1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:04.320 All right, welcome to office hours. It is 4 p.m. So we'll go ahead and start if you have 2 0:00:05.040 --> 0:00:08.840 Any questions, please drop them in text a channel and I'll get to them as soon as I can 3 0:00:08.880 --> 0:00:13.360 We are recording but their recording levels are showing is really low for some reason, but I hope it's good 4 0:00:13.360 --> 0:00:17.280 I mean like the the monitor on on audacity says it's good. So that's cool 5 0:00:17.280 --> 0:00:21.680 If not, I'll just boost it there any issues in audio. Let me know. I did tweak things the other day 6 0:00:21.680 --> 0:00:27.840 Oh, thank you. Lex like put some questions into the form. I do sometimes forget to perform this to me. I can lost a cough 7 0:00:27.840 --> 0:00:32.960 Okay, we're done coughing. I can go ahead and look at that form. Oh, there is a lot of questions 8 0:00:32.960 --> 0:00:37.960 That's a question for moderation. So I will go ahead and put that here Sunday. Whatever they do. Anyway, um 9 0:00:38.720 --> 0:00:40.720 Okay, two questions from Lex. Lex says 10 0:00:42.240 --> 0:00:48.360 How should we go about documenting legacy features or features that used to be inside Neos should documentation include when the feature was deprecated? 11 0:00:48.360 --> 0:00:50.360 And what was placed for us all superseded with? 12 0:00:50.880 --> 0:00:54.680 Yes, you should document them if you'd like to if it's removed entirely 13 0:00:54.680 --> 0:00:59.400 There's not really like a need to but if you want to for historical purposes, go ahead and go for it 14 0:00:59.760 --> 0:01:04.360 You can like put a notice on the page that says it's deprecated. Yes, lots of coughing today 15 0:01:06.520 --> 0:01:11.320 But notice on the page that is deprecated usually a wiki would have a template like 16 0:01:11.480 --> 0:01:14.360 Deprecate which would then put like the same consistent banner on them 17 0:01:14.360 --> 0:01:16.520 I don't know if we got one and then check it up there 18 0:01:16.520 --> 0:01:18.240 The only thing that comes to mind that we you know 19 0:01:18.240 --> 0:01:21.680 Might want to document is the legacy of the sphere detector cuz that was such a cool node 20 0:01:21.680 --> 0:01:28.480 Which is entirely not performant not performant like don't use I mean you can't now but even when it was there don't very bad 21 0:01:28.480 --> 0:01:34.100 Um for that question on to the second question, which is would be good idea to document update logs on the wiki 22 0:01:34.100 --> 0:01:36.440 Yes, there was actually a lot of update logs done 23 0:01:36.960 --> 0:01:42.960 on bit man Bob was a hotel room or something and they didn't really have much to do and so they decided to 24 0:01:44.640 --> 0:01:48.140 They decided to just do that for lots of the updates on there 25 0:01:48.140 --> 0:01:51.120 So there is a page somewhere on the wiki that has a lot of the updates 26 0:01:51.120 --> 0:01:54.720 Um bit man didn't keep that up-to-date with the the changing times 27 0:01:54.720 --> 0:01:58.260 But we have an ample opportunity to make that up to coming up me updates for a while 28 0:01:58.260 --> 0:02:03.080 So go for it. If you'd like to just find the old page copy the formatting go for it 29 0:02:03.080 --> 0:02:08.840 So that is the the questions on just got a new tape to the date that I did those at those 30 0:02:08.840 --> 0:02:14.520 It's already uh, it's already July, you know, I remember it being in January and I always have that feeling in January 31 0:02:14.520 --> 0:02:16.820 I'm just like this year's gonna be so long and it's just like ah 32 0:02:17.440 --> 0:02:19.440 Nope, it's it's it's July 33 0:02:19.440 --> 0:02:20.520 Haha 34 0:02:20.520 --> 0:02:23.360 Aaron this what did the sphere detector do and 35 0:02:23.640 --> 0:02:29.520 What should we do in place of the sphere detector was an active sphere collider that existed in the world? 