1 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.420 Welcome to office hours with prime. This is prime time your chance to ask questions about 2 0:00:06.120 --> 0:00:11.460 Pretty much anything you want about Nia, so please feel free to drop in those questions two channels up from one 3 0:00:11.460 --> 0:00:16.320 You currently clicked on which is the office hours text chat. I don't see any questions there so until there are questions there 4 0:00:16.320 --> 0:00:18.320 We're just going to sit in awkward silence 5 0:00:18.720 --> 0:00:25.820 If you want a question answered drop it in there otherwise awkward silence will get more and more awkward the longer you let it fester 6 0:00:25.820 --> 0:00:33.100 If I asks, what did I miss the answer is nothing we've had absolutely nothing so far so again awkward silence 7 0:00:33.340 --> 0:00:34.700 but with 8 0:00:34.700 --> 0:00:41.180 Slightly more awkwardness ah we have a question from shadow coffee shadow coffee says where do you see Nia's being in three to five years? 9 0:00:41.780 --> 0:00:48.040 Um it's a little bit difficult right now to you to the announcers channel, so I don't really know I'd like to see that turned around 10 0:00:48.540 --> 0:00:52.980 And once that's turned around I'm sure we'll have plans and ideas until it's turned around 11 0:00:52.980 --> 0:00:56.180 I don't really know okay, so the next question is from NFT hater 12 0:00:56.540 --> 0:01:01.600 NFT hater says is it possible to browse the web within near so I'd like to access documentation in game 13 0:01:02.100 --> 0:01:04.760 My best advice there would to be use the desktop 14 0:01:05.340 --> 0:01:10.160 The desktop tab of your dash that gives you for access to your regular computer 15 0:01:10.160 --> 0:01:12.460 You can access your browser and all sorts of stuff from there 16 0:01:12.460 --> 0:01:17.220 That's the best option right now in the future would likely have inbuilt documentation tools of in the game 17 0:01:17.220 --> 0:01:19.220 That means that you don't really need a browser to do so 18 0:01:19.860 --> 0:01:21.860 and then beyond that we'll have 19 0:01:21.860 --> 0:01:29.860 a better more accurate screen sharing that's a feature on our roadmap to allow you to look at like you know individual applications or 20 0:01:30.580 --> 0:01:34.040 Services etc so you don't have to do the whole desktop tab, but the desktop tab is great 21 0:01:34.040 --> 0:01:40.260 I don't understand why more people don't use it for like basically everything. It's like having a computer inside 22 0:01:40.260 --> 0:01:44.820 Yes, your host is prime. Can you make a vid on you trying cheeses and rating them someday? 23 0:01:44.820 --> 0:01:51.540 Um I need to do some research and maybe speak to some other youtubers about it because like I never really understood 24 0:01:51.540 --> 0:01:55.700 Why youtube has made second channels, but like I now have a second channel where I put like junk 25 0:01:55.700 --> 0:01:59.660 But like I'd love if my channel could be like other stuff 26 0:01:59.980 --> 0:02:03.740 But if I start putting non-neo's video tutorials there 27 0:02:03.740 --> 0:02:08.300 Then I start splitting the universe and splitting the the audience and so I don't really know how that works 28 0:02:08.860 --> 0:02:12.660 I would love if like playlists were more sort of 29 0:02:13.820 --> 0:02:21.160 Fine-grained at YouTube maybe you could subscribe to just a playlist or a topic that a user or creator puts out and that way 30 0:02:21.160 --> 0:02:25.180 You wouldn't get any surprises almost like each channel had like a sub channel 31 0:02:25.180 --> 0:02:31.140 That'd be great because right now my choices appear to be like rename my main channel to be probably prime 32 0:02:31.540 --> 0:02:39.220 Neos make probably prime just general leave the second channel is as probably I'm gaming and then 33 0:02:39.580 --> 0:02:41.340 I mean it has tags 34 0:02:41.340 --> 0:02:44.060 It's just it's like categorization such that you know 35 0:02:44.060 --> 0:02:49.180 I don't have to make like five different channels like you get to the point where it's crazy like you look some really big creators 36 0:02:49.180 --> 0:02:54.820 They've got like six or seven channels just because they want to make different topics and maintain the ability to review them all a little 37 0:02:54.820 --> 0:02:56.460 bit easier 38 0:02:56.460 --> 0:02:58.460 It's it's yeah 39 0:02:58.460 --> 0:03:04.680 Yeah, I just do it like it's gonna start alienating people and it's it's weird. You know, but whatever next question 40 0:03:06.220 --> 0:03:10.740 Shadow coffee says it's Neos based in unity on real or another engine its own. So there's a little bit like 41 0:03:11.460 --> 0:03:17.220 Confusion there that needs to be resolved every time it comes up, which is we currently do use unity 42 0:03:17.220 --> 0:03:20.180 But we only use unity is basically like rendering. That's it 43 0:03:21.060 --> 0:03:23.060 all of the sort of logic and 44 0:03:23.740 --> 0:03:27.760 Operational stuff networking etc is ran via an engine called fruits engine 45 0:03:27.760 --> 0:03:31.940 Which is sort of attached to unity like some sort of weird parasite really 46 0:03:31.940 --> 0:03:35.960 We just feed it like there is a cube over here and unity goes 47 0:03:36.020 --> 0:03:40.300 Okay, and then your computer renders a cube over there. Like that's all that unity is doing 48 0:03:40.300 --> 0:03:44.020 It doesn't do any of the gameplay logic. It's really like it's bare-bones 49 0:03:44.020 --> 0:03:50.300 We want to pull that out and make our own engine to run stuff because that gets us a lot more sort of affordances there 50 0:03:50.640 --> 0:03:54.480 But until that's done, yes, you see another question here from chroma 51 0:03:54.480 --> 0:04:01.480 She says with your absolute expect certain expert certainty that will hold you specifically accountable for where you see Neos 52 0:04:01.480 --> 0:04:03.560 100 years big update marketplace question mark 53 0:04:03.560 --> 0:04:09.660 Um, I don't particularly see any Neos existing in a hundred years and people get like surprised about this 54 0:04:09.760 --> 0:04:12.520 But you have to think about like how long a hundred years is 55 0:04:12.520 --> 0:04:16.800 Is we'll probably be playing something like Neos 56 0:04:16.800 --> 0:04:22.320 I doubt it will be Neos itself as you see it now or as you see it in five years or whatever 57 0:04:23.000 --> 0:04:26.560 There may be you know an equivalent but it certainly 58 0:04:26.880 --> 0:04:34.360 You know won't be the same software package the same engine the same programming language the same input environment 59 0:04:35.640 --> 0:04:36.240 You know 60 0:04:36.240 --> 0:04:42.320 There are people right now that still use the temp five ones and it's just like you expect to be using a vive one 61 0:04:42.320 --> 0:04:47.480 You know hundred years. Nope. What will be our interaction look like then? Like, how will it run? 62 0:04:47.880 --> 0:04:53.320 You talk about paradigms all the time and it's sort of just looking at it like, you know, Nokia 3310 63 0:04:53.360 --> 0:04:58.880 All right, they weren't that long ago. So you just got to think about it. You also have to think about like in a hundred years 64 0:04:58.880 --> 0:05:00.880 like 65 0:05:02.000 --> 0:05:08.020 Stereotypically everyone here will be like not dead but like a little bit dead, right? 