1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.000 Hello, it is now time for office hours. It's the top of the hour, so welcome to office hours for prime 2 0:00:05.000 --> 0:00:08.360 This is primetime if you have any questions, please drop them in the officers chat 3 0:00:08.360 --> 0:00:12.560 That's two channels above the current one that you're in if there are no questions. We'll sit here in silence 4 0:00:13.320 --> 0:00:17.440 Enjoy, have fun. So our first question here is from rampa rampa says 5 0:00:18.120 --> 0:00:22.640 That they're asking if it'd be possible to build a modding reference on the nearest wiki, and if yes 6 0:00:22.640 --> 0:00:25.740 What sort of it's up to you you can put whatever you want on the wiki 7 0:00:25.740 --> 0:00:32.700 People seem to still be under the impression even with the policy that modding is somehow bad. Just do what you want 8 0:00:33.300 --> 0:00:38.660 The important juncture to make though is to make sure that people understand that modding is a choice 9 0:00:38.660 --> 0:00:43.020 And it is not a mandate and I don't believe that people should be 10 0:00:44.140 --> 0:00:46.940 Forced or obligated to mod 11 0:00:47.460 --> 0:00:53.300 And that might happen depending on how we present it and the features that are available in those mods 12 0:00:53.300 --> 0:00:55.660 So just be careful about how the way things are worded 13 0:00:57.100 --> 0:01:03.900 Yeah, that's it really to do what you want. Oh, we should also make sure that you know it's not supported you break something 14 0:01:05.220 --> 0:01:06.820 Neos can't help you 15 0:01:06.820 --> 0:01:11.720 Serum has an interesting follow-up question which is how to make sure that you're not committing a source leak by source leak I 16 0:01:11.900 --> 0:01:16.600 Predict that you're referring to the the EU the wordage about stuff like that 17 0:01:17.220 --> 0:01:22.420 I mean, but depending on what type of documentation or after I probably actually wouldn't suggest the wiki 18 0:01:22.420 --> 0:01:30.180 I'm like technical documentation such as the one that you're describing so header type info stuff like that isn't suitable for a wiki 19 0:01:31.540 --> 0:01:37.060 it would be more suitable for some sort of custom tooling if it's custom tooling that also means you can do what you want over on 20 0:01:37.060 --> 0:01:38.060 the 21 0:01:38.060 --> 0:01:42.180 Neos mod loaders kind of website etc so maybe look into that 22 0:01:43.700 --> 0:01:45.340 Don't I 23 0:01:45.340 --> 0:01:46.900 can't really like 24 0:01:46.900 --> 0:01:54.900 Enforce or common or like say when it comes to the EU though like what isn't isn't available because that's based on the company 25 0:01:54.900 --> 0:01:56.900 And I'm not part of a said company so 26 0:01:57.500 --> 0:01:59.220 Keep an eye on that 27 0:01:59.220 --> 0:02:03.060 My recommendation would be to keep it as like little as possible 28 0:02:04.260 --> 0:02:09.840 Like you can explain modding without too much like Neos source code stuff 29 0:02:10.780 --> 0:02:14.980 But yeah like technical information, which I would call reference type 30 0:02:14.980 --> 0:02:18.900 Which is like you know like hey this variable is of type this this is of type 31 0:02:18.900 --> 0:02:22.860 This isn't suitable for a wiki there are much better tools out there for that 32 0:02:23.900 --> 0:02:25.020 Yeah 33 0:02:25.020 --> 0:02:28.620 All right any other questions drop them in office hours text chat 34 0:02:28.620 --> 0:02:33.420 Which is to about the channel that you're in to enter this office hours segment, and I'll get to them in the order that they appear 35 0:02:35.060 --> 0:02:36.900 For those just joining if you have questions 36 0:02:36.900 --> 0:02:41.380 Please drop them in the office hours text chat that is two channels above the one you clicked to get into this and I'll answer 37 0:02:41.380 --> 0:02:45.020 them in the order that they appear we don't have any questions right now, so we'll sit in 38 0:02:46.020 --> 0:02:47.420 unending 39 0:02:47.420 --> 0:02:52.060 Torment of just silence so Lex has an interesting question regarding a question 40 0:02:52.060 --> 0:02:55.020 I asked yesterday and the questions at help which is I was asking for the 41 0:02:55.660 --> 0:03:01.340 Text that needed to be entered into the attached component menu for a sinker a float which I was what I needed yesterday 42 0:03:02.700 --> 0:03:04.700 So the reason I need to sinker a float 43 0:03:05.660 --> 0:03:06.860 Yesterday was the time 44 0:03:06.860 --> 0:03:12.460 I'm trying to graph stuff and for those who haven't done graphing in nears you need to use a value graph recorder and 45 0:03:13.180 --> 0:03:14.500 a 46 0:03:14.500 --> 0:03:19.400 Rec line mesh or uix rec line mesh. I think it's the same component. Just different wording whatever 47 0:03:20.700 --> 0:03:25.220 Due to layouting those things usually need to be located like distinctly apart from each other 48 0:03:25.740 --> 0:03:31.180 And so I have a list of configuration objects which define like what the graph should look like 49 0:03:31.180 --> 0:03:36.980 Which are separate from the graphing area and so I need some way to link those across 50 0:03:38.020 --> 0:03:40.020 across slots now of course 51 0:03:40.780 --> 0:03:44.760 Everyone will say like you know dynamic variables would be great for that, but like hey 52 0:03:44.760 --> 0:03:49.020 I need a dynamic variable a reference to a sinker a float 53 0:03:49.500 --> 0:03:53.280 So that I can write it into the value graph recorder. It was like 54 0:03:54.060 --> 0:03:56.660 Fun, I think there's a way to do it now 55 0:03:56.660 --> 0:04:03.020 I have the appropriate component hierarchy like text available, but like I gotta like 56 0:04:03.540 --> 0:04:07.180 Figure out what I want to do there. I also need to do like a tiered 57 0:04:08.140 --> 0:04:13.660 Like a delete eating so when you delete the graph entry it will be like all right 58 0:04:13.660 --> 0:04:20.260 I deleted the graph entry cool. I can hop over to the graph area and also delete the the graph that's on the other side and 59 0:04:20.260 --> 0:04:26.820 That that should be fun. I can do that with like some dynamic variables that are slots because that's easy 60 0:04:26.820 --> 0:04:33.060 But I don't know if I I might even need to do like the sink ref sinker a I'll take a look at the next time 61 0:04:33.060 --> 0:04:33.980 I've been 62 0:04:33.980 --> 0:04:40.220 Moving onwards we have another question from book sure who says is there a way to override or add up to an avatars? 