:17:27.800 --> 0:17:29.360 I'll add it to my tutorial list. 369 0:17:29.360 --> 0:17:36.200 I was modeling some like molds for like bars in Blender yesterday, 370 0:17:36.200 --> 0:17:39.640 because the next tutorial I'm going to be doing is taking that ore 371 0:17:39.640 --> 0:17:42.600 from the mineable ore tutorial and forging it into bars. 372 0:17:42.600 --> 0:17:44.720 And then maybe we'll blacksmith them in a third tutorial. 373 0:17:45.040 --> 0:17:49.560 And then we'll have like half of a runescape like quest chain. 374 0:17:50.360 --> 0:17:52.520 I started modeling tutorials on runescape. 375 0:17:52.520 --> 0:17:55.160 I don't really know why. I'm just like, hey, 376 0:17:55.160 --> 0:17:56.640 people want to know how to mine ore. 377 0:17:56.640 --> 0:17:58.400 Maybe there's a tutorial about smithing. 378 0:17:58.400 --> 0:18:00.640 Maybe there's a tutorial about cooking coming up. 379 0:18:00.640 --> 0:18:03.160 Maybe we can do woodcutting next. 380 0:18:03.160 --> 0:18:05.040 There's plenty of content there. 381 0:18:05.040 --> 0:18:06.520 All right. Moving on to the next question. 382 0:18:06.520 --> 0:18:08.520 Zag asked, any use on UI updates? 383 0:18:08.520 --> 0:18:11.240 See the announcements channel for why again, we're a little bit slow there. 384 0:18:11.520 --> 0:18:13.040 It's important to remember. 385 0:18:13.040 --> 0:18:16.880 And I hope that once we get things moving again, we can adjust the way 386 0:18:16.880 --> 0:18:20.680 that we are representing the stuff to be a little bit clearer. 387 0:18:20.680 --> 0:18:24.600 I have some ideas there, which I'll be discussing with the team once we get moving. 388 0:18:25.600 --> 0:18:27.720 But it's important to make sure that you're looking at the right place 389 0:18:27.720 --> 0:18:28.920 for UI updates. 390 0:18:28.920 --> 0:18:31.760 The main roadmap, which is projects one. 391 0:18:31.760 --> 0:18:33.680 If you look at your address bar, it says projects one. 392 0:18:33.960 --> 0:18:37.600 It just says UI update and it's very sort of ambiguous and big. 393 0:18:38.080 --> 0:18:40.320 We found that that was difficult to deal with. 394 0:18:40.840 --> 0:18:46.240 And so there is the projects two board, which is more broken down. 395 0:18:46.520 --> 0:18:50.160 You can see here that preparing, gathering infos, redesign settings, 396 0:18:50.160 --> 0:18:52.480 which is what we were going to do next. 397 0:18:52.480 --> 0:18:55.280 Seems weird to do settings next, but actually allows us basically to be like, 398 0:18:55.280 --> 0:18:56.840 oh, someone doesn't like that. 399 0:18:56.840 --> 0:18:58.080 We can add a checkbox for it. 400 0:18:58.080 --> 0:18:59.160 Someone doesn't like that. 401 0:18:59.160 --> 0:19:00.600 We can add a checkbox for it. 402 0:19:00.600 --> 0:19:01.400 Right now we can't. 403 0:19:01.400 --> 0:19:04.280 There's just not enough room to explain that even better. 404 0:19:04.280 --> 0:19:07.160 Go open up the settings dialog for your favorite game 405 0:19:07.160 --> 0:19:09.800 and see how complicated that is and how many sub menus there are. 406 0:19:09.800 --> 0:19:10.840 We don't have that right now. 407 0:19:10.840 --> 0:19:12.360 We need to have that. 408 0:19:12.360 --> 0:19:13.920 We need to add that. 409 0:19:13.920 --> 0:19:20.560 All right, moving forwards. 410 0:19:20.560 --> 0:19:24.000 So it says that they need to go over how when to use Raycast one 411 0:19:24.000 --> 0:19:25.640 versus just using the constant Raycast. 