1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:03.560 Okay everyone, welcome to office hours, it is the top of the arse so we're gonna get 2 0:00:03.560 --> 0:00:04.560 started. 3 0:00:04.560 --> 0:00:07.880 There are only three people listening, probably my fault because I forgot to do reminders, 4 0:00:07.880 --> 0:00:12.160 I was running a bit late with a bunch of things going on today so I didn't put out any reminders, 5 0:00:12.160 --> 0:00:17.720 but hopefully they'll flood in soon, tis that same time every week for about a year now, 6 0:00:17.720 --> 0:00:18.720 so yeah. 7 0:00:18.720 --> 0:00:23.880 Anyway, if you have any questions, please drop them in the office hours channel, that 8 0:00:23.880 --> 0:00:28.520 is two above the channel that we're currently in, just look up to and drop down questions 9 0:00:28.520 --> 0:00:31.480 and we'll get to them as soon as we can. 10 0:00:31.480 --> 0:01:00.920 Until there are any questions though, I'm going to sit in absolute silence. 11 0:01:00.920 --> 0:01:18.360 So, if anyone has any questions, drop them by in the office hours text channel, that 12 0:01:18.360 --> 0:01:21.760 is two channels above the one that you're looking at for this particular office hours 13 0:01:21.760 --> 0:01:27.840 segment, so please get me those if you need them, otherwise I'll be here doing absolute 14 0:01:27.840 --> 0:01:33.840 silence. 15 0:01:57.840 --> 0:02:21.840 Okay, thank you. 16 0:02:21.840 --> 0:02:40.640 So, if you have any questions, please drop them through in the office hours text channel, 17 0:02:40.640 --> 0:02:56.000 three channels above this. 18 0:02:56.000 --> 0:03:20.960 Okay, thank you. 19 0:03:20.960 --> 0:03:46.320 Okay, thank you. 20 0:03:46.320 --> 0:04:13.520 That's totally fine, so Fussy's asking about the fact that there aren't any questions today, 21 0:04:13.520 --> 0:04:14.520 that's totally fine. 22 0:04:14.520 --> 0:04:19.600 That's why it's called office hours, AMA also works, but basically some people come in here 23 0:04:19.600 --> 0:04:26.040 and they expect constant commentary, it's not this event, this isn't like a stream where 24 0:04:26.040 --> 0:04:33.960 we're designed to entertain the audience, it's a voice chat where I answer questions. 25 0:04:33.960 --> 0:04:39.160 It's modeled after university office hours where the professor of a particular module 26 0:04:39.160 --> 0:04:43.000 or unit during university course would open up their office for a particular amount of 27 0:04:43.000 --> 0:04:48.040 time, and it basically means my office is open, you can come in and ask whatever you 28 0:05:18.600 --> 0:05:21.680 There we go, you have a natural question, hell yeah, okay. 29 0:05:21.680 --> 0:05:28.680 So Specs asks, I'm working on a mod that lets you pipe data about hosted sessions into another 30 0:05:28.680 --> 0:05:32.240 service like a tic stack for logging analysis, but I'm a little blind on what might be the 31 0:05:32.240 --> 0:05:35.560 most useful to measure, any advice on what key metrics would be useful to take a look 32 0:05:35.560 --> 0:05:41.200 for the health of a session, talking about properties that exist in the world manager. 33 0:05:41.200 --> 0:05:45.960 I would look at uptime, just a sort of measure of, hey, we know things get ropey if a server's 34 0:05:45.960 --> 0:05:47.920 been up too long. 35 0:05:47.920 --> 0:05:54.320 And then I would look at things such as the count of objects in the root slot. 36 0:05:54.320 --> 0:05:57.960 The reason why I look at that is because ideally the count of objects in a root slot should 37 0:05:57.960 --> 0:06:02.960 be zero, well not zero, but you know what I mean, it should be really, really low. 38 0:06:02.960 --> 0:06:06.320 If there's lots of objects in the root slot, it means that you've had a lot of users that 39 0:06:06.320 --> 0:06:12.120 have been playing on that particular server, right, they've been spawning stuff and dragging 40 0:06:12.120 --> 0:06:15.520 it around and playing around with it a lot. 41 0:06:15.520 --> 0:06:21.120 So I take that as an example where the world might need a little bit of a cleanup. 