1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.480 All right, so welcome to office hours. This is the office hours for AMA for mr. Prime and yes and 2 0:00:06.720 --> 0:00:11.040 Hello, if you have questions, please drop them in the office hours channel. That's two above where it currently is 3 0:00:11.040 --> 0:00:15.740 I do have a couple of sort of bits of preamble first of which is people notice my patreon 4 0:00:15.740 --> 0:00:18.480 Thank you so much for those that have subscribed to my patreon 5 0:00:18.480 --> 0:00:22.680 I did want to clarify that before any sort of rumors or Twitter threads or anything like that happened 6 0:00:22.680 --> 0:00:25.620 I'll also be producing a I don't know post or video or something about it 7 0:00:25.620 --> 0:00:32.820 That patreon is if you wish to support me me personally if you want to support Neos the company do the Neos patreon that gets 8 0:00:32.820 --> 0:00:38.620 You the storage space if you want to support fructs personally do tricks patron. I'm just what me personally then 9 0:00:39.220 --> 0:00:44.860 That's okay for me as for you get when you're doing that nothing currently I might add some perks 10 0:00:44.860 --> 0:00:47.980 But they're not going to be any sort of perks that you want to write home about 11 0:00:47.980 --> 0:00:55.620 a bare minimum perk will probably just be like hey you're in my youtube video description for every video whilst you're a patron which is 12 0:00:55.820 --> 0:01:01.140 Standard stuff until your patron this gets too big and then you put it in my credits in the video and stuff like that 13 0:01:01.180 --> 0:01:02.860 but yeah 14 0:01:02.860 --> 0:01:08.020 We're not gonna have cringy stuff, and no explicit perks unless you have ideas for perks in which case go for them 15 0:01:08.020 --> 0:01:15.740 If you're interested probably enough talking about that just one final note there though any money submitted to that is not going to be used for 16 0:01:15.740 --> 0:01:23.100 Guns or explosions or cool cars. It's gonna be used for buying cheese buying groceries or buying 17 0:01:23.620 --> 0:01:26.860 Food basically like that's that's all it would be used for I 18 0:01:27.780 --> 0:01:32.380 Literally I did a I did a funny. I push the wrong button there, but you know there we go 19 0:01:35.620 --> 0:01:39.140 That it's just like it's literally there like you know I know some people are like oh 20 0:01:39.140 --> 0:01:42.460 Yeah, I'm gonna get money from patreon buy fast cars right now. I'll never buy a car 21 0:01:42.460 --> 0:01:47.940 It's like no. I'll never buy a car. I can't currently legally drive, so if it's there. It's for food. Thank you 22 0:01:48.820 --> 0:01:56.660 Otherwise cheese on to questions. Oh, that's the other thing if Neos ever gets to the point where it's able to actually purchase me 23 0:01:57.340 --> 0:02:02.340 Purchase me that sounds wrong if it's able to get to the point where it can pay me and whatever fashion that is I will 24 0:02:02.340 --> 0:02:06.020 Cancel that patreon and focus it back towards yes 25 0:02:06.900 --> 0:02:11.860 That's that and for those sitting in here going like oh, so it was about the money after all 26 0:02:11.860 --> 0:02:14.060 It's not about the money 27 0:02:14.540 --> 0:02:22.500 It's about the things that like are around that right do I want to like quit my job and work on near stuff all time 28 0:02:22.980 --> 0:02:26.020 Yes, would I do that in the current circumstances? 29 0:02:26.220 --> 0:02:32.380 No, not if nears the company had a check for a million dollars that would not happen so do keep that in mind 30 0:02:32.380 --> 0:02:34.380 It is still not about the money 31 0:02:34.880 --> 0:02:39.840 You know if I offered you to if I were to you a check for like a million dollars for you to be inside an 32 0:02:39.840 --> 0:02:46.600 incredibly loud boiling room full of sound and needles and sharp objects and glass and 33 0:02:47.360 --> 0:02:49.360 lectures about the nature of reality 34 0:02:49.760 --> 0:02:57.200 So you know you're in pain. You can't move you're very hot. You'd say no. Just just think about that money isn't everything 35 0:02:58.120 --> 0:03:00.120 So now we'll move on to questions 36 0:03:01.920 --> 0:03:07.200 So Ozzy ask real question real quick question can anim J track the use of bull fours 37 0:03:07.200 --> 0:03:13.520 Um probably I don't know the advice I have of anim J is if you go ahead and take 38 0:03:14.760 --> 0:03:16.920 Take an object and run it through the to string node 39 0:03:16.920 --> 0:03:20.800 You'll see what anim J representation should be applicable for it 40 0:03:20.800 --> 0:03:25.120 For example if you if you go like if you have a float three like you might write a float three 41 0:03:25.120 --> 0:03:26.840 And I know this is just in the chat and not the recording 42 0:03:26.840 --> 0:03:30.320 But whatever you write it as like three numbers with a comma in between so 43 0:03:30.320 --> 0:03:37.080 120 50 10 like that's a float 3 and then if you to string that you'll see something along the lines of this 44 0:03:38.040 --> 0:03:43.120 Which exists in the anim J as a serialized thing the reason why it's using those brackets 45 0:03:43.120 --> 0:03:45.120 And it's using semicolons rather than colons 46 0:03:45.360 --> 0:03:50.920 Commas even is because it's going into Jason and commas away than Jason as our quote, so it's using that as a different thing 47 0:03:51.360 --> 0:03:56.520 So if you to string something you'll usually see what it might be able to be looked at like in anim J 48 0:03:56.520 --> 0:04:02.840 What I want to do a minute every like eventually for anim J is I want to basically