412 0:19:25.640 --> 0:19:28.640 OK, so when I was a child, 413 0:19:29.480 --> 0:19:30.840 story time with pram. 414 0:19:30.840 --> 0:19:33.760 When I was a child, there was this magazine called Real Robots. 415 0:19:33.760 --> 0:19:37.480 If anyone else knows the magazine Real Robots, Real Robots team represent. 416 0:19:38.720 --> 0:19:41.600 And let me see if I can get a picture of this damn thing. 417 0:19:41.600 --> 0:19:45.720 Uh, robots magazine, I've still got the pieces somewhere 418 0:19:45.720 --> 0:19:48.480 and I feel so bad because it just got crazy. 419 0:19:48.840 --> 0:19:50.240 All right. Perfect. 420 0:19:50.240 --> 0:19:54.920 Absolutely perfect is here's a picture of how crazy real robots got. 421 0:19:54.920 --> 0:19:55.120 Right. 422 0:19:55.120 --> 0:19:58.160 So you started off in the in the middle with that like robot 423 0:19:58.160 --> 0:20:01.520 that could just sort of drive around and then they just kept adding stuff to it. 424 0:20:01.520 --> 0:20:01.840 Right. 425 0:20:01.840 --> 0:20:05.200 So if you look around the edge, there's like docks, there's like arms, 426 0:20:05.200 --> 0:20:07.560 there's like controllers and all sorts. 427 0:20:07.560 --> 0:20:09.440 You just kept going because they wanted to make more money. 428 0:20:09.440 --> 0:20:14.440 Point being, it had a line finder and it could follow a line. 429 0:20:14.440 --> 0:20:18.440 And the way it did that was essentially a real physical component 430 0:20:18.440 --> 0:20:20.760 that does a constant Raycast to find the line. 431 0:20:21.840 --> 0:20:23.320 Usually it can only see black lines, 432 0:20:23.320 --> 0:20:25.120 which detects the sort of brightness difference 433 0:20:25.120 --> 0:20:27.600 between the outside of the line and the inside of the line and follows it. 434 0:20:27.960 --> 0:20:30.240 But it's a perfect example of when you should be using Raycast 435 0:20:30.240 --> 0:20:33.600 is something like that, like a path finding robot or something like that. 436 0:20:33.920 --> 0:20:36.520 There are, of course, other cases, 437 0:20:36.520 --> 0:20:40.400 um, maybe like a laser beam at like a museum. 438 0:20:40.400 --> 0:20:43.480 You know, they all like do the ninja flips to get through the lasers. 439 0:20:43.480 --> 0:20:43.680 Right. 440 0:20:43.680 --> 0:20:47.040 You need that that laser to always be on and always be receiving data. 441 0:20:47.040 --> 0:20:49.520 Detective anyone's gone across it. 442 0:20:49.520 --> 0:20:52.320 But you could easily just do that with a collider. 443 0:20:52.320 --> 0:20:52.560 Right. 444 0:20:52.560 --> 0:20:55.960 That's the same shape and dimensions of the of the laser. 445 0:20:56.320 --> 0:20:57.200 Same laser harp. 446 0:20:57.200 --> 0:20:58.080 That's another good idea. 447 0:20:58.080 --> 0:20:59.600 But again, you could just use colliders 448 0:20:59.600 --> 0:21:01.280 with the same shape and dimensions of the laser. 449 0:21:01.280 --> 0:21:05.560 So like Raycaster doesn't isn't isn't needed. 450 0:21:05.560 --> 0:21:10.560 Um, Zag has a statement which is the one shot needs to keep the data present. 451 0:21:10.560 --> 0:21:11.240 It doesn't. 452 0:21:11.240 --> 0:21:14.560 So you need to remember that the Neos impulses 453 0:21:14.560 --> 0:21:16.400 are essentially like an event system. 454 0:21:16.400 --> 0:21:21.600 So if you look at a simpler example being a button. 