42 0:06:21.120 --> 0:06:23.760 Additionally to that is to take a look at the count of assets. 43 0:06:23.760 --> 0:06:26.840 I think you can pick that up via the asset manager or something like that, but the count 44 0:06:26.840 --> 0:06:30.800 of assets, the more stuff that's loaded into a world, the more stuff that gets referenced 45 0:06:30.800 --> 0:06:31.800 in its asset index. 46 0:06:31.800 --> 0:06:35.000 If it's not like in the world, usually that won't actually be loaded onto your client, 47 0:06:35.000 --> 0:06:39.680 but it's still referenced there just in case the session needs to reload it, so take a 48 0:06:39.680 --> 0:06:42.760 look at that as well. 49 0:06:42.760 --> 0:06:44.920 Other than that, I think you're good. 50 0:06:44.920 --> 0:06:48.680 I mean, take a look at the debug tab, but if you can access all of the metrics in the 51 0:06:48.680 --> 0:06:53.520 debug tab, I might suggest graphing those, because those can spike and will show you 52 0:06:53.520 --> 0:06:54.920 stuff going on. 53 0:06:54.920 --> 0:07:02.320 A sideline, and related to the root slot thing, when you're building things such as gadgets, 54 0:07:02.320 --> 0:07:07.600 tools, guns, utilities, grenades, whatever the hell you want to call it, stop using the 55 0:07:07.600 --> 0:07:08.880 root slot node. 56 0:07:08.880 --> 0:07:11.360 Just stop using it. 57 0:07:11.360 --> 0:07:13.120 Use instead local user space. 58 0:07:13.120 --> 0:07:17.480 Local user space refers to the slot which the user is parented to. 59 0:07:17.480 --> 0:07:22.840 So if you drop an empty ammo clip on the floor, there's lots of people that will code logics 60 0:07:22.840 --> 0:07:26.520 there that goes like, oh, hey, M-E-Mto clip on the floor, I will parent it to the root 61 0:07:26.520 --> 0:07:27.520 slot. 62 0:07:27.520 --> 0:07:28.520 That's rude. 63 0:07:28.520 --> 0:07:29.520 It's not your world. 64 0:07:29.520 --> 0:07:33.480 It's local user space, which is the slot which the user is parented to. 65 0:07:33.480 --> 0:07:39.440 That will keep it ostracized away from the root slot in locations that are more suitable 66 0:07:39.440 --> 0:07:48.480 for things like that. 67 0:07:48.480 --> 0:07:51.040 I know I can't make people do that, but please do that. 68 0:07:51.040 --> 0:07:52.360 And also clean up. 69 0:07:52.360 --> 0:07:56.920 What I see usually in open sessions that have been open for a long time is this huge swave 70 0:07:56.920 --> 0:08:01.800 of pictures and objects that are just lying forgotten. 71 0:08:01.800 --> 0:08:06.960 It honestly resembles a children's playroom in a house where the parents are desperately 72 0:08:06.960 --> 0:08:09.720 trying to keep it clean, but it's just not. 73 0:08:09.720 --> 0:08:11.720 Be considerate. 74 0:08:11.720 --> 0:08:12.720 Tidy up. 75 0:08:12.720 --> 0:08:13.720 Do you need that anymore? 76 0:08:13.720 --> 0:08:14.720 No. 77 0:08:14.720 --> 0:08:15.720 Delete it. 78 0:08:15.720 --> 0:08:20.720 For pictures, what I usually like to do, because I understand how people might want to make 79 0:08:20.720 --> 0:08:24.260 sure they got all the pictures from that session, because those are memories, right, is I will 80 0:08:24.260 --> 0:08:27.200 gather them into one place, into a photo wall. 81 0:08:27.200 --> 0:08:31.600 Not like a technical photo wall as an object, but I'll just place them in the same area. 82 0:08:31.600 --> 0:08:36.400 And that way, again, there's not this sort of sprawling mass of just photos floating 83 0:08:36.400 --> 0:08:37.720 in a session. 84 0:08:37.720 --> 0:08:42.360 Bring them back together, put them all in one pile, and people can go through them. 85 0:08:42.360 --> 0:08:45.200 It's just like, oh, look, there's an inspector over here that hasn't been touched in like 86 0:08:45.200 --> 0:08:46.680 three hours. 87 0:08:46.680 --> 0:08:48.020 Why isn't someone closed there? 88 0:08:48.020 --> 0:09:16.120 Be considerate. 89 0:09:16.120 --> 0:09:19.740 So Zlinko states that, yep, they have a user management system. 90 0:09:19.740 --> 0:09:20.740 That's common. 