63 0:04:40.220 --> 0:04:45.820 I can't a mission another animation like some other time. I have a different way of walking compared to what procedure walking has yes 64 0:04:45.820 --> 0:04:47.980 I'm so glad you asked because so many people ask about this 65 0:04:47.980 --> 0:04:53.380 Um all of the walking animations in years are procedural, and they are editable by you 66 0:04:53.380 --> 0:04:54.900 You just need to know where to look 67 0:04:54.900 --> 0:05:00.660 Inspect the root of your avatar and find I can ever remember if it's on vRak or vRak avatar or whatever 68 0:05:00.660 --> 0:05:02.780 But just like those those components 69 0:05:03.300 --> 0:05:06.100 They'll be list of things called gates gates control 70 0:05:06.100 --> 0:05:12.140 How you walk and they are entirely procedural and you can define all sorts of stuff like how big a step is 71 0:05:12.140 --> 0:05:15.500 so if you increase the step size you get to sort of a 72 0:05:15.500 --> 0:05:19.620 A march which German soldiers did around world war two called goose stepping 73 0:05:19.700 --> 0:05:24.620 It's kind of sort of like frowned upon to do that sort of thing because you know 74 0:05:26.780 --> 0:05:32.300 It's reminiscent of those troops back then but other military people do do it as well 75 0:05:33.100 --> 0:05:36.300 All right, here's a picture. Yeah, it looks like lots of military to it 76 0:05:36.300 --> 0:05:40.820 I just remember it being like overly associated with Nazis, so I don't usually mention it anyway um 77 0:05:40.820 --> 0:05:42.820 Hey 78 0:05:43.500 --> 0:05:45.500 so if you edit the 79 0:05:46.300 --> 0:05:48.300 if you edit the 80 0:05:48.460 --> 0:05:54.540 Gate settings, and then you'll end up with all sorts of stuff. This is who is this China? 81 0:05:54.540 --> 0:06:00.680 This is the Chinese military doing that kind of march you know where their foot is is reaching unnaturally far forward 82 0:06:00.680 --> 0:06:07.860 So you can totally control that in the gate that would probably be in the feet range because that's the range which your feet move 83 0:06:07.860 --> 0:06:09.860 I you want to go through and document 84 0:06:09.860 --> 0:06:15.500 All of those properties actually you know they are but they are quite cool 85 0:06:15.500 --> 0:06:19.900 I do know the speed ratio if you increase that that's the number of steps that occur 86 0:06:20.060 --> 0:06:25.220 And so if you made that really high you'll basically end up looking like a jackhammer right your feet 87 0:06:25.220 --> 0:06:27.220 Or just constantly be like clapping on the floor 88 0:06:27.660 --> 0:06:33.260 So so take a look at those play around with them my best recommendation for you is to remove all of them 89 0:06:33.260 --> 0:06:37.140 So except one and then change the milling velocity on that one to be 90 0:06:37.140 --> 0:06:44.060 Just zero so it always applies and then play around with that one the reason why there are multiples depending on the velocity is because as 91 0:06:44.060 --> 0:06:46.260 you increase in speed your 92 0:06:48.660 --> 0:06:53.720 Your stance to change if you think of a horse a horse goes through several gates as they speed up 93 0:06:55.060 --> 0:06:59.620 She holds gates like a really interesting like thing topic to read about but 94 0:07:00.300 --> 0:07:03.020 That's for another day. I've ridden a horse once 95 0:07:03.020 --> 0:07:09.380 It's a wikipedia article about goose stepping. It is stupid. It is incredibly inefficient. Do not goose step 96 0:07:09.380 --> 0:07:13.420 I don't know why they do it. It's impressive. I guess and can be very synchronized 97 0:07:13.980 --> 0:07:19.260 All right moving around to questions someone said I missed one, so I'm gonna head hump for that one. Oh yes 98 0:07:19.260 --> 0:07:21.260 I miss specs question 99 0:07:21.340 --> 0:07:23.340 specs asked 100 0:07:23.420 --> 0:07:29.260 I'm working on some monitoring stuff ahead this and there's much public variables related to time for sessions like average update time last update time 101 0:07:29.300 --> 0:07:32.140 Do you know if these are measured in nanoseconds or milliseconds or something like that? 102 0:07:32.140 --> 0:07:34.140 I have no idea 103 0:07:35.220 --> 0:07:41.340 Usually our unit is like seconds because we use a float and then fractionals of that second or then milliseconds 104 0:07:41.340 --> 0:07:45.900 But I don't know I'd have to look jump it up and down to came out races questions 105 0:07:45.900 --> 0:07:50.600 So dre says easiest place to get a good help start the logics besides just picking up the logic starting 106 0:07:51.020 --> 0:07:57.660 Honestly pick up the logic step and start I don't on my channel have any sort of beginner or introductory videos to logic 107 0:07:57.660 --> 0:08:02.140 But I know that other channels do basement note has a very good video about just getting started 108 0:08:03.180 --> 0:08:07.860 Something which I will encourage you to do is to just do stuff and not worry about it a lot of stuff 109 0:08:07.860 --> 0:08:10.700 I do with people is to encourage them to just laid out 110 0:08:10.900 --> 0:08:16.900 Nodes and not really worry what they're doing a lot of people like are they I want to use logics to make you know 111 0:08:17.580 --> 0:08:19.980 Half-life Alex to well that's a bit of a stretch 112 0:08:19.980 --> 0:08:24.340 You don't know logics or they'll go like I want to make this really complicated gun and like well 113 0:08:24.340 --> 0:08:25.020 That's a bit of a stretch 114 0:08:25.020 --> 0:08:30.620 Why don't you try adding two numbers together and then go from there right make logics? 115 0:08:30.620 --> 0:08:35.840 That doesn't really have a function outside of your learning, and you'll get a lot better there also forget 116 0:08:35.840 --> 0:08:37.260 Well, you know about all programming 117 0:08:37.260 --> 0:08:41.780 Logics just isn't programming people like is it like C sharp, or is it like Java and I might know 118 0:08:41.780 --> 0:08:47.060 It's just logics like it's it's it's often better to just forget what you already know and just learn it from scratch 119 0:08:47.820 --> 0:08:51.060 Rampers is would be possible to get to try and brace don't create some sort of guidelines 120 0:08:51.060 --> 0:08:58.420 What what would enforce modding docs from an approved shareable Intel for about from the team side is an appendix to the modern policy 121 0:08:58.420 --> 0:09:00.700 I'm still not sure what you're on about here like 122 0:09:01.180 --> 0:09:06.500 You can't share of course decompiled code. That's against the Euler you can't 123 0:09:08.020 --> 0:09:12.740 Share stuff that breaks the guidelines right or come after you about that, but anything else you should be fine 124 0:09:12.740 --> 0:09:15.740 I look at all the source codes