455 0:21:21.960 --> 0:21:24.320 So there's a button on a Web page and you click it. 456 0:21:25.000 --> 0:21:28.680 Whenever you click any button on a Web page, like add to cart, sign in, 457 0:21:28.680 --> 0:21:31.000 whatever you want to call it, an event fires. 458 0:21:31.000 --> 0:21:33.960 And I know that you, because I have and most people have, 459 0:21:33.960 --> 0:21:37.520 have been frustrated with buttons not working and you might have spammed them. 460 0:21:37.920 --> 0:21:40.960 That creates an event for each button press that happens. 461 0:21:40.960 --> 0:21:43.160 And the website needs to process that. 462 0:21:43.160 --> 0:21:45.360 The same thing's going on with impulses. 463 0:21:45.360 --> 0:21:49.760 Each impulse coming out of there is one event and it has data associated with it. 464 0:21:50.120 --> 0:21:54.280 The reason why the data clears in quotes is because the event has finished 465 0:21:54.520 --> 0:21:57.120 and the data is cleared to make room for the next event. 466 0:21:57.480 --> 0:21:59.680 So what you need to do is you need to process the data 467 0:21:59.680 --> 0:22:04.600 as it's coming through in that impulse chain or save it if you don't need 468 0:22:04.600 --> 0:22:07.880 to use it within that impulse chain. That won't ever change. 469 0:22:08.240 --> 0:22:13.680 It's like literally a function of the engine doing what it's meant to. 470 0:22:14.040 --> 0:22:15.720 If it didn't clear the data, 471 0:22:15.720 --> 0:22:19.080 then it would be ambiguous about what your next raycast hit. 472 0:22:19.480 --> 0:22:21.960 If you like more examples of that, there's actually an example 473 0:22:21.960 --> 0:22:26.160 in the most recent tutorial I published, Mindable Ore, where I don't write anything. 474 0:22:26.560 --> 0:22:27.680 I don't write anything coming out. 475 0:22:27.680 --> 0:22:31.400 We can't add a second output that has lost it. 476 0:22:31.760 --> 0:22:33.200 That's not suitable. 477 0:22:33.200 --> 0:22:37.920 You just need to learn to use that node in an event driven way. 478 0:22:38.840 --> 0:22:41.240 And that will sort it out for you. 479 0:22:41.240 --> 0:22:43.400 If the impulse chain is too long, it's incorrect. 480 0:22:43.400 --> 0:22:46.360 It's if you use certain nodes on the impulse chain. 481 0:22:47.200 --> 0:22:50.840 Things like duplicate slot can have issues, things like delay, 482 0:22:50.840 --> 0:22:52.320 things like update delay. 483 0:22:52.320 --> 0:22:55.560 They can have issues because what they do is they shunt that impulse 484 0:22:55.560 --> 0:22:58.000 to off the current chain. 485 0:22:58.000 --> 0:22:59.640 They create a new impulse chain. 486 0:22:59.640 --> 0:23:02.360 You just need to rework your logic and use it. 487 0:23:02.520 --> 0:23:04.200 Like I'll link that tutorial I've got. 488 0:23:04.200 --> 0:23:06.760 I don't mean to basically be like, get good son. 489 0:23:06.800 --> 0:23:07.720 That's not what I'm saying. 490 0:23:07.720 --> 0:23:12.040 I'm saying here is like the reason why it's doing that is because it needs to. 491 0:23:12.320 --> 0:23:16.120 And if you use the the nodes in a more ideal way, 492 0:23:16.120 --> 0:23:19.840 you'll start realizing why that's happening in the future 493 0:23:20.560 --> 0:23:21.720 when we have collections. 494 0:23:21.720 --> 0:23:26.440 And I know it's like collections, green pastures and daisies. 495 0:23:27.800 --> 0:23:31.240 You'd probably be able to sort of like add the hits to a collection 496 0:23:31.240 --> 0:23:33.480 and then do operations based on those collections. 