66 0:05:08.020 --> 0:05:13.000 Most of us will probably be either dead or not that interested in computer games 67 0:05:13.040 --> 0:05:18.880 Actually, this generation is probably one of the first generations that will be like I still understand our computer works 68 0:05:18.880 --> 0:05:24.200 And I'm 80 because like all of like, you know grandparents stuff like that. They're just like, oh, it's too complicated understand it 69 0:05:24.200 --> 0:05:27.620 I am never going to be that person like as I grow older 70 0:05:27.620 --> 0:05:30.840 I'm gonna be like, okay, even if it takes me like a like a year 71 0:05:30.840 --> 0:05:37.320 I'm gonna like understand, you know the next generations of computers so that I don't turn into that like, you know 72 0:05:37.320 --> 0:05:41.640 Oh, I don't know how to push a button on a computer. Like I'm not I'm not, you know 73 0:05:42.040 --> 0:05:46.640 No one's gonna have to tell like grandpa prime how to turn on the television. It's it's not gonna happen 74 0:05:46.880 --> 0:05:51.080 The point there being is like hey, what what are we gonna like? What are we gonna do? 75 0:05:51.080 --> 0:05:58.600 I don't think it's gonna be strapping screens to our face and you know holding weirdly shaped controllers. It's gonna be something else 76 0:05:58.600 --> 0:06:03.440 I don't know what though. I mean, maybe the FTE controller will have been released by then 77 0:06:03.440 --> 0:06:08.560 They keep pushing back their schedule, but whatever so just following up 78 0:06:08.560 --> 0:06:13.620 I think we answered shadows question about will be live in a hundred years. I don't think so something like us maybe 79 0:06:14.240 --> 0:06:21.720 Similar parts of the community but like it's really a long time. Like I almost certainly be dead. So I don't really care 80 0:06:23.600 --> 0:06:28.240 Will we be up up there we'll be able to upload our consciousness into nears. No, not nears 81 0:06:28.240 --> 0:06:31.220 I wouldn't trust us with our consciousness. Um, it'd probably crash 82 0:06:31.220 --> 0:06:36.100 Oh, yeah, you gotta be like reasonable and you got to be like realistic, right? 83 0:06:36.240 --> 0:06:41.700 the the whole consciousness thing is is terrifying go play soma soma is a very good game that 84 0:06:42.140 --> 0:06:46.900 Endeavors to teach you about the sort of horror that is consciousness transference 85 0:06:47.140 --> 0:06:52.860 but I've seen a lot of people who play soma and they're just like yeah your spooky horror game like amnesia and I'm like 86 0:06:53.040 --> 0:06:55.860 You're missing like the actual horror. Yes, of course 87 0:06:55.860 --> 0:07:02.620 there are monsters etc, but look into like who the monsters are why they exist and then look into like who you are and you'll 88 0:07:02.620 --> 0:07:07.980 You'll figure it out and you'll see the real horror is just like existing in that game. Like you can stand 89 0:07:08.580 --> 0:07:14.260 Directly in the first tutorial room of soma and it's terrifying if you know exactly what's going on 90 0:07:14.340 --> 0:07:16.820 You don't even need to take a step just stand there 91 0:07:17.060 --> 0:07:21.420 Although screw the patterns in spartan summer and I'm not like spoiling any part of summer at all here 92 0:07:21.420 --> 0:07:23.980 But at one point you are very very far down 93 0:07:23.980 --> 0:07:25.980 underwater and 94 0:07:26.260 --> 0:07:29.500 You have to go out in a very high-pressure suit and there are like 95 0:07:29.900 --> 0:07:33.580 tunnels like caves and tunnels and stuff and there are like these 96 0:07:33.700 --> 0:07:39.780 Spider crab water creatures that are like attached to the cave walls and they're like thousands of them and it's it's horrible 97 0:07:39.900 --> 0:07:46.820 Like atmospheric storytelling in that like super super underwater area with those like spider crab things on the wall terrible 98 0:07:46.860 --> 0:07:48.620 No spider crabs, please 99 0:07:48.620 --> 0:07:52.380 Speck says considering how much the term metaverse has been somewhat poisoned 100 0:07:52.380 --> 0:07:57.660 Are there any other terms you might personally favor for a virtual world instead? I'm fond of cyberspace myself 101 0:07:57.700 --> 0:08:01.220 I'm fond of no terminology. What I what I don't like is 102 0:08:02.380 --> 0:08:07.900 The words that are used in the media are sort of shortcuts for our headspace, you know, we say social media 103 0:08:08.100 --> 0:08:15.380 You think Twitter Facebook YouTube tik-tok now, but those platforms are all different in their own respects, right? 