for all the mods, and I'm like that's fine. I 125 0:09:15.740 --> 0:09:22.340 Don't know it's like I don't know like I wouldn't be able to write a guideline or a policy against that because I don't know 126 0:09:22.340 --> 0:09:27.500 What what you need I don't understand if I'm the correctly or not 127 0:09:27.500 --> 0:09:35.260 But like I think going back to gates for a second an unoccupied avatar will still match the gates when you move it 128 0:09:35.780 --> 0:09:39.180 and so something I've experimented with doing is putting a 129 0:09:39.180 --> 0:09:46.900 an avatar on the floor so that their feet are touching the floor on an axis panner and then varying the speed of axis pattern 130 0:09:46.900 --> 0:09:50.580 Sometimes that will show the gates about you being in the avatar. Just kind of cool 131 0:09:50.580 --> 0:09:53.580 I did have a world that was looking to make that into a tool 132 0:09:54.060 --> 0:09:59.220 It's gonna be called like on a gate editor right and you would like sort of load your avatar into I guess a treadmill 133 0:09:59.220 --> 0:10:03.180 And then you would set the speed of the treadmill and watch how the feet work 134 0:10:03.180 --> 0:10:06.880 But I don't particularly know if that works or what state that will be in 135 0:10:06.880 --> 0:10:12.720 A trace follows up their question learning logics with there's some people going to very nitty-gritty of it. Yeah, that's problematic 136 0:10:12.720 --> 0:10:18.400 Don't let them do that. Um, I see a lot of people that like, you know, they'll inspect logics nodes 137 0:10:18.400 --> 0:10:23.220 So they'll talk about performance or worrying about nodes or say hey don't use this or don't use that 138 0:10:23.660 --> 0:10:27.120 Every single logics node that exist is designed to be used by you 139 0:10:27.320 --> 0:10:33.400 So if anyone tells you not to use anything particularly whilst you're learning don't listen to them. Just you use it 140 0:10:33.400 --> 0:10:38.560 I don't advise they also talk about dress talks about starting with gestures 141 0:10:38.560 --> 0:10:43.080 I don't advise gestures like I don't advise learning learning logics via gestures. You'll just give yourself a headache 142 0:10:43.520 --> 0:10:51.240 I want you to learn logics not how to build something. So layout nodes look at the things look at the 143 0:10:51.760 --> 0:10:53.760 way that things work 144 0:10:54.160 --> 0:10:56.840 Another very important thing is to get your vocabulary down 145 0:10:57.160 --> 0:11:02.160 I know a lot of people who are quite proficient Neos users, but when I use vocabulary 146 0:11:02.160 --> 0:11:05.840 they're like that's not what you call that and I'm like it it literally is you can like 147 0:11:06.440 --> 0:11:13.400 Inspect to the thing and that's what it's called. So I don't know what you're saying. Like as an example, you should know what the words 148 0:11:14.040 --> 0:11:15.560 node 149 0:11:15.560 --> 0:11:17.440 interface card 150 0:11:17.440 --> 0:11:18.640 relay 151 0:11:18.640 --> 0:11:20.640 reference arrow drive 152 0:11:21.440 --> 0:11:22.640 impulse 153 0:11:22.640 --> 0:11:28.800 Ribbon, you know all these words mean an addition should also know what the word primary secondary in context means 154 0:11:28.800 --> 0:11:35.200 Everyone's like there's so many controls in here. So don't know which button to push about this three primary secondary in context with you 155 0:11:35.200 --> 0:11:36.880 That's it 156 0:11:36.880 --> 0:11:43.080 Primary secondary context. That's it. We technically is grab as well. But like grab is such a visceral one that people get it. I 157 0:11:43.760 --> 0:11:48.080 Don't know cuz like I haven't had any family close to my VR headsets in many years 158 0:11:48.080 --> 0:11:51.440 But I remember, you know trying to teach my mother to play Grand Theft Auto 159 0:11:51.480 --> 0:11:53.880 It's a funny story and you know 160 0:11:53.880 --> 0:11:57.460 There's tons of buttons on like an Xbox controller or whatever and she just doesn't know which one is to go 161 0:11:57.460 --> 0:12:01.540 And I'm like that one on the right hand side that feels like a trigger 162 0:12:01.780 --> 0:12:07.380 That will make you go and she got it right because it's such a tactile experience. I believe the same there is it's true for 163 0:12:07.380 --> 0:12:11.340 Grab, right? It's grab the controller and you grab stuff 164 0:12:12.140 --> 0:12:19.020 Yeah, primary secondary context menu grab those are the only things you need to learn in terms of controls and once you know those you 165 0:12:19.020 --> 0:12:20.940 Could also learn packing as well 166 0:12:20.940 --> 0:12:24.180 so many people like worry about like red prints and blueprints and 167 0:12:24.180 --> 0:12:29.260 orange prints and pink prints and whatever the hell else you want to call it pack and 168 0:12:29.740 --> 0:12:33.740 Unpack stuff just practice it make some shitty ball chicks that does absolutely nothing 169 0:12:33.820 --> 0:12:35.820 Like I don't know adds two numbers together 170 0:12:35.860 --> 0:12:41.420 Pack it into a box save the box geometry bring the box out unpack it do that like 17 times 171 0:12:41.420 --> 0:12:43.520 You'll never have questions about packing again 172 0:12:45.140 --> 0:12:50.140 If someone floats over in the middle of you learning logics and they're like, oh you can do that better another way if you use components 173 0:12:50.140 --> 0:12:55.020 Bap them on the face of a breadstick and tell them the prime told you that that's a bad thing to do 174 0:12:55.180 --> 0:12:57.620 Cuz I know it's not happening a lot. Well, you could do that better 175 0:12:58.020 --> 0:13:02.260 Oh one, please for those who are unaware. This is a bad thing to do 176 0:13:02.260 --> 0:13:07.020 If you are not editing the logics or helping someone with the logics 177 0:13:07.260 --> 0:13:13.140 Please do not insert your avatar into the logics. I've had people fall asleep inside my logics 178 0:13:13.140 --> 0:13:17.520 They come into the session. They hang out with me. They're chatting to me 179 0:13:17.520 --> 0:13:24.020 Parts of their avatar are intersecting my nodes and then they fall asleep and it's like, what are you doing? 180 0:13:24.940 --> 0:13:26.740 What are you doing? 181 0:13:26.740 --> 0:13:28.740 Get out of my logics 182 0:13:29.460 --> 0:13:34.820 All right, I gotta catch up questions rather than talking about either you stepping or learning logic some more. It's good luck 183 0:13:39.940 --> 0:13:41.940 Yeah, Ruthie has a question cool 184 0:13:41.940 --> 0:13:47.140 Or she says are there any automated methods for re-enabling those that have gone red in ham radio world? 