497 0:23:33.480 --> 0:23:36.520 So that would be a way around it because you'd be able to store 498 0:23:37.600 --> 0:23:39.600 dynamic amounts of data. 499 0:23:39.600 --> 0:23:41.160 The point right now is that you can't do it. 500 0:23:41.160 --> 0:23:44.120 So like if you want to store every single hit, go for it. 501 0:23:44.560 --> 0:23:46.560 But it really is a design problem. 502 0:23:47.280 --> 0:23:49.400 Heading on to dust question. 503 0:23:49.400 --> 0:23:52.200 I mean, issue where I set up the nearest cash place on a separate hard drive 504 0:23:52.200 --> 0:23:53.320 in steam startup process. 505 0:23:53.320 --> 0:23:54.840 And yet, despite installing 506 0:23:54.840 --> 0:23:56.800 nears on a separate drive and changing the cash path, 507 0:23:56.800 --> 0:23:59.760 it's still storing the cash data on a drive I didn't wish to get on. 508 0:24:00.720 --> 0:24:04.280 Let's double check your steam arguments. 509 0:24:04.280 --> 0:24:06.080 If you use the nearest launcher at any point, 510 0:24:06.080 --> 0:24:09.000 the nearest launcher needs to have identical command line arguments 511 0:24:09.000 --> 0:24:13.000 ran on it, otherwise it will move the cash elsewhere. 512 0:24:13.920 --> 0:24:17.760 Also, I'm not sure if you'll if you don't like notepad 513 0:24:17.760 --> 0:24:18.840 plus pass or something like that. 514 0:24:18.840 --> 0:24:22.400 What you can do is you can find in all the logs that you've got. 515 0:24:22.400 --> 0:24:24.760 You can find like I think there's a log line 516 0:24:24.760 --> 0:24:28.240 that says using cache directory or using cache, blah, blah, blah, blah. 517 0:24:28.520 --> 0:24:31.520 And if you can find all the examples of that and get them in a list, 518 0:24:31.760 --> 0:24:35.520 you'll be able to sort of pinpoint at this date on this time. 519 0:24:35.560 --> 0:24:39.240 This particular log file says that I wasn't running using my select cache. 520 0:24:39.240 --> 0:24:41.760 And then maybe that might jog your memory about what you did 521 0:24:42.480 --> 0:24:45.080 or maybe what you didn't do or if there was a problem. 522 0:24:45.440 --> 0:24:48.440 It basically be like, oh, this is why the cache was, 523 0:24:48.440 --> 0:24:50.200 you know, this particular run happened. 524 0:24:50.200 --> 0:24:51.360 What did I do that day? 525 0:24:51.360 --> 0:24:53.120 Oh, I forgot to use the launcher. 526 0:24:53.120 --> 0:24:56.400 Or maybe I reinstalled it or I updated things like it. 527 0:24:56.400 --> 0:24:58.280 Just point like a date and time out for you. 528 0:25:00.160 --> 0:25:01.360 That's a good question from Zack. 529 0:25:01.360 --> 0:25:03.880 She just says, how is the cash supposed to be used? 530 0:25:04.680 --> 0:25:07.000 It isn't. To not use the cash node. 531 0:25:08.920 --> 0:25:09.800 To me, it should be. 532 0:25:09.800 --> 0:25:12.520 And Zack says to me, it should be logically keep data 533 0:25:12.520 --> 0:25:14.160 and cool and clear, but doesn't do that. 534 0:25:14.160 --> 0:25:18.520 Yeah, honestly, the cache node is a layover and needs to be removed. 535 0:25:18.840 --> 0:25:20.640 If you search for it in the NES Discord, 536 0:25:20.640 --> 0:25:23.640 you might find freaks talking about it somewhere. 537 0:25:23.960 --> 0:25:29.080 But he made the functionality of cache sort of internal to the nodes 538 0:25:29.840 --> 0:25:31.280 that need to use cache. 539 0:25:31.280 --> 0:25:34.760 And so it's not really needed these days. 540 0:25:34.760 --> 0:25:36.440 We should remove it. 541 0:25:36.440 --> 0:25:38.880 Just, you know, dig a fish to fry right now. 542 0:25:38.880 --> 0:25:40.880 No, we need to remove it Sticks. 