take a lot of c-sharp data structures 49 0:04:03.200 --> 0:04:08.000 That I can code in c-sharp right so if I write a float for a blue for or whatever in c-sharp 50 0:04:08.000 --> 0:04:13.120 I know it's correct as c-sharp has you know runtime detection on that and then say cool now reverse 51 0:04:13.240 --> 0:04:19.160 Generate an anim J file for that and then that can form actually part of like an automated test for anim J as well 52 0:04:19.160 --> 0:04:21.720 Right so we we take a c-sharp file 53 0:04:21.720 --> 0:04:28.160 We generate an anim J file from it, and then we check that that match is an expected known value 54 0:04:28.240 --> 0:04:32.880 So prime looks over the class goes like cool prime looks over the generated output and goes cool 55 0:04:32.880 --> 0:04:38.920 Then we lock those together in the form of a testing contract and then if one side breaks or the other side breaks 56 0:04:38.920 --> 0:04:44.240 We know that there is a problem with anim J for those who aren't aware about how testing works in software 57 0:04:44.240 --> 0:04:49.160 That's how it works right you read over the code once and you're like I am asserting me 58 0:04:49.160 --> 0:04:52.280 probable prime emperor of this c-sharp class 59 0:04:52.720 --> 0:04:58.040 says that this is what this program should output and then six months later where 60 0:04:58.440 --> 0:05:00.440 new person on the team 61 0:05:00.560 --> 0:05:07.120 Clarence makes a code change and accidentally break something because they're new the test go nah, sorry bro 62 0:05:07.120 --> 0:05:12.760 It's wrong, and then it's caught before it goes to production. That's that's testing for you. We want to do more testing 63 0:05:12.760 --> 0:05:18.960 On neos as well just to make sure that stuff doesn't break or that we know and stuff is about to break things like that 64 0:05:18.960 --> 0:05:20.960 so we actually have 65 0:05:21.160 --> 0:05:26.480 We have some testing and some benchmarking on a new node which isn't in the release yet due to hashtag announcements 66 0:05:28.360 --> 0:05:35.120 On counter currencies we have benchmarking to prove that the counter currencies implementation is the fastest we can get it to very interesting right up 67 0:05:35.120 --> 0:05:37.840 On that one. I actually might write that up in a blog somewhere at some point 68 0:05:37.840 --> 0:05:44.400 Yeah, and then we have testing to make sure that it works appropriately the same with a couple of other nodes 69 0:05:44.400 --> 0:05:49.160 Which are sort of escaping and escaping strings some advancements to those I had to write a bunch of tests for those again 70 0:05:49.160 --> 0:05:51.560 That's tested right so forever breaks. We can test it. That's great 71 0:05:51.560 --> 0:05:54.820 I know that's a tangent away from an MJ, but it leads to the point of the matter 72 0:05:54.820 --> 0:05:59.580 Which is like an MJ doesn't have those right now, and so we some cases don't know 73 0:05:59.640 --> 0:06:05.160 But if you to string it you sometimes get an approximation, and then you can try and chuck it in that's that question 74 0:06:05.160 --> 0:06:09.440 Moving on to the next question 75 0:06:11.520 --> 0:06:16.280 Spec says that they don't know the session metrics, okay, I still don't know and the problem is like it's not 76 0:06:16.980 --> 0:06:20.660 Notated I'm gonna go ahead and open up the code base. I actually didn't look for you 77 0:06:20.660 --> 0:06:22.800 I looked in Neos, but I didn't look in the actual code 78 0:06:22.800 --> 0:06:28.260 So I open up the code base that takes a couple of minutes and then in gaps between any questions. I'll take a look oh 79 0:06:28.980 --> 0:06:32.600 Interesting. Thank you for that example. That is not how to string would represent it at all 80 0:06:32.600 --> 0:06:39.480 Interesting does a flip for look like sorry flip for looked like a the bracket he stuff. That's cool X 81 0:06:39.480 --> 0:06:41.800 We should maybe collaborate on those tests 82 0:06:41.800 --> 0:06:47.160 I can reckon to write those now because like you can write tests about later shipping codes to productions 83 0:06:47.800 --> 0:06:48.880 Oh 84 0:06:48.880 --> 0:06:53.560 You found out it is milliseconds. Yes of course. I didn't read till the end sometimes. I do skim read 85 0:06:53.560 --> 0:06:57.560 It's just the nature of being sort of live on sage at sage. Yes 86 0:06:57.560 --> 0:07:02.360 I'm on top of a pile of sage the best herb in the world for those who are here 87 0:07:02.360 --> 0:07:05.000 Who are aware of what sage is sage and onion stuffing? 88 0:07:06.040 --> 0:07:09.880 Just give me like a whole plate of stuffing. I remember I had I lived with a 89 0:07:10.560 --> 0:07:14.140 Roommate back in my university days, and they love stuffing so much 90 0:07:14.140 --> 0:07:17.560 They would just buy like the you know stuffing powder you mix in water 91 0:07:17.600 --> 0:07:23.020 Maybe some milk sometimes you just get like a plate of stuffing and he would just eat that like all times of the year 92 0:07:23.400 --> 0:07:24.700 Sometimes it stuck up on it 93 0:07:24.700 --> 0:07:29.440 I've never really had that reaction except to eggnog like I hate the fact that eggnog is only available in December 94 0:07:29.440 --> 0:07:35.000 I don't really drink eggnog before I came to America, but every like every December now. I'm just like I 95 0:07:36.360 --> 0:07:42.040 Can't hold these liters of eggnog and for those who say like but you know you could make it at home 96 0:07:42.040 --> 0:07:47.200 And I'm just like yeah, I could also like you know follow Bob Ross's painting tutorials 97 0:07:47.200 --> 0:07:51.920 Or like you know learn a musical instrument, but what egg dogs available in the shops? 