185 0:13:47.140 --> 0:13:52.500 We're finding that web socket and downstream nodes are going red often with service inundated something like a world save or avatar loading 186 0:13:52.500 --> 0:13:55.540 I wonder if this way to reset without putting out the logics of finding 187 0:13:56.420 --> 0:14:03.180 There's no automated way to do it. There are ways to prevent it from happening. So usually those nodes would go red because 188 0:14:04.580 --> 0:14:09.020 There is an influx of data or the nodes being called too many times 189 0:14:09.020 --> 0:14:12.460 So and I know it sounds stupid, but just don't do that 190 0:14:12.820 --> 0:14:15.500 So like there are various ways to do that 191 0:14:15.620 --> 0:14:20.420 But you need to kind of figure out a way that will enable those nodes not to become swarmed 192 0:14:20.980 --> 0:14:27.300 something which you should remember when it comes to live data, which you mentioned via web sockets as well is that if the 193 0:14:27.900 --> 0:14:30.820 if the logic system is is struggling to keep up 194 0:14:31.460 --> 0:14:33.460 make sure that you know what the 195 0:14:33.460 --> 0:14:41.380 Lifetime or the like the lifetime of a single message coming through is as an example here that that is probably relevant 196 0:14:42.100 --> 0:14:46.500 When the heart rate system that uses web sockets it talks to a bluetooth heart rate monitor 197 0:14:46.500 --> 0:14:50.500 Which speaks your computer opens up a web socket server sends web socket messages to 198 0:14:50.500 --> 0:14:56.460 Neos and then you just like your heart rate in your name badge the size of like mount Vesuvius and I get really annoyed 199 0:14:56.460 --> 0:15:00.580 but anyway, your heart rates like the size of a mountain on top of your head and 200 0:15:00.580 --> 0:15:06.380 Every couple of seconds the web socket is going. Here's my heart rate. Here's my heart rate 201 0:15:06.380 --> 0:15:08.820 Here's my heart rate if you are struggling 202 0:15:09.540 --> 0:15:12.580 Or the no system is slowing down or whatever 203 0:15:12.580 --> 0:15:18.980 I'm like it's okay to skip some messages because you've always got the next message coming through that gives you information about 204 0:15:19.340 --> 0:15:22.940 What your heart rate is so you don't need to process every single message 205 0:15:22.940 --> 0:15:28.300 You just need to process as many messages as you can so there is an opportunity to drop some of the messages 206 0:15:28.300 --> 0:15:31.700 So do keep that in mind. We did that a lot during racing 207 0:15:32.220 --> 0:15:36.420 Of course like so I used to do racing software, and it's very complicated 208 0:15:37.580 --> 0:15:44.580 But so we had like a master controller, and it was running the race it knew who was first to a second etc 209 0:15:44.580 --> 0:15:51.500 But it would regularly send out those updates to view displays around sort of the race circuit and the track to be like you know 210 0:15:51.500 --> 0:15:55.300 this person's winning and those would get overloaded because sometimes this like 211 0:15:55.300 --> 0:16:01.460 300 bikes on track and it's really complicated and so we would drop packets right because we always knew the next 212 0:16:01.700 --> 0:16:06.300 Available status was coming out, so we would drop them and be like it's okay 213 0:16:06.300 --> 0:16:09.500 It can be invalid for like a split second whilst the next update comes 214 0:16:09.500 --> 0:16:13.620 Let's not stress out about like you know doing that we also see that 215 0:16:14.140 --> 0:16:18.340 Cmdr. Does that you know they drop frames OBS does that when you're streaming it drops frames, right? 216 0:16:18.340 --> 0:16:22.260 It's just like it's okay sometimes to just throw out some data if you don't need it moving onwards 217 0:16:22.260 --> 0:16:28.980 Deception says what's going on you're all currently in the office house ama from prime to ask about near stuff 218 0:16:28.980 --> 0:16:32.060 so ask some questions in the office hours channel that you're typing in and 219 0:16:32.780 --> 0:16:38.460 I'll answer them Gina says any plans for new logics knows a logical improvement. Yes 220 0:16:39.460 --> 0:16:41.260 but 221 0:16:41.260 --> 0:16:46.380 Rampers says and this is a pop to their previous questions, so that let's let's let's get into it 222 0:16:46.380 --> 0:16:53.260 Let's rub my hands together. I'm not sure exactly how to formulate this baby remember someone's saying something a lot along the sign along sort of 223 0:16:54.100 --> 0:16:55.860 Cool tongue-tied there 224 0:16:55.860 --> 0:17:01.900 Someone said something along the lines of I don't feel comfortable discussing this stuff you want to look for and 225 0:17:02.220 --> 0:17:04.260 Mod in modding discord do it in DM 226 0:17:04.260 --> 0:17:06.260 So don't get to problems or at least something like that 227 0:17:06.340 --> 0:17:11.660 What I say is I feel there should be some guidelines saying as long as you don't say too much about this you're not 228 0:17:11.660 --> 0:17:13.700 Okay, written by freaks himself disagree 229 0:17:13.700 --> 0:17:17.660 I'll answer that in a moment that essentially all hits back to the modding policy X you late 230 0:17:17.820 --> 0:17:20.500 Contradiction the thing that we discussed many times is how I feel about it ah 231 0:17:21.020 --> 0:17:25.540 Fricks doesn't have to write everything whenever you see the word fructs. I want you to replace it with Nias the company 232 0:17:25.540 --> 0:17:31.120 I know there's issues in announcements etc, but just replace it with Nias the company like seriously 233 0:17:31.120 --> 0:17:32.980 It's like well fructs needs to do that 234 0:17:32.980 --> 0:17:37.580 No, Nias the company needs to do that if fructs is actually the person that needs to do it fine 235 0:17:37.820 --> 0:17:40.340 But let's remove the word fructs from the vocabulary 236 0:17:40.340 --> 0:17:45.820 That's what we did when we wrote the modding policy the security policy all the rules all the guidelines etc 237 0:17:45.820 --> 0:17:51.160 Those are written by Nias the company or Nias's moderation team or prime 238 0:17:51.540 --> 0:17:57.620 Because it takes the emphasis off freaks needed to do everything right if I need to speak to fructs to get whatever I need written 239 0:17:57.620 --> 0:18:03.700 I will and he read and reviewed both the morning policy and the security policy before it was released to anyone 240 0:18:04.260 --> 0:18:06.860 That's totally fine. It doesn't need to be written by him 241 0:18:06.860 --> 0:18:10.260 That's I gotta be in my bonnet about that because it's like from the old days 242 0:18:10.260 --> 0:18:14.180 It was just like well fructs needs to do that. No