36 0:02:29.520 --> 0:02:32.960 Like it was the only node that did this it had like a visual world 37 0:02:33.240 --> 0:02:36.820 representation at a circle that would be in the world of and anything that was placed 38 0:02:37.200 --> 0:02:41.280 Inside that sphere or touched that sphere would then cause an event coming out of the actor node 39 0:02:42.080 --> 0:02:44.080 it's bad because 40 0:02:44.120 --> 0:02:47.200 It wasn't really clear what happened if you pack it like if you pack it 41 0:02:47.200 --> 0:02:50.760 I didn't think it would work, but it might have left that sphere collider there 42 0:02:51.080 --> 0:02:56.760 What you should use in in place of that is colliders that are set up for your particular kitchen 43 0:02:57.560 --> 0:03:03.540 Active colliders are totally fine. Active mesh colliders are not fine. See my video tutorial series on colliders for more information 44 0:03:03.720 --> 0:03:10.520 I still regularly hear people say that active colliders are bad and should be avoided. No go away 45 0:03:10.840 --> 0:03:16.200 A good example here, which I always give is imagine that you are mining so you're doing you know 46 0:03:16.200 --> 0:03:20.240 Like mining you name it RPG mining you have a pickaxe 47 0:03:20.240 --> 0:03:24.400 There is an ore vein in front of you. You want to whack it with the pickaxe? 48 0:03:24.720 --> 0:03:31.080 some people were like doing crazy stuff like I'm gonna shoot raycasts at the tip of the pickaxe and 49 0:03:31.680 --> 0:03:34.720 Detect if they hit the ore vein and then based on the distance 50 0:03:34.720 --> 0:03:40.140 I know if you're actually hitting it just like what what you're doing there is basically emulating colliders instead 51 0:03:40.140 --> 0:03:43.160 What you should do is place a small sphere collider 52 0:03:43.160 --> 0:03:46.480 Or capsule capsule might be better depending on the gameplay 53 0:03:46.480 --> 0:03:51.560 You're going for on the tip of the pickaxe that is only active when the pickaxe is being held 54 0:03:51.560 --> 0:03:55.100 So let's say it's on your back because it's like back equipped or on the floor 55 0:03:55.200 --> 0:04:02.060 that collider isn't active or maybe you can detect hey there in the mind and when that sphere collider that's active collides with the 56 0:04:03.160 --> 0:04:05.600 Collider of the of the ore you could be like cool 57 0:04:05.600 --> 0:04:09.500 They hit the ore and then you can count the hits or make noises whatever you want to do 58 0:04:09.500 --> 0:04:14.060 Perfectly fine to use an active collider there. In fact, I don't really know how you do it other than you know 59 0:04:14.060 --> 0:04:16.060 I'm gonna shoot raycasts out the 60 0:04:16.860 --> 0:04:23.700 Collider the pickaxe which is essentially what colliders do colliders in a lot of cases are like actually raycast for sphere colliders 61 0:04:23.700 --> 0:04:25.700 Which are the most efficient colliders that are out there? 62 0:04:26.820 --> 0:04:31.020 They do like overlap sphere these which should we just tutorial that pickaxe 63 0:04:31.660 --> 0:04:35.140 Example, I keep giving people can see it. You can see an example of it in 64 0:04:35.140 --> 0:04:39.700 One of the recent creator gems is the one about bread called carb jam or something 65 0:04:40.820 --> 0:04:47.900 Everyone was making this sort of bread stuff. There was a user a Japanese user cannot remember their name fantastic job, whoever you are 66 0:04:47.900 --> 0:04:50.860 I'm sorry name. They made this bread 67 0:04:51.460 --> 0:04:58.420 Kneading thing you go up into an oven and you can like pull out some flour add some water and then you actually need it 68 0:04:58.420 --> 0:05:03.580 It's just like shape keys that like distort this sort of oval of bread when you're like putting your hands on it 69 0:05:03.580 --> 0:05:07.500 It feels kind of good and then you can cook the bread. I'm like, well, where are they getting the flour from? 70 0:05:07.500 --> 0:05:12.540 That's why I made this like farming game a really mean one where you can grow 71 0:05:13.300 --> 0:05:16.500 You can grow wheat. It's all very basic because it's create a gem 72 0:05:16.500 --> 0:05:19.820 So I just used you know free assets that didn't really bother what it looks 73 0:05:19.820 --> 0:05:25.740 But once a single crop of wheat is grown you use a scythe to harvest it and that does the active collider thing 74 0:05:25.740 --> 0:05:31.180 I basically turn on the anti-collider when you're holding the scythe if it hits a fully grown wheat column 75 0:05:31.180 --> 0:05:34.540 It will delete the wheat column replace it with a wheat bale 76 0:05:34.780 --> 0:05:40.020 Grind that now before you say I know that's not how flour is made, but this is a video game 77 0:05:40.020 --> 0:05:45.220 We were