104 0:08:15.380 --> 0:08:21.300 They're just shortcuts. And so I really rather we used more words to figure out what the thing is because like people call 105 0:08:21.300 --> 0:08:27.320 Everything a metaverse now. I've seen Microsoft Teams been referred to as a metaverse and as someone who works sort of 106 0:08:28.140 --> 0:08:33.340 Horizontally near Microsoft Teams. It's not a metaverse. I hate teams. I just can't stand it. Um 107 0:08:34.100 --> 0:08:35.700 So it's not a metaverse 108 0:08:35.700 --> 0:08:39.980 I mean then some people say like oh metaverse is about interoperability and I think that's cool 109 0:08:39.980 --> 0:08:45.060 So I was looking at a VR game company the other day and they make some good games 110 0:08:45.060 --> 0:08:48.820 The problem is those games are linear in their purpose 111 0:08:48.820 --> 0:08:52.820 So they make a darts game a bowling game and it's like, okay 112 0:08:52.820 --> 0:08:54.940 Well, if I want to play darts, I have to switch to this app 113 0:08:54.940 --> 0:08:56.940 If I don't play bowling I have to switch to this app 114 0:08:57.060 --> 0:09:01.500 But they do have internet operability is in that use it uses the same account system 115 0:09:01.820 --> 0:09:04.560 But like a metaverse would have none of those walls 116 0:09:04.780 --> 0:09:08.580 But it's very difficult to do that with the many cut money companies that are doing it 117 0:09:08.740 --> 0:09:15.340 So I don't like the term. I think it's stupid and I don't think it should be used and I think you should use better 118 0:09:15.340 --> 0:09:21.700 Terminology for it moving on to the next question, which I believe is from my cat. Oh, this is 119 0:09:22.420 --> 0:09:25.340 What kind of options do we have for importing animations into news? 120 0:09:25.380 --> 0:09:29.620 And if not, well that they'll consume with VR chat formatted animations be supported right out of the box 121 0:09:29.620 --> 0:09:34.980 No, so VR animations are stored in unity animation files. We don't support those. We're not unity 122 0:09:34.980 --> 0:09:38.380 I know I said earlier we run on unity, but remember we're this weird sort of like 123 0:09:39.160 --> 0:09:44.540 Parasitical thing that like attaches to unity. We have no idea how unity works at all 124 0:09:44.540 --> 0:09:46.540 We cannot use unity animations 125 0:09:47.180 --> 0:09:49.020 if you want to make an 126 0:09:49.020 --> 0:09:53.980 Like a regular FBX GLTF animation in blender or whatever those will work 127 0:09:54.020 --> 0:09:57.020 There is limited functionality of those you can get away with a lot 128 0:09:57.020 --> 0:10:00.660 Like you'll see a lot of people use them as a few examples in my public folder 129 0:10:00.660 --> 0:10:02.820 But we certainly do need to do more work there 130 0:10:03.100 --> 0:10:09.340 the important thing I would like to stress though is I really want you to think about why you're asking them because some people are 131 0:10:09.340 --> 0:10:14.660 Like I need animations to turn on and off my hat and I'm like we have an inventory system 132 0:10:14.820 --> 0:10:21.460 Just spawn your hat and put it on you don't need an animation for that and then people say I need an animation such 133 0:10:21.460 --> 0:10:24.340 That like when I do the finger gun gesture 134 0:10:24.340 --> 0:10:29.780 I I put a cute face and I'm just like who invented that system and why is that the case? 135 0:10:29.780 --> 0:10:33.100 You don't need an animation for that. You need logics for that 136 0:10:33.540 --> 0:10:37.920 You know, I've seen people say like ah, I need an animation to make my rainbow shader work 137 0:10:37.920 --> 0:10:40.980 I'm like a pano 1d over a 138 0:10:41.940 --> 0:10:44.280 Material like you don't need an animation for that 139 0:10:44.280 --> 0:10:49.780 So really like ask more questions about what you're trying to do and then maybe you don't even need animations 140 0:10:49.980 --> 0:10:53.540 Like hey, I want to do this cool. You don't need animations for that. Hey, I want to do cool 141 0:10:53.540 --> 0:10:58.340 You don't need animations for that. I've heard some people say like hey, I want animations so I can change the walk cycle 142 0:10:58.340 --> 0:11:03.260 Did you know the walk cycle in years is entirely procedural you can control everything about it 143 0:11:03.260 --> 0:11:06.740 If you know specifically which five boxes to check around and take a look at 144 0:11:06.740 --> 0:11:09.020 You're looking for gates. They're inside 145 0:11:09.020 --> 0:11:14.940 I don't know either the rik avatar or ike avatar those components always confuse me like which one's which 146 0:11:15.580 --> 0:11:17.860 and you can do all sorts of things there like I 147 0:11:18.380 --> 0:11:23.380 Played with it a little bit and I managed to get a walk cycle, which is basically just sort of giant leaps 148 0:11:24.260 --> 0:11:26.460 You know like jumping from spot to spot 149 0:11:26.460 --> 0:11:32.540 I also did one where my legs stretched awkwardly forwards like a sort of ballerina doing a prancy sort of leap 150 0:11:32.540 --> 0:11:39.940 But for every step I did another one where my both legs were completely synchronized and just moved up and down like a pogo stick 151 0:11:40.140 --> 0:11:43.720 You can do whatever you want there. No one's just taking the time to sort of 152 0:11:44.240 --> 0:11:48.760 Write documentation my bad or play around with it in another level to sort of tell people about it 153 0:11:48.760 --> 0:11:55.320 But go ahead take a look at gates. They are exceptionally cool, but people just go no one animations, and I'm like okay 154 0:11:55.320 --> 0:11:57.740 Go play the gate system, and then they say no and then we go into the loop 155 0:11:57.740 --> 0:12:03.100 So just ask more questions shadow coffee asks. What's future support can we look forward to in this? 156 0:12:04.260 --> 0:12:07.620 They're asking particularly about hardware, so the interesting thing about hardware is 157 0:12:09.060 --> 0:12:14.260 Fruits and the team would always want to implement hardware, but we have issues sort of communicating the 158 0:12:14.940 --> 0:12:17.240 Priority and the sort of chance of us doing that 159 0:12:17.860 --> 0:12:20.980 So we have a lot of products that are basically like you can implement us 160 0:12:20.980 --> 0:12:24.980 Here's an SDK, and I don't want that like I want the actual device. I want to check it works and 161 0:12:24.980 --> 0:12:28.040 Then they're like oh, that's cost us money to send it to you 162 0:12:28.040 --> 0:12:32.460 So you can loan it to us like we got loaned the the fight the very facial tracker 163 0:12:32.460 --> 0:12:35.060 It was on loan to us. We didn't own it fruits 164 0:12:35.060 --> 0:12:39.180 Just got like it loaned to him he implemented the entire thing and then sent it back 165 0:12:39.180 --> 0:12:41.340 And then he bought one when they actually came out like that 166 0:12:41.340 --> 0:12:43.220 That's like how it worked and it was cool 167 0:12:43.220 --> 0:12:48.740 But then that leads to the next problem, which is I have sent you this hardware, and you haven't implemented it 168 0:12:48.740 --> 0:12:50.740 Why and it's like well just imagine like? 169 0:12:50.740 --> 0:12:56.460 Fruits is mailroom just imagine. It's like a physical place rather than just I know somewhere in his house like fruits 170 0:12:56.460 --> 0:13:00.660 It's mailroom, and it's full of like a hundred devices all stacked up in their boxes 171 0:13:00.660 --> 0:13:03.540 And he wakes up one day, and he's like what do I want to do today? 