1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:04.320 Okay, welcome to office hours with prime. Please feel free to ask any I 2 0:00:04.960 --> 0:00:07.920 Have outlook alerts on and that was very loud anyway 3 0:00:08.160 --> 0:00:11.840 Feel free to ask any questions you would like over in the office hours channel 4 0:00:11.840 --> 0:00:14.960 Which is two channels above this one just type your question, and I will get to it as soon as I can 5 0:00:15.400 --> 0:00:18.680 Whatever you want to ask okay, so usually we only take 6 0:00:19.680 --> 0:00:24.880 Neos questions, but I'll make an exception for Morbius, so yeah, I've seen Morbius. It's incredible. I've watched it four times 7 0:00:24.880 --> 0:00:33.000 It's like the best film ever. I'm Aaron asks for someone excuse me. Hold on one second. Okay. I almost died off camera off mic 8 0:00:33.920 --> 0:00:37.800 Okay, I'm Aaron asks someone who is not to follow the game is out of the loop 9 0:00:37.800 --> 0:00:42.240 But it's been happened last few months and he changes to the devs community moderation helpers. It's what I'm looking for um 10 0:00:42.800 --> 0:00:44.160 No man changes to the game 11 0:00:44.160 --> 0:00:46.760 You can check the announcements channel the new subject channel for anything 12 0:00:46.760 --> 0:00:51.840 There'll be changes to the game they'll understand how things are slow to read the announcements channel for more information on that front 13 0:00:51.840 --> 0:00:56.440 Um moderation has been a little bit busy. We're just trying to keep people safe regardless. What's happening 14 0:00:56.440 --> 0:00:59.160 So you check the devlog channel? There's been a couple of updates to 15 0:01:00.440 --> 0:01:03.400 guidelines and policies mostly around the sort of adult content route 16 0:01:04.120 --> 0:01:10.880 Adult content completely comes up basically like every moderation office hours it comes up. I don't particularly understand why it's 17 0:01:11.600 --> 0:01:14.680 Very simple of course read the guidelines for the official stance here 18 0:01:14.680 --> 0:01:20.800 But my TLDR of the official stance is if you're doing naughty stuff or have naughty stuff on your avatar or inventory 19 0:01:20.800 --> 0:01:24.880 It should be in a private world this includes hiding it various sort of 20 0:01:25.640 --> 0:01:30.920 Faculties there just go to a private world. It's that simple. Oh and and don't 21 0:01:31.680 --> 0:01:32.760 accidentally 22 0:01:32.760 --> 0:01:39.600 Sexual activity here someone from across the map don't do that go to a damn private world and do it there 23 0:01:39.600 --> 0:01:41.600 We have no problem with it in a private world 24 0:01:42.120 --> 0:01:46.960 Do you combine consent as well everyone needs to be consenting to view their content and interact in that way? 25 0:01:46.960 --> 0:01:54.120 Check the guidelines for more information. Yes, check the guidelines for the official word and more information 26 0:01:55.880 --> 0:02:03.760 No, it just always comes up as for helpers and mentors we brought some new mentor leads recently including mentor leads in 27 0:02:04.160 --> 0:02:06.160 Different locales we now have a Korean 28 0:02:06.520 --> 0:02:10.820 mentor lead team and a Japanese mentor lead team which is expanding mentors into 29 0:02:10.820 --> 0:02:18.140 Those I want to say markets because that's the phrase I would use at work, but it's not that correct, but we'll do it markets 30 0:02:18.860 --> 0:02:21.600 Which is great. It lets more people help out 31 0:02:22.140 --> 0:02:24.140 cultures would also be correct, but 32 0:02:24.580 --> 0:02:28.380 Yes, time zones would probably be like whatever. You know I mean um 33 0:02:29.140 --> 0:02:35.860 That's cool. They're doing a bunch of stuff there, which is fantastic as we get more momentous going um with those new leads coming on 34 0:02:35.860 --> 0:02:41.700 I'm sure you'll see some new walk or stuff has stuff happening with those people soon for those who aren't aware mentors are 35 0:02:42.260 --> 0:02:44.700 team of community volunteers who 36 0:02:45.180 --> 0:02:48.900 Will help you out in game look for the green question mark above their head they are 37 0:02:49.660 --> 0:02:54.080 Able to help you out of any questions that you do have very interesting question here from Ozzy who asks 38 0:02:54.740 --> 0:02:59.100 Do you have any tips on managing a sessions voice settings as far as in using audio? 