91 0:09:20.740 --> 0:09:24.700 So a user management system is something you place in your world, and it kind of does organization 92 0:09:24.700 --> 0:09:25.700 for you. 93 0:09:25.700 --> 0:09:27.260 My parent uses their own slots. 94 0:09:27.260 --> 0:09:28.700 You can see who owns what. 95 0:09:28.700 --> 0:09:37.580 Very, very useful things to figure out why the hell there's a mess in various places. 96 0:09:37.580 --> 0:09:42.060 Finger photos is something I'd have to look into. 97 0:09:42.060 --> 0:09:44.060 Open a bug on that one, maybe. 98 0:09:44.060 --> 0:09:47.540 That might be a working as intended thing, but no, it's not an issue. 99 0:09:47.540 --> 0:09:51.180 If it's not on the GitHub, it's not an issue. 100 0:09:51.180 --> 0:09:56.300 And then Zlinko also talks about how e-items or grabables are on the route. 101 0:09:56.300 --> 0:09:57.820 It's honestly a mess. 102 0:09:57.820 --> 0:10:00.460 Every single session I've seen is there. 103 0:10:00.460 --> 0:10:05.180 There's also a cultural problem there, which is where people treat Neos like it's Garry's 104 0:10:05.180 --> 0:10:06.180 Mod, really. 105 0:10:06.180 --> 0:10:11.060 And Garry's Mod, the sort of culture is to leave all those sort of stuff around and make 106 0:10:11.060 --> 0:10:28.260 a mess. 107 0:10:28.260 --> 0:10:31.660 So Ozi mentions a component which deletes the slot when the children is empty. 108 0:10:31.660 --> 0:10:39.620 That is no children deleter, children delete on empty. 109 0:10:39.620 --> 0:10:40.620 Something like that. 110 0:10:40.620 --> 0:10:41.820 That does exactly that. 111 0:10:41.820 --> 0:10:42.820 That's actually really useful. 112 0:10:42.820 --> 0:10:44.300 I have a video on that one. 113 0:10:44.300 --> 0:10:48.180 I'm going to go ahead and see if I can find it for you, because it is a really useful 114 0:10:48.180 --> 0:10:49.180 component. 115 0:10:49.180 --> 0:10:50.380 You just might not know that it's there. 116 0:10:50.380 --> 0:10:59.380 I use that for a lot of sort of like pickup systems or like resource room, I guess would 117 0:10:59.380 --> 0:11:00.380 be a thing. 118 0:11:00.380 --> 0:11:04.500 I don't know, like you know the Left 4 Dead restroom between levels. 119 0:11:04.500 --> 0:11:08.740 That would be a good example of sort of an area where delete without children. 120 0:11:08.740 --> 0:11:10.460 That's it. 121 0:11:10.460 --> 0:11:11.460 That's where that might be useful. 122 0:11:11.460 --> 0:11:16.580 You know, you've got like a table and then like the table's empty, it deletes or whatever. 123 0:11:16.580 --> 0:11:19.580 So it's a good component. 124 0:11:19.580 --> 0:11:23.340 Delete without children. 125 0:11:23.340 --> 0:11:26.980 I can't find the video. 126 0:11:26.980 --> 0:11:35.220 I definitely did a video on it, I just can't find it. 127 0:11:35.220 --> 0:11:42.980 It's really useful. 128 0:11:42.980 --> 0:11:56.260 That's a component which is... 129 0:11:56.260 --> 0:11:58.260 When it... 130 0:11:58.260 --> 0:12:03.220 When you're doing something, always think like could this be done better and then like 131 0:12:03.220 --> 0:12:08.140 ask around, see if there's people that might know a solution or whatever. 132 0:12:08.140 --> 0:12:13.220 Like the delete without children or whatever, there's various other sort of examples of 133 0:12:13.220 --> 0:12:14.220 that. 134 0:12:14.220 --> 0:12:17.940 Especially in the tagging, like the tagging components, duplicate, block, destroy, block, 135 0:12:17.940 --> 0:12:23.020 stuff like that, that exists there to make your life easier, but I see a lot of people 136 0:12:23.020 --> 0:12:27.660 not using them sometimes, and they're just like, oh, I'm going to code an entirely custom 137 0:12:27.660 --> 0:12:28.660 logic system. 138 0:12:28.660 --> 0:12:33.900 And I'm just like, excuse me? 139 0:12:33.900 --> 0:12:34.900 Why don't you just not? 140 0:12:34.900 --> 0:12:59.860 Have you considered not? 141 0:12:59.860 --> 0:13:29.620 As he says, they thought that block meant block as in a category of things. 142 0:13:29.620 --> 0:13:32.740 Like a wooden block. 143 0:13:32.740 --> 0:13:34.060 Those tagging components are great. 