anyone can do that 243 0:18:15.180 --> 0:18:17.180 Anyone can do that 244 0:18:19.460 --> 0:18:24.960 We can't do that till we resolve that eeler modding policy contradiction what I will say to you though is 245 0:18:25.580 --> 0:18:31.180 Maybe keep the morning discussion to the modding discord, and if it's in the modding discord. It's your guys's discord 246 0:18:31.180 --> 0:18:38.620 We have no purview to say don't do that there if we get reports or tickets about the EULA being contradicted over there 247 0:18:39.260 --> 0:18:46.640 It's I don't know what will happen because it's like off-platform and sort of out of our purview and the modding policy says it's okay 248 0:18:46.640 --> 0:18:49.780 To do but like I still don't understand the issue at play here 249 0:18:50.860 --> 0:18:56.540 People shouldn't feel that modding is bad or that modding is against the rules. We have a policy that says it. It's okay 250 0:18:56.540 --> 0:19:01.480 So just do it question mark. I don't understand. It's probably situational 251 0:19:02.420 --> 0:19:05.200 Depending on an individual thing just because I see 252 0:19:06.180 --> 0:19:10.460 Realms of a another topic here. I don't want to touch on it as well. I see like the oh 253 0:19:11.420 --> 0:19:17.140 There might be problems if we do this if you are worried about problems occurring because you do X ask 254 0:19:17.740 --> 0:19:22.480 Dropping a ticket. It's okay to drop in a ticket and be like I am going to blow up the moon 255 0:19:22.480 --> 0:19:29.520 Will I be modded you know have mod restrictions against be on on Neos if I do that perfectly okay ticket go for it 256 0:19:29.880 --> 0:19:34.240 Let us know what you're worried about. I can't stand people saying like oh, yeah guys 257 0:19:34.240 --> 0:19:39.160 There's rumors and the rumors are bad the last time someone said that to me 258 0:19:39.160 --> 0:19:44.520 We took it to DMS, and I'm like those aren't rumors and none of them are bad or security related at all 259 0:19:45.240 --> 0:19:47.240 So just just keep that in mind 260 0:19:47.240 --> 0:19:54.200 So recio now says what method would you recommend for dropping those sets of impulses off the web socket receiver local impulse timeout? 261 0:19:54.200 --> 0:19:57.720 Yeah, probably local impulse timeout. You could also use some sort of queuing system 262 0:19:58.400 --> 0:20:00.400 which of course you need collections for but 263 0:20:01.320 --> 0:20:03.320 local impulse timeout once per frame 264 0:20:05.200 --> 0:20:10.200 Local leaky impulse bucket I have to say that very carefully because some friends of mine have a 265 0:20:11.480 --> 0:20:13.520 less than professional nickname for it 266 0:20:13.520 --> 0:20:15.520 I 267 0:20:16.320 --> 0:20:18.320 Would speak of 268 0:20:19.360 --> 0:20:25.240 You could also look at like how often the data gets duplicated from your end on the server as well 269 0:20:25.560 --> 0:20:29.360 So if your server is constantly sending the same data every like second 270 0:20:29.560 --> 0:20:36.240 Maybe up it to every two seconds, and then you've you've you've halved your data load right you've half the bandwidth also consider polling as well 271 0:20:36.240 --> 0:20:40.920 I've noticed tonight. I don't know anything about your scenario, so I don't know if this is the case, but I've noticed a lot of people 272 0:20:40.920 --> 0:20:47.640 Confuse HTTP nodes and web sockets, and they're just like you have to use web sockets for everything, and I'm like no no 273 0:20:48.880 --> 0:20:54.360 Like the world uses HTTP. We don't all use web sockets a good example here might be 274 0:20:55.560 --> 0:21:00.800 Let's think about let's think about discord actually so when you load discord first thing in the morning 275 0:21:01.440 --> 0:21:03.440 And I'm not sure exactly works like this 276 0:21:03.440 --> 0:21:07.300 But hey this is how I would do it when you first load discord in the morning 277 0:21:07.300 --> 0:21:12.960 It will do a HTTP request to discord and say give me the history of the office hours channel 278 0:21:12.960 --> 0:21:16.800 And you'll get all that history down and then when you're connected and you're synced up 279 0:21:17.600 --> 0:21:23.940 To that it'll then use web sockets or something similar to that to get new messages so they get them live 280 0:21:24.220 --> 0:21:29.220 But it's constantly doing HTTP requests right it's like everyone's like no. I got a bit of sockets 281 0:21:29.220 --> 0:21:33.260 I'm like well, just just just trust me here HTTP sometimes better 282 0:21:33.260 --> 0:21:38.960 Moving forwards deception ask what's new is his favorite food. I don't know you'd have to ask news 283 0:21:40.240 --> 0:21:42.240 Dre says some time ago 284 0:21:42.280 --> 0:21:45.720 I was accidentally crashed out you to unload video play again deleted 285 0:21:45.720 --> 0:21:50.160 I'm home with crash force news to say for changes and all the untidy mess at my home world in that point in time 286 0:21:50.160 --> 0:21:52.360 There's a way to prevent the forced over saving in case one of the crash 287 0:21:53.800 --> 0:21:59.360 Not currently um I do have some recommendations, which are don't use your home worlds 288 0:21:59.360 --> 0:22:02.600 I know that sounds kind of strange, but like I don't use them 289 0:22:02.600 --> 0:22:05.800 My home was a jump points. I've got like 290 0:22:06.600 --> 0:22:09.520 World orbs to various projects. I'm doing all sorts of stuff like that 291 0:22:09.520 --> 0:22:12.320 I do that to avoid the problem that currently exists 292 0:22:12.320 --> 0:22:19.000 We do have some open get up issues about sort of what to do their settings. Maybe tweaks settings 293 0:22:19.760 --> 0:22:21.760 Conflict stuff like that that might help 294 0:22:22.240 --> 0:22:29.080 But until then I just I don't recommend using them like my home world is literally like how to get to somewhere else quicker or 295 0:22:29.080 --> 0:22:33.680 The space which I like hang out in last I'm waiting to join another world 296 0:22:34.400 --> 0:22:38.080 You can even like put something in your home world which is like a big button 297 0:22:38.240 --> 0:22:43.140 That's like open my actual like hangout world right and then when you don't you're just like 298 0:22:43.240 --> 0:22:49.740 Click the button opens the world does it all for you and that way you're not right really missing any of the stuff like that 299 0:22:50.080 --> 0:22:54.820 You know I've got like two bookshelves left bookshelf is in progress right bookshelf is 300 0:22:55.520 --> 0:22:57.520 finished but sort of reference 301 0:22:57.520 --> 0:22:59.580 There has been like a 302 0:23:00.280 --> 0:23:02.000 Roman