39 0:02:59.980 --> 0:03:01.940 as in using 40 0:03:01.940 --> 0:03:08.260 audio config ejection of it all the times it's really difficult to balance in making sure people are being heard while making sure our further people 41 0:03:08.260 --> 0:03:10.260 out don't over on the conversation I 42 0:03:11.780 --> 0:03:17.500 Hate the default settings on Neos is audio stuff I 43 0:03:18.260 --> 0:03:22.620 Don't particularly know why I hate them and so I haven't been able to sort of 44 0:03:23.140 --> 0:03:29.500 Formulate a plan to maybe fix that but I have really no audio filter so for conversations happening 45 0:03:29.500 --> 0:03:31.940 I need to listen to it and so if I can hear the entire world 46 0:03:31.940 --> 0:03:37.620 I'm in like five different conversations, and I you know I can't focus on that in the future one conversation there 47 0:03:37.620 --> 0:03:39.620 There are systems that you can use 48 0:03:40.060 --> 0:03:41.860 So as he mentions audio injection 49 0:03:41.860 --> 0:03:47.940 That's where you put a slot into the auto inject slot which is on the user spawner that's at the top in the controllers 50 0:03:47.940 --> 0:03:50.580 Usually of the slot hierarchy, and then you ought to 51 0:03:51.440 --> 0:03:53.360 inject 52 0:03:53.360 --> 0:03:57.660 Audio, I can't remember the name of the component. I think I've got a tutorial somewhere. I'll double-check 53 0:03:57.660 --> 0:04:02.140 I've never really like understood a lot of those settings though. I need to kind of like do a 54 0:04:02.780 --> 0:04:09.060 Using corporate terminology. I need to do a deep dive on some of those options so I can get those out to you 55 0:04:09.060 --> 0:04:12.020 I didn't notice a couple of worlds which had settings which I liked 56 0:04:12.460 --> 0:04:13.660 and 57 0:04:13.660 --> 0:04:15.660 they came from 58 0:04:16.100 --> 0:04:18.520 a world I was in with 59 0:04:19.860 --> 0:04:22.180 with Nami, I think it was and 60 0:04:22.180 --> 0:04:29.580 And Nami uses one which is in hideous folder basically I noticed Nami was hosting a world that had good audio settings in it 61 0:04:29.580 --> 0:04:34.120 And I'm just like can I get those I want those for my worlds, and then Nami said it was in 62 0:04:34.820 --> 0:04:38.860 Hiddies public folder, and then I never really looked at that again 63 0:04:39.700 --> 0:04:45.380 Lots of worlds have it good. I also like the worlds that do the the manual culling of beyond audio 64 0:04:46.420 --> 0:04:50.620 It's debatable whether you know there's much benefit from doing it for other reasons 65 0:04:50.620 --> 0:04:55.780 But for audio if I like a certain distance away, then turn off the audio that does it too, and then you've got no like 66 0:04:56.580 --> 0:04:58.580 complications there 67 0:04:58.700 --> 0:05:00.220 It's it's fun 68 0:05:00.220 --> 0:05:02.400 I really don't like figure out what the problem is 69 0:05:02.900 --> 0:05:08.860 within Neos actual and then get a better way to sort of represent that talk about it and provide content for it because I just 70 0:05:08.860 --> 0:05:14.740 Find it like it's confusing and because there's no like real big sort of Bible about how those settings work 71 0:05:14.740 --> 0:05:22.140 There's also here say that goes around and then lots of what I do which is just stealing it is configuration 72 0:05:22.140 --> 0:05:25.500 What I remember to pick it up is what other people are doing as well 73 0:05:25.500 --> 0:05:28.900 So there's no real like standard of understanding it so people just end up with like oh, yeah 74 0:05:28.900 --> 0:05:31.180 I use the system or this system or this particular whatever 75 0:05:31.780 --> 0:05:36.780 To get it done. It needs to be done the second part of your question though talks about 76 0:05:38.540 --> 0:05:40.900 Overwhelming conversations, and I didn't want to make sure that you know 77 0:05:40.900 --> 0:05:45.580 That's also something that can happen sort of culturally as well. So make sure keeping an eye on that one 78 0:05:46.220 --> 0:05:51.620 a really good point here is to move off of the damn spawn point I 79 0:05:52.380 --> 0:05:54.020 Cannot stand it like you know 80 0:05:54.020 --> 0:05:59.580 There's a circular ring usually for the common spawn point that we see in a lot of worlds and people just sort of congregate on 81 0:05:59.580 --> 0:06:03.820 Top of it or build logics on top of it or have conversations on top of it 82 0:06:03.820 --> 0:06:06.820 Like just move like a couple of meters outside of that ring 83 0:06:06.820 --> 0:06:11.580 please because otherwise you're constantly being interrupted by people joining or and 