98 0:07:51.920 --> 0:07:54.160 I could just pick up liters of and take it home 99 0:07:54.160 --> 0:07:58.080 I always forget the recipe as well, and you're unlike any alcohol to eggnog 100 0:07:58.080 --> 0:08:03.280 It's great you warm up a little bit, and it's just like oh anyway. I think that's all the questions. We've got right now 101 0:08:04.000 --> 0:08:07.560 That's why I'm talking about eggnog. Well the problem is shelf life right so 102 0:08:08.080 --> 0:08:10.860 You know that there is a lot of you might all know 103 0:08:10.860 --> 0:08:16.100 But most of you should know there is a lot of wastage in the sort of grocery department like when you're walking through the grocery 104 0:08:16.100 --> 0:08:17.320 hour next time 105 0:08:17.320 --> 0:08:24.360 You're shopping, and you will past all the meat like what past you know the steak the ground beef the ground chicken the sausages walk 106 0:08:24.360 --> 0:08:31.680 Down that entire aisle if no one buys the like rotting deceased animals that are in those counters 107 0:08:31.840 --> 0:08:36.300 They will be thrown out by the grocery store, and it's just like brain is just like 108 0:08:36.920 --> 0:08:40.040 It's just weird right, but that's the grocery 109 0:08:40.600 --> 0:08:42.640 industry same thing with 110 0:08:44.760 --> 0:08:48.380 Eggnog right if no one buys the eggnog then it's just gonna rot and they have to throw it out 111 0:08:48.380 --> 0:08:51.760 So yeah, okay prime might come in and buy seven liters a week 112 0:08:51.760 --> 0:08:56.320 But they've got like a hundred leaders out back because they don't know that prime exists 113 0:08:57.800 --> 0:09:03.840 They can't plan for that if there's like long shelf life eggnog it probably tastes worse. I know there's like long shelf life 114 0:09:05.280 --> 0:09:09.480 Milk which is usually like tastes weird because they like they put it in like canned milk or something 115 0:09:09.480 --> 0:09:14.320 They put it in like they do a different type of treatment so that it can be have a long shelf life 116 0:09:14.760 --> 0:09:18.580 I've considered getting powdered milk. I know this is completely off topic, but like hey 117 0:09:18.580 --> 0:09:23.400 This is this is why you come to office hours come on. This is why you come you come in for random prime stories 118 0:09:24.400 --> 0:09:26.400 Whenever I need milk. It's like 119 0:09:26.740 --> 0:09:28.280 Usually 10 milliliters or less 120 0:09:28.280 --> 0:09:32.240 It's like a teaspoon or whatever for cooking and I buy like a container of milk 121 0:09:32.240 --> 0:09:38.520 And then it just goes off or and here's the alternative or I buy an entire box of cereal and a carton of milk 122 0:09:38.520 --> 0:09:44.840 And they're both gone within 24 hours. I just can't I can't process milk as a regular human being 123 0:09:44.840 --> 0:09:48.280 Where like you have a carton in the fridge at all times? 124 0:09:48.920 --> 0:09:50.800 That does it just doesn't occur to me 125 0:09:50.800 --> 0:09:57.220 It's either like in a bowl of cereal or it's off that that the two states of milk for prime 126 0:09:57.220 --> 0:10:00.560 I was debating whether to go into the story of how to dispose of 127 0:10:01.240 --> 0:10:02.840 milk 128 0:10:02.840 --> 0:10:07.720 Now let's not do that because I have a special mechanism for getting rid of off milk 129 0:10:08.040 --> 0:10:11.380 Okay back on topic from unnamed cyborg cat. Thank you so much 130 0:10:11.380 --> 0:10:13.380 When 131 0:10:14.220 --> 0:10:18.900 Will needs be finished or at least it is released it's released into early access 132 0:10:18.900 --> 0:10:23.900 I know the early access gets a lot of sort of stick in the community and that's because it 133 0:10:25.020 --> 0:10:29.220 You know, there are games that stay in early access forever. I'm not calling this game out 134 0:10:29.220 --> 0:10:33.940 I'm just mentioning I'm aware of in the press that this is happening a lot for this game seven days to die has been an 135 0:10:33.940 --> 0:10:35.260 Early access for a long time 136 0:10:35.260 --> 0:10:35.740 I 137 0:10:35.740 --> 0:10:41.300 Bought seven days to die off steam like a long time ago and I would have to like rummage through my email accounts to 138 0:10:41.300 --> 0:10:43.580 Find out which email I bought it from so that's interesting 139 0:10:43.980 --> 0:10:50.420 I keep playing early access games aren't completed and I hit like a content or like I did that was satisfactory for those who don't 140 0:10:50.420 --> 0:10:52.220 Know satisfactory you get to like phase 141 0:10:52.220 --> 0:10:56.420 For whatever you just send up and they give you a coffee cup and that's it because they don't have any more content 142 0:10:56.660 --> 0:11:01.660 I'm about to hit that wall with a game called grounded, which is really cool. Well you play as a 143 0:11:02.460 --> 0:11:06.100 Shrunken children in a forest of it's not actually a forest. It's a lawn 144 0:11:06.420 --> 0:11:07.020 You know 145 0:11:07.020 --> 0:11:11.980 You have to try and do stuff to get back up to your regular size and again, there's just a content wall 146 0:11:11.980 --> 0:11:16.100 It's like sorry guys. We didn't finish the game. It's the nature of early access. So 147 0:11:16.740 --> 0:11:23.260 Actually answer the question with that pre-facing never update 6 is coming out update 6 just talks about sorry 148 0:11:23.260 --> 0:11:26.020 we're talking about satisfactory update 6 just changes the the 149 0:11:27.100 --> 0:11:32.780 The biomes the biome generation and rebalances combat a little bit. That is good content 150 0:11:32.780 --> 0:11:38.020 