making it simple because of course in wheat you want to separate like the top of the plant from the store 78 0:05:45.220 --> 0:05:51.160 That's why windmills exist as they did it more automatically for you. Those are the questions we have right now 79 0:05:51.160 --> 0:05:55.760 I know I was what you're not about wheat and farming for a long time. So if you have any of those you 80 0:05:55.760 --> 0:05:59.540 Oh, I love rumors. So we have a rumor from electronics. Let me go ahead and read this out 81 0:05:59.540 --> 0:06:06.580 So electronic says there is a rumor that you cannot add touch tips or only add partial connection touch tips to your avatar for security reasons 82 0:06:06.580 --> 0:06:09.980 However, in my and some of the users testing they work for all kind of buttons 83 0:06:09.980 --> 0:06:11.820 But it seems you just need hand data component 84 0:06:11.820 --> 0:06:20.140 Um, there is a flow which will disable a touch tip that you add based on a couple of sort of patterns or something like that 85 0:06:20.260 --> 0:06:25.940 This isn't a rumor by the way, like when everyone's like, oh, there's a rumor that like well bad stinky poo-poo thing 86 0:06:25.940 --> 0:06:33.380 I'm like, that's not a rumor like that's documented behavior that exists as a feature. Anyway, what I'm saying is if you add a touch tip to 87 0:06:34.220 --> 0:06:36.500 Another area on rabbit are there is a way to make it work 88 0:06:37.020 --> 0:06:42.340 But touch tips will have basically like a safety switch in them that will be tripped very very quickly 89 0:06:42.860 --> 0:06:44.860 That prevents it from being used 90 0:06:45.500 --> 0:06:47.900 Remember in the exact qualifications there 91 0:06:47.900 --> 0:06:51.220 I don't think I should give those out because then there's easy ways to get around it 92 0:06:51.220 --> 0:06:56.460 But the security preventative measure on those touch tips and the way that that works you can thank me for that 93 0:06:56.540 --> 0:07:01.140 Like I am the one who found that bug a long time ago, and that's how mr 94 0:07:01.140 --> 0:07:05.700 fruit I was looking to try and export a text file from a 95 0:07:05.900 --> 0:07:11.780 scientific experiment and I figured out that if you added a touch tip and a button you could kind of fake it and then you 96 0:07:11.780 --> 0:07:17.020 Could arbitrarily write files to someone's computer and I giggled for a bit and then immediately reported it. I think my 97 0:07:17.860 --> 0:07:19.380 directions for 98 0:07:19.380 --> 0:07:24.020 Making touch tips work like I know some people want them on their feet or their nose, etc 99 0:07:25.460 --> 0:07:26.620 but 100 0:07:26.620 --> 0:07:30.980 you need to add the hand component the touch tip component and then 101 0:07:32.260 --> 0:07:35.300 Save and re-equip the avatar and that should but it should hook it together 102 0:07:35.820 --> 0:07:41.640 If it basically like if that component if a hand component or the the touch it component see something fishy 103 0:07:41.640 --> 0:07:47.820 Then they'll just like disable themselves and then she'd like re-load the object cetera. Yeah, I'm getting kind of like sick of like 104 0:07:47.820 --> 0:07:54.060 Oh, there's a rumor like our space. We're here. That's what here for there's a rumor that Neos is doing Bitcoin mining 105 0:07:54.180 --> 0:07:57.900 We're not like you can actually check. Yeah, it's good. It's not your fault that Tron is 106 0:07:57.900 --> 0:07:59.500 It's just like the way society works 107 0:07:59.500 --> 0:08:03.380 Especially the way a community works in a game like this which are that many updates recently 108 0:08:03.380 --> 0:08:07.940 I heard this Bob heard this Janice at the circle circle circle a little bit of telephone 109 0:08:08.700 --> 0:08:12.700 And you end up with stuff like that back in my day would call that game Chinese whispers 110 0:08:12.700 --> 0:08:17.540 That's where my children would sit in a circle and then some person would come up with something and then they'd whisper it around 111 0:08:17.540 --> 0:08:20.820 In a circle and come back and it would usually get distorted 112 0:08:20.820 --> 0:08:24.980 I feel like that drawing game where you handed like a drawing around and say redraw it 113 0:08:24.980 --> 0:08:27.380 So, you know, I would get a card that said 114 0:08:28.020 --> 0:08:33.540 Monkey with a banana I