84 0:06:12.620 --> 0:06:18.300 Being in your conversation like there's a huge world all the worlds are huge like huger than you would usually know 85 0:06:19.420 --> 0:06:24.900 Huger than worlds which are big the one of the MMC entries was really really big the whole town 86 0:06:25.260 --> 0:06:31.220 But still that wasn't as big as you can go in here. So just like move out a little bit 87 0:06:31.900 --> 0:06:35.040 Additionally be careful when you're having a conversation that you're not interrupting someone 88 0:06:35.040 --> 0:06:37.320 I've had it so many cases in fact the most common occurrence 89 0:06:37.320 --> 0:06:39.460 I have that's related to conversational audio is 90 0:06:39.820 --> 0:06:44.540 I'm having a conversation with someone and someone else who's new to the world walks up to me and says oh hi 91 0:06:44.660 --> 0:06:46.860 It's like well guys we're in the middle of a sentence 92 0:06:47.300 --> 0:06:51.860 Like we're in the middle of a sentence here, right? So if you could wait and then we can say hi 93 0:06:52.420 --> 0:06:55.100 but they just don't seem to understand like 94 0:06:55.740 --> 0:07:00.340 They don't seem to understand that like, you know, if there are two people talking and they've just joined the world 95 0:07:00.340 --> 0:07:03.020 They can't come and show me their multi-tool. It's very frustrating 96 0:07:03.020 --> 0:07:06.860 Yeah, I kind of like have a couple of those 97 0:07:07.820 --> 0:07:11.940 There's also the ranty page I have on the wiki which is basically like if you disagree of this 98 0:07:11.940 --> 0:07:18.100 I don't care like it's just what I I think I kind of like that sort of safety net as well 99 0:07:18.100 --> 0:07:23.020 It's like here is my opinion if you disagree. I don't care and it's not I don't care negatively. It's like I 100 0:07:23.020 --> 0:07:44.620 I cool have fun. Um, I'm logged out of the wiki. That's there we go. Yeah, so I wrote this page and it's basically just like I don't mind if you disagree with me, I don't mind but you know, here is here is what I would I would rather people keep in mind 101 0:07:45.020 --> 0:07:46.700 It goes also things like that 102 0:07:46.700 --> 0:07:51.900 There's a whole section on audio which is like just just just just be considerate is what I'm thinking 103 0:07:51.900 --> 0:07:54.500 I think if a lot more people realize the way 104 0:07:55.020 --> 0:08:02.660 Virtual reality like they broke down that word virtual reality like some of these cultural problems. We have wouldn't exist if it was a real space 105 0:08:04.260 --> 0:08:07.940 Just take one of the hangout words you've been in like a bar or you know 106 0:08:07.940 --> 0:08:14.300 Like a some house or whatever if you went to my house and you were problematic 107 0:08:14.300 --> 0:08:17.980 I would ask you to leave if you went to my house and you 108 0:08:17.980 --> 0:08:23.660 And you shot a knockback gun at me. You would be arrested and or shot. So 109 0:08:24.700 --> 0:08:27.580 Keep that in mind and be considerate with the people that you're praying 110 0:08:27.860 --> 0:08:32.620 Unnamed cyborg cat says if everyone lived in a digital world economics wouldn't really be a thing because there's no scarcity 111 0:08:33.540 --> 0:08:35.900 There would probably still be scarcity in terms of 112 0:08:37.220 --> 0:08:39.220 like electricity 113 0:08:39.780 --> 0:08:44.500 Yeah, Lex says, what do you think is the best way to save and distribute logics templates? 114 0:08:44.500 --> 0:08:50.660 Um, I just like parent stuff to a cube and add it to someone make sure the cube isn't named cube 115 0:08:50.740 --> 0:08:55.340 Other people use blueprints redprints. I'm quite fond of the Japanese 116 0:08:55.940 --> 0:08:57.020 communities 117 0:08:57.020 --> 0:08:59.020 3d pack because that 118 0:08:59.500 --> 0:09:05.700 Isn't a blueprint. It's just like the parts or features of traditional blueprints where you can pack 119 0:09:06.140 --> 0:09:08.140 Into a named object really easily 120 0:09:08.140 --> 0:09:13.980 Logics is better in 3d. I will like die on my soapbox here. Logics is better in 3d 121 0:09:14.700 --> 0:09:20.980 You can you know friend end nerves curve nodes not knows and bend your nerves. That might be painful 122 0:09:20.980 --> 0:09:24.980 You can bend nodes you can curve nodes. You can program in 3d space 123 0:09:24.980 --> 0:09:29.180 There is a lot more sort of dimensions available to you. Then if you just stick it like on there 124 0:09:29.180 --> 0:09:31.180 I also think that blueprints 125 0:09:31.580 --> 0:09:33.420 encourage late packing 126 0:09:33.420 --> 0:09:39.100 what I mean by late packing is my philosophy when building something in neo assist a pack early and often and 127 0:09:39.500 --> 0:09:44.300 To communicate between logics groups as best as you can using whatever methodology 128 0:09:44.300 --> 0:09:49.820 You can have a good example here is like would you build your entire game on one blueprint? 