172 0:13:03.540 --> 0:13:08.500 Do I like grab a device off like the mailroom or do I want to work on something else? 173 0:13:08.500 --> 0:13:11.460 And that's the way it works, so you need to basically be patient 174 0:13:12.020 --> 0:13:15.340 Open a a gab issue for any device you'd like to be 175 0:13:15.500 --> 0:13:20.540 Invented implemented and then get people to vote on it another thing we have there is a problem of adoption 176 0:13:20.540 --> 0:13:24.020 So adoption of some devices is going to be quite low, so 177 0:13:24.940 --> 0:13:28.100 We see adoption of the the haptic vests 178 0:13:28.100 --> 0:13:28.780 They're cool 179 0:13:28.780 --> 0:13:33.700 But I don't know about the adoption of them like I don't even have a percentage of them when it comes to smell and taste support 180 0:13:33.700 --> 0:13:37.900 I see adoption of those being very low right now because of some of the limitations about them 181 0:13:38.660 --> 0:13:45.860 The current really cool smell thing which Peter thinker works on with the company that they work for is great 182 0:13:45.860 --> 0:13:52.540 But it requires a foresight what I mean by that is if you need I don't know a grassy meadow smell 183 0:13:52.580 --> 0:13:57.460 You need to put that scent cartridge into the device which means you can't have spontaneity 184 0:13:57.460 --> 0:14:01.500 so say the next MMC I do smell support and I have a 185 0:14:01.740 --> 0:14:07.220 Cheese factory that you go through unless I pre-worn by I don't know sending a piece of paper to them and say hey 186 0:14:08.540 --> 0:14:12.020 All of the cartridge slots need to be full of cheese one through five 187 0:14:12.020 --> 0:14:16.580 Please make sure you do this before you go in like I've lost the spontaneity. I've lost the surprise 188 0:14:18.180 --> 0:14:24.200 People talk a lot about molecular printing which is like a step beyond 3d printing which is where you print molecules like you're you know 189 0:14:24.200 --> 0:14:26.200 You're printing the individual atoms 190 0:14:26.380 --> 0:14:31.420 Maybe that's a way to go if you'd like to see what that might look like in the future go watch big hero 6 again 191 0:14:31.420 --> 0:14:33.420 the girl with the 192 0:14:34.140 --> 0:14:39.020 Handbag, I guess you could call it. That's a molecular printer, and she can create like all sorts of stuff 193 0:14:39.020 --> 0:14:41.020 She uses throughout that film. It's super cool 194 0:14:41.020 --> 0:14:44.700 That's where you would need to go for like spontaneity to exist in those 195 0:14:44.740 --> 0:14:49.300 The same with taste because it's just like a chemical signal if full-dive VR occurs 196 0:14:49.300 --> 0:14:52.080 You know hooking your brain up, please don't do that by the way look at soma 197 0:14:52.120 --> 0:14:58.080 Then they won't need that of course because they're not recreating the taste using an actual fluid or the smell using natural fluid 198 0:14:58.080 --> 0:15:00.060 They're just like sending false signals to the brain 199 0:15:00.060 --> 0:15:04.820 Hey, you're eating strawberries even though no strawberries actually exist moving on to another question 200 0:15:04.820 --> 0:15:08.060 You know how long will Neos last until it falls out of interesting? 201 0:15:08.060 --> 0:15:12.340 I don't know like I said a hundred years. I can guarantee we'll be playing something different 202 0:15:12.340 --> 0:15:17.060 It might still be made by freaks. Yes, although freaks. Yes will probably be dead in a hundred years 203 0:15:17.060 --> 0:15:19.060 Let's just be honest like you know 204 0:15:19.740 --> 0:15:26.020 No one's living that long right now, and maybe we are again see some of those for how terrifying that might be um 205 0:15:26.620 --> 0:15:31.740 So it's probably gonna be something different who knows I don't know moving on was NFT 206 0:15:31.740 --> 0:15:35.180 Hey, there's a question which says how easy is it to import source engine content? 207 0:15:35.180 --> 0:15:39.100 I'm not sure I haven't seen anyone that does that um usually what happened those you would take 208 0:15:39.420 --> 0:15:45.180 The if it's a map you take it out of hammer editor and export it as like a common model format 209 0:15:45.180 --> 0:15:47.580 I know you can do that from source engine so export it to obj 210 0:15:47.820 --> 0:15:53.980 FBX or whatever and then you can import it easily if you mean an animation or an avatar or anything like that probably a lot 211 0:15:53.980 --> 0:16:01.820 More more difficulty what happens with main like many triple-a 3d engines is they do everything their way because they're an engine 212 0:16:01.820 --> 0:16:08.640 For example the use of blend shapes in most triple-a systems isn't that common they use bones more 213 0:16:08.640 --> 0:16:11.400 It's all about bones bones everywhere so many bones 214 0:16:13.280 --> 0:16:18.480 So that's why when you see facial animations increase there, there's loads of bones associated with it 215 0:16:18.480 --> 0:16:21.200 So that's not compatible with us right now 216 0:16:21.200 --> 0:16:25.080 I mean you could technically hook them all up, but like there's a lot of bones there 217 0:16:25.080 --> 0:16:28.800 I have some people that have taken bony faces and 218 0:16:28.800 --> 0:16:33.440 And baked the bone positions into blend shapes, which is a really cool way of doing it 219 0:16:33.440 --> 0:16:35.440 They add a bunch of bones to the face which allows 220 0:16:36.080 --> 0:16:41.440 Easy dragging around of those vertices and then they bake those to blend shapes and that way they work with our systems easier 221 0:16:41.760 --> 0:16:44.720 Um, but don't have those big bony faces 222 0:16:45.200 --> 0:16:48.320 It's kind of interesting like the way the assets are prepared like people like oh 223 0:16:48.320 --> 0:16:53.840 You're kind of good at 3d modeling prime and it's like I know how to make an anime avatar that is too lit 224 0:16:53.840 --> 0:16:58.720 Look good inside Neos. I don't know how to make a triple-a apps asset that could go to a natural game 225 0:16:58.720 --> 0:17:02.360 I have no idea moving forwards to a few more questions. So 226 0:17:03.360 --> 0:17:10.680 Juby asks, I'd assume that Neos would one day be launched into the public spotlight when that time comes 227 0:17:10.680 --> 0:17:14.320 