would draw it and someone else might see that as like monkey of a microphone and it goes round 115 0:08:33.540 --> 0:08:33.940 Yeah 116 0:08:33.940 --> 0:08:38.620 We you I say we used to call it Chinese whispers because I was informed a few years back that we don't call it that 117 0:08:38.620 --> 0:08:43.860 Any children call that a game of telephone and use that as a corporate phrase now as well when when there's a misunderstanding 118 0:08:43.860 --> 0:08:50.140 As it goes through like multiple layers of like corporate hierarchy, we call that a telephone game, you know 119 0:08:50.140 --> 0:08:52.620 Maybe like my manager's manager would be like hey 120 0:08:52.620 --> 0:08:56.820 We need to get this done and he says are this done and then I'm talking to someone to try and get it done 121 0:08:57.020 --> 0:09:01.700 Yeah, it's crazy. Anyway, so now I've got a game of telephone. Yeah, I've heard both too like this 122 0:09:01.700 --> 0:09:03.700 I'm just I'm just very interested. I 123 0:09:04.500 --> 0:09:07.260 There are a bunch of terms that where I work which are 124 0:09:07.780 --> 0:09:11.140 You know on a list and those lists are like instead of saying this say this 125 0:09:11.140 --> 0:09:14.540 so you'll have seen that github recently changed the 126 0:09:15.740 --> 0:09:21.900 Main branch that is used that's like the main development drunch. They changed it from being called master to being called main 127 0:09:22.900 --> 0:09:23.900 and 128 0:09:23.900 --> 0:09:29.220 the term like whitelist and blacklist is like avoided usually now we use allow list or 129 0:09:29.860 --> 0:09:31.860 denialist or 130 0:09:31.860 --> 0:09:36.740 As a friend wants to call it the no-no list and the yeah. Yeah list, which I think is amazing 131 0:09:36.820 --> 0:09:38.820 You don't want to be on my no-no list 132 0:09:38.820 --> 0:09:40.820 No-no list 133 0:09:41.140 --> 0:09:45.420 Anyway other questions so Kyra says bring a good question from elsewhere 134 0:09:46.060 --> 0:09:50.940 What's the reason behind me as having multiple cache locations for data for download assets or whatever the terminology is used? 135 0:09:50.940 --> 0:09:52.540 There aren't actually two 136 0:09:52.540 --> 0:09:58.500 Cache location the important thing to note here is and I'm gonna do a preamble here, which is completely off track of your question 137 0:09:58.500 --> 0:10:02.340 I know stop deleting your data location 138 0:10:02.340 --> 0:10:03.460 You can delete your cache 139 0:10:03.460 --> 0:10:08.260 However, you want stop deleting your data location and stop deleting both of those to fix a problem 140 0:10:08.260 --> 0:10:12.860 Like the one reason I allow you to delete your cache is if it's getting too big and you need hard drive space 141 0:10:12.860 --> 0:10:18.580 That's like the one reason you need to people like oh, no, my knee has crashed once today 142 0:10:18.580 --> 0:10:23.660 I will delete everything and reinstall the game. Please don't do that. Doesn't help me out doesn't help anyone out 143 0:10:23.660 --> 0:10:27.860 I have no idea what's going on. Stop doing it. Just follow the troubleshooting steps 144 0:10:27.860 --> 0:10:32.420 We have which mostly is asking questions and help and you'll see no one in there is like believe your gosh 145 0:10:32.740 --> 0:10:37.580 Sometimes you need to and that's why it becomes a sort of like a solution people like maybe that 146 0:10:37.580 --> 0:10:42.060 But that's usually once we've done a bunch of other steps to see if we can get away without doing it 147 0:10:42.060 --> 0:10:44.060 But on to the actual question, there are two locations 148 0:10:44.060 --> 0:10:49.580 There is the cache the cache will store downloaded files from an assets from assets and stuff like that 149 0:10:49.580 --> 0:10:54.420 So if you go to my world and in my world, there's a model and textures of a cheese sandwich 150 0:10:54.940 --> 0:10:56.340 That's downloaded to your cache 151 0:10:56.340 --> 0:10:59.060 The reason it does that is so that like hey if you go back to that world 152 0:10:59.060 --> 0:11:01.380 Do you see that I am again? You don't need to redownload that 153 0:11:01.380 --> 0:11:06.540 Information from me is cloud you have in your computer. You can just load it. That's the cache 154 0:11:06.540 --> 0:11:09.940 the secondary location is the data folder which has a 155 0:11:11.060 --> 0:11:18.220 Database in it and a bunch of other stuff and also has anything stored locally if you store anything in your local home 156 0:11:18.260 --> 0:11:22.620 Both worlds and items they are stored literally in that folder 157 0:11:22.620 --> 0:11:29.900 And so by deleting that you're deleting basically everything Neos knows about you and any items that you have stored locally 158 0:11:29.900 --> 0:11:35.820 That's why I say don't do it also stored in that location is like the local copy of some of your stuff 159 0:11:35.820 --> 0:11:37.420 That's like to do a syncing etc 160 0:11:37.420 --> 0:11:43.380 So when you delete that you may lose progress, but you sometimes need to delete that when there are syncing issues 161 0:11:43.380 --> 0:11:46.420 But that's after you have tried the sync 162 0:11:47.060 --> 0:11:51.780 Resolution commands which will fix the syncing people are too willy-nilly to delete essentially 163 0:11:51.780 --> 0:11:55.980 That's the to locate you've got cache which is like I'm gonna air quotes this because it's a little wishy-washy 164 0:11:55.980 --> 0:12:02.740 But like other people's stuff is the cache right other people's worlds other people's items other people's crap 165 0:12:02.740 --> 0:12:06.160 And then the data location which is your stuff 166 0:12:06.160 --> 0:12:10.820 I mean it like I said it can go between those is like a Venn diagram, but it's like your stuff 167 0:12:10.820 --> 0:12:15.000 So your items your worlds the stuff stored locally your database 168 0:12:15.000 --> 0:12:19.660 Which is basically like a lookup table for everything is if you know like index cards in a library 169 0:12:19.660 --> 0:12:24.980 That's what they did as well as settings and things like that are also stored. So those are those two locations 170 0:12:24.980 --> 0:12:31.120 they are stored in different places because the Windows file system encourages us to do so everyone is aware of the 171 0:12:31.580 --> 0:12:34.500 temporary folders those are known and 172 0:12:34.980 --> 0:12:40.060 Windows and other tools know that temporary folders exist there and that they can be cleared 173 0:12:40.060 --> 0:12:43.260 That's there is a temp directory on other operating systems 174 0:12:43.260 --> 0:12:47.960 And it's just known that like hey if you need to you can trash the temp folder 175 0:12:47.960 --> 0:12:52.220 That's what that is you so believe that's that question if you have any follow-up questions. Do let me know we'll get to it 176 0:12:52.220 --> 0:12:58.180 Electron says deleting the database makes it harder to help. That's correct the easiest way to help you is to give us log files 177 0:12:58.180 --> 0:13:03.500 Give us log files sometimes the log files don't actually say anything and if the log files don't say anything actionable 178 0:13:03.500 --> 0:13:05.500 That's where it might become 179 0:13:05.660 --> 0:13:09.420 Suitable to delete your cash and stuff like that usually I remember a friend of mine 180 0:13:09.900 --> 0:13:15.340 they bought an oculus headset like the CD one long long time ago 2019 or whatever and 181 0:13:16.500 --> 0:13:20.560 Saying 2019 was a long time ago. It makes me feel strange anyway 182 0:13:20.560 --> 0:13:25.560 And they just couldn't get it working and they were talking to support and support were doing everything 183 0:13:25.840 --> 0:13:31.520 In a diagnostic cetera and it turned up to like they were then like after like a couple of like back and forth 184 0:13:31.520 --> 0:13:35.160 It was okay now try reinstalling which he did it didn't and then they were like hey 185 0:13:35.520 --> 0:13:38.340 Try reinstalling windows that might fix it 186 0:13:38.340 --> 0:13:44.700 And he actually did and I told him no like if a support person tells you to reinstall windows because their software is wrong 187 0:13:45.000 --> 0:13:47.000 Nope, nope 188 0:13:47.000 --> 0:13:50.700 Mm-hmm windows should be nothing to do that there are things that can happen of course 189 0:13:50.700 --> 0:13:52.720 But like they should know about those things anyway 190 0:13:52.720 --> 0:13:58.800 So we did reinstall windows and it didn't work and the support our person was then like could you reinstall windows again? 