543 0:25:40.880 --> 0:25:42.640 We have this. 544 0:25:42.640 --> 0:25:44.880 Zack, let's look at your logics. 545 0:25:44.880 --> 0:25:48.240 The problem, I'm really sorry, and I don't mean to be mean about this, 546 0:25:48.240 --> 0:25:53.680 but the problem that you're having is a design of like a design problem 547 0:25:53.680 --> 0:25:55.640 that occurs after the raycast. 548 0:25:55.640 --> 0:25:56.960 Sticks, no, we would remove it. 549 0:25:56.960 --> 0:26:00.280 So we have functionality within our update process to find it, 550 0:26:00.280 --> 0:26:02.680 and we can smoothly just take it out. 551 0:26:02.680 --> 0:26:04.000 Like it does nothing. 552 0:26:04.000 --> 0:26:04.800 It does nothing. 553 0:26:04.800 --> 0:26:09.120 So it's like having a dead goldfish on the floor. 554 0:26:09.120 --> 0:26:11.720 It doesn't, dead goldfish flap is a bad example. 555 0:26:11.720 --> 0:26:13.960 But you know what I mean, it's like, it just, it doesn't do anything. 556 0:26:15.800 --> 0:26:20.360 Kip, I was asking, is the play and wait node the proper way to make a jukebox? 557 0:26:20.360 --> 0:26:23.000 Whilst making it play the system, I found that it was hard to stop the music 558 0:26:23.000 --> 0:26:27.680 without sending a pulse to start the next track in the update the year. 559 0:26:28.680 --> 0:26:32.560 Probably not play and wait, because that gives an event that might not return. 560 0:26:32.560 --> 0:26:35.720 With a jukebox, you have to remember that someone might be able to push play, 561 0:26:35.720 --> 0:26:38.080 pause, stop, change the track at any point. 562 0:26:38.080 --> 0:26:43.320 And so you really want to wait because like that wait might either never trigger 563 0:26:43.320 --> 0:26:45.320 or might trigger too soon or something like that. 564 0:26:45.320 --> 0:26:46.440 I would honestly just play it. 565 0:26:46.440 --> 0:26:49.880 And then when they hit next track, deal with it that way. 566 0:26:51.320 --> 0:26:52.960 Not quite sure of the issue there, though. 567 0:26:53.760 --> 0:26:59.880 The Neos tentative launcher, like the text box at the bottom, 568 0:26:59.880 --> 0:27:02.520 I think is where you can put in command line arguments. 569 0:27:02.800 --> 0:27:03.880 I honestly don't use it. 570 0:27:04.440 --> 0:27:07.360 All the Neos launcher does is it runs the Neos.exe. 571 0:27:07.360 --> 0:27:09.320 With, oh, no, you mean the tentative. 572 0:27:09.320 --> 0:27:10.000 Okay, no, no, no. 573 0:27:10.000 --> 0:27:14.600 So, hold on, there's too many things called launcher, right? 574 0:27:14.600 --> 0:27:17.040 There's the old launcher, it had all the check boxes. 575 0:27:17.040 --> 0:27:20.560 There's the new tentative launcher, which is just the Neos Pro launcher. 576 0:27:20.560 --> 0:27:22.720 But the Neos Pro launcher is another launcher. 577 0:27:22.720 --> 0:27:25.880 And then there's the Neos Classroom launcher, which no one uses except those 578 0:27:25.880 --> 0:27:29.640 that use Neos Classroom, which is, none of you guys, anyway, exists. 579 0:27:29.640 --> 0:27:31.920 Give me a second here. 580 0:27:31.920 --> 0:27:34.200 Maybe we need a launcher launcher. 581 0:27:34.200 --> 0:27:37.400 Launcher launcher, here we go. 582 0:27:38.840 --> 0:27:43.840 Here's the video called combined line arguments flags with the temporary launcher 583 0:27:43.840 --> 0:27:51.160 that will provide information about how you can add command line arguments to this. 584 0:27:51.880 --> 0:27:54.040 Kip says, the autoplay still needs to know when the track finishes. 