129 0:09:49.820 --> 0:09:52.460 No, would you build your entire game on several? 130 0:09:53.340 --> 0:09:59.580 Micro blueprints that stick into the larger blueprint probably that's what a lot of people do whereas mine is like, okay 131 0:09:59.580 --> 0:10:08.860 well the logic for the like NPC is in the NPC and the logic for the weapon is in the weapon and the logic for the 132 0:10:09.500 --> 0:10:11.500 characters in the character 133 0:10:11.900 --> 0:10:16.460 Usually the only sort of like global logics group I have is like a controller or something like that 134 0:10:16.460 --> 0:10:21.100 Which is just like oh, you know, it's nighttime. The zombies come out. It's daytime. The zombies die 135 0:10:21.660 --> 0:10:26.940 Sort of remembering that mean now night. I daytime anyway moving onwards here 136 0:10:26.940 --> 0:10:33.260 Aaron asks, what's your opinion on entrance or respawn noises for example someone plays like 30 seconds of a song in my world today when they joined 137 0:10:33.820 --> 0:10:36.140 Don't do that. So I like to think of like 138 0:10:37.500 --> 0:10:41.900 WWE or the equivalents and other television networks or whatever 139 0:10:42.540 --> 0:10:47.660 When it comes to respawning I hate those sometimes sometimes they're funny. Sometimes they're kind of cute 140 0:10:47.660 --> 0:10:50.460 But like most of the time it's just like what the hell 141 0:10:51.260 --> 0:10:54.380 It's great for WWE because it gets you sort of emotionally invested in it 142 0:10:54.380 --> 0:11:00.700 Wrestlers that you're watching enter the stage, but it doesn't need to be like that in years. It really does not 143 0:11:01.340 --> 0:11:03.340 you can see 144 0:11:03.340 --> 0:11:07.180 one of my favorite examples of that being a 145 0:11:07.740 --> 0:11:12.540 Wrestler called Alberto del Rio who's in WWE actually named my like like, you know 146 0:11:12.540 --> 0:11:17.340 You put a name into like an account to make it I named my Hulu account Alberto del Rio 147 0:11:17.340 --> 0:11:22.140 It's what I log in it says like hi Alberto del Rio what you gonna watch today that makes me giggle each time 148 0:11:22.140 --> 0:11:27.340 What you gonna watch today that makes me giggle each time. It's like a sort of like weird privacy thing, right? 149 0:11:27.420 --> 0:11:31.420 It's like first name last day, but I'm like not my first name not my last name 150 0:11:31.660 --> 0:11:32.140 anyway 151 0:11:32.140 --> 0:11:38.300 when he comes in he'll usually come in using like a really expensive car and I know because it's a production that they've rented this 152 0:11:38.380 --> 0:11:41.100 Car from like a car rental place and it's a new car every week 153 0:11:41.180 --> 0:11:46.460 And I'm like this rental car place is just making a lot of money and he'll honk his horn and there's like, you know 154 0:11:46.460 --> 0:11:53.580 Spanish Mexican music going off and he's just like he's got his own announcer who will roll the arse of Alberto del Rio 155 0:11:53.900 --> 0:11:57.900 Incredibly loudly. I can't do that and it's just like albo mate 156 0:11:57.900 --> 0:12:04.300 Could you get into the ring and fight and then I would care I would be more invested about who you are as a person 157 0:12:05.420 --> 0:12:09.980 Same thing goes with those respawn noises. Like I don't need to hear that you've respawned 158 0:12:09.980 --> 0:12:14.700 I don't need to hear that you've arrived you arriving should be hello again 159 0:12:14.700 --> 0:12:19.340 Think of going around to someone's house for a nice meal. It'd be like hi. I bought a bottle of wine 160 0:12:20.300 --> 0:12:23.500 And then you know, you might not know everyone at the table. So you go like, oh, yeah 161 0:12:23.820 --> 0:12:27.820 I'm i'm prime's friend. We met at in a college and I do 162 0:12:28.460 --> 0:12:33.020 Particle accelerator research cool that's taught me more about you as a person 163 0:12:33.580 --> 0:12:36.780 Then five bars of the most annoying song I can imagine 164 0:12:37.260 --> 0:12:41.820 Or I don't know the halo theme tune when you spawn in I don't need it. I