Unfortunately, it is changing the biome completely of where my main base in my main satisfactory save is 151 0:11:38.300 --> 0:11:41.340 Located because we chose to build it there before we knew that that was going to happen 152 0:11:41.540 --> 0:11:45.500 so I predict after the update when I load the save that I have it's just gonna be like 153 0:11:46.020 --> 0:11:49.820 Off your factories in the side of a mountain. Whoo 154 0:11:50.700 --> 0:11:55.700 I would like satisfactory to have an update where there is an end of the game. I don't know 155 0:11:56.420 --> 0:12:00.380 That's only access for you know, but going back to to near stem gums. I 156 0:12:00.380 --> 0:12:06.580 I don't think it'll ever be finished or released. There will come a time some time in the future where 157 0:12:07.340 --> 0:12:10.280 There are no more updates. I know there are no updates right now 158 0:12:10.280 --> 0:12:16.480 Let's just imagine for just like 30 minutes, please that Neos is doing fantastic right now, please. It makes conversations a lot more sort of 159 0:12:18.220 --> 0:12:20.220 Empathic and good to have 160 0:12:20.740 --> 0:12:24.900 At some point in the future this situation not withstanding 161 0:12:24.900 --> 0:12:30.060 There will no longer be an update. Let's say 20 years in the future 30 years in the future 162 0:12:30.500 --> 0:12:33.060 You're like ancient you sat on a rocking chair 163 0:12:33.060 --> 0:12:38.260 You've got a blanket on your legs your family all around you and you can barely walk three steps 164 0:12:38.260 --> 0:12:41.300 And you know, you're just like back in my day 165 0:12:41.980 --> 0:12:43.980 prime talked about cheese 166 0:12:44.700 --> 0:12:51.060 You know and we didn't have all these features at some point. It's just gonna happen right the game will just stop having updates 167 0:12:51.060 --> 0:12:56.420 At that point, could you say it was finished? Yeah, probably not though 168 0:12:56.420 --> 0:13:00.820 There was probably like a realm of stuff that we still intended to do like I used to work on mixer 169 0:13:00.820 --> 0:13:05.840 And again, we had a realm of stuff that we just intended to do but because mixer shut down it was therefore 170 0:13:06.540 --> 0:13:11.300 Colloquially known as being finished right? I have notes in a notebook. That's on my desk 171 0:13:11.300 --> 0:13:15.780 It's almost out as my work notebook and it's still caught mixer notes from features in it 172 0:13:15.780 --> 0:13:19.780 I have to keep those until I if I whatever leave the job 173 0:13:19.780 --> 0:13:23.380 But then I kind of have to sort of turn that notebook to them or shred it or something 174 0:13:23.380 --> 0:13:27.900 I don't remember which I'll read when it comes to that. So there you go. There's the answer to that question 175 0:13:28.540 --> 0:13:33.620 Now onwards to more content 15 minutes in we're still talking about random stuff 176 0:13:34.660 --> 0:13:38.920 Roussia says not a question the amateur radio project with the red sockets caught it with the red sockets 177 0:13:39.100 --> 0:13:46.020 So catchy good piece of software red red. No, no red. Anyway web sockets causing red nodes 178 0:13:46.020 --> 0:13:51.780 I separated the important radio control and signal report data into two separate web sockets and add an impulse timer on the signal report web socket 179 0:13:51.780 --> 0:13:56.860 No, it does appear to have prevented the red nodes from happening. Absolutely. Yeah split the logics up 180 0:13:57.300 --> 0:14:00.140 split things up split things into data channels and make sure the only 181 0:14:00.220 --> 0:14:04.640 Processing data at the speed that you need to process it out or slow down that data and you'll have a much better time 182 0:14:05.220 --> 0:14:09.780 If you're worried about now that your project is now using two web socket nodes 183 0:14:09.780 --> 0:14:13.340 What I want you to go do is to go to any popular website Facebook Twitter 184 0:14:13.340 --> 0:14:19.220 You name it whatever you want to do YouTube's another good one open up the developer tools and then go to the network tab 185 0:14:19.220 --> 0:14:23.100 And then hit refresh and then just like die. It's just like 186 0:14:24.660 --> 0:14:26.660 There's just like thousands of 187 0:14:26.660 --> 0:14:34.380 Business pieces of data just coming in and all they do is they represent cat memes on your computer entering your brain through your eyes 188 0:14:34.380 --> 0:14:39.220 It's very interesting how the way the world has worked. So don't worry about complexity is what I'm saying if it works 189 0:14:39.220 --> 0:14:43.380 Cool moving on to Lexus question 190 0:14:43.380 --> 0:14:48.320 Which is any specific reason why the enos API is not cause compatible not having the required cause headers to a crosstalk way 191 0:14:48.320 --> 0:14:51.260 Peter web API access like an explicit decision or 192 0:14:52.540 --> 0:14:57.700 Because it's not supposed to be used. I know I'm paraphrasing that a lot. I apologize. I'll just sum up 193 0:14:57.700 --> 0:15:05.140 So Lex is asking why the nearest API doesn't have cause headers cause is cross origin request 194 0:15:05.980 --> 0:15:07.980 something 195 0:15:07.980 --> 0:15:14.000 Sometimes I know what an abbreviation means, but I don't know what the abbreviation expands to if that makes sense. So cause is 196 0:15:14.880 --> 0:15:16.360 Really cool 197 0:15:16.360 --> 0:15:18.800 No, we don't have the headers there it allows 198 0:15:19.480 --> 0:15:22.760 Other websites in the browser to talk to the API 199 0:15:23.360 --> 0:15:28.200 It can be a security preventative measure to explicitly out out of cause headers 200 0:15:28.600 --> 