144 0:13:34.060 --> 0:13:38.340 When we're able to, which I've spoken about a lot of times before, but when we're able 145 0:13:38.340 --> 0:13:44.020 to sort of organize the component list a lot better, all of those tagging components will 146 0:13:44.020 --> 0:13:48.840 go to one location, hopefully, and of course I'll get sort of documentation sorted out 147 0:13:48.840 --> 0:14:13.940 for them in their particular spot so we know what's going on there. 148 0:14:13.940 --> 0:14:19.940 It's also good, as he says, it would be good for clicking around. 149 0:14:19.940 --> 0:14:24.380 It's also good for, like, you know, documenting, like, oh, I wonder if there's a tagging component 150 0:14:24.380 --> 0:14:25.380 that does that. 151 0:14:25.380 --> 0:14:29.740 Cool, I'll go to the one unified tagging folder, and then it's right there, something that 152 0:14:29.740 --> 0:14:36.540 sounds like exactly what you need. 153 0:14:36.540 --> 0:14:49.660 All right. 154 0:14:49.660 --> 0:14:51.660 . 155 0:15:19.660 --> 0:15:26.220 I think that conversational topic has ended. So if any other conversational topics just let me 156 0:15:28.540 --> 0:15:31.180 Just keep asking yeah 157 0:15:31.180 --> 0:15:59.180 So epic Eastern mentions a favoriting tab for the component here like you've got to remember that the component adder that we currently have is like completely not finished. So here, maybe we will in the future add something where you can favorite the component and add it to the component. 158 0:16:01.180 --> 0:16:29.180 If you know the the way that we're building UI, we're going to try and make it so everything as much as possible is customizable. So what that will allow you to do is like be like, hey, I'm going to make a brand new component searcher and install it into my systems. And if you don't like it, that's cool. I like it. And you won't need mods for that either. You just do it right because everything will just be a facet. 159 0:16:31.180 --> 0:16:59.180 Yeah, you can go out there and find mods. I don't tend to recommend them or use them in conversation because 160 0:17:01.180 --> 0:17:06.180 Every mod I see is an opportunity for Neos to do better. 161 0:17:06.180 --> 0:17:22.180 And I intend to wear license allows me to with full credit, of course, from the community just outright implement some of those mods in Neos actual. Of course, we have to make sure it's suitable, which is where the sort of interesting interplay between mods and not mods exists. 162 0:17:22.180 --> 0:17:36.180 But most of the time it's like, cool, that's just a one line change, which freaks hasn't had a chance to do. I can totally go do that because, you know, I have a little bit of time here or there. I'll go do it. That's what happened with the inspector alignment. 163 0:17:36.180 --> 0:17:56.180 Yeah. A question here from Ozi who asks, actually, I've got a question by proxy from a friend. Is there a nice way to get random publish world information inside of Neos? No, you might be able to via the API. 164 0:17:56.180 --> 0:18:08.180 We do have that random that shuffle endpoint, but that shuffle endpoint is actually done in a way to kind of sort of make it not cost a lot where it will shuffle the world list periodically on like a batch job. 165 0:18:08.180 --> 0:18:18.180 And then everyone else will get the same random view that happens periodically. You could get that list and then get a random item from that list using the Neos API. 166 0:18:18.180 --> 0:18:27.180 And that would get you sort of what you're after. I mean, not exactly, but sort of. 167 0:18:27.180 --> 0:18:52.180 There's nothing in that. 168 0:18:52.180 --> 0:19:00.180 You could also abuse the world menu, which is what Ozi suggested. You could totally do that. I'm not sure what success you would have. 169 0:19:00.180 --> 0:19:11.180 Go to, there's a world in the world browser from myself. I think it's called like world portals or world annex portal room, something like that. 170 0:19:11.180 --> 0:19:25.180 What it does is it creates like physical portals in a sort of circle aligner for some subset of the of the walls that are open and abuses the world manager to do that is very hacky. 