don't want it 165 0:12:41.820 --> 0:12:45.420 I don't understand why you do it. So be considerate and please don't do it 166 0:12:45.660 --> 0:12:50.620 Do also remember that there are some people who sound sensitive like myself. I am like I said, I have no audio filter 167 0:12:50.620 --> 0:12:52.300 So I hear everything 168 0:12:52.300 --> 0:12:55.340 and also some people that have you know difficulty hearing and 169 0:12:55.980 --> 0:13:00.060 They want the sounds that they hear to be associated with the activity that they're doing 170 0:13:00.380 --> 0:13:04.620 And not having an abrupt rate if they're playing a game, you know, they'll understand it like hey i'm playing a game 171 0:13:04.620 --> 0:13:06.700 There's gonna be guns and explosions and stuff like that 172 0:13:06.700 --> 0:13:12.300 But if they're just hanging out in a nearest world and someone launches in and I don't know it does one of alberto da rio's 173 0:13:12.460 --> 0:13:14.460 Like openings, what's the point? 174 0:13:15.660 --> 0:13:16.620 um 175 0:13:16.620 --> 0:13:19.740 Onwards to more of a another question from izzy 176 0:13:20.300 --> 0:13:23.580 So I stopped talking about ww wrestling. I don't watch it these days 177 0:13:23.580 --> 0:13:28.700 I used to have a roommate back at university who would uh, always watch it and 178 0:13:29.100 --> 0:13:32.380 Because I had you know infinite free time being a student. I would always watch it too 179 0:13:32.380 --> 0:13:36.620 Um, but I would just giggle at it because it's all like a bit of fun 180 0:13:36.700 --> 0:13:40.540 Anyway, moving on to ozzie's question more of a session host admin question 181 0:13:40.540 --> 0:13:43.020 How do you personally go about dealing with users not following special rules? 182 0:13:43.180 --> 0:13:46.860 Uh, but also how do you confront them assuming it's an instant kick ban or whatever? 183 0:13:46.940 --> 0:13:48.940 Sometimes it is an instant kick or ban. Um 184 0:13:49.340 --> 0:13:51.100 That usually leads to like weird situations 185 0:13:51.100 --> 0:13:53.900 i've had it a lot of times in the past where people think that um 186 0:13:54.140 --> 0:14:00.140 staff members shouldn't be able to ban people from their sessions because it looks like uh banning them from the platform or 187 0:14:00.140 --> 0:14:03.180 or putting out a sort of community mandate that they 188 0:14:03.900 --> 0:14:05.900 um 189 0:14:05.900 --> 0:14:07.740 That they are, you know a bad person 190 0:14:07.740 --> 0:14:11.660 It's not that like when I host a session and I ban you from that session 191 0:14:12.140 --> 0:14:14.140 I'm kicking out you out of my front room 192 0:14:14.300 --> 0:14:18.380 I if you have a question on discord or I come to your session or you need help you message me for help 193 0:14:18.460 --> 0:14:19.660 I'm, still going to give it to you 194 0:14:19.660 --> 0:14:23.820 It just means you're not allowed in my living room and you're not allowed to use my toilets 195 0:14:24.380 --> 0:14:28.540 And the bowl of mms on the counter is not for you. Please leave. Um 196 0:14:28.540 --> 0:14:32.060 So if you do get kicked or banned a you've probably done something a bit bad 197 0:14:32.380 --> 0:14:34.860 Be message me about it and don't be angry about it 198 0:14:35.020 --> 0:14:39.260 There's lots of good cases where people are like angry about rules or they feel upset or they feel you know 199 0:14:39.660 --> 0:14:43.340 Hard done by but it's like it's a rule and it's a broken rule, right? 200 0:14:43.340 --> 0:14:48.300 There can be a healthy conversation about that. It doesn't need to be argumentative or aggressive. A good example is um 201 0:14:48.940 --> 0:14:51.340 I don't allow in my sessions the collar bells 202 0:14:51.500 --> 0:14:55.820 There is probably at least one person who wears one of those bells on their on their neck in this 203 0:14:55.820 --> 0:15:01.660 Stereotypically, it's just everywhere. I don't allow those in my chest my sessions and when I they come in it's usually on a rule board 204 0:15:01.660 --> 0:15:04.700 Sometimes it's not on it because I forget to spawn it out or I just haven't 205 0:15:05.420 --> 0:15:10.300 But if it's on there, they'll read it and they'll get offended and they'll say something like but this is part of my identity 206 0:15:10.700 --> 0:15:17.820 And i'm like, okay part of my identity is the bass farts occur whenever i'm in the session loud bass farts occur like all the time 207 0:15:18.220 --> 0:15:23.820 That's part of my identity. Um, and what I mean by