What do you think will the integral element of keeping people interested in Neos? 228 0:17:15.240 --> 0:17:20.280 I'd like to say freedom of expression and freedom of creativity a lot of people are like, yeah 229 0:17:20.280 --> 0:17:26.440 It's just another social VR platform, but like yeah sure it is but like there's the freedom of expression and freedom of creativity there 230 0:17:26.440 --> 0:17:30.040 But I think we do a lot better than some other social platforms 231 0:17:30.680 --> 0:17:33.120 For example, they're not hiding on these platforms. They're great 232 0:17:33.120 --> 0:17:39.000 They just have different sort of targets if you look at something like rec room, for example, everything's very blocky 233 0:17:39.000 --> 0:17:45.120 It's it's great because you know, you can put stuff together there, but you can't do like crazy visual effects there 234 0:17:45.120 --> 0:17:48.960 Yeah, you can't do crazy avatars there. Yeah, you can do that here 235 0:17:48.960 --> 0:17:55.360 Um, you know stuff like that. We're a different platform for that. So like freedom of expression people will say like 236 0:17:57.160 --> 0:18:00.640 The community are only there because like the game's cool, right? 237 0:18:01.000 --> 0:18:06.240 If they form because the game is there and they'll hang on because the game with that but like they need that freedom 238 0:18:06.240 --> 0:18:09.440 they need that sort of platform to exist on and 239 0:18:10.000 --> 0:18:13.000 I think Neos is a good platform for that to exist on 240 0:18:13.000 --> 0:18:16.980 I think all the other social VR platforms are good for that to exist on hopping forwards 241 0:18:16.980 --> 0:18:21.260 A shadow coffee says what is summer summer is a game. It's a very good game 242 0:18:21.260 --> 0:18:26.780 Just search it so ma exactly how you spelt it. Very very good game. Leave were caught up on questions 243 0:18:26.780 --> 0:18:28.780 So I'm just gonna sit here in awkward silence 244 0:18:29.300 --> 0:18:33.380 Okay, we have another question from shadow coffee that says I saw a feature that meta is working on 245 0:18:33.380 --> 0:18:37.460 It basically puts down objects in places to ask the system to to do 246 0:18:37.940 --> 0:18:42.380 Example like you ask put the tree in this spot or a bench in this spot voice activated world building 247 0:18:42.380 --> 0:18:46.000 Is that something that we possible so you're talking there about sort of procedural generation? 248 0:18:46.000 --> 0:18:51.520 Um, there is a lot of tools exist there. I saw business lawyers typing earlier. He is a 249 0:18:52.360 --> 0:18:58.520 Load of tools which are great for creation like that. Then you added sort of voice activation 250 0:18:58.520 --> 0:19:03.320 That is something probably we'll look at in the future, but like not not to that level 251 0:19:03.840 --> 0:19:11.760 Like it's just like that's a very sort of complex compound question like to break it apart is like okay finding assets 252 0:19:11.760 --> 0:19:13.600 So you want to find a bench cool that search, right? 253 0:19:13.600 --> 0:19:18.160 So you'll be able to search through find a bench you want to put down cool placing it here 254 0:19:18.160 --> 0:19:20.760 That's about sort of grabbing it and moving it there 255 0:19:21.000 --> 0:19:21.560 All right 256 0:19:21.560 --> 0:19:26.960 Those are the operations you're talking about and then you could you could add voice activation at any point during those 257 0:19:27.160 --> 0:19:33.120 For example, you could say search for a bench cool and then search results appear for a bench, but like place it here 258 0:19:33.120 --> 0:19:36.480 I think you want to do that with the actual tools. I don't know. Oh, yeah, it's very possible 259 0:19:36.480 --> 0:19:40.780 Yeah, you can you can build that as well. I just I don't think it's useful like for search here 260 0:19:40.780 --> 0:19:48.240 Sure, maybe voice activated searches but like put a bench here where they told me to like say the coordinates place a bench exactly 261 0:19:48.760 --> 0:19:52.480 327 point two five five X by five hundred Y by 262 0:19:53.200 --> 0:19:58.640 200 Z and you're like cool. I'd rather just like put that visually or I need to put it 263 0:19:58.640 --> 0:20:02.440 I mean, maybe you can point like, you know put down a pin say here 264 0:20:02.480 --> 0:20:04.960 But at that point you've already done like half the job 265 0:20:04.960 --> 0:20:08.080 So just grab the bench and put it there gun Griffin asks 266 0:20:08.080 --> 0:20:13.760 Can you inject a sound that we use as audio stream? I'd like to add an audio marker to synchronize a piece of media 267 0:20:15.100 --> 0:20:19.940 Yes, but that wouldn't be inside. Yes. I have a very complicated audio setup 268 0:20:20.840 --> 0:20:26.400 Lots of it is muted and disabled but there is actually a square button on my go XLR mini here 269 0:20:26.480 --> 0:20:31.600 Which I've muted because it would send a loud beep noise of accidentally pushed it and that was hurting some people's ears 270 0:20:32.080 --> 0:20:35.160 But you know like that's inbuilt into the hardware 271 0:20:35.160 --> 0:20:38.920 I'm using to power my microphone and power my audio systems. It's nothing to do it 272 0:20:38.920 --> 0:20:41.680 Yes, I don't think it should be in some cases in some cases 273 0:20:41.680 --> 0:20:47.220 Maybe it could but like just virtual audio cable voice me a banana whatever you want to do it 274 0:20:47.220 --> 0:20:52.440 Just like figure it out a quick note on this one, which will probably head over to the be considerate page 275 0:20:52.440 --> 0:20:59.380 Do not under any circumstances ever play your Spotify playlist over your microphone channel. I 276 0:20:59.840 --> 0:21:01.080 will 277 0:21:01.080 --> 0:21:03.220 Eviscerate your existence from my world 278 0:21:03.220 --> 0:21:07.900 I have had Spotify since 2013. I don't need to hear 279 0:21:08.540 --> 0:21:14.780 Any of your music ever I want to hear my own music if you use an audio stream 280 0:21:14.780 --> 0:21:18.760 Which is a feature that we have that allows you to do that without it being on your microphone 281 0:21:18.820 --> 0:21:24.380 Then I have the choice to mute that audio stream and still hear your lovely voice, which is the actual thing 282 0:21:24.380 --> 0:21:27.900 I want to hear I want to converse with you. I don't want to hear your trashy music 283 0:21:27.900 --> 0:21:32.100 Thank you way too many people do that