0:15:31.160 We don't have them because we haven't made a decision either way 201 0:15:32.160 --> 0:15:34.160 When it comes to web services 202 0:15:34.160 --> 0:15:41.520 Fruxy is is less knowledge about about those than other things such as no nears his actual engine. And so 203 0:15:42.240 --> 0:15:48.040 Some of those decisions just either weren't made simply through time or weren't made because they don't know about them 204 0:15:48.040 --> 0:15:51.740 I'm not trying to say hey fricks didn't know about that. They're bad or anything like that 205 0:15:51.920 --> 0:15:55.200 What I'm trying to say here is sometimes stuff is just overlooked 206 0:15:56.360 --> 0:15:58.280 Above all the other things I do in news 207 0:15:58.280 --> 0:16:02.520 One of the reasons why I joined the team is actually to help out on the website side of things, right? 208 0:16:02.520 --> 0:16:04.520 I am a web developer 209 0:16:04.920 --> 0:16:09.840 Engineer, whatever you want to call it by trade and have been for a long long long long long time 210 0:16:10.000 --> 0:16:11.880 So I can help out with things like that 211 0:16:11.880 --> 0:16:17.000 We would have to have a discussion as a team about what we want to do about cause and particularly would have to speak to 212 0:16:17.000 --> 0:16:19.000 Developers that require cause see what their needs are 213 0:16:19.240 --> 0:16:23.320 because I don't think we'll be able to enable cause on every single like API and 214 0:16:23.680 --> 0:16:26.300 Would have to maybe decide which ones we wanted to enable them 215 0:16:27.960 --> 0:16:30.620 Additionally, we need to make sure that the API is actually usable right now 216 0:16:30.620 --> 0:16:32.840 The fact that you're using it is kind of just like a small miracle 217 0:16:33.360 --> 0:16:37.320 Like any update could break it right now. We have nothing locked its contracts 218 0:16:37.840 --> 0:16:39.520 We see you commented that 219 0:16:39.520 --> 0:16:42.000 Everything is actually implemented in node-red. That's fantastic 220 0:16:42.000 --> 0:16:43.000 I really want to look at node-red 221 0:16:43.000 --> 0:16:45.960 But like I got kind of put off because I'd have to set up a server 222 0:16:46.040 --> 0:16:48.820 One of my principles right now is to just do serverless everything 223 0:16:48.820 --> 0:16:51.340 So I need to look at node-red again and see if there's an easy way to run it 224 0:16:51.340 --> 0:16:55.440 I just like not having machines running somewhere that I have to like SSH into it 225 0:16:55.440 --> 0:16:59.960 It puts me off and with that we'll wait for more questions. Thank you so much guys. All right 226 0:16:59.960 --> 0:17:03.920 I'm just you know, double enforcing. Hey, if you have any questions, please 227 0:17:04.680 --> 0:17:09.080 the office hours channel that is two channels above the one you clicked to get to this meeting and 228 0:17:09.520 --> 0:17:14.100 I'll answer them as soon as I get to them as there are no questions. I get to ask you guys a question 229 0:17:14.200 --> 0:17:19.920 So do you have any tutorial requests currently? I know I've been like absent on the tutorial front for a while 230 0:17:20.040 --> 0:17:24.520 That's because of the channel that's announcements. It's also because of a couple of personal things 231 0:17:25.320 --> 0:17:28.860 If you have any requests do let me know. I'm hoping to start those back up 232 0:17:28.860 --> 0:17:35.800 I was um, ignoring about it because I'm like, why would I do tutorials for like a platform that is like, you know 233 0:17:36.120 --> 0:17:40.400 Struggling and the answer there is like hey, I'm just gonna do it 234 0:17:41.520 --> 0:17:46.560 I'm just gonna like I'm just gonna continue doing tutorials continue servicing that community and 235 0:17:47.000 --> 0:17:50.680 Hey, if the platform continues to struggle, I don't care. It's my channel 236 0:17:51.280 --> 0:17:53.280 News related question above did I miss a question? 237 0:17:54.120 --> 0:17:58.000 See a question. Oh, there are thoughts on the red X file search. I have no idea what it is 238 0:17:58.000 --> 0:18:00.480 Oh, I do. I just didn't know it was called that. Um 239 0:18:01.120 --> 0:18:04.280 That is a searcher that searches through all public 240 0:18:05.120 --> 0:18:10.640 Public folders that are been indexed by it actually uses good effects is like database as far as I'm aware 241 0:18:10.880 --> 0:18:14.040 that has scanned through using the web API all of 242 0:18:14.840 --> 0:18:19.920 All of the public folders that it's available for it cannot find your private content. It cannot steal your avatars 243 0:18:19.920 --> 0:18:21.640 It's just scanning for public folders 244 0:18:21.640 --> 0:18:25.040 If you happen to put something you don't intend to inside a public folder 245 0:18:25.040 --> 0:18:28.760 Make sure you select it and hit that purple hand like on that will 246 0:18:29.360 --> 0:18:36.280 Prevent it from being public. It removes it from public. Um, I like it. I built one myself 247 0:18:37.000 --> 0:18:42.160 Shortly before I joined the Neos team when I joined the Neos team, I shut down mine. It still exists 248 0:18:42.160 --> 0:18:43.120 I still have the code for it 249 0:18:43.120 --> 0:18:45.260 I would love to release the code 250 0:18:45.360 --> 0:18:51.560 but the problem releasing the code is that it basically tells you how to use the Neos API to do what I told like what 251 0:18:51.560 --> 0:18:53.560 I'm telling you just to build that database and 252 0:18:53.560 --> 0:18:56.840 I don't want to be liable is the wrong word, right? 253 0:18:56.840 --> 0:19:01.200 Because I'm not doing anything wrong, but I don't want to be liable for support in 254 0:19:01.840 --> 0:19:03.560 How that code works? 