191 0:13:58.800 --> 0:14:01.640 And at that point he returned the oculus headset and went for a vive 192 0:14:01.640 --> 0:14:04.160 Oh, I have another question here from electronic who asks 193 0:14:04.160 --> 0:14:09.360 Oh, I have seen a couple of log files talking about not being able to find local files to sync 194 0:14:09.360 --> 0:14:14.040 I assume those messing with the fault yes, so when you mess with the folder particularly if you do it in a certain way 195 0:14:14.040 --> 0:14:18.240 Which is something I've always seen people do they like to leak like half their local folders or whatever 196 0:14:18.760 --> 0:14:22.480 We end up with is sort of like a referential thing so again if we think about light 197 0:14:22.640 --> 0:14:27.900 Indexed cars at a library you go to the indexer to look at specially index cars are because or computers 198 0:14:28.560 --> 0:14:33.840 Before there are computers which told you where a library book was or you know before computers where you you needed a books 199 0:14:34.500 --> 0:14:37.340 You would go to the library and you'd go to like an indexer 200 0:14:37.340 --> 0:14:41.880 Which is like a big collection of cards and you would stop like sift through those cards and pick one up 201 0:14:41.880 --> 0:14:46.920 And it'd be like ah yes primes cheese recipes and it's in aisle four row two 202 0:14:46.920 --> 0:14:49.000 And then you know exactly where it is to go fine 203 0:14:49.400 --> 0:14:52.800 So now imagine that you went to the indexer you look for the card 204 0:14:52.800 --> 0:14:59.200 Then you went to grow whatever I said, and it wasn't there the books not there that means that there is a 205 0:15:00.120 --> 0:15:05.760 Can't find that file, and that's what the library in ages like I don't I don't think I'll need another reference 206 0:15:05.760 --> 0:15:09.600 But like you know at school you always had reference books sometimes you had to buy them sometimes school 207 0:15:09.600 --> 0:15:13.440 Would just like you know have a collection of them which they passed out and most of those had graffiti in them 208 0:15:13.440 --> 0:15:18.400 But you know like I think I need one back in the day. I bought actually still have them 209 0:15:18.400 --> 0:15:20.800 I've got like four books on pearl because pearl is the language I 210 0:15:21.000 --> 0:15:27.200 Learned to get start in this like industry and so I have like all the pearl books you can have and I haven't touched them 211 0:15:27.200 --> 0:15:31.000 Ever I wanted to learn like a new language now. Let's say like rust or stuff 212 0:15:31.000 --> 0:15:34.800 I wouldn't need a book like I don't think I'm gonna buy another like reference the only books 213 0:15:34.800 --> 0:15:38.440 I think I'll be buying is like none. Those are all the questions on the list so 214 0:15:38.440 --> 0:15:43.600 If you have more questions do let us know otherwise. I will be sat here in other exciting news 215 0:15:43.600 --> 0:15:47.120 I have a laser level arriving. I bought a 216 0:15:47.800 --> 0:15:50.840 What's a picture to go above my couch? 217 0:15:50.840 --> 0:15:56.480 I always hang paint like how can it because I'm in a rental I use the command strip which don't damage the arm 218 0:15:56.480 --> 0:15:59.120 But for those to work and for you to hang a picture straight 219 0:15:59.120 --> 0:16:03.760 You need the command strips to be straight the command strips on the back of the actual painting be straight 220 0:16:03.760 --> 0:16:08.880 I hand them to be put on the wall straight. I'm done so I get to play of that if there any other questions 221 0:16:08.880 --> 0:16:13.320 Please drop them through you got about eight minutes before I vanish and turn into a pumpkin. I do have a random 222 0:16:14.000 --> 0:16:19.360 Good life pro tip or message check your subscriptions if there is money coming out of your bank account 223 0:16:19.640 --> 0:16:23.880 Monthly add it up and figure out if you use like I found I thought I'd cancelled it 224 0:16:23.880 --> 0:16:28.280 But I found that I was accidentally still still subscribed to uber one 225 0:16:28.280 --> 0:16:32.480 I was using uber one to get better deals on uber eats, but now I'm trying to 226 0:16:32.480 --> 0:16:39.720 Avoid uber eats, so I'm like okay. Let's cancel uber one then that was ten dollars coming out of my month bank account every month 227 0:16:39.720 --> 0:16:44.320 I could put back into so so check that account check your statement. I had one the other day 228 0:16:44.320 --> 0:16:47.440 I