over in VR chat, and I just don't understand it 284 0:21:32.100 --> 0:21:36.980 I went to a world in VR chat recently where there were three people next to each other Oh 285 0:21:37.540 --> 0:21:41.300 Blasting over their microphone channel different genres of music and dancing to it 286 0:21:41.300 --> 0:21:43.220 I presume they'd all muted each other 287 0:21:43.220 --> 0:21:45.700 But I hadn't muted any of them because I'm trying to converse with them 288 0:21:45.700 --> 0:21:49.780 And so it was just a cacophony of just shit, and I don't want to hear that 289 0:21:49.940 --> 0:21:54.140 So don't do it over your microphone channel. Thank you moving on to the next question 290 0:21:54.140 --> 0:21:57.340 Is it normal that a collider does it shrink or grow? 291 0:21:57.340 --> 0:22:03.300 exactly the same size of an item I mess with when I shrink an object with colliders the collider kind of becomes 292 0:22:03.460 --> 0:22:08.060 Bigger compared to how much I shrunk the object and when I make it bigger the collider uses volume 293 0:22:08.300 --> 0:22:10.300 That would depend on how you've got it set up 294 0:22:10.740 --> 0:22:14.660 Most colliders are procedural and if they're not they're mesh colliders at which point 295 0:22:14.660 --> 0:22:18.540 They're directly tied to the vertices of the mesh, so they shouldn't really shrink or grow there 296 0:22:18.900 --> 0:22:21.180 You'll also see a weird thing that happens with 297 0:22:21.180 --> 0:22:27.540 Non uniform scaling never use none of uniform scaling if you do there are things that you need to do to make it work 298 0:22:27.540 --> 0:22:31.140 Or you can just choose to not use it, and you'll never have to remember those things to do 299 0:22:31.420 --> 0:22:34.180 I'd have to actually like see your object there to understand more 300 0:22:34.820 --> 0:22:37.140 That doesn't sound normal, but I don't know what it's set up 301 0:22:37.140 --> 0:22:42.340 It's causing that moving onwards nft hater says is snap to grid a thing in years there are very 302 0:22:42.860 --> 0:22:46.580 Varieties of snap to grid so there are snapping systems for example 303 0:22:46.580 --> 0:22:52.300 There is the builder tool bag happy which is a great tool for building stuff you can snap all sorts of things to a grid 304 0:22:52.300 --> 0:22:58.180 There there is the green laser 3000 which is a little bit of an older tool made by coffee is to work on this team 305 0:22:59.060 --> 0:23:02.260 That completely destroyed a world. I was working on when they were working on it 306 0:23:02.260 --> 0:23:09.220 And they apologized profusely and put my world back to you. Thank you so much for that that does snapping to grid there is logic 307 0:23:09.780 --> 0:23:16.020 Logics ray uvs ray uvs logics tip got that the right way around which does snapping to a grid for logics nodes 308 0:23:16.020 --> 0:23:20.100 There is red print which does again snapping to a grid for logics nodes 309 0:23:20.940 --> 0:23:25.140 There is native snapping which is sort of a weird feature that I would love to improve 310 0:23:25.140 --> 0:23:29.660 But it exists people are like what are like if you inspect something and you get that pink 311 0:23:29.660 --> 0:23:35.620 Cube that goes around it and it's got those yellow balls in the corner and everyone's like what are those yellow balls for I? 312 0:23:35.620 --> 0:23:39.340 Have a video on exactly what those yellow balls are for because they actually do something 313 0:23:39.340 --> 0:23:41.520 It's just a bit weird so that's snapping as well 314 0:23:41.520 --> 0:23:47.840 Then there's snappers, which are things like putting on hats or bracelets, or you know gadgets on yourself asks, whatever 315 0:23:48.480 --> 0:23:52.720 That's also snapping technically snapping to a grid because it snaps to an exact position 316 0:23:53.840 --> 0:24:00.440 Depends what you mean and what you want next shadow coffee is asking will Neos have AI NPC bots to hang out and talk to 317 0:24:00.840 --> 0:24:06.700 Yeah, uh you can build those we might have features in the future particularly animation features would be helpful there 318 0:24:06.700 --> 0:24:12.620 But you can build them they already exist there is a bot just this comes to mind 319 0:24:12.620 --> 0:24:15.300 There is basically like an NPC bot experience inside 320 0:24:16.500 --> 0:24:18.500 the 321 0:24:19.260 --> 0:24:25.580 Debug warrior that's a MSC entry that has a sort of tutorialized bot system. It's like here's how you play the game, right? 322 0:24:25.580 --> 0:24:27.580 That's an NPC or bot 323 0:24:28.180 --> 0:24:32.220 There are a couple a couple of social worlds which have bartenders in them 324 0:24:32.220 --> 0:24:37.700 They're not really that smart when it comes to NPCs or bots, but you know they hang out. They talk to you 325 0:24:38.340 --> 0:24:40.660 There is eco which is a map by 326 0:24:41.460 --> 0:24:43.460 another MSC entry for who's by 327 0:24:44.180 --> 0:24:47.380 That has a village of little foxes which mine 328 0:24:47.940 --> 0:24:51.320 My ore and cut down trees and bring it back to the village. That's really cool 329 0:24:51.820 --> 0:24:54.540 There's another MSC entry for the next year's MSC 330 0:24:55.340 --> 0:24:57.340 So the eco one was 331 0:24:57.340 --> 0:25:00.940 2020 or 21 remember for the most recent 332 0:25:00.940 --> 0:25:01.940 and 333 0:25:01.940 --> 0:25:08.300 This sorry the MSCs will blur together especially because the the distance between 21 and 22 is so short 334 0:25:09.380 --> 0:25:12.980 There's another one which is the traffic system. I think that was 21 335 0:25:13.980 --> 0:25:17.060 Which again had pathfinding AI and bots so that was cool 336 0:25:17.060 --> 0:25:21.300 I get a lot of questions like this, so I'll kind of elaborate a little bit some people like can you do this? 337 0:25:21.300 --> 0:25:23.300 The answer is they yeah, go build it 338 0:25:23.580 --> 0:25:28.720 Yeah, go build it. Yeah, go build it like if you if you don't know if you can do something 339 0:25:28.720 --> 0:25:36.340 Just go try and build it or ask can I build this not like will this happen can I build it sure brightness asks? 340 0:25:36.340 --> 0:25:41.020 Why is there a launch desktop mode option in the steam Neos launch options if it breaks the game? 341 0:25:41.020 --> 0:25:46.220 I straight-up use launch Neos and it works better launch desktop version doesn't break my game break sure game 342 0:25:46.220 --> 0:25:52.220 