255 0:19:03.560 --> 0:19:09.640 Because of the state of the API so when I joined the Neos team, I was like, hey, it's much better if I spend more time 256 0:19:10.560 --> 0:19:15.000 Making things in Neos. I want to make a reality such as the inbuilt 257 0:19:15.600 --> 0:19:19.600 Item searcher exist rather than spending time on this item searcher 258 0:19:19.600 --> 0:19:25.080 Which will inevitably just become a time sink for me when people look at it and go that's really cool 259 0:19:25.320 --> 0:19:30.000 But can I make it do this and me have to go like oh, yeah sure you push XYZ 260 0:19:30.000 --> 0:19:34.780 It'll do that. But yeah, I have I have one that is closed source right now. They exist. It's really cool 261 0:19:34.780 --> 0:19:40.240 Like it's really really really really really cool. I just put a pause on it looking at tutorial quests someone 262 0:19:41.480 --> 0:19:46.920 Someone was talking to me about those ones or froppy would like a tutorial on the forward note 263 0:19:46.920 --> 0:19:50.160 Yeah, my vector mathematics is like exceptionally like 264 0:19:50.800 --> 0:19:55.720 Strange in the once you start using it. You're like, oh, that's easy. Oh, why didn't I think of that? 265 0:19:56.080 --> 0:19:59.920 So probably specific talking about the nodes such as forward up left right down 266 0:20:01.200 --> 0:20:04.440 They're like vector based things. We need to do a sort of imagine a 267 0:20:05.680 --> 0:20:10.920 Gizmo always being on your object. Let's say you have I don't know like a goose NPC, right? 268 0:20:10.920 --> 0:20:17.200 That goose has a forward vector and then you can do master that forward vector and it's usually better than doing other 269 0:20:17.560 --> 0:20:20.680 forms of mathematics a good example here is if you 270 0:20:21.560 --> 0:20:25.760 if you have an object with a global position and we'll just call it the goose and 271 0:20:26.280 --> 0:20:31.580 You set its position to its forward vector times a multiplier 272 0:20:32.440 --> 0:20:39.000 And then add that onto its existing position. So you do it's an existing position plus its forward vector plus a multiplier 273 0:20:39.000 --> 0:20:41.480 It will move forward at that multipliers 274 0:20:42.520 --> 0:20:45.920 Interval, let's say it's for direct vector is straight towards 275 0:20:45.920 --> 0:20:51.920 We'll just say the front of the world just to avoid the mathematics for right now and you do front and you do front times 276 0:20:51.920 --> 0:20:56.180 Five it will move five units in the front of the world and it's beautiful 277 0:20:56.180 --> 0:21:01.520 I you don't need to do any sort of mathematics to figure out all which direction am I which rotation of mine? 278 0:21:01.520 --> 0:21:06.600 There's no trigonometry involved. It just does it. It's beautiful. So yeah, I'd love to draw on them 279 0:21:06.600 --> 0:21:07.920 I'm 280 0:21:07.920 --> 0:21:13.640 Moving forwards Oh Ruscio has asked for a 3d mass tutorial. I don't know if I want to expand into like actual education 281 0:21:14.080 --> 0:21:18.080 I can I will have to put disclaimers at the bottom there though that I am NOT like 282 0:21:18.840 --> 0:21:22.280 Educationally licensed. I don't know if I need to but I probably will like I can teach 283 0:21:22.280 --> 0:21:26.360 I can teach things like a trigonometry or Pythagoras or stuff like that 284 0:21:26.360 --> 0:21:30.260 I can teach like I said the forward vector etc stuff like that. I 285 0:21:30.260 --> 0:21:34.900 I um, they just sort of they come into a sort of like weird thing 286 0:21:34.900 --> 0:21:40.020 Like am I doing math tutorials for people who might not be news related or am I doing? 287 0:21:40.380 --> 0:21:45.540 Tutorials for those who are in neo somewhat to use those mathematical concepts because I think there's a realm for both 288 0:21:45.580 --> 0:21:47.060 There is also another question 289 0:21:47.060 --> 0:21:50.960 I know this is meant to be about news and I tell people off without asking how I am and stuff but 290 0:21:51.420 --> 0:21:54.800 I never quite know what to do with my youtube channel, right? 291 0:21:54.800 --> 0:22:02.620 My youtube channel is Neos tutorials Neos tutorials cool if mathematical tutorials that weren't associated with Neos or blender 292 0:22:02.620 --> 0:22:07.940 Tutorials or VR chat tutorials or chill out VR tutorials started appearing on that channel. Is that okay? 293 0:22:07.940 --> 0:22:14.340 I never know like I know that like bigger channels they like make multiple channels to host their like random stuff. You know, there's like 294 0:22:15.060 --> 0:22:21.220 Big youtuber one and that's where all they're like really highly produced videos do and then they usually have like a big 295 0:22:21.220 --> 0:22:27.340 Youtuber too and that's where they put like less effort he videos in and then they have big youtuber dash gaming 296 0:22:27.340 --> 0:22:28.980 Which is where they just play games and stuff 297 0:22:28.980 --> 0:22:32.140 That's like that's what I usually do, but I don't know if I want to do that 298 0:22:32.140 --> 0:22:36.980 I remember replying to a tweet from Eastern Eastern tweeted like 299 0:22:37.500 --> 0:22:45.380 something something, you know didn't want to post anything about non Neos content and that was strange because like Twitter is my space and 300 0:22:45.380 --> 0:22:48.500 If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see I sometimes retweet random stuff 301 0:22:48.500 --> 0:22:52.500 That doesn't make any sense and it's nothing to do in years, but that's my time. That's my timeline 302 0:22:52.660 --> 