171 0:19:25.180 --> 0:19:30.180 And I don't advise doing it, but it is an option available to take a look at how I did it. 172 0:19:30.180 --> 0:19:34.180 There's also a really old option, which I didn't release, but I believe it's on my YouTube channel. 173 0:19:34.180 --> 0:19:42.180 So you can see what you can do by abusing the world manager. If you look up missed linking books for Neos, it should be on my channel. 174 0:19:42.180 --> 0:19:48.180 And then you'll be able to see something there that is basically. 175 0:19:48.180 --> 0:19:53.180 Me making missed linking books, which link between worlds, for those unfamiliar with the series mystical play. 176 0:19:53.180 --> 0:20:00.180 It's a great series where you play as a stranger exploring worlds, which you get to by touching books. 177 0:20:00.180 --> 0:20:08.180 He just like rub the book of your hand and you get in there and like rubby rub. 178 0:20:08.180 --> 0:20:37.180 There's a window inside the book which sort of gives you a preview of the world that you go traveling to. 179 0:20:37.180 --> 0:20:41.180 Yep, Scranier is agreeing with me, mods are an opportunity to make Neos better. 180 0:20:41.180 --> 0:20:46.180 Yep, totally. Like I would be happy if you guys didn't have an excuse to mod. 181 0:20:46.180 --> 0:20:51.180 Now, of course, there's like funny mods or really, really obscure mods, but like. 182 0:20:51.180 --> 0:20:56.180 Most of them, I'm just like, we can make that happen. We can make that happen. 183 0:20:56.180 --> 0:21:01.180 Why don't we just make it happen? 184 0:21:01.180 --> 0:21:04.180 So, yeah. 185 0:21:04.180 --> 0:21:09.180 The other thing then there is plugins. Like, I wish we would see more plugin use. 186 0:21:09.180 --> 0:21:12.180 I know it like isolates you from the community, but I find it more respectful. 187 0:21:12.180 --> 0:21:19.180 Like if you're doing something like really, really, really crazy, please make a plugin like. 188 0:21:19.180 --> 0:21:24.180 You know, some people are like, yeah, I want to talk to like this very specific piece of hardware and they're like, I should do it as a mod. 189 0:21:24.180 --> 0:21:27.180 I should probably do it as a plugin. And they're like, why? 190 0:21:27.180 --> 0:21:35.180 And I'm like, because like as a mod, you're probably just going to crash Neos when like some multiplayer component that doesn't have that particular reference is going to touch it. 191 0:21:35.180 --> 0:21:38.180 And then they're like, yeah, but that isolates me from the community. 192 0:21:38.180 --> 0:21:42.180 And I'm like, well, if you're using that particular bit of hardware, you're kind of already isolating yourself from the community. 193 0:21:42.180 --> 0:21:45.180 I don't know. It's up to you. Use whichever. 194 0:21:45.180 --> 0:22:12.180 It just depends on which one is your target to be used. 195 0:22:12.180 --> 0:22:21.180 Yeah, so Screna talks about a mod that allows you to see what's driving something that's totally a good a good sort of use for a mod. 196 0:22:21.180 --> 0:22:24.180 That's also an opportunity for us to do that, though. 197 0:22:24.180 --> 0:22:28.180 You'll notice in the mod that it is displayed in a good enough way for you to be able to use it. 198 0:22:28.180 --> 0:22:31.180 But I think there's also an opportunity there to do it better. 199 0:22:31.180 --> 0:22:36.180 Should it be native Neos functionality to display that a whole lot better? 200 0:22:36.180 --> 0:22:50.180 I'm talking like some sort of better representation of it is possible, particularly when it's, you know, Neos rather than a mod and everyone has the ability to see it, et cetera. 201 0:22:50.180 --> 0:23:00.180 I also see mods which do things like change the color of your inspector, make it so you spawn, you know, your inspector rather than the default inspector, make your inspector the color of your cloud variable. 202 0:23:00.180 --> 0:23:28.180 All stuff like that should be possible in Neos Fire, like our facet-based system. It's just not right now. 203 0:23:28.180 --> 0:23:37.180 Eastern asks, is there a way to do seamless portals like in the Stanley Parable? Because every single time I do it, it's never sin one and never works right. 