That sounds like a bug you should submit a bug report on our github the reason why those desktop options exist there are because 343 0:25:52.820 --> 0:25:57.740 Once you have a headset you need the options to not use it so yes 344 0:25:57.740 --> 0:26:02.380 Well by default when you don't use any of those launch options when you launch it. It'll be like cool 345 0:26:02.380 --> 0:26:06.840 I have detected that you have a headset plugged in I know you're not currently wearing it. I don't care 346 0:26:06.940 --> 0:26:12.460 I'm gonna launch into VR mode, and it's like sometimes you don't want that sometimes you want to hop on desktop mode 347 0:26:12.580 --> 0:26:19.100 So that launch desktop mode there is is mostly for VR users that have VR headsets and want to launch in desktop mode because they don't 348 0:26:19.100 --> 0:26:22.260 Want to play VR at that particular time? That's why all those launch options are there 349 0:26:22.860 --> 0:26:26.680 The one that forces you into steam VR mode that's there for people who run 350 0:26:26.680 --> 0:26:28.400 oculus 351 0:26:28.400 --> 0:26:33.300 Headsets, but with full body tracking using steam right they need steam to run 352 0:26:33.920 --> 0:26:38.200 But Neos will by default say yo you've got an oculus headset 353 0:26:38.200 --> 0:26:43.800 I'll run an oculus VR mode not steam VR mode you like buying to run in steam VR mode because I do full body tracking with 354 0:26:43.800 --> 0:26:47.600 Steam stuff so I need you to technically run both and so that's what that's for 355 0:26:47.880 --> 0:26:53.100 Torazo says once the ability to bookmark worlds you can actually do that. It's just a little bit weird right now 356 0:26:53.100 --> 0:26:56.720 It's really weird right now in the way that you do it, so if you want to bookmark a world 357 0:26:57.560 --> 0:27:03.640 Get the world up for it and save it to a folder tada bookmarks. It's a really weird way to do it 358 0:27:03.640 --> 0:27:09.600 It's not like any sort of bookmark that I would see but if you just save the world up to a folder 359 0:27:09.600 --> 0:27:14.080 If you've been marked it now you haven't saved a copy of that world when you save the world off 360 0:27:14.080 --> 0:27:15.160 So don't worry about your file space 361 0:27:15.160 --> 0:27:17.160 You've just saved a literal orb 362 0:27:17.160 --> 0:27:22.200 Which has the link to the world in it if you do save copy save as or something like that 363 0:27:22.200 --> 0:27:26.600 Then you've you've you know that will affect your your file storage 364 0:27:26.600 --> 0:27:31.040 But if you just save a copy of the world orb and the world orb itself you've got a favorite list 365 0:27:31.200 --> 0:27:36.080 It is more involved fuzzy. Yes. I did say it's not ideal, but you can do it 366 0:27:36.080 --> 0:27:41.760 Technically so brightness adds to the question about the launch desktop mode saying it would basically cut the connection between me and some users 367 0:27:41.760 --> 0:27:46.560 They'll get frozen on my end it also completely prevent me from seeing things that people would spawn that is a bug 368 0:27:46.560 --> 0:27:49.200 That's nothing to do with that desktop mode option. That is a bug 369 0:27:49.200 --> 0:27:53.720 That's another thing that continues to happen with users and trust me. I don't blame you for it 370 0:27:53.720 --> 0:28:00.400 It's just something that happens you see something weird, and then you use like your detective powers 371 0:28:00.400 --> 0:28:03.560 You're Sherlock Holmes ness, and you're like it must have been caused by this 372 0:28:03.920 --> 0:28:08.640 So the fact that I have an empty bag of Haribo gummy bears on my desk is the reason why Neos didn't start 373 0:28:09.000 --> 0:28:12.560 Usually not the case so when you come across something that doesn't make sense 374 0:28:13.000 --> 0:28:15.640 Please make a bug report and we'll be able to take a look at it 375 0:28:15.640 --> 0:28:22.720 Additionally when people are making bug reports, please make sure you provide the entire log file. Do not provide screenshots of the log file 376 0:28:22.720 --> 0:28:23.920 I can't read screenshots 377 0:28:23.920 --> 0:28:29.480 I can't copy and paste screenshots into our code base or into Google or into wherever I need to don't provide 378 0:28:30.040 --> 0:28:34.100 Segments of the log file as well some people like this error is surely the problem 379 0:28:34.100 --> 0:28:38.560 And I look and like that's the error that happens every five seconds inside Neos because of some bug we haven't fixed 380 0:28:38.680 --> 0:28:43.920 And then like two lines below that is the stuff that we need you haven't copied and pasted that one in your message 381 0:28:43.920 --> 0:28:46.120 You've just copy and pasted one bug. I can't see it 382 0:28:46.200 --> 0:28:53.320 So just the whole tire log file in your bug report, and if you don't make a bug report. We can't fix it 383 0:28:53.320 --> 0:28:54.440 We don't know about it 384 0:28:54.440 --> 0:28:56.140 Even if you come up to us in game 385 0:28:56.140 --> 0:29:01.640 And you tell us about a problem that you're having you might think that's reported you don't need to make a bug report 386 0:29:01.640 --> 0:29:07.040 That's incorrect unfortunately because we're human we're gonna forget about that bug report because we're in game 387 0:29:07.040 --> 0:29:11.120 We're busy what you need to do is go to the github make an official report 388 0:29:11.120 --> 0:29:15.800 Then come and speak to us about it because then we'll be able to like tie the two conversations together otherwise 389 0:29:15.800 --> 0:29:20.760 I'm literally just gonna forget. I will try my best to remember. I'm not being rude or anything. I'm just gonna forget 390 0:29:20.760 --> 0:29:26.120 It's just human nature shadow coffee says will Neos crypto coin be worth more than Bitcoin at some point 391 0:29:26.120 --> 0:29:28.120 Oh, no, probably not see announcements 392 0:29:28.920 --> 0:29:32.320 Double stick says do you think Neos is growth and development will progress? 