0:22:55.280 Those are my tweets if you don't like them you can buzz off 303 0:22:55.380 --> 0:22:58.060 So I think I should probably adopt that approach to my channel as well 304 0:22:58.060 --> 0:23:02.860 I'll still keep it to like tutorials and learning and stuff like that. But hey if I wanted to do blender like 305 0:23:03.780 --> 0:23:07.460 Or VR chat or whatever you might see stuff on there. I know people who asked for it 306 0:23:07.460 --> 0:23:10.580 I just don't know how yeah chat works. Most of Avatar 3 is just like 307 0:23:11.660 --> 0:23:14.780 So I'd have to go learn that and do that, but I think people would appreciate it 308 0:23:14.900 --> 0:23:18.340 Anyway, that was another question to you. So let me jump through the other questions that we have here 309 0:23:18.340 --> 0:23:21.820 So Lexus, do you think there'll be another competition similar to Neos Neos? 310 0:23:21.820 --> 0:23:27.660 I think it was Neos create a contest not Neos contest contest, but totally fine, which will be officially run by the Neos team 311 0:23:28.780 --> 0:23:31.920 In due course. Yes, read hashtag and 312 0:23:33.740 --> 0:23:35.740 We will have the MMC 313 0:23:35.680 --> 0:23:37.380 2023 which will be 314 0:23:37.380 --> 0:23:41.460 Probably I don't know it's not announced yet, but it'll be sort of start of the year next year 315 0:23:41.460 --> 0:23:42.860 So maybe February time again 316 0:23:42.860 --> 0:23:47.440 I have no idea how MC 2023 is gonna be but now you've had that quick succession 317 0:23:47.440 --> 0:23:53.300 Which was the October MMC and then the February MMC you can have have like a have a gap 318 0:23:53.780 --> 0:23:58.060 Relax, no contests. However, you are free to have your own contest 319 0:23:59.540 --> 0:24:01.540 If you want to set one up 320 0:24:03.100 --> 0:24:07.940 I'll get to that in a moment, Lex. I'm sorry. I wrote that page. I wrote that page 321 0:24:10.060 --> 0:24:14.660 I'll get to that. What I'm sorry to say is if you want to have your own contest and you can get sponsorship for it 322 0:24:14.660 --> 0:24:18.700 Go for it. Don't feel obligated to you know, let us know or anything like that 323 0:24:19.380 --> 0:24:23.220 Good example here being Festa. Festa has been running for like three years and to be honest 324 0:24:23.220 --> 0:24:28.500 I still have hardly no idea who runs it what it's about etc. I just know it's cool. So cool do it 325 0:24:29.180 --> 0:24:31.180 Do keep a look at 326 0:24:31.300 --> 0:24:33.940 Look at like a good example here is to look at Altspace VR 327 0:24:33.940 --> 0:24:37.780 If you go to Altspace VR, it's more of an event team platform. So you look at the event tab in the event tab 328 0:24:37.780 --> 0:24:39.220 it's basically just like 329 0:24:39.220 --> 0:24:41.220 anything from 330 0:24:41.220 --> 0:24:48.020 live music to conversations about sort of philosophy and religion and stuff like that and there are events that you can just go to and 331 0:24:48.020 --> 0:24:52.900 I know for a fact because I know how that team works that they don't know the events that happening on their platform 332 0:24:52.900 --> 0:24:55.560 They do if there's you know, any sort of breaks and rolls or anything like that 333 0:24:55.600 --> 0:24:57.620 But they're just like yeah, if you want to do it go for it 334 0:24:57.620 --> 0:25:03.220 I bet you there's like a sort of underwater basket weaving event on what space VR and just it's great 335 0:25:03.220 --> 0:25:08.700 So I'm saying there basically is more events equal good if you want to do another event do it. It'll be cool 336 0:25:08.700 --> 0:25:12.340 Now moving forwards any tutorials about anim chase would rule. I 337 0:25:13.300 --> 0:25:17.420 Actually don't know how an M. Shea works. That's what I reasons why we haven't had an MGA tutorial 338 0:25:17.420 --> 0:25:18.260 I don't know how it works 339 0:25:18.260 --> 0:25:23.220 I have to like look it up and the only reason I can know how it works is by doing that C sharp class thing 340 0:25:23.220 --> 0:25:28.380 I mentioned because like cool there are a bunch of snippets like the one next provided like the one other people have provided 341 0:25:28.380 --> 0:25:30.380 You know the JSON files where it's like here's how to do one thing 342 0:25:31.940 --> 0:25:34.580 But it's kind of hard to talk about an MJ in isolation 343 0:25:34.580 --> 0:25:39.060 There are lots of people making tools for it as well. But like if I was doing a tutorial for it in the interim 344 0:25:39.060 --> 0:25:41.980 It would literally just be like a notepad document. We'd be typing it 345 0:25:42.900 --> 0:25:44.700 Just like it's gonna be interesting 346 0:25:44.700 --> 0:25:48.260 But it's basically like a tutorial for people who then want to make tooling for an MJ 347 0:25:48.260 --> 0:25:50.260 I still think it's worthwhile. So it is on the list 348 0:25:51.140 --> 0:25:55.500 Kip who says I joined late which node handles the vector math all the nodes 349 0:25:56.100 --> 0:26:00.620 Plus minus divide times all can take float threes and they can do the vote the vector maps 350 0:26:00.700 --> 0:26:02.700 The specific nodes that we were talking about 351 0:26:02.700 --> 0:26:04.700 earlier though were 352 0:26:05.580 --> 0:26:07.980 Forward backwards up down left right etc 353 0:26:08.940 --> 0:26:14.060 And those ones are the ones that are very good if you know how to use them 354 0:26:14.060 --> 0:26:19.980 They're a lot faster than sort of other ways of doing things like a vehicle really easy with the forward node. For example 355 0:26:21.740 --> 0:26:25.340 Specs says they are very much in need of a hand pose a tutorial 356 0:26:25.340 --> 0:26:31.620 