that is trying to sort of like illustrate I do a bad job 208 0:15:23.820 --> 0:15:31.820 Sometimes i'm tired. What i'm trying to do i'll explain it is i'm trying to illustrate that there is a line between identity and being considerate 209 0:15:31.820 --> 0:15:38.140 And in some cases by not following the rules of a session that you're in you're stepping over that line 210 0:15:38.140 --> 0:15:42.300 You're no longer being considerate and at that point you're subject to me having a talk with you 211 0:15:42.700 --> 0:15:47.500 Nine times out of ten, uh when I confront someone about my rules, they'll get offended and leave and it's really sad 212 0:15:47.580 --> 0:15:49.980 I don't really know how to deal that if anyone has any ideas go for it 213 0:15:50.140 --> 0:15:53.180 Like I tried it in the nicest possible way. I'm like, hey there's a rule over there 214 0:15:53.180 --> 0:15:56.220 it says no collar bells and so please and they'll just be like 215 0:15:56.620 --> 0:15:59.260 Very offended about it and leave and I usually don't hear from them again 216 0:15:59.740 --> 0:16:05.980 And that is because I think in society we have a lot of sort of issues around confrontation and arguments and debates 217 0:16:06.620 --> 0:16:10.220 If anyone went to you know, a stereotypical high school in the u.s 218 0:16:10.300 --> 0:16:14.540 You probably had debate club at some point you might not have been in it, but you would be aware that it existed 219 0:16:15.020 --> 0:16:20.060 Um debate club is a great thing that tries to teach probably badly. I don't know. I was never near debate club 220 0:16:20.060 --> 0:16:22.380 Um about how to debate about things 221 0:16:23.180 --> 0:16:29.580 But I believe it should be expanded in society to sort of teach us how to argue about things people see arguments as sort of 222 0:16:30.140 --> 0:16:33.820 Fiery charged things like they're on tv shows, you know people throwing stuff 223 0:16:33.820 --> 0:16:37.260 Maybe someone gets shot at the end of it if it's a stereotypical tv show 224 0:16:37.580 --> 0:16:43.900 But arguments can be as simple as like I disagree with you about this and that's fine and you disagree with me 225 0:16:43.980 --> 0:16:45.100 That's also fine 226 0:16:45.100 --> 0:16:51.580 We will now go our separate ways and have a pizza a good way to look at it is to think about the uh question 227 0:16:51.900 --> 0:16:53.260 What's your favorite color? 228 0:16:53.260 --> 0:16:57.260 So if I ask anyone in here what your favorite color is you'll say a completely different answer to me 229 0:16:57.580 --> 0:17:00.540 And it's like that's fine. And then no one argues about it and we have fun 230 0:17:00.860 --> 0:17:05.580 Like every single argument should be about that once things go past a line and we get into like severe 231 0:17:05.980 --> 0:17:07.900 Issues then of course, maybe I won't talk to you 232 0:17:07.900 --> 0:17:12.700 But like generally if you break a rule i'm going to tell you about it and if you're offended by it leave 233 0:17:12.700 --> 0:17:19.420 But remember i'm not there to tell you off to do it negatively. I'm just like yeah, dude rule do uh 234 0:17:19.980 --> 0:17:24.140 Getting back to the actual realm of the question rather than me rambling about life. Um 235 0:17:24.860 --> 0:17:29.980 Make sure your rules are posted clearly make sure that the um action that you have on 236 0:17:30.620 --> 0:17:32.460 When a rule is broken is also clear 237 0:17:32.460 --> 0:17:33.020 So, you know 238 0:17:33.020 --> 0:17:36.540 You say something along the lines of here are the rules if you break the rules here is what's going to happen 239 0:17:36.940 --> 0:17:41.180 And then sure they might not have agreed to that or you know officially signed it in terms of contract law 240 0:17:41.180 --> 0:17:44.140 But everything that was there could have been set out for the expectations 241 0:17:44.220 --> 0:17:46.540 And if that user comes into the session and they are reading the room 242 0:17:46.620 --> 0:17:51.100 Which they should do see my tutorial and reading the room then they should understand what is going to happen 243 0:17:51.500 --> 0:17:53.900 I have any follow-up questions that go through I know that was a lot 244 0:17:54.380 --> 0:17:58.780 And then some people are like prime's really mean he is rules and he doesn't care if you break them 245 0:17:58.860 --> 0:18:02.060 He's just going to kick you like yeah, i'm sorry like read the rules 246 0:18:03.500 --> 0:18:05.740 If I come to your session i'll abide by your rules 247 0:18:06.060 --> 0:18:09.820 I haven't seen any rules that are difficult for me to abide by like I come to another session 248 0:18:09.820 --> 0:18:16.780 And someone's like use an optimized avatar and i'm like got it. Don't use a moly tool. Got it. Don't make loud sounds 249 0:18:17.480 --> 0:18:19.740 Absolutely. I don't do that. Don't do this 250 0:18:20.440 --> 0:18:25.100 Absolutely fine. So moving on to an actual another question. Um, so we stopped talking about rules 251 0:18:25.340 --> 0:18:29.180 Uh, i'm here and asked do you have any comments about the play account dropping throughout 2022? Why it's happening? 