204 0:23:37.180 --> 0:23:46.180 You'll have to break that down out of the game. I'm very familiar with Stanley Parable, but like I don't know if there's any actual portals in there. 205 0:23:46.180 --> 0:23:54.180 They're just using like they load and unload parts of the map periodically. That's what they do. 206 0:23:54.180 --> 0:24:05.180 I don't think there's like any actual portaling there. 207 0:24:05.180 --> 0:24:14.180 That's how I would recommend doing it as well. If you're having trouble sort of getting teleportation lined up, just do. 208 0:24:14.180 --> 0:24:20.180 Oh, okay. 209 0:24:20.180 --> 0:24:29.180 Oh, yeah, the looping stuff. Excellent. You can totally do that. It's really rough unless you do it correctly, though. 210 0:24:29.180 --> 0:24:35.180 For the wall of the portal, as in what they're looking at, imagine looking at a portal in the game. Portal. 211 0:24:35.180 --> 0:24:40.180 And you see the other side of the portal. Use the portal option from create new object portal. 212 0:24:40.180 --> 0:24:46.180 That is like a mirror, but actually has stereoscopicness. So if you're in VR, you'll see everything there. 213 0:24:46.180 --> 0:24:54.180 And then you just have to line it up correctly. Like it does take a little bit to line up correctly, but it should be unnoticeable if you line up correctly. 214 0:24:54.180 --> 0:24:59.180 I don't remember how smooth it is, but if you go take a look at I think it's called Infinite Staircase. It's another world by me. 215 0:24:59.180 --> 0:25:04.180 I made it like a super long time ago. We're talking twenty nineteen. 216 0:25:04.180 --> 0:25:08.180 One play experience. We do two players. It will just break. I do want to make a multiplayer version of it, though. 217 0:25:08.180 --> 0:25:13.180 And it's just a staircase that you can continually go down and down and down and down and down and down at the time. 218 0:25:13.180 --> 0:25:21.180 I didn't know logic as well, but I wanted it to be like as you got lower, more randomized events would occur such that, you know, spooky noises would go off, et cetera. 219 0:25:21.180 --> 0:25:28.180 But I think I just had like a random chance to play a particular audio sound. I don't remember. I want to make it like a whole experience. 220 0:25:28.180 --> 0:25:34.180 I love the sort of I don't want to say back rooms because people just go like the background game and the background map. 221 0:25:34.180 --> 0:25:43.180 I like that feeling like I'm not after the exact clone of the back rooms. I'm after the feeling you get there, 222 0:25:43.180 --> 0:25:52.180 which is an infinite spreading mazy void liminal spaces. Exactly. 223 0:25:52.180 --> 0:25:57.180 It's just it's it's beautiful. There's a couple of CPs that do that. 224 0:25:57.180 --> 0:26:01.180 There's one about a staircase. There's multiple ones about like rooms and stuff. 225 0:26:01.180 --> 0:26:07.180 I believe there was one about sort of like a weird watch tower or something that might be in the staircase. 226 0:26:07.180 --> 0:26:19.180 I seem to remember like the immersion, sort of like a fire watch tower, like from the game Firewatch when they went through one of those sort of staircases. 227 0:26:19.180 --> 0:26:28.180 There is like a concept that exists, mostly I'm stalling this from one of the creators of Lost, the TV show called the Mystery Box. 228 0:26:28.180 --> 0:26:36.180 And in his like physical representation of it, it's literally a box he bought from one of these sort of like mystery box retailers. 229 0:26:36.180 --> 0:26:43.180 You can think of it like one of those boxes that you can subscribe to. They get delivered to your door each month, but he's never opened it. 230 0:26:43.180 --> 0:26:51.180 He leaves it like he leaves it in wherever he is, usually his office to just remind him of what he's creating in his shows, 231 0:26:51.180 --> 0:26:54.180 which is a mystery that needs to be unfolded. And that's what happens with Lost. 232 0:26:54.180 --> 0:27:00.180 And you can also like, if you look into the history of how Lost was created, you can see why that kept happening and why it got as crazy as it did, 233 0:27:00.180 --> 0:27:06.180 because his principle was like, I need another mystery box, which is like, what is through here? What is going on? 234 0:27:06.180 --> 0:27:11.180 You also do that, like if you mix that with cosmic horror as well, you get like a really cool mix. 235 0:27:11.180 --> 0:27:16.180 For example, I hate jump scares. Like if you're talking like Five Nights at Freddy's, Amnesia, stuff like that. 236 0:27:16.180 --> 0:27:20.180 That's not a horror game for me. Take a look at the film Annihilation. 