amphitheater 303 0:23:02.000 --> 0:23:03.320 style thing 304 0:23:03.320 --> 0:23:07.760 About 20 units to the right of where my home world starts for about a year now 305 0:23:07.760 --> 0:23:10.360 And I just keep forgetting to leave it that just leaves there 306 0:23:10.360 --> 0:23:14.280 I was gonna make it into a world, but then I kept forgetting and now it's just kind of there. It's strange 307 0:23:14.280 --> 0:23:16.120 I don't really know why I 308 0:23:16.120 --> 0:23:18.120 forgotten to do it, but 309 0:23:20.720 --> 0:23:22.840 Yeah, it's something like like like this 310 0:23:22.840 --> 0:23:28.760 But it's just like sat there in my whole world somewhere and just sat there doing nothing 311 0:23:29.960 --> 0:23:33.180 Moving forward so Risi has more information about the web socket stuff 312 0:23:33.800 --> 0:23:38.480 The you're doing it to get the RF level okay cool any changes from the server are sent 313 0:23:38.480 --> 0:23:41.640 But they're sending a maximum of 20 updates per second is kind of important to receive this many updates 314 0:23:41.640 --> 0:23:46.280 We can get real-time information on what we are receiving to the other end of the radio connected in real life. Yeah, um 315 0:23:46.960 --> 0:23:49.400 At that point. I probably just have to look at the node set up 316 0:23:49.400 --> 0:23:55.720 There's probably something you're doing somewhere that can be improved to prevent red nodes. There's a particular area. That's reading out 317 0:23:56.120 --> 0:24:03.220 Think about how you can restructure it such that the data coming in from the web sockets is isolated from the rest of the system 318 0:24:04.000 --> 0:24:09.080 For example you might write that RF level to a dynamic variable and then pick it up elsewhere 319 0:24:09.080 --> 0:24:15.560 And then you've like you've ended your impulse chain very quickly like you received the RF level you write it to a dynamic variable 320 0:24:15.560 --> 0:24:20.920 You're done. You're done, and then nothing else happens in that particular impulse chain. That's another thing 321 0:24:20.920 --> 0:24:23.900 I want people to do when they learn logics as well as pack early and 322 0:24:24.480 --> 0:24:29.200 Impulse chains early like it's always better to have more than one impulse chain than have an impulse chain 323 0:24:29.200 --> 0:24:30.800 That is like the size of the planet 324 0:24:30.800 --> 0:24:34.280 It's like and then we do this and then we do that and then we do this and then we do that and then 325 0:24:34.280 --> 0:24:36.280 We do this and then we do that okay 326 0:24:36.600 --> 0:24:40.220 Maybe just like chuck in a dynamic impulse receiver in the middle there 327 0:24:40.220 --> 0:24:42.320 So you don't have to like keep doing stuff on the same chain 328 0:24:42.320 --> 0:24:48.440 Another good way to look at it is when people talk about sort of multi-threaded asynchronous programming things like that 329 0:24:48.440 --> 0:24:49.160 They're very complicated 330 0:24:49.160 --> 0:24:56.440 But just think about it this way if there is a break as in between impulse chains it gives time for the computer to like 331 0:24:56.440 --> 0:24:59.440 Catch up right so you're doing hey. I'm doing this impulse chain 332 0:24:59.440 --> 0:25:05.880 I'm gonna stop and immediately trigger using whatever method you want to trigger another impulse chain cool 333 0:25:06.040 --> 0:25:08.160 But in the split second between one impulse chain 334 0:25:08.160 --> 0:25:13.640 Finishing and another impulse chain starting it gives chance for the logics engine to be like ah cool 335 0:25:13.640 --> 0:25:16.760 I can relax a little bit. I can chill out right so it's a more 336 0:25:17.560 --> 0:25:22.880 Uncommon to see red nodes in that case properties providing some information about dot opening the cloud home 337 0:25:22.880 --> 0:25:25.920 I like that I use it because it's like has lots of links in it 338 0:25:25.920 --> 0:25:30.720 But I don't put video players or anything like that, and it's like a mirror and some world orbs 339 0:25:32.760 --> 0:25:35.280 Moving forward to other questions just check you haven't missed any 340 0:25:35.280 --> 0:25:40.680 Specs has a question here speaking of home was I'll try to set my local headless server as a session 341 0:25:40.680 --> 0:25:42.120 I auto-join when I start up nears 342 0:25:42.120 --> 0:25:44.600 I tried using the documented command line parameters 343 0:25:44.600 --> 0:25:51.640 But didn't seem to have any luck to have a working example of what using auto-join parameters looks like I don't have an example 344 0:25:51.760 --> 0:25:57.240 I would highly recommend using the custom session ID stuff for headless 345 0:25:57.760 --> 0:26:02.600 Because that's really cool, and that should be a little bit easier to launch into but I don't have a specific example 346 0:26:02.600 --> 0:26:08.760 Ozi has a question which is a good question is a nice way to write is there a nice write-up on how nears is data 347 0:26:08.760 --> 0:26:12.280 Model works during how nears think things that the players know 348 0:26:12.680 --> 0:26:17.080 I know the hate tree was working in one for like how logics works which is kind of interesting 349 0:26:17.080 --> 0:26:19.840 But that I don't think they buy published it yet. They're still working on it 350 0:26:20.280 --> 0:26:21.280 I 351 0:26:21.280 --> 0:26:22.400 want to 352 0:26:22.400 --> 0:26:24.680 Hate mentioning this again, but I do want to caution people 353 0:26:25.800 --> 0:26:27.800 Some of that stuff should be invisible to you 354 0:26:27.800 --> 0:26:33.720 Like if there's like a lot of times feel like you know how do I use like an I feel? 355 0:26:33.760 --> 0:26:39.280 Bracket sync ref bracket sync bracket sync sync sync, and I'm just like what are you doing stop? 356 0:26:39.680 --> 0:26:45.880 Like you shouldn't use that lower level part of the engine you should use something above that to do what you need to do 357 0:26:46.880 --> 0:26:48.080 and 358 0:26:48.080 --> 0:26:51.920 That can be a case there when you're looking too much into the data model and how it works 359 0:26:51.920 --> 0:26:57.680 like if there is a problem, that's a better question, so I'm just making sure that that question doesn't hide a 360 0:26:58.080 --> 0:27:05.080 Problem behind that question, and if it doesn't that's totally fine, but if it does make sure you're asking the question the course 361 0:27:05.080 --> 0:27:11.520 The chain of thought to lead up to generally how the data model works because you shouldn't ideally need to know how it works 362 0:27:11.960 --> 0:27:13.160 moving down to 363 0:27:13.160 --> 0:27:19.000 Gina what logics projects you want