393 0:29:32.320 --> 0:29:37.160 It's the main will rate with a closed source development model yes if we can fix hashtag announcements 394 0:29:37.160 --> 0:29:40.800 Open source development is an option, but it's not a mandate 395 0:29:40.800 --> 0:29:46.160 And I can't stand people that like oh it must be open source because XYZ reason doesn't need to be like is 396 0:29:47.640 --> 0:29:54.280 League of Legends open source node and how much money they made just sort of painting the same champions you play every day different colors 397 0:29:54.440 --> 0:30:00.680 Like oh, we're gonna do today prime module you do today. What if we painted them pink? Oh, yeah paint them pink 398 0:30:00.680 --> 0:30:08.520 Pink paint the pink charge another five bucks for a pink version of this character cool, and they make thousands and hundreds of you know 399 0:30:08.520 --> 0:30:10.520 They make millions of dollars that close source 400 0:30:10.760 --> 0:30:14.960 So just it is the time here GB if you have a question brightness of your question 401 0:30:14.960 --> 0:30:16.960 Please continue to type otherwise no more questions 402 0:30:17.200 --> 0:30:22.200 So double six is there a plan to a born board additional developers to the nearest team in the foreseeable future 403 0:30:22.360 --> 0:30:28.900 No, when we need them will get them however we can that's also weird because like that gets in the sort of ray of like 404 0:30:28.900 --> 0:30:33.780 Are they paid employees or are they not or are they volunteers if they're volunteers? What are they doing? 405 0:30:33.780 --> 0:30:37.700 Are they just know coming on board just to be like yo? 406 0:30:37.700 --> 0:30:39.700 I want to come on board and work on this one 407 0:30:39.980 --> 0:30:45.020 This one feature and then do nothing or are they coming on board to do exactly what we need to do or are we paying? 408 0:30:45.020 --> 0:30:47.020 them for paying them are they good and 409 0:30:47.420 --> 0:30:50.600 It's especially right now. Okay, so GBs question 410 0:30:50.600 --> 0:30:55.700 We've seen the application applications for education purposes and if you see bill plans on the future to expand to other fields 411 0:30:55.700 --> 0:30:58.540 Health care we have training on like it's already happening 412 0:30:59.460 --> 0:31:08.500 again, you have to sort of say go do it and really like, you know, drum that into people there is nothing stopping you do be or 413 0:31:09.300 --> 0:31:13.620 Double sticks or shadow coffee or chroma up there or brightness from tomorrow? 414 0:31:14.180 --> 0:31:18.580 Going to a research institution and saying you should use Neos for 415 0:31:20.540 --> 0:31:23.540 Cancer research you should use Neos for 416 0:31:23.540 --> 0:31:27.940 Or psychological research. I was reading a paper the other day about 417 0:31:29.460 --> 0:31:35.260 Exploring and researching how people with autism were processing various sort of scenes and 418 0:31:36.860 --> 0:31:43.180 Like environments they weren't using Neos, but they could easily use Neos. And so what they did was they had a kind of train station 419 0:31:43.980 --> 0:31:45.980 model or mock or room and 420 0:31:46.340 --> 0:31:52.740 They would change subtle things about the room. For example, they had a tiled floor that was black white tiled 421 0:31:52.740 --> 0:31:58.460 almost like a chessboard and then they would do eye tracking using the eye tracking features of the headset and 422 0:31:59.180 --> 0:32:04.100 See how you know people with autism without autism would process that environment 423 0:32:04.500 --> 0:32:11.480 because you get people that are hyper observant and people that are not hyper observant and you may notice that hey the 424 0:32:12.180 --> 0:32:15.860 Some users would basically scan the chessboard like it was a chessboard 425 0:32:16.380 --> 0:32:20.820 even though it's just a tiled floor and so then they removed the floor and 426 0:32:20.820 --> 0:32:26.620 They were like, okay, what does the eye tracking do now that you know, the floor has been removed or has been changed 427 0:32:26.660 --> 0:32:27.300 You know 428 0:32:27.300 --> 0:32:33.660 They could put groups of people within the environment and then sort of ask or ask the user to kind of navigate through that environment 429 0:32:33.660 --> 0:32:36.100 It's a great paper. I don't remember what the conclusion was or anything 430 0:32:36.100 --> 0:32:40.440 I just remember existed but the point is you could do that easily with a couple of like 431 0:32:40.980 --> 0:32:45.860 Toggle boxes and check boxes in Neos easily like incredibly easily 432 0:32:46.300 --> 0:32:50.420 Some of that stuff's already happening from the community. We already have research in there 433 0:32:50.420 --> 0:32:56.540 There's already a couple of scientific papers. Unfortunately don't mention Neos by name, but they used Neos and I'm aware of them 434 0:32:57.060 --> 0:33:02.580 Neos has also been in the newspaper again not mentioned by name. I was mentioned by name though. So it's already happening 435 0:33:02.580 --> 0:33:07.180 I think though to expand your question back into sort of realms of what the team can do 436 0:33:07.900 --> 0:33:14.620 The team could have someone that does that stuff with that community of researchers 437 0:33:14.620 --> 0:33:16.740 Oh, wait, they already do it's me 438 0:33:16.740 --> 0:33:23.140 Hello, if we were a more traditional company with the growth and the need to do it and the budget to do it 439 0:33:23.140 --> 0:33:30.140 I would predict that maybe in the future we would hire someone full-time to be like a community liaison for that particular market 440 0:33:30.460 --> 0:33:33.060 At which point they would be helping 441 0:33:34.220 --> 0:33:42.220 The community and users and companies of in the Neos community do more research using Neos that actual job role exists at unity 442 0:33:42.220 --> 0:33:45.320 For example, I was looking the other day. They have a job role open it for right now 443 0:33:45.320 --> 0:33:52.300 It would be a product manager who just does that they help our educational and nonprofit products projects using unity 444 0:33:52.380 --> 0:33:58.980 So if we were big enough to need that we would get it until we are just go do it go do it 445 0:33:58.980 --> 0:34:00.260 There's nothing stopping you 446 0:34:00.260 --> 0:34:06.980 I was calculating the angular velocity of an eyeball a couple of months ago fuzzy says is there an end in sight for halted updates? 447 0:34:07.500 --> 0:34:10.540 See the announcer's channel with that. I believe we're out of questions 448 0:34:10.540 --> 0:34:15.780 We go ahead and end things off here and speak to you later. If any further questions, please drop from the discord 449 0:34:15.780 --> 0:34:41.580 DM me block my DMS check the github check the wiki or just speak in the discord and I will speak to you later. Bye. Bye