237 0:27:20.180 --> 0:27:31.180 Annihilation is a great example of sort of cosmic horror in the horror that is created in that isn't jump scares, vampires. 238 0:27:31.180 --> 0:27:36.180 There's a killer in the woods. It is something completely different, particularly the finale. 239 0:27:36.180 --> 0:27:41.180 And the finale still makes me scared. Right. And that's cool. 240 0:27:41.180 --> 0:27:47.180 I know that's sort of like a sidetrack from those portals. Just going back to the standing parable portals, you just have to line them up perfectly. 241 0:27:47.180 --> 0:27:52.180 It's going to take a little bit. Make sure you're in through some of the advanced settings on the character teleporter component. 242 0:27:52.180 --> 0:27:57.180 I'll see if I can get like a seamless example going. 243 0:27:57.180 --> 0:28:04.180 Make sure your collider is a primitive collider as well, otherwise you may have sort of false collisions, which means you won't teleport at some point. 244 0:28:04.180 --> 0:28:18.180 Also, make sure that you have lined things up as perfectly as you can and take a look at the infinite staircase. 245 0:28:18.180 --> 0:28:26.180 There's also an MMC entry. I'm going to do a great disservice because I don't remember the name of it, but it was a narrative experience which was sort of open to interpretation. 246 0:28:26.180 --> 0:28:32.180 But my take was it is sort of emulating dementia where you woke up in a bedroom and you had to do a variety of tasks. 247 0:28:32.180 --> 0:28:35.180 It was like clean your teeth, make coffee and stuff like that. 248 0:28:35.180 --> 0:28:47.180 And every time you woke up, like the world would distort more and things would change and look different. 249 0:28:47.180 --> 0:28:54.180 A burning memory, that's the one. Thank you. 250 0:28:54.180 --> 0:28:59.180 There are ways to do infinite staircases that do not use portals. 251 0:28:59.180 --> 0:29:06.180 The way that they do that is through scrolling. 252 0:29:06.180 --> 0:29:09.180 There's multiple ways to do that and it's kind of difficult to explain scrolling. 253 0:29:09.180 --> 0:29:13.180 I guess I'm going to just sort of like throw an example out there and hope that people have seen this. 254 0:29:13.180 --> 0:29:21.180 There are a multitude of maps that exist in VRChat where there's a train, a car, a boat, whatever the hell it is. 255 0:29:21.180 --> 0:29:24.180 And you think that you're in the car moving. 256 0:29:24.180 --> 0:29:27.180 What's actually happening is the map is moving around you and you're stationary. 257 0:29:27.180 --> 0:29:32.180 So they get to load in new chunks, they get to load in new resources and you are just stationary. 258 0:29:32.180 --> 0:29:37.180 You can see this usually if you get outside one of those cars, you'll see it's just the land coming towards you. 259 0:29:37.180 --> 0:29:41.180 Someone had a train ride kind of map going for Neos which used that. 260 0:29:41.180 --> 0:29:45.180 And it was fantastic, but they don't think they released it or finished it. 261 0:29:45.180 --> 0:29:48.180 I do believe there is a car driving one that does that. 262 0:29:48.180 --> 0:29:53.180 I also know that Stardust, another MSC entry there, does that sort of. 263 0:29:53.180 --> 0:30:01.180 They model distances between objects based on mathematics and then they just unload or load those objects into the view. 264 0:30:01.180 --> 0:30:14.180 So when you go between planets, instead of going between planets literally, as in the space that exists, you go between the planets mathematically and then the planets just turn on or off. 265 0:30:14.180 --> 0:30:18.180 That's another way of doing it. 266 0:30:18.180 --> 0:30:27.180 There's also that world in VRChat called Infinite Staircase or something. It's just like a crazy mix of staircases that goes on forever. 