252 0:18:29.180 --> 0:18:31.180 What will done be all the consequences of it? 253 0:18:31.180 --> 0:18:37.340 Um, the play counts dying a lot because the game is sort of a feeling like it's stagnating and I don't understand too much. So 254 0:18:37.340 --> 0:18:41.340 So what the different reasons are for that, of course, I know a few see the announcement channel, etc 255 0:18:41.660 --> 0:18:45.680 But something which i'm seeing that we need a lot more of is we need a lot more creation 256 0:18:46.300 --> 0:18:49.740 And there are people making cool stuff and there are people making a lot of cool stuff 257 0:18:49.820 --> 0:18:53.740 But we just need more cool stuff, right? So just make cool stuff 258 0:18:54.620 --> 0:18:55.820 um 259 0:18:55.820 --> 0:19:01.260 I believe our population will go like up the moment we start getting like a 260 0:19:01.260 --> 0:19:07.260 A a sort of rolling ball of content combined with a rolling ball of non-content creating players 261 0:19:07.260 --> 0:19:11.580 Which is another problem we have when being considerate is not everyone wants to be a creator. So 262 0:19:12.220 --> 0:19:14.860 Stop trying to force them to be a creator. Maybe um 263 0:19:15.420 --> 0:19:19.420 What I mean by that is like if you go over to vr chat or any other like social vr platform 264 0:19:19.900 --> 0:19:22.460 Most people there have no idea how unity work 265 0:19:22.540 --> 0:19:28.220 They have no idea how like level design rendering textures materials assets meshes for vertices 266 0:19:28.220 --> 0:19:33.260 Sexes vertices they have no idea how those work and that's okay 267 0:19:33.740 --> 0:19:38.540 They're there to just socialize and hang out just think about how many people are in front of a mirror inside video chat right now 268 0:19:38.620 --> 0:19:40.300 And they know nothing technical 269 0:19:40.300 --> 0:19:45.260 Those are the players that we're missing and I think we'll get them when we have a lot better sort of like culture 270 0:19:45.740 --> 0:19:50.700 Of course, like some other things need to change see announcements and our ui needs to change see our roadmap, but like 271 0:19:51.400 --> 0:19:54.860 Culturally, there's lots that we can do there to kind of just sort of like be like cool 272 0:19:54.860 --> 0:20:01.660 Like maybe open a world where not everyone has builder like make that like not the norm but make it a session that you host 273 0:20:02.140 --> 0:20:07.420 Maybe finish a world maybe stop having sessions that are in just blank worlds. I see that a lot it kind of 274 0:20:08.140 --> 0:20:10.300 Puts off people when you know use it in the grid space 275 0:20:10.620 --> 0:20:15.440 Like you and I know that we can watch youtube memes and and play around with our logics multi-tools 276 0:20:15.900 --> 0:20:21.340 And make sounds when we when we launch and have bass farts come out of our bell on our collar 277 0:20:21.340 --> 0:20:26.480 Uh whenever we want in whatever world we want grid space or not grid space, but someone new to the platform 278 0:20:26.860 --> 0:20:30.460 They want to see cool worlds. They want to see cool creations. They want to see cool environments cool experiences 279 0:20:30.540 --> 0:20:33.180 I don't think we have that good example there being our game worlds 280 0:20:33.180 --> 0:20:38.540 We have tons of game worlds and you'll see them a lot on the monthly streams games of neos with with nex and the team 281 0:20:38.620 --> 0:20:39.260 there 282 0:20:39.260 --> 0:20:43.820 Um, but then they're not played like I helped make a among us vr 283 0:20:44.060 --> 0:20:49.260 Uh version in in in neos no one plays it and I don't blame anyone for playing that but 284 0:20:49.260 --> 0:20:53.580 But if you look at the among us vr game over in vr chat, everyone's playing it 285 0:20:53.660 --> 0:20:57.340 and again, that's because there are people there that are just to experience