didn't recognize I googled it, and I'm like oh, that's my home insurance 229 0:16:47.440 --> 0:16:52.240 Okay, my home insurance company changed name, and I so electronus has provided a picture of the log file 230 0:16:52.840 --> 0:16:55.120 Yeah, that's exactly what you're talking about 231 0:16:55.120 --> 0:16:59.660 Yeah, that is basically like cannot locate that well so here if you're poking around in your local files 232 0:16:59.660 --> 0:17:03.360 And you know trying to sort of see how they work. It's a true keep in mind that they are 233 0:17:03.840 --> 0:17:08.700 Like not encrypted because it's like really weak you can like figure it out, but like they're a little bit like 234 0:17:09.320 --> 0:17:10.640 Obstificated I guess 235 0:17:10.640 --> 0:17:14.280 Some of that is optimization some of that is less curious like I say it's not like strong 236 0:17:14.280 --> 0:17:18.260 It's just like it's like we're dumping files on your computer in a different way that isn't illogical 237 0:17:18.760 --> 0:17:23.200 And so if you see anything weird that's for example if you see in in 238 0:17:23.920 --> 0:17:25.440 electronus is 239 0:17:25.440 --> 0:17:32.200 Screenshot there, it'll be like local colon forward slash and then like a bunch of crap that like random string is like a 240 0:17:32.760 --> 0:17:38.480 Lookup in the database. I was talking about and that database then knows exactly where that is 241 0:17:38.480 --> 0:17:41.760 It maps it to an actual fault of the future and a father for anyone in news 242 0:17:42.640 --> 0:17:46.920 Actually, I forgot. I built it yesterday because I was a bit. I don't know I was bored, and I did it 243 0:17:46.920 --> 0:17:51.040 It was pretty quick. I put a new meme in my memes for this to go to public purple prime 244 0:17:51.040 --> 0:17:53.760 And then go to memes there is a new meme peace weapon 245 0:17:53.760 --> 0:17:58.120 The typing I have lots of time I love it when I mention people that are typing and then they stop 246 0:17:58.120 --> 0:18:02.960 So we have a question here, which I will read and give my interpretation to but it is a moderation question 247 0:18:02.960 --> 0:18:05.720 So I will refer it to the Sunday moderation office hours 248 0:18:06.000 --> 0:18:12.440 So it's within us when it comes to figuring out guidelines and such could having a poll over different future rules guidelines be helpful 249 0:18:12.440 --> 0:18:14.440 tool no um 250 0:18:14.520 --> 0:18:20.100 Polls are great because they give you like a quantity of data, but they don't give you what's called qualitative data 251 0:18:20.100 --> 0:18:23.880 I always get this confused. I probably did it wrong. I did it wrong. Don't yell at me 252 0:18:23.880 --> 0:18:30.160 The point being is like I can see cool 50 people think that this is cool and 50 people think that this is not cool 253 0:18:30.160 --> 0:18:34.540 Great. What does that give me? I don't understand we need more like opinions and stuff like that 254 0:18:34.540 --> 0:18:40.400 Do you remember that the anonymous feedback forum is there also remember the regardless of what you say? This is gonna sound rude 255 0:18:40.400 --> 0:18:44.960 I apologize regardless of what you say as an opinion regardless of the poll result 256 0:18:44.960 --> 0:18:52.280 Moderation have to make the best possible choice factoring everything a good example here being in the clothing area. We are 257 0:18:52.800 --> 0:18:57.280 Fortunate enough to be our own platform and so we can decide what we would like to do there 258 0:18:57.800 --> 0:19:00.080 If you think back to the days of mixer 259 0:19:00.960 --> 0:19:02.760 Which I used to work for 260 0:19:02.760 --> 0:19:04.960 Mixer was under the umbrella of Microsoft 261 0:19:04.960 --> 0:19:12.500 And so even though mixer itself had a view on clothing we had to conform to the big corporate agenda on clothing 262 0:19:12.500 --> 0:19:17.780 Which meant it twice as complicated but also meant we couldn't like people like it should be like this and we're like, yeah 263 0:19:17.780 --> 0:19:20.860 We know but like we can't but we couldn't even say yeah 264 0:19:20.860 --> 0:19:26.620 We know because that adds doubt to like your customers like brain space of that brand. So we're just like no, sorry 265 0:19:26.620 --> 0:19:30.940 This is this this is it. We don't want to do that. And I know that