267 0:30:27.180 --> 0:30:33.180 I don't know how they're doing that, particularly because I don't know if they can do it the way I think they're doing it. 268 0:30:33.180 --> 0:30:44.180 There's this function thingy technique called wave function collapse, which is a defined way of making level designs in Unity procedurally. 269 0:30:44.180 --> 0:30:57.180 You do a wave function collapse live in a regular Unity game where it's just constantly applying, and that way you'll get a kind of sprawling landscape or maze. 270 0:30:57.180 --> 0:31:04.180 So give those things a go. 271 0:31:04.180 --> 0:31:09.180 Go watch Annihilation, really creepy film. 272 0:31:09.180 --> 0:31:21.180 If there are any other questions, those who are typing, please feel free to get your questions out. Otherwise we'll end there. 273 0:31:21.180 --> 0:31:27.180 So I presume that's Russian. So hello from there. 274 0:31:27.180 --> 0:31:35.180 Is there a practical limit to world size? There is simply because of the floating point precision that you get when you go further out. 275 0:31:35.180 --> 0:31:45.180 Ways to combat that are, like I said, block loading where you unload and load the area so they're still in the same area, but they don't know it because previous content has been unloaded. 276 0:31:45.180 --> 0:31:51.180 See how abandonware does that. Go to abandonware and go into edit mode and then noclip and fly outside. 277 0:31:51.180 --> 0:32:00.180 You'll see everything's really compact, but it doesn't feel like that because you're constantly being teleported around and focused in a particular direction such that it doesn't become an issue. 278 0:32:00.180 --> 0:32:10.180 Make sure you're counting vertical space as well. You can do, again, tricks of teleportation or just sort of clever ways to sort of spin someone around so they don't realize it. 279 0:32:10.180 --> 0:32:22.180 But let's say you have, you know, like 100 by 100 grid at one Y level. You can also do 100 by 100 grid at another Y level and not run into floating point problems. 280 0:32:22.180 --> 0:32:33.180 Because floating point problems won't be a problem if you are using up available space. It's just if you go to that space, you'll have a problem there. 281 0:32:33.180 --> 0:32:44.180 Anything in unity that is sort of world loading or anything like that should be applicable to Neos as well. 282 0:32:44.180 --> 0:32:54.180 So just waiting on specs question and then we'll close off for the day. 283 0:32:54.180 --> 0:33:23.180 Make yourself small does, but making yourself a little bit small, I'm talking like, you know, maybe 90% of the usual scale or maybe even 50% shouldn't have floating point issues, but does give you a lot more room. 284 0:33:23.180 --> 0:33:39.180 I'll give everyone a minute to finish up their questions and then I'll head off. 285 0:33:39.180 --> 0:34:08.180 Okay. 286 0:34:08.180 --> 0:34:25.180 So quick question dropped in there from the end is who says does near far clip take into account scale? 287 0:34:25.180 --> 0:34:33.180 I don't know what measurement it's in. It's more to do with the camera, though. So maybe, maybe not. I'm not certain. 288 0:34:33.180 --> 0:34:42.180 You can adjust near and far clip using avatar render settings. What's sort of unknown is that I think you can also do that as a sort of a world level. 289 0:34:42.180 --> 0:34:56.180 You just put avatar render settings on the injectable slot that gets injected when a user spawns the auto inject slot option on the user spawner. 290 0:34:56.180 --> 0:35:07.180 And I believe that's all the questions. So I'm going to go ahead and leave off here and I will speak to you later. If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me or asking the questions in the help section and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 291 0:35:07.180 --> 0:35:27.180 And I will speak to you later. Bye bye.