585 0:27:54.040 --> 0:27:57.680 Yeah, use like fire on true position, 586 0:27:58.920 --> 0:28:02.200 normalized position greater than 0.9 or something like that. 587 0:28:02.200 --> 0:28:05.560 Yeah, that launcher, that video, though, should help you out. 588 0:28:05.560 --> 0:28:09.920 That launcher, the one that Duff has pictured here, which is the tentative launcher, 589 0:28:09.920 --> 0:28:12.880 also known as the Pro launcher over the campaign. 590 0:28:12.880 --> 0:28:17.840 All it does is download Neos. 591 0:28:17.840 --> 0:28:21.360 The two buttons there will just launch the EXE with a couple of command line parameters. 592 0:28:21.360 --> 0:28:25.480 Once it's downloaded the EXE, what I advise you do and probably talk about in that video 593 0:28:25.480 --> 0:28:29.200 is make shortcuts that will have different command line arguments. 594 0:28:29.200 --> 0:28:32.760 So you can create a shortcut and then you can have different command line arguments 595 0:28:32.760 --> 0:28:34.760 depending on what you're doing. 596 0:28:34.760 --> 0:28:36.840 With that, we're out of time. 597 0:28:36.840 --> 0:28:40.200 So if you have no more questions, I'll go ahead and end off here. 598 0:28:40.200 --> 0:28:42.840 If you have other questions, please feel free to direct message me. 599 0:28:42.840 --> 0:28:45.120 If you have any questions that you have or post on the Discord, 600 0:28:45.120 --> 0:28:49.840 we will take a look at them as soon as we can. 601 0:28:49.840 --> 0:28:53.720 I'll be back next week with more meanderings about Real Robots Magazine. 602 0:28:53.720 --> 0:28:57.520 I'm so disappointed that no one here was a Real Robots Magazine subscriber. 603 0:28:57.520 --> 0:29:01.800 But I will cut the recording here, cut everything off here, 604 0:29:01.800 --> 0:29:05.720 and I'm going to post a YouTube video of the Real Robots Magazine. 605 0:29:05.720 --> 0:29:08.600 Quickly, before I cut it, Zag asks, is there a custom node tutorial? 606 0:29:08.600 --> 0:29:11.600 No. There are a variety of ways to do it. 607 0:29:11.600 --> 0:29:17.560 I don't advise doing any of them unless you know exactly what you're doing. 608 0:29:17.560 --> 0:29:21.760 Most of the ways that you do it are great, but they won't allow you to pack it. 609 0:29:21.760 --> 0:29:26.600 So when you pack them, they'll mess up or they'll be weird. 610 0:29:26.600 --> 0:29:30.040 You can kind of get away with it when you use the mini redprints. 611 0:29:30.040 --> 0:29:31.800 That's not really like a custom node. 612 0:29:31.800 --> 0:29:35.200 That's just like a blueprint on top of a blueprint. 613 0:29:35.200 --> 0:29:38.360 Do take a look at that. Those do unpack well. 614 0:29:38.360 --> 0:29:43.240 But all of the custom node manufacturing thingies I've seen don't pack well 615 0:29:43.240 --> 0:29:47.160 and don't unpack well at all. I will speak to you later. 616 0:29:47.160 --> 0:29:50.560 Oh, Kip, Kip, I'll take the questions. 617 0:29:50.560 --> 0:29:54.600 OK, I'll take it. I'll take it. 618 0:29:54.600 --> 0:29:57.040 Shakes fist. OK, so there are two. 619 0:29:57.040 --> 0:30:00.560 So Kip asks how the logics interface components are used. 620 0:30:00.560 --> 0:30:04.160 So there are two components that are often misunderstood between both of those. 