moderation don't want to do that 266 0:19:30.940 --> 0:19:37.180 That's why the conversations are open and feedback is being held but polls are just like not the way should be doing it 267 0:19:37.180 --> 0:19:41.580 I know that's the way it's done in like a democracy, right? But like no no 268 0:19:41.580 --> 0:19:44.460 Yeah, nice isn't a democracy. We try and be as 269 0:19:45.060 --> 0:19:47.060 Good the community as possible 270 0:19:47.340 --> 0:19:53.780 But in some cases, you know can't now I know that nears his stance has always been that we wouldn't take outside venture capital 271 0:19:53.780 --> 0:19:59.380 But I'm providing this as an example if nears if don't quote me on Twitter later 272 0:19:59.380 --> 0:20:02.740 I'm saying the word if a few times if nears took 273 0:20:03.260 --> 0:20:08.700 Venture capital of a substantial amount from another company. They may be able to say hey 274 0:20:08.700 --> 0:20:15.260 We need you to change your clothing policy again, and it needs to conform to you know business needs 275 0:20:15.660 --> 0:20:18.860 business business business business and so 276 0:20:19.380 --> 0:20:25.820 Just like think about that the next time you are the next time you're mad at a company for changing their policies 277 0:20:25.900 --> 0:20:28.460 Just just think about all the things in play there 278 0:20:29.140 --> 0:20:34.980 Another good example here being what happened to OnlyFans. So OnlyFans had like advertisers 279 0:20:34.980 --> 0:20:40.140 Sponsorship venture capital etc. That was just not okay with them having 280 0:20:40.660 --> 0:20:45.820 pornography on OnlyFans and so they tried to remove pornography from OnlyFans and of course the community were like 281 0:20:45.980 --> 0:20:53.100 Screw that and then OnlyFans had to then probably change up a bunch of their ad deals such that there could be same thing happens 282 0:20:53.100 --> 0:20:53.940 with 283 0:20:53.940 --> 0:20:56.340 YouTube people like why is my YouTube video being 284 0:20:56.540 --> 0:21:03.740 Demonetized YouTube hates this the reason is because monetization through YouTube comes through adverts and if no one wants to put adverts on a particular 285 0:21:03.740 --> 0:21:09.700 Type of content let's say you know none of the advertisers that are registered with the other side of monetization as in they are paying 286 0:21:09.780 --> 0:21:11.260 YouTube to put ads on videos 287 0:21:11.260 --> 0:21:16.500 They don't want to appear in any cheese related videos then the fact that you mentioned cheese in your video would cause it to be 288 0:21:16.580 --> 0:21:18.460 Demonetized isn't YouTube's fault 289 0:21:18.460 --> 0:21:24.780 It's the advertisers that they're working if they could find a cheese advertiser that wants to be monetized on cheese videos 290 0:21:25.420 --> 0:21:27.660 Beautiful and they probably have cheese adverts somewhere 291 0:21:28.340 --> 0:21:31.980 But when it comes to sort of real edgy topics some advertising people 292 0:21:31.980 --> 0:21:36.540 Just don't want adverts on there and so that video gets demonetized. It's nothing to do with YouTube though 293 0:21:36.580 --> 0:21:38.780 There are no ad money. We cannot pay you 294 0:21:40.420 --> 0:21:46.260 Moving onwards to another question we have here from SLS doesn't Rothenberg Ventures own 10 to 15 percent of strikes 295 0:21:47.220 --> 0:21:49.220 Rothenberg Ventures doesn't exist any so 296 0:21:50.020 --> 0:21:51.700 Rampa if you're typing question go for it 297 0:21:51.700 --> 0:21:57.020 Otherwise we'll cut off at the point as we just run over by two minutes with me ranting about demonetization on YouTube 298 0:21:57.580 --> 0:22:00.740 Like I've been on the other side of it like I've been on the other side of advertisers 299 0:22:00.740 --> 0:22:03.660 I've been on the other side of monetization. I've been in the side of that so it makes a lot more 300 0:22:03.660 --> 0:22:08.540 Okay, that was a question so go ahead and end up here, and then we will carry on on anyway 301 0:22:08.540 --> 0:22:12.180 And as I said check that new meme and my memes for if any of the questions 302 0:22:12.180 --> 0:22:17.260 Please feel to demand me or follow the contacting the Neos team guidelines. I'll get this posted soon and 303 0:22:17.260 --> 0:22:33.300 Tag the office hours notification do that when it's ready speech you next time. Bye