stuff and they're not there to 286 0:20:57.900 --> 0:21:04.300 um build stuff as for the player count before 2022 and before this uh, see announcement stuff, um, 287 0:21:05.020 --> 0:21:08.860 Honestly, it's probably just ui like it's probably ui. It was steadily climbing 288 0:21:09.420 --> 0:21:17.260 Um, we do still have cultural problems to solve the guidelines and moderation team working heavily heavily on that as is the mento team 289 0:21:17.260 --> 0:21:24.780 Um, but just think about what you can do to be more considerate to your fellow player, particularly if they are non-technical minded and uh, 290 0:21:25.340 --> 0:21:30.700 Maybe don't play massive base fart sound effects when you respawn and again if you do that's fine 291 0:21:30.780 --> 0:21:34.220 We're just going to agree to disagree. It's not like i'm going to hate you or anything. Um, 292 0:21:34.780 --> 0:21:39.740 I don't remember who said it to me the first but it was like someone said like hating stuff takes a lot of energy 293 0:21:40.300 --> 0:21:43.100 And they're right. I don't have time for that. But yeah, that's all the questions 294 0:21:43.100 --> 0:21:45.820 I know we got a like metaphysical here about the nature of reality 295 0:21:45.820 --> 0:21:50.860 So if you have any follow-up questions, do let me know we have three minutes left in this office. I have a section 296 0:21:51.420 --> 0:21:53.180 sure 297 0:21:53.180 --> 0:21:54.460 section 298 0:21:54.460 --> 0:21:55.420 so 299 0:21:55.420 --> 0:22:01.100 Feel free to ask any questions you have for the last uh, now two minutes. Otherwise, we'll end off at the end and uh, 300 0:22:01.820 --> 0:22:06.460 See you guys soon. Um, do you remember you can dm me anytime if any questions you have um, 301 0:22:06.780 --> 0:22:13.100 We'll usually answer sometimes i'll just be like cool posting the discord. Uh, but uh, you know keep talking 302 0:22:13.100 --> 0:22:19.100 That's the most important thing. Oh and finish a project pick up a project you had going in in neos and finish it 303 0:22:19.420 --> 0:22:22.380 Maybe cut the scope on it so you can finish it but finish it. Um 304 0:22:22.860 --> 0:22:26.720 I went to create jam a couple of weeks ago and I made a wheat farming simulator 305 0:22:27.180 --> 0:22:31.900 In like a couple of hours and it's cool and it exists. It's the crater jam on on carbohydrates carbs 306 0:22:32.300 --> 0:22:38.140 Uh, you can farm wheat you can plant seeds you can water them you can harvest the wheat and then you can uh, 307 0:22:38.140 --> 0:22:42.620 Grind it into flour. Of course. It's not accurate. But like I made it and I finished it. That's an experience there 308 0:22:42.940 --> 0:22:47.260 I might tutorial that at some point because it uses active colliders, which aren't bad. Remember 309 0:22:47.900 --> 0:22:49.740 X is that they frustrate themselves by having 310 0:22:50.300 --> 0:22:52.460 Start starting projects. They can't finish on one session 311 0:22:52.460 --> 0:22:54.860 So I have ideas for larger projects and I just push them up to one side 312 0:22:55.180 --> 0:23:00.620 I have pages and pages of projects pages majors of ideas and pages and pages of to-do lists. I say to-do lists because 313 0:23:01.260 --> 0:23:02.140 um 314 0:23:02.140 --> 0:23:06.940 I find I can easily do to-do list items if I write a list from scratch and the reason that happens is because 315 0:23:06.940 --> 0:23:12.940 I am writing it from scratch from memory, which is also sometimes a measure of like priority 316 0:23:13.500 --> 0:23:17.900 Like if i'm writing it from memory, it means i'm going to remember the highest priority items 317 0:23:17.980 --> 0:23:20.380 Whereas if I look back on a to-do list from a month ago 318 0:23:20.780 --> 0:23:25.020 It's just like what I needed to do what that does lead to forgotten stuff 319 0:23:25.020 --> 0:23:28.780 Like I need to ring my uk bank and tell them that they spelt my town that I live in wrong 320 0:23:29.260 --> 0:23:33.180 Very wrong like every single letter wrong. I don't know how but they did anyway 321 0:23:33.180 --> 0:23:37.020 That is it for office hours. If you have any comments questions 322 0:23:37.740 --> 0:23:39.980 Noises cat gifs, whatever you would like 323 0:23:40.060 --> 0:23:45.420 Please do free free to dm me them or see the contact in the esteem list for other ways to speak to the team 324 0:23:45.740 --> 0:23:51.100 i'll be back next time this next time this week this time next week and uh 325 0:23:51.100 --> 0:24:03.100 Have a nice day