621 0:30:04.160 --> 0:30:07.880 So there is the logics interface component, which I believe should be 622 0:30:07.880 --> 0:30:10.520 on the actual rectangular things that float around. 623 0:30:10.520 --> 0:30:13.040 Everyone hates those. 624 0:30:13.040 --> 0:30:17.080 They are logics interfaces, 625 0:30:17.080 --> 0:30:21.240 logics interface card or floaty devils or whatever you want to call them. 626 0:30:21.240 --> 0:30:26.520 Now they handle all the connecting and handling between all the properties there. 627 0:30:26.520 --> 0:30:30.760 The logics interface proxy is the component 628 0:30:30.760 --> 0:30:34.120 which people hate and see everywhere and want to remove. 629 0:30:34.120 --> 0:30:38.360 Proxy components are basically a signpost for Neos to say like, 630 0:30:38.360 --> 0:30:40.760 hey, you might be looking for this. It's over here. 631 0:30:40.760 --> 0:30:44.400 So the way logics interface proxy is meant to work is that when you unpack 632 0:30:44.400 --> 0:30:48.200 and the logics unpacking process notices like, hey, I need an interface here. 633 0:30:48.200 --> 0:30:51.800 It's meant to look at the logics interface proxy and be like, oh, 634 0:30:51.800 --> 0:30:55.520 there is already an interface floating over here. I won't create a new one. 635 0:30:55.520 --> 0:30:59.560 I'll just look at the proxy and link it up to the existing logics interface. 636 0:30:59.560 --> 0:31:00.720 But that doesn't work. 637 0:31:00.720 --> 0:31:05.960 And that's why they will rotate, rescale themselves, reposition themselves, 638 0:31:05.960 --> 0:31:08.080 duplicate themselves, et cetera. 639 0:31:08.080 --> 0:31:11.240 I do want to comment a little bit about that problem. 640 0:31:11.240 --> 0:31:16.400 Every single person that has access to the code base of Neos has tried to fix this. 641 0:31:16.400 --> 0:31:17.720 Me included. 642 0:31:17.720 --> 0:31:23.520 We've all concluded that it is much better to just rewrite logics interfaces. 643 0:31:23.520 --> 0:31:25.880 It is very confusing. 644 0:31:25.880 --> 0:31:28.120 So we will fix that as soon as we can. 645 0:31:28.120 --> 0:31:30.040 And I understand the pain. 646 0:31:30.040 --> 0:31:32.960 I get really angry about it, especially when I unpack stuff 647 0:31:32.960 --> 0:31:37.400 and there's like eight people in the room because I'm just like, oh, God, what have I done? 648 0:31:37.400 --> 0:31:40.120 And then people are like, I can't read your logics once I unpack it. 649 0:31:40.120 --> 0:31:41.520 And I'm like, no, me neither, man. 650 0:31:41.520 --> 0:31:43.760 I'm just like, it uses interfaces. 651 0:31:43.760 --> 0:31:45.280 Nah, me neither. 652 0:31:45.280 --> 0:31:50.080 That's why dynamic variables, cloud variables, and even to some lesser extent, 653 0:31:50.080 --> 0:31:54.520 value fields are more still popular because at least the value field interface card 654 0:31:54.520 --> 0:31:57.720 is smaller than some of the other components. 655 0:31:57.720 --> 0:32:00.280 This is why components are popular. 656 0:32:00.280 --> 0:32:04.280 And that gets mistaken a lot for logic is bad because, you know, 657 0:32:04.280 --> 0:32:06.920 components, you don't have to deal with the interfaces. 658 0:32:06.920 --> 0:32:07.960 But logics is not bad. 659 0:32:07.960 --> 0:32:10.080 Use it when you need to. 660 0:32:10.080 --> 0:32:12.200 Is there a component to add two numbers together? 661 0:32:12.200 --> 0:32:14.240 Yes, the add. 662 0:32:14.240 --> 0:32:15.920 We will close off here. 663 0:32:15.920 --> 0:32:45.880 Bye bye.