Um, I don't know like a hand pose a component itself doesn't really have any sort of configuration options on it 357 0:26:31.620 --> 0:26:37.540 That will allow you to sort of tweak like how tight the hand closes or how open the hand opens 358 0:26:38.340 --> 0:26:43.900 There might be sitting on there on the VR I case other things if I was going to do a hand poses specifically tutorial 359 0:26:43.900 --> 0:26:50.420 It would just be to how to like set up hands manually, which I think I already have but as for like different grip poses 360 0:26:50.420 --> 0:26:52.420 I think it is. I think we have a yes 361 0:26:53.100 --> 0:26:54.860 Yeah, I've issued about that one 362 0:26:54.860 --> 0:27:00.300 Then Lex points out that the NCC page on the news wiki says the news contest contest 363 0:27:00.300 --> 0:27:03.060 Which is entirely my fault because I wrote that page 364 0:27:03.180 --> 0:27:08.500 It was the news creator contest so he has created contest not the news contest contest 365 0:27:08.500 --> 0:27:12.300 But hey, if you want to make the news contest contest and make it a mean go for it 366 0:27:12.300 --> 0:27:15.320 I will update that page when I remember to 367 0:27:16.120 --> 0:27:19.500 Spec says that they have an avatar with a few fingers and it was led 368 0:27:20.020 --> 0:27:22.300 Led to the hand poser as a solution 369 0:27:23.060 --> 0:27:25.060 You can have a look at the hand poser 370 0:27:25.300 --> 0:27:28.480 What I would probably do first of all though is take a look at your rig 371 0:27:28.480 --> 0:27:30.360 and 372 0:27:30.360 --> 0:27:36.000 See what the hands look like in their t-pose state and my blender or whatever and then see if we can sort of figure out 373 0:27:36.000 --> 0:27:38.000 Anything from there? 374 0:27:38.040 --> 0:27:40.960 There is a limited amount of stuff we can do in adjusting those 375 0:27:41.280 --> 0:27:47.000 It's really finicky though like it's like manual mathematics on my each finger, and it's just yeah 376 0:27:50.640 --> 0:27:55.000 Honestly just fiddling with it would be good. I would say that I can have a look but 377 0:27:55.000 --> 0:27:58.980 That's why I would be doing I would just literally be fiddling with the numbers 378 0:27:59.160 --> 0:28:03.680 Maybe get some pictures into questions and help see if anyone else has come up the issue 379 0:28:03.880 --> 0:28:08.960 I'm not gonna say like hey go poke them because they might know because I don't know if they'll know 380 0:28:09.080 --> 0:28:13.320 But like I have a vague memory that dorky might have had a similar problem with another avatars 381 0:28:13.320 --> 0:28:16.000 They might know and let's get some pictures into 382 0:28:16.960 --> 0:28:18.960 questions and help maybe someone can 383 0:28:19.200 --> 0:28:23.200 See that and ask and get some help with that. I believe that we are out of questions 384 0:28:23.200 --> 0:28:26.240 I hope you've enjoyed primetime as much as I have enjoyed primetime 385 0:28:26.240 --> 0:28:31.000 Do you have any further questions feel free to ask them in the discord DM me send me pictures of cheese whatever you'd like 386 0:28:31.160 --> 0:28:37.680 I will get back to you as soon as possible. I didn't upload. I forgot. I'm really bad at this. I'll get better 387 0:28:37.680 --> 0:28:43.800 I promise I didn't upload the previous episode to sounder, but I'll put both episodes in sounder today and 388 0:28:44.900 --> 0:28:51.760 Get those those in you in you get those in here. Well. I'm losing the ability to English right now 389 0:28:51.760 --> 0:28:52.680 I 390 0:28:52.680 --> 0:28:59.160 Get those into into this channel. Let me know how sound is going by the way. I know some people prefer like notes 391 0:28:59.160 --> 0:29:01.160 I'm just trying to like save time right now I 392 0:29:01.680 --> 0:29:06.960 Had more time I could type up notes if you want to type up notes based on the recording go for it 393 0:29:06.960 --> 0:29:14.080 I'm just like it became really time wasting if I like time wasting because it is good time. What's the word time intensive? 394 0:29:14.680 --> 0:29:16.680 To do the notes in the old way 395 0:29:16.680 --> 0:29:21.760 And at one point I had like three recordings. I had to go through and like type notes for them 396 0:29:21.760 --> 0:29:25.760 They got like this is like four hours of me. Just listening to my own voice. This is horrible. Please stop 397 0:29:26.240 --> 0:29:29.880 So that's why I went to the different approach which meant like hey at least the recordings there 398 0:29:29.880 --> 0:29:31.880 They're also some complaints that the 399 0:29:31.960 --> 0:29:36.600 Notes didn't reflect accurately what I said and the reason there was because I was summarizing right in the in the written notes 400 0:29:36.600 --> 0:29:39.320 I was basically like for spec this question for example 401 0:29:39.320 --> 0:29:43.640 I'd be like posting questions or not there's the notes and people like well. It's not what you said. It's like well 402 0:29:43.640 --> 0:29:51.360 It's the action item about why I said the action item was posting questions and help about it the fact that I meandered for like 403 0:29:51.360 --> 0:29:57.880 Three minutes talking about the hand poser is inconsequential it doesn't really fix the problem, but but there you go windows 404 0:29:57.880 --> 0:30:00.960 Hey, I'm not doing windows. H should do windows key G though 405 0:30:00.960 --> 0:30:05.640 That's the game bar game bars cool used to stream to mixer then they had to pull that code out anyway 406 0:30:05.640 --> 0:30:14.720 I'll leave you here guys any other questions. Let me know I will get back to you as soon as I can bye. Bye