to see people make more of I want you see people make more of not multi tools 364 0:27:19.000 --> 0:27:24.400 Not avatar gesture systems if you're making anything other than those two things 365 0:27:25.080 --> 0:27:27.080 Fantastic just go ahead and do it 366 0:27:27.720 --> 0:27:29.000 games 367 0:27:29.000 --> 0:27:31.000 experiences artwork 368 0:27:31.000 --> 0:27:33.000 science 369 0:27:33.200 --> 0:27:35.200 Data visualization 370 0:27:35.960 --> 0:27:40.900 All sorts of stuff like that. I don't need to see another multi-tool 371 0:27:41.360 --> 0:27:46.760 Don't build blueprints either. I see what a lot of people do is they're making tools to make stuff like I am making 372 0:27:46.760 --> 0:27:51.960 a hammer to hammer some nails and making a screwdriver to screw in some screws 373 0:27:52.080 --> 0:27:58.120 What I want to see is what are you building? Oh, I'm building a bird box great. I want to see more bird boxes 374 0:27:58.120 --> 0:28:02.440 I don't want to see more hammers if that makes sense those tools are great, but I 375 0:28:03.160 --> 0:28:07.000 I've lost count of the amount of people that join my session, and they're like hey prime 376 0:28:07.000 --> 0:28:09.680 Can I show you the multi-tool? I'm working on and I just go 377 0:28:10.880 --> 0:28:12.880 No 378 0:28:12.880 --> 0:28:17.160 Hard to not be rude about it, but like I've seen enough. I don't need to see any more multi-tools. Thanks 379 0:28:17.840 --> 0:28:21.040 Rosie follows up this is it's just curiosity because I know how half it works 380 0:28:21.960 --> 0:28:24.960 Yeah, understood. Yeah, I'm just making sure sometimes 381 0:28:24.960 --> 0:28:29.320 I've seen people that are like how does logics work or like how does locomotion work? 382 0:28:29.320 --> 0:28:32.080 And then I ask them some more questions, and I find out there 383 0:28:32.200 --> 0:28:37.960 They're trying to do something that's that's solved with a logic node or a component that they haven't realized exists 384 0:28:38.640 --> 0:28:40.640 moving forwards to dresus question 385 0:28:40.640 --> 0:28:42.800 other way anyways in 386 0:28:43.920 --> 0:28:49.680 Logics to essentially take your rotation of a bone and tell another bone to imitate the rotation and use some multiply map to tell 387 0:28:49.680 --> 0:28:52.880 It to use any part of the rotation. Yes. I don't know it though um 388 0:28:53.600 --> 0:28:56.840 We have a full mathematical engine for quaternions 389 0:28:56.840 --> 0:29:02.760 We also have some shortcut mathematics like look rotation inverse rotation from to rotation axis angle stuff like that 390 0:29:02.760 --> 0:29:05.520 But it's all hardcore maths you need to understand the maths about it 391 0:29:05.520 --> 0:29:09.840 a good example here being and I do this on a 2d plane just because 392 0:29:10.240 --> 0:29:17.600 2d is what I know I was once many many many years ago making a 2d space shooter. You know and 393 0:29:18.240 --> 0:29:21.600 The enemy ship was going to fire a missile at the player ship 394 0:29:22.080 --> 0:29:22.920 And I'm like well 395 0:29:22.920 --> 0:29:28.840 how do I make the missile rotate such that it faces the the player ship and then moves towards it and 396 0:29:29.400 --> 0:29:34.080 I'm like oh, let's figure this out. Let's try and do it, and I did lots of research, and I figured out hey 397 0:29:34.080 --> 0:29:39.000 It's just maths the a 10 to operator will do that for you it will 398 0:29:39.840 --> 0:29:42.520 Take the I never remember how to use I have to look it up every time 399 0:29:42.520 --> 0:29:44.480 I know like I just google a 10 to I'll figure it out 400 0:29:44.480 --> 0:29:49.480 But you get the x and y of a thingy and you plug it in and it gives you an angle 401 0:29:49.480 --> 0:29:55.320 And then you rotate the ship to the angle or the missile to angle and it's aimed directly at the player 402 0:29:55.320 --> 0:30:00.640 And then you move it there. That's a good example where I'm just like cool. That's that's all my problem thumbs up 403 0:30:01.000 --> 0:30:03.000 That's sold my problem 404 0:30:03.000 --> 0:30:05.120 gun Griffin or Kip says a 405 0:30:06.240 --> 0:30:09.360 Note to self make a bird box hammer. Yeah, remember the there's a 406 0:30:10.200 --> 0:30:15.920 Diy sort of like wooden furniture world that was one of the MMC entries. That's beautiful right? That's a good example 407 0:30:16.320 --> 0:30:20.440 Hey, there's lots of stuff. You can do there if you made like just 408 0:30:21.720 --> 0:30:27.520 Like a two by four with nails that you could hammer in and then maybe a ray-set button that brings the nails back up 409 0:30:27.520 --> 0:30:32.440 To their non hammered in height. I love that lots of people do I like that people like the tactile tools 410 0:30:32.440 --> 0:30:33.640 you can make and 411 0:30:33.640 --> 0:30:37.840 With that or actually over time by a lot so rampa and kip if you have a question 412 0:30:37.840 --> 0:30:40.760 Please feel free to finish typing otherwise no more questions 413 0:30:41.800 --> 0:30:44.200 Okay, we have too many work two more questions 414 0:30:44.760 --> 0:30:50.320 So rampa says is it possible to create a copy button on a user-made creation? 415 0:30:50.920 --> 0:30:54.800 Facet world copy is in clipboard copy it is 416 0:30:55.520 --> 0:30:57.820 People do it kind of in a hacky way they use 417 0:30:57.820 --> 0:31:03.180 the light control C control V multi-key thing 418 0:31:03.580 --> 0:31:07.820 Where basically they fake it like it's one of our keyboards, but it isn't one of our keyboards 419 0:31:08.020 --> 0:31:11.740 There is like a problem in that because it's sort of 420 0:31:12.460 --> 0:31:15.260 difficult to do understand and explain 421 0:31:16.180 --> 0:31:20.580 I'd like to see a way to do it that had like maybe you know a defined way of doing it 422 0:31:20.580 --> 0:31:22.900 We could also put more security into that way for example 423 0:31:22.900 --> 0:31:30.180 like we could have a saying allow logics to access my clipboard which would default to off because that sounds like a terrible move or 424 0:31:30.420 --> 0:31:35.700 Maybe like it defaults to only allow like put stuff in your clipboard, but it can't read the clipboard 425 0:31:35.700 --> 0:31:39.680 I don't know if we put a system in place that was more controlled there. We can add 426 0:31:40.260 --> 0:31:44.900 protections around that but yeah right now virtual multi-key control C control V 427 0:31:44.900 --> 0:31:49.380 It's difficult usually need to do control a control C control V 428 0:31:49.380 --> 0:31:53.940 Take a look at any of the cloud spawners that exist. I believe there's one in red print 429 0:31:54.220 --> 0:31:57.660 it's one in a bunch of the the JP stuff and 430 0:31:58.940 --> 0:32:02.700 It's not like backpack thing the JP have I forget what it's called 431 0:32:02.700 --> 0:32:06.780 I'm actually sort of have like a radio menu that can spawn stuff from a public folder. It's cool 432 0:32:08.940 --> 0:32:11.660 moving onwards to the next question 433 0:32:12.660 --> 0:32:16.980 In an effort to make a robust mesh to mesh touch detection system 434 0:32:16.980 --> 0:32:22.340 Can you sample the color of a pixel on an intersect material to detect if a mesh is intersecting near it? 435 0:32:23.340 --> 0:32:25.340 I don't know 436 0:32:25.420 --> 0:32:28.060 That appears to be what I call the empirical question 437 0:32:28.060 --> 0:32:34.980 Which is please go ahead and try it and let me know what your result is I think it should work 438 0:32:35.380 --> 0:32:40.460 But like I'm not sure what you're trying to do, so I probably wouldn't like say do that depends 439 0:32:40.460 --> 0:32:45.220 What you're trying to do like I'm then seeing Ozi respond with like hey use cameras 440 0:32:45.220 --> 0:32:49.940 And like if you're just trying to collide why not like use colliders 441 0:32:50.300 --> 0:32:53.900 How do people not use colliders? Yeah deformed mesh? 442 0:32:54.660 --> 0:32:57.100 Collider probably might not match up sometimes 443 0:32:57.700 --> 0:33:04.220 So to break it to you there like you're never going to get like a mesh collider with a deformed mesh working correctly 444 0:33:04.780 --> 0:33:08.340 I would strongly recommend you go after the 445 0:33:08.900 --> 0:33:11.740 procedural colliders which are placed within an avatar's hierarchy 446 0:33:11.740 --> 0:33:15.540 And if it's a custom mesh with a rig add to those procedural meshes 447 0:33:16.180 --> 0:33:19.620 So a good example is if you look at your hand your hand as a box collider on it 448 0:33:19.620 --> 0:33:23.820 Which represents the sort of square that is your hand your arm has a cylinder on it because it's a cylinder 449 0:33:23.940 --> 0:33:28.560 And that is what you should be colliding with you shouldn't be colliding with the actual mesh that is 450 0:33:29.100 --> 0:33:33.380 fraught with difficulties if you want to use a camera with that or 451 0:33:33.380 --> 0:33:41.380 The sample color node of it good luck. I think it'll work. I would just question the the sanity in doing that so 452 0:33:41.980 --> 0:33:49.020 Last question at all from from dre says it's possible to have a custom spawn point for your an avatar or work around to 453 0:33:49.020 --> 0:33:51.020 Make it seem like you spawned on your desired point 454 0:33:51.980 --> 0:33:57.880 Yeah, you can do like if you do like on like go to flow events and then use on start 455 0:33:57.880 --> 0:34:04.320 On start it gets triggered when the like the system that you're loading in like avatar object 456 0:34:04.320 --> 0:34:06.600 Whatever like starts up like it's a defined event 457 0:34:07.040 --> 0:34:12.440 And so you can trigger on star and then I would wait like I don't know a second or two and then teleport yourself 458 0:34:12.560 --> 0:34:14.600 I would question again 459 0:34:14.600 --> 0:34:18.040 Why you need to do that usually when you load into a map the spawn point that you're given is 460 0:34:18.320 --> 0:34:23.620 Tailored to the the map creator good example here being if you're in I don't know a parkour map 461 0:34:23.760 --> 0:34:26.700 You would want the player to spawn at the start of the parkour 462 0:34:26.700 --> 0:34:29.740 Map and not at the end of the parkour map 463 0:34:35.500 --> 0:34:41.980 Yeah, you could if you're just teleporting to someone just just teleport to them just jump to them you can even put like 464 0:34:42.140 --> 0:34:44.140 this is a great example of 465 0:34:44.980 --> 0:34:50.140 The xy problem, so we'll go over a little bit more to explain it so your problem dres was 466 0:34:50.140 --> 0:34:56.740 Losing friends in a world and your solution was change spawn point. You should have asked about your problem 467 0:34:56.740 --> 0:35:02.180 Which is getting back to friends in the world rather than your intended solution, which has changed spawn point 468 0:35:02.380 --> 0:35:08.740 So now that we know that your actual problem is losing friends. There are better ways to do that which are 469 0:35:09.700 --> 0:35:16.380 The jump menu in the session menu or a context menu or whatever you want inside your actual avatar 470 0:35:16.380 --> 0:35:22.300 Which will give a list of players in the session and teleport you to them like you can make a custom context menu 471 0:35:22.300 --> 0:35:27.420 Which does you know a ring of all the players in a session and then when you click on that button it can teleport you 472 0:35:27.420 --> 0:35:29.420 To that's that's quite easy to do yeah 473 0:35:29.980 --> 0:35:33.620 They will they want to jump to us. You know a point not on top of your friend 474 0:35:33.820 --> 0:35:37.100 You'll probably want to take the position of your friend 475 0:35:37.460 --> 0:35:42.200 Go out a radius from that and teleport to there and so you take the position of the friend you 476 0:35:42.200 --> 0:35:47.640 Add a radius to that and then you teleport to that you again. You can do that with maths 477 0:35:47.640 --> 0:35:49.960 I would probably take their 478 0:35:51.000 --> 0:35:57.060 Their position and then add their left or right vector to it and a little bit 479 0:35:57.060 --> 0:35:59.460 And that will make you spawn to the left or right of them 480 0:36:00.080 --> 0:36:04.440 By a little bit you'd also do forward or back, and then you'll appear in front of them or behind them 481 0:36:04.440 --> 0:36:07.960 Which is both scary hence why it's just left or right because then that's not scary 482 0:36:07.960 --> 0:36:14.840 I need to do more videos on the the left right up down toward backwards nodes because they're amazing and no one uses them 483 0:36:15.320 --> 0:36:18.720 We are totally out of time, so I'm gonna go ahead and kill things off here 484 0:36:18.880 --> 0:36:20.860 Thank you for your questions today 485 0:36:20.860 --> 0:36:25.900 If you have any follow-up questions feel free to direct message me at any time or attend another office hours section if you have any 486 0:36:25.900 --> 0:36:27.160 questions about 487 0:36:27.160 --> 0:36:32.240 Moderation related matters, please remember you can just open up a ticket if you're confused. You're unsure open up a ticket 488 0:36:32.240 --> 0:36:33.800 We can get back to you there 489 0:36:33.800 --> 0:36:38.080 Otherwise keep reading the wiki keep reading the announcer's channel, and I will see you next time. Bye. Bye